(si HAYMI«fV\
l«\ Bell Yak d, j*]
^Temple Bak, *
By Special «,Kx; ">%* Appointment
Blind Makers to H.M. King George V. end His late Majesty King Edward VII
Presented to the
library of the
Chronometers, Watches
and Clocks
have long held pre-eminent rank, as may be seen
from Reports of various scientific persons.
Sir H. M. STANLEY'S Testimony
to the excellence of Chronometers supplied to him by M. F. Dent, and
used in finding his longitude in his last Expedition. Sir Henry says in
a letter, 5th July, 1890 : —
" The Chronometers supplied by you, and which were taken across Africa in my late
Expedition, proved of very great service to me, and were in every way thoroughly
satisfactory and reliable."
Erected and Renovated.
Makers of the Clock at Jaffa Gate,
* #
Repairs a Speciality. Estimates Free.
# #
Wrist Watches and Travelling Clocks
in Great Variety.
By Special Appointment
Telerhone: 64 CENTRAL. Telegraphic Address: " RELOJES. LONDON."
Every Description
of Gents', Ladies'
and Children's
Boots, Shoes, Furs,
Teeth, Jewellery,
Nothing too large or
too small.
Bankers :
Full market price given
and cash tent by
return post.
■' RARRS " Bloomsbury
Branch W.C
Appointments can be
If you want to HIRE A CAR, 'Phone Museum 934-
St Pancras Garage
92 & 94, Judd St., Euston Road,
«^>B*^B-^B^*E,-^Bw~^B<^,B-,~B^,B > B^-
St. Bartholomew's Hospital
(FOUNDED 1128.)
Beds in the Hospital - 687
Beds at the Convalescent Home - - 70
8,500 In -Patients
80,000 Out- Patients
The Annual Expenditure (average for past three years): —
At the Hospital - - £93,500
At the Convalescent Home 3,400
t treated every year.
(.ivirage for three years)
Less Mortgage Debt - 5,072
Leaving a balance of
to be obtained from VOLUNTARY SOURCES.
Contributions <will be gratefully received by :
Treasurer, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. London, E.C. i.
St. Thomas's Hospital,
Thames Embankment, S.E.,
Serves a veryi large POOR POPULATION on the South
of the Thames.
There are 448 Beds for the ABSOLUTELY POOR
There are 532 Beds for MILITARY PATIENTS.
There are 34 Beds in St. Thomas's Home for those
who can pay a moderate amount.
Expenditure Greatly Increased.
Income Seriously Depleted.
At least £20,000 per annum is re-
quired from Voluntary Contributions.
Contributions to be sent to the Treasurer,
G.B.E., M.P., at the Hospital ; or to
G. Q. ROBERTS, Secretary.
Applications for admission to St. ThomaS S Home
for Paying Patient* are to be sent to the STEWARD.
The Sailors' Home & Red Ensign Club,
Founded 1880 (and at QRAVESEND).
President, EARL BRASSEY, G.C.B.
G.C.B., G.C.V.O., K.C.M.G.
"This (The Parent Institution) was founded to provide
lor the merchant seamen trading to the Port of London
healthy accommodation and to bring them into immediate
contact with those agencies calculated to advance their temporal,
moral, and spiritual welfare."
It is estimated that 250,000 Seamen enter the Port
Over 622,000 Seamen Benefited since its foundation.
12,800 specially needed to repay balance of Mortgage raised
for alterations and rebuilding.
Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the
Hon. Treasurer. J. F. W. Deacon, Esq., J.P., D.L., Williams
Deacon's Bank, Ltd., Birchin Lane, E.C.
Luther E. Clarke, A.C.I.S., Acting Secretary.
HE Royal Hospital, Richmond, Surrey
Under the Patronage of H.M.THE KING and H.M. THE QUEEN.
Total Annual Expenditure, £6,000
Total Atiured Income - - £500
Leaving £5,600 per annum to be provided by voluntary contributions.
Annual Subscriptions and Donations urgently needed.
W. SANDOVER, Chairman.
.City Offlea— ♦. ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD, E.C.)
Patron. :Hi«Majiity KimoGioiici V, Her Majeety the Qubiw ■ 1 H l««CEnt Cmemtiab.
praeidant: Rt. Hon. Loud Wolysrtobi. TraaaureT : Sir Hbwby Lorsa. B*«r
Maintains over SOO inmate, and 700 peoafaoera lor We at a coat ol C3S.000 j*t annua.
offwhkb only 17,080 are guaranteed. Aa thk InatltuUoo i» a Home lor loearakiee and oat
SwavAay or Saturday Fund CoUacttoos. I \RLLS CtrniNO. Searatary.
Cheques, crossed " Bank of England, Law Coir is Branch,
War Fund A/c,n should be sent to General Booth, ioi,
Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4, from whom full particulars
can be obtained.
Formerly known as the Watercress and Flower Girls' Christian Mission.
(Inaugurated 1866, by the late VTIth Earl of Shaftesbury.)
Treasurer : F. A. BEVAN, Esq. Bankers : BARCLAY & CO.
who are received from all parts of the Kingdom without payment or votes, and are trained to become
Hundreds who have passed through the Institution are now maintaining themselves.
Subscriptions, Donations, and Testamentary Bequests are earnestly appealed for.
ft*. & S«r. JOHN A. GROOM, The Crippleafire, Sckfordc St., London, E.C.1.
(Or Temporary Home for Lost andbtarving Dogs and Cats).
Patron : His Most Gracious Majesty the King. President : His Grace the Duke of Portland, K.G.
1. — To provide food and ihelter for the lost and deserted dogs of London.
a. — To restore lost dogs to their rightful owners.
y — When good dogs are unclaimed to find suitable homes foe them at nominal charges.
4. — To destroy by a merciful and painiess method all valueless and diseased dogs-
Out-patients'* Department, Battersea (Dogs and Cats only), Thursdays, 2.30. Admission
by letter, obtainable from Subscribers or Donors.
At the Country Branch, Hackbridge, Surrey, dogs and cats can be received as boarders, and
dogs for quarantine under the Importation of Dogs' Order, 1914-
Contributions thankfully received by GUY H. GUILLUM SCOTT, Secretary.
now hats over
4.800 of the NATIONS CHILDREN under its care.
More than 22.000 Rescued.
Gifts gratefully received by Prebendary Rudolf,
Old T<ywn Hall. Kennington Road. London, S.EM.
Cheques, etc., crossed, and payable to Waifs and Strays.
Pres. — The Duke of Portland, e.g., o.c.v.o.
Treasurer — The Viscount Clifden.
THE MAIN OBJECT of this Society is to
ARE NOT classed as the poor in the general
acceptation of the term, but who, neverthe-
less, suifer hardships and privations all the
more severe because of the position they
formerly held.
Donations or Subscriptions will be thank-
fully received bv the Society's Bankers
Messrs. Coutts A Co., 440. Strand, W.C.2 ; or
by the Secretary, at the Office, 15, Soho
Square. London, W.i.
1870-1918. The Institute Is unendowed,
and the Committee earnestly appeal for new
Annual Subscriptions and Donations, whUb
are much needed.
Contributions gratefully received by the
Kt. Hon. LORD SOUTHWARK, President
and Chairman, 83, BOROUGH ROAD,
Honorary Secretary.
Established 1867.
Country Branch : EA8T CLANDON, SURREY.
Pmldtnt — The Duke or BEAuroRT.
Owing to the ever increasing price of all commodities and the loss of
me caused by the War,
£2,000 is required at once. 10 beds now closed.
Bankers— Meters. HOARE, 37, PlMt St., EX. 4 ; Messrs. DRUMMOND. ♦». Charing Crees. S.W.I.
Metropolitan Convalescent Institution (Founded 1840).
Pmldtnt- Tin Kl'.Mi BOM. vis<<»im imkim
Chairman of the Board of Management E. C. H AMLEf. Ret.
Branches (open ail the year round) at Walton (Weybridfe), BroadsUfrs, BexiuU -on-Set,
nod (Little Common) Bexhul-oo-See.
Over 1,000 Patients are now admitted to the Homos eeerjr ret*. The Innnnl
earnestly apnea! for Annual Subtcrtetlons tad Pl—MlM.
Treasurers Ml) RJGH1 i( >\ VW 0UN1 < LIFDBN end M. O. FITZGERALD. Beg.
Offlee: 14. Victoria Street. S.W.I. W. J. SHELDRICK. Aettaf Seereury.
. J
Patron : His Majesty The Kimg.
President : Alderman Sir George Wyatt Truscott, Bart. .
OBJECTS.— General : The main feature of the work that has character-
ised it from its inception is still maintained, viz. : to lift up permanently
rather than temporarily, fostering self-help and discouraging helplessness.
Pensions: 175 Pensioners; over 50 Candidates.
Bankers : I Secretary :
Williams Deacon's Bank Ltd., Herbert A. Cox, F.C.A.,
20, Birch in Lane, E.C. 28, Basinghall Street, E.C.
Royal Dental Hospital,
(Supported by Voluntary Contributions).
During the past year 17,296 patients were treated, their attendances being 37,239.
The National importance of this work cannot be overestimated, more especi-
ally at the present time when the health of the workers is so essential to the needs of
the Country.
Donations and Subscriptions are urgently needed and
will be most gratefully received and acknowledged.
Bankers: Messrs. BARCLAY & CO., Ltd., 1, Pall Mall East. S.W.
Treasurer: F. A. BEVAN, Esq. Secretary: Mrs. J. F. PINK.
is doing this national work and is HELPING TO
E. LIONEL BROWN, Secretary.
The Church Nursing and Ambulance Brigade
Founded in 1901 as "THE CHURCH RED CROSS BRIGADE."
President : H.H. The PRINCESS MARIE LOUISE, V.A., C.I.
Commakdamt-im-Chief : The Right Hon. The COUNTESS OF CLONMELL.
Objects : — To make the Young Women and Girls of the Nation more useful in the Home ;
more valuable to their Country ; more sympathetic with the Suffering ; more
truly Followers of Christ ; and supplying just now an opportune need in the
life of the Nation in helping the work of the Great Front Line Military Hospitals.
FUND8 URGENTLY NEEDED tor Organisation and Equipment.
Hon. Secretary : Organising Secretary :
Mrs. THOMAS MILNER. (Brigade Commahdawt-Gemeral) Rev. THOMAS MILNER.
Headquarter! Offices : 3, QUEEN STREET, EDGWARE ROAD, W.
Chairman and Treasurer : F. A. BEVAN, Esq., J.P., DX.
The Committee of this old-established Society
earnestly appeal for increased funds in support of
its varied activities now operating for the r~ cial
and moral upliftment of the Capital.
In addition to their work In the Slums and London
underworld, the Society's Missionaries are —
Evangelising men and women engaged on war"
work and munitions ;
Ministering consolation in homes darkened and
impoverished by the toil of battle ;
Catering for the spiritual needs of sailors
soldiers in London depots and garrisons ;
Visiting thousands of wounded warriors in Mili-
tary Hospitals and Institutions ;
Combating those giant evils that menace the
peace and welfare of the Community :
Prosecuting a vigorous campaign amongst work-
ing men, notably at factory gates, and in
parks and open spaces ;
Distributing Testaments and religious periodicals
among service men of all ranks; and
Relieving (as funds permit) t! ral wants
of the deserving and suffering poor.
Contributions (crossed Barclays Bank,
should be made payable to the London Ctty Mi
addressed to the Secretaries, Mission House, 3.
Bridewell Race, London, E.C.4.
V Testamentary Disposit
Paddington Green Children's Hospital,
Patron : H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll.
Free to the sick children of the poor. A large proportion of the patients
are soldiers' and sailors' children.
Chairman: SIR DOUGLAS OWEN, K.B.E. Treasure: NIGEL HANBURY, Esq.
The Royal Soldiers' Daughters' Home
X J HAMPS 1 EAD, N.W.i? Foumdbb im 1855.
QROVIDES a Home, education and training for Domestic service for the Daughters of
J deserving Soldiers of H.M. Army, and for the Daughters of Soldiers of the Territorial
Force, who have lost their lives at the seat of war.
Donations and subscriptions for this deserving military charity can be paid to the Secretary,
Royal Soldiers' Daughters' Home, 5, Robert Street, Adelpbi, London, W.C.2.
Founded in 1893 by Mrs. Ransome Wallis.
For the rescue and care of the Unmarried Mother and her
unwanted child.
600 children to-day under our Supervision, Inspection and Care.
100 Mothers in our Maternity Homes.
We are acutely needing money for bread and clothing.
The Strain and Stress of War days are telling painfully upon
our resources.
Every gift, large or small, most gratefully received.
Address :
Secretary, HAVEN OF HOPE, Incorp.,
30. Denman Street, London Bridge, S.E.
Bootmaking, Carpentry, Gardening, Printing, Tailoring.
Cookery. Dressmaking, Housewifery, and Laundry Work
taught in addition to the usual educational subjects.
Apprentice Fees granted on leaving.
Frederic H. Maddeh. Sterttsry.
London Female Preventive and Reformatory Institution
( i ith which is amal&mtakd THE UW SIGHT mf.ETIXG MOVtMl
Offices: 203, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, N.W.
Supports SIX HOMES and 1 FOR 100
The benefits are free, irrespective of creed, class, or country. Over 46,200 yoang
women and girls have been assisted by the Homes, and upwards of 127,200 have attended the
2,491 midnight and other meetings which have been held.
Supported by Voluntary Contributions. Help Is much needed.
Bankers — Lomdok Couwtv a*d Westminster Bank, t, Hempstead Road, N.W.
WILLIAM W. THOMPSON, Sec. 200. Euaton Road. London, N.W.
Trinitarian Bible Society.
FOUNDED 1131. *^^.7 •
for the circulation of Protestant or uncorrupted versions of the
Word of God.
The Society makes free grants of Bibles, Testaments,
•els, and Scripture leaflets among our
Soldiers and Sailors in England, Scotland, and Ireland.
riptnres have b< I free of expense to English
in Germany; Belgians interned in Holland; I -frman
in England; French, Russian, and Italian soldiers;
h and Foreign - a ilors both at Home and Abroad.
£3,000 is urgently needed to extend the work.
Please send your gifts to the SerreUrv. the Rev. F. CaciL
Lovely, I airy Street, London. W X
and International Bureau for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic.
President : Thk Right Hon. The Marquis of Aberdeen ahd Teiiair, K.T.
Treasurer : The Right Hon. The Earl of Moray.
The Association originated the International Work for the suppression of the White Slave
Traffic, and organised National Committees in the countries of Europe, the United States,
Canada, the Argentine, and in Egypt.
Believing in prevention, the Association makes enquiries, free of charge, in England, or in
anv country abroad, as to the bona fides of situations offered to young women.
It also has ladies on duty at the Railway Stations and English Ports to render assistance
to English girls travelling throughout the United Kingdom, and to Foreign young women
on their arrival in and departure from England.
William Alexander Coote, Secretary.
Central Office : 2, Grosvenor Mansions, 76, Victoria Street, 8.W.
Westcroft Farm, CRICKLEWOOD, H.Wiy^
(Formerly *t ACTON). XiM?
Prtsulmt: HIS GRACE
THE" DUKE OF'pORTLAND. ^^ 4$S^ ^^ 1. To enable the
K.G., G.CV.O. ^^^ 4t % ^^^ poorer classes to procure
Bankers : .^^^^^0*\ K^!&^r^ T*st and skilled treatment for
Messrs. Coutts & Co. ^^^ H&J& <% ^^ their anim*ls wnen such care is
Secretary Mr J _^r ^ tO^aO^V^^ needed. J. To provide animals
Bra»a2on Morris ^^ <M£ * xO^V^ for the ^^Ponry use of poor persons
^^^ -f^e^ while their era are reating in the Home.
< nntributions in aid of this humane work are urgently needed
unci w 11 be gratetully received by tie Banke>s, MKSSRS:
COUTTS & CO., 440, Strand; the Cashier of the R.S.P.C. A. ,
,05, Jerniyn Street, S.W ; or the Secretary, at the Home.
President —
Treasurer— Sir G. WYATT TRUSCOTT, Bt.
The Hospital adjoins the Victoria Park (217 acres), being
popularly known as
Contains 175 Beds, and has 30,000 attendances of Out-
patients annually. The grounds extend to four acres.
The increased ravages of Consumption, due to the War,
make the Hospital's work of supreme importance.
A LEGACY or DONATION of £1,000 gives the right to
name a bed, and £500 a cot.
for Diseases of the Heart
E8TABLI8HED 1857. (Removed from 8oho Square in 1914.)
The only special Hospital for treat-
ment of Heart Disease urgently
appeals for help to enable it to
carry on its work of mercy, which is
hampered by the great increase in
the cost of all necessaries.
Sir JAMES HARRISON, C.V.O. - Chairman.
ROBERT G. E.WHITNEY (now on War Service), Secretary.
Trotfidttice fRovi) Kijta TUfttye
axid 'ftome,
Founded i860, by the Late Rev. Dr. Gilbert.
Alderman Sir JOHN KNILL, Bart ; E J. BELLORD. Eiq
Treasurer : Alderman Sir JOHN KNILL, Bart
these art the characteristic* of the
1 Dormitory,' which own Its existence
At oifht the lent t
vtaf Loodoo." published by
The smallest contribution will be gratefully edmowtedced by the Secretary and Manager,
J. W, GILBERT, Esq., B.A.,
15, George St., Mansion House, London, E.C.
Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital,
Patrons —
Treasurer— ALFRED C. De ROTHSCHILD, Esq., C.V.O.E.
Chairman— SIR SAMUEL SCOTT, Bart., M.P.
2,000 patients received into the Wards annually, and over
2,000 attended and nursed in their own homes.
5,000 Wives of Soldiers and Sailors and Belgian
and Other Refugees have been admitted as In-Patients or
Out-Patients since the outbreak of War.
ARTHUR WATTS, Secretary.
Under the Patronage of THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN.
Only large CHILDREN'S Hospital in South London ;
Please help this Charity, "not only because it is a Hospital,
but because it is a Hospital for Children."
President — Viscount Duncannon, M.P. Chairman — D. Malcolm Scott, Esq.
Treasurer— Gerald D. Smith, Esq. Secretary— H. C. Staniland Smith.
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
The Lifeboats have made
Since the outbreak of War over 1,300 lives have been saved from
II.M. Ships, Mine Sweepers, Torpedo Boats, Patrol Boats, Seaplanes,
and other Vessels which have been torpedoed, mined, or in distress
as a direct result of the War.
Altogether, over 3,700 lives have been rescued by Lifeboats in this
period, and have thus been preserved for Great Britain and her Allies
Those who wish to perpetuate the memory of the gallant death, <>n
the field of honour, of a Husband, a Son, or a Brothei, or to pay a
lasting tribute to a Relative 6r Friend, may, by endowing and naming
a Lifeboat, provide a noble
a living instrument for the saving of valuable lives, and the means of
maintaining among our maritime population the qualities of courage,
endurance and humanity, which are the best characteristics of our race.
GEORGE F. SHEE. M.A., Secretary.
Pounded 1843; Incorporated by Royal Charter 1S4S.
Vndtr tkt Paironagt of Thtir Stosl Gracious Sfajtsttts ths Kimg mnd Qu**n
Qumn AUxandrm, mnd oUm Mtmbm of tk4 Royml Family.
Irtaturtr - ROBERT S. GARDINER, Esq. Bm*h$n — PARRS BANK. Lo., i, Cavendieh Sqearr.W.
Home and Free Registration Office (or Disengaged Governesses : 47, Herley SC, W. tntUffmrn.)
Holiday House : -Falrmount, Shan kiln. LW. Home for the Aged : -Chaleh.rtt, Kent.'
Tee work at the Institution is most comprehensive io character. It beoaits the young by inventing
their savinf* In annuities and by helpinc them as Funds permit in tbdr annoal payment*, by pro-
viding them with a temporary homa and free registration, by which they can obtain engagements .
also a Holiday Home, and by assisting thorn when In dlsVeultica. To the ok) It pflera HMtnroQ
help, a settled income by the provMoo of free annuities, and a home tor their deeUning year*.
Nearly 2,000 Governesses are assisted Annually.
ual expenditure exceed* £20,000. AiA fUafl ~— ■ . loatootoc Lnnatoa. watoh tee
untain the preaent work, »IU,WW ^SrH^rnliwsii ofli 1" ttrifmil
Donations oi Stock or money soaVaaot to eaubuah an annuity will be funded, the amount bearing
Membership OMOnte In the payment of an Annual Guinea, or of Ten Guineas in one mm, or in tae
case of a Govemeae Member, ol not lam than half-a-guioe* par annum. Subscribers are entiled Io
vote for annuities In the proportion ol one Vote tor each u.nual Half-Goiuea not Io arraar, and one
>u for each Donation of Five Guinea*.
A. WE8LEY DENNIS, Secretary.
HEAD OPFICB— Deere Hoaee. 5. Arundel St rent. Strand. London. W.C rejephont gmCaateol
Urgent Appeal for Help.
Treasurer : J. P. BEAVAN, Esq. Director : FREDK. W. DREWETT, F.C.I.S.
The Hospital has no Endowment and has to depend entirely upon
Voluntary Contributions.
The district served contains a large working-class population, totally unable ^maintain
the Hospital, and yet making heavy demands upon it Owing to, abnormall y high p ices
the present financial portion is critical. It is earnestly hoped that th°se *h° ™r"£
administration of Charitable Funds, Legacies, &c, wiU remember this Chanty, upon which
the people of one of the most necessitous parts of the Metropolis depend. ntr„tftr 1S
Subscriptions and Donations will be thankfully received by the Treasurer or Director as
Homes for Little Boys
Hundreds of Old Boys are now serving in Army,
Navy and Mercantile Marine; More than one hundred
war Orphans are in the care of the Homes. Forty-
five Senior Boys are now working at Messrs. Vickkrs,
Ltd., on the manufacture of munitions.
After the war ? More than ever, MEN will be needed
healthy, strong, trained men. In these fHomes,
500 sturdy lads are to-day being fed, clothed,
educated, taught a useful trade, and equipped to be
the citizens of tormorrow. Surely this work is of
supreme National importance.
May we send you our latest Report ?
Treasurer: LORD BLYTH.
Chairman : WALTER HAZELL, Esq., J.P.
Secretary : JOHN ARTHUR BELL, 57, Temple Chambers, E.C.*
The Church Lads' Brigade
President : Fikld-Maeshal LORD GRENFELL, P.C.,
Field-Marshal H.R.H. THE DUKE OF G.C.B., G.G.M.G.i
CONNAUGHT, K.G., K.T. DBnrry Govbmo« :
Vice-Presidbiits : Bric.-Gejibral J. H. S. CRAIGIE.
CANTERBURY Brigade Chaplain and Secretary :
&c, &c, &c. How. Treas.: ADRIAN POLLOCK, E»g.
For 26 years the C.L.B. hat aimed at producing a Christian
character and true efficiency in the lads of the Empire.
To-day over 200,000 members are serving with the Colours and
60,000 lads are being trained by the C.L.B. as Cadets.
The C.L.B. trains lads for Church and Country between the critical
ages of 14 and 19.
Will YOU HELP our lads to become true Christian Citizens ?
Full information will be gladly given by Rev. Edgar Rogers, M.A., the
Brigade Chaplain and Sec, at the Headquarters of the Brigade, Aldwych
House, Catherine Street, London, W.C.2. to whom all contributions
should be sent.
Distressed Gentlefolks' Aid Association
under Royal Patronage)
are in
to enable them to continue the small weekly grants to destitute
ladies and gentlemen, most of whom are aged and infirm, and to
meet farther calls for assistance in consequence of the War.
The recipients of these grants having been in comfortable cir-
cumstances before misfortune overtook them,
to relieve their distress. The bona fides of each case are thoroughly
Investigated before grants are made.
Cheques (crossed Cox and Co.) should be made payable to the
Association and forwarded to the Chaimunt, Admiral Hoa, Sfe
!■;. IKIM \\ I I 1 . G.( .H.. or Secretary, Miss C M. FINN,
75. BROOK A .
Mariners' Friend Society.
E8TABLI8HED 1848. Supported by Voluntary Contributions.
For promoting; the welfare of Seamen, Fishermen
and the Mercantile Marine.
Evangelistic work amongst the Sailors.
Head Office : 19, Old Gravel Lane, London Docks, E.I.
City Office : 36, Lime Street, London, E.C.3.
Bethels, Reading Rooms and Book Depots:
£5,000 needed ior Institute and Hostel at Tilbury Docks-
site paid for.
£2,000 for Sailors' Mission Work.
Superintendent Chaplain : Rev. THOMAS R. COUCH.
Honorary Secretary : J. REWCASTLE WOODS, 36, Lime Street,
London, E.C.3.
Carried on by Voluntary Officials.
Four large workshops in London employing Blind men and women —
Oxford Street, W. Westminster, S.W.
Camberwell, S.E.
Seaside Home for the Blind (especially Blinded Soldiers and Sailors). No
payment asked, every kind of help for the Blind accorded. Several hundred
Blind persons helped yearly. Help is desperately needed. No endowments.
Enquiries and investigations invited.
Hon. Sec: Rev. Dr. H. G. ROSEDALE, F.S.A., F.R.G.L.,
102, Dean St., Oxford St., W.
for Skin and Gen ito-Uri nary Diseases,
I3a, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London, W.C.I.
Approved by the Local Government Board
as a Centre for the Free Treatment of Venereal Diseases.
The first Hospital founded in the United Kingdom for the treatment of the allied skin
and genito-urinary (including venereal) diseases.
Supported by Donations and Legacies.
£1,200 will maintain a special bed named after the Donor.
£10,000 required to enlarge and rebuild the Hospital.
A. W. JOHNSTON, F.S.A.Scot., Hon. Secretary.
Ttlt »■•■•: t«Btrml 13704.
Owing to the War our work in Palestine is suspended,
but we are collecting for over 2,000 women, disabled, and
children, Jewish Colonists cruelly robbed and expelled from
Palestine, whom the British Authorities are sheltering at
Alexandria, Egypt. 500 <>f the young men volunteered for
service in Gallipoli and did fine work.
Donations will be thankfully received by : —
F. A. BEVAN, Esq., J.P..D.L., President and Hon. Treasurer,
-4. Lombard Street. E.C.3 ;
Messrs. DRUMMOXD, Bankers, 49, Charing Cross. 8.W.1 ;
E. A. FINN. Secretary, at the above address.
The most effectual way of winning India for Chn»t is to K*in the
Wives and Mothers. The ZENANA is the place to reach them.
The Zenana Bible & Medical Mission
now nearly seventy years old, has its sphere solely among the Women and Glrb of India. It
most of its Stations it is the ONLY Gospel work among the Women. It
Dispensaries, Babies' Homes, Orphanages. Industrial Homos for Widows,
High Schools, and College. It has over 400 workers, and over 6,000
and Zenana. It is the hand-maid of all the Evangelical Churches. It n
Inter-denomi national.
The present terrible days have Imposed a heavy strain upoo
its finances, but the opportunities were never so great.
Will vou help by sending a Subscription or Donation to the Treasurer, Lo«d hiss aim t>
or the Secretary, 33. Surrey Strwt. tttJ
Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital,
QRAVJ INN WOAI). W.C loundcil 1^4.
The Committee make an earnest appeal for fund
NEW ANNEXE— 18.026— which provides accomtnodV
The total number of beds is now 43, being so for Sick and Wounded Soldiers,
and 1 ins. There t* also a very large Out- Patient Department.
Banket: Barclay 4 Co. Stentmy : Kick and Ks*
G?Norfchern Central Hospital,
vn as the Great Northern Hospital.)
3,200 In-Patients, and
102,525 Out-Patients' Attendances last year.
405 Beds for Sick and Wounded Soldiers
and Civilian Patients.
An urgent appeal is made for special contributions towards
£32,000 necessary for maintenance yearly.
Association for assisting the Blind.
Established 1863. Incorporated 1911.
Registered Office: 87, BISHOPSGATE, E.C.
President: H.R.H. The DUKE OF CONNAUGHT, K.G.. &c.
Treasurer : J. T. BECK, Esq., London County and Westminster
Bank, Ltd., 91, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.
Hon. Sec. and Solicitor: J. T. EDMONDS, Esq.,
87, Bishopsgate, E.C, and Carlton Villa, 155, Brixton Road, S.W.
There are 175 blind persons, Class Members of this old and voluntary Associa-
tion, all of whom are very poor. Classes are established for Instruction in
Reading, Work for Women, and Recreation. The Class Members have the
privilege of borrowing sums of money, free of interest, with which to buy
materials for work to make or sell, or for any urgent purpose.
Seventy Pensions are also granted in the most Necessitous Cases.
Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received, and the Pension
Fund needs generous help. The work is conducted by a Committee
of Ladies and Gentlemen, and practically without expense.
"Cabdrivers' benevolent association
(Founded 1870). 1C, SOHO 8QUARE, W.I.
Donation*, Si-.bscriptionf, and Legacies in aid of the Annuity Fund are greatly needed.
Contributions may be paid to the Association's Account at the Union of London and Smiths
Bank, Charing Cross, or they will be thankfully received by
A. D. TAIT, Secretary, 15, Soho Squ*r«, Lohdoh. W.i.
? J.Stewart & Son
<f lothicrs bn Appointmrnt to
Z uilors bn Appointment to the latt
Caxlors bn Appointment to
Court, Raoal, militarp and
Sporting Cailors.
88 George St., Edinburgh
The Hot Springs of Bath, rising at a natural tem-
perature of 120°, rich in radium emanation, have
never been in greater demand nor more appreciated
than they are to-day. Wounded soldiers and
invalided civilians alike are finding renewed health
and strength in the Bath treatment.
The waters are administered at the extensive Bathing
Establishment by every means that science can devise
for the balneotherapeutic treatment of disease.
Rheumatism and Neuritis and " Nerve Shock " are
but a few of the complaints successfully treated here.
Bright, cheerful, restful surroundings and good
music help the invalid to regain health, and provide
for the pleasure and entertainment of those who come
to Bath only for a rest and change.
The Roman Baths of Bath, still standing in wonder-
ful preservation, are amongst the finest Roman
antiquities in Europe. No place in Britain is richer
in beautiful buildings and historic houses of the
XVIII century.
To many visitors the architectural beauty and his-
torical associations of the city appeal very strongly,
while others are attracted by the delightful walks
and excursions all around.
There are first-class concerts at the Pump Room
every day, frequent special performances, and good
companies at the Theatres.
"For 2000 Years"
is the title of a recently published booklet giving
particulars about the Hot Springs of Bath, which will
be sent post free, together with Hotel and Apartment
List and other information, on application to —
John Hatton, Director, The Springs, Bath.
(Established a Century)
The Fashion and Furnishing
Distributors of the West.
Supplementary Departments for Decoration of Houses,
House and Estate Agency, Valuations. Removals,
Warehousing, and Funerals.
Telephone : 70a (3 lines).
Bouquets and Beautiful Moral Designs
Choice Cut Flowers
The Conservatories, y\ a npfj Branch shop:
B -rcet BA 1 i~l 6, New Bon
T«tofram«: " Elsom, Batm." Tehobo««: •*.
BRISTOL, Tramways Centre
AVONMOUTH, Shirehampton Road
BATH, James Street West
CHELTENHAM, 116, High Street ...
Telephone: "CAB," all branches.
Telephone 335
Old Red House
The Motorist's :: ::
Favourite Rendezvous
and Visitor's Resort.
Smoke Room and Lounge
for Gentlemen. :: ::
The Restaurant is recognised as one of the Best
Arranged, Most Comfortable and Quickest Served
in the West of England. Orchestra 4 to 6
daily, Sept. to April. Catering carried out in
the very best style.
Under Personal Supervision. •
Alfred Taylor, Proprietor.
liiniiiininfttf nifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiitiiiiii iniiiiiit iiiiiiiiti?iiiiiiititiif tiitiitiiiiiitii iiutiiiiiiniiiifiiitti iiMiniHiMiiniB
*«±™» Watchmaker to the Admiralty,
,.,._ 1, Bridge Street, BATH, \
Wedding and Complimentary Presents. — Souvenirs.
tiiiiin iriiiiiiiiHiiinif iiiiiitiiiTiti tutf liiiniuiiiriiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiii iiuiiiiuifiiiti uiniiA
| Send your Prescription to
Ccrtificb Chemists
| Where it will be dispensed as it should be, and S
s you will not be overcharged. 5
S Only one address — S
5, Cheap Street, BATH.
Gown Specialists.
Millinery Experts.
Telephone 247 Bath.
Established nearly three-quarters of a century.
"Movesi" Bath Chairs
and Invalid Carriages
for one* or two persons,
. Spinal Carriages, .
. Carrying Chairs, .
Self-Propelling Chairs,
. Couches, Bed-Rests, .
and Invalid Appliances of all kinds.
Makers to Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, H.M. Queen Mary,
H.I.M. the Empress Eugenie, and Red Cross and General
Hospitals throughout the Country. ::
W. P. MONK & SONT Original Bath Chair Factory, BATH
Telegrams: "MONK. BATH."
The Highest Possible Prices given for
Antique Silver.
Old Sheffield Plate.
Antique Jewellery.
Diamonds & Pearls.
Old Cnina.
Old Furniture.
Old Prints.
Old Oil Paintings.
Old GU»*.
Old Bronzes.
Old Miniatures.
Reference :
National Provincial Bank of England.
VISITORS TO BATH are invited to call and
inspect our interesting and varied stock.
Tailors, Hatters, Outfitters.
ready for immediate wear.
Overcoats of every
For many
yean we Have supplied the
Clergy and Gentry of a wide area
:HOOL OUTFITS for their Son*.
19, Milsom Street, BATH
TheBrigtoI Wagon ^Carriage Wor1^
Condick ." (Special) All-weather Body on Talbot Chassis.
Showrooms: 138, Victoria St.,
Sole Manufacturers and
Patentees of the
" Condick " Patent
All-weather Body.
*~0 *******
on all enclosed
types of Bodies and
General Automo-
bile Agents.
London Offices: 154, Suffolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill.
Telegrams : " Battery, Bristol." Telephone : No. 4630.
Telegrams :
Telephone No
= |
1 30, College Green, BRISTOL. |
From Old Bond Street, London. W.),
P| 45, College Green, BRISTOL. ■"
Hosier, Hatter,
I ftf Shirt Tailor. §
'jjllll ijr= Shirts to Measure. Sample in 2 hours. =ij||||||UH
St Augustine's Parade, BRISTOL,
T.W,*-.: IJM. l**m.: "KAPAX BRIiTOL"
Tslegraphic Address : " HANCOCK, BRISTOL." Telephone No. : 1986.
I Hancock & ©o. I
□ □
n F. 8. CHAPMAN ,_._« .,«,.*.„„_ n
2 A. SUTTON Joint Partners.
D □
□ □
a a
8 §
a □
a _ _ _ y
a a
72, Park Street, BRISTOL. §
Solid Leather Portmanteaus, Cabin Trunks, Suit Cases,
Gladstone Bags, Kit Bags.
1 9 & 20 St. Augustine's Parade (t?ean\wraey), BRISTOL
Telephone : 3429. Telegrams : " Breeches, Bristol"
Matthew Todd, Ltd.,
Civil and Military TAILORS,
Liveries and & Ladies* Costumes and
Breeches Makers. Riding Habits.
31, College Green, BRISTOL
and all Military equipment
supplied on shortest notice.
til 1 mill iiiiiiiiiii 111 11 1 1 • 1 1 1 11 1 1 ■! it 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ it 1 illinium 1111 Minima
I F. O. WORTH & Co. I
Wine, Spirit and
Ale Merchants, §
J 65, Queen's Road, Clifton, BRISTOL, j
and 217, Cheltenham Road. BRISTOL
jj —
Telegraphic Address
Mundy, Queen's Road, Bristol."
Proprietor) ,
mundy & co. (A s ;
Cfaua aiad Slass Xwchaxrts,
\V 7E most cordially invite inspection of our showrooms (amongst
▼▼ the finest in the kingdom), which are filled with the
choicest productions of the Potters and Glass Makers' Arts.
Jltttsttc IrUAAit^ and o\W ?usetvts.
Fireproof, Kitchen and useful Goods always in stock.
500 Illustrations of ^Armorial "Bearings.
A complete Parliamentary Guide with detailed Biographies of
M.P.'s, Christian and Surnames of successful and unsuccessful Can-
didates, and full Polling Statistics of the last two General Elections,
checked by the Returning Officers. An Abridged Peerage, List of
Privy Council, Explanations of Technical Parliamentary Expres-
sions, and Biographies of Judges of Supreme and County Courts,
Recorders, Vice-Admirals of the Coast, Sheriffs and Sheriffs
Substitute of Scotland, Colonial Judges, &c.
560 pp., Cloth, Gilt, 10s. 6d. net; Half Calf, i$s. net.
ij. Cypher,
. J. Cypher,
F. B. Cypher,
C. T. Bastim,
F. Tarr,
Trustees of the
Etute of
F. J. Cypher,
Telephone : U7.
For Orchids and Choice Plants
Wreaths and Memorial Designs.
Roses and Hardy Plants for Gardens and
60 GREENHOUSES— always worth a visit.
IK ;
Established over three quarters of a Century.
Head Office— St James's Square, CHELTENHAM. Tel. 22.
£araest Removal $ Warehousing Contractors in
ihe midlands.
St. George's
Telephone 22.
Showrooms —
Promenade and
St. George's
Telephone 753.
Special facilities for transporting household and other goods by transfer
vans — obviating the necessity of disturbing contents until destination is reached.
We Buy, Sell or Exchange Furniture, supply Bedsteads and
Bedding. English and Foreign Carpets, Curtains, etc., etc.
Vacuum Carpet Cleaning — Carpets taken up, cleaned, and relaid.
Hundreds of Testimonial Letters can be seen at our Office.
■ ■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiismiiimiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiBBB
bailors and Hosiers,
Hunting Breeches, Uniform
and Clerical Tailors.
Accustomed to making suitable garments for residents
living in all climates of the British Dominions.
1, Colonnade, CHELTENHAM.
4! Watchmaker and Silversmith.
«* ft. *»
4fj ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: ^
4, *»
43 *
4, *»
I i
yillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllll IL
Famous for Style ami Satisfaction
at Treasonable Prices.
□ D
and everything requisite for Ladies' Attire.
necessary to make the home comfortable.
Enquiries > r&*
Established 1851. CHELTENHAM.
Dealer in antiques,
e H E LaT eNH^M.
I Buy, Sell, or Take in Exchange
FURNITURE, etc., etc.,
Make Valuations, etc. (any distance).
My Services at your disposal
Paris. 1855.' ^^^^S^^« telegrams: " boultons,
London, 1889. 54^^^^^^&K bath road, Cheltenham."
Ecclesiastical Art Sculptors,
Sculptors, Carvers and Modellers.
Successors to the old-established firm of
High-class ENGRAVERS of «*■>
Memorial Brasses.
Desipis and Estimate* tent on receipt of particulars.
VorRsCT KAMiLLlti fLA^L. I ~--J~,.
Telegrams: " BAYLEAF, OX, U 'M >< >N."
Telephone: SM2 GERRARD.
A badly-fitting Stocking, or on*
made of unsuitable material, is not
onlv no good-it is positively harmful
"VARIX."— AU about I
and Repair them.
Price : Smile, 21 • | Double, JJ/.
is a perfect Truss. Effective
without restraint. A' t«*implv
as a clip, and ad.r -
•very movement of the body.
No leather coveruwe. Price : 5mKir
Double, tt/-. Particular! r .uTuble for
r.-. i lout* ..I.I-....1 lead *>/«• RBSJBjd hip*.
end state Rteht. Left, or Double.
..Jn4 HOSPITAL and
WR W. H. B
I J 38, Oxforc
ford St., 7, Rnthbono
Place), LONDON. W.l.
Geo. M. HAMMER & Co., Ltd.
cmuniHLO wood, metal or stone.
Royal School of Art Needlework,
Patrons— The King, H.M. Queen Mary, H.M. Queen Alexandra.
President — H.R.H. Princess Christian.
Princess of Great Britain and Ireland.
A Large and Attractive Exhibition OPEFNREDEA1
Regimental Colours, Badges, &c, a Speciality.
Church Work. Prepared Work. Orders taken. Lessons given-
Also on view and for sale, a fine collection of ANTIQUE FURNITURE, SILVER,
WATER FORD GLASS, &c. Particulars on application to the Secretary.
Telephone: Kensington 1990. Telegrams: " Roscarne," South Kensington, London.
By Special Appointment
to H.M. The King.
Established 1747.
21, ST. SWITHIN'S LANE, EX. (Late 2, threadneedle st., e.c.)
Where all Ordtrs. Telegrams, and Remittances should be addressed.
Factory and
Counting House
Telegraphic Address: "RUSKS, ISLING, LONDON.'
Telephone: 1842 Holborn
The Court Journal
^ "The Court Journal" was founded in the year 1829,
during the reign of H.M. King George IV.
% It has been published, without a break, during the
reigns of no less than Five British Sovereigns, and has
enjoyed the privilege of Royal Patronage throughout the
whole of its long and honourable career, an experience
which is unequalled.
^ It is the only journal which possesses the privilege •
bearing the " Royal Arms."
The Weekly Features are
Price Sixpence. Everywhere. By post, 28/- ia the U.K.
and 38 6 abroad for 12 months.
Office: Dudley House. Southampton Street. Strnnd. W.C.2.
'Phone : Reseat 9799.
John Carpenter St., Victoria Embankment, London, E.C.*
Established and managed by the Corporation of London.
Principal - - LANDON RONALD.
The Guildhall School of Music was established in September, 1880, for the purpose of
providing high-class instruction in the art and science of Music at moderate cost to the Student. i
The year is divided into Three Terms, arranged to commence as follows : — Third Monday in
September (13 weeks) ; Second Monday in January (12 weeks) ; Fourth Monday in April (12 weeks).
Forms of Entry can be obtained on application to the Secretary. Students (Professional or
Amateur) of any age received.
The Fees for Amateur Students vary according to the Professor selected, and range from £\ 14s.
to £4 17s. per Term of Twelve weeks.
The Fees for Students desiring a complete Musical Education are of two grades, £7 17s. 6d.
and £10 10s. per Term. 110 Scholarships and Prizes competed for annually in June.
Under the direction of the Principal.
THE OPERATIC CLASS meets on Saturdays at Three o'clock (suspended during War).
Chamber Music, Harmony, Elocution Classes, 21s. per Term. RUDIMENTS CLASSES, SIGHT
SINGING, and SIGHT READING (Instrumental) Classes, ars available at low fees to Students
taking private tuition. ORGAN LESSONS given daily (Evening Lessons arranged).
The Examination for Diplomas (L.G.S.M. & A.G.S.M.), Thb Local Centres Examinations
(Preparatory, Primary, Intermediate and Advanced Grades), The Local Schools Examinations
(Elementary, Lower and Higher Division), are open to the Students of the Guildhall School
of Music and the Public Generally. For particulars see the special Syllabus for each Examina-
tion, to be had post free on application.
School prospectus may also be had.
H. 8AXE WYNDHAM, Secretary.
Telephone — Central 4459.
Telegrams — Euphonium, Fleet, London.
ONLY THE ANGELUS PLAYER-PIANO can enable the musician and the
novice alike to render the most famous composition in a musicianly manner.
Only The Angelus is capable of the same responsiveness and sympathy of
expression as that displayed by the greatest Pianists. The most noted Artistes of
the day declare that only with its marvellous and unique patented Angelus
Expression Devices, viz. : The Melodant, The Phrasing Lever, and the Artistyle, is
it possible to obtain the sensitive human qualities and individuality so essential
in the performance of music. The Pianos
into which The Angelus is .fitted
include the superb Marshall and .Rose,
the celebrated Brinsmead, and many
other famous instruments.
Easy payments can be arranged. Instruments
are taken in exchange and good value allowed.
You are invited to inspect the Instruments. If
unable to call, kindly write for illustrated
Catalogue to :
Sir Herbert Marshall & Sons
Anjfelu.s Hall, Regent House, Ltd.
N.W.J. £
AUGENER, LTD., &2*£M5f W.l
i ■ — NOTES ■ 1
5 AND 5
| S. FORD,
Of the Inner Temple and the Western Circuit, Barrister-at-Law.
I S« net.
o d/o^
House of Commons
Judicial Bench
ittrmbrrs of $arliara*nt, anb gubgts of i\t Hnitrb ^ingbom
anb of \\t Colonic, tU.
mo by
s-A/j untfrr Ik* Copyright Ad
! <
N & SON. LIMITED, i$OA, l •:
have made STRAKER-SQUIRE motors the
hall mark of unfailing reliability and sterling
worth under peace and war conditions, for
touring and heavy commercial vehicle work.
83, Nelson Square, Blackfriars,
Train /pgf$f)ip_
44 No Destitute Child ever
Refused Admission."
Motto :
"For God and Country/*
84,713 Children have passed through the Rescue Doors.
7,480 is the average number of Boys and Girls in residence
609 are Crippled, Incurable, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, physically
afflicted, or sick.
770 Boys and Girls are under Industrial Training.
26,281 Young People have been migrated to Canada and the Overseas
Dominions. 95 per cent, do well.
10,000 Barnardo Boys are serving the country in the
Army, Navy, and Mercantile Marine.
300 Boys are constantly in training for the Navy.
£25 Maintains and trains a boy for a year at the
Naval School.
\* Cheques and Orders, payable "DR. BARNARDO'S HJIViES,"
and crossed (Notes should be Registered), and Parcels of Clothing may be
sent to the Honorary Director, WILLIAM BAKER, M.A., LL B., at
the Head Offices, 18 to 26, STEPNEY CAUSEWAY, LONDON, E.i.
Abbreviations jv
Administrations, List of g
Advertiskmim>. Imux i". ai END Ol \'«)L.
Appeal, Lords and Judges of 344
Assistant Judge, Lord Mayor's Court 411
Bristol Tolzey Court, Judge of 412
Chairman of Co. of London Sessions 413
Changes so* i phb Genual Euectiom of Dec. 1910 . . . rii
City of London Court, Judges of 411,412
Clerks and Officers or rm House of Commons .505
,, ,, House of Lords .... 504
Clubs and Addresses of Club Houses 511
Colonial Judges 438
Committee of Privy Council 344
Common Serjeant of London 411
Consistory Court of London, Judge of 412
Constituencies indkr Representation of People Act . . 506
Constitution 01 H I
Counties, Divisions, Boioughs, uci iths, returm
If] m Parliamem 1 185
County Court Judges oi Be D Walks .... 370
iY Court Judges of Ireland 385
Created Peeks, Privy Councillors, Haronbts, Oedee of
Merit, Km. in. and Companions (M. P. '•) . . xiv
Deputy Chairman of Co. of London Sessions . .412
Dominion Judges 43*
Duration of Parliamkvis, Taiii.e li
11 High Court Judges . ... 344, 345
\nations of Technical Parliamentary Kxpressions .
kral Ele< m e 1832 I
Household Appointments **»>i
1 Court Judges .... . 34 $. fa
IIk.h COUBI . 345» 3*9
W Mis . .370
Inn and . 3*5
• 344
Liverpool Court of Passage, P«r. M
Lori uanccllors 1
Lord Mayor of London 411
Lords-Lieutenant 502
Lords of Session, Scotland 345, 366
Members of Parliament, Alphabetical List of . . . .1
Metropolitan Magistrates 418
Ministry, The xxxi
Norwich Guildhall Court of Record, Judge of 413
Obituary of Members of Parliament xxiv
Occurrences during Printing liv
Passage Court, Liverpool, Presiding Judge .... 413
Peerage (abridged) 29$
Peeresses in their own Rights liii
Peers' Surnames 334
Peers and Peeresses who are Minors lii
Petitions Presented . xxvi
Political Appointments in Royal Household . . . xxxii
Political Organisations xxxiii
Preface . . . v
Privy Council, List of . . . 340
Privy Council, Judicial Committee of 344
Prorogation of Parliament, Dates of lii
Recorders 389
Redistribution of Seats 506
Representation of the People Act, Constituencies under . 506
Representative Peers lii
Returned for Two Constituencies xxvii
Roman Catholic Members of Parliament 503
Royal Household Political Appointments .... xxxii
Salford Hundred Court of Record, Judge of . . . . 412
Scottish High Court Judges 345, 366
Sheriffs of Scotland 425
Sheriffs Substitute of Scotland 429
Speakers of House of Commons 1
Stipendiary Magistrates 422
Succeeded to Titles xxvii
Surnames of Peers 334
Technical Parliamentary Expressions and Practices . xxxv
Temporal Chancellor, co. Durham 411
Titles of Heirs Apparent to Dukes, Marquesses, and Earls. 333
Vice-Admirals of the Coast 414
Vice-Chancellor, co. Lancaster 412
HE forthcoming Session will be the eighth of the present
Parliament, which has now been in existence
for a longer period than any of its twenty- jf**?*1
nine predecessors since the date of the Union. mr Im"
Having met for the first time on January 31st,
191 1, it has sat for upwards of seven years, and during that period
considerably more than a quarter of the Representation of the whole
House has been changed. The alterations in personnel
will be found in full detail under * CHANGES SINCE GENERAL
Election, Dec. 1910," on pages vii to xxviii. These show JJ
that during the present Parliament the unusual number of
220 Bye-Elections have taken place, resulting in the return of 180 new
Members. 101 Members have resigned their Seats, or vacated same
by reason either of appointment to Offices of profit under the Crown
or on elevation to or succession to Peerages. 79 Members have died,
29 have been raised to the Peerage, 76 have 'been sworn of the Privy
Council, 47 have been added to the Roll of Baronets, 58 have received
the honour of Knighthood, 1 the Order of Merit, 2 have been nominated
Companions of Honour and 38 Companions of the Orders of Knighthood*
1 Member was disqualified, being subsequently re-elected, and there
have been 1 1 successions to Peerages and 4 to Baronetcies, while at the
time of going to press there are not any seats vacant.
It is curious to note that although the present Parliament was rtself
elected under the provisions of the Septennial Act of 1716, and by the
Parliament Act of 191 1 reduced its life and that of subse-
quent Parliaments to five years, nevertheless by the irony _
of fate it has on more than one occasion extended that
period until it has now lasted even longer than would have been the
case under the old regime, if it had come to an end merely by effluxion
of time.
The next General Klection, it is more than probable, will be held
00 the New Register under the extended Franchise enacted by the
Representation of the People Act, passed on the last day ^
of the last Session (February 6th, 1918), which provides for A* °rm
the enfranchisement of women over 30 years of age, and
for the taking of votes of persons in Naval and Military employment,
thus adding some 8,000,000 voters (2,000,000 men and 6,000,000 women)
to the Register, which in future is to be revised half-yearly.
A list of the Constituencies showing the Redistribution
of Seats under the new Act is given in alphabetical order bu'fi^* "f
on pages 506 to 510, and shows that the number of Members a#a|g
of Parliament for the United Kingdom will in future be
707 in place of 670 as heretofore, their distribution among Counties,
vi Preface,
Boroughs, and Universities being set out under " Constitution of the
House of Commons " on p. 1, while the essential provisions of the
measure are indicated among " Explanations of Technical Parliamentary
Expressions, etc.", pages xxxv to xlix. Of the yj additional Seats, 33 are
apportioned to England and Wales, 2 to Scotland, and 2 to Ireland.
Some additional M.P.'s have during the past twelve months been
killed while on active service, the number now reaching 13; their
, names will be found recorded in the Obituary on page xxiv.
ar s There have also been further casualties reported among the
Official Staffs of both Houses of the Legislature, while
a number of Members have received Honours in connection with the war.
Several new Ministerial Offices have been constituted during the past
year, and although the War Cabinet itself, owing to Sir Edward Carson's
recent resignation, now again only numbers 5, the size
. of the full Ministry has, under war conditions, swollen
to abnormal proportions, many of the Ministries also now
being provided with two Parliamentary Secretaries.
Reform of the House of Lords is again in the air, but at the moment
of writing all eyes are turned towards the Convention sitting
"s in Dublin and charged with the task of trying to find a
onven ion. sojutjon t0 t^e jrjsjj proDlem.
The return of Sinn Fein Members of Parliament for certain Irish
Constituencies adds a novel element to Parliamentary life,
l?ovc as none of these Members has yet taken the oath or his
Element. „, tt
seat in the House.
"Debrett's House of Commons and the Judicial Bench"
is divided into two main sections : the first forms a complete Parlia-
mentary Guide, with biographies of M.P.'s, all Pollings at
Scope of the ]ast twQ Generai and an subsequent Bye-Elections, list
* e °r " of Privy Councillors, abridged Peerage, and detailed Ex-
planation of Technical Parliamentary Expressions, while the second
portion is devoted to Judges of the High Court and of the County
Courts, Recorders, Sheriffs, Sheriff-Substitutes, Metropolitan and Sti-
pendiary Magistrates, Judges of the Dominions and Colonies, etc., etc.
Arthur G. M. Hesilrige,
160A, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4,
February yth, 1918.
Barry. Rt. Hon. Redmond John, P.C,
Tyrone Co., A". Tyrone Div., appointed
Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
Buckmaster (now Baron lluckmasKr), Sir
Stanley Owen, K.C., Yorkshire, If. Riding,
X. Part, Kcighlev Dh<., appointed Lord
High Chancellor of England.
Buxton, Rt. Hon. Sydney Charles, P.C. (now
Viscount Buxton), lower Hamlets, Poplar
Dh'., appointed Gov.-Gen. of South Africa.
Campbell, Rt. Hon. James Henry Mussen,
Dublin Univ., appointed Lord
Ch. Justice of Ireland.
. Kt. Hon. Charles Scott, P.(
Glasgow, Central Dh\, appointed Lord
Justice Clerk of Scotland.
Ferguson, Rt. Hon. Ronald Craufurd Munro-,
P.C, Leith /fist., appointed Gov.-Gen. of
Finlay, Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Bannatym-
M.G. (now Baron Finlay), appointed
Lord High Chancellor.
Fuller. Sir John Michael Fleetwood, Bt. I
r Westbury, Div., appointed C,ov. of
Victoria, Australia.
. Rt. Hon. John, P.C, K .< . II I' .
a Judge of King's Bene! f >iv., Ireland.
Hall, Edward Marshall, K.C., Liverpool, E.
, William, K.C. Lanarkshire , Govaa
Div., appointed a Ix>rd of Session in Scot-
Isaacs, Kt. i ufus Daniel, P.C.
K.C, Reading, appointed Ixwd
Ch. I ,n.l< now Earl of Reading).
. K.C.
Unh<i.t ap-
pointed a I.'-rd of Session in Scotland.
Jones, Rt. Hob. Sir (David) Brynmor.
/. Div., appointed a
Jones. Llewellyn Archer Atherley .
\am Co., appointed a
County Court Judge.
Low Sir Frederick. K.C , S'oru uch, appointed
a Judge of High Court of Justice.
Moore, William. K.< .. ArmmrA
appointed a Judge of High Court of Juatice,
Newdegate. 1 tender Newdigate-.
Uartfichshtre, N., or Tamworih, /)rV..
appointed Gov. of Tasmania.
Pickersgill, Edward Hare, Bethnal I
S.W. Div., appointed a Metropolitan Police
Magistrate (since deceased X
Ronaldshay. Major the Earl of, Middlesex.
Hornsey Div., appointed Gov. of Bengal.
Salter, Arthur Clavell, K.C. Hamf-sh.-
or Hasingstoke, Dh\, appotnted a Judge of
High Court of Justice (king's Bench Div.).
Sanderson, Lancelot. K.C, H'estmerlas.d, tV„
or Appleby, Div., appointed Ch. Justice of
Calcutta High Court.
Soares, Ernest Joseph, Devonshire, W.-W., or
Barnstaple, Div., appointed Assist. Comp-
troller of Reduction of National Debt and
Life Annuity Office.
Tobin, Alfred Aspinall, K.C. Preston, ap-
pointed a County Court Judge.
Ure. Rt. Hon. Alexander, P C, Linlithgow-
shire, appointed Lord Justice-Gen. of Soot-
land and Lord Pres. of the Court of Session
(now Baron v
BYJ -i i !
:., April 3rd. 1917.
Antrim eo.,
> yth, 101 |
Mid Antrim Div., Feb. 17th. 1915.
Armagh eo.,
\rmagh Div., Ian. 191!.
tm.ieh t'iv., Nov. aaad, 1917.
Srmagh Div.. Feb. itf. 191s.
Ashtonun.ier-l.yne. Dm ^«th. 1916.
/>/>•.. Dec. soth, 1911 ; Oct. nth, 1916.
S., or Luton, Dip., July
\, > md. 1917.
I ^ngdon, />«-.. Aug. sells.
B*rm*hihiri. July soth, 1910.
BetknaJ Grmtn,
My »9»h. i9«t: fee, teth.
May 31b. 1911
Bolton-le-Moors, Nov. 23rd, 1912 ; Sept. 22nd,
1914 ; Feb. 29th, 1916.
Central Div., Jan. 21st, 1916.
Brighton, June 26th, 191 1 ; June 29th, 1914.
E. Div.. Nov. 3rd, 191 1.
Buckinglia msh ire ,
S., or Wycombe, Div., Feb. 18th, 1914.
Cambridge Borough, July 25th, 1917.
Cambridge Univ., Feb. 16th, 191 1.
£., or Newmarket, Div., May 16th, 1913.
N., or Wisbech, Div., Dec. 14th, 191 7.
W., or Chesterton, Div., Feb. 13th, 1915;
Jan. 20th, 1916; July 27th, 1917.
Cardiff Dist., Nov. 12th, 191 5.
Carmarthen Dist., Jan. 23rd, 1912 : March
17th, 1915.
Carmarthensh ire,
E. Div., Aug. 22nd, 1912.
Carna rvortsh ire,
N., or Ar/on, Div., Feb. nth, 191 1 ;
July 6th, 1915.
Cheltenham, April 28th, 191 1.
Altrincham Div., May 28th, 1913.
Crewe Div., July 26th, 1912.
Hyde Div., March 29th, 1916.
Chester, Feb. 29th, 1916.
Clare Co.
E. Clare Div., July nth, 191 7.
CorkC:ty, Feb. 18th, 1914.
Cork Co. ,
E. Cork Div., July 15th, 191 1.
N. Cork Div., Nov. 4th, 1913.
N.-E. Cork Div., July 15th, 191 1
IV. Cork Div., Nov. 15th, 1916.
Mid, or St. Austell, Div., Nov. 24th, 1915.
S.-E., or Bodmin, Div. Aug. 15th, 1916.
Cockermouth Div., March 2nd, 1916.
Derby, Dec. 29th, 1916.
Chesterfield Div., Aug. 20th, 1913.
Ilkeston Div., July 1st, 1912.
N.-E. Div., May 20th, 1914.
N.-E., or Tiverton, Div., Dec. 1st, 191 5.
N.-W., or Barnstaple, May 6th, 191 1.
E. Div., April 29th, 191 1.
Dover, June 23rd, 1913.
College Green Div., June 12th, 1915.
5". Dublin Div., July 6th, 1917.
Dublin I'niv., April 25th, 1916 ; Feb. 5th,
1917 ; Oct. 1917.
Dundee, July 30th, 191 7.
Durham Co.,
Houghton-te-Spring Div., March 18th,
Mid Div. April 29th, 1915.
N.-IV. Div., Jan. 30th, 1914.
E. Div., Feb. 2nd, 1912.
S. Div., May 14th, 1917.
Edinburgh and St. Andrews Univs., Dec.
29th, 1916 ; Aug. 10th, 1917.
Edinburghs/u're(Midlothian),Sep\.. toth, 191 2.
N, or Sajfron Walden, Div., Feb. 13th,
S.-E. Div., March 16th, 1912.
W., or Epping, Div., June 28th, 1917.
Exeter, Aug. 7th, 1916.
Fermanagh Co.,
N. Fermanagh Div., Oct. 27th, 1916.
E. Div., April 8th, 1914.
Flint Dist., Jan. 21st, 1913.
Fnlham, July 3rd, 1917.
Galway Co.,
E. Galway Div., Dec. 4th, 1914.
N. Galway Div., July 23rd, 1914.
Central Div., July 15th, 1915.
St. Rollox Div., Feb. 26th, 1912.
Trades ton Div., July 6th, 191 1.
Forest of Dean Div., Feb. 24th, 191 1 ;
April 30th, 1912.
N, or Tewkesbury, Div., May 16th, 1916.
Great Grimsby, May 12th, 1014.
Haddingtonshire, April 19th, 191 1.
S. Div., May 24th, 1912.
N., or Basingstoke, Div., Oct. 25th, 191 7.
Hartley, July 13th, 1912.
Hartlepool, Sept. 22nd, 1914.
Hereford, March 8th, 1912.
Herefordsh ire,
N., or Leominster, Div., March 18th, 1912.
E., or Hertford, Div., March 9th, 1916.
N., or Hitchin, Div., Nov. 23rd, 1911.
Central Div., July 5th, 191 1.
Hytke, June nth, 1912.
Inverness-shire, Jan. 2nd, 1917.
Ipswich, May 23rd, 1914.
E. Dh., Oct. 23rd, 191 7.
£., or St. Augustine's, Div., July 7th,
Kilkenny Cit 'r, Aug. 10th, 1917.
Kilmarnock Dist., Sept. a6th, 191 1 ; May 28th,
King's Co..
Tullamore Div., Dec. 10th, 1914.
Govan Div., Dec. 23rd, 191 1.
N.-E. Div., March 9th, 191 1.
S. Div., Dec. 12th, 1913.
Lancashire, N.,
Chorley Div., Feb. 19th, 1913.
Lancashire, N.E.,
Rossenda'c Div., Feb. 13th, 191 7.
Lancashire, S.-E.,
fleywood Dh'., Nov. 10th, 1915.
Middleton Div., Aug. 2nd, 191 1.
<twich Div., Feb. 1918.
Lancashire, S. -/{'.,
Bootle Drv., March 27th, 191 1.
•tes Div., May 22nd, 1916.
Leicester, June 27th, 191 3.
■ > shire,
>rllarborough, Div., March 23rd, 1916.
Leith Dist., Feb. 26th, 1914.
Holland, or SfialdnA- J5»h.
I.tndsey, orHomcastle, Div., Feb. 16th.
Linlithgowshirt, Nov. 7th, 1913.
Abercromhy Piv., June a8th, 1917.
• 15th. «9«5-
Londonderry City, Jan. 30th, 1913 : Nov. 30th,
Londonderry Co.,
y 23rd, 1916.
Longford Co.,
S. Longford Div., May o»h, Ifif.
Louth ■
N. Louth Dr., March 13th, tun
Maidstone, Feb. sand, 1913*
N.-W. Div., Aug. 9th, 1913.
5". Div., March 5th, 191 2.
Mcrthyr Tydvil, Nov. 25th, 191 $.
Brentford Dh'., March 23rd, 1911.
Ealing Dh*., April 30th, 1917.
Homsey Div., Dec 6th, 1916.
Uxbridge Div., Nov. 10th, 1915.
Mc nmoutkshir e,
S. Dhr., July 12th, 191 7.
W. Div., January 10th, 1916.
N.-W. Dh>., June ist. 1912.
Berwick-on- Tweed, Aug. 4Mb.
Norwich, Feb. dth, 1915; Aug. asth, 1917.
., April 19th, 1912.
Sept. aoth, 1916.
Oldham, Nov. 13th, 1911.
Oxford City, March 30th, 1917.
Oxfordshire, S., or Henley, Div., Jane aoth,
Oxford University, June 30th, 19M.
Perthshire, W. Div., Feb. a tat, 1917
Portsmouth, Jan. 15th, 1916.
Preston, June 9th. 191 y
Queens Co.,
Leix Dw., June 9th, 191 >
Ossory Div.. April e8th.
Reading, Nov. 8th. 1913.
Rotcommen Co.,
N. Roscommon Div., Feb. jrd. 1917
Ross and Cromarty, June u«b. ion-
St. George, Hanover So mmre, July 1 3th. 1913;
Jan. nth, 1916.
Utens, Nov. »«th. 1915.
.S7. Pancras,
rr ., Oct. lOttt, 1916.
-., Nov. and, 1917-
Staoootongk. Feb. 91b. 191 y
AtterxHf Ooo,, Dec. afth. I
ffmllam /**„ Dot. .trd. .vttv
Skrewoomoy, April taod. •
If., or Wellington, Dit., July aiat. •*...
Southampton, Dec. 14th, 1917.
South Shields, March 18th, 1916.
.V.-J/'. /Vr\, Jan. 17th, 1916.
Stockton-on-Tees, March 20th, 191 7.
Kingston Div., Nov. 16th, 1915.
Mid, or Epsom* Div., March 21st, 1912.
N.-E., or Wimbledon, Div., April 19th,
S7vansca Dist., Aug. 13th, 1914 ; Feb. 6th,
Taunton, Nov. nth, 1912.
Tipper ary Co.,
N. Tipperary Div., June 17th, 1915.
Tower Hamlets,
Bow and Bromley Div., Nov. 26th, 191 s
Mile End Div., Jan. 25th, 1916.
Poplar Div., Feb. 20th, 1914.
Whitechapel Div., April 30th, 1913 ; Dec.
28th, 1916.
Tyrone Co.,
N. Tyrone Div., Oct. 6th, 1911.
S. Tyrone Div., Feb. 28th, 1916.
Wandsworth, June 12th, 191 3.
Tamworth Div., Feb. 23rd, 1917.
Water/ord co.,
E. Water ford Div., Feb. 15th, 1913.
West Ham,
A'. Div., July 8th, 191 1.
N., or Appleby, Div. Oct. 27th, 1915
S., or Kendal, Div., March 18th, 1913
Wick Dist., Dec. 8th, 191 3.
If icklow Co. ,
E.Wicklow Div., July 14th, 191 1.
W. Wicklow Div , Aug. 20th, 1914
\','i>>townshi->>-, Feb. 12th. 1915.
IV., or Westbury, Div , Feb. 22nd, 191 1.
Winchester, Oct. 19th, 1916.
E. Div., July 16th, 1914.
Mid, or Droitzuich, Div , Feb. 29th, 1916.
E. Riding, Howdcnshire Div., Feb. 10th,
A^. Riding, Cleveland Div., Dec. 9th,
1915 ; Shipley Div., Feb. 10th, 1915 ;
Thirsk and Malton Div., Feb. i2tn,
W. Riding, N. Part, Keighley Div..
Oct. 27th, 1911 ; Nov. nth, 1Q13 ; June
29th, 1915.
W. Riding, S. Part, Colnc Valley Div.,
Aug. 25th, 1916; Holmfirth Div., June
20th, 1912 ; Rothcrluim Div., Jan. 25th,
1916 ; Feb. 5th, 1917.
11th.— Carnarvonshire, A7., or Ar/on,
,, 1 6th — Cambridge Univ.; Lincoln-
shire, S. Lindsey, or Hem-
castle, Div.
„ 22nd. — Wiltshire, W., or Westbury,
,, 24th.— Gloucestershire, Forest 0/ Dean
March 9th. — Lanarkshire, N.-E. Div.
„ 15th.— Louth Co., N. Louth Div.
„ 23rd. — Middlesex, Brentford Div.
,, 27th. — Lancashire (S.-W.), Bootle Div.
April 1 9th. — Haddingtonsh ire.
„ 28th. — Cheltenham.
„ 29th.— Dorsetshire, E. Div.
May 5th. — Birmingham, S. Div.
,, 6th.— Devonshire, N.-W., or Barn-
staple, Div.
June 14th. — Ross and Cromarty.
,, 26th. — Brighton.
July 5th.— Hull, Central Div.
,, 6th. — Glasgozv, Tradesion Div.
„ 7th. — Kent, £., or St. Augustine's,
„ 8th. — West Ham, AT. Div.
14th.— Wicklow Co., /•:. Wicklow Div.
„ 15th. — Cork Co , E. Cork Div. ; Cork
Co., N.-E. Cork Div.
,, 20th. — Bed fordshire, S ., or Luton, Div.
„ 2 1 st.— Somersetshire, W., or Welling-
ton, Div.
zgth.—Bethnal Green, S.-W. Div.
Aug. 2nd. — Lancashire (S-E.), Middletou,
Sept. 26th. —Kilmarnock Dist.
Oct. 6th.— Tyrone Co., N. Tyrone Div.
t, 27th.— Yorkshire, W. Riding, A'. Part,
Keighley Div.
Nov. 3rd.— Bristol, E. Div.
„ 13th.— Oldham.
„ 2 1 St.— Somersetshire, S. Div.
„ 23rd. — Hertfordshire, N., or H itclun,
Dec. 20th. — Ayrshire, N. Div.
,, 23rd. — Lanarkshire, Govan Div.
Jan. 23rd.
-Carmarthen Dist.
Silver or Dark Grey Granite
Memorials, Crosses or Tablets,
Shipped direct from Bristol
to the Continent or any part
of the World.
— MBMiiiminimnni! ,,
CUCDDA DH JPL QPlM ute Rogers. Puiteney Ro«d.
Ollllii I AlXly <SL OVJlN, and SHERBORN. WelUlRoad.
Oemeters dbemorttU iuocrb,
Memorial Brasses or Marble Tablets.
Monumental Work of all descriptions,
in Granite, Marble, or Stone,
at Home or Abroad.
i 5'h.-
March r8th.
May 1 6th
Edinburgh, E. Div.
Glasgow, St. Rollox Div.
Manchester, S. Div.
Essex, S.-E. Div.
— Herefordshire, N., or Leomin-
ster, Div.
—Surrey, Mid, or Epsom, Div.
— Nottingham, E. Div.
—Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean
— Hackney, S . Div.
-Norfolk. N.- W. Div.
— Yorkshire, W. Riding, S. Part,
Holmfirth Div.
—Derbyshire, Ilkeston Div.
— Hanley.
— Cheshire, Crewe Div.
—Manchester, N.-W. Div.
—Carmarthenshire, E. Div.
—Edinburghshire (Midlothian).
— Taunton.
—Bolton-le-Moors .
— Tower Hamlets, Bow and
Bromley Div.
—Flint Dist.
— Londonderry City.
— Waterford co., E. IVaterford
, — Antrim co., E. Antrim Div.;
Lancashire (N. Part), Chorley
- Westmorland, S., or Kendal
Div.; Durham Co., Hough-
ton-le-Spring Div.
. —Shreivsbury.
— Tower Hamlets, Whitechapel
— Cambridgeshire, E., or New-
market, Div.
—Cheshire, Altrincham Div.
, — Queens co., Leix Div.
.— Wandsworth.
. — Dover.
—St. George, Hanover Square.
— Derbyshire, Chesterfield Div.
.—Cork co., N. Cork Div.
. — Linlithgow.
. — Reading.
-Yorkshire, W. Riding, N. Part,
Keighley Div.
• i
1 6th.
8th.~ Wick Dist.
i2th.— Lanarkshire, S. Div.
—Durham co., N.-W. Div.
—Buckinghamshire, S., or Wy-
combe, Div. ; Cork City.
-Bethnal Green, S.-W. Div.
— Toiuer Hamlets, Poplttr Div.
—Leith Dist.
-Belfast, E. Div.
—Fifeshire, E. Div.
—Great Grimsby.
—Derbyshire, N. E. Div.
—Oxford University.
—Birmingham, W. Div.
— Worcestershire, E. Div.
—Galway co., N. Galway Div.
— Swansea, Swansea Dist.
— Wicklow co. , W. Wicklmv Div.
— Bolton-le-Moors ; Hartlepool.
— Londonderry City.
— Galway co., E. Galway Div.
— King's co., Tullamore Div.
—Sheffield, Attercliffe Div.
-Swansea, Swansea Dist. ;
-Yorkshire, E. Riding, H<nv-
denshire Div. ; W. Riding,
N. Part, Shipley Div.
-Yorkshire, N. Riding, Thirsk
andMalton Div. ; Wigtown-
-Cambridgeshire, II'., or Ches-
terto 11, Piv. ; Essex, N., or
Saffron Walden, Div.
-Liverpool, Kirkdate Div.
-Antrim co., Mid Antrim Div.
-Carmarthen Dist.
- Purham Co., Mid. P/v.
- Kilmarnock Pist.
-Dublin, College Green Piv.
-Tipperary Co., N. Tipperary
- Yorkshire. II '. Riding, N. Part,
Keighley Div.
-Carnarvonshire, N, or Arfon,
July 15th. — Glasgow, Central Div.
Oct. 27th.— Westmorland, N., or Appleby,
Nov. 10th. — Middlesex, Uxbridge Drv. ;
Lancashire (S.E.), Heywood
12th.— Cardiff Hist.
,, 1 6th. — Surrey, Kingston .
.'4th.— Cornwall, Mid, or St. Austell,
. St. Helens.
ilh.—Merthvr Tydvil.
Dec. 1st.— Devonshire, N.E., or Tiverton,
«th. — } orkshire, N. Riding, Cleveland
Jan. loth.—JVewington, W. Drv.
,, 1 ilh.— St. George, Hanover Square.
15th.— Portsmouth.
17th.— Staffordshire, N.-W. Dw.
loth.—Cambridgesltire, W., or Ches-
terton Div.
„ aisU— Bradford, Central Div.
25th. — Tower Hamlets, Mile End Dw. ;
Yorkshire, W. Riding, S.
Part, Roiherham Div.
Feb. 2 1 st.— Liverpool, E. ToxUth Div.
24th.— Louth Co., N. Louth Div.
28th.— Tyrone Co., S. Tyrone Pit.
79th,— Bolton - le - Moors; Chester ;
Worcestershire, Mid, or
March 2nd.— Cumberland, Cochermouth Dw.
qth.—Hert/or./shire, P., or Hert-
i8lh.— South Shields.
.., or Hat-
borough, Div.
29th.— Cheshire, Hyde
i+h.— Surrey, A'.-E., or Wimbledon,
25th.- Dublin Univ.
28th.— Queens Co., Ossory
16. — Gloucestershire, N., or Tewkes-
una.- Lancashire, S.-W., Widnet
»3rd. —Londonderry Co. , S. Dtrr f Dtp.
•oth.— Berwickshire.
7th.— /;
15th. Cmrm ., .»r Bodmin,
t(Ah.~Horthumbertand, Hemuk-on-
Aug. «5th.— Yorhshirt, IV. Riding, S. Part*
Colne Valley Div.
29th.— Berkshire, N., or Abingdon,
Sept. 20th.- Nottinghamshire, Mans/let*
Oct. 11th.— Ayrshire, AT. Div.
16th.— St. Pancrms, W. Drv.
19th.— Winchester.
27th.— Fermanagh Co., iV. s^er-
managh Div.
Nov. 15th.— Cork Co., IV. Cork Div.
Dec. 6th.- Middlesex, Homsey Drv.
„ ^.-Sheffield, Hallam Div.
„ 24th.— Ashton-under-Lyne.
„ 28th.— Tower Hamlets, Whitechafiel
„ 29th.— Derby; Edinburgh a><
Andrews Univs.
Jan. 2iu].— Inverness-shirt.
Feb. yd,— Roscommon Co., AL Xotcomsmm
„ 5ih.-DuMin Univ.; Yorkshire, IV.
Riding, S. Pari, Rotkernmm
„ i-\\Jt\.—Lancashif4 (M.S.), Rosseadaie
„ 21*.— Perthshire, W. Dip.
23rd.— kYarwichsMre, Tamworth Div.
March 20th.— Stockton-on- Tees.
„ yxh.~*Ox/or»t
April 3rd.— Aberdeen, S.
9th.-/fatfM/, S. Dip.
^b.-Middlesex, Haling Dip.
May gih -Longford Co., S. Longer*
1 sih.-Edinburgk, S. Dip.
June *oth.-Ox/ordshire, S.. 00 Henioy,
Mill.— Liverpool, Aberxromoy DIP. ;
Essex, IV., or Effing, Div.
July sxvA.-ltetfast, S. Dip.
(xh . DutUm. Co., S. IhOHm, Dip.
nth. - Ctart Co., M. Ct*
I sth.-Monmemihtm'r,. S. Dip.
s>lh.- Cambridge Borough.
> rth, -<ambridoe»hir^W , eoCA
torn. Dip.
Aug. iota. 'umnburgk ami
Oct. — —Dublin I
,, 23rd. — Islington. /.". Dim,
,, 25th. — Hampshire, N., or Basingstoke,
Div.; Lincolnshire t Holland,
or Spalding, Dim,
Nov. and.— Sal/ord, X. Dim.
„ 22nd.— Armagh Co., N. Armagh I'iv.
Dec. 14th. — Southampton ; Cambridge shire,
N., or Wisbech, Div.
Jan. — — Armagh Co., Mid Armagh Dim.
Feb. 1st. — Armagh Co., S. Armagh Dim.;
Lancashire, S.-E., Prestivich
Aitken, Lieut.-Col. Sir (William) Maxwell,
Bt., Ashton-under-Lyne, now Baron
Ashton, Thomas Gair, Bedfordshire, S., or
Luton Div. now Baron Ashton of Hyde.
Beresford, Adm. Lord Charles William de la
Poer, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., Portsmouth, now
Baron Beresford.
Buckmaster, Sir Stanley Owen, K.C., York-
shire, W. Riding, North Part, Keighley
Div., now Baron Buckmaster.
Cawley, Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick, Bt., P.C.,
Lancashire, S.-E., Prestivich Div., now
Baron Cawley.
Chaloner, Col. Richard Godolphin Walmsley.
Liverpool, Abercromby Div., now Baron
Chaplin, Rt. Hon. Henry, P.C, Surrey,
N.-E., or Wimbledon, Div., now Viscount
Corbett, Archibald Cameron, Glasgow,
Trades ton Div., now Baron Rowallan.
Cripps, Sir (Charles) Alfred, K.C.V.O., C.B.,
Bucks, S., or Wycombe, Div., now Baron
Dewar, Sir John Alexander, Bt., Inverness-
shire, now Baron
Douglas, Rt. Hon. Aretas Akkks-, P.C,
Kent, E., or St. Augustine's, Div., now
int Chilston.
Emmott, Rt. Hon. Alfred, P.C, Oldham, now
D Emmott.
Grey, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward, Bt., K.G., P.C.,
Northumberland, Betivii k-on- 'Tweed Dim.,
now Viscount Grey of Kallodon.
Haldane, Rt. Hon. Richard Bunion, P.C,
K.C., Haddingtonshire, now Viscount
Harcourt, Rt. Hon. Lewis, B.C.. Lancashire
(N.-E.), RossendaU- Dim., now Viscount
Henderson, Sir Alexander, Bt, St. George,
Hanover Square, now Baron laringdon.
Herbert. Maj.-Gen. Sir Ivor John Caradoc,
Bt., (.1'-.. C.M.G., Monmouthshire, S.
a Treowen.
Hood. Capt. the Rt. Hon. Sir Alexander
Fuller-Acland-, Bt., P.C, Somersetshire,
W.. or Wellington, Div., now Baron St.
Isaacs, Rt.Hon. Rufns I toniel, P.C K.C.V.O.,
R.C., Reading, now Earl of Reading.
Lockwood.Col. the Rt. Hon. Amelias Richard
Mark, B.C.. I V.I '.. I u*x, W., or F.pping,
Dim., now Baron Lambourne.
Lonsdale, Sir John Brownlee, Bt., Armagh
■ lid Armagh Div., now Baron Armagh-
Murray, Rt. Hon. Alexander William Charles
Oliphant (Master of Elibank), P.C- Edin-
burghshire, now Baron Murray of Elibank.
Norton, Capt. Cecil William, Neivington, W.
Dim., now Baron Rathcreedan.
Pease, Rt. Hon. Joseph Albert, P.C, York-
shire, W. Riding, S. Part, Rothcrham
Div., now Baron Gainford.
Roe, Sir Thomas, Derby, now Baron Roe.
Strachey, Sir Edward, Bt., Somerset, S. Div.,
now Baron Strachie.
Thomas, David Alfred, Cardiff, now Baron
Valentia, Col. Viscount, C.B., M.V.O., Oxford
City, created a Peer of United Kingdom.
Wortley, Rt. Hon. Charles Beilby Stuart-
Wortley, B.C., K.C., Sheffield, Hallam
Div., now Baron Stuart of Wortley.
Abraham, William, Glamorgan, Rhondda Div.
Acland, Francis Dyke, Cornwall, N.-W., or
Camborne, Div.
Addison, Christopher, M.D., Shoreditch, Hox-
ton Div.
Allen, Charles Beter, Gloucestershire, Mid, or
Stroud, Div.
Anson, Sir William Reynell, Bt., D.C.L.,
Oxford Univ.
Baker, Harold Trevor, Lancashire (N.E.),
Accrington Div.
Banbury, Sir Frederick George, Bt., London
I, George Nicol, Glasgow, Blackfriars
and llutcheson Town Div.
Bowerman, Charles William, Deptford.
Brace, William, Glamorgan, S. Div.
Buckmaster, Sir Stanley Owen, K.C. (now
Buckmaster), Yorkshire, II'. Riding,
N. Part, Keighley Div.
Cave, George, Surrey, Kingston Dim.
Cawley, Sir Frederick, Bt.(now Baron Cawley),
Lancashire, S.-E., Prestwich Div.
14, Garrick Street, London, W.C
Churches visited and Estimates given free of charge.
'Phone 1695 Hampstead. Established 70 Years.
8 Monumental Sculptors
and Cemetery £pa0on0,
122, 124, 126, Fortune Green Road,
W. Hampstead, LONDON, N.W.6.
Work of the highest standard at low competitive prices.
Cecil, Lord (Edgar Algernon) Robert Gas-
coyne-, K.C., Hertfordshire, N.,or Hitchin,
Cecil, Evelyn Gascoyne-, Aston Manor.
Cecil, Lord Hugh Richard Heathcote Gas-
coyne-, Ox/ord Univ.
Clyde, James Avon, Edinburgh, W. Div.
Craik, Sir Henry, Glasgozv and Aberdeen
Crooks, William, Woolwich.
Dalziel, Sir Henry James, Kirkcaldy Dist.
Dickinson, Willoughby Hyett, .S7. Pancras,
N. Div.
Duke, Henry Edward, K.C., Exeter.
Fenwick, Charles, Northumberland, Wans-
beck Div.
Ferens, Thomas Robinson, Hull, E. Div.
Fisher, William Hayes, Fnlham.
Forster, Henry William, Kent, W., or Seven-
oaks, Div.
Geddes, Brig. -Gen. Sir Auckland Campbell,
K.C.B., M.D.
Goddard, Sir Daniel Ford, Ipswich.
Griffith, Ellis Jones, K.C., Anglesey.
Gulland, John William, Dumfries Dist.
Hamilton, Col. Lord Claud John, Kensington,
S. Div.
Hardy, Laurence, Kent, S., or Ashford, Div.
Harris, Com. Frederick Leverton, Worcester-
shire, E. Div.
Henderson, Arthur, Durham co., Barnara
Castle Div.
Hewart, Sir Gordon, K.C., Leicester.
Hodge, John, Lancashire, S.-E., Gorton Div.
Illingworth, Albert Holden, Lancashire,
S.-E., Heywood Div.
Illingworth, Percy Holden, Yorkshire, W.
Riding N. Part, Shipley Div. (died before
being sworn).
Isaacs, Sir Rufus Daniel, K.C.V.O., Reading.
Jones, Sir (David) Brynmor, K.C., Sivansca,
Swansea Dist. Div.
Jones, Leifchild Stratten, Nottinghamshire,
Rushcliffe Div.
Lambert, George, Devonshire, N., or S.
Afolton, Div.
Law, Andrew Bonar, Lancashire (S. W.)
Bootle Diz.
Lewis, John Herbert, Flintshire.
Macdonald, John Archibald Murray, Falkirk
Maclean, Donald, Peeblesshire and Selkitk'
Macnamara, Thomas James, Camberwell, N.
Magnus, Sir Philip, Bt., London Univ.
Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney, Beth-
nal Green, S.-W. Div.
Mildmay, Lieut.-Col. Francis Bingham,
Devonshire, S., or Totnes, Div.
Mond, Sir Alfred Moritz Mond, Bt., Swansea,
Swansea Town Div.
Montagu, Hon. Edwin Samuel, Cambridge-
shire, W., or Chesterton, Div.
Munro, Robert, Wick Dist.
Murray, Hon. Alexander William Charles
Oliphant (Master of Elibank), Edinburgh-
Norman, Major Sir Henry, Bt., Blackburn.
Parker, Col. Sir (H.) Gilbert (G.), Bt., Graves-
Pease, Herbert Pike, Darlington.
Pretyman, Col. Ernest George, Essex, Mid,
or Chelmsford, Div.
Primrose, Capt. the Hon. Neil James Archi-
bald, M.C., Cambridgeshire, N., or Wis-
bech, Div. (since deceased).
Prothero, Rowland Edmund, M.V.O., Oxford
Richards, Thomas, Monmouthshire, W. Div.
Rickett, Sir Joseph Compton Compton-, York-
shire, W. Riding, E. Part, Osgoldcross
Roberts, George Henry, Norwich.
Robertson, John Mackinnon, Northumber-
land, Tyneside Div.
Samuel, Sir Harry Simon, Lambeth, Norwood
Schwann (now Swann), Sir Charles Ernest,
Bt., Manchester, N. Div.
Smith, Frederick Edwin, Liverpool, Walton
Spicer, Sir Albert, Bt., Hackney, Central Div.
Talbot, Lieut.-Col. Lord Edmund Bernard,
M.V.O., D.S.O., Sussex, S.-li., or Chiches-
ter, Div.
Tennant, Harold John, Berwickshire.
Thomas, James Henry, Derby.
Thompson, Robert, Belfast, N. Div.
Whitley, John Henry, Halifax.
Wiles, Thomas, Islington, S. Div.
Wilson, John William, Worcestershire, N.Div.
Wood, Thomas McKinnon, Gtasgoio, St.
Rollox Div.
Ainsworth, John Stirling, Argyllshire.
Aitken, Major Sir (William) Maxwell, Ashton-
under- Lyne (now Karon Beaverbrook).
I.irut.-Cl. Josceline Fitz-Roy, West-
morland, S., or Kendal, Div. (but died
before patent passed the Great Seal'.
Balfour, Robert, Lanarkshire, Part ich Div.
Beale, William Phipson, K.C., Ayrshire, S.
Beauchamp, Edward, Suffolk, N.,or Lo-.ves
to/t. I
Bet hell, Sir John Henry, Essex, S.. or
Romford. Dh:
Carhle, Col. Sir (E.lwar.l) Hildred, Hertford-
shire, Mid, or. St. Allans, Div.
Coates, Major Edward Feetham, Lnuisham.
Craig, Lieut. -Col. James, Down Co., li. Down
Dal/iel, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry, Kirkcaldy Dist.
I hi ( ros, Arthur Phillip, Hastings.
x Laming Worthington, Col-
Falle. Major Bertram Godfrey, Portsmouth.
Kiennes, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Eustace Ed-
ward Twisleton-Wykeham-, Oxfordshire,
N., or Banbury, Div.
Furnr>.s, Stephen Wilson, Hartlepool.
1 Jnulding, Edward Alfred, Worcester.
Greenwood, Hamar, Sunderland.
Griffith, Rt. Hon. Ellis Jones, P.C., K.C.,
A nglesey.
Haworth, Arthur Adlington, Manchester, S.
Henr>', Charles Solomon, Shropshire, Mid, or
Wellington, Div.
Hill, James, Bradford, Central Dh:
Jardine, Sir John, K.C.I.E., Roxburghshire.
Jesael, Col. Herl>ert Merton, St. Pancras, S.
Jones, Edgar Reef, Merthyr Tydvil.
Levy, J>ir M.iun.r, Leicestershire, Mid, or
Loughborough, Div.
Lonsdale, John Brownlec, Armagh CO., Mid
Armagh Div. (now Baron Armaghdale).
Lowe, Sir Francis William, Birmingham,
Magnus, Sir I'hilip, London l><
<l, Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay-
Scad*, Rirminghur
Markham, Arthur Basil, Sottt, Mansfield
Riding, S. Part, Don
Norma lUachburn.
Parker, Col. Sir (Horatio) Gilbert (George),
D.C.L., LL.D., Litt.D., Gravesend.
Raphael, Herbert Henry, Derbyshire, S. Div.
Remnant, Lieut.-Col. James Farquharson,
Finsbury% Holborn Dh\
Russell, Rt. Hon. Thomas Wallace, P.C.,
Tyrone Co., N. Tyrone Div.
Rutherford, Col. John, Lancashire (N.E.),
Darwen Div.
Samuel, Stuart Montagu, Toioer Hamlets,
Whitechapel Div.
Smith, Lieut.-Col. the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick
Edwin, P.C., K.C., Liverpool, Walton Div.
Stanier. Capt. Beville, Shropshire, N., or
Newport, Div.
Sykes, Lieut.-Col. Alan John, Cheshire,
Knutsford Div.
Webb, Lieut.-Col. Henry, Gloucestershire,
Forest of Dean Div.
Whiteley, Herbert James, Worcestershire,
Droitwich Div.
Williams, Col. Robert, Dorset, W. Div.
Wood, John, Stalybridge.
Younger, George, Ayr Dist.
Balfour, Rt. Hon. Arthur James, D.C.L.,
LL.D., F.R.S., City of London.
Adkins, William Ryland Dent, Lancashire
(S.-E.), Middleton Div.
Aitken, William Maxwell, Ashton-under-
Lyne (now Baron Beaverbrook).
Banner, John Sutherland Harmood-, Liver-
pool, Everton Div.
Barlow, Clement Anderson Montague, Sal-
ford, S. Dh:
Barran, Rowland Hirst, Leeds, A
Barton, William, Oldham.
Bathurst, Capt. Charles, it 'ilts. , S., or
Black. Arthur William, Bedfordshire, N„ or
Biggleswade, Div.
Boftcau I. Arthur Sack ville Trevor
:!. -. Dudley.
Boyton, James, Maryltbone, E. i
Stanley Owen, K.C. (now Baron
Buck ng, A/.
Part, Keighley Div.
Byles, William Pollard, Saiford, N. J
Carlile, Col. (Edward) Hildred, Hertford-
shire, Mid, or St. Albans
Cavt, Rt. Hon. George, Snrrey, Kingston
Collins, Stephen, Lambeth, Kennington Div.
Cowan, (William) Henry, Aberdeenshire, E.
Dickinson, Rt. Hon. Willoughby Hyett, St.
Pancras, N. Div.
Duncan, James Hastings, Yorkshire, II'.
Riding, E. Part, Oxley Div.
Elverston, Harold, Gateshead.
Fell, Arthur, Great Yarmouth.
Gardner, James Tynte Aug-, Cheltenham.
Gastrell, Lieut.-Col. William Henry Houghton,
Lambeth, N. Div.
Greenwood, (Granville) George, Peterborough.
Grey, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward, Bt., Northumber-
land, Bet wick-on- Tweed Div. (now Viscount
drey of Fallodon).
Griffiths, Lieut.-Col. John Norton-, D.S.O.,
// 'ednesbury.
Hall, Lieut.-Col. Fred, D.S.O., Camber-well,
Duiwich Div.
Harris, Henry Percy, Paddington, S. Div.
Helme, Norval Watson, Lancashire, N. Part,
Lancaster Div.
Hewart, Gordon, K.C., Leicester.
Johnston, Christopher Nicholson, Edinburgh
and St. Andreivs Univs.
Lamb, Ernest Henry, C.M.G., Rochester.
Lee, Col. Arthur Hamilton, Hampsh'ne, S.,
or Fareham, Div.
McCallum, John Mills, Paisley.
Maclean, Rt. Hon. Donald, Peebles and
Marks, George Croydon, Cornwall, N.E., or
Launceston, Div.
Marshall, Arthur Harold, // akefield.
Middlebrook, William, Leeds, S. Div.
Money, Leo George Chiozza, Northampton,
E. Div.
Morton, Alpheus Cleophas, Sutherland shire.
Nield, Herbert, K.C., Middlesex, Ealing
Parkes, Edward Ebenezer, Birmingham,
Central Div.
Pearce, Robert, Staffordshire, Leek Div.
Pearce, William, Tcnver Hamlets, Limehouse
Philipps, Maj.-Gen. Ivor, D.S.O., South-
Pollock, Ernest Murray, K.C., Warwick.
Priestley, Arthur, Grantham.
Radford, George Heyne, Islington, E. Div.
Roberts, Samuel, Sheffield, Eccleshall Div.
Rutherford, William Watson, Liverpool, II'.
Derby Div.
Sassoon, Major Sir Philip Albert Gustave
David, Bt., Hythe.
Smith, Major the Rt. Hon. Frederick Edwin,
P.C., Liverpool, Walton Pi?:
Soares, Ernest Joseph, LL.D., Devonshire,
N..W., or Barnstaple, Div.
Spear, John Ward, Devonshire, W., or Tavi-
stock, tftv.
Stanley, Hon. Arthur, Lancashire, S.-W.,
Ormskirk Pi?:
Touche, George Alexander, Islington, N.
Toulmin, George, Bury.
Walters, John Tudor, She/Held, Brightsidi
Winfrey, Richard, Norfolk, S.-W. Div.
Yeo, Alfred William, Tower Hamlets, Toplar
Wardle, George James, Stockport.
Wilkie, Alexander, Dundee.
Baker, Lieut.-Col. Sir Randolfe Fittlehales,
lit., Dorsetshire, N. Div.
Benn, Com. Ion Hamilton, Greenwich,
Benn, Capt. William Wedgwood, Tower
Hamlets, St. George Div.
Campion, Lieut.-Col. William Robert, Sussex,
Mid, or Lewes, Div.
Collins, Lieut.-Col. Godfrey Pattison,
Croft, Brig. -Gen. Henry Page, Christchurch.
Fleming, Major Valentine, D.S.O., Oxford-
shite, S., or Henley, Div.
Galbraith, Samuel, Durham Co., Mid Div.
Gastrell, Sir William Henry Houghton, L.am-
beth, N. Div.
Greene, Lieut.-Col. Walter Raymond,
Hackney, N. Div.
Greig, Col. James William, Renfrewshire,
W. Div.
Griffiths, Major John Norton, Wednesbury.
(aiest, Capt. the Hon. Frederick Edward,
Dorset, !•'.. Div.
Guinness, Major the Hon. Walter Edward,
Bury St. Edmunds.
Hall, Lieut.-Col. Fred, Camberwell, Dulwich
Hamilton, Capt. Lord Claud John, Kensing
ton, S. Div.
Hoare, Lieut.-Col. Sir Samuel John Gurney,
Bt., Chelsea.
Hudson, Walter, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
fl>onumcntal Sculptors, fftarblf, Granite
Nftd Stone Merchants,
Architectural ant) General flftaeon* anl>
Head Office: 49, WIGMORE STREET, W.I.
phone No. :M«
Works: 760. Harrow Road. KENSAL GREEN. N.W.fO.
(Telephone No. : Paddington 4047 )
Jackson, Sir John, LL.D., F.R.S.E., Devon- j
Jessel, Col. Sir Herbert Merton, Bt.. St.
Pancras, S. Div.
Johnson, William, Warwickshire, N.-E., or
Nuneaton, Div.
l.ampson, Com. Oliver Stillingfleet Locker-,
Huntingdonshire, N., or Ramsey, DtV.
Lloyd, Capt. George Ambrose, Staffordshire,
W. Div.
McCalmont, Lieut. -Col. Robert Chaine Alex-
ander, Antrim Co., E. Antrim Div.
McLaren, Hon. Henry Duncan, Leicester-
shire, //'., or Bos-.t'orth, Div.
Marks, Sir George Croydon, Cornwall, N.-E.,
or Launceston, Div.
Mount, William Arthur, Berkshire, S , or
Newbury, Div.
Murray, Major the Hon. Arthur Cecil, Kin-
Parry, Major Thomas Henry, Flint Dist.
Ratchiff, Lieut.-Col. Robert Frederick, Staf-
fordshire, Burton-on- Trent Div.
Redmond, Capt. William Archer, Tyrone co.,
E. Tyrone Div.
Rothschild, Major Lionel Nathan de, Bucks,
Mid, or Aylesbury, />tv.
Rutherford, William Watson, Liverpool, //'.
Derby Div.
Stanley, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. George Fred-
erick, Preston.
Thomson, William Mitchell-, Down co., N.
Down Div.
Thynne, Major Lord Alexander George Bote-
ville, Bath.
Ward, Lieut. -Col. John, Stoke-upon-Trent.
Wedgwood, Major Josiah Clement, Newcastle-
under- Lyme.
Samuel, Sir Stuart Montagu, Bt., Tower
Allen, Major William James, Armagh co.,
N. Armagh Div., vice William Moore,
K.C., appointed to Irish Bench.
Amery, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett,
Birmingham, S. Div., vice Viscount Mor-
peth, who became Earl of Carlisle.
Anderson, William Crawford, Slieffield, Atter-
cliffe Div., vice Joseph Pointer, deceased.
Archdale, Edward Mervyn, Fermanagh Co.,
N. Fermanagh Div., vice Godfrey Fether-
stonhaugh, K.C., resigned.
Arnold, Sydney, Yorkshire, 11'. Riding, S.
Part. Holmfirth Div., vice Henry Joseph
Wilson, resigned.
Baring, Sir Godfrey, Bt., Devonshire, N.-W.,
or Barnstaple, Div., vice Ernest Joseph
Soares, appointed Assist. Controller of Re-
duction of National Debt Office.
Barnett, Capt. Richard Whieldon, St. Pan-
cras, W. Div., vice Capt. Felix Cassel,
appointed Judge Advocate-Gen.
Barratt, Sir Francis Layland-, lit., Cornwall,
Mid, or St. Austell, Div., vice Capt. the
Hon. Thomas Charles Reginald Agar-
Robartes, killed in action.
Beach, William Frederick Hicks-, Gloucester-
shire, N., or Tewkesbury, Div., vice Capt.
Viscount Quenington, killed in action.
Bellairs, Com. Carlyon Wilfrey, Maidstone,
vice Major Viscount Castlereagh, M.V.O.,
now Marquess of Londonderry.
Billing, Com. Noel Pemberton, Hertfordshire,
E., or Hertford, Div., vice Sir John Fowke
Lancelot Rolleston, resigned.
Blake, Sir Francis Douglas, Bt., Northumber-
land, Be rwick-on- Tweed, vice the Rt. Hon-
Sir Edward Grey, Bt., K.G., P.C., raised
to the Peerage.
Blair, Reginald, Tozuer Hamlets, Bcnu and
Bromley Div., vice George Lansbury, re-
Bliss, Joseph, Cumberland, Cockermouth Div.,
vice Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bt., resigned.
Boles, Lieut.-Col. Dennis Fortescue, Somer-
setshire, W., or Wellington, Div., vice the
Rt. Hon. Sir Alexander Fuller-Acland-
Hood, Bt., now Baron St. Audries.
Bowden, Lieut.-Col. George Robert Harland,
Derbyshire, N.-E. Div., vice William Ed-
ward Harvey, deceased.
Brookes, Warwick, Tower Hamlets, Mile End
Div., vice Col. the Hon. Henry Lawson
Levy-Lawson, now Baron Burnham.
Broughton, Urban Hanlon, Preston, vice
Alfred Aspinall Tobin, appointed a County
Court Judge.
Buckmaster, Stanley Owen, K.C., Yorkshire,
W. Ridintr, N. Part, Keighley Div., vice
Sir John Brigg, deceased.
Byrne, Alfred, Dublin Co., Dublin Harbour
Div., vice William Abraham, deceased.
Campbell, Capt. Frederick Duncan, D.S.O.,
Ayrshire, N. Div., vice Andrew Macbeth
Anderson, K.C., appointed Solicitor-Gen-
for Scotland.
Carew, Charles Robert Sydenham, Devonshire,
N.-E., or Tiverton, Div., vice Lieut, the
Hon. William Lionel Charles Walrond, died
on active service.
Carnegie, Major the Hon. George Douglas,
Winchester, vice Lieut. -Col. the Hon. Guy
Victor Baring, killed in action.
Cawley, Hon. Oswald, Lancashire, S.-E., or
Prestvich Div., vice Sir Frederick Cawley,
Bt., raised to the Peerage.
Cecil, Lord (Edgar Algernon) Robert, K.C,
Herts, N., or Hitchin, Div., vice Alfred
Peter Hillier. M.D., deceased.
Cheyne, Sir William Watson, K.C M.G.,
. F.R.C.S.. F.R.S., Edinburgh and
■ndravs Universities, vice Sir Christo-
pher Nicholson Johnston, K.C, appointed
a Lord of Session.
Coats, Sir Stuart Auchincloss, Bt., Surrey,
X.F.. or Wimbledon, Div., vice Rt. Hon.
Henry Chaplin, P.C., raised to the Peerage.
ne, Cecil Algernon, South Shields, vice
the Rt. Hon. Russell Rea, deceased.
Collins. Sir William Job, K.C.V.O., M.D..
F.K.C.S., D.r/y, vice Sir Thomas Roe,
raised to the Peerage.
. Col. Richard Beale, C.B., Eseex, W.,
or Effin/r, Div., vice Col. the Rt. Hon.
Ameluis Richard Mark Lockwood, P.C.,
C.V.O., raised to the Peerage.
Coote, Colin Reith, Cambridgeshire, N., or
Wisbech, Div., vice Capt. the Rt. Hon. Neil
James Primrose, M.C, deceased.
William, Tyrone Co., S. Tyrone Div.,
Andrew Ix>ng Homer, K.C, deceased.
lames Herbert, Cardiff Dist., vice
Ix>rd Ninian Kdward Crichton-
;, killed in action.
Cosgrave, William Thomas, Kilkenny City,
vice Patrick O'Brien, deceased.
Cosgrove, James, GaJtoay CO., I'.. >
.. vice John Roche, deceased.
Craig. Ernest, Cheshire, Crewe Dh
wt Bright M' Lam, deceased.
Crawford, Col. Robert Gordon Sharman-,
Belfast, E. Div., vice Robert James
Mordie, deceased.
George Welsh, Leith Dist.. vice the
-nald Craufurd Munro- Ferguson,
, appointed Gov. -Gen. of Australia.
DalrympV Bob. Hot Hamilton, H'igiown-
Viv.ount Dalrymplc. now Earl
of Stair.
De Forest, Baron Maurice Arnold, West Ham.
S. Div., vice Charles Frederick I
MaMerman, unseated on potW
ccted elsewhere.
Dennis*. Edmuwl Robert Hartley. Oldham,
.. Alfred Emmott
raited to the Peerage.
I>e Valera, loJMOB, Clnr, CO., r. ( bit.
. vice Maior Willi. .carney
Redmond, died of wounds in action.
Donnelly. Patrick. Arm*** «*•. ■*. Arm***
. vice Charies ONV
Donov omas, Wicklow co.. W.
W,<kl,n,.Dr.:,sv.r Bdwvd Pc.-r <» K^
, Londonderry Cn
the Marquess of Hamilton, now Duke of
Duke, Henry Edward, K.C, Exeter, vice
Richard Harold St. Maur, unseated on a
Duncannon, Viscount, Dover, vice the Rt.
Hon. George Wyndham, P.C, deceased.
Du Pre, William Baring, Buckinghamshire,
S.. or Wycombe, Div.. vice Sir (Charles)
Alfred Cripps, K.CV.O., C.B., raised to
the Peerage.
Edge, Capt. William, Bolton- U- Moors, vice
Thomas Taylor, resigned.
Finney, Samuel, Staffordshire, N.-ll'. Div.,
vice Albert Stanley, deceased.
Fisher, Rt. Hon. Herbert Albert I,atirens,
P.C, Sheffield, Hallam Div., vice the Rt.
Hon. Charles Beilby Stuart-Wortley, P.C,
K.C, raised lo the Peerage.
Fit/patrick, James Lalor, Queens Co., Ossory
Div., vice William Delany, deceased.
Fleming, Sir John, LL.D., Aberdeen, S. Div.,
vice George Birnie Esslemont, resigned.
Fox, Henry Wilson, Wanvichshire, Tam-
worth Div., vice Francis Alexander New-
digate-Newdegate, appointed Gov. of
Galbraith, Samuel, Durham co., Mid
vice John Wilson, deceased.
Gan/oni, Francis John Childs, Ifinvich, vice
the Rev. Charles Silvester Home, deceased.
Gardner, James Tynte Agg-, Cheltenham,
vice Richard Mathias, unseated on petition.
Geddes. Brig. -Gen. Sir Auckland Campbell,
k i\B., Hampshire, N., or Basingstoke,
Div., vice Arthur Clavell Salter, K.C, ap-
pointed a Judge of High Court of Justice.
Ged.lrv Rt Hon Sir Kric Campbell
ki I: , i.im/'ridge, vice Almeric Hugh
Paget, resigned.
Gilbert, James Daniel, Netvington, II
William Norton, raised to
the Peerage.
Gladstone, William Glynnr Ch.irlcN, A'i/mar-
nock Dist., vice Adam Rolland Rainy,
M.B., deceased.
Glaiebrook, Philip Kirkl.ml. Man.h
irthnr Adlington Haworth,
tst Bt., appointed a Junior Lord of the
Gordon, Hon. John Edward, Brighton, vice
Capt. the Hon. Walter FiU-Uryai;
who succeeded to the Barony of Dynevor.
Graham, Edward John. King's co., Tnilamort
Div.. vice Edmund Haviland- Burke, de
. John, Cork co., rV. Cork Div.t rice
(M g
•rt Bdwvd Cedl.CB.,
E. />/: . mic Cast John
Chetk nc\am Div., rice John
Robert Kebty Fletcher, resigned.
Hanson, Charles Augustin. Cornwall,
or Bodmin, Div., vw -
Reginald PoJe-Carew, K ( )., re-
Uarujsworth, Cecil Bisshopp, Bedfordshire,
A"., or Luton, Div., vice Thomas Gair
Ashton, now Baron Ashton of Hyde.
b'rederick Leverton, Worcestershire,
E. Div., vice Rt. Hon. (Joseph) Austin
Chamberlain, PC, LL.D., resigned.
Harris. Percy Alfred, Leicestershire, S., ,>r
Harborough Div., vice John William Logan,
Healey, Timothy Michael. K.C., Cork co.
JV.-E. Cork Div., vice Moreton Frewen, re-
Hearn, Michael Louis, Dublin co., S. Pullin
Piv., vice William Francis Cotton, de-
Hemmerde, Edward George, Norfolk, N.-W.
Div., vice Sir George White, deceased.
Henderson, Sir Alexander, Bt., St. George,
Hanover Square, vice the Rt. Hon. Alfred
Lyttelton, P»C, K.C, deceased.
Henry, Denis Stanislaus, K.C., L^ondonderry
Co., S. Derry Div., vice Rt. Hon. John
Gordon, P.C., K.C., LL.D., raised to the
Irish Bench.
Herbert, Hon. Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux,
Somersetshire, S. Div., vice Sir Edward
Strachey, Bt., raised to the Peerage.
Hewart, Gordon. K.C., Leicester, vice Eliot
Crawshay-Williams, resigned.
Hewins, William Albert Samuel, Hereford,
vice John Stanhope Arkwright, resigned.
Hibbert, Sir Henry Flemming, Lancashire (IV.
Part), Chorley Div., vice Lord Balcarres,
npw Earl of Crawford.
Hicks, William Jovnson-, Middlesex, Brent-
ford Div., vice Capt. Lord Alwyne Frede-
rick Compton, D.S.O., resigned.
Hill, James, Bradford, Central Div., vice
Lieut. -Col. Sir George Scott Robertson,
K.C.S.L, deceased.
Hodge, Col. Sir Robert Trotter Hermon-, Bt.,
Oxfordshire, S., or Henley, Piv., vice
Major Valentine Fleming, D.S.O., killed in
action during European War.
Hogg, David Cleghorn, Londonderry City,
vice Marquess of Hamilton, now Duke of
Hogge, James Myles, Edinburgh, E. Piv.,
vice Sir James Puckering Gibson, Bt.,
Holmes, Daniel Turner, Lanarkshire, Govan
Div., vice William Hunter, K.C., appointed
a Lord of Session in Scotland.
Hope, Major John Augustus, Edinburghshire
(Midlothian), vice the Rt. Hon. Alexander
William Charles Oliphant Murray, P.C
(Master of Elibank), raised to the Peerage.
Hope, John Deans, Haddingtonshire, vice
the Rt. Hon. Richard Burdon Haldane,
P.C, K.C., raised to the Peerage.
Howard, Hon. Geoffrey William Algernon,
Wiltshire, W., or Westbury, Div., vice Sir
John Michael Fleetwood Fuller, Bt., ap-
pointed Gov. of Victoria, Australia.
Illingworth, Albert Holden,Lancashire(S.-E.),
Heywood Piv., vice Capt. Harold Thomas
Cawley, killed in action.
Jackson, Hon. Francis Stanley, Yorkshire, E.
Riding, Hozvdens eCol. Henry
Bjcoailley Harrison Broadley, deceased.
Jacobsen, Thomas Owen, Cheshire, Hyde
P/71., vice Francis Neilson, resigned.
Johnston, Christopher Nicholson, K..C, Edin-
burgh and St. Audreu-s i'nivs., vice the
Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Bannatyne Finlay,
P.C, G.C.M.G., raised to the Pecr.i_
Jones, Rev. Josiah Towyn, Carmarthenshire,
E. Div., vice Abel Thomas, K.C., deceased.
Jones, Kennedy, Middlesex, Hornsey Piv.,
vice the Earl of Ronaldshay, appointed < >< >y.
of Bengal.
Kenyon, Barnet, Derbyshire, Chesterfield
Div., vice James Haslam, deceased.
Keswick, Henry, Surrey, Mid, or Epsom, Div.,
vice William Keswick, deceased.
Riley, James Daniel, Tower Hamlets, W/tite-
chapel Piv., vice Sir Stuart Montagu
Samuel, Bt., resigned.
Larmor, Sir Joseph, D.Sc, F.R.S., Cam-
bridge Univ., vice Samuel Henry Butcher.
Law, Andrew Bonar, Lancashire, S.-W.,
Bootle Div., vice Col. Thomas Myles
Sandys, resigned.
Lindsay, William Arthur. Belfast, S. Piv.,
vice James Chambers, K.C., deceased.
Lloyd, George Butler. Shrewsbury, vice Sir
Clement Lloyd Hill, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.,
Lonsdale, James, Armagh co., Mid Armagh
Piv., vice Sir John Brownlee Lonsdale, Bt.,
raised to the Peerage.
Lowther, Brig.-Gen. Henry Cecil, C.V.O.,
C.M.G., D.S.O., Westmorland, X., or
Appleby, Piv., vice Sir Lancelot Sanderson,
appointed Ch. Justice of Calcutta High
Loyd, Archie Kirkman, K.C, Berkshire, N.,
or Abingdon Div., vice Lieut. -Col. the Hon.
Harold Greenwood Henderson, resigned.
McCalmont, Major Robert Chaine Alexander,
Antrim co.,E. Antrim Div., vice Col. James
Martin McCalmont. deceased.
McGuinness, Joseph, Longford Co., S. Long-
ford Div., vice John Phillips, deceased.
McLeod, John Mackintosh, Glasgmu, Central
Div:, vice the Rt. Hon. Charles Scott Dick-
son, P.C, K.C, appointed Lord Justice -
McNeill, Ronald John, Kent, E., or St.
Au^ustiues, Div., vice Hon. Aretas Akers-
Douglas, P.C, raised to Peerage.
Macpherson, James Ian, Eoss and Cromarty,
vice James Galloway Weir, deceased.
Maden, Sir John Henry, Lancashire (IV.-E.),
Rossendtilc Piv., vice the Rt. Hon. Lewis
Harcourt, P.C, raised to the Peerage.
, Mallalieu, Frederick William, Yorkshire, W.
Killing, S. Part, Colne I 'alley Piv., vice
Charles Leach, whose seat was vacated.
Marriott, John Arthur Ransome, Oxford City,
vice Viscount Valentia, raised to Peerage of
United Kingdom.
Meehan, Patrick Joseph, Queens co., Leix
Div., vice Patrick Aloysius Meehan, de-
Meux, Adm. of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Hed-
worth, G.C.R.. (C.C.V.O., Portsmouth, vice
Adm. Lord Charles William de la Poer
Mfeford, O.C.P... G.CV.C, raised to the
Millar, James Duncan, Lanarkshire, X.-E.
. vice Thomas Fleming Wilson, ap-
pointed a Clerk of the Peace.
Mills. Hon. Arthur Robert, Middlesex, Ux~
his brother, the Hon.
Charles Thomas Mills, killed in action.
Mariaou, Hector, Hackney, S. Div., vice
Horatio William Bottomley, resigned.
Thomas Brash, K.C., Inverness-
shire, vice Sir John Alexander Dewar, Bt.,
raised to the Peerage.
Murphy, Martin Joseph, lYater/ord co ,
E. IVater/ord Dir,, vice Patrick Joseph
Power, deceased.
Nugent, John Dillon, Dublin, College Green
Dir:, vice Joseph Patrick Nannetti, deceased.
O'Leary, Cork Co., IV. Cork Dip., vice James
iy, deceased.
O'Neill, ("apt. the Hon. Robert William Hugh,
Antrim co., Mid Antrim Dfv., vice his
Hotter Capt. the Hon. Arthur Edward Bruce
O'Neill, killed in action.
Outhwaiie, Robert Leonard, Hanley, vice
Enoch Edwards, deceased.
. Sir (James) Edward, Edinburgh, S.
Div . vice Major the Hon. Charles Henry
Lyell, resigned.
lenry, Flint Dist., vice
James Woolley Summers, deceased.
Iton, Oswald, Yorkshire, II'. Riding,
X. Part. Shif>l.y Div., vice Percy Holden
ftwL Mater the Hon Arthur George Villiers,
land, or Sf i
I .tent, the Hon. Francis Wall-
McLaretl, killed in action.
Pender, John Cuthbert Denison Deuison-,
hire, E-, or Newmarket,
vice Stftaaflel Day Rose, Bt., decc
Pannefjkther, De Fonblanque, Liverpool, Kirk-
dale I ,]. Gerald Kyffin i
PhiUpi tester,
•rong Yerburgh, resigned'.
Plunk' "Htmon
Pratt, John
appointed Loi
i i ' • I
Ran.il- 'letter,
X .W. l>iy . VI. . I .- .: I ,| s„ - ,r ,,.r
.. Will,.
Rankin, Ca
■:eth I
i»t. James Stuart. Liverpool, K.
es, deceased.
Rees, Sir John David, K.GI.E. (.
Nottingham, E. Div.. vice Cant. James
Archibald Morrison, resigned.
Reid, Rt. Hon. Sir
S7. George, ;uare,
vice Sir Alexander Henderson, Bt.. raised
to the Peerage.
Richardson, Arthur, Yorkshire, II'. Hiding,
S. Part, Rotherham Div , vice Rt
Joseph Alfred Pease, P : o the
Roche, Michael Augustine, Louth co., Ar.
Louth Div., vice Richard Haxleton, un-
seated on petition.
Runciman, Sir Walter. Bt., Hartlepool, vice
Sir Stephen Wilson Furness, Bt., deceased.
Russell, Rt. Hon. Thrtnw Wallace, PC,
the Rt.
Hon. Redmond John Barry, P. C, appointed
Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
Samuel, Samuel. IVandsworth, vice Sir Henry
Kimber, Bt., resigned.
Samuels, Arthur Warren, K ( . I I, I > . Dublin
Univ., vice Rt. Hon. James Henry Mussen
Campbell, PC, K.C., raised to the Bench.
Sassoon, Sir Philip Albert Gustave David, Bt.,
Hythe, vice Sir Edward Albert Sassoon, Bt..
Seely, Sir Charles Hilton. cham-
shire, Mansfield Div., vice Sir Arthur
Basil Markham, Bt., deceased.
Shaw, Hon. Alexander, Kilmarnock
vice William Glynne Charles Gladstone,
killed in action.
Smallwood, Edward, Islington, E. Div.,
vice Sir George Heynes Radford, deceased.
Smith. Sir Swire, Yorkshire. II'. Ridinr, N.
■: Owen
Buckmaster. K.C (now Baron Buckmaater),
appointed Lord H llor.
. -.ton, vice the
Hon. John Kdmun i^ned. '
Stanley, Lord, Liverpool, Aorrcromby Div.,
Richard Godolphin Wajmsley
Chaloner, raised to the Peerage
Stanl. \
liam I
I i Archibald. Perthshire,
Taylor, Thonuu, Bottom U- Moors, vice George
ll.ll»i>«l, lIcCCVkTll.
( M G . rAived t.
. . 1 •
Sir Gr rgr Dvughty. dcrased
to the Peerage
Gre.it Grimsby, vice
Tillett, Benjamin, Salford, N. Div., vice Sir
William Pollard Byles, deceased.
Tootill, Robert, Bolton-leMoorx, vice Alfred
Henry Gill, deceased.
Turton, Edmund Russborough, Yorkshire, N.
Riding, Thirsk and Mai ton Dfv., vice
Viscount Helmsley, now Earl of Feversham.
Watson, John Bertrand, Stockton-on-Tees,
vice Jonathan Samuel, deceased.
Watson, William, Lanarkshire, S. Div., vice
Sir Walter Menzies, deceased.
Webb, Henry, Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean
Div., vice the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Went-
worth Dilke, Bt., P.C., deceased.
Weigall, Capt. William Ernest George Archi-
bald, Lincolnshire, S. Lindsey, or Horn-
castle, Div., vice Lord Willoughby deEresby
now Earl of Ancaster.
Weston, Lieut. - Gen. Sir Aylmer Gould
- Hunter-, K.C.B., D.S.O., Ayrshire, N.
Div., vice Lieut. -Col. Duncan Frederick
Campbell, D.S.O., deceased.
Weston, Col. John Wakefield, Westmorland,
S., or Kendal, Div., vice Lieut. -Col. Josce-
line FitzRoy Bagot, deceased.
White, James Dundas, Glasgow, Tradeston
Div., vice Archibald Cameron Corbett, now
Baron Rowallan.
Whiteley, Herbert James, IVorcestershire,
Mid, or Droitivich, Div., vice Major the
Hon. John Cavendish Lyttelton, resigned.
Whitty, Patrick Joseph, Louth Co., N. Louth
Div., vice Michael Augustine Roche, de-
Williams, Aneurin, Durham co. N.-IV. Div.,
vice Llewellyn Archer Atherley-Jones, K.C.,
appointed a judge.
Williams, Thomas Jeremiah, Swansea, Swan-
sea Dist., vice the Rt. Hon. Sir (David)
Brynmor Jones, P.C., K.C., appointed a
Master in Lunacy.
Wills, Sir Alan Gilbert Hamilton, Bt., Taun-
ton, vice the Hon. William Robert Wellesley
Peel, now Viscount Peel.
Wilson, Capt. Leslie Orme, D.S.O., Reading,
vice the Rt. Hon. Sir Rufus Daniel Isaacs,
P.C., K.C.V.O., K.C., appointed Lord Chief
Wilson, Sir Matthew Richard Henry, Bt.,
C.S.I. ,Bethnal Green, S.-W. Div., vice the
Rt. Hon. Charles Frederick Gurney Mas-
terman, P.C., appointed Chancellor of
Duchy of Lancaster.
Wing, Thomas Edward, Dur/tam co., Hough-
ton-le-Spring Div., vice Robert Cameron,
Wright, Henry Fitzherbert, Herefordshire,
N., or Leominster, Div., vice Sir James
Rankin, Bt., resigned.
Yeo, Alfred William, Tower Hamlets, Poplar
Div., vice the Rt. Hon. Sydney Charles
Buxton, P. C, appointed Gov.-Gen. of South
Young, Lieut. Edward Hilton, Norwich, vice
Sir Frederick Low, raised to the Bench.
Abraham, William, Dublin City, Dublin /far-
hour Div., August 2nd, 191 5.
Anson, Rt. Hon. Sir William Reynell, Bt.,
P.C., D.C.L., Oxford Univ., June 4th, 1914.
Bagot, Lieut. -Col. Josceline FitzRoy (nomi-
nated for a Baronetcy), Westmorland, S., or
Kendal, Div., March 1st, 191 3, before the
patent passed the Great Seal.
Baring, Lieut. - Col. the Hon. Guy Victor,
Wincluster (killed in action during Euro-
pean War), Sept. 1916.
Brigg, Sir John, Yorkshire, W. Riding, N.
Part, Keighley Div., Sept. 30th, 191 1.
Broadley, Henry Broadley Harrison-, York-
shire, E. Riding, Hoivdenshire Div , Dec.
29th, 1914.
Burke, Edmund Haviland-, King's co., Tul-
lamore Div.. Oct. 4th, 1914.
Butcher, Samuel Henry, Cambridge Univ.,
Dec. 29th, 1 9 10.
Byles, Sir William Pollard, Sa'ford, N. Div.,
Oct. 17th, 1917.
Cameron, Robert, Durham co., Hough ton-le-
Spring Div., Feb. 13th, 19 13.
Campbell, Lieut.-Col. Duncan Frederick,
D.S.O., Av, shire, N. Div., Sept. 1916.
Cawley, Capt. Harold Thomas, Lancashire,
S.E., Heyivood Div. (killed in action in
Dardanelles), Sept. 1915.
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, P.C., Bir-
mingham, W. Div., July 2nd, 1914.
Chambers, James, K.C., Belfast, S. Div.,
June nth, 1917.
Cotton, Willium Francis, Dublin co., S.
Dublin Div., June 8th, 19 17.
Delany, William, Queens Co,, Ossory Div.,
April 1916.
Dilke, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Wentworth, Bt.,
P.C., Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean Div.,
Jan. 26th, 1911.
Doughty, Sir George, Great Grimsby, April
27th, 1914.
Edwards, Enoch, Hanley, June 28th, 1912.
Esmonde, John, L.R.C.S.I., Tipperary cc,
N. Tipperary Div., April 17th, 191 5.
Fleming, Major Valentine, D.S.O., O.tfotd-
shire, S., or Henley, Div. (killed in action
during European War), May 20th, 1917.
Furness, Sir Stephen Wilson, Bt., Hartle-
pool, Sept. 6th, 1914.
Gibson, Sir James Puckering, Bt., Edinburgh,
E. Div., Jan. nth, 1912.
Gilhooly, James, Cork Co., IV. Cork Div.,
Oct. 16th, 1916.
Gill, Alfred Henry, Bolton-le- Moors, Aug.
27th, 1914.
Gladstone, William Glynne Charles, Kilmar-
nock Dist. (killed in action during European
War), April 13th, 1915.
Guiney, Patrick, Cork co., N. Cork Div., Oct.
12th, 1913.
Hardie, James Keir, Merthyr Tydvil, Sept.
26th, 1915.
Uilontttiuntal Smlptors,
in Marble and Brass, erected in any part of
the Kingdom.
White Ladies Gate, Clifton, BRISTOL.
Telegrams : " Pakeman, Undertaker, Bristol." Telephone : 3288.
Executive Committee:
President: H.R.H. The Princess Louise, Duchess or Argyll.
Vice-President: The Marchioness or WATERroRD.
Chairman: The Most Hon. the Marquess or Suoo.
Hon. Treasurer: H. H. Plevdell Bouverie, Eso.
Bankers: Messrs. Barclay & Co., i. Pall Mall East, S.W.i.
Manager ess: Work Depot— Miss Wiltshire, 7a, Lower Grosveoor Place, S
Secretary: Captain R. Barclay, 7a, Lower Grosveoor Place, S.W.i.
those ladies who wore left provided for by charicoa on Irtah
land property, who aro incapacitated by asro or infirmity from
oarninK m. livinsr, and who, owing to tho non-rocoipt of tholr
incomes, are In absolute poverty.
Tho Public who are so sonorously subscribing to the War funds
are asked not to overlook this old-established charity, which
almost ontiroly supports these ladies, many of whom aro aarod.
The WORK DEPOT assists Irish Ladies to earn their living, end the Committee
earnestly asks friends requfcmf hand-made lingerie. Blouses, em
to assist the Charity by fivtag orders.
Owing to the War. Donations and Orders for Work are urgently seeded.
Office* Work Depot; 7a,L0WER OROSVENOR PLACI. I <>NI>ov v\s 1
Will generoos donors kindly mention Desretts when writing ?
Harvey, William Edwin, Derbyshire, N.Z.
Div., April 28th, 1914.
Harwood, George, Bolton- le- Moor* Nov. 7th,
Haslam, lames. Derbyshire, Chesterfield
Div., July 31st, 1913.
Hill, Sir Clement Lloyd, K.C.B., K C.M.G.,
Shrewsbury, April 9th, 19 13.
Hillier, Alfred Peter, M.D., Herts, N, or
Hitchin, Div., Oct. 23rd, 1911.
Hogg, David Cleghorn, Londonderry City,
Aug. 22nd, 1914.
Home, Rev. Charles Silvester, Ipswich,
May 2nd, 1914.
Horner, Andrew Long, K.C., Tyrone co., S.
Tyrone Div., Jan. 25th, 1916.
Illingworth, Percy Holden, Yorkshire, W.
Riding, N. Part, Shipley Div., Jan. 3rd,
1915 (who had just been nominated a P.C.).
Jones, William, Carnarvonshire, N., or Arfon,
Div., May 9th, 1915.
Keswick, William, Surrey, Mid, or Epsom,
Div., March 9th, 1912.
Lyttelton, Rt. Hon. Alfred, P.C., K.C., St.
George, Hanover Square, July 5th, 1913.
McCalmont, Col. James Martin, Antrim co.,
E. Antrim Div., Feb. 2nd, 1913.
McLaren, Lieut, the Hon. Francis Walter
Stafford, Lincolnshire, Holland, or Spald-
ing, Di7>.(on active service during European
War), Aug. 30th, 1917.
McLaren, Walter Stowe Bright, Cheshire,
Crewe Div., June 29th, 1912.
McMordie, Robert James, Belfast, E. Div.,
March 25th, 1914.
Markham, Sir Arthur Basil, Bt., Nottingham-
shire, .Mansfield Div., Aug. 5th, 1916.
Meehan, Patrick Aloysius, Queens co., Leix
Div., May 10th, 1913.
Menzies, Sir Walter, Lanarkshire, S. Div.,
Oct. 26th, 1913.
Mills, Hon. Charles Thomas, Middlesex, Ux-
bridge Div. (killed in action during European
War), Oct. 6th, 191 5.
Nannetti, Joseph Patrick, Dublin, College
Green Div., April 26th, 191 5.
O'Brien, Patrick, Kilkenny City, July 12th,
O'Kelly, Edward Peter, Wicklow co., W.
Div., July 22nd, 1914.
O'Kelly, James, Roscommon co., N. Ros-
common Div., Dec. 1916.
O'Neill, Capt. the Hon. Arthur Edward Bruce,
Antrim co., Mid Antrim Div. (killed in
action during European War), Nov. 4th,
O'Neill, Charles, MB., Armagh co., S.
Armagh Div., Jan. 14th, 1917.
Phillips, John, Longford co., S. Longford
Div., April 1917.
Pointer, Joseph, Sheffield, Attercliffe Div.,
Nov. 19th, 1914.
Power, Patrick Joseph, Waterwrd co., . E.
Waterford Div., Jan. 8th, 1913.
Primrose, Capt. the Rt. Hon. Neil James
Archibald, P.C., M.C., Cambridgeshire,
N., or Wisbech, Div. (wounds in action
during European War), Nov. 1917,
Quenington, Capt. Viscount, Glousestershire,
N., or Tewkesbury, Div. (killed in action
during European War), April 23rd, 1916.
Radford, Sir George Heynes, Islington, /•'..
Div., Oct. 5th, 1917.
Rainy, Adam Rolland, Kilmarnock Dist.,
Aug. 26th, 1911.
Rea, Rt. Hon. Russell, P.C., South Shields,
Feb. 5th, 1916.
Redmond, Major William Hoey Kearney,
Clare CO., E. Clare Div. \ wounds in action),
June 7th, 1917.
Robartes, Capt. the Hon. Thomas Charles
Reginald Agar-, Cornwall, Mid, or St.
Austell, Div. (wounds received in action),
Sept. 1915.
Robertson, Lieut. -Col. Sir George Scott,
K. C.S.I. , Bradford, Central Div., Jan
Roche, John, Galway co., E. Galway Div.,
Aug., 27th, 1914.
Roche, Michael Augustus, Louth co., N.
Louth Div., Dec. 7th, 1915.
Rose, Sir Charles Day, Bt., Cambridgeshire,
E., or Newmarket, Div., April 20th, 1913.
Samuel, Jonathan, Stockton-on-Tees, Feb.
22nd, 1917.
Sassoon, Sir Edward Albert Bt., Hythe,
May 24th, 1912.
Stanley, Albert, Staffordshire, X.ll'. Div.,
Dec. 1915.
Stuart, Lieut.-Col. Lord Ninian Edward
Crichton-, Cardiff Dist. (killed in action
during European War), Sept. 1915.
Summers, James Woolley, Flint Dist.,
Jan. 1st, 1913.
Thomas, Abel, Carmarthenshire, E. Div.,
July 23rd, 1912.
Walrond, Hon. William Lionel Charles, Dez>on-
shire, N.-E., or Tiverton, Div., Nov. 2nd,
1915 (as result of active service).
Weir, James Galloway, Ross and Cromarty,
May 18th, 1911.
White, Sir George, Norfolk, N.-IV. Div.,
May nth, 1912.
Wilson, John, Durham co.. Mid Div., March
23rd, 1915.
Wyndham, Rt. Hon. George. P.C., Dover,
June 8th, 1913.
* Dismissed, t Unseated. \ Withdrawn.
§ For Recounts.
tCork Co., E.Cork Div.
tHull, Central Div.
"King's Lynn.
tLouth Co., N. Louth
"Nottingham, E. Div.
J§St. Pancras,W. Div
End Div.
§West Bromwich
(declared elected).
tWest Ham, N. Div.
gWilts, N.-W., or
Chippenham, Div.
(declared elected).
ft E S I I . N E D .
[See also "Accepted Offi-
"Created Peers,'' and «« Suc-
ceeded to Peerages. ']
Arkwright, John Stanhope, Hereford.
Bottomley, Horatio William, Hackney.
Lieut. -Gen. Sir Reginald Pole-, K
»., Cornwall, S.-E., or Bodm:'/:.
Chamberlain, Kt. Hon. (J.) Austen, Worcester-
shire, E. Div. (since re-elected for Birming-
ham W. /'.
Compton. ('apt. Lord Alwyne Frederick.
D.S.O., Middlesex, Brentford Div. (since
Esslemont, George Birnie, Aberdeen, S. Div.
Fetherstonhaugh, Godfrey, K.C., Fermanagh
'.'. Fermanagh Div.
Fletcher, John Robert Kebty-, Cheshire,
•.chant Div.
Frewen, Moreton, Cork Co., N.-E. Cork Div.
Gordon, Hon. John Edward, Brighton.
Hazleton, Richard, Galway co., N. Galway
Div. (since re-elected).
Henderson, Lieut. -Col. the Hon. Harold
Creenwood, Berkshire, X., or Abingdon,
Kemp, Lieut .-Col. Sir George, Manchester,
N.-W. Dm.
Kimber, Sir Henry, Bt.. Wandsworth.
■ >d, Capt. John Hendl-
Lansbury, George, Tmwtr Hamlets, Bow and
Bromley Div.
Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, lit., Cumberland, Cocker-
Logan, John William, Leicestershire.
Major the Hon. Charles Henry, Edin-
burgh, S
l.yttelton. Major the Hon. John Cavendish,
Worcestershire, Mid, or Drmii
tpL James Archibald, Sotting-
kam, E. /
Muldoon. John. Wicktow Co., B. Wicklow
(since re-elected for Cork Co., B. Cork
is, Cheshire, Hyde
, William, Cork City (reelected Feb.
Paget, Almeri. Hugh, Cambridge.
I . i mes, Bt . , Herefordsh ire, N.,or
■ ■ .
Rolleston, Sir John Fowlte Uncelot. Herts.
£., or Hertford, ■
Samuel. Sir Stuart Montagu. lit.. Tower
ha/el Dtv.
Sandys, Col. Thorn** Myks, Lmmmtkirt
;*'.), BtotU Div.
Taylor, Col. Gerald Kyffin-, Liverpool, Kirk-
dak Div.
Taylor, Thomas, Boltom-le- Moors.
Walker, Col. William Hall. Lancashire,
S.-W., Widrus Div.
Williams, Fliot Crawshay-, Leicester.
Wilson, Henry Joseph, Yorkshire, W. Riding,
S. Part, Hotm/irth Dm.
Wilson, Thomas Fleering, Lanarkshire, N.E.-
Yerburyh, Robert Armstrong, Chester.
Hazleton, Richard, Galway Co., N. GeUmmy
Div., and Louth Co., N. Louth Div. (but
catcd for the latter on petition).
Cooper, Richard Ashrcole, Walsall.
use, Rt. Hon. Charles Edward Henry,
P.C., Bristol, E. Div.
(Juiltcr, William Eley Cuthbert, Suffolk, S.,
or Sudbury, Div.
Mark, Hull, Centra
Astor. Major William Waldorf, Plymouth,
became " Hon." on his father s elevation to
the Peerage.
Beach. I I Hugh Hicks-, Glomes-
, or Tewkesbury, i
Viscount (^uenington on his father's
tion to an Earldom.
Henderson, Lieut. -Col. Harold Greenwood,
Berks, M, or Abingdon, Div., became
-.." on his father's elevation to the
Lycll, Charles Henry, Edinburgh, S
became " Hon." on his father's elevation to
McU>. Walter Stafford, /
mmww, Holland, orS/miding, Ph., became
" Hon. ' on his fathers tlevatioa to the
en. Henry Ihincsn. became "Hon."
on his father's elevation to the Peerage.
Partington, Oswald. Yorkshire, W. K,d,ng,
heceme " Hoo." en
his father's elevation to the Peerage.
Balcarres, Lord, Lancashire (N.), Chorley
Div., now Earl of Crawford.
Castlereagh, Major Viscount, M.V.O., Maid-
stone, now Marquess of Londonderry.
Dalrymple, Viscount, Wigtoivnshire, now
Earl of Stair.
Hamilton, Marquess of, Londonderry City,
now Duke of Abercorn.
Helmsley, Viscount, Yorkshire, N. Riding,
Thirsk and Mai ton Div., now Earl of
Lawson, Col. the Hon. Harry Lawson Webster
Levy-, Tower Hamlets, Mile End Div., now
Baron Burnham.
Morpeth, Viscount, Birmingham, S. Div.,
became Earl of Carlisle.
Peel, Hon. William Robert Wellesley, Taun-
ton, now Viscount Peel.
Rice, Capt. the Hon. Walter Fitz-Uryan,
Brighton, now Baron Dynevor.
Tullihardine, Brig.-Gen. the Marquess of.
M.V.O., D.S.O., Perthshire, IV. Div.
Willoughby de Eresby, Lord, Lincolnshire, S.
Lindsey, or Horncastle, Div., now Earl of
Donelan, Capt. Anthony John Charles, Cork
co., E. Cork Dh. (since then elected for
IVickloiv co., E. Wicklow Div.).
Hazleton, Richard, Louth co., N. Louth Div.
(but now sits for Gahttay co., N. Calway
King, Sir Henry Seymour, K.C.I.E., Hull,
Central Div.
Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney, IV est
Ham, N. Div. (since then elected for
Bethnal Green, S.-IV. Div.).
Mathias, Richard, Cheltenham.
St. Maur, Richard Harold, Exeter.
SaCOMMERCE house, sa
[ v>,,„Ks l.i„,^t>.,,! B 5j5 »\:^MIN«.H\M
Extract from Truth, October 3rd, 1917.
" In order to answer a recent enquiry from the front,
I obtained particulars of some ingenious devices for miti-
gating minor discomforts of camp life on active service,
especially those of cold and wet weather ; for example
a practical weather-proof tent that can be folded into
a parcel small enough to go into an overcoat pocket ;
a waterproof groundsheet weighing less than i lb., and
a capital sleeping bag which weighs no more than
ij lb. These are among many useful articles supplied
by the Lightweight Tent Co., 6i, High Holborn,
London, W.C.i, and I think my Service readers may be
glad to know of them."
(A Society for the Encouragement of Kindness to Animals).
President: .... The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Lonsdale.
1. AMBULANCES for Injured Horses in London and Provincial Towns.
2. AN ANIMALS' HOSPITAL for tne free treatment of the sick ami
— ^ ^ ■ injured animals of the necessitous Poor.
3. SH] fERS for Stray Cats in London. (Lethal Chambers on Premises.)
5. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS for strav Do?s and Cats at Bournemouth, Bedford,
^— — — — — — ^— — — — Folkestone, Ramsgate, Portsmouth, Southampton and
Dublin. (Lethal Chambers on Premises.)
OATMEAL AND WATER FOR HORSES during the Summer Months.
LOIN CLOTHS FOR HORSES of poor owners during Winter Months.
' ■ means of Lantern Lectures, Lending Libraries, Essays,
Competitions, Meetings, etc.
8. BLUE CROSS FUND for Horses in time of War.
9. DOG LICENCES granted to poor owners in really deserving cases.
10. It REWARDS those who do HEROIC DEEDS on behalf of Animals.
11. It ASSIST^ POOR PEOPLE with their Animals when in genuine distress.
Full Membership, £1 Is. per ann. Assoc. Membership, 2s. 6d. per ann. Life Membership, £25.
Subscriptions and Donations Urgently Needed
to carry out the above work.
ARTHUR J. COKE, Secretary, 58, Victoria Street, London, a.W. I.
Prime Minuter, and First Lord oj the Treasury
(£5,00°) .'. Rt. }hm. David Lloyd George,
Lord /'resident of the Council Rt. Hon. Karl Cunoa of Kedlest.
: I
Chancellor of the Exchequer (£5,000) K- II \ „lrew Bonar Law, P.C., MP.
I (unpaid)^ Rt. Hun. Viscount Milner. 1
Ministers (without portfolio) - „ >Gen. the Rt. Hon. Jan Christian Smut
Kt. Hon. George Nicol Rarnes, P.< Ml'
Thi above form the War Cabin r i
Lord High Chancellor (£10,000) Rt. li M.G.
Lord i Rt. Hon. the Earl of Cra
Secretary r oj ''State. Foreign Department (£5,000) Rt. Hon. Arthur Jaiws Balfour, P.C. Ml*
I.I..I'.. IM
Colonial Department (£5,000^ Rt. Hon. Walter Hume Long, P.C., Ml'
Indian Department (£5,000) Rt. Hon. Edwin Samuel M Ml'
War Department y£s,ooo) ... Rt. H
Home Department (£5.000) .. Rt. Hon. Sir George Cave, P.C., Ml'
Minister 0/ Munitions (£5,000) Major the Rt. Hon. Winston Leonard Spencer-
Churchill, r.< . mi
Fit st Lord of the Admiralty (£4,500) Rt. Hon. Sir Eric Campbell Geddes, P.C.,
l'ade(Xs,ooo) Rt.''Hon."sir' Albert* Henry Stanley, P.C.. M.P.
wernment Board {£$,000) ... Rt. Hon. William Hayes Fisher. IM '., M.P.
Fdiuation (£2.000) Rt. Hon. Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher. PC..
for Irelami (£4.425) Rt. Hon. Henry Edward Dake, P I
<'td(l~2.ooo) Rt. Hon. Robert Munro. I II
President oj Hoard oj Agriculture and Fisheries Rt. Hon. Rowland Edmund Prother
\Cis*.j) M V.O., M.P.
First Commissioner oj 'Works (£2,000) Rt. Hon. Sir Alt'r- L I't . V\ .
Uor of Duchy of Lancaster (£2,000) Rt. Hon. Baron Cawley, P.C.
Attorney-General (£6,000 and fees) Lieut.-Col. the Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Edwin
Minister of Blockade and Contraband Depart., Kt
■try of State, Foreign P.C, ICC Ml'
Department (J, 1, 500)
PaymasterGenetai Kt. Hon. Sir Joseph Compton Comptoi i
of Labour (£2, ex X>) n. George Henry Roberts
*Ood Controller {£2,-00). I
*J (£2,000) M.P.
l n,P.C,M.P.,M.D.
/ (£20,000) Rt Hot I •
r of Ireland (£6,000)
Ki II n Ml
<-(£a,ooo) I >»ald Campbell
! tonal Health lns»> in
try, Colonial Department (£1,500)
Indian n,p.ittment (£1,500) Kt Hon. Baron Islingt.
- O.
nt (£\,soo) |.utirs la.i Macpheraon, K*.) . M P
fa> v to MaitUnd. Be. M
"•tjrf JHfHy lever. K.C. B.
r rr,. I't . M I'
(£>,ooo) I I m*% James Macnamar.
to the Admiralty
1. (aJJttiemal) (unpaid).
> "tentary Secretary to Homed of Eehtmjjm
Kt Hon. John Herbert Lewis, P.C. M.P.
Parliamentary Secretary ,Board of ' Trade (£i, $00) George James Wardle, Esq., M.P.
Parliamentary Secretary, Local Government
Board(£i,soo) Stephen Walsh, Esq., M.P.
Parliamentary Secretaries, Board of / (,£1,500) \ Sir Richard Winfrey, M.l'.
Agriculture and Fisheries [ (unpaid) / His Grace the I >uk<- of Marlborough, K.G.. P.C.
Evans. BC.
Parliamentary Secretaries to Ministry 0/ Muni- \ MS% % \*ggZL ™0?hin?u"\ Kn
„»>,<< fi ™\ ' \ M.P. (also financial Secretary),
tions (£1,200).. ^Frederick George Kellaway, Esq., M.
Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry 0/ Labour
(£1,200) Wil
iain (live Hridgeman, Esq., M.P.
Col. the Rt. Hon. Frederick Leverton Harris,
P.C, M.P.
John Robert Clynes, Esq., M.P.
Lieut. -Col. Sir Arthur Sackvil'.e Trevor Griffith
Boscawen, M.P.
Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry 0/ Blocktuit
Parlinmcntaiy Secretary to Ministry 0/ Food ...
Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry 0/ Pensions
Parliamentary Secretary to Air Council Major Jchn Lawrence Raird, C..M.G
Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry 0/ Shipping
(£1,000) ..... Sir Leo G. Chiozza Money, M.P.
Parliamentary Seretaries to Ministry 0/ National J Rt. Hon. Viscount Peel.
Sennet (£1,200) \ Arthur Cecil Tyrell Reck, Esq., M.P.
Assistant Postmaster -General (£1,000) Rt. Hon. Herbert Pike Pease, P.C, M.P.
Parliamentary {Patronage) Secretaries to ^/Lieut.-Col. the Rt. Hon. Lord Edmund Bernard
j'albot, P.C, M.V.O., D.S.O., M.P.
VCapt. the Hon. Frederick Edward Guest, M.P.
'James Fitzalan Hope, Esq,, M.P.
John William Pratt, Esq. M.P.
James Parker, Esq , M.P.
Rev. Josiah Towyn Jones, M.P.
Lieut.-Com. William Dudley Ward, R.N.V.R.,
Adm. Sir Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss, K.C.B.,
C.M.G., M.V.O.
Vice-Adm. Sir Herbert Leopold Heath, K.C.B.,
Rear-Adm. Lionel Halsey, C.B., C.M.G.
Rear- Adm. Hugh Henry Darby Tothill, C.B.
Rear-Adm. Sydney Robert Fremantle, C.B.,
Vice-Adm. Sir Alexander Ludovic Duff, K.C.B.
^Rear-Adm. George Price Webley Hope, C.B.
. Hon. Ernest George Pretyman, P.C, M.P.
Alan Garrett. Anderson, K.B.E. (Controller).
Arthur Francis Pease, Esq.
Solicitor-General (£5,000 and fees) '....'. ' Rt. Hon. Sir Gordon Hewart, P.C, K.C., M.P.
Lord Advocate for Scotland '(£5,000) Rt. Hon. James Avon Clyde, P.C, K.C., M.P.
Solicitor-General for Scotland (£<2,ooo) Thomas Brash Morison, Esq., K.C, M.P.
Attorney-General for Ireland (£5,000 and fees) ... Rt. Hon. James O'Connor, P.C, K.C.
Solicitor „ „ (£2.000 and fees) ... Arthur Warren Samuels, Esq., K.C, LL.D., M.P.
Treasury (£2,000)
y.itiior Lords of the Treasury (£ 1,000)
Naval Lords of the Admiralty (£1,500)
Civil Lords of the Admiralty
f(£i,ooon Rt.
\ (£3,00°) J-Sir
l unpaid J Art
Political Appointments only.
Lord Chamberlain Rt. Hon. Viscount Sandhurst, P.C, G.C.S.I.,
Lord Steward Rt. Hon. Viscount Farquhar, P.C, G.C.V.O.
Master of the Horse Rt. Hon. Earl of Chesterfield, P.C, G.C.V.O.
Comptroller Sir Edwin Andrew Cornwall, M.P.
Vice-Chamberlain Lieut.-Com. William Dudley Ward, R.N. V.R.,
Rt. Hon. Baron Annaly, G.C.V.O. {permanent).
Rt. Hon. Baron Herschell, K.CV.O.
Rt. Hon. Baron Hylton.
Lords-in-Waiting \ Rt. Hon. Baron Kenyon, K.CV.O.
Maj.-Gen. Baron Ranksborough, C.V.O., C.B.
Rt. Hon. Baron Stanmore.
Rt. Hon. Viscount Valentia, C.B., M.V.O.
Capt. 0/ the Hon. Corps of Gentlemen at Arms . . Rt. Hon. Baron Colebrooke, P.C, C.V.O.
Capt.of the Yeomen of the Guard Rt. Hon. Baron Suffield, C.B., M.V.O.
<A) = Liberal.
ILlfim Liberal Unionist.
<C) = Conservative and U
».V)= Nationalist.
Association of Conservative Clubs, i, Sanc-
tuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, West-
minster, S.\V.i. Secretary: Frank Solbe.
British Socialist Party, Chandos Hall, 21 a,
lea I-ane, Charing Cross, W.C.j.
rttary : Albert Inkpin.
Cobden Club, Broadway Court, Westminster,
S W, Honorary Secretary : Rt. Hon. John
aid Murray Maolonald. P.C., M.P.
Secretary : F.J. Shaw. (Free Trade and
Eighty Club, 3, Hare Couit, Temple, E.C.
Hon. Secr:tary : H. Drysdale Woodcock.
Fabian 8ociety, 25, Tothill Street, West-
minster, S.W.i. Hon. Secretary: E. R.
Pease. Gen. Secretary : William Stephen
Free Trade Union, 69, Victoria Street, 8.W,
\iry. W . W. Champness.
Home Counties Liberal Federation, 4?, Parlia-
ment Street, Westminster, S. W. Secretary:
W If. Crook (A)
Gladstone League, 38 and 39, Parliament Street,
Westminster, S.W. Secretary: S. Holder.
Independent Labour Party, 8 and 9, Johnson's
t, Fleet Street. E.C. 4. Secretary:
Francis Joli-
Irish Unionist Alliance, 109, Grafton Street,
Dublin. //■ m kHeresford.
Labour Party, The, 1, Victoria Street
, tary : Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson,
rional Agent: A. Peters,
Liberal Central Association, »i, Abingdon
I tminstcr, S.W.t (A)
Liberal PubUcation Department, 41 42, Par-
liament Street, S.W. Secretary: Charles
Liberal Social Council. .,.. Victoria Street,
London Liberal Federation. 4> 4'. Parltaia»al
W, Mm
National Liberal Federation, 4
Sir Robert \. V- E. Assist.
Frank Barter. <A)
National Partv .imes'*.
National Unionist Association of Conserva-
tive and Liberal Unionist Organizations,
Unionist Central Office, 1, Sanctuary Build-
ings, Great Snaith Street, Westminster,
S.W.i. Joint Principal Agents and Hon-
orary Secretaries, Sir John Borastori and
William Jenkins. Secretary : Thomas Cox.
Primrose League, 64, Victoria Street. - W.
Grand Master : Earl Cur/on of Kedleston,
E.G., P.C., G.C.s (O
Scottish Liberal Association. Genera/ Sec
retary : William Webster, J. P. Eastern
Office— 95, Princes Street, Edinburgh.
Assistant Secretary: John Gunn. Was*
tern Office — 7, West George Street,
Glasgow. Assistant Secretary: William
Gibb. (A)
Scottish Unionist Association. ., Frederick
Street, Edinburgh.
Scottish Women's Liberal Federation,
• <t, Glasgow. (A)
Tariff Reform League, 7, Victoria Stret
Secretary : G. < .raham Anderson.
Ulster Unionist Council and Ulster Union
of Constitutional Associations. (>!
Hall, i l< I >aw*on Bates,
Union Defence League, 35. Victoria
f.trr: Philip G. Cambray. (Q
Unionist Associations of Ireland, 109, Grafton
Street, Dublin, and Unionist Headquarters,
Old To*.. Ball, Belfast. (C)
UniUd Club, a, M.tf Court, Fleat Street,
UniUd Insh League. 39. O'Conncll -
Upper, Dublin.
United Irish League of Orest Britain. 3 and
4t Smith Street. W.st,
.1/ Secretary: Pre .!•
Woaeas Libaral Fsderatiea. ,*>. \
v McArthur.
Wnmsi National Literal Aaeeeiatior
■*ry: Mrs. Weston. (A)
Ambre Egyptien, Chypre. Nirvana, Rose de Syrie, Sakountala. Syriana.
Cabiria, Yavahna, etc., etc.
Also the following FLORAL PERFUMES:
Rose- Rose. Violette de Damas. Muguet (Lily of the Valley), Oeillet
(Carnation), etc.
Also in Concentrated Essence convenient for Travelling.
The famous Bichara preparations for the eyebrows
and eyelashes, imperceptible in use. Also
which are renowned.
CIGARETTES AMBREES and other perfumed and unperfumed
cigarettes, specially blended and hand-made — have an ever-increasing ready
Perfumed. — Cigarettes Ambre^s, Chypre, Rose de Syrie. and Nirvana.
Unperfumed. — Dubec, Egyptian, Russian Blend, Virginian and Zarouk
Call in when you are passing— you will not be pressed to buy.
I Jffadam Ravenna
18, Buckingham Palace Road,
Duties of some of the Higher Officers of 8tate.
tute 6 Ann*, c. 41, the holder of an office of
frofit accepted from the Crown or the Lord-
.leuienant <>f Ireland,
a teat in Parliament, if the office be created
since 1705. The acceptor of any office
:ed before that year must vacate his
■ad submit himself to re-election : l»ut
by the Representation of the People Act,
1867, and some Amending Acts, holders
of the principal offices of State are re-
lieved from the obligation to submit them-
selves to re-election, upon a transfer from
one office to another ; the Law Offio
on transfer do not vacate. The legislation
on the subject is tangled and obscure, but
the result, broadly speaking, is that holders
of the higher political offices vacate their
on appointment, except in <.
•t-r. but may be re elected ; that holders
of minor political offices, who are 1
pointed directly by the Crown, e.g. Under-
of State, do not vacate their
on appointment ; and that Judges, and
members of the permanent Civil Service are
alined for a seat in Parliament. Holders
of the following Offices in the Ministry vacate
their seats on appointment, seeking re-
election : • — The Prrst I .<>rd of the Tr-
the Chancellor of the Exchequer; the Hirst
: of the Admiralty; the five Pi
of Stale (but not the Under
1 >f Pensions and
ir, and the President <>f the Air Council
• luring the war th< f Mu-
Blockade, the Controllers •>(
Food and Shipping) ; the Secretary for
,nd ; the Presidents of the Board of
■ . the Local « i aid the
:i ; the
r; the
• I : the Postn
I irst Co(nmU»ionei ol W
the Junior Lord* of the Treasury <>n tir>t
: and unpaid;; the Civil
•>f ihc Admiralty; the
> and Ireland ; the
Advocate for Scotland ; and the three
following officials
of tli- vacate their
Toiler of ihc Household ;
e pensions are not disqualified
mm appointed en Ambassador resigns
his seat.
ittfag is solely in
the power of oat h H"iis«? of Parliamei •
ntas he adjourned for more t"
i.iy by
i pursuant to
> mutt he on
.: reed to, except when there
1 'irgent
used as the means of
discussing a matter of «
,r proclamation
ijournmrnt by
been given, but this power has been placed
underlimitations by certain rules of procedure
Adjournment of debate may be moved by
member who has not spoken
original question, at any time beiore 1
v put, but it cannot bemovi
committee, and 1 ust !*• kept
strictly to the que*
case of grave disorder .
may if he thinks it nr
House without question put, or suspend any
sitting for a time to be nam-d b\
Chief of t! appointed to
discharge the offend Lord High Admiral.
He is the political head of the Navy, and it
is through him that the Cabinet r\
control over it.
!»S are incapable of voting for the
election of members of Parliament, neither
can they take their seats as mem!>crs for any
>. Is the modeby which
the decision of the House on a question may
be intercepted, by submitting
sideration an alternative prop
wholly or partially opposed 10 the original
A I Il-
legal adviser of the Crown; he insl
informations and ;
in matters i riminal, and snits |W si
concerning the Ki
Members voting in favour of a
rendered incapable of silting .«•
the expiration of
her has become a bankrupt, hi
and a writ will issue for the election of
another representative, aakai la the main
time the bankruptcy has been annulled.
Btl I ^. I'Kl :..llv]
Btl 1 . ;
the . - is not inquired to
I can be brought in either by prostata*
tioo (under the tcjoe rule > or by motion and
Proposals for bills relating 1
atkm, and the grant of public money must
Im moved in a committer of the whole
mendation of thr •<-» ih« first
reading a day is appointed for the second
rrsdmg. pY0Vt0W*h « 1 0» \»\\ 1.
printed, and each member supplied »•■>> *
copy. t)uKtission of the
may be held on any of its »t*fc
committee and on the stage of coeatderath
reading. After being read a second time
the bill, except in the case of a bill im-
posing taxes, or a consolidated fund or
appropriation bill, stands committed to one
of the four Standing Committees, unless the
House otherwise order. Bills so excepted
go to a committee of the whole House.
When the details of the bill have been
considered in Committee, and the bill has
been debated clause by clause, the chair-
man of the committee reports it to the
House. This he does by stating to the
Speaker that " the committee has gone
through the bill," and has either "made
amendments thereunto " or " directed him
to report the same without amendment."
If no amendment has been made, the bill
is ordered to be read a third time either
forthwith or on a future day ; but if the
committee have altered it the bill is ordered
to be considered as amended. If the amend-
ments are considerable, it is customary to
reprint the bill. On the consideration of a
bill as amended, amendments may be made
or new clauses (of which notice has been
given) may be added, such as could have
been proposed in Committee. A bill may
also be committed to a Select Committee
after second reading, but must in that case,
after it has passed the Select Committee, be
recommitted to a Committee of the whole
House On the third reading the judgment
of the House is expressed upon the entire
bill, and only verbal amendments can at thi.^
stage be made. During the progress of the
bill the House may divide on the following
questions : ist, on the motion for leave of
introduction (unless the Bill is presented
under the 1002 rule) ; 2nd, on the second
reading ; 3rd, on a motion to commit the
bill to a Committee other than a Standing
Committee, that the bill be recommitted ;
4th, that it be read a third time. These are
exclusive of the divisions that may be taken
on amendments proposed to be made to the
bill in committee, or on its consideration
as amended. After the passing of a bill,
the Clerk of the House takes it to the bar
of the House of Lords, and hands it to the
Clerk of Parliaments, signed and endorsed
in Norman French, with a request for con-
currence. In the Upper House it passes
through similar forms to those of the Com-
mons. If the Lords agree with the Com-
mons in the principle of a measure, but differ
on matters of detail, the bill is returned to
the Commons, bearing the amendments the
Lords propose : these are considered by the
Lower House, and if disagreed to, the bill
is returned back to the Lords with a mes-
sage assigning reasons for the disagreement.
A Public Bill, other than a Money Bill, as
defined by the Parliament Act, 191 1 (see
Money Bill), having been passed by the House
of Commons in three successive sessions, and
having been sent up to the House of Lords
one month before the end of the session, if
rejected by the House of Lords in each of
those sessions, can then be presented direct to
His Majesty for the Royal Assent, provided
that two years have elapsed between the date
of second reading in the first session of the Bill
in the House of Commons, and the date at
which it passes there in the third session. A
Bill is considered rejected by the House of
Lords unless it is passed by that chamber,
either without amendment or only with
' amendments agreed to by both Houses.
Differences between the Houses were for-
merly settled by a conference, but this
practice has now become obsolete. Acts of
amnesty are read only once in each House.
Bills that have passed both Houses remain
with the Lords, except those of supply,
which are sent back to the Commons, to be
by the Speaker presented at the bar of the
Lords for the Royal assent.
Board of Agriculture and
FISHERIES, Thi: President ok. Is head
of the Government Department controlling
matters dealing with lands, animals, rivers,
and the sea, as well as the Ordnance Survey.
This department, founded in 1889 as to
agriculture, was extended to cover fisheries
in 1903.
Board of Education, President
of. Has control of this Government De-
partment of Education for England and
Wales, and supervises the distribution of
the Government grants towards elementary,
secondary, technical. University, and all
other forms of public education ; the de-
partment has a large inspection and exami-
1 nation staff.
' Board of Trade, The. Considers all
matters especially relating to trade and
commercial relations. It consists of a Presi-
dent and several high officers of State,
though it is practically managed by a Presi-
dent and Parliamentary Secretary. It has
the general superintendence of all matters
relating to merchant ships and seamen, and
exercises a supervision over railways, har-
bours, electric lighting, the administration
of the Law of Bankruptcy, the registration
of Joint Stock Companies, etc., while it also
exercises financial control over the principal
lighthouse authorities. It collects and pub-
lishes statistics of the revenue, trade, com-
merce, wealth, population, etc. , of the United
Kingdom and its dependencies, as well as of
foreign countries.
Bribery. Both the giver and the
receiver of a bribe can be put into the wit-
ness-box and be compelled to answer any
questions, however they might criminate
themselves. The giver must say to whom
he gave, and what he gave, and where he
procured the cash. The receiver must say
what he received, and from whom he received
it. Any person who gives or receives a bribe
is disfranchised for life, and his name is to be
printed at the foot of every succeeding re-
gister of voters for that place in a distinct
list, headed " disqualified for bribery, treat-
ing, or undue influence." A candidate
personally guilty of bribery is incompetent
to sit in a Parliament for seven years. He is
liable to a penalty of 100/. to any person
who will sue lor it. He is liable to an in-
dictment for misdemeanour, and to be pun-
ished with fine and imprisonment. He is
incompetent to vote at any Parliamentary
or municipal election ; he cannot hold any
municipal or judicial office ; and, if a magis-
trate, is to be removed from the commission
of the peace. The offences of "bribery,"
"treating," and "undue and corrupt in-
fluence" are defined by statute law, especially
by the Corrupt, etc. , Practices Prevention Act.
1883. The maximum scale of expenditure
during an election now is in the case of a
County "jd. for each elector on the Register,
and sd. in the case of a Borough (with modifi-
cation for joint candidates). Expenditure
above this scale is an illegal practice, punish-
able by fine, and by electoral and parliamen-
tary disability. Payments by candidates for
conveyance of voters is prohibited. Penalties
for corrupt practices are increased ; and the
intervention of the Public Prosecutor at elec-
tion trials is prescribed.
Budgf.t, Tiik. Is ihe financial state-
ment laid annually by the Chancellor of the
Exchequerbefore Parliament of the estimated
public income and expenditure of the follow-
ing or current financial year. In it he
mentions what taxes it is proposed to re-
peal, to reduce, or augment, and what new
ones are to be imposed. In his speech
on this occasion the Chancellor reviews the
financial condition of the country, comparing
the income and expenditure of the previous
year with those of preceding years, justifying
the changes that are proposed to be made,
and estimating their probable effects.
Burgess. Is a person whose name
appears upon the Burgess Roll of Boroughs.
Burgess Roll. Is a list kept in each
municipal borough of the burgesses of the
The. A Committee formed
out of the Pnvy Council, which acts as the
connecting link between the Crown and Par-
liament. It is formed of the highest officers
of State, and always includes the First
Lord of the Treasury, the Lord Chancellor,
the Lord President of the Council, the Lord
Privy Seal, the Chancellor of the Exchequer,
the Secretaries of State, and the Firxt Lord
of the Admiralty. It also includes members,
selected from the following functionaries at
the discretion of the Premier: Coounis-
sinner of Works and Buildings. Chancellor
of the Duchy of Lan lent of
the Board of Trade, P eneral,
• tary for Scotland. Chief Secretary for
Ireland, President of the Ixxral Government
Board, President of the Board of F.dn
km ->f the Board of Agriculture, and
Attorney-General. The members arc all Privy
and being more immediately
responsible for the conduct of public affairs.
their deliberations are always considered
iential, and kept secret, even from
their colleagues who are not in the Cabinet.
Indc ! whatever is kept
resolutions or meetings, nor ha-
t>een recognized by Act of Parliament.
the former practice of both Houses when
urgent business was anticipated, days were
inted, when the name* of the members
were called over, and those who were not
then present wen 10 censure or
tes polled do not exceed 1 of total
poll in constituency.
(date's Expenses. [See under
Chairman of Committee of v
•cted by the House at the
beginning of each Parliament M
sides when • mnritteo, and
'•• is never
numbers arc equal. In the absence of the
Speaker, he or the Deputy Chairman pre
sides as Deputy Speaker, but onK
that office from day to day. He i
charged with a general superintendence
over Private Bill Legislation. A Deputy
Chairman is now also elected for each Par-
Chancellor of ti y of
Lancaster. Is a Minister appointed (by
surrender of the seal into his keeping) to
manage the Duchy of Lancaster estates:
he appoints magistrates for the County
Palatine of Lancashire, and performs duties
for Lancashire similar to those performed by
the Lord Chancellor for the rest of England.
Chancellor of tii „>uer,
The. Is the principal Finance Miaj
the Crown, and exercises the chief an
responsible control over the expenditure <>f
different branches of the public revenue, the
details of which are annually submitted for
revision. [See Budget.]
Chancellor, Th reated
by the will of the Sovereign, by the act of
delivering the Great Seal into his en
he holds office during the pleasure of the
Crown, but practically resigns office with his
party. He is Speaker of the House of Lords,
and by virtue of his office a Member of the
\ Council. He issues writs for sum-
moning Parliament, and transacts all business
connected with the custody of 1 1 ■
He is principal adviser to the Crown in
matters of law. President of the Supreme
I of Judicature, and head of the profes-
sion of the law. 1 1 t he judges of
the High Court, the judges of county i
inserts the names of justices in the com-
missions of the peace, and is patron of all
Crown livings rated DM ..nnutn
visitor in right of the Crown of all
hospitals and colleges of Royal foundation,
ises a special
jurisdiction in questions relating to eha
I the hkxxl royal, and next below the
but presides oeej
- of Lords whether so created or not.
the office is put into commissi
CH INOI "i M: [See Seals
of Office.)
CHILI \dreiis. The three
ham, comprise the southernmost part of the
fills, a ranee of chalky hi
and Goring.
Tbe office of " The Steward of the
Chiltetn Hundreds- is supposed to have
> of depredators who in forraet
the forests with
vote is never given in
when, on a division, the
..f the
|e»,Kn thru .rjil»
under the Crown. The
hisafRce are
.hip. of the Manors of N
Hcmpholme are analogous offices.
for re-election to sent* Dins vented cannot
Clerk of thk House 01 Commons.
Is appointed by letters patent : performs the
office of president during the election of the
Speaker ; sits at the upper end of the table,
with two assistants ". is responsible for the
record of the proceedings of the House ; signs
all its orders, endorses bills sent to the House
of Lords, ami reads aloud such documents as
the House may require. The appointment of
the Clerks in the service of the House, other
than Clerks at the table, is vested in this officer.
Clerk of the Parliaments occu-
Eies an analogous position in the House of
,ords to the Clerk of the House of Commons.
Closure of the Debate can, by
Standing Order, be obtained upon the motion
of any Member, unless the Speaker or the
Chairman of Committees withholds hisassent.
Colonies, Secretary of State for
the. Has under his control matters con-
nected with the government of our extensive
colonial possessions.
COMMITTALS. The House of Commons
has the power to repress any aggression com-
mitted upon its privileges, and it can order
into custody any person so offending. Such
imprisonment, however, expires at the end of
the session.
Committee of Public Accounts,
The. Examines the accounts showing the
appropriation of sums granted annually by
Parliament to meet the public expenditure.
It consists of not less than eleven members
(the more usual number being fifteen), who
are nominated at the commencement of
each session.
Committee on Public Petitions,
Th e. Reports throughout the session a classi-
fied list of the petitions presented to the
House, and scrutinises them for the purpose
of seeing whether or not they are in order.
I '< immittees, Standing. There are
four of these, consisting of not less than 60
nor more than 80 members, appointed by
the House of Commons pursuant to Stand-
ing Order, to which all bills stand com-
mitted after second reading, unless the
House otherwise order, except Bills im-
posing taxes, or consolidated fund or ap-
propriation or provisional order Bills.
Committees. Those of the whole
House are generally for the purpose of con-
sidering resolutions, or the details of a bill,
or for financial purposes, such as those for
"Supply" or "Ways and Means." Select
Committees are for specific purposes, and the
numbers composing them, as a rule, consist
of fifteen members. Presence of strangers is
generally permitted by Commons Committees
while witnesses are under examination, but
not while the Committee deliberates. Mem-
bers are entitled to be present throughout
Committee sittings, unless the House other-
wise order, or unless it be a Secret Com-
mittee. The consideration of private bills is
referred to Committees consisting of four
members. Under Standing Order, Select
Committees can sit during the sitting of
the House, except while the House is at
prayers. When the whole House goes into
Committee, the Speaker vacates the chair,
the mace is placed under the table, and
the Chairman of Ways and Means, or in
his absence the Deputy Chairman or another
member, is called on to preside.
Conference, a. b the meeting of a
delegated number of Peers and of members
of the Commons' House to communicate a
written message upon matters in which it is
desirable that the two Houses should co-
operate. At a " free conference " the subject
of the written message may be taken into
debate. Conferences are not now often
resorted to, having been practically super-
seded by informal negotiations between lead-
ing members of the two Houses.
Controverted Elections. The trial
of election petitions is regulated by a sta-
tute which transfers the entire jurisdiction
to the Courts of Law. A petition complain-
ing of an undue election must be presented
within 21 days after the return of the writ,
unless it questions the return on an allegation
of corrupt practices, etc.. in which case it
may be presented at any time within 28 days
atter the day of payment. Thus the practice
of promising at the election and paying after
the time had elapsed for the presentation of a
petition is met by permission being given to
petition between 28 days after the payment
of the bribe, whensoever made. At the time
of presentation of a petition, or within three
days after, security for ^1,000 is to be given
by those who present it for payment of all
costs, charges, and expenses that may become
payable by the petition.
Count-out. If a member takes notice
of the number present, the Speaker counts
the House, and if forty members be not pre-
sent, the Speaker adjourns the House without
question put, till next sitting-day. Under
the existing Standing Orders of the House
cannot be counted out between 8.15 and
9.15 o'clock p.m. [See No House.]
Courts of Revision. [See Registra-
tion of Voters and Revising Barrister.]
Demise of the Crown. Since the
Reform Act of 1867 the Demise of the
Crown does not necessitate a Dissolution,
but if at the time of the Sovereign's death
Parliament happens to be adjourned or
prorogued it must meet immediately. If,
however, there is no Parliament in existence
at the moment, the old Parliament again
meets, and may serve for six months. Since
1901 the holding of any office under the
Crown, whether within or without the
Hritish Dominions, is not affected by
the Demise of the Crown.
Deputy Chairman, The. Presides
in the absence of the Chairman of Ways
and Means, when the House is in Com-
mittee, and may act as temporary Deputy
Speaker in the absence of both the Speaker
and the Chairman of Ways and Means.
Deputy Speaker. [See Chairman
of Committee of Waysand Means, and Deputy
Disfranchise. Is the act of taking
away the privilege of the franchise.
Disqualified to Vote. Persons
whose names do not appear upon the Register
of Voters ; men under twenty-one years of
age (or nineteen if in naval or military em-
ploy) ; women under thirty years of age ;
conscientious objectors (during the War and
for five years after) with certain exceptions ;
lodgers in furnished rooms ; non-British
subjects ; those legally incapacitated {i.e.
those not of sound mind ; those convicted
of bribery- or perjury, etc.).
Is the civil death of
the Parliament, and may be effected at plea-
sure by the Crown, or by length of time
(five years). [Up to 191 1 the maximum
wagta of ■ Parliament was seven j
ts an end to the representative character
of the members, and a new Parliament cannot
be assembled until after a general election.
-ion, A. Is the mode of taking
the votes of each House of Parliament. In
the Commons, if the opinion of the Speaker
or Chairman as to (he decision of a question
is challenged, he directs that the lobbies be
cleared. After two minutes he puts the
question again, and, if his opinion is still
challenged, he nominates tellers, and directs
the "ayes" and the "noes" to go into the
right and left lobbies. Whilst meml • 1
through the lobbies, clerks record the names
of those present and the tellers count the
numbers. The tellers then return to the
e, and their report of the numbers is
finally announced from the Chair.
I lection. A member re-
turned by two constituencies must within
seven days after the expiration of the time
limited for the presentation of petitions against
the returns, elect for which he will seive.
DOUBLK ReTDKN. When two mem-
bers are returned for one vacancy, they are
sworn and take their seats u"t by the
ser's direction withdraw below the
bar ; nor can they vote till the return has
been adjudicated upon.
s of Tin-. Day. Are
those Orders upon which no action is taken
r-.ctions given by the Member in charge.
drop from the Order Paper accord-
. but may be subsequently revived.
Iers standing upon the order
paper which were not reached, owing to an
rtiment of the House. They are net
e paper for the next sitting-day.
In default of directions from a Member in
charge of a Bill on the Order paper it is
dropped, but may be subsequently revived.
At a General Election
a person may vote in two (but not more)
an officer
appointed annually, whose duty it is to take
■M ]<
ill. Ate JMH
H- I r
the new Parliament, and the polling (*'
must be on the ninth day after the
nation. If at the expiration of one
after the time appointed for the
more candidates arc nominate*
to (ill. the
candidates elected, and returns their
names to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery.
Hut if the candidates nominated exceed the
vacancies, the officer adjourns the election,
and takes the poll, by ballot papers, accord-
ing to a prescribed form. The officer at the
close of the poll opens the ballot boxes and
I the papers, and returns the names of
those who have the majority to the Clerk of
the Cr<«
tested clectio::
with compartments t
their \
of these is pr,
by the returning c
commenced ai
all th<-
ri\c public notice "
the names of the el<
In a con-
re provided,
ation. I
rs appointed
polling is
taneously at
the total number of votes given for each can-
didate. The officer then returns tl;.
with the name or names of the person or per-
• lee ted endorsed thereon, A To the Clerk
of the Crown in Chancer)-," to whom also all
the documents relating to the el*
li vered. Immediately after a public notice of
election, an elected candidate is considered
to be a member of Parliament, but cannot act
as a legislator until he has taken the oaths.
Election Petii See Contr<>-
%'eried Elections.)
Eleven O'CLOCK Rc i.k. [Sec Time
of Meeting.]
Estates of tiik Rbai m. The three
estates of the realm are the three branches
ature— the Lords Sp ritual, the
;«>ral. and the Commons. The
and Commons, in their
united character, • <- but legisla-
tive functions; they form the Parliament, and
subject to the provisions of the Parliament
Act (tost), no lull can become law unless all
ir in it. In addition, each has separate
functions p<
the \> vested. The
M of Lords exercise* judu rial autli
a court of ultimate appeal, and 1
the I.ov» er House, are amenable. The House
of the nation •■-. and withihe levy
of taxation to provide for that expend > 1
i 1 alto
1 ision or Mimi
poiUMid by the House of Common*. It has
beau eaercteed from lima to time to free
Parliament from the 1
, sucr. as men found guilt > of f. mm.
or as a punishment for offence*
,o,„miti*xi*i*»nnth,- Heat*
V.i mf irttul disiin. t..n l»n..»r.|
may have been returned.
The financial concern* of
the State devolve upon the Chancellor of the
moms. /w iniormaj utsuaruon urn
upon the Member who has sa
for the longcM unbroken period of
First Lord of the Treasury. Is
Chief of the Commissioners appointed to
execute the office of Lord High Treasurer,
but as such takes no great part in the
management of the Treasury. He has
several Civil Service appointments in his
gift, and nominates to Crown livings and
Civil Li*t pensions. This is the position
usually, though not always, taken by the
Prime Minister or the Leader of the House
of Commons.
Foreign Affairs, Secretary of
State for. Has the exclusive charge of
the interests of the British Empire and
British subjects in foreign countries. He
negotiates all treaties, leagues, and alliances
with foreign states, either directly with the
Foreign Minister at this Court, or through
the British Ambassador abroad ; and is the
official organ and responsible adviser to the
Crown in all communications between his
Government and foreign powers.
Franchise. In law, is defined as
"a Royal privilege, or a branch of the
Sovereign's prerogative subsisting in the
hands of a subject." As applied to Parlia-
ment the term means the right to vote at an
election for a member of Parliament. Under
the Representation of the People Act (1918)
the franchise extends to all men of full age
(not subject to legal incapacity), and having
the requisite residential or business premises
qualification (six months) ; women on attain-
ing the age of thirty and being entitled to be
registered as Local Government Electors or
whose husbands are so entitled ; and those
employed on war service on attaining the
age of nineteen {i.e. naval and military em-
ployment, Red Cross work, etc., merchant
seamen, pilots, and fishermen. University
Franchise demands for men in England and
Wales receipt of a degree (not honorary),
while women must have fulfilled certain
Freemen. Ave persons who have been
admitted to the freedom of a corporate town,
or of any other corporate body.
Friday Sittings. The House meets
every Friday (up to 1902 it used to be
Wednesday) at twelve o'clock. Friday until
Whitsuntide is set apart for the bills brought
in by private members, and the House, unless
previously adjourned, continues to sit until
the business of the day is disposed of, or until
5.30 p.m. (no opposed business being taken
after five). On the disposal of business, or at
5.30, the Speaker adjourns the House without
putting any question, and the business under
discussion, or undisposed of, stands among
the orders of the day for the next sitting of
the House.
General Election. [See Election
of Members.]
Government Business. Unless the
House otherwise direct, Government busi-
ness has precedence at every sitting except
after 8.15 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday
and at the sitting on Friday; after 8.15
p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday notices of
motion and public bills, other than Govern-
ment bills, have precedence of Government
business ; after Easter, Government business
has precedence during the whole of the
Tuesday sittings ; after Whitsuntide, Govern-
ment business has precedence at all sittings,
except on the third and fourth Fridays
after Whit Sunday.
Government Orders, are the bills
brought in by the Government and other
Government business appointed by the
House, which are entitled to be placed
at the head of the list at sittings when
Government business has precedence.
Hempholme. [See Chiltern Hun-
Home Department, Secretary of
State for. The duties and responsibilities
of this high officer comprehend the main-
tenance of the internal peace of the United
Kingdom, the security of the laws, ami the
general supervision of matters relating to the
administration of criminal justice.
House of Commons. According to
the theory of the English constitution, the
House of Commons represents the whole
population, and it is unconstitutional to sup-
pose that members are delegates of any
special community. Each member is held
to represent the interests of the nation. The
proceedings of the Commons are regulated
by standing orders, which are the per-
manent bye-laws of the House, by sessional
orders renewed annually, and by the custom
of Parliament, as embodied in rules and regu-
lations established by usage, or laid down in
the journals. The following is an outline of
parliamentary practice : — A motion for the
grant of public money may not be presently
entered upon, but must be put to the vote
on a future day in a Committee of the whole
House, having received the previous recom-
mendation of the Crown. Notice, as a rule,
must be given of every motion, and, except
in committee, it must be seconded. There
must never be more than one question before
the House at the same time. However many
amendments may be proposed upon amotion,
each one is separately disposed of. If there
be a majority for any words standing part of
a question to be put to the House, then a vote
is taken on the question with these words
in it. In case of the rejection of every
amendment, then the original proposal, what-
ever it may be, motion or bill, is put to the
vote, stripped of all the counter proposals
which the debate has called forth. No mem-
ber can thus be driven to vote for what he
does not approve ; for after having voted in
favor of such amendments as he may propose
to the original question, he can vote against
it in the end. No motion or bill may be
offered upon which a judgment has been
expressed during the current session ; a
resolution may, however, be rescinded, or an
order of the House discharged. A bill that
has passed both Houses contains all the
sentences and words composing the Act of
Parliament to which the Royal Assent is
given. When a member speaks, it must be
to some question before the House, or to
introduce a question. The mover of a
substantive motion is permitted a reply,
and those who have spoken to the original
question may speak again when an amend-
ment or a new question, such as the adjourn-
ment of the debate has been proposed :
but otherwise no one is entitled to more
than one opportunity of speaking on a
question, except when the House is in Com-
mittee. No member may call another by his
name ; if it is desired to call personal atten-
tion to him, he must be referred to by his con-
stituency, or by the office which he holds.
member may interrupt another by
" rising to order," />., calling the attention
of the chair to the fact that a breach of order
:en being committed. It is supposed to
be out of order for a member to refer to debates
in the House of Lords of the current Session.
ill is converted into law unless it ha-«
(subject to the provisions of the Parliament
rail) received the duly expressed ap-
I of both Houses and has received the
Royal Assent. Public bills for imposing taxes
or charges begin with the Commons. Bills
for restitution of honours and in blood (which
are, however, very rare) begin in the Peers.
A member who moves the adjournment of
a debate is by courtesy entitled to speak
rir>t when the debate is resumed. Hut this
rule does not apply to the renewal of debate
in a Committee of the whole House. For
the sake of convenience, certain parties-
ministerial, opposition, or otherwise— group
themselves on benches which they appropriate
to themselves. When several memlx--
to address the House, the Speaker or Chair-
man signifies who shall have precedence ; this
is known as " catching the Speaker's eye."
Reference to the opinions of the Sovereign
to influence a decision of the House is
:lar. Forty is the quorum of the
Commons. [See Bills, Public]
k of Lords. The House of
Lords consists of all Royal and other peers
(not being minors, of unsound mind, or
bankrupt) who hold hereditary peerages of
ind, of Great Britain, and of the llnited
lorn, all Life Peers, the Archbishops
mterbury and York ; the Kishops of
London, Durham, and Winchester; twenty-
s (exclusive of the Bishop
of Sodor and Man, who has neither seat nor
vote) according to seniority of consecration ;
l>eers specially summoned
,-r's lifetime ; and sixteen -
lament only),
and i I or life) repre-
Wh-n the Roll of th<
a called over in the House on the occasion
y public cen .imences with
the junior baron. [See Bills, Public]
Parliament were burned in Octo-
ber, 1814, but it was not until February 26th,
1840, that tl of the new 1
was i es Barry being the
! not proceed very
rapi<! of Lords was
: until 1852 that the
. opened by t^ucen
nth-west angle, «
I in the
world; there are spires that are high
no to
oria Tower
tan the top
is majestic
only be raited at the rate of
-cessary to let
it was not finished
I « hole block of building..
» the
is 430 -upwards of 60
tower could 01
the word Mttl<-
ifke tn
world, oners an area of about nine ac
and presents a continuous frontage of nearly
1.100 ft. to the r:
Towers being respectively at the
and northern extremities. Seen from the
river there is a centre part with towers, two
wings, and a tower at each end. The exterior
is formed of magnesian limestone from Anston
in Yorkshire, and the interior of Caen stone,
while the building is rendered fireproof by
having all the beams and girders made of
iron, and the arches between the floor* of
brick. Facing the building towards the
river, the House of 1 [■ the right,
the House of Commons in the left wing.
Between them is the Central Hall, erhl
reached from the principal public en-
trances through St. Stephen's Hall, and
in which are statues of Hampden, Falk-
land, Clarendon, Selden, Somers, Sir Robert
Walpole, Lord Mansfield, Lird Chatham,
Pitt, Fox, Burke, and ('irattan. The walls
of the corridors leading from the two II
of Parliament to this nail are covered with
celebrated fresco paintings by Cope, H
and others, of historical subjects, such as
"The Departure of the Pilgrim Fat
"The Last Sleep of Argyll," etc. The
■ of Lords is nearly 100 ft. long by
45 ft. wide and 45 ft. high. The length
extends from south to north, and it is lighted
by six windows at each side, and the ceiling,
which is horizontal 'not arched), is divided
by ribs, carved and gilt, into eighteen com-
partments, each of which is again subdivided
into five panels bearing heraldic devi- 1
an azure ground. At each extremity of the
chamber, and at a distance of about 30 ft.
from the ground, which is the level of the
windows, are three compartments filled with
fresco paintings. There are also if ni
between the windows and at each end of
the H ing statues of the M
Chart.i baron-.. The Reporters* Gallery,
and that for Stranger*, are at the north end
of the House, while opposite to them, at
the south end,
the tw
Blucher, and
lively. I
Throne and in tt
ance of wool to th
the exp.
in the retg
is the Throne. Gall-
>n and
IrlvHi re»t>c«
ty was lorUddc,
tabeth ; on each
side of it are five rows of seats covereu with
morocco leather, the upper scats being
hed by Mir the " Bar i»
the north cud. opposite the Throne and
vck." lieyorxl the House of
Lords to the sooth arc the Peers* Robing
Room and I Kobing Room. At
,-ning of Parliament all imreim and
the eldest sons of peers are entitled tO *e*t»
House of l-ords to view the cereusony.
ft lone, space being ecunosnUcd
inch as possible for acoustic ^ reasons.
The IpesVbar's Chau » at the aorta and .*
the chamber, and at the opposite or couth
end are the Strangers' tfalkry and the
gallery for Distinguished Visitors. At each
side are calleria* (containing two rowa of
In- Rapamw' Gallery is at th* n.«ih and
.allonr «» ai>
Clerk , Table is before the .•spanker's <
with the Speaker's mace resting at its southern
end. The leading Members of the party
that is in office sit on the front row of seats
by the side of this table, and on the right
hand of the Speaker. Facing them on the
front row at his left are the leaders of the
Opposition party. The division lobbies art-
tin the east and west sides of the House, and
the "Bar" is at the south side, facing the
Speaker. The Clock Tower, containing
"Big Ben," is at the northern end of the
building. It is 40 ft. square, and, with the
belfry and spire, about 320 ft. high. It is
contrary to precedent for Parliament to
adjourn for many days at the period of a
India, The Secretary of State
for. Has the control of all matters con-
nected with our Indian Empire.
Instruction, An, empowers a Com-
mittee of the whole House to consider matters
not otherwise referred to them, and restricts
or extends the order of reference to a Select
Ireland, The Chief Secretary
for. This is the usual style of the Chief
Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland,
and he is the Member of the House of
Commons and the Cabinet Minister who is
responsible in Parliament for the conduct of
Irish affairs.
"I Spy a Stranger." The terms in
which a Member notifies the Speaker that a
stranger is present in the House.
Knight of the Shire. The designa-
tion by which the representative of a county
or shire was, before the Ballot Act of 1872,
distinguished from the representative of a
Le Roy le veult. The words in
which the King gives the Royal Assent to
public general bills.
Le Roy remercie ses bons sujets,
\ i 11.T. The words in which the King gives
the Royal Assent to a bill of suppiy.
Ll Roy s'avisera. The words in
which the King might refuse the Royal
Assent to a bill.
Leave OF ABSENCE from the service of
the House is granted to members for a speci-
fied time, on reasonable cause assigned.
LETTERS addressed to members at the
House of Commons are kept by a c'erk from
the General Post Office, who attends during
the sitting of the House, and also from 10a.m.
to 7 p.m., and delivers them only to the
members personally, or to their authorised
representatives. All letters or communica-
tions directed to the House are opened by
the Speaker.
Like of Parliament. [See Parlia-
liament Act.]
Local Government Board. Is the
central authority for County, Municipal,
Sanitary, and Poor Law administration in
Kngland and Wales ; it includes several
high officers of State, but practically the
responsibility rests with the President, who
is assisted by a Parliamentary and a Per-
manent Secretary, as well as other officials.
Lodger Franchise. Those in
furnished rooms are not qualified to vote.
Lord Advocate, The. is the prin-
cipal law officer of the Crown and public
prosecutor in Scotland, and when the Secre-
tary for Scotland is a Peer he is intrusted
with the conduct of Scotch business in the
House of Commons.
Lord Privy Seal, The. Has the
custody of the Privy Seal, which he must not
put to any grant without good warrant under
the Monarch's signet. The seal is used to all
charters, grants, and pardons signed by the
Sovereign, before they come to the Great Seal.
He is appointed by letters patent, and takes
rank next to the Lord President of the
Council, and before Dukes.
Male Voters. [See Franchise.]
Manors of Northstead and IIemp-
moi.me. [See Chiltern Hundreds.]
Members' Gallery. Persons de-
sirous of admission should make written
application to a member who can ballot for
two places, six days in advance. If the
member is successful in the ballot, a ticket
of admission, bearing a number, .corre-
sponding to one on the counterfoil, will then
be issued, either to the member himself, or
to the visitor, if his name and address are
supplied to the Admission Order Office. On
a person presenting his ticket of admission,
he is required to sign his name and
write his address, as given on the written
application and entered on the counterfoil.
After 4.15 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, and after
12.15 p.m. on Friday, a visitor, on pre-
senting himself at the Admission Order
Office, will be given an order which will
admit him to the Members' Gallery when
there is a seat vacant on that day. The
Special Gallery and "Under the Gallery"
are filled by the application of members to
the Serjeant-at-Arms at the Admission ( )rder
Office six days in advance, and orders to fill
vacancies during the sitting of the House
after 4.15 p.m. (and 12.15 P-m- on Friday)
are only granted on the personal application
of members to the Serjeant-at-Arms in his
Members' Lobby. This, is strictly
reserved for peers and members only, and
for such permanent officials, secretaries of
Ministers, and others as the Speaker may
include in a special list.
MEMBERS of Parliament are under a
constitutional obligation to attend the service
of the House; and the House is empowered
to punish neglect of this duty by committal
to custody. The service on Committees may
be enforced in like manner. Having secured
a seat at Prayers, a member is entitled to re-
tain the same until the rising of the House.
He may place a card on any seat before the
hour of Prayers, but his claim to the seat is
not recognised unless he be present at
Prayers. This indulgence is authorised for
the benefit of Members serving on Com-
mittees. [See Payment of Members.]
Ministry, The. Is the administration
which exercises the powers of the Crown, in
accord With Parliament, and more especially
with the House of Commons. Some eminent
party leader, who either has, or who hopes to
obtain, the confidence of the majority of the
House of Commons, is authorized by the
Sovereign to form a Ministry, the members
of which he selects from those favourable to
his policy, he himself being the Prime Minis-
■•ig commonly, though not ..
:tice of First Lord of the Treasury.
Ministers who are not Peers should be
memr>ers of the House of Commons. The
••rcises supreme authority, and
includes the executive, the legislative, and
the judicial powers of the Crown, and in it
for the time being the whole of the governing
power of the Sovereign is vested. [See
I Seals of Office.]
The right of granting
and Supplies is in the Commons alone
essential part of their Constitution, and
the House of Commons has in its own hands
the power to impose and remit Taxes and
to frame Hills of Supply. If a Money Bill,
as defined by the Parliament Act(ioii), is
not passed by the House of Lords without
amendment one month after it is sent up (at
■ne month before the end of a M
to that House, it may be presented dil
Majesty for the Royal Assert. With
the Speaker restl the decision whether a Hill
Honey Bill as so defined or not.
MOTION, A. The offer of a substantive
proposition for adoption by the House, such
for leave to bring in a bill, or of
I'.ition expressive of an abstract opinion.
[See also Notices of Motion.]
Kor a member to be named
by the Speaker, is a signification that in his
m he has incurred the displeasure of the
Members voting against a mo-
NO i I--' - k. There is " No House " if,
upon notice taken, it appears that forty mem-
•it ; but when the Commons
inunoned by the Sovereign, or the Royal
attend at the bar of the
any number of members
constitutes a ! - Count-out. 1
Chiltern Hun-
The notice of
tended morion must as a nde appear on
usiness paper of the House on the day
period after
8.15 1 Wednesday is
appointed 1 e ration of notices of
■ bills set down for those
rder in which notices of
motion stand is determined by a ballot.
' lie oath at any time
<-, before the
uer :hey have been
Inwlniw may
be int. hat purpose.
-li.-r by tlir Sovei
person, His Majesty being robed 1
tin of great length,
with k..\., spotted
symmetrically with some 10,000 pieces of
ig Room, and the
worn by the
g borne by the Lord
the Council, the
advances into the House of Peers the Cap
of Maintenance being borne immediately
before His Majesty, on the right hand of
the Sword of Sute. Their Majesties'
Jirocession customarily takes the following
brm :—
erry-in- Gentlemen Groom-in -
siting to ' Usher- 4 to
I Her Majcs:
< Equerry-in-Waiting Equerry-in-Waiting *
|L to His Majesty. to His Majesty. ^J
< Gentlemen L'sher to the Robes. *
H The Comptroller of The Treasurer of h
The Private
Secretary to
His Majesty.
King of Arms.
The Keeper of
His Majesty's
1'rivy Purse.
King of Arms.
The Lord President of the Council
(who bears the Imperial Crown when not
worn by the Sovereign >.
The Lorof High Chancellor.
The Gentleman Usher Garter Principal
of the Black Rod. King of Arms.
The I.ord
Earl Marshal. Great Chamberlain.
The Bearkr of thk Sworo or State.
accompanied by
The The
Lady-in-W., - tress of the Robes.
Tli Ichamber.
The Master of the Horse. The Lord Steward.
The Lord in Waiting The Lord Chamberlain
to Hi r Majesty.
I'.i^es .if Honour.
Aide-de 1 \dtniral
General to Gold Stick- of the United
in-Waiting. Kingdom.
Captain of the Yeomen Captain of the Corps
of the Guard. of Gentlemen- at Arms.
The Gentleman Usher The Compti
to the Lord Chamber bun's
. ■ ■■ .
ide Waiting. .King.
An Officer of the respective Corp* of the
< lend— and Yeomen of the <
The King being seated on his Throne,
the I ..til bearing the Cap of Mainten-
ance stands 00 the Steps of the Throne
00 the
The Lord I
and 1 "hal stand on the right.
mi Um Lord Prirj Seal -. 1 - • ■■•■ H««
Maj. lord Great Chamberlain
stand* on tht Steps of the Throne on the
and of the Sovereign, to receive the
'I Command*. The Lord Steward and
the other officer* of the Household arrange
at Officer, of
When Hi* Ma,-
cession return* to the Robing Room. » her
lenance to borne only from the Robing Room
loand trom the House, and wh*
t worn by tbe King, it to carried
Majesty by the Peer appointed to
carry it. who takes bis piece on tbe right he*
[ends on the Steps of the Throne
right, and the Peer bea
on tbe left. Tbe Creel
of the Throne, next to the Earl Marshal . The
old State Chair occupied by the Sovereign
on these occasions was designed l>y Augustus
Welby Pugin, the eminent architect, who
was employed in the designing, erection,
and decoration of the Houses of Parliament ;
it has been in the House of Lords since the
completion of that Chamber, and was used
by Queen Victoria when she opened or
prorogued Parliament in person. The State
Chair provided for the Queen Consort is an
exact replica of the old, but an inch and a half
lower. The frame is mahogany elaborately
carved, but the wood is nowhere visible, being
entirely covered with a rich gilding of
English leaf-gold, the legs resting upon four
lions couchant. The back is gabled and of
lofty pitch, with moulded columns on each
side, surmounted by a lion and a unicorn
holding scrolls, while in the centre, higher
still, is a representation of the Imperial
Crown. In the middle of the back are the
quarterings of the Royal Arms of England,
embroidered with gold-coloured silk on
crimson velvet, with a surrounding border
studded with pieces of rock crystal. The
cushion to the seat is also of crimson velvet
richly embroidered with the white Tudor
rose and leafage. There is also a gilded
footstool to match, which is oblong in shape,
the top being covered with velvet em-
broidered in gold, the pattern being sprays
of roses with a border of fleur-de-lis.
Order. [See Speaker, etc.]
Orders of the Day, The. Are the
bills or matters set down for consideration on a
particular day. [See Government Orders.]
Parliament. Is the name of the su-
freme legislature of the United Kingdom,
t was first used in the reign of Henry III.
[See Estates of the Realm.]
Parliament Act. The main pro-
visions of the Parliament Act 191 1 (1 & 2
George V. c 13) are : (1) If the Lords with-
hold their assent to a money bill for more
than one month after the bill has reached
them, the bill may be presented for the
King's assent, and, on that assent being
given, will become law without the consent
of the Lords. The Act gives a definition of
a "money bill," and it is for the Speaker
of the House of Commons to certify that a
bill falls within the definition. Before giving
his certificate he is to consult two Members
of the House of Commons for that purpose. I
(2) If a bill other than a money bill is passed
by the Commons in three successive Sessions,
whether of the same Parliament or not, it
may, on a third rejection by the Lords, be
presented for the King's assent, and, on that
assent being given, will become law. But
two years must elapse between the date of
the second reading in the first of those
Sessions and the date at which the bill
parses the Commons a third time. Pro-
vision is made against the identity of a bill
being destroyed by the introduction of
amendments made necessary by lapse of
time or agreed to by both Houses. (3) Five
years was substituted for seven years as the
maximum duration of a Parliament. [This
period has been specially extended on
several occasions during the War.
Parliamentary Agent. Is a pro-
fessional gentleman who acts as Solicitor in
promoting private bills.
Parliamentary Secretary to the
Treasury. Also known as the Pat;
Secretary to the Treasury. [See below.]
Patronage Secretary to the
Treasury. The. Is the Parliamentary
Secretary to the Treasury, but is also so-
called, as he exercises certain patronage
with reference to the following appointments :
Actuaries authorized to certify annuity
tables; collectors of income-tax (Ireland):
County Court Examiners ; distributors and
sub-distributors of stamps ; female typists
in the Treasury and Revenue Offices ; house-
keepers and housemaids {i.e., charwomen)
at the National Gallery, National Portrait
Gallery, Wallace Collection, National
Gallery of British Art, and Inland Revenue
Offices (Scotland) ; artificer, boy, laboratory
attendant, and packer and teller at the
Mint ; office-keeper and established mes-
sengers at the Treasury and Revenue
Offices ; attendants at the National Galleries ;
porters at the Revenue Offices and National
Galleries ; pensionet messengers at the
Revenue Offices (Scotland) and the National
Galleries ; preventive men at the Customs ;
and public auditors and public valuers for
the Registry of Friendly Societies.
Payment ok Memkers. Members
of Parliament other than Ministers— i.e. all
salaried Members of the Government — now
receive ,£400 per annum.
Persons Disqualified to Sit as
Members of Parliament. Every member
of the House of Lords, the Representative
Peers of Ireland, all Scottish Peers, whether
Representative or otherwise, sheriffs and
returning officers for the counties and places
for which they act, clergymen of the Esta-
blished Church, Roman Catholic priests.
aliens, the holders of Government offices
created since the year 1705, Government con-
tractors, bankrupts, and persons attainted of
treason or felony. [See Acceptance of Office.]
Petitions. Every subject has the right
of petitioning the Sovereign, or either House
of Parliament, for the redress of grievances.
Petitions to Parliament must be drawn up
according to prescribed rules ; those to the
House of Lords must be addressed, To tin
Right Honorable the Lords Spiritual and
Temporal in Parliament Assembled : and
those to the House of Commons must be
directed, To the Honorable the Knights
Citizens, and Burgesses of the I 'nited king-
dom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parlia-
ment Assembled ; or, To the Honorable the
Commons of the United Kingdom in Parlia-
ment Assembled. Electors commence their
petition as, The Humble Petition 0/ the
Electors 0/ the Parish 0/ , sheiveth
that, etc., and a private individual must set
forth his name and occupation thus. — The
Humble Petition of'J'homas Charles Burd,
coal merchant, sheiveth that, etc. Following
this must be mentioned the grievance for
which relief is desired, and the whole must
conclude with a specific prayer, as, Where-
fore your Petitioners humbly pray that your
Honorable House tvill be pleased to, etc.
Here must follow particulars of the special
relief that is asked for, the concluding
sentence being, And your petitioners, as
in duty bound, will ever p7ay. If the
prayer be omitted, the petition is returned
to the Member who presented it, as the
House will not attend to a mere statement
of grievances. Immediately following the
prayer must be written the signatures, one
of which, at least, must be written on the
same skin of parchment, or sheet of paper, as
the petition. All signature, or marks must
be original, procuration not being in any
case allowed, except in cases of incapacity by
sickness, for either a single individual or any
body of persons, but the common seal of a
corporation is acknowledged as a petition of
the whole corporate body. Every petition
must be written upon paper or parchment,
be free from erasures or interlineation, and
written in the English language, or accom-
panied by a literal translation which the
member presenting it certifies to be correct ;
but no letters, affidavits, or other documents
will be received. Only thosi signatures are
reckoned as valid which are written on sheets
headed in every case by the prayer of the
petition : but on every sheet after the first
the praxer may be reproduced in print, or by
other mechanical process. Petitions are re-
jected which contain intemperate language,
or imputations upon the character or conduct
of either House of Parliament, the Courts of
ic, or other constituted authorities.
Reference is not allowed to be made to any
debates, or to matters therein referred to,
but petitions may refer to motions of which
due notice has been given : while petitions
praying for a grant of public money, or
ge upon the revenues of India, or for
the remission of taxes or dues, are not
i '■■.! except on the recommendation of
the * ry member presenting a
petition must affix his name at the beginning
thereof, and is presumed to know that the
• ting petitions have
been complied with. No debate is allowed
when petitions are laid upon the table, and
they stand referred to the Committee on
Public Petitions, without any question being
but if the petition relate to a subject
with respect to which the member present-
given notice of a motion, and
not been ordered to be
printed by the Committee, such member m.iv,
given, move thai Mich pe-
«iih the votes. Petitions
i ii weight may be forwarded
by poet, free of charge, to any member of
pen at each end, and
rd outside " Parliamentary Petitions."
rivilege, the Sheriffs
idon and il >r of Dublin
;e House of
:i<ms to present petitions in person,
but may not speak.
i ion. Sec Election
• rural I. lection
ill be made on the same
1 and all poll
n one and the same
et day of nomination). A
he polling will be from four to
ifier nominal i
;, Tin: I
sometimes a Cabi i He negotiate*
postal treaties with foreign power*, make* con*
for the conveyance of the public mails
ne and with the i olooJe*, superintend*
the • hole department of the Post Office, is
appointed by patent under the <
the Council.
A term formerly
applied to voters in certain boroughs, where
all who boil a pot were entitled to vote.
Another name was ** potwallers," which is
said by some to have been a mistake for pot
boilers, "b" having been mistaken for " w.*'
Prf.\ i mode
of attempting to avoid a direct expression of
opinion upon a motion. It is effected in
the House of Lords by proposing, in lieu of
the original motion, a motion "that the
original question be now put." A I
taken on this, and if negatived the original
motion is practically rejected ; although the
motion might be proposed again at a
quent sitting. In the Commons the method of
procedure is reversed, and the form adopted
is " that that question be net mnv put."
Prime Minister, Thk. Is the head
of Hi iment, is the con-
necting link between the Crown and the
Cabinet, selects his colleagues in the Mini-
stry, and is virtually responsible for the
entire patronage of the Crown. His official
position is usually that of First Lord of the
Treasury. His precedence was formally
recognized Dec. 1905 as next after the Arch,
bishop of York.
Private Bili-S. introduced
by companies or individuals for the purpose
of enabling them to undertake w< •
utility at their own risk, and for their own
benefit, or for procuring naturalization,
change of name, etc. Private bills are
brought in upon petitions signed by the
suitors or their agents. The fees payable for
promoting or opposing a private bill are stated
in the Standing Orders. (See Mills. P
rRivn.Fc.r-. a Qtrtrno*
founded on a matter directly concerning the
privileges of the House if it has recently
arisen, and calls for its immediate inter-
position. Such a mattei may be considered
without notice, and takes precedence of all
other business.
member is entitled to freedom of spe-
freedom from arrest and distress of goods,
and to exemption from service on juries.
(As to Introduction of Strangers, see
Members' Gallery.]
Procedurf.. [S Com-
Proi » s or Mem-
buss was abolished in 185ft.
Proportional Krprrsrntatio-
applied to Univci
■ember (/'./. to tt seats),
air to he SJgCml
ing more than
and Commissioners are to he appointed to
bring brvar.l 1 if -heme of Piopoi
tional Representation as to the election of
1 ... Member*
too <
Prow I*an
The <
gali-.n, %ummon Parliament for the ile»|«a«< h
of business, by giving sia days' notice by pro-
clamation. ParHamenl is never prorogued
for more than to days at one time, but this
penOfl < an l«e e»te»>clr<) l.y Smmmjmml P'o
clamaiion. Every hill and other proceeding,
Proxy Voting. Voting by a
allowed in the case of naval and military
voters in distant parts, fishermen, pill
Public Bills. [See Bills, Public.]
[4 N. A. When a motion lias
been moved and seconded, the Speaker pro-
I to the House the question for their
Representation of the People Act (1918)
iles for a Redistribution of Seats, the
Schedule of which will be found alphabeti-
cally arranged on pp. 506 to 510.
Registration of Voters. Two
Registers will in future be prepared each
year : the Spring Register for the qualifying
period ending Jan. 15th will come into force
on April 15th, and the Autumn Register for
the qualilying period ending July 15th will
take effect on Oct. 15th. {Special provision
is made for the preparation of the first
Reporting. A gallery is set apart for
the exclusive use of newspaper reporters, and
official reports are also made of the par-
liamentary proceedings.
Representation of TBS PEOPH
Act. This extends the Franchise to women
who have reached the age. of thirty, and to
men on war service, so that the next General
Election will thus see an increase of some
8,000,000 voters to the Register.
.nation of Seats. [See Vacat-
ing Seats. ]
Returning Officer's Exit
The charges of the returning officer are paid
by the Treasury, which prescribes a maxi-
mum scale.
Revising Baeeister, Is an officer
appointed annually for the purpose of re-
vising the registered list of voters.
. Tin.. The Royal
t to bills that have passed the Houses
of Parliament has not been withheld since
the year 1707. It is given either by the
Sovereign in person, or by Commissioners
appointed for that special purpose. The
Commissioners are usually three or four of
the high officers of State. As soon as the
Royal Assent has been given, the Bill imme-
diately becomes an Act, having the effect
and force of law.
Scot and Lot. Parish payments.
When persons were taxed not to the same
amount, but according to their ability, they
were said to pay " scot and lot."
Scotland, The Secretary for.
: he control of all matters connected with
Seals of Office. When a change
of Government takes place two Councils are
held, at the first of which the various offices
are given up, and the Ministers appointed
under seal thereupon hand hack then
to the Sovereign ; at the sec did the succes-
iti office kiss hands on appointment and
take over the relinquished seals. Secre-
taries of State are appointed under patent,
so that in their case there are no seals to
give up. On a reconstruction of a Ministry
one Council only is usually necessary.
Nominates the members on, and arranges the
sitting and business of private-bill committees,
and is also charged with the nomination of
the Standing Committees.
;. The. Is the mem-
ber returned at the head of the poll, not the
member who has served the constituency the
longest time.
Serjeant-at-Arms, The. is an offi-
cer appointed 1>\ patent under the Great Seal,
attached to the House, who is styled "the
Serjeant-at-Arms attending the Speaker of the
House of Commons." He is assisted !>>•:■
deputy and several subordinates, and is also
Housekeeper of the House of Commons.
During the sitting of the House he occupies
a chair below the bar, and to him is delegated
the maintenance of order in the appi
to the House and the adjoining offices. His
duties are performed under the directions of
the House, communicated to him by the
Speaker. He apprehends and retains in
custody all persons committed by order of
the House.
Session. The Session of Parliament
continues from the time of its meeting until
it is either prorogued or dissolved. The
House of Commons limits to one year the
duration of the Army Annual Act, and votes
the supplies for the public service by grants
limited to the current year. The Crown is
therefore compelled to resort to an annual
assemblage of Parliament, which usually
takes place early in February. Six days at
least, but generally thirty or forty clays,
previous to the intended meeting, a procla-
mation is issued by the Crown, commanding
the attendance of both Houses for despatch
of business, usually at Westminster, but it
maybe at anyplace within the United King-
dom. The business usually transacted at the
commencement of every Session is to consider
the Speech from the Throne. One Bill, how-
ever, always receives a first reading, in order
to assert the right of Parliament to protect
the interests of the people before considering
the subjects contained in the Royal Speech.
No number or length of adjournments de-
stroys the continuity of the Session. [See
also Prorogation.]
H inal Orders are agreed to at the
commencement of each Session, and are not
intended to continue beyond that period.
SITTINGS. On Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday the House usually
sits from 2.45 to 11 p.m.; or, for non
contentious business until 11.30 p.m. There
is. as a rule, no sitting on Saturday, and on
Friday (when the House meets at 12) the
adjournment takes place not later than
5.30 o'clock.
words in which the Royal Assent is given to
Private Dills.
Solicitor-General. Isthe legal ad-
viser of the Grown, who ranks next to the
Attorney- General.
Speaker of the Houseof Commons.
Is the representative of its powers, authority,
and dignity. His chief duties are to pre-
side over the deliberations of the House,
to put the question, and declare the deter-
mination of the House. In the conduct of
the debates, the Speaker calls on those mem-
bers to address the House who, in his opinion,
are entitled to precedence ; he promptly and
decisively i ei effect
to the rules and regulations of the House.
When he rises to enforce a point of order,
the House is immediately silent ; and his
deciM il>le on prece-
dent, is, as a rule, accepted without cavil.
But >till the ultimate authority, upon all
points, is the House itself. He also pr
to the Sovereign addresses from the Com-
mons ; reprimands persons who have incurred
the displeasure of the House ; issues warrants
of committal for breach of privilege ; com-
municates with any parties, when s>, instructed
by the House : exercises a general control
over the business of the House, both public
and private ; expresses the thanks or appro-
bation of the Commons to distinguished per-
„es; adjourns the House if forty members
>t present, and appoints Tellers on
division. Under the Standing Orders, the
Speaker may withhold his assent to a motion
for the closure of a debate ; he may, after
continued irrelevance on the part of a mem-
ber, direct him to discontinue his speech,
or if a motion for adjournment be, in his
opinion, an abuse of the forms of the 1 1
the Speaker may forthwith put the question
thereon. The Speaker may also direct a
Member, whose conduct is grossly disorderly,
to withdraw during the remainder of that
day's sitting. He does not speak, except
in his official capacity ; nor does he vote
except to give a casting vote when the
■ami are equal. It is to him ■ Member
addresses his remarks, and it is irregular for
ruber to direct his remarks to the House
any Member of th- itfa the
n whether a bill is or
•y Kill within the meaning of the
lected at the
• ach Parliament, and holds
I :
dinners to M many of 1 1 he can
the commencement of the
ister holidays. Hereceives
a salary of j£ 5,000 a year, and lias a furnished
ruber of the Privy Council,
for the Speaker, on retiring from office, to be
• I to receive a pen
,£4,000 a year. When incapacitated from
injj to his duties, his place is O
f. [See House of
< ■MMDS, j
may not be read in the I
by members.
Art- for the
' proceeding*.
led at Mich offices at all
are i .one but persons £
the offices of the HoussS^^^Hnd : all
others are stopped at the door of St. Stephen's
Hall. When committees and Courts of Ap-
peal are sitting, persons proceeding to them
are permitted to enter the Committee Rooms,
Courts of Appeal, and offices pertaining
thereto only. During the sitting of the
• no visitor is admitted to the Central
Hall, unless he wishes to see a member, or
has a ticket of admission to one of the
galleries. No persons, except those having
such tickets of admission, are permitted to
go beyond the central and lower waiting
halls, nor to enter the dining, tea, ana
smoking rooms, nor to go on the terrace,
even though accompanied by a member.
The Members' Lobby is strictly reserved for
peers and members only, and for such per-
manent officials, secretaries of Ministers, and
others, whose names are placed by the
Speaker on a special list. Parliamentary
agents are admitted to the Members' Lobby
till half-past five o'clock p.m. None but
ladies having their names on the list are
permitted to enter the Ladies' Gallery Door,
in the Speaker's Yard. After four o'clock
p.m. the subway under Bridge Street may
be closed to all but members or persons
going on business to the House. The fol-
lowing rules are now in force for the admis-
sion of strangers to the galleries of the
House: — Orders in Advance— (1) Orders
for under the gallery, the Special Gallery,
and the Members' Gallery are issued to
members six days in advance. The ballot
for seats in the Members' Gallery takes
Elace when necessary. Every order must
e signed by a member, and the name and
address of the holder inscribed thereon. (2)
- in the Ladies' Gallery are balloted for.
Two orders will be sent to each member
successful in the ballot. These orders will
be only available for relatives of the member,
and must be signed by the member, and the
names and addresses of the ladies must be
filled in before admission. During tlu
sitting 0/ the House — {a) Orders of admis.
sion (except to the Ladies' Gallery) for the
same day are issued after a quarter past four
!>.m. (a quarter past twelve p.m. on Fi
rom the Admission Order Office in St.
Stephen's Hall. (/■) Applicants for vacant
seats in the Ifwnbers1 (iallery go direct to
the Admission Order Office and obtain
orders of admission, without applying to a
member. An applicant may l>e required,
however, to give a member's name as a
referr ■>( necessity before being
admit' 1. d Gal-
lery and under the gall-
on the P«rsOlial application of a member to
srrjeantat-Arms (7) For the I
issued dur-
H5 p.m. and
9 p.m. (See also " I Spy a Stranger. "J
Committo <>i .
. having bote ruddered
and agreed to by trie House, receive c
Consolidated Fund Acts, passed fro»
close, to at,
1 Hill."
Lords, is carried I
of the Upper House to receive thr
t. The business of Supply is the first
order of the day on Thursday, unless other-
wise ordered by the House. Not more
than 20 days, being days before the 5th of
August, are allotted for the consideration
of the annual estimates for the Army, Navy,
and Civil Services, including votes on ac-
count. An additional 3 days either before
or after 5th of August may be allotted for
the business of Supply on motion made after
notice by a Minister of the Crown.
Suspension from the service of the
House is a punishment imposed on members
who have been named by the Speaker or the
Chairman of Committees, for an infraction of
the rules of the House of Commons. The
effect of an amendment made in the Standing
Orders in 1002 is that an Order of Suspen-
sion made in pursuance of Standing Orders
remains in force until the end of the Session,
unless previously revoked. But suspension
may be ordered otherwise than in pursuance
of Standing Orders.
SWEARING In. The administration of
the oath or affirmation to the members of the
House of Commons at the beginning of a
new Parliament is conducted in the fol-
lowing manner :— The oath is administered,
in the first instance, to such Members, not
exceeding five in number, as are of His
Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council
and to Members who have held office under
the Crown, and then to such Members as
may present themselves, being five in number,
for that purpose at the table. In no case is
the oath administered to more than five
Members at the same time, in order that the
process of signing the roll and the introduc-
tion of Members to the Speaker may be con-
ducted-wit h due regularity. Members should
refrain from presenting themselves at the
table for the purpose of taking the oath until
all the Members to whom the oath is being
administered have left the table, so that
Members may be able to take and subscribe
the oath without delay or inconvenience.
Members should not leave the table until
they have signed the roll and have been
introduced to Mr. Speaker.
Teller. Is a member appointed by the
Speaker when a division takes place, to count
the number of members voting for or against
a motion. Two are appointed for each side.
'•That I do now Leave the Chair."
Is the question put by the Speaker on the
occasions when it is needful, before the whole
House goes into Committee.
"That the Orders of the Day be
now Rkad." That the House proceed to
the business of the day without further
decision taking place on the motion then
under discussion.
"This Day Six (or Three) Months."
The motion that a bill be read a second time
upon this day six months, is the ordinary
mode of moving its rejection.
Time of Meeting. The House meets
on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays at a quarter to three o'clock, when
the Chaplain reads prayers. The business
of each sitting is conducted according to
the following routine -.—When private busi-
ness has been disposed of— i.e., usually
about three o'clock— the putting of questions
to members of the Government begins, and
continues until 3-45, after which five minutes
is allowed for questions of special public
importance or relating to the arrangement
of business. The real work of the day is
then entered upon, and the regular business
of the sitting is commenced, namely, the
consideration of the orders or moti
down for that day. The House continues
business until half-past eleven o'clock unless
previously adjourned, but only unopposed
business is taken after eleven o clock, unless
what is called the " eleven o'clock rule "
is suspended. On Fridays the House meets
at noon.
Treating. [See Bribery.]
Under Secretaries of State. Two
of these are attached to the office of each
Secretary of State, one being usually per-
manent, and the other dependent upon the
administration in power.
Undue Influence. [See Bribery.]
TJ nton, The. Denotes the act by which
the two separate kingdoms of England and
Scotland were incorporated into one under
the title of the Kingdom of Great Britain.
The first Parliament subsequent to the Union
met Oct. 23rd, 1707. The Union of Great
Britain and Ireland took place on January
1st, 1801.
Vacating Seats. By accepting an
office of emolument from the Crown, a mem-
ber at once vacates his seat. It is customary
for a member who wishes to resign to
apply for the sinecure Stewardship of His
Majesty's Chiltern Hundreds, or of the
Manor of Northstead (for seats thus vacated
no re-election can take place during recess).
[See also Chiltern Hundreds ?nd Writs.]
Voters. [See Disqualified to Vote,
Franchise, and Women Voters.]
Votes and Proceedings, The. Are
the entries printed and published daily of the
transactions of the House made at the table
by the clerks, from which the journals are
War, The Secretary of State for.
Has the general control and direction of
the army, in which he is assisted by the
Army Council, of which he is ex-officio a
Ways and Means, Committee of.
A Committee of the whole House, which
regulates the issue of public money, to meet
the grants voted in the Committee of Supply,
and sanctions the imposition of the taxes
necessary for the service of the current year.
[See Chairman of Committee on Ways ;Mid
Women Voters. The Representation
of the People Act (iqi8) extends the Fran-
chise to women over thirty years of age (not
subject to legal incapacity) and entitled, or
whose husbands are entitled, to be registered^
as Local Government Electors (i.e. 6 months
ownership or tenancy of land or premises).
Woolsack. [See Houses of Parlia-
Works, Office of. The Commis-
sioners of Works and Public Buildings are
responsible for the Public Buildings of Great
Britain. The Chief Commissioner represents
the Department in Parliament.
the event of a vacancy
arising during the recess of Parliament from
death, or from becoming a Peer, or from
■tance of an office of profit under the
D, other than the Stewardship of the
ndreds, ..r the Manor of North-
Mich re-election writs can only be
I during the session >, a writ is issued by
Hit from the Speaker, made out to the
■ »f the Crown in Chancery, as soon as the
tiried of the death, or peerage, by
■ certificate under the hands of two members,
coupled in the case of acceptance of office,
with a notice thereof from the member him-
self. During the session the Speak f
his warrant by order of the House upon
motion made and agreed to. In the case of
a new Parliament the original issue of writs
lies with the Crown. Writs returnable for a
county arc sent to the Sheriff of the county,
and those that relate to cities or boroughs
are sent direct to the Returning Officers.
The messenger, or pursuivant, of the Great
Seal, or his deputy, after receiving the writs,
is bound to carry them forthwith to the
C.eneral Post Office in London, and there
deliver them to the Postmaster General or his
depun i acknowledgment thereof
in writing. The Postmaster-General, in his
turn, is bound to despatch the writs by the
first post ; the Returning Officers are re-
quired, upon receiving them, to give an
acknowledgment, setting forth the day and
hour of delivery ; and this memorandum is
transmitted to the General Post Office in
London, and filed there for reference. The
London writs are delivered personally by the
nger of the Great Seal.
Marcarkts QHUKCM, Westminster, is the church of the House of Commons, and
Parliament are always entitled to seats therein. The tercentenary of its recognition
took place on April 17th, 1914.
At the time of the Union with Scotland, in 1707, the House consisted of 513 members ; 45 were then
added for Scotland, and in 1801, 100 were added for Ireland, making the total of 658. This number
was preserved by the Reform Acts of 1832 and 1868, but in each case the apportionment was altered,
and in 1885 it nominally stood— England and Wales 493, Scotland 60, and Ireland 105, but by the
disfranchisement of Beverley (2), Bridgwater (2), Cashel (1), and Sligo (1 ), the total 1
was reduced to 652 members. The result of the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885 was to increase
the total number of members elected for counties, boroughs ami universities to 670, and the
Representation of the People Act (iqi8) raised the total to 707, the basis being on* Member for
every 70,000 of population in (Ireat Britain, and one for every 43,000 in Ireland. Distribution is
as follows : —
Prior to 1885
1885 to 1918
In future . .
England & W
United Kingdom.
360 ; 9
284 9
3'5 15
Lords High Chancellors.
Brougham and Valx, Baron
Lyndhurst, Baron
In Commission
Cottenham Earl of ..
Lyndhurst, Baron
Cottenham, Earl of ..
Truro, Baron
St. Leonards, Baron ..
Cranworth, Baron
Chelmsford, Baron
Campbell, Baron
Westbury, Baron
Cranworth, Baron
Chelmsford, Baron
Cairns, Baron ..
Hatherley, Baron
Selborne, Baron
Halsbury, Baron
Herschbll, Baron
Halsbury, Baron
Halsbury, Karl of
Haldane, Viscount
Buckmaster, Baron
Fin 1. ay, Baron . .
. 1868-72
. 1872-4
. 1874-6
. 1876-80
. 1880-2
. 1882-5
. 1885-6
. 1886-92
• 1892.5
. 1905-12
. 1912-15
. 1915-16
Speakers of the House of Commons.
Sutton, Charlbs Manners
romby, Charles
Lkfevre, Charlbs Shaw>
n. John Evelyn
Lowther, Jambs William
Brand, Sir Henky William Bqu-
vekik 1872-84
Arthur Wbllbslby .. .. 1884-95
GULLY, William Court .. 1895-1905
December 1832 I June-July 1841 I March 1857
January 1835 July 1847 April-May 1859
July-Aug. 1837 I July 1852 I July 1865
Jan. -Feb. 1910.
Nov. 1868
Feb. 1874
April 1880
Dec. 1910,
Nov. 1885 I July 1895.
July 1886 Sept. -Oct. 1900.
July 1892 I Jan. -Feb. 1006.
When met.
When dissolved.
Y. M. D.
George III
27 Sept. 1796*
29 Jan. 1802
5 II 18
31 Aug. 1802
24 Oct. 1806
4 » 25
15 Dec. 1806
29 Apr. 1807
0 4 15
22 June 1807
24 Nov. 1812
24 Sept. 1 812
5 3 7
10 June 1818
29 Feb. 1820
5 6 16
4 Aug. 1818
1 6 25
George IV
23 Apr. 1820
2 June 1826
14 Nov. 1826
24 July 1830
3 8 10
William IV
26 Oct. 1830
22 Apr. 1 83 1
O 5 23
14 June 1831
3 Dec. 1832
I 5 20
29 Jan. 1833
30 Dec. 1834
19 Feb. 1835
18 July 1837
14 Nov. 1837
23 June 1841
3 7 9
n Aug. 1841
23 July 1847
5 11 6
21 Sept. 1847
1 July 1852
4 11 9
4 Nov. 1852
20 Mar. 1857
4 4 16
30 Apr. 1857
31 May 1859
23 Apr. 1859
1 11 23
1 8th
6 July 1865
11 Nov. 1868
1 Feb. 1866
2 9 10
10 Dec. 1868
96 Jan. 1874
ma Mar. 1880
5 1 16
4 Mar. 1874
6 0 20
29 Apr. 1880
18 Nov. 1885
5 6 20
12 Jan. i386
26 June 1886
0 5 '4
5 Aug. 1886
28 June 1892
5 10 24
4 Aug. 1892
8 July 1895
2 11 5
12 Aug. 1895
25 Sept. 1900
5 ' '*
5 1 6
Edward VII. .
3 Dec. 1900
8 Jan. 1906
10 Jan. 1910
(Jan. 22nd, 1901.)
George V
13 Feb. 1906
3 10 28
15 Feb. 1910
28 Nov. 1910
0 9 14
' h, IQI<>.
31 Jan. 191 1
Parliament first met after the Union, 22nd Jan.. 1801.
Sir Robert Walpole
i.irl <.f Sunderland
Sir Robert Walpole
Wilmington ..
Henry Pclham
Duke <>! '
Earl of Bute
George Granville
Marquess of k<>< kiu^li.i
Duke of T.rafton
Lord Nort h
. Pitt
of WHIm^t
M.ir. Ii
v AM|uith
v Asquith (War ( oolition)
I loyd George (National). .
1 801
Duke of Wellington
Sir Robert Peel
Sir Robert Peel
rt Peel
Lord John RuMtH
Earl of I I
Viscount Pkb
Earl of I I
' I'.ilmeraton
i:.ui 0
mpliell- Banner-
April 1008
l>ec. 1916
Was charged to form a Government, but his predecessors never formally resigned.
1842 ..
1843 ••
1844 ..
1845 ••
1846 ..
1847 ..
184s ..
1849 . .
1850 ..
1851 ..
1852 ..
1853 ..
1854 ••
1855 ••
1856 . .
t857 ..
1858 ..
1859 ..
i860 ..
. . Aug. 12
1861 ..
. . Aug. 6 |
1880 .
. . Aug. 24
1862 ..
big. 7 1
1881 .
.. Aug. 9
1863 ..
.. July 28
.. Aug. 9
1864 ..
.. July V)
. . Aug. 28
1865 ..
.. July 6
.. July »3
1866 ..
. . A :
1867 ..
. . Aug. 21
i835 .
. . Aug. 1
1868 ..
.. July 31
1887 .
1869 ..
Aug. 11
i8S=? .
1870 ..
Aug. 10
1889 .
.. July -
1871 ..
. Aug. 21
1890 .
. . Aug. 20
1872 ..
.. Aug. 10
1891 .
.. Aug. 12
1873 ••
• • Aug. 5
1892 .
.. Aug. 14
1874 ..
• • Aug. 7
.. July 29
1875 ..
.. Aug. 13
1894 •
. . Aug. 28
1 1876 ..
.. Aug. 14
1895 •
. . Aug. 2
! 1877 ..
.. Aug. 15
1896 .
.. Aug. 13
1 1878 ..
.. Aug. 16
1897 .
.. Aug. 28
1879 ..
.. Aug. 15
1898 .
. . Sept. 7 I
• Aug. 27
. . Dec. 2
Lug. 21
. . 1 )ec. 6 !
. . Aug. 14 ;
. . Sept. 24
. . Sept. 16 I
. . Dec. 24
. . Aug. 30
. . Aug. 30
. . Aug. 5 1
. . Aug. 19
March 5, 1894
. . Aug. 25
.. Sept. 51
. . Aug. 14
- • Aug. 4
.. Aug. 12
1899 ..
1900 . .
1901 ..
1902 ..
1903 ..
1904 ..
1905 ..
1906 . .
1907 ..
1908 ..
1909 ••
1910 . .
1911 . .
1913 ..
iqi4 ..
1914-1 5-
1916 ..
.. Oct. 27
.. Dec. 17
. Attg. 17
.. D
.. Aug. m
. . Au-. 1-,
lug. 1 1
Dec. 21
. . Aug. 28
. . Dec. 21
. Dec
Nov. 18
. Dec. 16
March 7, 1913
.. Aug. 15
. . Sept. 18
16 Jan. 27, 1916
. . D
Feb. 6
(Elected for Life)
De Vesci, Viscount.
Drogheda, Earl of.
Dunalley, Baron.
Farnham, Baron.
Inchiquin, Baron.
Ki l.maine, Baron.
Kii.morey, Earl of.
Kingston, Earl of.
Laneseorugh, Earl of.
Langford, Baron.
Bandon, Earl of.
Bangor, Viscount.
Bellew, Baron.
Castlemaine, Baron.
Cavan, Earl of.
Crofton, Baron.
Darnley, Earl of.
Decies, Baron.
* Created a Peer of United Kingdom since Election as a Representative Peer
Luc an, Earl of.
Mayo, Earl of.
Oranmore and Brown i
Rathdonnell, Baron.
Rosse, Earl of.
WeSTMRATH, Earl of.
Wick low, Earl of.
(Elected for present Parliament only.)
Balfour of Burleigh. Baron.
Belhaven and Stbnton,
Dundonald, Earl of.
Fairfax, Baron.
Falkland, Viscount.
Forbes, Baron.
Lauderdale, Earl of.
Lindsay, Earl of.
Mar, Earl of.
Mar and Kbi.lik, Eai
Morton, Earl of.
NORTHBSK, Karl of.
Rothes, Karl of.
Sim in. 1., Baron.
Sinclair, Baron.
Cawdor, Earl. May 17th, 1921.
OH of Lbighton Bkomswold,
Baroness. Jan. 22nd, 1921.
Cranbrook, Earl of. April 15th, 1921.
De Clifford, Baron. Jan. 30th, 1928.
De La Warr, Baron. June 20th, 1921.
Donegall, Marquess of (B. Fishekwick).
Oct. 7th, 1924.
Erne, Earl of (B. Fermanagh). Nov. 22nd,
Feversham, Earl of. Nov. 2nd, 1927.
Furnivai.l, Baroness. May 27th, 1921.
Kinnoull, Earl of (B. Hay of Pedwar-
hine). March 30th, 1923.
oKD, Earl of. Dec. 29th, 1923.
Norfolk, Duke of. May 30th, 1929
PSTKB, Baron. June 5th, 1935.
RtDLBY, Viscount. Dec. i6th< 1923.
ROMILLY, Baron. March 8th, 1920.
ST. AloWYN, Earl. Oct. 12th, 1933.
Skaiield, Countess of. April 17th, 1927.
Shannon, Earl of (B. Carleton). Feb. i>.;,
1 921.
Suffolk and Berkshire, Earl of. March
2nd, 1927.
Waterford. Marquess of. Jan. 6th, 1922.
■; tie. Counter of.
. haroness.
n«RG ANI> CONYRKS, I', ironess.
Princess Arthur of
*Fi'rmv\i.i , Baronets.
♦Robrkts, Countess.
TSkafiki.u, Countess of.
JStkathcona am
V i'Countess.
i ness.
Scottish Women's Hospitals for
Home and Foreign Service.
i-:ded for the PR] \« ii i \rr .a the
with .m M Hotpii
. I \Y.\HAM and (.IKK >\ 1 M I *1 S \l < 'Mix
i h wounded, with an orthop.i , and
\MI Kh \N I \! I ..:<»- I R(
Contributions will !>.• gratefully received at Headquarters by Mrs. LAI
2, St. Andrew Square, EDINBURGH.
The London Units of the Scottish
Women's Hospitals
serving I IAN DIVISIOl l II I l>
rroi< n
•is for these Units will be welcomed by Viscountess (
or Hon Mrs. SPENCER GRAVES. 66. Victoria Street. LONDON, S.W.i.
The Upkeep of all these Units amounts to £6.000 a month.
O.B.E; 1918.
BURN (page 25), the wife of Col. Charles Rosdew Burn, <r.
>r (page 29), the rife of John Cator, cr. O.B.E. 1918.
ROTHSCHILD (page 142), the Country Residence of Major Lionel Nathan de
Rothschild is Inchmery House, Exbury, Hants.
DOFFERIN and Ava. Marquess (page 308). Died Feb. 6th, 1918, and is r. by
his brother, Frederick Temple.
GuiLLAMORB, Viscount (page 313). Died Feb. 6th, 1918, and is s. by his
brother, Frederick Standish.
FORREST (page 341), the Rt. Hon. Sir John Forrest, G.C.M.G., LL.D., cr.
a Baron (peerage of United Kingdom) Feb. 8th, 1918.
Cloth, Gilt.
S comprehensive, practical,
and easy of reference, and
divided into three sections :
1.— Chapters on general matters,
and useful hints on the
actual Depiction of Arms.
2.— An Alphabetical List of
Heraldic Terms, Phrases,
etc., interspersed with
copious illustrations and
3.— A series of Plates of actual
Coats -of- Arms used
throughout the work as
illustrative examples with
efficient cross-references.
Coats-of-Arrns or Heraldic devices are often features in
design ; it is, therefore, with a desire to help the beginner
and the amateur who— possibly artists— may wish to depict
such devices that this volume is issued at a popular price.
Possible Heraldic pitfalls are pointed out, and the steps
to be taken to avoid them indicated clearly and concisely.
Those interested in deciphering some Coat-of-Arms or
Crest, or desirous of designing, drawing, and painting any
Heraldic achievement for ornamental or decorative pur-
poses, bookplates, stained glass, wood-carving, or other use,
will find this book just what they want to help them to
obtain practical results.
. Ijutant Geoeral : V
Academy; Ah* . Mic-de-Camp; Adj.,
Adjutant; Aim., Admiral: A.P.D., Army
Pay Department; A.Q.M.G.. Amittanl
• Quartermaster General ; A. K . K ,i
ciate of Royal 1
it ; Asso., Association.
Bar., Barrister : B. , Baron; b., born: B V
i C.I...
elor of Civil Law ; B.C.S., Bengal Civil
Service; B.D., Bachelor of Di.
Bombay Civil Service: Bom. S.C.,
at Corps ; boro', borough ; Bp. ,
igade, Brigadier; B.S.C..
gal Staff Corp.; B.Sc, Bachelor of
Science; Bt., Baronet.
C, Conservative; c, created. Camb., Cam-
re ; Capt. , Captain ; Cay
. Companion of the Hath : I
•i lander of British Empire; C.E.. Civil
neer; C.H., Companion of Honour;
Chief; Chap.. Chaplain; Ch. Ch..
Christ Church: Chm., Chairman; C.I..
Imperial Order of the Crown of
India lion of the Indian
Kmpire; Civil Scr., Ci\ . M.G .
■unty. Company ; Col., Colonel : Coll.,
Coll< ■mender ; Comdg., Com-
imandant ; Com.-in-
:ander-in-Chicf : Commn
' iiuimr, , Commissioner J Corny.-
iy-Geaeral ; cm.,
crate : unties, Comp
ivil Service ; C.S.I., Com-
panion of the Star of India ; C.V.O., Com-
mander of Royal Victorian ( )rdcr.
A, d>
D.A.A.G., 1 'cputy Assistant Adjutant
1 MtU|htef
Deputy Assistant
Laity; Dep.,
' CUt'
«; l».L.
;.il ;
I Uw
cxt., extinct . I vtraordinary.
law of Royal
low of
O , Knight Grand Cross of Royal
an Order ; G.M.M.G., Grand M
ef St. Michael and St. Geor^-
i Master of the Star of India
Genei Gowkbot; Govt., Govern-
ment : Gram. Sch., Grammar School.
•ir apparent j H.l i >rable
: HIM.
His, or Her, Imperial Highiu- : II. M,
Mis, or Her, Slajcs: His
Majesty's Ship; Hon., Honourable; k./.,
heir-presumptive ; h.p., half-pay : H.R..
Home Rule; HLR H., His. or Her, Royal
Highness; H.S.H.. His, ur Her, Serene-
I., Independent; I. M.S. Indian Medical
Service: I nd. W. Independent Nationalist;
infra, below ; I. P., Peer of Ireland : I.S.C..
Indian Stan npanion of
the Imperial Service Order.
J. P.. Justice of the Peace.
. Knight of Hritish Kmpire; K.C.,.
King's Counsel; K.C. B. K
niander of the Bath; K.l H
mandcr of the Hanoverian Guelphi< '
Kmpire ; K
St. Michael and St. Geora
nmander of I India .
Victorian Order: K.C... Ki
rhtBacbeloi -
of St. Patrick ; K. T.. Knight of the
L.. Liberal ; L.U., Libera
1 live .1.1.1
tenant-Colonel ; L.K.Q
the Kun: and Qu<
Do< ' 1 I \I M .
.. Lien
M M.irquefcs
I ember
MH I ... Member of
tmber of Order of
2 men's Counsel
Q.M »'•.. Quarter-
K.. Rector, Rectory; K.A.. K.>v.il Artillery,
Royal Academician ; R.A M .( '.., Royal Army
Medical Corps; R.K., Royal Engineers;
Kc-. Elec, Registered Electors; Regt..
Regiment; Rev., Reverend; R F.A., Royal
Field Artillery; R.F C, Royal Flying
Corps, R.G.A., Royal Garrison Artillery;
R.H.A.. Royal Horse Artillery: R M..
Royal Marines; R.M.A., Royal Marine
Artillery: Royal Military Academy, Wool-
wich; R.MC, Royal Military College,
Sandhurst ; R.M.I..I.. Royal Marine Light
Infantry; R.X.. Royal Navy; R.N.V.R.,
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; A'.A'.C,
Lady of the Royal Red Cross; Roy.. Royal ;
RL, Right; Rt. Hon., Right Honorable.
r. succeeded; S., South ; Sch., School; s.< I •
Student of Civil Law ; Sec, Secretary
Service; So., Society; £
land; Sup.. Superintendent ; Surg., Surgeon.
/. , translated ; 'I'rin., Trinity.
T. F., Territorial Force.
U., Unionist.
Univ., University.
V., Viscount, Vicar: /-'..-/., Lady of the
Royal Order of Victoria and Albert ; /'.C.,
Victoria Cross ; Vol., Volunteers.
W., West ; W.S.. Writer to the Signet.
Veo. . Yeomanry.
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
£10 10 0
£5 5 0
Franco-British Exhibition— 3 Grand Prizes and 1 Gold Medal.
DENT'S CLOCKS (H°use. astronomical, and turret).
The best selection in London.
A varied assortment of useful articles —
suitable for Presents.
CAUTION.— No instrument
from No. 38,000 upwards is
genuine without the above
Trade Mark.
Telephone : City 61.
& CO., LTD.,
Makers of the Great Westminster Clock (Big Ben),
and sole Custodians since its erection.
61 STRAND, W.C.2., and
Catalogues Free.
The Eighth Session of the
%* For events that have taken place during the passage of the book through the Press, see
" Occurrences during Printing."
RIGHT HON. W. ABRAHAM (Glamorgan. Rhondda Division).
William Abraham, P.C., son of the late Mr. J. Abraham, a
working collier and copper smelter at Cwmavon ; b. June 1S42 ; ed. at
Cwmavoo village school ; Hon. LL.D. Univ. of Wales 1917 : m. i860,
Williams, who d. 1900; commenced life as a working miner; was Miners1
Agent for Loughor Dist. 1872-5, since when he has been Vice- Pre*, of the
Monmouthshire and S. Wales Sliding Scale Committee ; has been
for Cambrian Mines Asso. from 1878; is a J. P. lor GUmm-an-hiir j
191 1. A Liberal-, has sat for Rhondda Div. of Glamorgan since Dec. 1885.
Residence— Bryn-y-bedw, Pentre, Glamorganshire.
RIGHT HON. F. D. ACLAND (Cornwall, North-western, or Camborne, Division).
Francis Dyke Aci.ank Pa
of the Rt. Hon. Anlnir Herbert
Acland, P.C., <>f Dunk.
James's Court, Huck-
ingham Gate.
da of the I . aulay
Cunningham, K ; itwell cuin-
Solwcll. Perks; />. March 7th,
ed. at Ku; 1II10I toll.,
m. 1905, 1. K.iiior Margaret,
el. da. of Charl.
Eller^reen, Kendal; I •nnnK Lieut. 5th
a Junior Examiner in 1 Depart.
1900-1903, an. I i
Sec. (unpaid) to H 1 \\ .11
<)00 8 ;
was Financial Sec to W*| D
ttber of An ril 1908
ncial Sec.
I 1915, and itary Sec. to Bo>
rultuie and I iltural
Wnga Board, a J. P. (or N. Riding "i Yorkshire, Ueut. Univ. ol Ixmdon
Training Corpi
1906 to Jan. 19K
ill Dec 15th, 1010.
Ffi yne Place. S.W. Ctnr-s -Traveller •
W. ADAMSON (Fifeshire, West Division).
William A DAMSON j /'. 1863; began work in Mnes at the
age oi 1 leader and organiser of Fife and Kinross Miners1 Asso., of
which In- i^ Gen. Sec; appointed Clun. of Labour Part) in House ol
Commons 1017. A Labour Mtmbtr\ elected for W. Div, ol Fifeshire Dec.
13th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Residence ■ I ninfinnline.
RIGHT HON. C ADDISON (Shoreditch, Hoxton Division).
Christopher Addison, P.C., M.D., son of Robert Addison ; />.
June 19th, 1869; ed. at Trin. Coll., Harrogate; M.R.C.S. and L.R.C.R
"London 1891, M.B. and B.S. London 1892, M.D. 1893, F.R.C.S. England
1895 : ///. 1902, Isobel, da. of the late Archibald Gray ; sometime Professor of
Anatomy in Univ. Coll., Sheffield, Lecturer on Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's
Hospital, and editor of Quarterly Medical Journal \ appointed Hunterian
Professor and Examiner in Anatomy in Camb. and London Univs. 1901,
Parliamentary Sec. to Board of Education Aug. 1914, Sec. to Min. of Muni-
tions 19 1 5. Min. of Munitions in National Min. Dec. 1916, and Min of
Reconstruction July 1917 ; author of numerous medical works; P.C. 1916.
A Liberal', has sat for Hoxton Div. of Shored itch since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence — Pretty Corner, Northwood, Middlesex. Official Address — 2, Queen
Anne's Gate Buildings, Westminster, S.W.
SIR W. RYLAND D. ADKINS (Lancashire, South East, Middleton Division).
William Ryland Dent Adkins, son of the late William Adkins,
J. P., of Springfield, Northampton, by Harriet, youngest da. of the late John
Dent, of The Manor House, Milton, Northampton ; b. May nth, 1862; ed.
at Mill Hill Sch., at Univ. Coll., London (B.A. 1882), and at Balliol Coll.,
Oxford (History Exhibitioner 1882) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1890; Member of
Midland Circuit ; is Vice-Chm. of Northamptonshire County Council, and of
Executive Committee of County Councils' Asso., Vice-Chm. of Northampton-
shire Territorial Force Asso., and a J. P. for Northampton and Northampton-
shire ; appointed Junior Counsel to the Post Office on Midland Circuit 1908,
and a Member of Home Office Enquiry into Isle of Man Constitution, and
Recorder of Nottingham 191 1, and a Member of War Pensions Committee
1916 ; Knt. 191 1. A Liberal; has sat for Middleton Div. of Lancashire
(S.-E.) since Jan. 18th, 1906.
Residence— M\\\oxv Manor, Northampton. Chambers— 5, Paper Buildings, Temple,
E.C. Clubs— Athena:um, Reform, Bath.
AGG GARDNER [see Gardner].
MAJOR SIR GEORGE W. AGNEW, Bt. (Salford, West Division).
George William Agnew, 2nd Baronet, son of
Sir William Agnew, 1st Bt., of II, Great Stanhope
Street, W., by Mary, who d. 1892, el. da. of George
Pixton Kenworthy, of Manchester, and Peel Hall, Lan-
cashire ; b. Jan. 19th, 1852 ; ed. at Rugby, and at St.
John's Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1874, M.A. 1879) : m. 1878,
Fanny, da. of the late John Stuart Bolton, of Oulton
Hall, Norfolk ; formerly a partner in the firm of Thomas
Agnew and Sons, of London, Manchester, and Liver-
>ool ; is a J. P. for Lancashire and Suffolk, and Major
Suffolk Vol. Regt. A LJberal ; has sat for W. Div. of
Salford since Jan. 13th, 1906.
Residence— Kougham Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. Clubs—
Reform, Devonshire
SIR JOHN S. A INS WORTH, Bt (Argyllshire).
John Stirling A.INSWORTH, ist Baronet^ second son of the
hue Tbomas AJnswoith, of The Flodi, Cleator, Cumberland, 1>>
Laurie, eL da. <»( the late Rev. John Stirling, D.D
Jan. 30th, iN4 J. ; eil. at I'niv. Coll. Sell., and at Univ. Coll.; M.A.
and I.L.I!. London : ///. 1879, Margaret Catherine, el. da. of the late Robert
Keid Ifacrediej is a Mine-owner, a J. P. and D. L. for Cumberland (High
Sheriff 1891), a J. P. and D.L. for Argyllshire, and Chm. of the Cleator and
Workington Junction Railway Co.; appointed a Member of Roy. Commn. on
Mines ioio ; wis Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 3rd Vol. Batn. Border Regt. (V.D.) 1898-
1902 ; cr. a Baronet 1916. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Barrow-in-
Furness 1886, and Argyllshire 1900 ; has sat for Argyllshire since Aug.
26th, 1903, having been defeated there 1900.
Residences— 55, Eaton Place, S.W. ; Ardanaiseig, Kilchrenan, ArgylUhire ; Harecroft,
Gosforth, Cumberland ; The Flosh, Cleator, Cumberland. Club— Reform.
P. ALDEN (Middlesex, Tottenham Division).
Percy Alden, son of J Alden, by his wife, Elizabeth ; /;. June
6th, 1865 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford : /;/. 1899, Dr. Margaret Pearse ;
Warden Of Mansfield House Univ. Settlement 1891-1901, when he
was appointed Hon. Warden, subsequently becoming Vice-Pres. ; edited
the Echo 1901-2 ; is Hon. Sec. of British Institute of Social Ser. ; sometime
a Member of London Sch. Board. A Liberal; has sat for Tottenham Div.
of Middlesex since Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence— The Outlook, Woodford Green, Essex. Club— National Liberal.
bide liter.
M. HAVELOCK-ALLAN, Bt. (Durham Co., Bishop
Auckland Division).
Henry Spencer Moreton Havelock-
. 2nd Baronet, son of the late Lieut.-Gen-
Sir Henry Marsham Havelock-AUan, G.CB., V.C.-
. by Lady Alice Moreton, da. of to
of Dude ; b. Jan. 30th, 1872; ed. at Eton, and at
Trin. Coll., Cainb. : m. I903, Edith, da. of the late
T. C. J. Sowerby, of Snow Hall, Cainford, Dar-
lington ; formerly Major 4th Batn. Durham L.I. ;
is Major Lancashire Regt., a J. P. and a D.L. for
co. Durham, and 1 IP. for N. Riding ol \
rliamentary Private Sec. to Dodei
of State for India (Hon, 1'. S. IfoatagO, Ml')
July 1910 to i 1914. A Liberal; has
Bishop Auckland 1 »iv. of Durham co. situ
19th, 1910.
Residence— Black well (J range, Darlington. Club—
A. A. ALLEN (Dumbartonshire).
Arthur Aclanil Am Hen, publish. |
Hi, 1868; ed. at Wv\\
tggerston 1 1
1908-9) ; has been < !bl
mittcc 1916. A Liberal; unsuc-
Of Thorobury, I .ershirc July 1895, and
Oct. 1900; sat for Christchurch Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910,
when ' >r Dumbar wio.
Residences— i), (^uecn » Gate Gardens, S.W. ; Tullybcllon How
MAJOR THE RIGHT HON. C. P. ALLEN (Gloucestershire. Mid, or
Stroud, Division).
Charles Peter Allen, P.C., son of the late Peter Allen (part
proprietor of the Manchester Guardian), of Sedgley Park, Prestwich,
Lancashire, by Sophia Russell, da. of John Edward Taylor; /'. Dee. 2nd,
1861 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A.1SS4. M.A. 1885):
/;/. 1890, Evelina Caroline, da. of Alfred Barker, of Elmfield, Esher ; bar.
Inner Temple 1888; formerly Major Gloucestershire Regt. : refined 1914;
served during European War 1914-17 ; appointed a Charity Commr. (unpaid)
for England and Wales March 1910; is a D.L. for Gloucestershire; P.C.
1912. A Liberal; has sat for Mid, or Stroud, Div. of Gloucestershire since
Oct. nth, 1900, having been defeated there 1895.
Residences— 37, Grosvenor Place, S.W. ; Pollhill, Harrielsham, Kent. Clubs— National
Liberal, Reform, Union (Manchester), Royal Anglesey Yacht.
MAJOR W. J. ALLEN (Armagh Co., N. Armagh Division).
William James Allen, second son of the late Joseph Allen,
of Lurgan, co Armagh ; b. Oct. 1870 ; is a linen manufacturer, one of the
Hon. Sees, of Ulster Unionist Council, and Major Roy. Irish Rifles; served
during European War 1914-18 (despatches twice, Chevalier of Legion of
Honour). A Conservative; elected for N. Armagh Div. of Armagh co.
Nov. 22nd, 1917.
Residence — Linwinny House, Lurgan, co. Armagh.
LIEUT.-C0L. L. (C. M.) S. AMERY (Birmingham, South Division).
Leopold (Charles Maurice) Stennett Amery, el. son of the late
Charles F. Amery, Indian Forest Depart., by Elisabeth Leitner; b. Nov.
22nd, 1873 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (13. A. and
M.A., 1st class Moderations 1894, 1st class Lit. Hum. 1896) ; Ouseley Scholar
of Imperial Institute in Turkish 1895 > Fellow of All Souls' Coll., Oxford 1897 :
m. 1910, Florence Hamar, da. of the late John Hamar Greenwood, Bar.-at-
Law, of Spencer House, Whitby, Canada; Bar. Inner Temple 1902; was on
editorial staff of The Times 1899- 1909 ; organised The Times correspondence
during S.African War; served during European War 1914-16, in France and
the Balkans; became an Assist.-Sec to War Cabinet 1917, attached to
Supreme War Council with rank of temporary Lieut. -Col. ; is a Director of
Uitkyk Collieries, and a Member of Executive of Empire Parliamentary
Asso. and of Tariff Reform League ; appointed a Member of Select Com-
mittee on Marconi Agreement 1912 ; edited and mainly wrote " The Times
History of the S. African War" (7 vols.); author of "The Problem of the
Army," and other works on Mil. and Imperial Questions. A Liberal
UnioniU ; unsuccessfully contested E. Div. of Wolverhampton Jan. 1906,
May 1908, Jan. 1910, and Bow and Bromley Div. of Tower Hamlets Dec.
1910; elected for S. Div. of Birmingham May 5th, 191 1.
Residence — 9, Embankment Gardens, Chelsea, S.W. Clubs — Alpine, Athenaeum,
Hath, Carlton.
W. C. ANDERSON (Sheffield, Attercliflfe Division).
William Crawford Anderson; b. 1877: /;/. 1911, Mary
R. Macarthur, Sec. of Women's Trade Union League ; sometime Chm.
of National Labour Party. A Labour Member ; unsuccessfully contested Hyde
Div. of Cheshire Jan. 1910, and Keighley Div. of N. Pan of W. Riding of
Yorkshire Oct.. 1911 ; has sat for Attercliffe Div. of Sheffield since Dec. 28th,
Residence — 7, Mecklenburgh. Square, W.C.
LIEU r. COM. E. M. ARCHDALE (Fermanagh Co . North Fermanagh Division).
Edward Mervyn Akchd.u.e, el. son of the late Nicholas Mont-
gomery Archdale, of Crock na Crieve, co. Fermanagh ; b. Jan. 26th, 1853 :
///. 1880, Alice, da. of the late Quintin Fleming; is Lieut. -Com. R
J. P. and DL for co. Fermanagh (Sheriff 1884). An Unionist-, sat for N.
Div. of Co. Fermanagh 1898-1903 ; re-elected therefor Oct. 27th, 1916.
Residence — Riveisdale, Ballinamallard, co. Fermanagh. Clubs— Kildare Sire
ARCHER-SHEE [see Shee].
R ARMITAGE (Leeds, Central Division).
Robert Armitage, son of William James Armitage, of Farnley
Lodge, Leeds, by Emily, el. da. of William Nicholson Nicholson, of Roundhay
Park, Leeds ; b. Feb. 22nd, 1866 ; ed. at Westminster, and Trin. Coll.,Camb.
1S88) : ///. 1891, Caroline Katharine, da. of the late Dudley Henry Ryder,
'brook Hay, Hemel Hempstead ; Bar. Inner Temple 1889; is a J. P. for
City of Leeds (Lord Mayor 1904-5), Chm. of Brown Bayley's Steel Works
(Limited), Managing Director of the Farnley Iron Co. (Limited), and a
Director of several other cos. A Liberal ; has sat for Central Div. of Leeds
since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence— Farnley Hall, Leeds. Clubs— National, Reform, Bath.
S. ARNOLD (Yorkshire, West Riding. Southern Part, Holmfirth Division)
Sydney Arnold, son of the late W. A. Arnold, of Manchester; b.
;:h, 1878 ; is a stockbroker in Manchester, and Hon. Treasurer, N.-W.
Div., Free Trade Union ; appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to Pres. of
Hoard of Education 1914 ; sometime a Member of Gen. Committee of Man-
: Liberal Federation. A Liberal', unsuccessfully contested Holdcrness
Div. of F. Riding of Yorkshire Dec. 1910; elected for Holmfirth Div. of S.
Tart of \V. Riding of Yorkshire June 20th, 1912.
Residence— WestbDurne, Hale, Cheshire. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Reform
LIEUT COL W. W. ASHLEY (Lancashire [North], Blackpool Division).
Wilfrid William .V111.1v son of the
late Rt. Hon. (And lvn Melbourne
Ashley. P.C. (M.P. 1874 nds,
Romsey, Han! and 13,
who d, 1886, u.ir
Farauhar, 3rd i pt 13th, 1867; <■<!.
at 1 1 ! at Magdalen I >rd :
1 t, 1901, Ainali. iOlI,
only child of tin- Rt. Hon. Sii •eph
Cassel. I' I
Broo^ I'aik Lane. W., and ICoolttM
I'a.l. iriel
Cour ards
1S89-98. and Hampshii Mil 1898-1901; 1
Bd HI., lor Hants,
and ( 'Inn of Al itivc
o| t! "ld^.
King's (Liverpool Kegi Whip m'lb.
< lomn
Lancashir.- 1 \ Ian. iSth, 1906.
bswn Cattle, Sligo. Clubs— Imxtom*, Urooks ■ Carlton.
RIGHT HON. H. H. ASQUITH (Flfeshire, East Division).
Herbert Henry Asquith, P.C., son of the late Joseph Dixon
Asquith, of Croft House. Morley, Yorks, by Emily, da. of the late William
Willans, of Huddersfield ; b. 1852 ; ed. at City of London Sch , and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford, of which he was Scholar and Fellow (B.A. 1 S74. [St
class Classical Moderations, and Litt. Hum. and Craven Univ. Scholar, Hon.
D.C.L. 1904, Hon. Fellow 1908); Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh and Glasgow
1907, Camb. 1909, Leeds 1910, St. Andrews 191 1, and Bristol 1912, Hon.
D.C. L., Durham 1913 ; elected Lord Rector of Aberdeen Univ. 190S : »i.
1st, 1877, Helen Kelsall, who d. 1891, el. da. of the late Dr. Frederick
Melland, of Rusholme, Manchester; 2ndly, 1894, Emma Alice Margaret, da.
of Sir Charles Tennant, 1st Bt., of The Glen, Innerleithen, N.B., St. Rollox,
Glasgow, and 40, Grosvenor Square, W. ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1876, a K.C
1890, and a Bencher 1894; was Sec. of State for Home Depart. Aug. 1892
to June 1895, Chancellor of the Exchequer Dec. 1905 to April 1908, and Prime
Min. and First Lord of the Treasury April 1908 to Dec. 19 16 (also Sec. of
State for War and Pres. of Army Council March to Aug. 19 14, and a Member
of Cabinet War Committee 1915-16); is an Ecclesiastical Commr. for Eng-
land, an Elder Brother of Trinity House, a F.R.S., an Hon. Member of Inns
of Court Officers Training Corns, and a Life Member of Roy. Literary Fund ;
elected Lord Rector of Glasgow Univ. 1906, and of Aberdeen 1909 ; P.C.
1892. A Liberal: has sat for E. Div. of Fifeshire since July 7th, 1886.
Residence — 20, Cavendish Square, W. Clubs — Athenaeum, Brooks's, Reform, National
Waldorf Astor, el. son of 1st Viscount Astor (sometime a
Member of New York Legislature), of Hever Castle, Kent (naturalised 1899) »
b. May 21st, 1879 ; ed. at Eton, and at New Coll., Oxford (Honours in History):
///. 1906, Nancy Witcher, da. of Col. Chiswell Dabney Langhome, of Mirador,
Greenwood, Virginia, U.S.A., and widow of Robert Gould Shaw ; sometime
Pres. of Eton Literary So., and of its Athletic So. ; is Hon. Major in the Army,
Parliamentary Private Sec. to Prime Min., a Gov. of Guy's Hospital, and
Chm. of Treasury Committee on Tuberculosis, and of State Med. Research
Committee; was Inspector of Q.M.G. Sers. 1914-17 (despatches). A Con-
servative; elected for Plymouth Dec. 7th, 1910, having been defeated there
Jan. 1910.
Residences— 4,. St. James's Square, S.W. ; Cliveden, Taplow, Bucks. Clubs— Turf,
Marlborough, Carlton.
MAJOR J. L. BAIRD (Warwickshire, South-Eastern, or Rugby, Division*.
John Lawrence Baird, C.M.G., D.S.O.,
el. son of Sir Alexander Baird, 1st Bt., of Urie,
Stonehaven, N.B., by the Hon. Annette Maria Palk,
who d. 1884, da. of 1st Baron Haldol! ; b. April 27th.
1874; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford: ///.
1905, Lady Ethel Sydney Keith* Falconer,, da. of 9th
Earl of Kintore ; sometime a 2nd Sec. in Diplo. Ser. ;
is Major Yeo., a J. P. and D.L. for Kincardineshire.
a J P. for Warwickshire, and Dep. Chin., Civil
Aerial Transport Committee ; was Parliamentary
Private Sec. to Leader of the Opposition in House
of Commons (Rt Hon. A. Bonar Law, MP.) 1011-16;
served during European War 1914-15, as Stall' ( 'apt.
Intelligence Corps (despatches, D.S.O.. Officer of
< hrder of Leopold of Belgium, Chevalier of Legion of 1 lonour) ; acted as Agent
and Consul-Gen, in Abyssinia 1902 ; appointed Parliamentary Representative
of Air Board 1916, and Parliamentary Sec. of Air Board (now Air Council) in
National Min. Dec. [oi6;C.M.G. 1904, D.S.O. 19 1 5. A Conservative;
has sat for S.-E., or Rugby, Div. of Warwickshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residence* Btlton House, near Rugby; 26, Chester Street.. S.W. Clubs -Turf,
Carlton, Beefsteak, Royal Yacht Squadron.
MAJOR THE RIGHT HON. H. T. BAKERS Lancashire North East). Accrington
Division i.
Harold Trevor Baker, P.C., son of the late Sir John Baker. M.P.
for Portsmouth, by Louisa, who d. 1899, da. of Paymaster-in-Ch. Robert
Crispin, R.N. ; b. Jan. 22nd, 1877; ed. at Winchester Coll., and at New
C>11., Oxford (B.A .. M.A., and Fellow 1900); Bar. Inner Temple 1903;
.uncial Sec. War Depart., and a Member of Army Council June 1912
to May 1915 ; sometime a Member of Roy. Commn. on the Civil Ser;
appointed Inspector of Quarter Master Gen's Sers. 1916, with rank of Major ;
P.C. 1915. A Liberal-, has sat for Accrington Div. of Lancashire (N.-E. )
since Jan. 19th, 19 10.
• Residences— 42, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. ; Sawley Lodge, Clitheroe.
J. A. BAKER (Finsbury, East Division).
Joseph Allen Baker, son of Joseph Baker, of Canada; b.
April 10th, 1852; ed. at High Sch., Trenton, Ontario: m. 1878, Elizabeth
B. Moscrip, of Roxburgh, N.B. ; is Chm. of Joseph Baker and Sons (Limited),
engineers, of Willesden Junction, N.W., a J. P. for Middlesex, and a Member
of So. of Friends ; was a County Councillor for London 1895- 1 906 » nas
Order of Mercy. A Liberal ; has sat for Finsbury, E. Div. since June
29th, 1905, having been defeated there 1900.
Resilience— Donnington, Donnington Road, Harlesden, N.W. Club —National Liberal.
LIEUT COL SIR RANDOLF L. BAKER, Bt. (Dorsetshire, Northern Division).
Randolf Littlehales Baker, D.S.O., 4th
Haronet, only son of the late Rev. Sir Talbot Hastings
Bendftll Baker, 3rd Bt., by Amy Susan, da. of Lieut. -
Col. George Marryat ; b. July 20th, 1879 ; ed. at
Winchester, and at Magdalen Coll., Oxford (2nd class
History 1902) ; is Lieut. -Col. Yeo., and a J. P. and
County Alderman for Dorset ; served dining European
War 191 5- 18 (wounded, 1» S. A
Conservative', has sat for Dorsr
Jan. 19th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1905
and Jan. 1 906.
Residence — Ranston, near Wandfurd. Clubs — Bath,
1 oronat opus. Arthurs', Carlton.
S. BALDWIN (Worcestershire, Western, or Bewdley. Division).
nicy Baj dwin, son of tin
of Worcestershire), of Wilden House, Stourport, by
.a 11 in :ii». ; ansncceatfuU) <
; is a J. P. for Worcestershire ; .1;
act as an 1 «l ,,>'"
>f Worces
•oth, 1908.
ic 1917.
Residences qj, Eaton Square, S.W. ; AstUy Hall, Mar Sl<
Cimli -Carlton.
RIGHT HON. A. J. BALFOUR (City of London).
Arthur James Balfour, O.M., P.C., LL.D.,
D.C.L., F.R.S., el. son of the late James Maitland
Balfour, Esq., of Whittingebame, bj Lady Blanche Mary
Harriet, da. of 2nd Marquess of Salisbury ; /'. 1848; ed.
at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (HA. 1870, M.A.
1874, Hon. LL.D. 1888); Hon. LL. I ). Edinburgh 1881,
St. Andrews 1885, Dublin and Glasgow 1891, Manches-
ter 1908, Liverpool and Birmingham 1909, Leeds 1910,
Sheffield 1911, and Bristol 1912; Hon. D.C.L., Oxford
1891, Durham 1913, and Columbia Univ. (New York)
1917 ; is a D.L. for East Lothian, an Elder Brother of.
Trinity House, and a Member of Council of Roy. So. ;
was Assist. Private Sec. to Marquess of Salisbury when
Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs, 1878-80, employed on
special mission of Lords Beaconsfield and Salisbury to Berlin June 1878, Pies,
of Local Govt. Board June 1885 to Jan. 1886, Sec. for Scotland July 1886 to
March 1887 (with a seat in the Cabinet from Nov. 1886), Ch. Sec. for Ireland
March 1887 to Oct. 1891, First Lord of the Treasury and Leader of the House
of Commons Oct. 1891 to Aug. 1892, Leader of the Opposition 1892-5, First
Lord of the Treasury and Leader of the House of Commons 1895, 1900 and
again 1900- 1902, Prime Min., First Lord of the Treasury, Leader of the House
of Commons, and Lord Privy Seal 1902-3, and Prime Min., First Lord of the
Treasury, Leader of the House of Commons 1903-5, and Leader of the Oppo-
sition 1905-n ; elected Lord Rector of St. Andrews Univ. Nov. 1886, and of
Glasgow Univ. Nov. 1890, Chancellor of Edinburgh Univ. 1891, Gifford
Lecturer 1914, and Pres. of British Asso. for Advancement of Science 1904 ;
in the early part of his Parliamentary career acted with the so-called " Fourth
Party"; appointed a Member of Munitions of War Committee 1915, and
First Lord of the Admiralty May 191 5 (also Member of Cabinet War
Council), and Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs in National Min. Dec. 1916 ;
went as Head of Special Mission to U.S.A. 1917 ; author of " A Defence of
Philosophic Doubt, ' "Essays and Addresses," '"The Foundations of Belief,"
"Speeches (1880 to 1905) on Fiscal Reform," "Decadence," "Reflections
Suggested by the New Theory of Matter," " Theism and Humanism " (Gifford
Lectures), etc. ; P.C. 1885, O.M. 19:6. A Conservative; sat for Hertford Feb.
1874 to Nov. 1885, and for E. Div. of Manchester Nov. 1885 to Jan. 1906,
when he was defeated there ; has sat for City of London since Feb. 27th, 1906.
Sent— Whittingehame, Prestonkirk, East Lothian. Town Residence — 4, Carlton Gardens,
S.W. Official Address — Foreign Office, Downing Street, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, Travellers',
Athemeiim, City Carlton, New (Edinburgh), etc.
SIR ROBERT BALFOUR, Bt. (Lanarkshire,
Partick Division).
Robert Balfour, ist Baronet, son
of James Balfour, farmer, of Pilmuir, Largo,
Fife, by Isabella, da. of Alexander Hutchi-
son, of Fosterton, Fifeshire ; b. March 6th,
1844; ed. at Madras Coll., St. Andrews:
m. 1881, Josephine Maria, da. of the late
James Beazley, J. P., shipowner, of Liver-
pool; is a member of the firm of Balfour,
Williamson and Co., foreign and colonial
merchants, of 7, Gracechurch Street, E.C.,
and Liverpool; cr. a Baronet 191 1. A
Liberal-, has sat for Partick Div. of Lanark-
shire since Jan. 25th, 1906.
Residences — 7, Prince's Gate, W. ; Lan^ham
Hall, Langham, Essex. Clubs- -Reform, National
Liberal, City of London, Bath, Ranelagh.
Frederick George Banbury, P.C.y ist
Barontt, el. son of the late Frederick Banbury, I
of Shirley House, Surrey ; b. Dec. 2nd, 1850 ; t
Winchester : ///. 1873, Elizabeth Rosa, da. and co-
heiress of the late Thomas Barbot Beale, of Breitcnham
l'ark, Suffolk ; many years a partner in the firm <»f
Frederick Banbury and Sons, stockbrokers, of 2 ;.
Broad Street, K.C. ; is a J. P. for Hunts and Wilts
Chm. of Great Northern Railway, and a Mem!
Council of Railway Asso. ; cr. a Baronet 1902, and
a B.C. 19 1 6. A Con . Ml for Beckham Div.
of Camberwell July 1892 to Jan. 1906, when he was
defeated ; has sat for City of London since June 15th,
Warneford Place,
Resiliences— 41, Lownde*. Street, S.W.
Highworth, Wilts. Club— Carlton.
SIR JOHN S. HARMOOD-BANNER (Liverpool, Everton Division).
John Sutherland Harmood-Baxner, son of Harmood Walter
Manner, of Bebington, Cheshire ; b. Sept. 1847; ed. at Radley : w. 1876,
Elisabeth, who </. 1903, da. of the late Thomas Know! m, of
Darnhall Hall, Cheshire; is a partner in the firm of Harmood- Banner and Son,
chartered accountants, of Liverpool, Chm. of the PeaiOOfl Knowlet Coal and
Iron Co. (Limited), auditor of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co. and of
the Bank of Liverpool, a J.P. and D.I.. for Cheshire I High Sheriff 1902), and
ibec of Liverpool Town Council ; sometime Chm. of its Finance
mittee, and Bres. of Asso. of Municipal Corporations ; elected Lord Mayor of
Liverpool 1912 : Knt. 1913. A Conscti'ati on Div. of
Liverpool since Feb. 22nd, 1905.
Ren 1 Hall, Preston Brook, Cheshire. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton.
SIR GODFREY BARING, Bt. (Devonshire, North-West, or Barnstaple.
Division .
Godfrey .. son of the
Lien! by Helen, who./.
I (iraham,
2nd Bt.. ; b. April iSth. 1S71 ; ctl. at 1
of the late
Alexai > Mackintosh of Mackm-
1 lent 3rd Ratn. Hojnj
il foi ill. \ iffht, Ch
Hampshire and I
buna:. -hcriff
1897); appotntc
>tatc fi'i the
1908, res. of Boai
Hon. I. \ I 1. A
le of
v IQOO, a 1
has sat fa V V.
Ren Its, Isfc of W
lrook»», Bscrwlot**, Royal Yacht Squadron.
SIR C. A. MONTAGUE BARLOW (Salford, South Division).
Clement Anderson Montague Barlow, K.B.E., son of the late
Very Rev. William Dagger Barlow, D.D., Dean of Peterborough; b. 1870;
ed. at Repton, ami at King's Coll., Camb. (1st class Law Tripos, Yorkc
Prize Essayist, Senior Whewell Univ. Scholar, R.A. 1889, M.A. 1893, LL.D.
1900) ; liar. Lincoln's Inn 1 S95 ; was a County Councillor for London 1907-10
(Vice-Chm. of its Parliamentary Committee) ; is Official Principal to Arch-
deacons of London, Hampstead, and St. Albans, a partner in the firm
of Sotbeby, Wilkinson and Hodge. Chm. of Civil Liabilities Panel (1917), and
a Member of Canterbury House of Laymen ; raised a Salford Brig, of five
Batns, 1914-15 ; cr. K. B. E. 1918. A Conservative ; elected for S. Div. of
Salford Dec. 3rd. 19 10, having been defeated there Jan. 19 10.
Residence— is, Arlington Street, W. Clubs— Carlton, Prince's.
SIR JOHN E. BARLOW, Bt. (Somersetshire, Frome Division).
John Emmott Barlow, 1st Baronet,
el. son of the late Thomas Barlow, J. P., of
Torkington Lodge, Hazel Grove, Cheshire,
and Bryn Eirias, Colwyn Bay, N. Wales, by
Mary Ann, da. of the late George Emmott,
C.E., of Disley, Cheshire ; b. April 16th, 1857 ;
ed. at Grove House Sch., Tottenham, and
privately: m. 1895, tne Hon. Anna Maria
Heywood, da. of the late Richard Denman,
and sister of 3rd Baron Denman ; Bar. Inner
Temple 1884 ; is a J. P. and a County
Alderman of Cheshire, a J. P. for Somerset,
and senior partner in the firms of Thomas
Barlow and Brother, of London and Man-
chester, and Barlow and Co., of Calcutta,
Shanghai, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur
(Federated Malay States) ; cr. a Baronet 1907.
A Liberal ; unsuccessfully contested Knutsford
Div. of Cheshire 1885, and Denbigh Dist.
1886 ; sat for Frome Div. of Somersetshire
1892-5, when he was defeated ; re-elected
June 2nd, 1896, Oct. 8th, 1900, Jan. 22nd,
1906, Jan. 28th, 1910, and Dec. 7th, 1910.
Residences— Torkington Lodge, near Stockport ; Bradwall Hall, Sandbach, Cheshire ;
Bryn Eirias, Colwyn Bay. Clubs — Brooks's, Devonshire.
RT. HON. G. N. BARNES (Glasgow, Blackfriars and Hutchesontown Division).
George Nicol Barnes, P.C , son of the late James Barnes, of
Ililltown, Dundee ; b. Jan. 2nd, 1859 : m. 1882 ; sometime Sec. of Amalga-
mated So. of Engineers, and Editor of its official Journal, and Chm. of Labour
Party in House of Commons ; is a Member of Board of Trade Arbitration
Court, and Chm. of Co-operative Printing So. ; appointed Pres. of Pensions
Board in National Min. Dec. 1916, 'a temporary Member of War Cabinet
May 1917, and a Member (without portfolio) Aug. 1917 ; P.C 1916. A
Labour Member', unsuccessfully contested Rochdale July 1895; has sat for
Blackfriars and Hutchesontown Div. of Glasgow since Jan. 18th, 1906.
Residence— 76, Heme Hill, S.E.
CAPT. R. W. BARNETT (St. Pancras, West Division).
Richard Whieldon Harnett, son of the late Richard Barnett,
M.D., of Ardmore, Eiolywood, co. Down, by Adela Sarah, only da. of the
Rev. Edward Whieldon. M.A. Cantab., of Hales Hall, Staffordshire, and
grandda. of Thomas Whieldon, the eminent potter of Fenton Grove, Stafford-
shire (High Sheriff 1787) ; b. Dec. 6th, 1863; ed. privately, and at Wadham
Coll., Oxford (Classical Exhibitioner 1883, B.A. 1887, M.A. and B.C.L.
1889) : m. 1892, Maud Kmmeline, da. of the late William Causey, of
Sidmouth, Devon; Bar. Middle Temple 1889; joined S.-L. Circuit; was
Capt. 1st (Oxford Univ.) Vol. Batn. Oxfordshire L.I. 1887-8, Capt. and
! I
Instructor of Musketry 22nd Middlesex Rifle Vol. 'The Rangers) 1889-97,
pt. in Territorial Force Reserve attached Gen. Staff (gradi
Maj.) 1914-16; is Dtp.-Chm. Roumanian Consolidated Oilfields (Limited), a
Director of other Petroleum Cos., and a Member of Council of Institution of
Petroleum Technologists ami of National Rif \ Conservative \ elected
Div. of St. Panaris Oct. 16th 1916.
Residence— Y^rV Lcnl^e, Park Village WeM, Regent's Park, N.W. Chambers—^ Hare
Court, Temple -Carlton. St Stephen's, 1900.
MAJOR H. BARNSTON (Cheshire, Eddlsbury
$S> <qp> 4p>
Harry Barnston, son of the late
Major William Barnston, of Crewe Hill,
Cheshire, by Mary Emma, da. of Col. —
King, K.H., nth Dragoons; 5. Dec. 1 2th.
1870; ed. atCh. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 18-,
MA. iS-); Bar. Inner Temple 1898; for-
merly Capt. Veo. ; is Hon. Major Terri-
torial Force Reserve, a J. P. for CI
and Lord of the Manor of Farndon. A
Conservative', has sat for Eddisbury Div. ol
Cheshire since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— Crewe Hill, Farndon, On
SIR JOHN N. BARRAN, Bt. (Hawick District >.
John Nicholson BARRAN, 2nd Bartmett
son of the late John Barran, el. son
Baronet, by I the late
Edward Nicholson, of Matthews *
ingham ; b. Aug. 16th, 1872; ed. at
ColL, anil at Trin. Coll., Cainb. (B.A.
1894): m. 1902, Alice Margarita, el. da
iffhtOfl I'ark^, D.D., K
tholotru ; is a
Director of John I'.arran an mited).
merchants, ol Idfawof
Yorkshire ; was su
:.. Pi On. of
I oard, Sec.
State lor Foreign Affairs, and Pnino
Min. 1914-16; was Commr. I
14-15; appointed Parliamentary I
Retideme— Sawley Hall, Ripoo, Yorkshire. l'/»fit — Utook%\. I
SIR ROWLAND H. BARRAN (Leeds North Division
wl.m.l Hirst Barran.
John Barran, 1st /unonst, by Ann, who d. 1874, da.
1st *. 185S; a) privately: m.
1887, Ron mom ho obtained a
1909, I
thk) Hall. OtUy,
Amor peUriir.
t femes
SIR FRA.NCIS LAYLAND BARRATT. Bt. (Cornwall, Mid, or St. Austell,
Francis Layland-Barr att, ist
Baronet, only son of the late Francis Barratt,
of 5, The Esplanade. Plymouth, and St. Austell,
Cornwall, by Anna Michell, elder da. and co-
heiress of the late John Pascoe Bennetts, J. P.,
of Woodlane, Falmouth ; b. Aug. 12th, i860 ;
ed. privately, and at Trin. Hall, Camb. (B A.
and LL.B. 1882, M.A. 1886) : ;//. 1884,
Prances, el. da. of the late Thomas Layland, of
Stonehouse, Wallasey, Cheshire ; is a J. P., a
D.L., and a County Alderman for Cornwall ( High
Sheriff 1897), a J. P. for Devon, and Commodore
Roy. Cornwall Yacht Club ; assumed by Roy.
license 1895 the additional surname and arms of
Layland ; cr. a Baronet 1908. A Liberal; sat
for Torquay Div. of Devonshire Oct. 1900 to
Dec. 1910, when he was defeated ; again
defeated there 1895 ; has sat for Mid, or St.
Div. of Cornwall since Nov. 24th, 1915.
Residences— b%, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; The Manor House, Torquay ; The Red House,
Cromer, Norfolk ; Tregarne Lodge, St. Austell. Clubs— Reform, Devonshire, Royal
Thames Yacht.
H. T. BARRIE (Londonderry County, North Derry Division).
Hugh Thorn Barrie ; b. Aug. 6th, i860: m. 1902, Katherine,
da. of the Rev. W. H. Quarry; is a grain and produce merchant of Glasgow,
Belfast, Coleraine, etc., a J. P., a D.L., and a County Councillor for London-
derry, Clirn. of Co. Committees for Agriculture and Technical Instruction,
and of Co. Asylum Board, Chm. of Coleraine Harbour Board, and a Member
of Ulster Unionist Council; was High Sheriff of co. Londonderry 191 7. A
Conservative and Unionist ; has sat for N. Derry Div. of Londonderry co. since
Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence — The Manor House, Coleraine. Clubs— Carlton, St. Stephen's.
William Barton, son of the late Robert Barton, of Hamilton,
by a da. of James Grey, coalmaster ; b. Aug. 5th, 1862 ; ed. at Glasgow
High Sen. and Univ. : m, 1st, 1895, Jessie Cuthbertson, who d. 1915, da. of
James Boyd, merchant, of Manchester ; 2ndly, 1918, Olive Ruth Bryson ;
is head of the firm of William Barton and Co. (Limited), of Manchester,
a J. P. for Lancashire, and a Director of Manchester Athenoeum ; Knt. 1917.
A Liberal; has sat for Oldham since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residences — Wyberslegh Hall, Disley, Cheshire ; 53, George Street, Manchester.
Clubs— National Liberal, Athenaeum, Reform.
LIEUT. COL. THE HON. A. B. BATHURST (Gloucestershire, East,
or Cirencester, Division).
Allen Benjamin Bathurst, youngest son of
6th Earl Bathurst, of Cirencester House, Cirencester,
by the Hon. Meriel Leicester Warren, who d. 1872,
da. of 2nd Baron de Tabley; I>. June 25th, 1872; ed.
at Eton, and at Roy. Agricultural Coll., Cirencester
i Membership Diploma 1893) : »i. 1902, Augusta Ruby, el.
da. of the late Lord Edward Spencer-Churchill ; formerly
Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batn. Gloucestershire Regt. ; is
Hon. Capt. in the Army, an Underwriting Member of
Lloyds, and a D.L. for Gloucestershire; was Parlia-
mentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to the Postmaster-Gen. (Marquess of London-
derry) 1901. A Con 1 . >;v. ofGloa
shire July 1895 to Jan. 1906, when he was <k! lected Ian. 25th,
1910, and Dec. 8th, 1910.
Residences -tq, Chesham Street, S.W. ; Polebrook, Hever, Kent. C/*/*— Carlton.
CAPr. SIR CHARLES BATHURST (Wiltshire, Southern, or Wilton, Division).
Charles BATHURS 1 . A*. />'. A'., son of
the late Charles Bathurst, of Lydney Park,
Gloucestershire, by M.uv Elizabeth, only
da. of Col. Thomas Pasley Hay ; 0. Sept.
21st, 1867; ed. at Eton, at Sherborne,
and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (H.A. 1890,
M.A. 1892) ; gold medallist Kov Agri-
cultural Coll., and silver medallist Roy.
Agricultural So. : m. 1898, the Hon.
Bertha Susan Loi>es, da. of 1st I
Ludlow; Bar. Inner Temple 1892;
Fellow of Chemical So., Vic
merly Sec. ) of Central Land Asso. .
Pres. and Gov. of Agricultural Organi-
zation So., a Memlier of Council of
Central Chamber of Agriculture (Chm.
1915), and of Bath and West of Fngland
and Southern Counties Agricultural Sos.,
of Farmers' Club Committee, and of
Gloucestershire Education Cotnni:
Director of Capital and Countie-
(Limited), of Gloucester Wago
(Limitedt, and of Richard Thomas and
Co. (Limited). \^ricultural
Coll., and of Swanley Horticultural Coll., Lord of ti
Purton, and Aylburton, a Yerderer of H.M. Forest of Dean, a J. P. and a
County Alderman for Gloiu ladCtpt R time Assist. Mil.
5. Command and Salisbury Training Centre, and < h-
Land Settlement Scheme for Ex-Scr. lien J was Parliam
of Food Dec. 1916 to July 1917; appointed Chin, of I;
Supply Aug. 191 7 ; K.B.F. 1917. A Conscn ai '/re \ hassat : A ilton,
Div. of Wiltshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residence— Lydney Park, Gloucestershire. Clrntt- Carlton, Oxford and Cam!
Burlington Fine Arts.
W. F. HICKS-BEACH 'Gloucestershire, North, or Tewkesbury. Dlrlslonit
Sir Michael I >ch, 8th laroncl. of Coin St.
Aldw> . by ll.u 1910,
mis ;
/>. July 1
1 i
I hoin.is Tyrwhiti
is h.p. to 1 1
has sat ! Icwkcsburv
n since May 16th, 1
Buckingham Strwt, S.W 6 ; Witcombt Park.
SIR WILLIAM P. BEALE, Bt. (Ayrshire, South Division).
William Phipson l'.i \i i . A'.( '.,
ist Baronet, el. son of the late William
John Beale, J.P, (formerly solicitor of
Birmingham and Westminster), of Brvn-
tirion, Dolgelly, Merionethshire, by Martha,
younger da. of William Phipson, of West-
bourne, Edgbaston, Birmingham ; b. Oct.
29th, 1839; ed. in Birmingham, Heidelberg,
and Paris : m. 1869, Mary, elder da. of
William Thompson, formerly of Sydney,
N.S. Wales ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1867, a
Q.C. 1888, and a Bencher 1892 ; is a
Fellow of the Geological and Chemical Sos. ;
cr. a Baronet 1912. A Liberal', unsuccess-
fully contested N., or Tamworth, Div. of
Warwickshire July 1885, Central Div. of
Birmingham April 1889, and Aston Manor
March 1891 ; has sat for S. Div. of Ayrshire
since Jan. 24th, 1906.
Residences— 2, Whitehall Court, S.W. ; Druni-
lamford, Barrhill, Ayrshire. Chambers— 6, Stone
Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Clubs— Savile,
Reform, Albemarle.
SIR EDWARD BEAUCHAMP, Bt. (Suffolk, Northern, or Lowestoft, Division).
Edward Beauchamp, ist Baronet,
son of the late Rev. William Henry Beau-
champ, of Chedgrave, Norfolk, by Augusta,
da. of Dr. T. Arnold, of Stamford ; b.
April 12th, 1849; ed. privately: m. ist,
1875, Frances Mary, who d. 1886, da. of
His Honour Judge Stephen, LL.D., of
Newport House, Lincoln ; 2ndly, 1890,
Betty Campbell, da. of the late Archibald
Woods, of Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. ; for-
merly in R.N. ; is a J. P. for Norfolk, Mem-
ber of Lloyds (Chm. 1905 and 1913, and
Vice-Chm. 1915 and 1916), and a Director
of British Steamship Investment Trust ; cr.
a Baronet 1 91 1. A Liberal; sat for N., or
Lowestoft, Div. of Suffolk Jan. 1906 to Jan.
1 9 10, when- he was defeated ; re-elected
Dec. 9th, 1910.
Residence — 26, Grosvenor Place, S.W.
A. C. T. BECK (Essex, Northern, or Saffron Walden, Division).
Arthur Cecil Tyrrell Beck, elder son of the late Arthur William
Beck; b. 1876; ed. at Haileybury, and at Jesus Coll., Camb. : m. 18 — ,
Florence Mary, only child of the late William F. Cooper ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn
1899 ; was Mayor of St. Ives (Hunts) 1905-6 ; is a J. P. for Hunts and Beds,
Hon. Lieut. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve, and Chm. of Liberal Insurance Com-
mittee; appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to H. J. Tennant, M.P. (when
Sec. of Board of Trade) 191 1 (when Financial Sec. to the War Office) 191 1,
and (when l'n<l State for War) June 1912, to Under Sec. of State
for Home Affairs ( Kt. Hon. E, J. Griffith) 1912, t<> financial Sec. lo the
ry (Hon tag n, MP. 1.1;, and to Parliamentary Sec. lo
the Treasons (P. H. lUingworth, M.I'. > 1014, a Junior Lord of the Tn
Keb. I'M 5, \ lo --Chamberlain of 11.. M a Household June 1915, and again in
National Min. Dec. 1916, and Parliamentary Sec. to National Set. Depart.
June 1917 ; was a Member of Roy. Cominn. on Civil Ser. 1912. A Liberal:
sat for N., or Wisbech, Div. of Cambridgeshire Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, when
M defeated for X -\\\. or Chippenham, Div. of Wdtshire ; elected for N.,
on WaKlen. Div. of Kssex Dec. 9th, 1910.
Residences— 1, Whitehall Court, S.W. ; Ham-Id, Bedfordshire. Clubs— Reform,
HON. (W.) G. BECKETT (Yorkshire, North Riding, Whitby Division).
(William) (iervase Beckett, brother of 2nd
Baton ( irimthorpe, and younger son of the late William
Beckett, by the Hon. Helen Duncombe, who d 1896. da.
of 2nd Earl of Feversham ; b. Jan. 14th, 1866; ed. at
Kton: m. 1st, 1896, the Hon.* Mabel Theresa Dun-
combe, who d. 1913, da. of the late William Reginald,
Viscount Helmsley, II. P, ; 2ndly, 1917, Marjorie
Hlanche Eva, da of 5th Earl of Warwick, and widow
of 2nd Earl of Feversham ; formerly Capt. Yeo. ; is
a partner in the banking firm of Beckett and Co., of
Leeds; sometime principal proprietor and Editor-in-Ch.
of the Saturday Rei>iew. A Conservative; has sat for
Prodesse cwibus. Whitby Div. of N. Riding of Yorkshire since Jan. 25th,
1906, having been defeated there June 1905.
Residences -28, Great Cumbrian 1 Place, W.J Kirkdale Manor. Nawton, Yorkshire ;
Duncombe Park, Helmsley, Yorkshire. Clubs -Carlton, Bachelor*1, Whites. Carrick.
MAJOR A. C MORRISON BELL Devonshire, Eastern, or Honlton. Division .
ArthurClive Mori
son of Sir Charles William | < II, |f|
in., of Manor ib-ath, Boaroeaoath, 1
burn Hall, I-'.l.vh.n, N.>ithnml>crland, High
Green Manor, Bellingham, Northuml
and 13, Grosvenor Ci<
: William 1 1
mcrly of The Halt, Kenilworth; b. Apr
1871 ;
Sandhurst : m, 191 Katha-
rine Juli 1 Wingi !i Viscount
gent, prcsrrr PopUl
! with
■ 914*1$
. has sat for I-'.., or Ho
nee Jan. 28th, 1910.
• ( nmberUnd Place. W. ; Harpfotd H<
Clubt - 1
rd»\ Traveller*'. Hath, Alpine.
V. I»rx,>n.
LIEUT. -COL. E. F. MORRISON-BELL (Devonshire, Mid, or Ashburton, Division).
Ernest Fitzroy Morrison-Bell, 3rd
son of Sir diaries William Morrison-Bell,
ist Baronet, of Manor Heath, Bournemouth,
Otterburn 1 [all, Elsdon, Northumberland, 1 ligh
Green Manor, Bellingham, Northumberland,
and 13, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W., by Louisa
Maria, da. of William Henry Dawes, J.l'.,
formerly of The Hall, Kenilworth ; b. (twin)
April 19th, 1871 ; eel. at Eton : ///. 1902,
Maud Evelyn, da. of Lieut.-Col. Frank Henry,
J. P., formerly 9th Lancers, of Elmestree,
Tetlmry, Gloucestershire ; is Capt. Reserve
of Officers, and temporary Lieut.-Col. Comdg.
a Yeo. Regt ; formerly Capt. 9th Lancers ;
served in S. Africa 1899-1902 (despatches,
Queen's medal with four clasps. King's medal
with two clasps). An Unionist; elected for
Mid,or Ashburton, Div. of Devon Co. Jan. 17th,
1908, and Dec. 13th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1906 and Jan. 1910.
Residences— 5, Cambridge Gate, Regent's Park, N.W. ; Pitt House, Chudleigh, Devon.
Clubs — Cavalry, Carlton, Royal Automobile.
Carlyon (Wilfroy) Bellairs, son
of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Bellairs,
K.C.M.G., C.B., of Clevedon, Somerset,
by Blanche St. John, da. of the late Francis
Adolphus Moschzisker, Ph.D. ; b. March
15th, 1871 : ///. 191 1, Charlotte, da. of the
late Col. H. L. Pierson, of Laurence, Long
Island, New York; entered R.N. 1884,
became Lieut. 1891 (specially promoted,
having obtained 1st class certificates at all
examinations) (retired 1902), and Com.
191 1 ; sometime Lecturer for War Course
of Senior Officers at Roy. Naval Coll. ; has
acted as Special Correspondent for the limes
during Naval Manoeuvres ; was a County
Councillor for London 1913-15 ; contributed
to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Naval
Annual, etc. ; received silver medal of the
Society of Arts. A Conservative ; sat for
King's Lynn (as a Liberal) Jan. 1906 to Oct. 1909, and as a Conservative
Oct. 1909 to Jan. 1910; has sat for Maidstone since Feb. 22nd, 1915.
Residence— 35, Wilton Place, S.W. Club— Carlton.
A. S. BENN (Plymouth).
Arthur Shirley Benn, el. son of the
late Rev. John W. Benn, R. of Carrigaline
and Douglas, co. Cork, by Maria Louisa, da,
of the late Gen. Christopher Hamilton, C.B. ;
b. 1858; ed. at Clifton Coll., and abroad; a
Student of Inner Temple : m. 1888, Alys Marie,
da. of F. A. Liiling, of New Orleans, U.S.A. ;
lived many years in U.S.A. and Canada ; held
Commission in Canadian Garrison Artillery ;
was Managing Director of Hunter, Benn and
Co., merchants and timber shippers, and Vice-
Consul at Mobile, Alabama 1898-1902; was
a County Councillor for London 1907- 11 (Chm.
of its Highways Committee 1909-10). A Con-
lly contested Battersea Div. of Battersea and Clapham
Jan. 1906 and Jan. 1910; elected f<>r Plymoatfa Dec 1910.
Resilience— iS, Bolton I nth KeatSDgtea, >.W. GAsJu Cidtm, Royal
Thames Vat!. tern Yacht.
Ion Hamilton Benn,Z>.5.0., son of the
late Rev. John \V. Benn. R. of Carrigaline and
Douglas, co. Cork, by Mar la. of t fil-
iate Gen. Christopher Hamilton, C.B. ; l>. March
3i>t, 1863 : ///. 1SS5, Frances, only da. of the
late N. Bridget) of Wallington Manor, Surrey,
and Blackheath, Kent; is Hon. Col London
Regt., Com. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve, a
Member of Port of London Authority, and a
Director of Price and Pierce (Limited), mer-
chants, of 27, Clement's Lane, E.C., and of
Price Bros, and Co. (Limited) ; served during
European War 1914-17 (despatches, D.S.O.);
1 '.SO. 1917 ; was Mayor of Greenwich 1901-2,
and a Member of the first Metropolitan Water
Board 1903-6, and of London County Council
1907-10. A Conservative ; has sat for Greenwich since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— 17, Collingham Gardens, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton, Con-
stitutional, Royal Thames Yacht.
CAPT W. WEDGWOOD BENN (Tower Hamlets, St. George Division).
William Wedgwood Benn, £>.S.(9.,son of Sir John Williams Kenn,
.. 1.1 '.. D L. (formerly M.P. for 1 >evonport),of The < )ld Knoll, Bhckheath,
S.K.. by Lily, youngest da. of John Pickstone, formerly of Silver Hill, i
y 10th, 1877; ed. in Paris, and at Univ. Coll.. London
1st class Honours 1S98) ; was Private Sec. (unpaid) to Rt. Hon. K. M, kt-nna.
Ml., when successively Financial Sec. to the I
Kducation, I of the Admiralty 1905-10, and a Junior Lord of the
;ry (representing II.M.s Office nn. in
>f Commons) 1910 15 ; appointed Chin, of Executive Committee,
d Relief Fund 1914 ; formerly I luring European
War 1915-17 in k.\ uiih rank of Capt. (desp .\
D.S.O., Cr<. ; D.S.O. 1917. A Liberal; has I
>f Tower Hamlets since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residence -Th* Old Knoll, Blackheath. B I
0 J. BENTHAM Lincolnshire. West Lindsay, or Gainsborough. DtvlalonX
ate William Jackson, of
renue, Hull, by Sarah, da. >>f Robi I. Aug. 1st,
1863; cd. privat. ^S6, Ada K
Hull : f the firm «<l W illiani
1". for Hull
Riding o| \ 15 year* A Membtf iikiI ;
was a M *o6 10 : assumed
! dl Ian, xjoo; has sa-
Lin. olnshire since Jan. 2f>th, 1910.
ience-Swn\mnd, East Yorkshire C7«*-NaUooaJ literal.
COL. LORD HENRY C CAVENDISH BENTINCK (Nottingham, South Division).
Henry Cavendish Cavendish Bentinck, half
brother of t>th Duke of Portland, leoond son of the late
Lieut. -Gen. Arthur Cavendish- Bentinck, of Knst Court,
Wokingham, Berks, l>y Augusta Mary Elizabeth, in her
own right, Baroness Bokover, who d. 1893 ; b. May *8th,
1863 ; ed. at Eton, and atCh. Ch., Oxford: m. 1892, Lady
(m^AjV (om] ( )livia Caroline Amelia Taylour,da. ofthelateThomas, Earl
V \7 1X5 ()f Bective> M-P" of Underley Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale;
■ raised to rank of a Duke's son 1880; formerly Lieut.
3rd. Batn. Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire Regt.); some-
time a Family Trustee of British Museum ; is Hon. Col.
Border Regt. Territorial Force, Lieut. -Col. Yeo., and a J. P., a D. L.. and a
County Councillor (Lunesdale Div.) for Westmorland ; served in S. Africa
1900, with Imperial Yeo., and in Dardanelles 1915, Comdg. Yeo. A
Conservative', sat for N.W. Div. of Norfolk July 1886 to June 1892 ; defeated
there 1885 anc^ T^92 5 sat f°r §• Div. of Nottingham July 1895 to Jan. 1906,
when he was defeated ; re-elected Jan. 19th, 1910, and Dec. 5th, 1910.
Residences— 53, Grosvenor Street, W. ; Underley Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale. Clubs —
Carlton, Turf.
SIR JOHN H. BETHELL, Bt. (Essex, Southern, or Romford, Division).
John Henry Bethell, ist Baronet,
son of the late George Bethell, of South
Woodford, Essex ; b. Sept. 1861 : m. 1895,
Florence, da. of James Wooley Wyles ;
sometime a Surveyor ; is a Director of
London and South Western Hank (Limited),
and of Royal Exchange Assurance Cor-
poration, and J. P. for Essex; has twice
been Mayor of West Ham, and twice of
East Ham ; cr. Knt. 1906, and a Baronet
191 1. A Liberal', unsuccessfully contested
N. Div. of West Ham Oct. 1900 ; has sat
for S., or Romford, Div. of Essex since
Jan. 20th, 1906, having been defeated
there 1894 and 1895.
Residence — Park House, Wanstead, Essex.
A. BIGLAND (Birkenhead).
Alfred Bigland, son of Edwin Bigland, of Birkenhead, by
Adelaide Merry weather ; b. March 15th, 1855 ; ed. privately : m. 1878,
Emily Jane, da. of William Baillie Arkle; is senior partner in the firm of
Uigland, Sons and Jeffreys, general merchants, of Liverpool ; raised Bantam
Hatns. Cheshire Regt. during European War ; appointed Assist. Director in
Propellant Depart., Ministry of Munitions 1916, and Controller of Margarine,
Soap, and Cattle Food Stuffs Feb. 1917 ; author of "Ethics of Empire,"
"England's Future under Tariff Reform," etc. A Conservative; elected for
Birkenhead Dec. 5th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Residence— -Wexford Lodge, Oxton, Birkenhead. Club— Carlton.
COM. N. PEMBERTON BILLING (Hertfordshire, East, or Hertford, Division),
Noel Pemberton Billing, son of Charles Eardley Billing ;
b. 1880; formerly Squadron-Corn. Roy. Naval Air Ser. An Independent ;
has sat for E., or Hertford, Div. of Hertfordshire since March 9th, 1916.
Residence— Hertford House, Hertford. Chambers — 3, Essex Court, Strand, W.C.
ALFRED F. BIRD (Wolverhampton. West Division)
Alfred Frederick Bird, younger
t tbeUte Alfred Bird, F.C.S., anal]
and manufacturing chemist, of Birmingham,
l>y Elizabeth Lavinia, da, <>f Richard Kagg;
t>. July 27th, 1849; ed. at King Kdward's
Gram. Sch., Birmingham: w. 1875, Eleanor
Frances, da. of the late Rol>ert Lloyd Evans ;
is Chm. of Alfred Bird and Sons 1 Limited .
manufacturing chemists, of Deritend, Bit-
mingham, and aj.l\ and D.L for Warwick-
shire ; has travelled widely ; appointed
Parliamentary Private Sec. to Under Sec.
for the Colonies 191 7. A Con sen .
unsuccessfully contested Wednesbury Jan.
1906 ; has sat for \V. Div. of Wolver-
hampton since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residence— Tudor Grange, Solihull, Warwick -
.shire. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton, Con-
<:, Union (Birmingham), Alpine, Royal Automobile, Conservative (Wolverhampton).
RIGHT HON. A. BIRRELL (Bristol. North Division).
Augustine BlRRELL, P.C,t A'.C. /./,./>.. son of the Rev. ( :
Mitchell Birrell, main oformial Minister in Lira
Jane, da. of the Rev. Hem
Jan. 19th, 1850 ; ed. at Amersham Hall Scl:., and at Tiin. Hall. <
1872, Hon. Fellow 1899) ; I.I.D.. St All | 1 1 n. I I . 1 1 . |
1909; Hon. D.Lttt., Bristol 1912 : ///. 1st, 1878, Man -.», who
d. 1879, da. of Archibald Mirrielees; 2n<lly, 1 888,
: ;, da. of Frederick Locker, sod widow of the Hon. Lionel Tennyson;
liner Temple 1875, a Q«C. 1894, and a Bencher I903 ; is a J. P. for
k ; appoint 1905. and Ch. Sec.
land, Jan. 1907 (resigned May 1916) ; elect lasgow
Univ. 191 1 ; P.C. 190; essfully contest t Div. of
>ol 1885, and VVidne sS6 ; sat for
fuly 1889 to Oct. 1900; has sat : r V Div. of
15th, 190' .
1 M Pightle, Sheringham, Norfolk. C/mti -
New University, Atheu.iiun, National Liberal.
SIR ARTHUR W. BLACK (Bedfordshire, Northern, or Biggleswade, Division
Arthur William I m of the latt William Edwai
\ ; ed in Nottingham 1 m. 1S87
of the late |..|»n Spence, ol Paisley; is a lace manufacturer, a I
-iicriff 189s 1902-3), and a Bros.
tt ion Com-
ttingham ; w.is 1 1003;
il*rof International I '709: Km.
1916. sfully contested Done
ire Oct. 1900 ; has sat for N., or Biggies*
i i.h, 1906.
■dm Hark. Nottingham ; Kockvy Fan*. Woottoa,
Clmbe- National Liberal, I
CAPT R. BLAIR Tower Hamlets, Bow and Bromley Division).
Reginald Blair, youngest son of the late George Mac Lei Ian
iSSi ; ed, at Kelvinside Acad., Glasgow,
///. 1905, Mabel, youngest da. of the late George
Blair, J. P., of Glasgow
and at < ilasgow Univ.
Bradley Wieland; is a Member of Institute of Accountants and Actuaries in
Scotland; served during European War 1914-16 as field Cashier, with
rank of Capt. (despatches). A Conservative ; has sat for Bow and Bromley
Div. of Tower Hamlets since Nov. 26th, 1912.
Residence — The Hermitage, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. Clubs — Carlton. St.
COL. SIR FRANCIS D. BLAKE. Be. (Northumberland,
Berwick on-Tweed
Francis Douglas Blake, 1st Baronet,
el. son of the 'ate Francis Blake, of Till-
mouth Park, Northumberland ; b. Feb. 27th,
1856 ; ed. at Cheltenham, and at Univ. Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1879) : m. 1886, Selina Col-
quhoun, who^/. 1915, el. da. of James Cleland
Burns; Bar. Inner Temple 1881 ; is a J. P.
and D.L. for Northumberland, Chm. of
Quarter Sessions, Vice-Chm. of its Territorial
Force Asso , and Hon. Col. Cyclist Batn.
(Territorial Force) ; formerly Hon. Col.
Northumberland F.A. (Reserve), and Lieut. -
Col. and Hon. Col. Comdt. Northumberland
R.G.A. A Coalition Member; unsuccessfully
contested Tynemouth (L) 1895 and 1900 ;
has sat for Berwick-on-Tweed Div. of North-
umberland since Aug. 16th, 1916.
Seat — Tillmouth Park, Cornhill - on - Tweed,
Northumberland. Club — United University.
J. BLISS (Cumberland, Cockermouth Division).
Joseph Bliss, el. son of the Rev. Joseph Bliss, of Carlisle ;
b. 1853: m. 1891, Margaret, da. of J. McClymont, of Borgne Hall, Kirk-
cudbrightshire ; is a J. P. for Lancashire. A Liberal ; has sat for Cockermouth
Div. of Cumberland since March 2nd, 1 91 6.
R tsidence— Boarbank Hall, Grange-over-Sands. Club— National Liberal.
J. P. BOLAND (Kerry County, South Kerry Division).
John Pius Boland (in Irish, Seaghan Ua Beolain), son of the
late Patrick Boland, baker and miller, of Dublin, by Mary, da. of John
Donnelly, of Dublin; b. Sept. 16th. 1870; ed. at Oratory Sch., Edgbaston,
at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1896, M.A. 1900), and at Univs. of Bonn and
London (B.A. 1892); Bar. Inner Temple 1897: m. 1902, Eileen, da. of the
late Dr. Patrick Moloney, of Melbourne, Australia; is Vice-Pres. of Irish
Industrial Development Asso., and Whip to Irish Party ; has travelled widely.
A Nationalist ; has sat for S. Kerry Div. of Kerry Co. since Oct. 3rd, 1900.
Residence— 40, St. George's Square, S.W.
LIEUT. COL. D. F. BOLES (Somersetshire, West, or Wellington, Division .
Dennis Fortescue Boles, son of the late Rev. James Thomas
Boles, of Ryll Court, Kxmouth, and Moyge, co. Cork; b. Sept. 6th, |
»//. 1894, Beatrice Ringrose, da. of the late John Lysaght, of Hengrave Hall,
Suffolk; is a f.P. and D L. for Somerset; sometime Lieut. -Col. Comdg. a
Batn. Devonshire Regt. A Conservative, elected for W., or Wellington,
; Somersetshire July 21st, 1911.
KmUrmrt Watti House, Hi>hops Lydeard, Taunton. Ciubt— Junior, United S>
Carlton, Ranelagh, Royal Automobile.
F. H. BOOTH (Pontefract).
Frederick Handel Booth, son of John Booth; b. July strd,
1867: m. 1895, a da. of Thomas Dreydel, J. P. ; is Chm. of Yorkshire Iron
■ad Coal Co. (Limited) ; appointed a Member of Select Committee on
i Agreement 1912. A Liberal', unsuccessfully contested King's Lynn
Oct. 1900 ; elected for Pontefract Dec. 8th, 19 10.
Residences— 106, Grosvenor Road, S.W. ; Hooton Levitt Hall, near Malthy, Rothcr-
ham. Clubs— National Liberal, Royal Automobile.
Arthur Sackville Trevor Griffith-Boscawen, son of the late
Capt. Boscawen Trevor Griffith, who assumed the additional surname of
Boscawen 1875, ofTrevalyn Hall, Wrexham, by Helen Sophia, el. da. of the
late Adm. Norwich Duff; b. Oct. 18th, 1865; ed. at Rugby, and at Queen's
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 2nd class Moderations, 1st Class Clastic*, 2nd class
ry 1888, M.A. 1894): ///. 1892, Edith Sarah, el. da. of the I
Williams, of Boons Park, Edenbridge, Kent ; of Oxford Union
1888; formerly Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 3rd Batn. Qneen'l I : Kent
Regt. ) ; is a J. P. for Kent, sometime a Chm. of House of Commons Standing
ttees ; was Private Sec. to Chancellor of the Exchequer Kt. Hon.
Sir M. Hicks-Bead), Bt, M.P.) 1895-1900, Fourth Charity Commr. (unpaid)
1900-1906, and a County Councillor for London (Dulwich Div ") 1910-13
time Chm. of its Housing of the Working Classes Commit t
during European War in Prance 1916 Comdg. a Batn. Hampshire Re-
spatches) ; appointed Parliamentary Sec. oj Dec. 1916 ;
author of " Fourteen Years in Parliament"; Knt. 191 1. A Conservative; sat
W , or Tonbridge. Div of Kent July 1892 to Jan. 1906, when he was
elected for Dudley Dec. 7th, 1910, having l>ccn defeated there
Jan. 19IO.
Residences -80, Corn* tk Hill Mouk, Dudley. Cinbt—
Athen-ttmi, CarUoo, ConNtitiition.il, Koy»| Amoniol.ilc.
LIEUT. COL. O. R. HARLAND BOWDEN (Derbyshire, North Bant Division).
1 1 .Hand BOWDI
May 20th, 1914.
Residence— Ha/lcdcne. St. Albans, Herts. C7«A*— Carlton, Junior Army and N>
William Bowerman, P.C.% el. son c>!
of II int. n, Devon; b. 1851: »/. 1876, Loafs*, dl
Sec. of
Count. x>l-7, a M«
: M
iA#*r Member; has sat for
$th, 1906.
Resident— 4 Battled— n Road, Hif hbury. N.
D. BOYLE (Mayo County. North Mayo Division).
Daniel Boyle, son of the late Donal Boyle, farmer, of Kilcoo,
co. Fermanagh; b. Jan. 10th, 1859; ed. at National Sch. : m. 1883, Annie,
da. of the late Patrick Gardiner, of Sligo ; qualified as a Teacher but never
followed that profession : a journalist ; elected to Manchester City Council
1894, and became an Alderman 1908 ; is a J. P. of that City. A Nationalist ;
has sat for N. Mayo Div. of Mayo Co. since Jan. 28th, 1910.
Residence - Castletown Manor, via Ballina, co Sligo.
W. L. BOYLE (Norfolk, Mid Division).
William Lewis Boyle, 5th son of the late
Charles John Boyle, by Zacyntha, who d. 1907, da. of
the late Gen. Sir Lorenzo Moore, Gov. of the Ionian
Islands; b. May 27th, 1859: m. 1887, Charlotte Mary,
da. of the late Charles Loyd Norman, of The Rookery,
Bromley Common, Kent. A Liberal Unionist ; has
sat for Mid. Div. of Norfolk since Jan. 19th, 1910,
having been defeated there Oct. 1900 and Jan. 1906.
Residence— Tuddenham Lodge, Honingham, Norfolk.
Clubs— Carlton, Constitutional, Norfolk County.
SIR JAMES B0YT0N (Marylebone, East Division).
James Boyton, son of the late Henry Boyton ; b. 1855:
///. 1 88 1, Emma, da. of the late Peter Middleton ; is senior partner in the
firm of Elliott, Son and Boyton, auctioneers and surveyors, of Vere Street,
W., and a Member of Council of Auctioneers' and Estate Agents' Institute
(I'res. 1905-6) ; was a Member of London County Council 1907-10 ; Knt. 1918.
A Conservative ; has sat for E. Div. of Marylebone since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residences— 2, Park Square West, Regent's Park, N.W. ; Thames Lawn, Marlow,
Bucks. Clubs— Constitutional, Carlton.
RIGHT HON. W. BRACE (Glamorgan, Southern Division).
William Brace, P.C.\ b. Sept. 23rd, 1865 : ;//. 1890, Nellie, da.
of William Humphreys; commenced life as a pit worker; sometime Miners'
Agent for S. Glamorganshire ; is a Member of Board of Trade Arbitration
Court, Pres. of S. Wales Miners' Federation, and Past Vice-Chm. of
Labour Party ; was a Member of Roy. Commn. on Coal Resources of
Great Britain; appointed Parliamentary Under Sec. of State for Home
Depart. Feb. 1915, and again in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; P.C. 1916. A
Labour Member', has sat for S. Div. of Glamorgan since Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence— Devonfield, Fields Road, Newport, Monmouthshire.
P. J. BRADY (Dublin City, Stephen's Green Division).
Patrick Joseph Brady, el. son of the late James Brady, of
Blackrock, co. Dublin ; b. March 12th, 1868 ; ed. at St. Vincent's Coll.,
Castleknock and at Univ. Coll., Dublin: ;//. 1900. Evelyn, younger da. of
the late John Douglas Parminter, Paymaster R.N.; admitted Solicitor 1893;
is a member of the legal firm of Brady and Hay den, of Dublin, and of
Council of Incorporated Law So. of Ireland, and a Director of Midland
Great Western of Ireland Railway Co. A Nationalist ; has sat for Stephen's
Green Div. of Dublin City since Jan. 20th, 1910.
Resident — Glena, Booterstown, co. Dublin. Chambers— 20, Molesworth Street,
Dublin. Clubs— National Liberal, Irish Automobile, Stephen's Green.
MAJOR H. L. C. BRASSEY (Northamptonshire, Northern Divisions
«£; Henry Leonard Campbell Brassey, son of
| <Z^>„ the late Henry Arthur Brassey (formerly M.I', for
Sandwich), of Preston Hall, K una Harriet,
who d. 1898, da. of ( leorge Robert Stevenson, of Tongs-
wood, Hawkhurst, Kent ; />. March 7th, 1870 : m. 1894,
Lady Violet 1 Ion-Lennox, da. of 7th Duke of
Richmond and Gordon ; formerly Major V
Imperial Veo. ; is Major Ye<>., and a J. P. for Kent
and Northants (Sheriff 1907). A Conservative ; has sat
for N. Div. of Northamptonshire since Jan. 27th, 1910.
>. Residences— 40, Upper Grosvenor Street, W. ; Apcthorps
Hall, Peterborough, Northants.
W. C. BRIDGEMAN 'Shropshire, Western, or Oswestry, Division).
William Clive Bridgeman, son of the
late Rev. the Hon. John Robert Orlando Bridge-
man, 3rd son of 2nd Karl of Bradford, by Marianne
Caroline, da. of the late Ven. William Clive.
deacon of Montgomery ; b. Dec. 31st, 1864 ;
Eton, and at Trim Coll., Carab. (B.A. 1887. M A
1892) : m. 1895, Caroline Beatrix, da. of the
Cecil Thomas Parker, of The Pa.i lesion,
Chester: i^ a J.P. for Salop; was Assist. Private
- Sec. to Sec. of State for Colonies (Baron Knutsford)
1889-92, and Private See. to ( haiKvll"r of the
Exchequer ( Rt. Hon. Sir M. Hicks-Beach. Bt., M.P.) 1895-9; appointed a
Junior Lord of the Treasury May 1915 (also Assist. Director, War Trade
Depart. 1916), and Parliamentary Sec. to Min. of LabottI Dec. 1916. A
Conservative; unsuccessfully contested Worcestershire, N. Div., July 1892,
hire, Mid. Div. July 1895, ami Salop, W., or Osu r. July
1904 ; has sat for \Y., or Oswestry, Div. of Shropshire since Jan. 19th, 1906.
Residences— \^% Mansfield Street, \V. ; Leigh Manor, Minsterley, Shropshire. C7»*—
LIEUT. COL W. B. BROCK LEHURST (Cheshire. Macclesfield Division).
William Brocklehurst Brocklehurst,
el. son of the late William Coarc Brocklehurst
Balky llali.rhohiic.
by M Worthington, J.l\, of
Brockhttrlt, Cheshire; k May iSth, 1851 ;
ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and at Magdalen
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1874) ; is a silk manu-
facturer, 1 1.1'. and a County CpOTcllta
Cheshire, and Major and II Col.
Yeo. ; ha* sal for Macclesfiekl I
of Cheshire »ince Jan. i8lh, 1906.
Reti v Hall,
M«<rl**fWM. C/.A-
W BROOKES (Tower Hamlet*. Mil* Bad DlrUlonV
VVarwicl Ikookes, son <>t k Brookes, ol Nfa
Managing 1
e Cooperative So. (Limited), of 28, I layout '» Booth and
Brookes (Limited) and T. T. Nethercoat and Co. (Limited). An Unionist',
unsuccessfully contested W. Div. of Newington Jan. and Dec. 1910; has sat
for Mile End Div. of Tower Hamlets since Jan. 25th, 1916.
Residence— %, Hamilton Place, Park Lane, W.
U. H. BROUGHTON (Preston).
Urban Hanlon Broughton, son of John Broughton, a railway
manager; b. April 12th, 1857; ed. at Grove Park Sch., Wrexham, and at
London Univ.: m. 1896. Cara Leland, da. of Henry Huttleston Rogers, of
New York ; is an A.M. ICE. ; employed on railway, drainage, and dock
works in England and Ireland 1878-87, and in engineering, manufacturing,
mining, financial, and railway work in U.S.A. 1887-1912; has been Pres. and
Director of Virginian Railway, Vice-Pres., Director, and Gen. Manager of
United Metals Selling Co., Pres. and Director of Utah Consolidated Mining
Co., and Shone Co., Vice-Pres. of National Copper Bank of New York, and
a Director of many other cos. ; is Parliamentary Private Sec. to Attorney-Gen.
A Conseivative ; has sat for Preston since June 9th, 19 r 5.
Residence — 37, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, W. Clubs— Carlton, Marlborough,
Garrick, Orleans, Boodle's, St. Stephen's, 1900, Royal Thames Yacht, Yorkshire.
J. F. L. BRUNNER (Cheshire, Northwich Division).
John Fowler Leece Brunner, el. son of
the Rt. Hon. Sir John Tomlinson Brunner, P.C.,
1st Bt., of Silverlands, Chertsey, Surrey, by Salome,
who d. 1874, da. of the late James Davies, of Liver-
pool ; b. May 24th, 1865 ; ed. at Cheltenham, and at
Trin. Hall, Camb. : m. 1894, Lucy Marianne Vaughan,
da. of the late Octavius Vaughan Morgan, J. P.
(formerly M.P. for Battersea Div. of Battersea and
Clapham), of 13, The Boltons, S. Kensington. S.W. ;
t Director of Brunner, Mond and Co. (Limited), a J. P.
for Cheshire, and a Member of Central Tribunal for
Great Britain. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested
Cheshire, Hyde Div. Oct. 1900 ; sat for Leigh Div. of
a-tTZ' a- Lancashire (S.-YV.) Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910 ; has sat for
Blue si safiis. __ , . , ^l. cjJ . . * , JT -' '
Northwich Div. of Cheshire since Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residences — 43, Harrington Gardens, S.W.7; Sandiway House Northwich, Cheshire.
Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
J. A. BRYCE (Inverness District).
John Annan Bryce, son of the late James Bryce, LL.D., of
Glasgow, by Margaret, el. da. of the late James Young, of Abbey ville, co.
Antrim ; b. 18 — ; ed. at Glasgow High Sch. and Univ. (M.A.), at Edinburgh
Univ., and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1st class Classics, Brackenlmry
Scholar., Pres. Oxford Union So.) : ;//. 1888, Violet, da. of Capt. Champngne
range, R.A. ; formerly an East India Merchant ; is a Director of London
County and Westminster Bank (Limited), Bombay, Baroda, and Burma
Railways, Alias Assurance Co., and English, Scottish, and Australian Bank;
formerly a M.L.C. of Burmah and Chm. of Rangoon Chamber of Commerce;
has twice been a Member of Council of Roy. Geographical So. ; was a
Member of Roy. Commn. on Congestion in Ireland 1906-8. A Liberal ; has
sat for Inverness Dist. since Jan. 19th, 1906.
Residence — 35, Bryaiwton Square \V. Chd< Savile.
SIR WILLIAM (J.) BULL (Hammersmith).
William (James) Bull, 2nd son of the late Henry Bull, solicitor,
sometime of India Board of Control, by Cecilia Ann, da. of the late James
Peter Howard, of Whiteheads Wood Park, Shirley, Hants, and Lowndes
Square, S.W. ; b. Sept. 29th, 1863 ; ed. at St. Mary's Acad. : m. 1904,
Lilian, da. <>f Mrs. Brandon, of Oakbrook, Ravenscourt Park, and Heene,
Worthing ; admitted Solicitor 1SS9 ; is senior partner in the firm of Bull and
Bull, solicitors, of 3, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C, and 267 and 269,
King Street, Hammersmith. \\\, Chm. of J. \V. Singer and Sons (Lin
bronze founders, of Frome and London, a Member of Committee of the Birk-
beck Coll. and of West London Hospital, a Gov. of Latymcr Charities,
■ Member of Hoard of Trade Rubber and Tin Exportl Committee, Parlia-
mentary Sec. of Unionist Business Committee, Hon. Solicitor and Vice- Pros,
to Roy. Life Saving So., a Trustee of Roy Humane So., Chm. of S
Convalescent Hospital at Seaford, a Land Tax Commr. for Kensington,
Chm. House of Commons Petitions Committee, Hon. Sec. of London Un
Members of Parliament, and Registrar of Imperial So. of Knights Bachelor ;
sometime Yice-l'hm. and Chm. of Bridges Committee of London C
Council during Construction of Blackball Tunnel ; has l>een Parliamentary
Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. W. H. Long, M.P. since 1902 ; Knt. 1905. A
Ctmurvativt ; has sat for Hammersmith since Oct. 4th, 1900.
Residence — The Meadows, Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, W. Clubs— Carlton.
MAJOR A. H. BURGOYNE (Kensington, North Division)
Alan Hughes Burgoyne, son of Peter Bond Burgoyne, of
Broadlands, Ascot, Berks; b. Sept. 30th, 1880 ; ed. privately, at Queen'l ColL,
Oxford, and at Liege and Montpellier Univs. : m. 1906, Irene Victoria Eason,
younger da. of K. Macdonald, hanker, of Sydney, N.S. Wal 'irector
of P. B- Hurgoyne and Co. (Limited), wine growers and colonial merchants,
of 5, I 'I ill, K.C., of Australian Wine Importers (Limitcd>, and of
Limited), and Capt. Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Rcgt.) ;
served during European War 1914-17 (promoted Major) : author of several
on Submarine Navigation ; founded (and edits) the Navy League
Annual; two years Assist. BditOf of "Xav.d Pocket Book." A National
^successfully contested King's Lynn Jan. 1906 ; has sat
• on since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residences '—25, Lin.lcn GafdaOS, W 'phir, Ruthrr^lrn. Victoria, Australia.
Clubs— Carlton, Royal Thames Yacht, Halsbury, City Carlton, Aero, etc
BURN (Devonshire. Torquay Division).
Charles Rosdew Burn
Of the late Gen. Robert Mum, Col. Comdt.
line Rosdew,
Little J V Feb. SOth, 'hcltenham
Coll., and . •
1891, the I!
only da. of 1st Baron I^cith of I
inetly Lieut. -Col. 1st Dragoon* ; Mfl
Ilaxar.i B88 (despatches, medal
with clasp), and a 190010
li M %
i I
ry. Co. ol
«ly CJuai
S and 1887-8,
aaghi 1891*6,
A Liberal Unionist; unsuccessfully contested E. Div. of Aberdeenshire
Jan. 1910; elected for Torquay Div. of Devonshire Dec. 13th, 1910.
Residences — 77, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; Stoodley Kttowle, Torquay; lyvic Castle,
Uierdeenshire. Clubs— Carlton. Marlborough, Naval and Military, Hurlingham, New
(Edinburgh), Royal Northern (Aberdeen).
RIGHT HON. J. BURNS (Battersea and Clapham, Battersea Division).
John Burns, P.C, son of Alexander Hums, an Engineer; />.
Oct. 20th, 1858; ed. at Ch. Ch. Parochial Sch., Battersea ; Hon. LL.D., Aber-
deen 191 1 : m. 1882, Martha Charlotte, da. of John Gale, a shipwright ; com-
menced work at age of II, at Price's Candle Factory, York Road, S.W. ; is a
mechanical engineer (having been apprenticed to the trade at the age of 14).
a County Councillor for London, Battersea Div , a Representative Member of
its Territorial Force Asso., and a Gov. of Battersea Polytechnic; led I )ock
Labourers' Strike in 1889; sometime Chm. of Parliamentary Committee of
Trade Union Congress ; was Pres. of Local Govt. Board Dec. 1905 to Feb.
1914, and Pres. of Board of Trade Feb. to Aug. 1914 ; P.C. 1905. A Liberal
(originally returned in Labour interest) ; unsuccessfully contested Nottingham,
W. Div. 1885 ; has sat for Battersea Div. of Battersea and Clapham since
July 6th, 1892.
Residence — Alveistoke, North Side, Clapham Common; S.W. Club — National Liberal.
RIGHT HON. T. BURT (Morpeth).
Thomas Burt, P.C, son of Peter Burt, coal miner; b. Nov. 1 2th,
1837 ; ed. at various dame or village schools, and by self-culture, meanwhile
working as a miner; Hon. D.C.L., Durham 191 1 : m. i860, Mary, da. of
Thomas Weatherburn, of Seghill, at which time he was Sec. of a Temperance
So., and of a School Committee at Choppington ; in 1864 represented the
Choppington miners at a Conference of the Northumberland and Durham
Miners' Association ; in 1865 was during a strike elected Gen. Sec. of the
Northumberland Miners' Mutual Confident Association (Sec. thereof 1865-
1913, and now Hon. Adviser), then numbering 4,000 (now 40,000) members,
who, to maintain the strike, subscribed over £4,000, and, expending only
£3,300, retained the balance as the nucleus of a new fund ; was Parliamentary
Sec. to Board of Trade Aug. 1892 to June 1895 ; is a Member of Board of
Trade Arbitration Court, and of Industrial Council ; P.C. 1906. A Libera/
and JLabour Member ; has sat for Morpeth since Feb. 1874.
Residence — 20, Burdon Terrace. Newcastle-on-Tyne. London A ddress— Reform Club,
104, Pall Mall, S.W, Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
J. G. BUTCHER (York City).
John George Butcher, AT. C, 2nd son of
the late Most Rev. Samuel Butcher, D.D., Lord
Bishop of Meatli, by his wife, Mary ; b. Nov.
15th, 1852; ed. at Marlborough, and at Trin-
Coll., Camb. (B.A., 8th Classic and 8th Wrangler
1874, M.A. 1877) ; formerly Fellow of Trin.
Coll., Camb. : m. 1898, Alice Mary, da. of E. L.
Brandreth, J.P., and widow of J. E. 11. Gordon ;
Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1878, a K.C. 1897, and a
Bencher 1903 ; sometime a Member of Gen.
Council of the Bar ; received Hon. Freedom of
York City 1906; is aJ.P. for E. Riding of York-
shire. A Conservative ; sat for York City July
1892 to Jan. 1906, when he was defeated ; re-
elected Jan. 17th, 1910, and Dec. 3rd, 1910.
Residences— 32, Elvaston Place, S.W. ; RiccaU Hall,
Yorkshire. Chambers -6, New Square, Lincoln's Inn,
VV.C. Clubs— Carlton, Yorkshire.
N. E. BUXTON (Norfolk, Northern Division).
*J> Noel Edward Buxton, 2nd son of Sir
M Thomas Fowell Buxt rd lit. of \\
jFft 1 Waltham Abbey, by Lady Victoria Noel, <l.i.
^"""""W,^ % Earl of Gainsborough; b. Jan. 9th, 1869 ; eH. at
J .A\ ( >w. and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (H.A. 18*9, M.A.
1894): m. 1914. Lucy Edith, da. of Major 1
Pelham Hum, of Cliff House, Cromer; formerly Major
2nd Tower Hamlets Rifle Vol.; sometime 1
the Metropolitan brewing firm of Truman, Hanbury
and Co. ; is Chm. of Balkan Committee ; author of
several works on the Near East. A Liberal \ sat
tor Whitby Div. of N. Riding of Yorkshire June 1905 to Jan. 1906, when
he was defeated ; re-elected for N. Div. of Norfolk Jan. 25th, 1910, and Dec.
;th, 1910.
Residences— 12, Rutland Gate, S.W. ; Colnc Cottage, Cromer. C/ttfi— Reform.
A. BYRNE (Dublin City, Dublin Harbour Division
Alfred Byrnk, ; />. 1882 ; is an Alderman of the City of Dublin,
and a Member of Port and Docks Hoard. A Nationalist : has sat for Dublin
Harbour Div. of Dublin City since Sept. 30th, 1915.
Rcsidtnce-bi, North Strand Road, Dublin.
LIEUT COL. W. R. CAMPION Sussex, Mid, or Lewes. Division).
William Robert CAMPION, lKS.(\y son of Col. William H
Campion, C.B.. by the Hon. (intrude Hiand, d.i ouni Han
b. 1870: m. 1894, Katharine Mary. da. of the late Rev. the Hon. William
J. P. for S
daring European Wei 1914-18 CD.S s An Unitniti \ un-
fully contested \ I cestcrshire Jan. 1906, and Jan. 1910 ;
has sat for Mid, or Lewes, Div. of Sussex since June 1910.
Address— House of Common*, Wnlm
C. R. S. CAREW (Devonshire. North East, or Tiverton. Division)
son of the late Kev. Kolxrrt Baker I
R. of Hickleigh, Tiverton, by A
rth, da. of Thomas I
^ e«
) .^'_^ coat, ds
Unionist \ h.»s v
COL. 8IR (E.) HILDRED CARLILE, Bt. (Hertfordshire, Mid, or St. Albans,
ffl uriiLiTAT^^ (Edward) Hildred Carlile, ist
Baronett second son of the late Edward
Carlile, of Richmond Hill, Surrey, by Maria
Louisa, who d. 190S, da. of the late B.
Wilson, of Streatham, Surrey; /'.July 10th,
1852 ; ed. privately : m. 1876, Isabella,
third da. of Cornelius Ilanbury, of Manor
House, Little Berkhampstead, Herts; some-
time Capt. W. Yorkshire Yeo. Cav. ; is Hon.
Col. (T.D.) of a Batn. (Comdg. 2nd Vol.
Batn. 1898- 1904) Duke of Wellington's (W.
Riding Regt.), a J. P. for W. Riding of
Yorkshire and a J. P. and D.L. for Hert-
fordshire; cr. Knt. 191 1, and a Baronet
191 7. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully con-
Xr 1 I — \fl 1$ tested Huddersfield Oct. 1900; has sat for
\ J L y^f Mid, or St. Albans. Div. of Hertfordshire
^^£Z^ since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residence — Ponsbourne Park, near Hertford. Club— Carlton.
CARNEGIE (Winchester).
Douglas George Carnegie, 2nd son
of 9th Earl of Northesk, by Elizabeth, da. of
the late Adm. Sir George Elliot, K.C.B. ; 6.
Jan. 4th, 1870 : /;/. 1894, Margaret Jean, da.
of Arthur Henry Johnstone-Douglas, of
Comlongan Castle, Ruthwell ; formerly Capt.
(retired as Hon. Major) 3rd Batn. Glouces-
tershire Regt. ; is Lieut. -Col. Comdg. Labour
Centre. A National Member ; has sat for
Winchester since Oct. 19th, 1916.
Residence — Fair Oak, Rogate, Sussex.
CARR-G0MM [see Gomm]
RIGHT HON. SIR EDWARD H. CARSON (Dublin University).
Edward Henry Carson, P.C., Knt., K.C, LL.D., son of the
late Edward Henry Carson, sometime Vice-Pres. of Roy. Institute of
Architects, of Harcourt Street, Dublin, by Isabella, da. of Capt. P. Lambert,
J. P., of Castle Ellen, Athenry, co. Galway; b. Feb. 9th, 1854; ed. at Portar-
lington Sch., and at Dublin Univ. (B.A. 1876, M.A. 1889, Hon. LL.D. 1901) :
in. ist, 1879, Sarah Annette Foster, who d. 191 3, da. of H. Persse Kirwan,
formerly of Triston Lodge, co. Galway; 2ndly, 1914, Ruby, da. of Col.
Stephen Frewen, formerly Comdg. 16th Lancers ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin
1877, a K.C. (Ireland) 1889, and a Bencher 1891 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1893,
a K.C. (England) 1894, and a Bencher 1900; was Counsel to Attorney-Gen.
of Ireland 1887-90, Senior Crown Prosecutor for County and City of Dublin
1 89 1 -2, Solicitor-Gen. for Ireland 1892, Solicitor-Gen. for England May 1900
to Dec. 1905, and Attorney-Gen. (with a seat in the Cabinet) May to Oct.
191 5 ; appointed First Lord of the Admiralty in National Min. Dec. 1916,
and a Member of the War Cabinet (without portfolio) July 191 7 ; elected
Autumn Reader to Inns of Court 1912 ; is a Member of Ulster Unionist
Council, and Chm. of its Central Executive Committee ; P.C. (Ireland) 1896,
Knt. 1900, P.C. (England) 1905. A Conservative ; has sat for Dublin Univ.
since July 9th, 1892.
Residences, Eaton Place, S.W. Chambers— 3, Dr. Johnson's Buildings. Temple,
E.C. Clubs— Carlton, Garrick, Bachelors', Dublin University, City Carlton, Ulster.
J. CATOR i Huntingdonshire, Southern, or Huntingdon, Division).
John Cator, el. son of the late
ivarle Cator, of Woodbattwick Hill.
Norfolk, by Mary lloleSWOfftfa Cidelia,
da. <»f Christopher Arthur Mohun-II
of Haync, Devon « /-. Sept. 24th, 1862;
ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford |
1883) : m. 1895, Maud, da. of the fete
Henry John Adeane, M.l'., of Babraham
Hall, Cambridgeshire ; is a J. P. and a D.I
for Norfolk ; sometime Capt. and I Ion. Major
Norfolk R.G.A. (Mil.). A Comenative ;
unsuccessfully contested N. Div. of
folk July 1892 ; has sat for S., or Hun-
tingdon, Div. of Huntingdonshire >ince
Jan. 20th, 1910, having been defeated
there Jan. 1906.
Residences,— 5?, Pont Street. 8. W. j Wood-
bastwick Hall, Norwich; Heckenham I
H. S. CAUTLEY (Sussex, Northern, or East Gnnstead. Division).
iry Strother Cautley, el. son of the late Henry Cautlev.
of Bramley, near Leeds, and Burton Pidsea, E. Yorkshire, by Mary Ellen,
da. of the late Thomas Strother, of Killinghall, Yorkshire, and Hicham
Park, Northamptonshire; b. Dec. 9th, 1S63 ; ed. at Charterhouse (Scholar),
and at King's Coll., Camb. (Scholar 1881, B.A. ISf CUtM Mathematical
iS84>: ///. 1902, Alice Bohun, da. of Bohun Henry Chandta
fMaplewell, Woodhouse Eaves, Leicestershire; Bar. Middle Temple
1886; goes N.-K. Circuit; sometime Piret, of Bramley < '». A
Come) vative ; unsuccessfully contested DeusLury 1892 and 1S95 » Ml f°r
Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906, when he was defeated ; has sat for
N., or ).. Gnnstead, Div. of SuMex ^ince Jan. 27th, 1010.
Residence* N«>rthw«. Mt, Suuex.
Chambers— a>, Brick Court, Temple. K.C. Clubs— Carlton. Oxford and Cambridge, Leeds.
RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE CAVE (8urrey, Kingston Division ».
George Cavi .C.t son of the
late Thomas Ca rummd, Sim
1.. 2 ;i.l, 1S56; ed. at Merchant T...
fcn'i ColL,
1st class Modermtioni an I 'S78,
M.A.ioi_\ Hon. Fellow ion): «r. 1885, Eatdlft,
da. of the late William \\ . of Crew-
kerne; Bar. Inner Temple 1880, a K.C 1904,
1 ; and a I > I
was Kecm 1 July 1904 to
1915, * Member of Roy. Coo I rans-
fer Act* 1908, and of London Q
Defpa innuttee 1909, S( unsel
and S
of so treatises; 1 md Knt.
:. \ Burnham, Somerset. Cinh— Carlton, Aibeiueum.
HON. 0. CAWLEY (Lancashire, Prestwich
Oswald Cawley, youngest son of i st
Baron Gawley, of Brooklands, Prestwich, and
Berrington Hall, Leominster, by Elizabeth, da. of
John Smith, of Kynsal Lodge, Audlem ; />. Oct. 7th,
:882; ed. at Rugby, and at New Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1905); is Lieut. Yeo. J served during
European War. A Libera/; has sat for Prestwich
Div. of Lancashire since Feb. 1st, 1918.
Residences — Brooklands, Prestwich ; Berrington, Leo-
Evelyn Gascoyne CECiL(usually call-
ing himself Evelyn Cecil, and using the arms
of Cecil only), P. C. , el. son of Lieut. -Col. Lord
Eustace Henry Brownlow Gascoyne-Cecil, of
Lytchett Heath, Poole, and in, Eaton Square,
5. W., by Lady Gertrude Louisa Scott, da. of
2nd Earl of Eldon ; b. May 30th, 1865 ; ed.
at Eton, and at New Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1887.
M. A. 1890) : ;//. 1898, the Hon. Alicia Margaret
Amherst, M.B.E., da. of 1st Baron Amherst of
Hackney, of Didlington Hall, near Brandon,
Norfolk, and 8, Grosvenor Square, YV. ; Bar. Inner Temple 1889 : joined \Y.
Circuit ; was Private Sec. to the Premier (Marquess of Salisbury) 1891-2,
and again 1895-1902, Chm. of Select Committee on Foreign Steamship Sub-
sidies 1901-2, and of Eastern Mail Ser. Committee 1904; was a Member of
London Sch. Board 1894-9, an^ a Member of Council of Railway Asso., of
Public Retrenchment Committee 1915-16 ; has been a Member of Permanent
Commn. of International Railway Congress since 1905, and of Second Chamber
Conference 1917-18 ; is a Member of Joint War Committee of British Red Cross
So. and of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, a Knight of Justice and
Sec-Gen. of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Engla d ; author of " Primo-
geniture, a short history of its development in various countries and its practical
effects," and "On the Eve of the War in South Africa" ; P.C. 191 7. A Con-
servative ; sat for E., or Hertford, Div. of Herts June 1898 to Sept. 1900, since
when he has sat for Aston Manor.
Residence — 2, Cadogan Square, S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Athenaeum
Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-
CftCIL, P.C, fifth son of the 3rd Marquess of
Salisbury, K.G. (Premier and Sec. of State for
Foreign Affairs), of Hatfield House, Hatfield,
Herts, Manor House, Cranborne, Dorset,
and 20, Arlington Street, S.W., by Georgina,
C.I., da. of the late Hon. Sir Edward Ha) 1
Alderson, a Baron of the Court of Exchequer;
6. Oct. 14th, 1869; ed. at Eton, and at Univ.
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1st class History 1891,
Fellow of Hertford Coll., 1891, M.A. 1894),
Hon. 1.1. D., Edinburgh 1910; sometime an Assist. Private Sec. to his father
when - te for Foreign Affairs ; is Lieut, in Roy. 1
Wing), and a Member off Canterbury House of Laymen | PjC 191I
leenwich |ul\ 1895 t.. Jan. 1906, when ■ ated j
has sat for Oxford Univ. since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residences- ?o, Arfiagl W. : Hatfield House, Hatfield, i | tmit
Junta I :on.
Northern, or Hitchin, Division).
j,AT Algernon) Robert ('•.■•»>< ovme
Cecil, P.C., A* .< a of the 3:
^ Saltsbor] emiei and Sec of
State for Foreign Affairs), of Hatfield I
Hatfield, Herts, Man.: II . Cranlwne,
. and 20, Arlington
Georgina, C./., da. off the lata
Edward Hall Alderson, a Baron of the Court
of Exchequer; /'. Sept. 14th, 1864;
Eton, and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (RA. 1886) :
///. 1889, Lady Eleanor I*ambton, dau. < :
Karl off Durham ; Bar. Inner Temple 1887, and a K.C. 189 |
Sec. to his father when Premier 18868; is Chm. Herts
(Hertford I>iv.); appointed a Member of Select Committee on Marconi
Agreement 191 2, and Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs May I915,
also in chai I ckade and Contraband Depart, (with a seat in the
Cabinet) Feb. IQl6, and Min. off Blockade and Junior Under Sec. of S
•art., in National Min. Dee. IQl6j I"' 1915. A Cm
sat for 1. I m .. ol Marylebone Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910 ; unsuco .tested
Blackburn Jan. 1910, and Cambridgeshire, N.. or Wished] 19IO;
I for N., or Hitchin, Div. off Hertfordshire Nov. 250!, 1
Resuienct—ioa, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Club— Carlton.
RIGHT HON (J ) AU8TEN CHAMBERLAIN (Birmingham, West DlrislonX
(Joseph •mi:!ri m\. /' <m of the late Rt.
Joseph Chamberlain, M P . ! the late Archibald K-
I at Rugby, a|
' A 1889), at tl. i tiquc*.
and at Berlin : ///. 1906, Ivy Muriel, (feuoftl «rcnce
.ire Kegt. ; lias acted an Pi" his father ;
was C of the Admiralty July 1895 to Nov. 1900, Financial Sec.
1900 to Aug. 1902, Poktmastcr-Cen., with a seat in the
1 1902-3, and Chancellor of the 1 1903
of Libera] ' I; appoint* • Commn. on Indian
when Birmingham.
Reti<ieme—<), K.
May 191 S. and
1892 to July 1914.
H 0. CHANCELLOR (Shoredltcb. Haftarston Divulom
:i of Join I i«<»b
at Pln.hcM I da of tl
e Joh
Surl, of Newent ; is Chm. of C. Chancellor and Co. (Limited), paint manu-
facturers, of Wakbamstow, and of Young Liberal Federation (London', Pre*.
of N. Islington Liberal Asso.,and Past iglish Land Values Taxation
League. A Liberal \ has sat for Haggerstofl Div. of Shoreditch since Jan.
17th, 1910.
Residence Hillsborougb, Crescent Road, Crouch End, N. Clubs National Liberal,
MAJOR W. A. CHAPPI.E (Stirlingshire).
William Allan Chapple, M.D., only son of John Cole Chappie,
landowner, of Allandale, Otago, New Zealand, by his wife, Elizabeth Ewing
Allan ; l>. July 14th, 1864 ; ed. at Alexandra Sch., and at Dunedin Univ.
(M.D.and Ch.B. 1890); M.R.C.S. Eng. 1897; Diploma in State Medicine,
Roy. Coll. of Physicians, Ireland 1897 : m. 1891, Sarah Douglas, only da.
of Thomas Turnbull, F.R.I. B.A., of Wellington, New Zealand; a medical
practitioner in Wellington, New Zealand prior to 1906, when he retired
from practice ; sat in New Zealand Parliament 1908 ; sometime Hon.
Physician to Wellington (N.Z.) Hospital, and Member of Victoria Univ.
Coll. Council; is* Major R.A.M.C. ; author of "The Fertility of the Unfit,"
" First Principles in the Art of Physical Development," etc., etc. A Liberal ;
has sat for Stirlingshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residence— 43, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Club— National Liberal.
SIB WILLIAM W. CHEYNE, Bt. (Edinburgh and St. Andrews Universities).
Sir William Watson Cheyne, K.C.M.G.,
C.B., F.R.C.S., F.R.S., 1st Baronet, son of
Andrew Cheyne ; b. Dec. 14th, 1852 ; ed. at
Edinburgh Univ. (M.B. and CM. 1st class Hon-
ours 1875); FR.C.S. England 1879; Hon.
LL.D., Edinburgh 1905, Hon. D.Sc, Oxford
1907 : ///. 1st, 1887, Mary Emma, who d. 1894,
da. of William Servante, of Plumstead, Kent ;
2ndly, 1894, Margaret, da. of George Smith,
S.S.C., of Lerwick, Zetland; was Hunterian Pro-
fessor at Roy. Coll. of Surgs. 1888-90, and Vice-
Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Surgs. 1907-9 : is a F.R.S.,
Lieut.-Col. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Surg -Gen.
R.N., Professor of Clinical Surgery at King's Coll.,
London, Surgeon to King's Coll. Hospital, and to
Paddington Green Children's Hospital, Consulting
Surg, to Dr. Barnardo's Homes, Roy. Caledonian
Asylum, and Osborne Convalescent Home for
Officers, and Examiner in Surgery at London Univ., etc. ; appointed an Hon.
Surg, to H.M. 1910, a Member of Med. Consultative Board, Admiralty 1910,
and Consulting Surg, to the Navy 1914 ; elected Pres. of Med. So. of London
1912, and of Roy. Coll. of Surgs. 1914; served in S. Africa 1899-1900 as
Consulting Surg, (despatches, medal, C.B.) ; author of various works on sur-
gical and scientific subjects ; cr. C.B. (Civil) 1900, K.C.M.G. 1916, and a
Baronet 1908. An Unionist ; has sat for Edinburgh and St. Andrews Uni-
versities since Aug. 19th, 1917.
Residences- 75, Harley Street, W. ; Leagarth, Fetlar, Shetland.
Ecclesiastical Commr. 1910
Winston Leonard Spencer-
Churchill, /\c\,el. son of the la
Lord Randolph Henry Spencer- Churchill,
P.C., M.P., by Jennie, C.I., da. of the late
Leonard Jerome ; b. Nov. 30th, 1874 ; ed. at
Harrow, and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Samlhur-t \
m. 1908, Clementine, da. of the late Col. Sir
Henry Montague Hosier, K.C.B. ; formerly
Lieut. 4th Hussars ; is Major Territorial Force
Reserve (formerly Oxfordshire Yeo.), and an
Elder Brother of Trinity House ; was an
present with Spanish Forces during opera-
tions in Cuba 1895 ; served with Malakand Field Force 1897 (despatches),
with Tirah Expedition 1898, with Nile Expedition 1898, and in S. Africa
1899-1900 with S. African Light Horse (taken prisoner but escaped, medal),
and during European War 1915-16 ; has acted as War Correspondent ; appointed
Under Sec. of State for the Colonies Dec. 1905, Pres. of the Board of Trade
April 1908, Sec. of State for Home Depart. Feb. 1910, Firsl Lord of the
Admiralty Oct. 191 1, Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster May 191 5 (r<.
Nov. 1915). and Minister of Munitions July 1917 ; elected Lord Rector of
Alierdeen Univ. 1914, 191c, 1916, and 1917 ; P.C. 1907; author of *• Life of
Lord Randolph Churchill, etc. A Liberal-, sat for Oldham from Oct 1900 to
Jan. 1906, having been defeated there July 1899; sat for N.-W. Div. of Man-
chester Jan. 1906 to April 1908, when he was defeated there ; has sat for
Dundee since May 9th, 1908.
Residence— 33, Eccleston Square, S.W. ; Lullendcn, near Lingfield, Surrey. Clubs—
Turf, Athenaeum. National Liberal.
J. J. CLANCY (Dublin Co.. North Dublin DlvlBlon).
John Joseph Clancy, A'.C, son of William Clancy, of Cat
Lodge, Claregalway, co. Galway ; b. 1S47 ; ed- at Coll. of the Immaculate
Conception, Athlone, and at Queen's Coll., Galway
Ireland, Honours in Ancient Classics) : m. 1868, Margaret Louise, da. of P. J.
Hickie, of Limerick; Par. King's Inn, Dublin 1887, and I k.C. 1906;
formerly cltt ter of the Holy unary, Tralee ; was acting
editor of the Nation 1880-85. A Nationalist ; has sat for N. Dublin Div.
■ Uin co. since Dec. 1885.
Residence— 1, Breflfhi Terrace, Sandycove Road, co. Dublin.
CAPT H. H. SPENDER CLAY (Kent, 8outh Western, or Tonbridge, Division).
Herbert Rear)
son of the late Joseph Spender-Clay, of
rrcy ; b. June 4th, 1875 ;
cd. at Kton, and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sand-
hurst : m. 1904, I inline, only da.
of 1st Viscount Astoi r Castle
Kent ; formerly Capt. 2nd Life Guards ;
is a J. P. f<r Surrey. A Ctntervath* ; has
I Tonbridge. Div ..f k
I. m. 19th, 1910.
|faa r, I IngftsM, Suncy
C/«*#-CaiUon, Turf.
LIEUT. -COL. P. A. CLIVE (Herefordshire, Southern, or Ross, Division).
$&J£ Percy Archer Clive, el. son of the late
^i^^Cf' Charles Meysey Bolton Clive, of Whitfield, Hereford-
jfi$*%$L shire, by Lady Katharine Elizabeth Mary Julia Feild-
■Z &M ™& wno d> 1882, da. of 7th Earl of Denbigh ; b.
I ^^j^^— — . March 13th, 1873 ; ed. at Eton, and at Roy. Mil. Coll.,
L..^..^— -J \.-^>^ 'I Sandhurst: ;//. 1905, Alice Marie), youngest da. <>f
f2r^3^&d the late Col. G. E. Dallas; entered Grenadier Guards
, :>%n[ 1 89 1 , anil became Capt. 1899; retired 1906; rejoined
Ll/liL/ 1914 ; served with W. African Erontier Eorce 1898, in
rf W S. Africa 1899-1901, and during European War 1914-17
%/ ^K (wounded, despatches, Legion of Honour) ; is a I.I'.,
' \S?$ a ^-^'i anc^ a County Alderman for Herefordshire,
s^S&S Major Reserve of Officers, and Lieut.-Col. Grenadier
^^^-^^Trjy' Guards, attached E. Yorkshire Regt. ; appointed Par-
liamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Sec. of State for
India (Rt. Hon. Lord George Hamilton) 1902, to Einancial Sec. of the
Admiralty 1903-4, and to Chancellor of the Exchequer (Rt. Hon. Austen
Chamberlain, P.C., M.P.) 1905. Unionist', sat for S., or Ross, Div. of
Herefordshire Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906, when he was defeated ; re-elected
Jan 31st, 1908, Jan. 1910, and Dec. 12th, 1910.
Residences— 2\y Chester Street, S. W. ; Whitfield, Allensmore, Herefordshire. Clubs—
Guards', Carlton, Travellers'.
W. CLOUGH (Yorkshire, West Riding, Northern Part, Skipton Division).
William Clough, son of the late Thomas Clough, of The
Shroggs, Steeton, by Hannah, da. of Joseph Dawson; b. May 13th, 1862;
el. at Steeton Provident Sch., at Keighley Trade Sch., and at Pannal Coll.,
Harrogate: m. 1886, Louisa, youngest da. of the late William Clapham, of
Browfield, Keighley; formerly a worsted manufacturer; is a County Councillor
for W. Riding of Yorkshire, and a Member of Wesleyan Methodist So. A
Liberal ; has sat for Skipton Div. of N. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire
since Jan. 26th, 1906.
R es idence -The Shroggs, Steeton, near Keighley, Yorkshire.
RIGHT HON. J. A. CLYDE (Edinburgh, West Division).
James Avon Clyde, F.C., K.C., son of the late James Clyde,
LL.D. ; b. Nov. 14th, 1863; ed. at Edinburgh Acad, and Univ. (M.A. 1884,
LL.B. 1888, Hon. LL.D. 1910) : m. 1895, Anna Margaret McDiarmid, da. of
Peter Wall work Latham, M.D., of 17, Trumpington Street, Cambridge;
Advocate 1887, and a K.C. 1901 : was Solicitor-Gen. for Scotland 1905-6 ; is
a J. P. and D.L. for Kinross-shire, and Dean of Faculty of Advocates; ap-
pointed Lord Advocate for Scotland in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; P.C.
1916. A Liberal Unionist; unsuccessfully contested Clackmannanshire and
Kinross-shire Feb. 1906; has sat for W. Div. of Edinburgh since May 17th,
Residences— 59, Pall Mall, S.W. ; 27, Moray Place, Edinburgh; Briglands, Fossoway,
Kinross-shire. Clubs— Carlton, New (Edinburgh).
J. R. CLYNES (Manchester, North-East Division).
John Robert Clynes, son of Patrick Clynes, of Oldham ; b.
1869 ; as a lad worked in a Cotton Mill ; is a J. P. for Oldham, Sec. of
Lancashire Dist. of National Union of Gen. Workers, and Chm. of its
Executive Council, a Member of Industrial Council, and Pies, of National
Federation of Gen. Workers; sometime Vice-Chm. of Labour Party in House
of Commons ; has been Chm. of Federation of Trades Councils ; appointed
a Member of Roy. Commn. on the Civil Ser. 1912, and Parliamentary Sec.
to Ministry of Food 1917. A Labour Member ; has sat for N.-E. Div. of
Manchester since Jan. 13th, 1906.
Residence— 3, Belgrave Road, Oldham.
Residences— Queen Anne's Lodge,
Ewell, Surrey; Helperby Hall, York.
Royal Yacht Squadron.
Edward Feetham Coates, ist
Baronet, el. son of the late James Coates,
J.P., D.L., of Helperby Hall, York, by
Elizabeth, only da. of Edward Sayer, of
Yarm, Yorkshire ; b. Feb. 28th, 1853 ; ed.
at Marlborough Coll. : m. 1878, Edith, d.
da. and co-heir of the late Capt. Philip
Woolley, of Gravenhurst, Bolney, Sussex ;
formerly Capt. and Hon. Major }nl Ham.
Duke of Wellington's (W. Riding Regi
a member of the firm of Coates, Son and
Co., stockbrokers, of 99, Gresham Street,
E.C., a Lieut, of the City of London, a J. P.
a D.L., and a County Alderman for Surrey
(Chm. of County Council 1905-10), a
Member of Committee of its Territorial
Force Asso., a Trustee of Crystal Palace,
a D.L. and J. P. for N. Riding of Yorkshire,
and patron of one living ; <r. a Baronet
191 1. A Conservative*; unsuccessfully con-
tested Yorkshire, N. Part <>f W. Riding,
Elland Div. 1900; has sat for Lewisham
since Dec. 15th, 1903.
Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. ; TayJe* Hill,
Clubs— Junior United Service, Carlton, Yorkshire,
SIR STUART A. COATS, Bt. (Surrey, N.-E , or Wimbledon, Division).
Stuart Auchincloss Coats, 2nd
Baronet, el. son of Sir James Coats, 1st Bt.,
'who d. 1913, l>y Sara 1 Ann, who d. 1887, da.
of John Auchincloss, of New York ; b. March
20th, 1868 : m. 1 89 1, Jane Muir, da. of
Thomas Grecnlees, of Paisley, Rcnfrewxhiu- ;
is Private Chttntttritin of Swi.rd and Cape to
Pope Benedict W. (formerly to 1
and a KmV
rest. A Conservativ* \ unsuccessfully
contested Morpeth Jan. 1906, and Deptford
Jan. and Dec. I910; has sat fur Surrey,
VI . 1 Wimbledon, Div. since April 19th,
.SV*/-Ballaihie. Sunley. Perthshire. Ttmm
Resident*- to, Charles Street. Berkeley Square. W.
With a/tsithful he .'■i- Carlton, Bachelor.'. St. JaaWt,
C. A. COCHRANE (South Shields).
latC Willi.un I
Residem e-OukMd House. Uceforth, NewcaatU^io-Trne. (/■*»— Reform, Royal
RIGHT HON. J. COLLINGS (Birmingham, Bordesley Division).
Jesse Collings, P.C., son of the late Thomas Collings, of
Exmouth, by Elizabeth, his wife; b. Jan. 1831 : m. 1858, Emily, da. of
Edward Oxenboukl ; assisted to found the Devon and Exeter Boys'
Industrial Schs. ; formerly Chm. of Birmingham Free Libraries Committee,
Hon. Sec. of Birmingham Educational So. and of National Education
League, and Pres. of National Federation of Liberal Asso. ; was a Member
of Birmir gham Sch. Board 1873-6, and Mayor of Birmingham 1878-9: is a
[.P. and an Alderman of Birmingham, and Pres. of Birmingham Chamber
of Commerce, and of Rural Labourers' League ; sometime head of the firm
of Collings and Wallis, of Birmingham; moved "Small Holdings" Resolu-
tion Jan. 1886, the carrying of which caused the resignation of the Marquess
of Salisbury's Administration ; was Sec. to Local Govt. Board 1886, and
Under Sec. of State for Home Depart. July 1895 to Aug. 1902 ; P.C. 1892.
A Liberal Unionist; sat for Ipswich April 1880 to April 1886, when he was
unseated: has sat for Bordesley Div. of Birmingham since July 3rd, 1886.
[Has notified his intention of resigning at end of present Parliament.]
Residence — Southfield, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Club— Constitutional.
LIEUT. -COL. G. P. COLLINS (Greenock).
Godfrey Pattison Collins, C.M.G., son of the late Alexander
Glen Collins, who d. 191 1, of Annet Lodge, Skelmorlie, N.B. ; b. June 26th,
1875 : m- l900> Faith, da. of J. C. A. Henderson ; formerly a Midshipman in
R.N. ; is a Director of William Collins, Sons and Co. (Limited), publishers, of
Glasgow, and temporary Lieut. -Col. in the Army ; served during European
War 191 5- 1 7, in Egypt, Gallipoli, and Mesopotamia, as Inspector Q.M.G.
Sers. ; was a Member of War Office Supplies Committee 1912-13, and Par-
liamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely, M.P. (when
Under Sec. of State for War, and Sec. of State for War) 1910-14 ; appointed
Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Parliamentary Sec. to the Treasury
(J. W. Gulland, M.P.) 1915; C.M.G. 1917. A, Liberal-, has sat for Greenock
since Jan. 19th, 1910.
Residence — 40, Rutland Gate, S.W.
SIR STEPHEN COLLINS (Lambeth, Kennington Division).
Stephen Collins, son of William Collins, of Virginia House,
Swanage, by his wife, Ann Walpole ; b. Oct. 9th, 1847; ed. at Swanage:
m. 1st, 1863, Frances Ann Webber, who d. March 1900; 2nd, Sept. 1901,
Jane, second da. of William Russell, of Marsworth, Tring, Herts ; formerly
head of the firm of Stephen Collins (Limited), stonemasons and contractors,
of Vauxhall, S.E. ; is a J. P. for co. London; for six years a County Coun-
cillor for London, Kennington Div. ; has been a Member of the late Wands-
worth Vestry and Dist. Board, and afterwards an Alderman of Lambeth ;
two years Pres. of So. of Dorset Men in London, and sometime Pres. of Ken-
nington Liberal Asso.; Knt. 1913. A Liberal ; has sat for Kennington Div.
of Lambeth since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence— Elm House, Tring, Herts, Clubs— National Liberal, Reform.
William Job Collins, K.C.V.O., M.D., F.R.C.S., el. son of the
late William Job Collins, M.D., of Oxford and Regent's Park, N.W. ; b. May
9th, 1859 ; ed. at Univ. Coll. Sch., and at St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; B.Sc.
(Honours) 1880, M.B., U.S. (Honours and Gold Medallist) 1881, and M.D.
London Univ. 1883 ( Fellow since 1893, and Senator since 1898) ; M.R.C.S.
Eng. 1880, F.R.C.S. Eng. 1884, Master in Surgery 1885, D.P.H. (Gold
Medallist) 1887 : m. 1898, Jean, tla. of the late John Wilson, D.L. (formerly
M.P. for Govan Div. of Lanarkshire), of Hillhead House, Glasgow ; was
Chm. of London County Council 1S96-7 and Chm. 1897 .
1902-6, Chin, of London Ldueation Committee IO
Ifembei of Roy. Commit, on Vivisection 1906-10, Vict-ChaaoeUoi
Cniv. 1907-9 and ioii-ij, mxl British Plen. at International Opuui
esai the Hague 1911-12, 1913 and 191 | eon and Oculist,
and D.L. lot London, Chm. Arbitration Board far Ch , ■ liihhert
Trustee, Chm. of Chad wick Trust, a Life Gov. of Univ. Coll., London,
Senior Surg, to Roy. Lye Hospital, Ophthalmic Surg, to King George's
Hospital and to Ilampstead Hospital, Consulting Surg, to Western Ophthalmic
and London Temperance Hospitals, a Member of Lxecutive Committee and
Council of the Kings Hospital Fund, an Hon. Sec. to League of Mercy,
Chm. of Departmental Committee on Accidents to Railway Servants, and of
Central Council for Dist Nursing (London), a Member of Chairmen-
of Court of Arbitration, and Independent Chm. for Cuml>erland under Coal
Mines (Minimum Wage) Act 1912; received Jubilee decoration 180;
H»n. Freedom of City of London and Turners' Co. 1909 ; Knt. 1902, K.<
1 9 1 3 . A. Liberal; unsuccessfully contested St. Pancr 1895, and
London Univ. Jan. 1900; sat for \Y. Div. of St. Pancras Jan. 190610 Nov.
1 9 10 ; has sat for Derby since Dec. 29th, 1916.
A'fsit/tHcts—i, Albert Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. ; H«Mk Bad, Eastbourne.
Club— Reform.
BRIG. GEN. R B. COLVIN (Essex, West, or Epplng, Division).
Richard Beale Colvin, C.B., el. son of Beale Blackwell Colvin,
formerly of Pishiohury, Herts, and Monkhams, Ksscx ; b. 1856 ; ed. at
Eton, and at Trin. Coll, Camb. (B.A. 1879): '". 1S95, Lady Gwendoline
Audrey Adeline Brudenell Rous, da. of 2nd Earl of Stradhroke ; formerly
Capt. 4th Batn. Esse< Regt., and Major Suffolk Imped ommanded
190-9 (T.D.); in Hon. Bri^.-Cen. in the Army, a J. P. and D.L.
-ex (Sheriff 1890). and Chin, of its Territorial Force Asso. ; has been
Chm. of Lee Valley Commn. since 1892; served in S. Africa 1900-1901,
Comdg. 2oth Batn. Imperial Veo., and as Comdt. Non (cbes,
: commanded a Mounted Brig. 1916 (despatches ) ; iit of Grace
of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and Hon. Co. Comdt. Essex
Vol. Regt.: has Order of Mercy; < I. Hit) 1900 and (Civil) 1911
Unionist', has sat for W., or Eppttg, loth, 1917.
Rttidtnce— Monkhams, Walthjun Abbey. Club— Arthur's.
T. J. CONDON (Tlpperary Co., East Tipperary Division ),
Thomas Joseph CONDON, son of Jeremiah Condon, of
Clonmel ; b. 1850: m. 1st, 1875. Alice, da. of J. McCrath ; andly, 1913,
Jenny, da. of Jeremy Maloney, of Labo*hcoda, C tly a cattle
dealer and victualler; is an Alderman «>f Clonmel, D he was M
1889, 1890, 1891, 1900, 1901, and 1902. A Xationalitt; has tat I
I ,<crary co. since Dec. 1 885.
KtiidfHce—Hc* Quay, Clonmel.
Dent Kim a 11 Choice, only son of the late I rVhtll
John's Coll., Can r» Mathen ipos 1877, LI M l-iw
. m. 1898, i youngest da oi thf Ute Kcv. Launcel
•ham, Res : *$3 *» w«* '
*$•& Legal
Adviser to I louse of Commons Sweating Committee 1886*8, Civil Ser. Commn,
Examiner for Factory Inspectorships 1890, and Hon. Sec. to Allied Colonial
Univs. Conference 1903 ; is a well-known political writer and recognised
authority on Colonial Affairs, Chm. and Treasurer of Princess Mary Memorial
1 Ionic, and Chm. of Central Emigration Board, and of Advisory Committee
of Secondary Schs. fox Girls (S.-W. London), a Member of Conjoint Com-
mittee for Promoting Commercial Education (London Univ.), and a Gov. of
Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, a Director (London Board) of
Colonial Mutual Assurance So., Chm. Western Canadian City and Town
Lands (Limited), and Treasurer of Queen Mary's Holiday Home for
Governesses ; sometime a Member of London County Council, of Higher
Education Committee for Co. London, of Central Unemployed Body for
London, and of Co. of London Territorial Force Asso. ; was a Member of
Council and of Executive Committee of Festival of Empire 1910-1 1 ; has been
Editor of Pall Mall Gazette, Observer, and other papers; founded and edited
The Empire Review ; assumed the additional surname of Kinloch 1905 ; author
of "Australian Defence and New Guinea/' and of the authorised memoirs
of Princess Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck, and of "Queen Mary" ; Knt.
1905. A Conservative ; has sat for Devonport since Jan. 15th, 19 10.
Residence — 3, Mount Street, W. Chambers — 2, Garden Court, Temple, E.C. Clubs —
Athenaeum, Carlton, St. Stephen's, Beefsteak, United, Royal Western Yacht, Royal South-
western Yacht.
Richard Ashmole Cooper, 2nd
Baronet, el. son of Sir Richard Powell Cooper,
1st Bt., of Shenstone Court, Shenstone, Stafford-
shire, by Elizabeth Anne, el. da. of Elias Ash-
mole Ashmall, of Hammerwich, Staffordshire ;
b. Aug. nth, 1874: tn. 1900, Alice Elizabeth,
el. da. of the Rev. Edward Priestland, Head
Master of Spondon House Sch.,Spondon, Derby ;
is a Chemical Manufacturer, and a J. P. and
County Councillor (Berkhamstead Div.) for
Herts; formerly Lieut. Staffordshire Imperial
Yeo. A National Member; has sat for Walsall
since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residences— 6, Carlton Gardens, S.W.i; Stanhope
Castle, co. Durham. Clubs— Carlton, St. Stephen's,
Ranelagh, Sports', Royal Automobile, Argentine.
C. R. COOTE (Cambridgeshire, Northern, or Wisbech, Division).
Colin Reith Coote, elder son of Howard Coote, Lord-Lieut,
of Huntingdonshire, of Stukeley Hall, Huntingdon; b. Oct. 19th, 1893; ed.
at Balliol Coll., Oxford : m. 1916 ; is Lieut. Gloucestershire Regt. (T.F.);
served during European War 1914-17 (wounded). A Liberal) has sat for
N., or Wisbech, Div. of Cambridgeshire since Dec. 14th, 191 7.
Residence— Stukeley Hall, Huntingdon.
W. COOTE (Tyrone County, South Tyrone Division).
William Coote, son of the late William Coote, of Killevalley,
Ballyjamesduff, co. Cavan ; b. Dec. 10th, 1863. A Conservative ; has sat for
S. Tyrone Div. of Tyrone co. since Feb. 28th, 19 16.
Residence— Lisdoart, Ballygawley, co. Tyrone.
SIR EDWIN A CORNWALL (Bethnal Green, North-Eaat Division).
Edwin Andrew CORNWALL, second son of the late Andrew
Cornwall, <>l I.apford, Devon; b. 1863; ed, privately: m. 1SS3, Kllen
<Ia. of John Day, of Oxford ; is ■ j.I\ no D.L. fot LondoB, v*ice~Chm
of London Territorial Force Asso., a Meml>er of I ondon
Authority, and an Officer of Legion of Honour ; was first Mayor of Fulham
1900- 1, Vice-Chin, of London County Council 1 903-5, Chm. 1905-6 (eight
years Ch. Progressive Whip of the Council, and three years Chm. of its Par-
liamentary Committee), and a Member of Select Committee on Civil Lis!
1910 ; sometime Hon. Sec, London Liberal Members of Parliament; ap-
pointed a Member of Roy. Commn. on King's Bench 1912, a Mem tier of
ry Committee on Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act, ami
Comptroller Of H.M.'s Household and Min. of National Health Insurance
in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; knighted 1905. A Liberal; unsuccessful \
tested Fulham 1895 and 1900; has sat for N.-E. Div. of Bethnal <
Jan. 16th, IQ06.
Residence— Heath Royal, Putney Heath, S.W. Office- 155, Fcnchurch Street
Club s— Reform, National Liberal, Municipal and County.
SIR CLIFFORD J. CORY, Bt. (Cornwall, Western, or St. Ives, Division .
Clifford John Cory, ist Baronet, son of
the late John Cory, J. P., D.L.,of 4, Park Crescent,
Portland Place, W., and DufTryn, St. Nicholas.
Glamorganshire, by Anne Maria, who d. 1909, da,
of John Beynon, of Newport, If oamoatmhire ; b.
April 10th, 1859; ed. privately, and a:
m. 1893, Jane Anne Gordon, da. of late Albeit
Arthur Erin Lethbridge ; formerly Capt. 3rd Bain.
Welsh a colliery proprietor, a J.P. and
D.L. for co. Glamorgan, a J.P. for Monmouth
(High Sheriff I905), Chin of Monmouthshire ami
S. Wale* Coal Owners Asso. and of Cory Bros.
and Co. (Limited), and many other COS. I
Baronet 1907. A Liberal ; unsuccv
: Monmouthshire July 1895, and
>.-\\ .. or Todbri M Oct. 1900; has
r \V., or St. Ives, i mwall since
Jan. 25th. 1906'
Residences— yfi. Mom. .tarnam Abbey. Monmouthshire. ClmU
Reform, Devonshire, National Liberal, Royal Automobile, Hurlinghan, Ranelai;h.
J. H CORY (Cardiff District).
In n Cory, son of John /». 1857 ;
ed. privat.l 1879 ; 2ndly, 1910; ft a partner in the firm of John
Limited), shipowners, and a J.P. and D. !
alive; has sat fa t IfdU Dfct since Nov.
12th, 1915.
Coryton, Whitchurch. ( ar.l.fT. < Imhi - Carlton, Junior Carlton, Cooatilu*
W T C080RAVE (Kilkenny Cityv
William Thomas CO6ORAVI; b. 18 n H I
Sinn Kcin. A Sinn hem Member \ has sat for Kilkenny City since Attg.
toth, 1917.
A rsidenct-)*m*\ Street, Dublin
J. COSGROVE (Galway Co., East Galway Division).
James COSGROVE : />. 18-. A Nationalist \ has sat for E. Galway
Div. of Galwaj ( \>. since I tec 4th, 1914.
. Address— House of Commons, Westminster, S.W.
MAJOR G. L. COURTHOPE (Sussex, Eastern, or Rye, Division).
George Loyd Courthope,^/. C, el. son of the
late George John Courthope, J. P., D.L., of Whiligh,
Sussex, by Elinor Sarah, who d. 1895, da. of the late
Col. Edward Loyd, J.P., D.L. of Lillesden, Hawk-
hunt; b. June 1 2th, 1877; ed. at Eton, and at Ch.
Ch., Oxford : ;;/. 1899, Hilda Gertrude, only da. of
the late Maj.-Gen. Henry Pelham Close, Bom. S.C. ,
Bar. Inner Temple 1901 ; is Dep. Controller of Tim-
ber Supplies, Pres. English Forestry Asso., Vice-
Pres. Arboricultural So., a J. P. for Sussex, Major
(T.D.) Roy. Sussex Regt. (T.F.), a Member of
Sussex Territorial Force Asso., and a Member of
Council of National Rifle Asso. ; sometime Chm.
of Departmental Committee on Swine Fever, and of
United Club and of Central Chamber of Agriculture ;
served during European War 191 5 (wounded, de-
spatches, Mil. Cross). A Conservative and Tariff
has sat for E., or Rye, Div. of Sussex since Jan. 19th, 1906.
Whiligh, Sussex. Clubs— Carlton, Constitutional, National Bath.
W. L. A. B. BURDETT-COUTTS (Westminster).
y* -^JR gTj William Lehman Ashmead Bartlett Burdett-
"3L^L Szf CouTTS» second son of the late Ellis Bartlett, of
Plymouth, New England, U.S.A., by Sophia (Ashmead-
Bartlett), who d. 1896, da. of John King Ashmead,
Esq., of Philadelphia (his grandparents on both sides
having been British subjects); b. 185 1 ; ed. at Torquay,
at Cholmeley Sch., Highgate, and at Keble Coll.,
Oxford (gained 1st Scholarship 1870, M.A. 1876): m.
1881, the Baroness Burdett-Coutts, whose name he
assumed by Roy. License, and who d. 1906 (when
the Barony became ext. ); in 1877 volunteered as
Special Commr. to Turkey to administer the Turkish
Compassionate Fund, which had been initiated by the
Baroness Burdett-Coutts, and received from the Sultan the Star and Second
Class of the Medjidie; in 1879-80 visited Ireland to assist in organising
relief in the distressed districts ; largely developed the Baroness Burdett's
scheme for benefiting the Irish Fisheries; was on Executive Committee of
international Fisheries Exhibition 1883 ; re-opened Columbia Market for
sale of fish and vegetables ; founder and owner of the Brookfield Stud of
Old English Breeding Horses ; carried Hampstead Heath Enlargement (Parlia-
ment Hill) Act 1885, Police Enfranchisement, and Metropolitan Management
Amendment Acts 1887, and Advertisement Rating Act 1889; one of the
Founders and a Director of the British E. African Asso., and of Stanley
Expedition for Relief of Emin Pasha ; was Master of the Turners' Co. 1888
and 1889 5 m i9°o acted as Times correspondent in S. African War with
regard to sick and wounded, his articles leading to the appointment of a
Roy. Commn. of Inquiry, and a comprehensive Scheme of Reform of the
Army Med. Ser. ; is Trustee of Baltimore Fishing School, and a Gov. of
Christ's Hospital. A Conservative, "advocating the Constitution and the
Empire, Progress with Liberty ;" has sat for Westminster since Nov. 1885.
Residences— \, Stratton Street, W. ; Holly Lodge, Highgate, N. Club— Carlton.
SIR <w.> HENRY COWAN (Aberdeenshire. East Division).
William Henry Cowan, son of William Cowan, of Edinburgh ■
. 1900. Winifred, da. of Daaid Smith, of Kdinhurgl. ;
Knt. 1917. a u far s.-\\ if(,f(i
in. 19061., Jan. 1910; has sat f,,r E. Div. of Aberdeenshire
since Jan. 26th, 1910.
CAPT. C. C. CRAIO Antrim Co., 8outh Antrim
Charles Curtis Craig, fifth son of the
late James Craig, of Craigavon and Tyrella,
co. Down, by Eleanor Gilmour, da. of Rolwrt
Brown ; b. Feb. 18th, 1869 ; ed. at Clifton Coll.;
is Capt. Roy. Irish Rifles, a Member of Ulster
Unionist Council ; served during Kuropean War
1916 (wounded, missing July 1916) : ///. 1897,
Lillian Itowring, da. of the late John Win
of Diiton Hill, Surrey. A Const native : has
sat for S. Antrim Div. of co. Antrim since
Fel>. 5th, 1903.
CYmJj— Carlton, Ulster.
CRAIQ (Cheshire, Crewe Division).
Ernest Crai I William Young Craig
(formerly Ml'. Ibf V Div. of Staffordshire 1880-86),
of Chirk, N. Wales, by I! '•lilton, da.
late Capt. Richard Manncy, «>f Cowi > ight :
b. Aug. 7th. , and
Itofl Schule, Zurich : m. 1887, A
the late James McKay, of Pittsburg, I K'aged
in gohl and silver mining 11 is ■ colliciy
proprietor Cheshire;
anchor of "The Working of Rearer Coal Meas
■nd virions articles on mining subjects. A CV«
*hirc July 26th,
1912, having been defeated there Dec. 1910.
Retidence- Milton House, Aluger, Cheshire. ClmH— Hath, Cor,
COM. H. J. CRAIO Tynemouth).
Herbeti n <>f the late Jamei Craig <Mi
1886-1892). of Blount's Court, near Keadii
;oth, 1869;
1891): m 190 ,,
1 Randall, 1
I r. t"i \ irtl nl • riaad, and Com. Roy. N
1 since Jan. 17th, 1906.
r» Terrace. Tyncmout h. C7«A— Rtfnra.
LIEUT- COL SIR J. CRAIG, Bt. (Down County, East Down Division).
James Craig, ist Baronet^ sixth son
of the toe James Craig, J.P., of Craigavon and
Tyrella, co. Down, l>y Eleanor Gilmoar, da. "f
Robert Brown ; /'.Jan. 8th, 1S71 ; ed.at Mer-
chiston : ;//. 1905, Cecil Mary Nowell Dering,
<la. of Sir Daniel Alfred Anley Tupper,
K.C.V.O., formerly of Lord Chamberlain's
Depart.; formerly Capt. _>id Batn. Roy. Irish
Rifles ; is Hon. Capt. in the Army, a J.P. for
Belfast, a I). L. for co. Down, an Asso. of In-
stitute of Naval Architects, and a Member of
Ulster Unionist Council ; served in S. Africa
1900- 1902, with Imperial Veo. (Queen's medal
with three clasps, King's medal with two
clasps); was A.A.G. and Q. M.G., Ulster Div.
1914-15, with rank of Major (now Lieut. -
Col.) ; was Treasurer of H.M.'s Household in
National Min. Dec. 1916 to Jan. 1918 ; cr. a
Baronet 191 8. An Unionist and Tariff Re-
former; unsuccessfully contested N. Fermanagh Div. of Fermanagh Co. March
I9°3 ; has sat for E. Down Div. of Down Co. since Jan. 22nd, 1906.
Residences — 6, Victoria Square, S.W. ; Craigavon, Strandtown, co. Down. Clubs—
Carlton, Constitutional. Ulster (Belfast), Union (Belfast).
LIEUT.-COM. N. C. CRAIG (Kent, Isle of Thanet Division)
Norman Carlyle Craig, K.C., son of the late William Simpson
Craig. M.D., of Beaufort House, Ham Common, Surrey, by Francis Margaret,
da. of W. Morrison; b. Nov. 15th, 1868 ; ed. at Bedford, and at Peterhouse,
Catnb. ( B.A., Honours Classical Tripos 1890, M.A. 1895); Bar. Inner Temple
1892, and a K.C. 1909 ; is Clim. of A. Darracq and Co. (1905), Limited, and
Lieut.-Com. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve. A Conservative ; has sat for Isle of
Thanet Div. of Kent since Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residences— 10, Park Place, St. James's. S.W. ; ^airfield House, St. Peter's, Isle ot
Thanet. Chambers -10, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. dubs— Carlton, St.
Stephen's, Royal Thames Yacht, Royal Temple Yacht.
RIGHT HON. SIR HENRY CRAIK (Glasgow and Aberdeen Universities).
Henry Craik, P.C., K.C.B., LL.D., son of the late Rev.
James Craik, D.D., of St. George's, Glasgow; b. Oct. 18th, 1846; ed. at
Glasgow Univ. (Hon. LL.D. 1884), and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1870,
M.A. 1882) : in. 1873, Fanny Fsther, da. of the late Charles Duffield. of
Manchester ; was Examiner in Education Depart. 1870-85. and Sec. to Scotch
Education Depart. 18S5-1904 ; appointed a Member of War Pensions Com-
mittee 1916 ; author of "Life of Swift," "A Century of Scottish History."
*' Life of Clarendon," and other works ; C.B. (Civil) 1887, K.C.B. (Civil) 1897,
B.C. 1918. A Conservative ; has sat for Glasgow and Aberdeen Univs. since
Feb. 6th, 1906.
Residence— 5A, Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W. Clubs— Athenajum, Scottish
COL. R. G. SHARMAN- CRAWFORD (Belfast, East Division).
Robert Gordon Sharman-Crawford, son of the late Arthur
Sharman-Crawford, of Crawfordsburn, and Rademon, co. Down ; b.
1853: ///. 1882, Helen, da. of Ernest Arbonin, of Beckworth, Lindfield,
Sussex; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Down; formerly in iOth Lancers, and
Col. Comdg. 3rd Batn. Roy. Irish Rifles (now Comdg. a Batn.). A Conser-
vative ; has sat for E. Div. of Belfast since April 6th, 1914.
Residences— Crawfordsburn, Belfast ; Rademon House, Crossgar, co. Down.
E. CREAK (Cork Co , South East Cork Division).
Eugene Crean ; />. 1856; formerly Pros, of the Cork United
Btber of tin- Cork Town Council (Mayor 1899) and Poor
Law Board An Independent Nationalist ; sat for OstOfy I )iv. erf (Queen's
co. July 1892 to Sept. 1900; has sat for S. E. Cork Dil -.'■■ . since
Oct. 9th, 1900.
Residence— 3, Douglas Street, Cork.
BRIG. -GEN. H. P. CROFT (Christchurch).
Henry Page Croft, C.M.G., son of the late
Richard Benyon Croft, of Fan hams Hall, Ware; b.
June 22nd, 1881 ; ed. at Eton, at Shrewsbury, and
at Trin. Hall, Camb. : m. 1907, Nancy, da. of Sir
Robert Hudson Borwick, Bt., of 16, Berkeley Square,
W\, and Eden Lacy, Lazonby, Cumberland ; is Major
Hertfordshire Regt. (T.F.), an Hon. Brig.-Gen., and
a J. P. and D.L. for Herts; served during European
Wu 1914-16 as Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batn. Herts
Regt. (despatches, mentioned, CM. G.); C.M.G. 1915.
A National Member ; unsuccessfully contested Lincoln
City Jan. 1906; has sat for Christchurch since Jan.
Esse $ nam vidt ri. 7 1 h , 1 9 1 0.
Residence— 15, Southwell Gardens, S.W. Club— Carlton
RIGHT. HON. W. CROOKS (Woolwich).
William Crooks, P.C> son of George Crooks, of Poplar, E. ; b.
April 6th, 1852: m. 1st, 1871, Matilda South, who d. 1892; 2nd, 1893,
Elizabeth, da. of J. Lake, of I Iasfield ; is a Cooper ; sometime Chm. of
Poplar Board of Guardians ; was Mayor of Poplar 1901 ; P.C. 1916. A
Labour Member', sat for Woolwich March 1903 to Jan. 1910, when he was
defeated ; re-elected Dec. 6th, 1910.
Residences— 81, Gough Street, Poplar, E.
P. CRUMLEY (Fermanagh County, South Fermanagh Division).
rick Crumley ; />. 18— ; is an Exporter of Irish cattle,
and a J. 1'. for co. Fermanagh. A Nationalist ; elected for S. Fermanagh Div.
of Fermanagh co. Dec. 7th, 1910.
Residence— 30, Town Hall Street, Fermanagh.
J. CULLINAN (Tipperary Co., South Tipperary Division).
John Cumin an, son <>f th«- late Charles Cullman, of Bahsha,
Tipperary, by Catherine, da. of the late Rolnrrt Walsh,
fnr.l ; /'. 1857; cd. at Thurles Lay Coll.: w. 191 >
illtt A Nationalist ; has - ftppertry Dit. of Tipperary Co.
1st, 1900.
Residence— Ran«ha, co, Tipperary.
O. W. CURRIE (Lelth Dittrict).
George urrie, son of the la! urrie,
ill' Feb. 9th, 1870; cd. at Edinburgh I
memh< m >t Martin, < 'urrie and Co., chartered accountants, of 55,
linburgn : is a Director of several financial cos , and a Pres.
A Conscrvatrv* ; has sat for Leith Dist.
-•oth, 1914.
Residence— 18. India Street, Edinburgh.
HON. HEW H. DALRYMPLE (Wigtownshire).
Hew Hamilton Dalrym plk, 3rd SOD of 1 oth Earl
of Stair, of Lochinch, Castle Kennedy, Wigtownshire, and
Oxenfoord Castle, near Edinburgh ; />. Sept. 27th, 1857 ; ed.
at Harrow; fomerlj Major 3rd Batn. Roy. Scots Fusiliers;
is ■ J.P, for co. Ayr, a J. P., D.L., and Convener for co.
Wigtown, a Trustee of National Galleries of Scotland, and
Brig, of the Roy. Co. of Archers (H.M.'s Body Guard for
Scotland) ; sometime a Member of Scottish Board of Manu-
factures. A Conservative ; has sat for Wigtownshire since
Feb. 12th, 1915, having been defeated therefor Nov. 1885.
Clubs- Brooks's, Carlton.
D. DALZIEL (Lambeth, Brixton Division).
Davison Dalziel, son of the late Davison O. Dalziel ; b. Oct.
1854 : m. 1876, Harriet, da. of J. Godfrey Dunning ; is Chevalier of the
Legion of Honour, a Director of International Sleeping Car Co. (Wagons
Lits), and Chm. of Pullman Car Co. (Limited). A Conservative ; has sat
for Brixton Div. of Lambeth since Jan. 15th, 1910, having been defeated
there 1906.
Residences — 18, Grosvenor Place, S.W. ; 26, Avenue Bois de Boulogne, Paris.
RT. HON. SIR HENRY J. DALZIEL, Bt (Kirkcaldy District).
Henry James Dalziel, B.C., 1st Baronet, el. son of James
Dalziel, Junr. ; b. April 24th, 1868 ; ed. at Borgue Acad., at Shrewsbury
High Sen., and at King's Coll., London; is a Newspaper Proprietor; cr.
Knt. 1908, P.C. 1912, and a Baronet 1918. A Libera/and Advanced Radical \
has sat for Kirkcaldy Dist. since March nth, 1892.
Residence—i, Portland Place, W. Chambers— Z% Temple Avenue, E.C. Clubs—
Reform, National Liberal.
MAJOR DAVID DAVIES (Montgomeryshire).
David Davies, only son of the late
Edward Davies, of Plas Dinam, Llandinam,
Montgomeryshire, by Mary, el. da. of the late
Rev. Evan Jones, of Brynhafren, Llandinam ;
b. May nth, 1880; ed. at Merchiston Castle
Sch., Edinburgh, and at King's Coll., Camb.
(B.A. 2nd class Honours Historical Tripos 1903,
M.A. 1910) ; Hon. LL.D., Wales Univ. 1913 :
m. 1910, Amy, da. of L. T. Penman, of Broad-
wood Park, Lanchester and Gateshead ; is a
landed proprietor, a F.R.G. S., Major (some-
time Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batn.) Roy. Welsh
Fusiliers, a J.P. for Montgomeryshire, a Vice-
Pres. of Univ. Coll. of Wales, and of National
Museum of Wales, a Member of Councils of
Univ. Coll. of S. Wales, Univ. Coll. of N.
Wales, and the Normal Coll. (Bangor), a
Member of Court of Univ. of Wales, Chm. of
Ocean and Wilsons Co., of Cambrian Railways
Co., and of Mawdsley Railway Co., a Director
of Brecon and Merthyr Railway Co., and of Barry Railway Co., and Pres.
of Welsh National Memorial Asso. ; has 2nd class of Russian Order of
Stanislas with swords; appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to Sec. of State
for War (Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M. P.) July 1916. A Liberal; has
sat for Montgomeryshire since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residences— 263A, St. James's Court, S.W. ; Broneirion, Llandinam, Montgomeryshire.
Clubs— Royal Societies', Reform, Bath.
E. W. DA VIES (Carnarvonshire, Southern, or Elflon, Division).
Ellis William Davies, son of David I )avies, by Catharine, da.
of Kllis John Salmon; b. April 12th, 1871 : ed. privately, and at Liverpool
Coll.: m. 1901, Minnie, da. of Richard Hughes, of Portmadoc ; admitted
Solicitor 1899 (first class Honours Law So. Prizeman); is a member of the
legal firm of Ellis Davies and Co., solicitors, of Carnarvon, and 5, Bedford
Row, W.C., a Director of Selfridge and Co. (Limited), and of Welsh Insur-
ance Corporation, a County Alderman for Carnarvon, a Member of Board
of Govs, of Bangor Univ., and Univ. Coll. of Wales, and Joint Sec. of
Welsh Parliamentary Party ; was a Member of Departmental Committee on
Landed Estates 1 9 1 1 , of Departmental Committee on Jury System 1912, of
Land Enquiry Committee 1913, of Conference on Electoral Reform 1916, and
Second Chamber Conference 191 7. A Libetal ColUctivist ; has sat for S., or
Eifion, Div. of Carnarvonshire since June 5th, 1906.
Residence— Craig Wen. Carnarvon. Club — National Liberal.
TIMOTHY DAVIES (Lincolnshire, East Lindsey, or Louth, Division).
Timothy Davies, son of Henry Davies, of Pantyfedwen, near
Carmarthen; b. 1857; ed. at Llanpumpsaint Sch. ; was a Member of
London County Council (Fulham Div.) 1901-7 ; is a draper of Walham
Green, Past Pres. of London Welsh Presbytery, an Alderman of Fulham
Borough Council, a J. P. for co. London, one of the founders of the Drapers'
Chamber of Trade and Commerce, and an Income Tax Commr. ; was Mayor
of Fulham 1902-3. A Liberal; sat for Fulham Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910 :
elected for E. Lindsey, or Louth, Div. of Lincolnshire Dec. 8th, 1910, having
been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Rtsidence—-!^,, Collingham Gardens, S.W. Club— National Liberal.
William Howell Davies, only son of
the late Thomas Davies, of Bristol, and N r-
berth, co. Pembroke; b. Dec. 13th, 1851 : m.
1882, Ada Mary, da. of the late O. Hosegood,
of Clifton ; was Pres. of Bristol Chamber of
Commerce 1885, Mayor of Bristol 1895-6, and
ciim. <>f Bristol Dock- Committee 1900-1909;
i> ■ tanner and leather factor, and Chin, of
I Finance Committee; Knt. 1908. A
//; has sat for S. I>i\. oi Bristol
Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residences -\, Wl.it. I... II t
Houv ii»iol. Clubs Reform, Na-
tional Liberal.
M. L. VAUGHAN-DAVIES (Cardiganshire).
M ..it w 1 of the lata
l, : h. Dec 17th, > 1889.
ind D.l ire (High Sheriff Il75). A has sat
for Cardiganshire «8th, 1895.
/emc*s-t7, Hyde Park Q IWj I « '•. Aberyalwith, S. Wak*.
Ctmi PionaVs.
LIEUT -COM. J. A. DAWES (Newlngton, Walworth Division).
James Arthur Dawks, R.N.V.R., son of Richard Dawes, of
Castle Hill, Ealing; />. June l6th, 1866; ed. at Harrow, and at Univ. Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1888, M.A. and B.C.L. 1892); admitted a Solicitor 1891 ; is a
J. P. and a County Councillor for London ; elected Mayor of Southwark 1900,
1913 and 1914 ; appointed a Sub-Lieut. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve 1914, and
Lieut. -Com. 1915. A Liberal; has sat for Walworth Div. of Newington
since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residences— 71, Kennington Park Road, S.E. ; Ravensbury, Dartmouth. Club —
Oxford and Cambridge.
H. MALLABY DEELEY (Middlesex, Harrow Division).
Harry Mallaby-Dekley, second son of the late W. Clarke
Deeley, of Curzon Park, Chester, by Elizabeth, da. of Joseph Mallaby, of
Loxley Hall, Staffordshire ; b. 1863 ; ed at Shrewsbury, and at Trin. Coll.,
Camb. (B.A. and LL.B. Honours in Law 1885, M.A. and LL.M. 1888): m.
1890, Joan, third da. of J. Parson-Smith, J. P., of Abbotsmead, near Shrews-
bury; is Lord of the Manors of Ravensbury Biggin and Tamworth, a Member
of the Inner Temple, a J. P. for Surrey, a Director of Norwich Union Life
Insurance So., a Gov. of Whitgift Foundation, a Member of Committee of
Roy. Female Orphan Asylum, and Chm. of Conservators of Mitcham Common ;
an authority on Tariff Reform and Financial Subjects. A Consei~vative ; has
sat for Harrow Div. of Middlesex since Jan. 24th, 1910.
Residences— Mitcham Court, Surrey ; The Guilford, Sandwich, Kent. Clubs— Carlton,
Wellington, Surrey Magistrates', United Empire, etc.
LIEUT. -COM. BARON DE FOREST (West Ham, North Division).
Maurice Arnold De Forest,
adopted son of the late Baron
Hirsch ; b. Jan. 9th, 1879 ; ed.
at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford:
;;/. 1904, the Hon. Ethel Catharine
Hannah Gerard, only da. of 2nd
Baron Gerard ; an Hereditary Baron
of Austrian Empire (received Roy.
license to use the title in this
country 1900) ; has been Lieut.
Norfolk Artillery, Prince of Wales's
Own Mil., and Staffordshire Im-
perial Yeo. ; is an Hon. Lieut, in
the Army, and Lieut. -Com. Roy.
Naval Vol. Reserve. A Liberal;
unsuccessfully contested Lancashire (S.W.), Southport Div. Jan. 1910;
elected for West Ham, N. Div. July 8th, 191 1.
Residences — 59. Grosvenor Street, Mayfair, W. ; Hurst House, Kingston Hill, Surrey ;
Gaddesby Hall, Leicester. Clubs— National Liberal, Marlborough, Eighty, Royal
DENISON-PENDER [see Pender'.
HON. R. D. DENMAN (Carlisle).
Richard Douglas Denman, 2nd son of the
late Richard Denman, by Helen Mary, da. of Gilbert
McMicking, of Miltonise, Stranraer, Wigtownshire ;
b. Aug. 24th, 1876 ; ed. at Westminster, and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford (Stanhope and Chancellor's
Prize Essayist) : ;//. 1st, 1904 (marriage annulled
1912), Helen Christian, da. of Sir Thomas Suther-
land, G.C.M.G., LL.D. ; 2ndly, 1914, May Radley,
da. of the late James Spencer, of Murrah Hall,
Greystoke, Penarth ; is in R.A. ; appointed Private
Sec. to Postmaster-Gen. (Rt. Hon. S. C. Buxton,
Dec. 1905, and Parliamentary Private Sec. to Pres. of Board of Trade
( Rt Hon. S. C. Buxton, M.P.) Feb. 1910, and to Pres. of Board of Education
in National Min. (Rt. Hon. H. A. L. Fisher, M.P.) 1917, and to Pres. of
Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (Rt. Hon. R. E. Prothero, M.P.) 191 7 ;
wns Chm. of London Juvenile Advisory Committee 191 1. A Liberal; has
sat for Carlisle since Jan. 17th, 19 10.
Residence— 3$, Campden Hill Road, W.
E. R. B. DENNISS (Oldham).
Edmund Robert Bartley Denniss, son of Edmund Pinnock
Damns, by Caroline Christiana, da. of the late Gen. Sir Robert Bartley,
K.C.B. ; b. April 9th, 1854; ed. at Christ's Hospital, at Wren's, and at Hert-
ford Coll., Oxford : ///. 1877, Margaret Ellen, da. of George Barlow, of Oldham ;
Bar. Middle Temple 1879 ; goes N. Circuit. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully
contested Oldham Nov. 1910 : elected for Oldham Nov. 13th, 191 1.
Residence, — Belmont, Uxbridge. Chambers — 1, Essex Court, Temple, E.C. Clubs,—
Carlton, Conservative, St. Stephen's.
DE ROTHSCHILD [see Rothschild].
E. de VALERA (Clare County, East Clare Division).
Eamonn de Valera ; b. 18 — ; is Pres. of Sinn Fein. A Sinn
Fein Member ; elected (or Clare Co., E. Clare Div., July nth, 1917.
Residence —
J. DEVLIN (Belfast, West Division).
Joseph Devlin; b. 1872; ed. at Christian Brothers' Sen.,
Belfast ; is Sec. of United Irish League, and Pres. of Ancient Order of
Hibernians (Board of Erin); has toured Australia, New Zealand, U
and Canada as Envoy representing the Irish Parliamentary Party. A
Nationalist ; sat for N. Kilkenny Div. of Kilkenny co. Feb. 1902 to Jan.
1906 ; re-elected Jan. 18th, 1906, and also elected for \V. Div. of Belfast,
but decided to sit for the latter constituency ; re-elected for W. Div. of Belfast
Dec. 8th, 1910.
Residences— Alashiel House, Mount Royal, Bangor, co. Down; 39, Upper O'Connell
Street, Dublin. Club- National (Belfast).
RIGHT HON. SIR WILLOUGHBY H. DICKINSON (8t. Pancras, North Division).
vVillooghby Hyett I >i< icinson, PA '., A'. />'./:.. onlj i m ol the late
Jason | M. P. 1 -I Stra 1 1, Ny
. ;ili im 1 K- n
1859 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trm Coll., Camb. (P. A. 1880): m. 1891, Minnie
Elizal>eth, .1 it* Gen. Sir Richard John Meade, K.< 8 • 1 . I 1 1 .
1 1884 ; is a J. P. ami .1 D. P. fof London, Chm. of London
Bin. ol London Liberal Members in House ol I
mons, an<l a temporary Chm. oi Committees QJ House of Commons; Wib
chm.. London Connti Conndl 1892-6, Chm. 1900, and a M 1 Koy.
-ral Reform Conference 1916-17 ; somctmx
ad of London Education < e; aj>-
r (unpaid) of lioard of Control under Mental
Act 1913 1 PC. 1914, K.P..P. 1918. A Libera/; unsuccessful
I uly 1895 ; has s.i menu
Jth, 1906, having ited there Oct. 190a
Rtn.i. «h — National Liberal. Reform.
J DILLON (Mayo Co. Mayo Eaat Division).
John Dillon* too ol the late Johi r co.
ary 1865-6, by . da. of the laic William FraacU Hart, ol
Dublin; b. 1851 ; ed. at Catholic Univ. of Dublin : m. 1895, Elizabeth, who
d. 1907, el. da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Charles Mat hew. P.C., LL.D.,
a Lord Justice of Appeal, of 46, Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W. ; is a Licentiate
of Roy. Coll. of Surgeons in Ireland. A Nationalist ; sat for Tipperary April
1880 to March 1883, when he resigned ; has sat for Mayo co., E. Div. since
Nov. 1885.
Residences— Ballaghadereen, co. Mayo ; 2, North Great George's Street, Dublin.
C. H. DIXON (Boston).
Charles Harvey Dixon, son of Henry Dixon, of Watlington,
Oxon ; b. Dec. 24th, 1862; ed. privately. A Conservative; unsuccessfully
contested S., or Harborough, Div. of Leicestershire Oct. 1900, June 1904,
and Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Boston since Jan. 18th, 1910.
Residence— Gunthorpe, Oakham. Club— Carlton.
CAPT. A. J. C. DONELAN (Wicklow Co., East Wicklow Division).
Anthony John Charles Donelan, only son of the late Col.
Anthony Donelan, 48th Regt., by Sarah, da. of John Johnson, of Holbeach,
Lincolnshire; b. May 6th, 1846: ed. privately, and at Roy. Mil. Coll.,
Sandhurst ; formerly Capt. in the Army ; is a Nationalist Whip. A Nationalist ;
sat for E. Coik Div. of Cork co. July 6th, 1892 to 191 1, when he was unseated
on petition ; elected for E. Wicklow Div. of Wicklow co. July 13th, 191 1.
Residence— Ballynona, Midleton, co Cork.
P. DONNELLY (Armagh County, South Armagn Division).
Patrick Donnelly; b. 18 — ; admitted a Solicitor 1905. A
Nationalist ; elected lor S. Div. of Armagh co. Feb. 1st, 1918.
Residences -30, Finglas Road, Dublin ; Newry, co. Down.
J. T. DONOVAN (Wicklow Co., West Wicklow Division).
John Thomas Donovan; b. 1878: ;;/. 1915, Alda Ralph, of
Auckland, New Zealand; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin 1914; has sat for W.
Wicklow Div. of Wicklow co. since Aug. 20th, 1914.
Residence— Dunloe, Terenure Road, Dublin. Club— National (Belfast).
W. DORIS (Mayo, West Division).
William Doris, son of the late Robert Doris, of Westport,
co. Mayo ; b. April 13th, i860; ed. at the Christian Brothers' Schs., Westport :
m. 1910, Sarah, da. of the late Luke Cannon, of Westport, co. Mayo ; some-
time Editor of the Mayo News-, is a J. P. for Westport, Chm. of W. Mayo
Executive of United Irish League, a County Councillor for Mayo, Louis-
burgh Div., Harbour Commr. for Westport, and Vice-Chm. of Castlebar
Dist. Asylum Committee. A Nationalist ; has sat for W. Div. of Mayo since
Jan. 19th, 1910.
Residence— Altamont Terrace, Westport, co. Mayo.
James Brown Dougherty, P.C., K.C.B., K.C.V.O., son of
Archibald Dougherty, M.K.C.S., formerly of Garvagh, co. Londonderry ; *.
Nov. 13th, 1844; ed. at Queen's Coll., Belfast, and at Queen's Univ., Ireland
( II. A. 1864, M.A. 1865) : ;//. 1st, 1880, Mary, who d. 1887, da. of Thomas
Donaldson, of The Park, Nottingham ; 2ndly, 1888, Eliza, da. of Henry W.
Todd, of Oaklands, Rathgar, co. Dublin; was Professor of Logic at Magee
Coll., Londonderry 1879-95, Assist. Commr. Educational Endowments Commn.
of Ireland 1885-92, and Commr. of Education 1890-95; appointed Assist.
Under Sec. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland (Baron Houghton), Clerk to H.M.'s
Privy Council, and Dep. Keeper of the Privy Seal 1895, and Under S
Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1908 ; cr. C.B. (Civil) 1900, Knt. 1902, C.V.O 1903,
1908, K.C.B. (Civil) 1910, K.CV.O. 191 1. A Liberal; unsuccess-
fully contested N. Div. of Tyrone co. 1892; has sat for Londondeny
since Nov. 30th, 19 14.
Address— House of Commons, Westminster, S.W.
SIR ARTHUR P. DU CROS, Bt. (Hastings).
Arthur Philip du Cros, 1st
Baronet, son of (William) Harvey
du Cros, J. P. (formerly M.P. for
Hastings), of Howbery Park,
lingford, Berks, Inniscorrig, Dalkey.
co. Dublin, and Wildcroft, Putney,
by Annie, who d. 1899, da. °f l^e
late John Roy, of Durrow, Queen's
co. ; b. Jan. 26th, 187 1 : m. 1895,
Maude, da. of the late William
Gooding, of Coventry ; is Vice-
Chm. and Managing Director of
Dunlop Rubber Co. (Limited), and
of Parent Tyre Co. (Limited), a
J.P. for Middlesex, and Hon. Col.
a Batn. Roy. Warwickshire Regt. ;
cr. a Baronet 1916. A Conser-
vative ; unsuccessfully contested
11. i\v and Bromley 1 >iv. of Tower
Hamlets Jan. 1906; has sat for Hastings since March 3rd, 1908.
Residences— Can I ■•; Craigweil House, Aldwick, Sussex. Clubs— Carlton,
W. J. DUFFY (Gal way County, South Gal way Division).
Willi.un John Duffy, son of Laurence Dully; />. 1865;
ed. at St. Brendan's Seminary, Lough ton, and at Sr Coll.,
Clondalkin | is a Merchant, and a Member of United Irish League. A
Nationalist ; has sat fa y Div. of (Jahvay Co. since Oct. 5th, 1900.
Residence— Shraidmor, Loughrea, Ireland.
RIGHT HON. H. E DUKE (Exeter).
II- I : : D k, P.C.y K.C.y son of William Kilwanl
Duke, granite merchant, oi Bj °- 1855
}. da. of the late John Shorland | 1 Inn
1885, a K.C. and a Bencher 1899, and Treasurer 1908 ; was R
1 ;<», an«l < : I only 1900-191 :
appointed Chm. v Concili*
Coinmn. -<n Defence o( tin- Realm LOSSC
an-1 again in
I916 A
1 1 ben he wo
i, 191 1, WSJ,
•my. SWSJ petition,
-f Secretary's \ix\f
Ckmmkn—i, Paper Huilding*. Temple. I
C. DUNCAN (Barrow-in-Furness).
Charles Duncan, son of Alexander Duncan, pilot ; b. June 8th,
1865; is an Engineer, Gen. Sec. of Workers' Union, Pailiamentary Sec.
to Labour Party, and a Member of Board of Tobacco Control ; has been a
Member of Middlesbrough Town Council, and Pres. of Marylebone Branch
of Engineers' Union. A Labour Member ; has sat for Barrow-in-Furness
since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Residence— Eversleigh, n, Lyndhurst Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.
SIR JAMES H. DUNCAN (Yorkshire, West Riding, East Part, Otley Division).
James Hastings Duncan, second" son of James Duncan,
of Westbourne, Otley, Yorkshire, by Elizabeth, da. of Thomas Milligan,
of Merkland, Dunscore, Dumfriesshire ; b. March 4th, 1855 ; ed. privately :
m. 1879, Janette, da. of Thomas Hunter, of Newall Close, Otley,
Yorkshire ; is a partner in the firm of William Ackroyd and Co., worsted
spinners, of Otley, and of Duncan, Barraclough, and Co., and a Director of
Otley Gas Co., and of Waite and Saville (Limited); Knt. 1914. A Liberal)
has sat for Otley Div. of E. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire since Oct. 10th,
Residence— Kineholm, Otley, Yorkshire.
Vere Brabazon (Viscount Dun-
cannon), el. son of 8th Earl of Bessborough,
of Bessborough, Piltown, co. Kilkenny,
and Garryhill, Bagnalstown, co. Carlow,
by Blanche Vere, sister of 1st Baron Wim-
borne ; b. Oct. 27th, 1880 ; ed. at Harrow,
and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1901): m.
1912, Roberte, only da. of Baron de
Neuflize, of Paris ; Bar. Inner Temple 1903 ;
is Capt. Yeo., and an A.D.C. on Personal
Staff; formerly Lieut. Bucks Imperial Yeo. ;
served during European War D15-17
(Legion of Honour, 3rd class of Russian
Order of St. Anne with swords). A National Member; unsuccessfully con-
tested Carmarthen Dist. Jan. 1906 ; sat for Cheltenham Jan. 1910 to Nov.
1910; defeated there Dec. 1910; has sat for Dover since June 23rd, 1913.
Residences — 22, Portland Place, W. ; Garryhill, Bagnalstown, co. Carlow. Clubs —
Carlton, Marlborough.
LIEUT. -COL. W. B. DU PRE (Buckinghamshire, South, or Wycombe Division).
William Baring Du Pre, el. son of the late
James Du Pre ; b. April 5th, 1875 > e^* at Winchester, and
at R.M.C. : m. 1903, Youri Wynyard, da. of the late Capt.
Henry Townley Wright, formerly R.N. ; formerly Lieut.
King's Roy. Rifle Corps; served in S. Africa 1900, with
Imperial Yeo. ; is Lieut. -Col. R.H.A. (T.F.), patron of one
living, and a J.P. and D.L. for Bucks (High Sheriff 191 1).
A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Mid, or Lough-
borough, Div. of Leicestershire Oct. 1906 ; has sat for S.,
Ilapersa la fide, na or Wycombe, Div. of Buckinghamshire since Feb. 19th,
persa I'/wnore. T9!4-
Residence— Wilton Park, Beaconsfield. Clubs— United Service, Carlton.
CAPT. W. EDGE (Bolton le Moors).
William Edge, son of Knowles Edge, of Great Marld, Smith-
hills, Bolton ; b. 1S77 : m. 18— ; is a colour manufacturer, and Capt. in the
Army ; sometime a Staff-Capt. at War Office ; appointed Private Sec. to
Min. of National Ser. 1917. A Liberal; has sat for Bolton-le- Moors since
Feb. 29th, 1 91 6.
Residence — Lyndene, Bolton, Lancashire. Club— National Liberal.
A. C. EDWARDS (Glamorgan, Eastern Division).
Allen Clement Edwards; b. June 1869; ed. at Knighton
National Sch. ; Bar. Middle Temple 1899; is an author. A Liberal \
unsuccessfully contested Tottenham Div. of Middlesex July 1895, and
Denbigh Dist. Oct. 1900; sat therefor Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910. when he was
again defeated ; elected for E. Div. of Glamorganshire Dec. 12th, 19 10.
Residence— if>, St. George's Square, S.W. Club — National Liberal.
SIR FRANCIS EDWARDS, Bt. (Radnorshire).
Francis Edwards, 1st Baronet, son
of Edward Edwards, of Llangollen ; b. April
28th, 1852 ; ed. at Shrewsbury Sch., and at
Jesus Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1875): m. 1880,
Catherine, who d. 1915, da. of David Davis,
colliery proprietor, of Maesyffynon, Al>erdare,
and Tyn-yCoed, Arthog, N.Wales; formerly
a Solicitor; is a J. P. and I) L for Radnor-
shire (High Sheriff 1898) ; cr. a Baronet 1907.
A Liberal-, sat for Radnorshire July 1892 to
June 1895 » defeated there June 1895 and Jan.
1910; re-elected Oct. lotn 1900, Jan. 24th,
1906, and Dec. 7th, 1910.
Residence — The Cottage, Knighton, k
shire. Clubs -Reform, National Liberal.
J HUGH EDWARDS (Glamorgan, Mid Division).
John Hugh Ed* son of the late Councillor John
ih;/'. 18 'II. of Wales ; h Editor of
Wales, ■ (\iunty ConncUloi ^anihirc, a Member 1
of Univ. Col! lsh National I
and \\ nal Museum, a Student at Middle Temph
iimil. Parley; someti me a Congregational Mm
1 Village G .ng Street " (the
v of the Webb People, N A libera/; elect
8th, 1910.
Residence— Spe*d*ri| p.,!, I,, Parky, Bemy. Club— National Liberal.
8IR HAROLD ELVER8T0N <Oai«ibead>
Harold I of the bu
1 ncw»pa|H :
lend iicstcr Roy. Coll. of Music, a Fellow of Chartered
Insurance Institute, Chm. Essex Union Insurance Co., a Director of Cuba
Bartle Sugar Plantations Co., and a J. P. for Cheshire ; Knt. 1911. ALiberal;
unsuccessfully contested Worcester Feb. 1908; has sat for Gateshead since
Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence — Fulshaw Hall, Wihnslow, Cheshire. Clubs— Reform (Manchester) National),
Liberal Welsh.
CAPT. J. L ESMONDE (Tipperary County, North Tipperary Division).
John Lymbrick Esmonde, son
of the late John Esmonde, L.R.C.S.I.
(M.P. for Tipperary Co., N. Tipperary
Div.), of Drominagh Castle, Borrisokane,
co. Tipperary, by Rose, who d. 1901,
da. of John Maginnes, merchant, of
London; b. Dec. 15th, 1893; ed. pri-
vately, and abroad ; is Capt. on Gen.
List and a Staff- Lieut. ; served during
European \Var1915-17. A Nationalist ;
has sat for N. Div. of Tipperary co. since
June 17th, 1915.
Residence— Drominagh Castle, Borrisokane,
co. Tipperary.
SIR THOMAS H. G. ESMONDE, Bt. (Wexford Co., North Division).
Thomas Henry Grattan Es-
monde, Baronet^ son of Sir John
Esmonde, 10th Bt., who d. 1876, by
Louisa, da. of the late Henry Grattan,
of Tinnehinch, co. Wicklow ; b. Sept.
21st, 1862; ed. at Oscott Coll.: ;//.
1 89 1, Alice Barbara, da. of Patrick
Donovan, of Frogmore, Tralee ; formerly
Lieut. 6th Brig. S. Irish Div. R.A. ; was
Sheriff of co. Waterford 1887; is a T.P.
and D.L. for co. Wexford, Grand Officer
of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre and
Representative of the Order in Ireland,
and a Director of National Bank
(Limited); sometime Chm. of Gen.
Council of Irish County Councils ; ap-
pointed a Chamberlain of the Vatican
Household 1898. A Nationalist) sat for
S. 1 >ublin Div. of co. Dublin 1885-92,
when he was defeated there ; sat for W.
Kerry Div. of Kerry co. July 1892 to
Sept. 1900; has sat for N. Div. of Wexford co. since Oct. 6th, 1900.
Residence- B^llynastragh, « •<*rey, < 0. Wexford.
SIR (R.) WALTER ESSEX (Stafford).
(Richard) Walter ESSEX, son of John Essex ; b. Jan. 13th, 1857 ;
ed. privately : m. 1st, 1881, Marie, da. of the late James Chinchen, of
Swanage ; 2ndly, 1885, Lizzie, da. of the late John Benson, of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne : sometime a Member of Wandsworth I>ist. Board of W«
Chin. and Co. (Limited), wallpaper manufacturers, of
minster and Battersea, and a J.P. fof GlOQCestershiie ; appointed a Member
of Select Committee <»n Marconi Agreement 1913; Knt. 191% A liberal-.
ansoccessrallv contested Kenniogton Div. of Lambeth Octol>er 19c*
irencester, Div. of Gloucester Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, when he
was defeateil ; lias sat for Stafford since Dec. 3rd, 1910.
Residences — Dixcot, North Drive. Streatham Y:\xV, S.W. ; Bour'ton-on-the-Water,
Gloucestershire. Clubs — National Liberal, Reform.
Laming Worthington Evans, 1st
Baronet, elder son of the late Worthington
Evans, of York Terrace, Regent's l'ark,
X.W., by Susannah, da. of the late James
Laming, of Birchington Hall, Kent; b.
Aug. 23rd, 1868 ; ed. at Eastbourne Coll. :
;//. 1898, Gertrude Annie, da. of William
Hale : admitted a Solicitor 1890 (has now
retired from practice) ; was a Member of
Board of Trade Committee for Reform of
Company Law 1905; is a Vice-Chm. of
National Unionist Asso.; formerly Capt. 2nd
Middlesex Artillery Vol. ; appointed Inspec-
tor of Administrative Ser-.. N. Command,
with temporary rank of Major 1914, Parlia-
mentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Finaneial
Sec. to War Office 191 5, Controller of
Foreign Trade Depart, of Foreign Office
(unpaid) Dec. 191 5, and Parliamentai
to Min. of Munitions in National Min. Dec.
1916, and Parliamentary and Financial Sec.
thereto Jan. 1918 ; author on the
Companies' Acts," and of other books on Company Law; cr. a Baronet 1916
A Conservative; has sat for Colchester since Jan. 17th, 1910, having been
fan. 1906.
Residences— 7, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. ; Doghurnt, I.iinpxiicl.l. Surrey. C/«A*—
Carlton, Junior Carlton, City Carlton.
0. D. FABER (Battersea and Clapham, Clapham Division)
tm Deniion Pabir, (./•'.. ion of the
,JC^ late Charles Wilson Fabti thaw
~A 1002, da. of the
^Vt] late Sir Edmund Beckett, 4"' Bt : b. 1852; t
■ a.-i. -— Marlborough, and . Oxford (i
76) : m. 1S95, Hilda G<
ick Ulrick Graham, tj
and s D.l
tar of the
II 1887-96; ap|K)intcd a M
('..mini! tee ^rccroent 1
1905. A Conscrvativt', sat
1900 to Jan. 1910 ; has sst for Clapham Div. of
Battersea and Clapham since Jan. 17th, 191a
teHces-u, Gro»v«nor Square, W. ; Rtwh Court, Walfiagfant. < /»A- Carlton.
FABER (Hampshire, Western, or Andover, Division'.
Walter Vavasour Faber, son of the late
Charles Wilson Faber, J.I'., I ).!,., of Northaw,
Herts, by Mary, who </ i<;o2. da. of the late
Sir Edmund Beckett, 4th Bt., and sister of 1st
Baron Grimthorpe ; />. Feb. nth, 1857: m. 1915,
Mrs. Arthur Bya^s, da. of the late T. Laing, Chm.
of Brighton Railway; formerly Capt. R.H.A., and
Roy. Wilts Imperial Yeo. ; is Lieut. -Col. R.F.A., and a
partner in the firm of Strong and Co., of Romsey. A
Conservative; has sat for \V., or Andover, Div. of
Hampshire since Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence— Weyhill, near Andover. Club— Naval and
J. FALCONER (Forfarshire).
James Falconer, JV.S., son of the late Donald Falconer, of
Milton of Conon, N.B. ; b. June 9th, 1856 : m. 1906, Ada, da. of Robert
Kennedy ; is a Writer to the Signet, a partner in the legal firm of Gordon,
Falconer, and Fairweather, of 52, Castle Street, Edinburgh ; is Chm. of British
Dyes (Limited). A Liberal-, has sat for Forfarshire since Feb. 27th, 1909.
Residence — 12, Thorney Court, W.8. Club — Devonshire.
Bertram Godfray Falle, Tst Baronet^
son of the late Joshua G. Falle, of Plaisance,
Jersey, a Judge of the Roy. Court of Jersey,
by Mary, who d. 191 7, da. and co-heiress of the
late Francis Godfray, Bar.-at-Law, of Bagatelle,
Jersey ; b. i860 ; ed. at Pembroke Coll., Camb.
(Honours in Mathematics and Law 1883) ;
B. en Droit, Paris 1900 : m. 1906, Mary, da.
of Russell Sturgis and widow of Lieut. -Col.
Leopold Richard Seymour ; Bar.-at-Law,
Inner Temple 1885 ; formerly Major Roy.
Jersey Artillery Mil.; is Major R.F.A. ; cr. a
Baronet 1916. A Liberal Unionist ; un-
successfully contested Somerset, E. Div. 1906 ;
has sat for Portsmouth since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence — 95, Piccadilly', W. Clubs — New
University, Coaching.
J. P. FARRELL (Longford Co., North Longford Division).
James Patrick Farrell, el. son of Patrick Farrell, of
Longford, by Anne, el. da. of the late John Lynam, of Strokestown, co.
Roscommon ; b. May 13th, 1865 ; ed. at St. Mels Coll., Longford : m. 1888,
Bride, fifth da. of the late Matthew Fitzgerald, of Farneyhoogan, co.
Longford ; is a Journalist, and Editor and Proprietor of the Longford Leader ;
author of " History of Co. Longford." A Nationalist ; unsuccessfully contested
Kilkenny City July 1S9, ; sat for W. Div. of Cavan co. Aug. 1895 to Sept.
.'900 ; has sat for N. Div. of Longford since Oct. 5th, 1900.
Residence — Market Square Longford.
SIR ARTHUR FELL (Great Yarmouth).
Arthur Fell, son of the late Alfred Fell, of Hillside, Blackheath,
A. Aug. 7th. 1850; ed. at St. John's Coll. Oxford (B. A. 1871,
lie, da. of Baron von Rosenberg, of I -udly^ 1900,
Matilda, da. of John Wortmbet, M.D., of Edinburgh; idmitted Solicitor 1S74,
but retired 1906 ; formerly a partner in the firm of Hare and Fell, Am
the Treasury Solicitors; author of numerous books and pamphlets against the
system of Free Trade in England ; is Chm. of Parliamentary Channel Tunnel
Committee; Knt. 1918. A Cor. has sat for Great Yarmouth since
Jan. 16th, 1906.
Residence— Lauriston House, Wimbledon Common, S.W. C'ub— Carlton.
RIGHT HON. CHARLES FENWICK (Northumberland, Wanabeck Division).
Charles Fenwick, P.C, son of the late John Fenwick ; b. 1850;
ed. at a Colliery Sch. : m. 1869, Jane, da. of Henry Gardner, of Old Cram-
lington, Northumberland ; at nine years of age commenced work at the
Bebside Colliery ; was Sec. to Parliamentary Committee of Trades' Union
Congress 1890-94 j is I Miner, a Primitive Methodist Local Preacher, and
one of the Executive of the Northumberland Miners' Association ; appointed
a Member of Roy. Commn. on Secondary Education 1894. A Liberal and
Labour Member ; has sat for Wansbeck Div. of Northumberland since Dec.
1885; P.C. 191 1.
Residence— 14, Tankerville Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Town Address— q\,
Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. Club— National Liberal.
RIGHT HON. T. R FERENS (Hull, Eaat Dlvlaion).
Thomas Robinson Ferens, P.C., son of George Waller
Ferens, miller, of Bishop Auckland ; b. May 4th 1847 ; ed. privately : M. 1873,
Ettber Elko (Kttie), da. of the late William Field, of Hull; is a Director
of Reckitt and Sons (Limited), starch and blue manufacturers, of Hull and
London, and of the Star Life Assurance So., High Steward <>f Hull, and a
J.P, for City of Hull; P.C. 1912. A Liberal ; has sat for 1 I' I Hull
since Jan. 18th, 1906, having been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residences -62 Whitehall Court, S.W. ; Holdernes* House, Hull. C/***-Reform.
National Liberal.
P. FFRENCH (Wexford Co., South Wexford Division).
Peter Kfkench, son of Thomas 1 ■'frenrh, a farmer, of I
. Baooow, br nil wife, MaryCoifer; b. (844 •«. lat,
1870, I. lien, who d. 1898, da. of Mark Dake. 2ndly, IQol,
rth, da. of James Tower, of Ballina Park, co. V :armer
•id A Nationalist ; has sat f«
nee Nov. 30th, 1893.
Residence -Harpoon*town, Wexford. Club— National Liberal.
W. FIELD < Dublin City. St. Patrick'! Division).
William hi i D, son of John I !»hn.
1^48 ; cd. at St. Laur-
111 Street, l)idiln !ler ; it a <
of co. 1 Owners' A»»o..
Pres. of National Federal ioi
of All Ireland MDtaJ League, 1
ral Iri-l» \'r! I oil . and 1 M. ml cr <>i 1 »ul
author of lereral lxx>ks on G v, and
I Railway *
nmaltst ; has Ml
Ret'deme -Howth View, BbckfOdl Pul.lin.
Bt. (Oxfordshire, Northern, or Banbury, Division).
Eustace Edward TwiSLETON-WyKK
iiam-1'ii \m s, i-i Baronet^ 2nd son of 14th Baron
and SiK, of Brooghton Castle, Banboryj
andSunbury House. Reading, by Lady Augusta
Sophia Hay, da. of 10th Karl of Kinnoull ; b. Feb.
29th, 1864: m. 1894, Florence Agnes, da. of John
Kathfelder, of Constantia, Wynberg, Cape of
Good Hope, and widow of Arthur Woodward
Fletcher; is a J. P. for Berkshire and Dorset,
Major Yeo., Lieut.-Col. R.M. Forces, and Hon.
Lieut, in the Army ; served in N.W. Canada
during Riel Rebellion 1885 (medal with clasp),
in Egypt 1888-9 (despatches, medal with clasp,
bronze star), with Pioneer Expedition to Mashona-
land 1890, in S. Africa 1900-1901, as Lieut.
10th Batn. Imperial Yeo. (despatches twice, medal
with three clasps), and during European War
1914-15 in France, at Antwerp with Marine Brig.,
and in Dardanelles, as Intelligence Officer, Roy.
Naval Div. ; appointed an Additional Parliamentary Private Sec. to First
Lord of the Admiralty 1912, and a D.A.A. and Q.M.G., Plymouth Garrison
1916 ; cr. a Baronet 1916. A Liberal; sat for N., or Banbury, Div. of Oxford-
shire Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, defeated there Oct. 1900 and Jan. 1910; re-
elected Dec. 16th, 1910.
Residences — 86, Eaton Terrace, Eaton Square, S.W. ; Studland House, Studland Hay,
Dorset. Clubs — Orleans, Cavalry.
S. FINNEY (Staffordshire, North-West Division).
Samuel Finney, b. 1857. A Labour Member ; has satforN.-W.
Div. of Staffordshire since Jan. 17th, 1916.
Address — House of Commons, Westminster, S.W.
RIGHT HON. H. A. L. FISHER (Sheffield, Hallam Division).
Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher, P.C., son of H. W. Fisher;
b. March 21st, 1865 ; ed. at Winchester, at Oxford, Paris, and Gottingen
Univs. ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh 1913 : ///. 1899, Lettice, dau. of Sir Courtenay
Peregrine Libert, G.C.B., K.C.S.I., CLE. ; is a Fellow of New Coll., Oxford
(sometime Tutor), and of British Acad. ; appointed Vice-Chancellor of
Sheffield Univ. 1912, a Trustee of British Museum 191 5, and Pres. of Board
of Education in National Min. Dec. 1916. A Liberal ; has sat for Hallam
Div. of Sheffield since Dec. 23rd, 1916.
Residence— -The Grange, Button Hill, Ecclesall, Sheffield. Club — Athenaeum.
William Hayes Fisher, P.C., el. son of the late Rev. Frederick
Fisher, R. of Downham, Isle of Ely, by Mary, da. of the late William Hayes,
Conveyancer to the Court of Chancery ; b. 1853 ; ed. at Haileybury. and at Univ.
Coll., Oxford (B. A. 1876, M.A. 18 — ): m. 1895, his cousin, Miss Florence
Fisher ; Bar. Inner Temple 1879; joined Oxford Circuit ; sometime Private
Sec. to, Ch. Sec. for Ireland (Rt. Hon. Sir M. Hicks-Beach), and to First
Lord of the Treasury (Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour); was a Junior Lord of the
Treasury and a Conservative Whip 1895-1902, Financial Sec. to the Treasury
Aug. 1902 to April 1903, and Parliamentary Sec. to Local Govt. Board, Ma"y
1915 to July 1917, since when he has been Pres. thereof; is Metropolitan
Chin, of Roy. Patriotic Fund Corporation, and a Knight of Grace of Order
of St. John of Jerusalem in England. A Conservative ; sat for Fulham Nov.
1885 to Jan. 1906, when he was defeated; re-elected Jan. 15th, 1910, Dec.
6th, 1910, and July 1917 ; P.C. 1911.
Residence— 13, Buckingham Palace Gardens, S.W. Club — Carlton.
J. FITZGIBBON (Mayo County, South Mayo Division .
John PrrZGlBBONj l>. 1849: m. 1872, Mary O'Carroll :
merchant, a Trustee of Parliamentary I-iind, Chin, of RoccOBUnOQ County
Council, and of Casttaea Dist. Council, Yice-Chm. of I boD »(
County Councils, and a Member of Congested Diltl. Board. A Nationalist ;
elected for S. Mayo Div. of Mayo co. Dec. 7th, 1910.
Residence— Castlerea. co. Roscommon.
J. L. FTTZPATRICK (Queen's County. Ossory Division .
James Lalon Fitzpatrick ; b. 18 — . A Nationalist ; has sat for
Ossory Div. of Queen's co. since April 16th, 1916.
Residence— Coh House, Abbeyleix, Queen's co.
HON E A. FITZROY (Northamptonshire, Southern Division).
Edward Algernon Fitzroy, second
son of 3rd Baron Southampton, by Ismania
Catherine, V.A., da. of the late Walter
Nugent, a Baron of the Austrian Empire ;
b. July 24th, 1869 ; ed. at Eton, and at
Mil. CoH., Sandhurst : m. 1891, Muriel, da.
of the late Lieut. -Col. the lion. Archil>ald
Charles Henry Douglas- Pennant ; formerly
a Page of Honour to II . M .; is Lieut.
Household Cav., and a J. P., a D.L., and a
County Councillor (Crick Div.) for North-
amptonshire ; served during European War 1914-16 (wounded). A Con-
servative; sat for S. Div. of Northamptonshire Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906; re-
elected Jan. 25th, 1910, and Dec. 13th, 1910.
Residence— -Fox Hill, West Haddon, Rugby. Clubs— Bachelors', Carlton, Naval and
SIR J. FORTESCUE FLANNERY. Bt (Essex, Eaatern, or Maldon. Division
James Fortescue FlaNNBRT, ttt
Baromt, son <-f Capt. John ll.innery, of Egre«
mont. Cheshire, by Elizabeth, da. of James
; 6. Dec.
1 6th. <>ol Science School:
///. 1SS2, Edit! nma, da. of Os!
|cnk\: : \\ :.-. Ealing < . is a
^inecr, a
Elanm-ry, Baggallay and Johnson (Limited),
ilting engineers, of London, Liverpool, and
Rotterdam, a J. P. f"t cot. London, Surrey. Essex,
and Kent, a I I >uth-
Western Bank (Limited), a Lieut, t
leering to I
.1st Pres. of li
the Man..!
Id, and pal lag ; was a
British C-inuir. to HruwU Intel
l.ition 18972 knighted 1 890 1*4.
A Liberal Unionist', sat for Shipli
ly 1895 10 Jan. looo. when he H
has sat (■ kftudOB, l>
since Jan. 2\th, 19IO.
■I Sporting.
M. J. FLAVIN (Kerry Co., North Kerry Division).
Michael Joseph Flavin, second son of the late James Flavin,
ol Listowel, by Johanna Mangan, formerly of Church Sunt, Listowel;
/>. Sept. 22nd, 1806; etl. at Listowd National Schs., at St. Michael's Coll..
Listowel. and privately: m. 1893, Mary Elizabeth, da. of [ohn Fitzgerald,
merchant, of The Rock, Tralee : was in America 1866-71 and 1S86-90 ; has
held prominent positions in Irish Land League, National League, and National
Federation; is a merchant. A Nationalist', has sat for N. Kerry Div. of
Kerry co. since April 24th, 1896.
Residences— The Rock, Tralee, co. Kerry ; " 98 " Cottage, Fenit, Tralee.
SIR JOHN FLEMING (Aberdeen, South Division).
John Fleming, LL.D., son of John Fleming, of Dundee;
b. 1847: m. 1870, Elizabeth, da. of John Dow; is a J. P. and D.L. for
Aberdeen; was Lord Provost of Aberdeen 1898-1902; Knt. 1908. A Liberal ' ;
has sat for S. Div. of Aberdeen since April 3rd, 191 7.
Residence— Dalmunzie, Murtle.
J. S. FLETCHER (Hampstead).
John Samuel Fletcher, son of the late Samuel Fletcher, of
Broomfield, near Manchester, by Elizabeth Helen, da. of John Kelsall, of Ard-
wick ; b. Nov. 3rd, 1841 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1864,
M.A. 1869) : m. 1895, Sara, da. of the late Jonathan Clark, of Winchendon,
Bucks ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1868 ; was a Member of Hampstead Board of
Guardians 1876-98 (Chm. 1880-98), and a County Councillor therefor 1889-
1904 (Dep.-Chm. 1900); is a J. P. for cos. Middlesex and London. A Con-
servative ; has sat for Hampstead since Oct. 26th, 1905.
Residence— Bryony Hill, Hambledon, Surrey. Clubs — Albemarle, New University,
St. Stephen's.
RIGHT HON. H. W. FORSTER (Kent, Western, or Sevenoaks, Division).
Henry William Forster, P.C., el. son of Major John Forster,
of Southend, Lewisham, and Exbury House, Hants, by Emily, da. of John
Ashton-Case, of Ince Hall, Lancashire; b. Jan. 31st, 1866; ed. at Eton,
and at New Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1889) : m. 1890, the Hon. Rachel Cecily
Douglas-Scott-Montagu, da. of 1st Baron Montagu of Beaulieu ; is a D.L.
for Kent ; was a Lord Commr. of the Treasury 1902-5 ; appointed Financial
Sec, War Office May 1915, and again in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; P.C.
1917. A Conservative; has sat for W., or Sevenoaks, Div. of Kent since July
12th, 1892.
Residences — 41, Hans Place, S.W. ; Exbury, Southampton. Clubs— Carlton, Wel-
P. S. FOSTER (Warwickshire, South-Western, or Stratford-on-Avon, Division).
Philip Staveley Foster, only son
of the late Abraham Briggs Foster, J. P.,
D.L., of Canwell Hall, Sutton Coldfield,
and Northowram Hall, Halifax, York-
shire, by Rosamond Susanna, da. of
the late John Staveley, of Withwood
Heath, Worcestershire; b. July nth, 1865 ;
ed. at Eton, and at Magdalen Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1891): ;//. 1890, Louisa Frances, da.
of the late Col. Francis Charteris Wemyss
(Hon. Col. 3rd Batn. Duke of Wellington's
(W. Riding Regt.), and formerly of II. M.'s
Roy. Body Guard ; formerly Capt. and Hon.
Major Staffordshire Yeo. ; is a Director of
John Foster and Son (Limited), worsted
spinners and manufacturer?, of Queensbury,
Yorkshire, and a J. P. for Staffordshire and
Warwickshire. A Conservative : unsuccess-
fully contested Elland Div. of N. Part of W. Ridinp of Yorkshire 1899 ; sat
forS.-W., or Stratford-on-Avon, Div. of Warwickshire June 1901 to 1906,
when he was defeated; re-elected May 4th, 1909, Jan. loth, 1910, ami
jrth, 1910.
Resi.temes— 42, Green Street, Grosvenor Square, W. ; Canwell Hall. Sutt..n C'oldfield,
Warwickshire. Clubs -Carlton, Junior Carlton.
H. WILSON FOX (Warwickshire, Northern, or Tamworth, Division).
Henry Wilson Fox, son of the late Wilson Fox, M.D., F.R.S.,
Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria, by Emily Anne, da. of Wesley
Doyle; />. Aug. 18th, 1863; ed. at Charterhouse, at Marlborough, at Inn.
Coll., London, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (Scholar, HA. Natuial Science
Tripos 18—): /;/. 1898, the Hon Eleanor Birch Sclater-Booth, da. of 1st
Baron Basing; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1888; appointed Editor South African
Mining Journal 1 892, and Public Prosecutor. Rhodesia 1894 ; became Manager
of British S. Africa Co. 1898, and a Director and Member of Executive
Committee thereof 1913; served in Matal>eleland 1896, and Mashonaland
1897, as Director of Transport and Commissariat (despatches, medal with
clasp) ; is a F.R.G.S., a Fellow of Roy. Colonial Institute and of Roy. Statis-
tical So., and a Member of Conjoint Board of Scientific So* An Unionist ;
has sat for N., or Tamworth, Div. of Warwickshire since Feb. 23rd, 1917.
Residence— to, Lowndes Square, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton, St. Stephen's
Wellington, Prince's.
MAJOR 0. R. LANE FOX (Yorkshire, West Riding, Eastern Part, Barkston
Ash Division).
George Richard Lan i 1 < x.el. son
ofthelateJamesThomas Richard I ane-Fox,
of Bramham Bark, Yorkshire, by Lucy
Frances Jane, da. of the late Humphrey
St John-Mildinay, M.P.J k Dec. 15th,
1870; ed. at Eton, and at New Coll..
Oxford (B.A. Honours, 2nd dOJI I
Humaniores and M >ry 1893):
m. 1903, the Hon. Mary Agnes Emily
Wood, da. of 2n<l VfccoVBl Halifax; Bar.
Inner Temple 1895; is a D.L lor co.
:n, Major Yeo., and a J P. and a
'v Councilloi fa W. RfcljjBf of York-
I uropean War 1914-16
iidcd). A Imi sat for
Barkston Ash Div. of K. Tart of
Riding of Yorkshire since Jan. 19th, 1906, having been defeated there
Oct. 1905.
AV ti.tence— Bramham Park, Boston Spa S.O . Yorkshire. C/wA*-Turf, Carlton,
LIEUT 0. A. FRANCE (Yorkshire. Southern Part. Wast Rldtaf .
Morley Division).
turner France, ion of Jam mcc,
of Tynemouth, Northumbcrl.m I.
;th, 1870; ed. May,
da. of Thomas Hudson Bainbrid^r, of Babott, NoflhttmbetkuM ; is a partner
in the firm of I. A France and Son, a^' A 10, Bigg
Market, NewcastleonTyn< ■ ■«. I J.P and 1 ( rman
-rthumbcrland. Hon I if. Naval Vol. Reaen
unberland old Age I I Insurance Committee*: app
Parliamentary Private Sec. It> of Boat l6. A
Liberal ; has sat for Morley Div. of S. Pari -hire since
Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residence— N.wbiggsn Hill, Niwca»tl«.on-T>iM. C/»A»-Rtsomi. National Liberal.
S GALBRAITH (Durham Co., Mid Division).
iuel Galbraith, O.B.E.\ />. 18— j O.B.E. 1917. A
.•.'and Labour Manbcr \ Jk\- sal fad M i-1 Div. of Durham co. since April
■enct— 8, The Avenue. Durham.
CAPT. F. J. C. OANZONI (Ipswich),
ncis John Childs Ganzoni, son of Julius Charles Ganzoni;
b. 1882; eil. at Tonbridge Sch.. and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; Bar. Inner Temple
1906; goes S.-E. Circuit; is Capt. Suffolk Regt. ; served during European
1914-17 A Consenativc ; has sat for Ipswich since May 23rd, 1914.
Residences— 7, Prince's ('.aniens, S.W. ; San Remo; Hove, Sussex. Chambers—
Lamb's Building, Temple. E.G. dubs— Carlton, Isthmian, Sports'.
E. GARDNER (Berkshire, Eastern, or Wokingham, Division).
Ernest Gardner, 3rd son of Joseph Goodwin Gardner, of
j b. 1846: ///. 1st, 1878, Mary, who d. 1903, da. of William
Peto, of Cookham, Berks; sndly, 1910, Amy Inglis, da. of Lieut. -Gen. James
Wimborn I^aurie, C.B., D.C.L., of 47, Porchester Terrace, W., and Oakfield,
a J. P. for Berks. A Conservative; has sat for E., or
Wokingham, Div. of Berkshire since July 12th, 1901.
Residence— Spencers, Maidenhead, Berks.
SIR JAMES T. agg GARDNER (Cheltenham).
James Tynte Agg-Gardner, son of the late James Agg-Gardner,
Esq., of Hadley House, Cheltenham, by Eulalie Emily Hopkyns, who d. 1901,
da. of the late R. Northey, Esq., of Oving House, Bucks ; b. Nov. 1846 ; ed.
rrow, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; Bar. Inner Temple 1873 ; is a J. P. and
a County Alderman for Gloucestershire, Lord of the Manor of Cheltenham
of 1909-10 and 1912-13), and a Director of several cos.; Knt. 1916.
A Conservative', unsuccessfully contested Cheltenham 1868; sat for that
Borough Eeb. 1874 to Feb. 1880; defeated there 1880 and 1906; re-elected
Nov. 24th, 1885, July 2nd, 1886, July 4th, 1892, Sept. 29th, 1900, April
28th, 191 1.
Address— 5, Regent Street, Cheltenham. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton, Garrick.
LIEUT COL. 8IR W. H. HOUGHTON GASTRELL (Lambeth, North Division).
William Henry Houghton Gastrell, C.M.G., son of the late
ick Gastrell, of Park Place, Cheltenham; b. Sept. 24th, 1854; ed. at
Cheltenham : ///. 1878, Jessie, da. <>f the late James 1 loughton, of Maida Vale ;
rrf Major 1st Co. of London Yco. (T.D.) ; raised and commanded Lam-
beth Div. of National Reserve ; was Lieut.-Col. Comdg. Army Ser. Corps,
Woolwich Dist. during European War 1914-17; is a J. P. for London, a
erof Co. of London Territorial Force Asso., a Member of Grand Council
<>f Primrose League, Chm. of Finance Committee, a Gov. of Roy. Free Hos-
pital, of Waterloo Hospital, and <>f Roy. Eye Hospital, a Member of Council
of National Union of Conservative Assos., of Executive Council of London
Municipal So., and of Board of Management of British Home for Incurables,
of Tariff Reform League, and a J. P. for co. London; was a
v Councillor for London (S. St. Pancras Div.) 1903-6; Knt. 1917,
I 18. An Unionist; has sat for N. Div. of Lambeth since Jan.
15th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1906.
Residence— 7, Clarence Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton,
Northern, or Basingstoke, Division).
Auckland Campbell Geddes, A'. C.B., younger son of the late
Auckland decides, of Edinburgh ; b. June 2ist, 1879 : e(1- at George Watson's
Coll., Edinburgh, at Edinburgh Univ. (M.B. and Ch.B. 1903, M.D. 1908,
I'niv. GoM Medal), and at Freiburg-in-Breisgau : ///. 1906, Isabella Gamble,
da. of the late William A. Ross, of Staten Island, New York : sometime
Demonstrator and Assist. Professor of Anatomy in Edinburgh Univ., and
Professor of Anatomy Roy. Coll. of Surgs., Ireland, and at McGill Univ.,
Montreal ; is Major and Brevet Lieut-Col. (Hon. Brig.-Gen.) Territorial
(unattached), and a Com. of Order of Crown of Belgium ; has been Lieut.
3rd Batn. Highland L.I., and Capt. Queen's Rifle Vol. Brig. (Roy. Scots
Lothian Regt.) ; was Director of Recruiting. War Office 1916-17. with rank
of Brig.-Gen. ; appointed Minister of National Ser. Aug. 1917 ; served during
S. African War 1901-2 as Lieut. (Queen's medal with four clasps) ; C.B. and
K C.B. (Mil.) and P.C. 1917. An Unionist; has sat for N.. or Basingstoke,
Div. of Hampshire since Oct. 25th, 1917.
Eric Campbell Geddes, P.C, G.B.E., KC.B., el. son of the
late Auckland Geddes, of Edinburgh ; b. Sept. 26th, 1875 ; ed. at Merchiston,
and at Oxford Mil. Coll. : m. 1900, Gwendolen, da. of the Rev. Arthur Stokes ;
12 years on American and Indian Railways; has been Dep. Gen. Manager
Railway since 191 1 ; was Dep. Director-Gen. of Munitions Supply
1915-16, Director-Gen. of Mil Railways War Office, Director-Gen. of Trans-
portation in France, and Inspector-Gen of Transportation for all theatres of
War 1916-17, with rank of Hon. Maj.-Gen. (despatches twice, K.C.B., Grand
Officer of Legion of Honour, Com. Order of Leopold of Belgium, Croix de
Guerre Beige), Controller and Lord Commr. of Admiralty May to July 1917,
with temporary rank of Hon. Vice-Adm., since when he has been First Lord
of the Admiralty; Km. 1916, K.C.B. (Mil.) 1917, P.C. and G B.E. 1917.
An Unionist', has sat for Cambridge since 1917.
Residences— 30, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.i ; Scriven Park, Knaresborough. Clubs —
Marlborough, Caledonian, Union.
SIR (W ) ALFRED GELDER (Lincolnshire, North Llndsey, or Brlgg, Division).
(William) Alfred Gelder, son of William Gelder, of North
Cave, East Yorkshire; b. May 12th, 1855; ed. at Hull: m. 1878, Elizabeth,
rker, of Portsmouth and Hull ; is an Alderman and J P. for
Kingston -up-. 11 Hull (of which City he has been live times Mayor), and a
carried out large schemes of public improvement in Hull,
and during Mayoralty .ideraUc Minis of money for charitable pur-
poses; knighted 1903. A Liberal; has sat for N. Lindscy, or Brigg, l>i\.
of Lincolnsi iqio.
Residence— West Parade House, Hull, Yorkshire.
RIGHT HON. D. LLOYD GEORGE (Carnarvon District >.
.id Lloyd 1 m of the late William George, of
Hulford, Pembrol tabethj da. ol the I. ,\i<l Lloyd,
{ b. 186 J ; ed. Llanystuind'wy
iy ; I Ion. I 1 I I \\ .,], 1
I I<>.>S. ;U1'I I lid I I"!). I
I ii haid Owen, ol « iiirii'li; admitted 1 Solkitoi
irtnei in the legal firm ol
iy Alilcrin 11 voiislnie ;
appoi: le.pier
April 1908; initioM Mt
ICembei ol Cabfa Army
il July 1916, and Prime Min. and lust Lord of the Trca&ut)
has been Constable of Carnarvon Castle since 1908 ; elected Pees, of Gladstone
League 1910; P.C. 1905. A I. i he ra I {Welsh Nationalist) • has sat for Car-
narvon Dtst. since April 10th, 1S90.
Residences— 10, Downing Street, S.W. ; Brynawelon, Criccieth ; Walton-on-the Hill,
Surrey. Viti. nal Liberal, Atherueum, United Service.
field, Wraxall, Somerset. Clubs— Carlton, White's, Arthur
G. A. GIBBS (Bristol, West Division).
George Abraham Gibbs, el. son of
the late Antony Gibbs, of Tyntesfield, Somer-
set, and 16, Hyde Park Gardens, \V., by Janet
Louisa, da. of John Merivale, Senior Registrar
of Court of Chancery ; b. July 6th, 1873 5
ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A.
18 — , M.A. 18 — ) : m. 1901, Victoria Florence
de Burgh, C.B.E., el. da. of the Rt. Hon. Walter
Hume Long, P.C., M.P. ; served with Im-
perial Yeo. in South Africa 1900 (medal with
four clasps) ; is a J. P. and D.L. for Somerset,
Hon. Lieut, in the Army, Provincial Grand
Master of Bristol Freemasons, and Lieut. -
Col. N. Somerset Yeo. ; appointed Assist.
Parliamentary Private Sec. to Sec of State
for the Colonies (Rt. Hon. W. H. Long,
P.C., M.P) and a Govt. Whip in House of
Commons 191 7. An Unionist ; has sat for W.
Div. of Bristol since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residences — 22, Belgrave Square, S.W. ; Tyntes-
' Junior Carlton, Pratt's.
J D. GILBERT (Newington, West Division).
James Daniel Gilbert, el. son of the late James Gilbert, of
Newington ; b. Feb. 5th, 1864 ; is a J. P. and a County Councillor for London
(W. Newington Div.), and a Member of Thames Conservancy and of Port
of London Authority ; was Chm. London County Council Fire Brigade
Committee 1900-1902, Rivers Committee 1903-6, and Gen. Purposes Com-
mittee 1906-7.
Residence— 21, Kennington Terrace, S.E. Club— National Liberal.
LIEUT. COL. J. GILMOUR (Renfrewshire, Eastern Division).
John Gilmour, el. surviving son of Sir John
Gilmour, 1st Bt., of Montrave, Leven, Fifeshire, by
Henrietta, da. of David Gilmour, of Ouebec, Canada;
b. May 27th, 1876 ; ed. at Trin. Hall, Camb. : ;;/. 1902,
Mary Louise, da. of the late Edward Tiley Lambert,
J.P., of Tel ham Court, Battle, Sussex ; is Hon. Capt.
in the Army, Lieut. -Col. Yeo., a Member of Advisory
Council on Horse Breeding, and a Director of Cale-
donian Railway Co.; served in S. Africa 1900-1902,
with 6th Batn. Imperial Yeo. (despatches twice). An
Unionist; unsuccessfully contested Fifeshire, E. Div.
Jan. 1906; has sat for E. Div. of Renfrewshire since
Jan. 25th, 1910.
Addrti 11 11 • of Commons, Westminster, S.W.
L. GIN NELL (Weatmeath, North Westmeath Division).
Laurence Ginnell, son of Laurence Ginnell, of Delvin, West-
meath, by Mary, da. of Patrick Monaghan; /'. 1854; self-educated : ///. 1902,
Alice, da. of James King, J.P., of Kilbride, Mnlhngar; Bar. Middle Temple
1893, aiK' King's Inn, Dublin 1906 ; is one of the founders of the Irish
Literary So. (^ London), and an Hon. Treasurer of Sinn Fein ; author of " The
Brehon Laws," " Doubtful Grant of Ireland,"' " Land and Liberty," etc. A
Nationalist ; has sat for X. Westineath Div. <.f Westmealh co. since Jan. 19th,
1906, having been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Address — 143, Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin.
H. J. GLANVILLE (3outhwark, Bermondsey Division).
Harold James Glanville, son of the late James Glanville,
chartered accountant, of St. Helen's, E.C. ; b. June 5th, 1854 ; ed. at Deptford
Gram. Sch. : tn. 1881, II. Abbott, of Bermondsey, S.E. ; is a J. P. for London,
and head of the firm of James Abbott and Co., mill furnishers, of Bermond-
sey, S.E. ; 12 years a County Councillor for London; was a Member of
Metropolitan Water Board 1905-n. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested
rhithe Dhr. of Southwark 1892; has sat for Bermondsey Div. of
Southwark since Jan. 18th, 1910.
ff<rifr»nr Trnwillian House, Trcssillian Road, Brockley, S.E. Club— National Liberal.
chester, South Division).
Philip Kirkland Glaze-
brook, son of the Jate John Knowles
Glazebrook, of Lymm, Cheshire, by
Cecilia Anne Esther, da. of the late
Robert Watson, of The Ridings, Os-
waldtwistle ; b. Dec. 24th, 1880 ;
ed. at Eton, and at New Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1893); is Major
Yeo. A Conservative) elected for
S. Div. of Manchester March 5th,
Kesidcnce Twcmlow Hall, Holmes
Chapel. Cheshire. Club— Bath.
Daniel Ford Goddard, /'.('., son of Ebenesei Goddard, CI .
f Oak Hill, Ipswich, l>y Annie, da. <»f ThOBMI Foffd, of Reading;
• J. m 17th. 1850; e<l. privately : m. 1st, 1874, Lucy I
:< -a-l I I.ill. .sultolk ; 2ndly, 1877.
szer Hitchcock, <>f Bramford, Sal
necr, an AhU-rman tnd I J.P. <>f Ipswich (of which BoTOQgO he was <
i ofteveral G (in 1896 built and fbanaed
Ipswic . has sat for
lj>swi( h lincejoly 15th, 1895, having been defatted tl 1^92.
tiftt.t I fall. l|.swich. CI
MAJOR C. S. GOLDMAN • Penryn and Falmoutli
I ildm w, ion ol the late Bernard \ 1 1 [man .
ohn "I Jerusalem in 1 Viscounl V
1 . 1 . . n\. ; dtuii
War as Special War Correspondent ; lomeiime proprietor of The Outlook ; is
author of several military hooks and text-hooks on S. African Mining, etc.
A Conservative j has sat for Penryn and Falmouth since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residences— Walpole House, The Mall, Chiswick, \V. ; TrofiiMs. Falmouth, Cornwall.
Francis Bennett-Goldney, son of Sebastian Evans, by
Elizaheth, da. of Francis Bennett-Goldney ; b. 1865 ; ed. privately, and in
Paris ; is a F.S.A., and a J.P. for Canterbury (has been six times Mayor
thereof) ; appointed Athlone Pursuivant of Arms 1907 (but never took up
official duties) ; is a Member of Kent Territorial Asso., and Capt. Army
Ser. Corps ; has assumed the surnames of Bennett-Goldney in lieu of his
patronymic. A Conservative ; elected for Canterbury Dec. 6th, 19 10.
Residences — 168, Ashley Gardens, S.W. ; Abbotts Barton, Canterbury. Glut's- Bur-
lington Fine Arts, Savage.
MAJOR F. B H. GOLDSMITH (Suffolk, North- Western, or Stowmarket, Division).
Francis Benedict Hyam Goldsmith; b. 1878; ed. at Chelten-
ham, and at Magdalen Coll., Oxford (B.A. Honours in Law 1900, M.A.
1908) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1902 ; is Major Yeo., and a County Alderman
for N. Suffolk A Conservative; has sat for N.-W., or Stowmarket, Div. of
Suffolk since Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residence — Cavenham Park, Mildenhall, Suffolk. Clubs— Carlton, Bachelors',
F. W. GOLOSTONE (Sunderland).
Frank Walter Goldstone, son of the late Thomas Frederick
Goldstone, of Sunderland, by his wife (ne'e Blott) ; b. Dec. 7th, 1870; ed.
at Diamond Hall Council Sch., Sunderland, and at Borough Road Coll.
(Teacher's Diploma) : m 1895, Elizabeth Alice, da. of the late Luke Hen-
derson, of Whittingham, Northumberland ; sometime a School Master ; some-
time Pres. of National Federation of Assist. Teachers ; is a Member of Senate
of Durham Univ., and 2nd Lieut. Army Ser. Corps; was a Member of De-
partmental Committee on Juvenile Fducation, and a Member of Executive
of National Union of Teachers 1903-10 ; sometime Chief Whip of Parlia-
mentary Labour Party ; appointed a Member of Consultative Committee of
Board of Education, and of Conference on Franchise and Registration 1916 ;
first Editor of The Class Teacher. A Labour Member ; elected for Sunderland
Dec. 5th, 1910.
Residence — 14, Brinklnirn Street, Sunderland.
CAPT H. W. C. CARR GOMM (Southwark, Rotherhithe Division).
Hubert William Culling Carr-Gomm,
son of Francis Culling Carr-Gomm, J. P., D. L.,
Bar. -at- Law, of The Chase, Farnham Royal,
Pucks, by Emily Blanche, who d. 1909, only da.
of Andrew Morton Carr ; b. June 20th, 1877 ;
edi at Eton, and at Oriel Coll. Oxford : m.
1st. 1906, Kathleen Isabella McNeale (from
whom he obtained a divorce I913), only child
of the late William Rome, of Liverpool ; 2nd,
1916, Eleanor Margaret, da. of the late Norreys
Russell, Par. at Law, of 43, Westbourne Ter-
race, W. ; formerly Capt. 3rd Vol. Patn. The
Queen's (Roy. W. Surrey Regt) ; was an
•. Private Sec. (unpaid) to the Prime
Min. (Rt. Hon. Sir II. Campbell-Bannecman,
G C.B., M.T.) 1906-8; is a J.P. for Pucks, and
Capt. London Regt. A Liberal; has sal for
Rotherhithe Div. of Southwark since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residence— -88, St. James's Street, S.W. Club— Brooks's,
CAPT. THE HON. W. G. A. ORMSBY GORE (Denbigh District).
William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore, el.
son of 3rd Baron Harlech, of Brogyntyn, Oswestry,
Derrycarne, co. I^eiirim, and Glyn, >Ierionethshire,
by Lady Margaret Ethel Gordon, da. of 10th Marquess
of Iluntly ; b. April nth, 1885 ; e<l. at Kt«.n, and at
New Coll.. Oxford L'niv. (H.A. 190S) : ///. 1913, Lady
Beatrice Edith Mildred Gascoyne-Cecil, da. of 4th
Marquess of Salisbury, of Hatfield House, Hatfield,
I kits, Manor House, Cranlwrne, Dorset, and 20,
Arlington Street, S.W. ; is Capt. Territorial Force
Reserve, a J. P. and D.L. for co. Leitrim, Member of
Canterbury House of Laymen, Parliamentary Private
Sec. to Viscount Milner, and Assist. Sec. to War
Cabinet ; served as StafT-Capt. during European War. A Conservative ; has
sat for Denbigh Dist. since Jan. 19th, 1910.
Residences — 5, Mansfield Street, W ; Derrycarne, Dromond, co. Lettrim. Clubs —
Carlton, St. Stephen's, Shropshire County.
SIR EDWARD A. GOULDING, Bt. (Worcester).
Edward Alfred Goulding, 1st Baronet,
second son of the late William Goulding, D.L.,
sometime M.P. for Cork, by Maria Heath, da. of
Edward Manders, of Dublin ; b. Nov. 1863 ;
ed. privately, at Clifton, and at St. John's Coll.,
(amb. ; Bar. Inner Temple 1887 ; was Pn
Cambridge Union 1885 ; is a J. P. for London,
■ I ). L. for co. Cork, and Chm. of Constitutional
Club; c r. a Baronet 191 5. A Conservator;
sat for E., or Devizes, Div. of Wilts July 1895
to Jan. 1906. when he unsuccessfully contested
Central Div. of Finsbury ; has sat for Worcester
since Feb. 7th, 1908.
Residence— Wargrave Hall, Berks
tutional, Marlhorough.
Clubs- (
B. J. GRAHAM (Sine s Co., Tullamore Division).
Edward John GRAHAM ; />. 18 — . An Independent Nationalist ;
has sat for Tullamore Div. of King's co. since Dec 10th, 1914.
Resi.ie»< ts—^K. H \ | fofc, I ullamorr.
J. A GRANT (Cumberland, Weetern. or Efremont Divisions
I. unes Augi ^on of the late Col. James Augustus
Gnat, '
: ///. |8o6, f the lab nard ;
>r Nairnihii unbtriaaa : was Pnvatc Sec to
Rt. Hon. Gerald Balfour, P.C., 1895, and Registrar of Roy. Coll. of Art
1889-1904. A Conservative \ unsuccessfully contested Elgin Dist. 1892, and
Banffshire 1893, *895, and 1906; has sat for \Y., or Egremont, Div. of
Cumberland since Jan. 24th, 1910.
Residences— Househill, Nairn ; Rothersyke, Egremont, Cumberland. Ciul's— Carlton,
LIEUT.-COL. W. ANSTRUTHER-GRAY (St. Andrews District).
William Anstruther-Gray, son of the late Col. John
Anstruther-Thomson, of Charleton, Fife, by Caroline Maria Agnes Robina,
who d. 1883, da. of the late Rev. John Hamilton-Gray, of Carntyne, Lanark-
shire ; b. Sept. 6th, 1859 '> e&- at Eton : m. 1891, Jessie Clayre, da. of Andrew
Tennant, of Essenside, Glenelg, S. Australia ; formerly Major Royal Horse
Guards ; served in S. Africa 1900- 1901 as Dist. Comdt. and Inspector of
Burghers' Camps and D.A.A.G. ; was A.D.C. to Gov. of S. Australia 1889-91 ;
assumed by Deed Poll 1904 the surname of Gray in lieu of that of Thomson
on succession to the estate of Carntyne, Glasgow ; is a County Councillor for
Fife, a J. P. for Fife, Lanarkshire, and Glasgow, Lieut. -Col. Veo., Fellow
of Roy. Colonial Institute, a F.S.A., and a F.R.G.S. An Unionist; sat for St.
Andrews Dist. Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, defeated there Sept. 1903 and Jan.
1910; re-elected Dec. 17th, 1910.
Residences— 9, Eaton Square, S.W. ; Kilmany, Cupar, Fife ; St. Adrians, Crail, Fife.
Clubs— Travellers', Naval and Military, Marlborough.
Carlton, Turf, White
LIEUT.-COL. W. R. GREENE (Hackney, North Division).
Walter Raymond Greene, D. S. O., el. son of
Sir Edward Walter Greene, 1st Bt., of Nether Hall,
Suffolk, by Annie Elizabeth, da. of the late Rev.
Charles S. Royds, R. of Houghton, Staffordshire, and
Preb. of Lichfield; b. Aug. 4th, 1869; ed. at Eton,
and at Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1890); is Lieut.-
Col. Territorial Force Reserve, and a J. P. for Suffolk ;
formerly Lieut. -Col. Comdg. Loyal Suffolk Hussars
Yeo. ; was a County Councillor of London, N. Hack-
ney Div. 1907-10 (Chm. of its Housing of Working
Classes Committee 1909-10); served in S. Africa
1900, with Imperial Yeo., and during European War
1914-15 as Capt. Lancers (wounded, despatches,
D.S.O.); D.S.O. 1916. Conservative; sat for \\\,
or Chesterton, Div. of Cambridgeshire July 1895 to
Jan. 1906. when he was defeated ; has sat for N. Div.
of Hackney since Jan. 19th, 1910.
31, St. James's Place, S.W. : Nether Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. Clubs —
SIR (G.) GEORGE GREENWOOD (Peterborough).
(Granville) George Greenwood, son of the late J ohn Greenwood,
Q.C., sometime Solicitor to the Treasury; b. Jan. 3rd, 1850 ; ed. at Eton,
and at Trin. Coll., Catnb. : m. 1878, Laura, da. of the late Dr. L. T. Cum-
berbatch ; liar. Middle Temple 1876; joined W. Circuit; Knt. 1916. A
Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Peterborough 1886, and Central Div. of
Kingston-upon-Hull 1900 ; has sat for Peterborough since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence — 33, Linden Gardens, Bayswater, W.2. Clubs —'United University,
Hamar Greenwood, 1st Baronet, son of
the late John I Lamar Greenwood, Bar.-at-law, of
Spencer House, Whitby, Canada, by his wife, Char-
lotte Churchill Hubbard, and grandson of William
Greenwood, of Llanbister, Radnorshire ; /'. Feb.
7th, 1870 ; ed. at Public Sch., Whitby, Canada, and
da. at Toronto Univ. (B. A. 1895): m. 191 1, Margery,
of Walter Spencer, of Fownhope Court, Hereford-
shire ; formerly an Officer in Canadian Mil., and
sometime in Depart, of Agriculture, Ontario :
Bar. Gray's Inn 1906, and New Brunswick (Canada)
and Australia 191 3, and a Bencher Gray's Inn
191 7 ; joined Canadian Army 1 886 ; became Lieut.
Special Cav. 1902, and was Capt. 1905-12 ; ap-
pointed Capt. Gen. Reserve of Officers 191
Special Duty, Depart, of Recruiting, War Office
Aug. 1914, and Lieut.-Col. Dec. 1914 ; raised
and commanded at the Front a Batn. S. Wales
Borderers 1915 ; was Parliamentary Private Sec. to Under Sec. of State for
. L. Spencer-Churchill, M.P.) March 1906-8, and to Pres.
of Board of Trade (Rt. Hon. W. L. Spencer-Churchill, MP. | 1 90S- 10, and
aD.A.A.O. at War Office Feb. to Aug. 1916 ; is Hon. Col. a Batn. Canadian
Expeditionary Force; author of •" Canada as an Imperial Factor"; cr. a
Baronet 1915. A Liberal ; sat (as Senior Member) for York Jan. 1906 to
Jan. 1910, when he was defeated ; elected (Senior Member) for Sunderland
5th, 1910.
Residence— 5%, Onslow Gardens. S.W. Chambers— 4, Crown Office Row, Temple
Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Britilfa Empire, West Indian, Eighty.
COL. J. W. GREIG (Renfrewshire, Western Division).
James William Greig, C.B., A' C, son of the late John Borthwick
W.S., of 18, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W., by Mary, el. da. of
William Grant of Madeira; l>. Jan. 31st, 1859; ed- at Univ. Coll. Sch. and
Coll., London, and in Paris; B.A. and LI .. B. . London I'niv. : m.
18—, Jeannie, da. of Capt. Kdward l'.rown, of Salem, U.S. A. ; Bar, Lincoln's
Inn 1882, a K.C. 1913, and a Bencher 1917 ; sometime Lieut. Col. and Hon.
IDS. London Regt Territorial Force (V.D.); appointed
Parliamentary Private Sec. to Sec. for Scotland March 1917; Mtl
several legal works; C.B. (Civil) 191 1. A Liberal; has sat lor W. I
Renfrewshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
fence— 41, Carlisle Mansions, Carlisle Place, Westminster, S.W. Chambers— 3,
New Square, Lincoln's Inn. .ubs— Caledonian, Eighty, Liberal (Glasgow).
J0I1 11 Grktton, son of the late John
> \Y . 1867 ; ed. at II
m. 1900, the I
and Lt : n. of Bass, Rat cliff, and
oited), brewers, of
cnerly Lieut.-
■ I ■
iirc July 189? to Jan. 1906, when I
defeated; has sat for Rutland since June Ilth,
— MrHS"
Ellis Jones GRIFFITH, /\C, A'.C, I St Baronett son of the late
Thomas Morris Griffith, ofTy-Coch, Brynsieocyn, Anglesey; />. May, i860; ed.
at Univ. Coll. of Wales, and at Downing Coll , Camb. (B.A. 1 881, and LI. P..
Fellow 1892); B.A. London 1881 : M. 1892, Mnry, third da. of the late
Rev. Robert Owen, of Mold, Flintshire; Bar. Middle Temple 1887, and a
K.C. 1910; goes N. Wales Circuit; was Pres. of Camb. Union 1886, Re-
corder of Birkenhead 19C7-12, and Parliamentary Under Sec. of State for Home
Depart. 1912-15; appointed Chm. of Committee on Reformatory and Industrial
Sens., and of Committee on Industrial Diseases 1912; sometime Chm. of
Welsh Party in Mouse of Commons; cr. a Baronet 1918. A Liberal]
unsuccessfully contested W7. Toxteth Div. of Liverpool July 1892 ; has sat
for Anglesey since July 19th, 1 895 ; P.C. 1914.
Residences— i, Buckingham Palace Mansions, S.W. ; Ty-Coch, Brynsiencyn, Anglesey.
Chambers— 3, (North) King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C. Clubs— Athenaeum, National
A. S. GRIFFITH-BOSCAWEN [see Boscawen].
John Norton-Griffiths, K.C.B., D.S.O.
son of the late John Griffiths, of Brecon ; b. July 13th,
1 87 1 ; ed. privately : m. 1901, Gwladys, da. of the
late Thomas Wood (of Browning, Wood and Fox) ; is
Governing Director of Norton Griffiths and Co., public
works contractors and engineers ; served in Matabele-
Mashona War 1896-7, in command of Scouts (de-
spatches thrice), in British S. African Police, during
S. African War, first in Colonial Div. and afterwards
as Capt. and Adj. Lord Roberts' Body Guard, Head
Quarters Staff, and during European War 1915-16,
raising a Special Cav. Regiment, and subsequently
on Staff of Engineer-in-Ch. to organise Tunnelling
Corps R.E., with rank of Lieut. -Col. (despatches thrice,
D.S.O.) ; went on Special Mission to Roumania in
connection with Oil and Corn Stores 1916 (Com. of
Grand Star of Roumania, 3rd class St. Vladimir
Order) ; organised Imperial League of W7ednesbury ;
instrumental in starting all over Canada Imperial
Home Re-Union Asso. ; assumed by deed poll 1917
the additional surname of Norton; D.S.O. 1916, K.C.B. (Civil) 1917. A
Conservative ; has sat for Wednesbury since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Address— 3, Central Buildings, Westminster, S.VV.i. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton,
Bath, Royal Automobile.
LIEUT.-COL. THE HON. (C) H. C. GUEST (Pembroke and Haverfordwest).
(Christian) Henry Charles Guest, 2nd
son of 1st Baron Wimborne, of Canford Manor, Wim-
borne, Branksome Dene, Bournemouth, and Wim-
borne House, 22, Arlington Street, S.W., by Lady
Cornelia Henrietta Maria Spencer-Churchill, da. of
7th Duke of Marlborough ; b. Feb. 15th, 1874: m.
191 1, the Hon. Frances Henrietta Lyttelton, who
d. 1918, da. of 8th Viscount Cobham ; is Major
Dragoons; served during S. African War 1899-1902,
on Staff, present at relief of Ladysmith, and actions
of Colenso and Spion Kop (despatches, Queen's medal with five clasps, King's
n^edal with two clasps); has been Parliamentary Private Sec. to Rt. Hon.
C. E. H. Hobhouse, M.P. (when Financial Sec. to the Treasury and Chancellor
of Duchy of Lancaster, and Postmaster-Gen.) since 1911; appointed a
[i.A.A.G,, Ministry of Munitions 1916, and a Gen. Staff Officer 1917, with
rank of Lieut. -Col. A Liberal ; sat f<>r K. Div. of Dorsetshire June 1
1910; has sat for Pembroke and Haverfordwest since Dec. 7th, 1910.
Residences— 20. Oueen's Gate, S.W. : Lake House, Hamworthy, near Poole, Dorset.
CAPT. THE HON. F. E. GUEST "Dorsetshire, Eastern Division).
Frederick Edward Guest, D.S.O., son of ist
Baron Wimborne, of Canford Manor, Wimborne, Brank-
some Dene, Bournemouth, and VViml>orne House, 22,
Arlington Street, S.W., by Lady Cornelia Henrietta
Maria Spencer-Churchill, da. of 7th Duke of Marl-
borough ; />. June 14th, 1875; ed* at Winchester: m. 1905,
Amy, da. of Henry Phipps ; formerly Capt. ist Life
Guards : is Capt. and a Gen. Staff Officer (3rd grade) :
served on White Nile 1900 (despatches), in S. Africa
1901-2 (Queen's medal with five clasps), and during
European War 1914-15 as an Extra A.D.C. to Com.-in-
Ch. (despatches, Legion of Honour) ; appointed
Ferro non gla,iio. Private Sec. (unpaid) to Rt. Hon. W. L. Spencer-
Churchill, M.P. (when Under Sec. of State for the Colonies) 1907 and (when
Pres. of Board of Trade) 1908, and (when Sec. of State for Home Depart.) 1910,
Treasurer of H.M.s Household 191 1, and Joint Parliamentary (Patronage)
Sec to the Treasury in National Min. 1917 ; D.S.O. 1917. A Liberal \ un
fully contested Staffordshire, Kingswinford Div. Jan. 1906, Cumberland.
Cockermouth Div. Aug. 1906, and Lincolnshire, N. Lindsey, or Brigg, Div.
Feb. 1907 ; elected for E. Div. of Dorsetshire Jan. 27th. 1910, but was
unseated on petition; re-elected Dec. 13th, 1910.
Residence- \Woxd House, 26, Park Lane, W. Clubs -Turf, White >.
J. GUINEY .Cork co. North Cork Division).
John Guiney, son of Timothy Guiney, Clerk to Kanturk County
Council:/*. 1869; admitted a Solicitor 1892. An Independent Natia:
I for N. Cork Div. of Cork co. since Nov. 4th, 1913.
Residences— y, Dublin : Kan»urk, co. Cork.
I. RUPERT E C. GUINNESS (Essex, South-Eastern Division'.
R 11 pert Ed
C.Af.C, el. son of 1st Viscount Ivc.rijli, of K.nmlcigh,
Castleknock, co. Dublin, Elveden Hall (Sufl
■■en, Dul.lin. by Adelaide M
«.f the l;itt I DnesS, M P for Harn-
t» 29th, 1874 ; cd. at Eton, and at
I mi Coll., Camb. : St, IQo; I mlolen
I lor^ 1«»\\ :
formerly Capt. u B. Kind's R orps :
is an • !■ Roy. Naval Vol R<
>iv.), and s Lieut of C
a 1900 (despatches, medal, <
1900. .1) 19U. A Conservative ; sat fa
uersto 1 ist 1908 to Jan. 1910
*>6, and Jan. and Dec. 1910; has sat for B.l Dhr. of Essex
16th, 1912.
R" 1 Jaroe*'* Square. king. C.
HachdorV, Kildare Street.
mm. J
Walter Edward Guinness, D.S.O., 3rd son
Viscount [veagh, erf Farmleigh, Castleknock, co.
Dublin. Elveden Hall (Suffolk), near Thetford, $, Gros-
venoi Place, S.W., and No, St. Stephen's Green, Dab*
lin : b. March 29th, 1880; ed. at Eton : ///. 1903, Lady
Evelyn Hilda Stuart Krskine, da. of 14th Earl of
Buchan ; is Major Veo. , Hon. Capt. in the Army, and
a Brig.* Ma j. ; was a Member of London County
Council 1907-10 ; served in S. Africa 1900-1901, as
Capt. 44th Squadron Imperial Yeo., and subsequently
u A.D.C. to Brig.-Gen. R. G. Broadwood, C.B.
(wounded, despatches, medal with four clasps), and
during European War 1915-17 (D.S.O.); D.S.O.
191 7. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Suf-
folk, N.-W., or Stowmarket. Div. Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Bury St. Edmunds
since Aug. 24th 1907.
Residences- i\, Grosvenor Place, S.W. ; Knockmaroon, Castleknock, co. Dublin; The
Manor House, Bury St. Edmunds. Clubs— Carlton, Kildare Street.
RIGHT HON. J. W. GULLAND (Dumfries District).
John William Gulland, P.C., younger son of John Gulland, of
Edinburgh, by Mary, da. of Samuel Lovell, of Bedford ; b. Jan. 25th, 1864 \
ed. at Roy. High Sch., and at Edinburgh Univ. (Lord Rector's Prizeman) :
m. 1912, Edith Mary, da. of the late Walker Allen, of Whitefield, near
Manchester ; formerly a Member of Edinburgh Town Council and Sch. Board ;
sometime a corn merchant of Edinburgh ; is a Director of Edinburgh Chamber
of Commerce; appointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury and Scottish Minis-
terial Whip July 1909; was Parliamentary (Patronage) Sec. to the Treasury
Jan. to May 191 5, and Joint Sec. thereto May 1915 to Dec. 1916 ; is Ch.
Liberal Whip in House of Commons; P.C. 1916. A Libera/; has sat for
Dumfries Dist. since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residence — 93, Summer Place, S.W. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Scottish
Liberal, beraL
CAPT. s. L. GWYNN (Galway).
Stephen Lucius Gwynn, son of the late Rt. Rev. John Gwynn,
D.D. (Regius Professor of Divinity in Trin. Coll., Dublin), of Ashbrook,
Houth Road, Clontarf, Dublin, by Lucy Josephine, who d. 19 — , da. of the
late William Smith O'Brien, M. P. j b. 1864; ed. at Brasenose Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1886) : m. 1889, Mary Louisa, da. of the late Rev. James Gwynn ; is a
journalist and author ; formerly Capt. Connaught Rangers ; sometime a
Member of 1st Senate of National Univ. of Ireland; has been a Member of
Dardanelles Commn. and of Irish Convention. A Nationalist -, has sat for
Galway since Nov. 3rd, 1906.
Address— House of Commons, Westminster, S.W. Club — National Liberal.
R. S. GWYNNE (Sussex, Southern, or Eastbourne, Division).
Rupert Sackville Gwynne, son of the late James Eglinton
Anderson Gwynne, of Eolkington Manor, Sussex, by his wife Mary Earle
Purvis; b. Aug. 2nd, 1873 > e£*« at Shrewsbury Sch., and at Pembroke Coll.,
Camb. (B.A. 1895): m. 1905, the Hon. Stella Ridley, da. of 1st Viscount
Ridley ; Bar. Inner Temple 1898 ; is a Member of E. Sussex County Council,
and a J. P. for Sussex. A Conservative ; has sat for S., or Eastbourne, Div.
<.f Sussex since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residences— 47, Catherine Street, Buckingham Gate, S.W. ; Wootton Manor, Polegate,
Clubs— Bachelors', Carlton.
J. HACKETT (Tipperary co., Mid Tlpperary Division).
John Hackett; b. Nov. 1865; is a farmer in Longfordpass,
Chm. of Thurles Rural Dist. Council, an ex-ofjicio Member of Tipperary
County Council, and a J. P. for co. Tipperary. A Nationalist ; has sat for
Mid Tipperary Div. of Tipperary co. since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residence — Longfordpass, Urlingfonl, co. Kilkenny.
MAJOR O. B. HADDOCK (Lancashire (North), North Lonsdale Division).
George Bahr Haddock, son of the late James Haddock ; b.
May 24th, 1863; is a Director of J. II. WVNford and Co. (Limited), and
I^eyland Shipping Co. (Limited), and Major Loyal N. Lancashire Regt. An
l'nionist\ has sat for N. Lonsdale Div. of Lancashire (North) since
Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence^- 5vi, Pall Mall, S.W.
B. HALL Isle of Wight).
Douglas Bernard Hall, son of the
late Bernard Hall, J. P., of Burton Park,
Petworth, Sussex, by Margaret, da. of
William Calrow, J.P., D.L. ; b. Dec. 29th,
1866 ; ed. at Charterhouse, and at Ch. Ch.,
Oxford : m. 1890, Caroline, only da. of
T. J. Montgomery, of Larchmont Manor,
New York Slate, U.S.A. ; is Capt.
R.E., patron of two livings, Lord of
the Manors of Burton and Barlavington,
and a J. P. for Sussex (High Sheriff
1907). A Conservative, unsuccessfully
contested Penryn and Falmouth Jan.
1906 ; has sat for Isle of Wight since
Jan. 21st, 19K*
Residence— Hurton Park. Petworth.
Clufis— Carlton, Botxll
LIEUT COL 8IR FRED HALL (Camberwell, Dulwich Division).
Hall, a./.'./-;.. D.S.O., ton ol Herbert Hall; A.Oct 7th,
//. 1892, Annie Ellen. d:i. Hall, of PUdttOW] il Lieu
R.F.A., a D main and Co. (Limited), insuian.-r
lid Broad S ., and I Mi'in': .1 the
Baltic; raised several batteries of Artillery during Europe,
and K.B.E. I918. \ t\ elected f->r Ihilwkh Div. of Caml>crwell
jrd, 191a
Mrath.im Hill, 5.W.
1 Thames V.i
Clnhs— Carlton,
F. HALL (Yorkshire, West Riding, Southern Part. Normanton Division).
Hall; />. 1855; in early life worked in Aldwi
Colliei \ ent (formerly S rkshire
> Asso., a 1
United Ordc lows. A Libera/ &n<\ .'
I ol \Y. Kiding of Yorkshi v. 27th, 1905.
Residence— »6, Victoria Road. Barnslcy.
CAPT. A. V. HAMBRO (Dorsetshire, Southern Division).
Angus Valdemar Hamijro, son of Sir
Everard Alexander Hambro, K.C.V.O., of Hayes
Place, Beckenham, Kent, and Milton Abbey, Dorset,
by Gertrude Mary, who d. 1905, da. of the late Henry
Stuart ; b. 1883 1 ed. at Eton ; is Capt. Yeo. : m. 1st,
1907, Rosamund Maud, who d. 1914, da. of Major
Robert W. Kearsley, of Stapeley House, Cheshire ;
2ndly, 1916, Vanda, da. of St. John Charlton, of
Cholmondeley, Malpas, Cheshire. A Conservative ;
has sat for S. Div. of Dorsetshire since Jan. 21st,
Residence— Milton Abbey, Blandford.
LIEUT. COL. A. ST. G. HAMERSLEY (Oxfordshire, Mid, or Woodstock, Division).
Alfred St. George Hamersley, K.C., son of Hugh Hamersley
(D.L. and Chm. of Quarter Sessions), of Pyrton Manor, Oxfordshire, by
Philippa Mary Anne, who d. 1877, da. of John Shawe Philipps, ofCulham
House, Oxfordshire; b. Oct. 8th, 1848; ed. at Marlborough: m. 1S76,
Isabella Maud, da. of Charles Hastings Snow, of Wellington, New Zealand ;
Bar. Middle Temple 1872, and a K.C. 1899 ; has practised in New Zealand,
and took an active part in Mil. affairs of the Colony, Comdg. Contingent against
Maoris; subsequently practised in Canada, and took active part in commercial
development of Vancouver ; sometime Comdg. New Zealand Mil., founded New
Zealand (hand National Steeplechase Club and the Amateur Athletic Club of
British Columbia ; formerly Major R.G.A. ; is Lieut. -Col. New Zealand
Artillery (raised four Batteries Overseas Artillery during European War).
An Unionist; has sat for Mid, or Woodstock, Div. of Oxfordshire since Jan.
2ISt, I9IO.
Residence— Rycote Park. W'heatley, Oxfordshire. Clnbs— Carlton, National, Union,
MAJOR C. G. C. HAMILTON (Cheshire, Altrincham Division).
Collingwood George Clements Hamilton, son of the late Ven.
George Hans Hamilton, Archdeacon of Nortl-umherland, and Canon of
Durham, by Lady Louisa Frances, sister of 4th Earl of Leitrim ; b. Nov. 1st,
1877 ; ed. at Charterhouse : m. 1906, Eleanor, da. of the late Henry Simon,
of Lawnhurst, Didsbury ; is an electrical engineer, and Major Gen. List.
A Conservative ; has sat for Altrincham Div. of Cheshire since May 28th,
Residence— The Old Court House, Knutsford, Cheshire. C/ttit— Canton, Constitu-
tional, St. Stephen's, Unicn (Manchester), Constitutional (Manchester).
Claud John Hamilton, P.C., 2nd son of 1st
Duke of Abercorn, by Lady Louisa Jane Russell, V.A.,
who d. 1905, da. of 6th Duke of Bedford ; b. Feb. 20th,
1843; eel. at Harrow: ?n. 1878, Caroline, who d. 191 1,
da. of the late Edward Sacheverell Chandos-Pole, of
Radbourne Hall, Derby ; has been Capt. Grenadier
Guards, and Col. a Batn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers;
is High Steward of Yarmouth, Chm. of Great Eastern
and East London Railways, of Employers1 Liability
Assurance Corporation, and of Egyptian Hotels ( Limited),
and a Director of London and South Western Bank and
of Hadfield's Steel Foundry, a Member of Council of
Foreign Bondholders, and a Knight of Justice of Order
of St. John of Jerusalem in England ; was A.D.C. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland
1866-8, a Lord of the Treasury 1868, attached to 1st Duke of Abercorn's
Special Mission to Italy 1878, and an A.D.C. to H.M. Queen Victoria,
Ireland 1887-97; P.C. 1917. A Conservative; sat for Londonderry City
1865-8, and for King's Lynn 1869-80 ; unsuccessfully contested Londonderry
1868, Brecon 1869, and King's Lynn 1880; sat for Liverpool 1880-85, am*
for \V. Derby Div. of Liverpool 1885-8; has sat for S. Div. of Kensington
since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— 28, Cambridge Square, VV. Ctul'S — Carlton, Travellers', St. Stephen's,
J. G. HANCOCK (Derbyshire, Mid Division).
John George Hancock, el. son of Joseph Hancock, of Pinxton,
Derbyshire; b. Oct. 15th, 1857: ///. 1882, Mary, da. of Thomas Hoten, of
Pinxton; is Agent to Notts Miners' Asso., and a J.l\ for Notts. A Liberal;
has sat for Mid Div. of Derbyshire since July 15th, 1909.
Residence — 315 Nottingham Road, New l'.isford, Nottingham.
RIGHT HON. C. A. HANSON (Cornwall, South-East, or Bodmin, Division).
Charles Augustin Hanson, son of
Joseph M. A. Hanson, of Fowey. Corn-
wall ; b. Sept. nth, 1848 : m. 1868, Martha,
da. of James Appelbe, J. P.. of Trafalgar,
Halton, Canada; is Hon. Col. a Cadet
P.atn. London Regt., a partner in the firm
of Coates, Son and Co., stockbrokers, of
99, Gresham Street, E.C., Chm. Gresham
Life Assurance So. (Limited), a J. P. for
Cornwall (Sheriff 1907), and an Alderman,
a J. P. and Lieut, for City of London (Sheriff
1911-12); elected Lord Mayor of London
191 7. An Unionist) has sat for S. 1
Bodtntn, Div. of Cornwall since Aug. 15th.
Resident, .Wil-
ton Cit i-owcy Sal rawmll.
Cluii— Carlton, Junior Carlton.
Rolxtt Vi \\ri 1- \ 1 CRNON HARCOURT,
<.f tin- late Kt. Hon. Sir William (ioirtv '
D-Haraourt, P.C, Mr.. /abeth
lm. in
Mid widow
7th, 1S78: id. at Eton, and
:ipos 1899): m. 191 1, Margoric
1, .la. of William Samuel dinar. 1 : KMnetil
I>ipl". Scr. ; is an Author and Journalist, and a
1 Kt Hon II. !
May 1908. A Liberal \ unsuc< -
Hastings March 1908; has sat fa M
May 1 2th, 1908.
tcrs- 41. Cur/on Strcrt. W.l Malnoo.1. t.ydrfBW
RIGHT HON. L HARDY (Kent, Southern, or Ashford, Division).
Laurence Hardy, P.C., son of Sir John
Hardy, 1st Bt., of Dunstall Hall, near Burton-upon-
Trent, by Laura, who d. 1885, da. of the late William
Holbech, ofFamborough, Warwickshire; b. April 14th,
1854 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (H.A. 1876,
1st" Class History Final, M.A. 1879): m. 1886, Evelyn
Emily, who J. 191 1 , da. of John C.athorne Wood, of
Thedden Grange, Alton ; sometime an Ironmaster ; is
a J.P. for W. Riding of York, a J. P. and D.L. for
Kent, a Member of Canterbury House of Laymen, and
a Member of Defence of the Realm Losses Commn. ;
was Dep. Chm. of Committee of Ways and Means^
in House of Commons 1905. A Conservative ; unsuc-
cessfully contested Shipley Div. of W. Riding of York
or Ashford, Div. of Kent since July 16th, 1892; P.C.
Arm* de foi hardi.
1S85; has sat for S
191 1.
Residences— Sandling Park, Hythe, Kent
Oxford and Cambridge, Carlton, Wellington.
36, Buckingham Gate, S.W. Clubs—
HARMOOD-BANNER [see Bannerl.
C. B. HARMS WORTH (Bedfordshire, Southern, or Luton, Division).
Cecil Bisshopp Harmsworth, son of
the late Alfred Harmsworth, Bar.-at-Law, by
Geraldine Mary, da. of William Maffett, of
Pembroke Place, Dublin, and brother of 1st
Viscount Northcliffe and 1st Baron Rothermere \
b. Sept. 28th, 1869; ed. at Trim Coll., Dublin
(B.A. Senior Moderator in Modern Literature
1891, M.A. 1911): m. 1897, Emilie Alberta,
da. of William Hamilton Maffett, Bar.-at-Law,
of St. Helena, Einglas, co. Dublin; sometime
a Director of Amalgamated Press (Limited);
appointed Parliamentary Private Sec (unpaid)
to Pres. of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries
(Rt. Hon. W. Runciman, M.P.) 191 1, and
Parliamentary Under Sec. of State for Home
Depart. Feb. 1915. A Liberal ; unsuccessfully
contested Worcestershire, Mid, or Droit wich,
Div. Oct. 1900, and Lanarkshire, N.-E. Div.
Sept. 1901: sat for Mid, or Droitwich, Div,
of Worcestershire Jan. 23rd, 1906 to Jan. 1910,
when he was defeated; elected for S., or Luton, Div. of Bedfordshire
July 20th, 191 1.
Residences— 2%, Montague Square, W. ; Magdalen House, Henley-on-Thames.
Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Eighty.
R. L. HARMSWORTH (Caithness-shire).
Robert Leicester Harmsworth, 4th
son of the late Alfred Harmsworth, Bar.-at-law,
by Geraldine Mary, da. of William Maffett,
Bar.-at-law, of Pembroke Place, Dublin, and
brother of 1st Viscount NorthclifTe and 1st Baron
Rothermere; b. Nov. 1st, 1870: ///. 1892,
Annie Louise, el. da. of the late Thomas
Scott, of Wandsworth, S.W., and Cornard,
Suffolk ; sometime a Director of the Amalga-
mated Press (Limited). A Liberal; h
for Caithness-shire since Oct. 10th. 1900.
Residence— Moray Lodge, Campden Hill, W.8.
SIR HENRY P. HARRIS (Paddington, South Division).
Henry Percy Harris, K.B.E. ,son
of the late Sir George David Harris, J. P.,
of 32, Inverness Terrace, W., by Eli/a
Margaret, da. of the late Henry Adderley,
of Nassau, Bahamas ; b. Sept. 8th, 1856 ;
ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A.
1880) : m. 190S, Ethel Alice Chivers, da.
of the late Edward Chivers Bower, of
Broxholme, Scarborough; Bar. Lincoln's
Inn 1 88 1 ; was Chm. of London County
Council 1907-8 ; is a J. P. and D.L. for co.
London, ami Chm. London War Pensions
Committee; K.B.E. 1917. A Cons
tive ; has sat for S. Div. of Paddington
since Jan. 17th, 1910.
1 i
■ Inbt —
Carlton, < )xford and «
P. A. HARRIS (Leicestershire, South, or Harborough, Division).
\ltre<l Harris, son of Wolf Harris, of 197, Qu<
Gate, S.W., by K!i/al»eth, da. DOe Wathen, of Auckland, New
Zealand; b. March 6th, 1876; ed. at Harrow, an. I lidl. Camb.
1897): m. . some-
ital ; Bar. Middle Temple 1899; is Director
Co. ( Limited), of N< I mdon
v Council, a Cou
of Vol „f Territorials, V
egts. ; author of M New Zealand and its Govern-
and " Lon<l<»n an.l its ( lovernment." A Coalition Member', unsuc-
cessfully contested S., or Ashford, Div. of Kent (/.) Jan. 1906, and Harrow
Div. of Middlesex Jan. 1910; has sat for S., or Harborough, Div. of Leices-
tershire since March 23rd, 19 16.
Residence— Almoner House, St. James' Court, S.W. Clubs- Reform, Eighty.
COM. THE RIGHT HON. F. L. HARRIS (Worcestershire, East Division).
i A i Frederick Leverton Harris, /'.C, son of the
WO «V??^ 'ate Frederick William Harris, J. P., of 23, Devonshire
Sis Place, W., and Park Grove, Withyham, by Elizabeth,
da. of Peter McLeod Wylie ; b. Dec. 17th, 1864;
ed. at Winchester, and at Gonville and Caius Coll.,
Camb. (B.A. 1884, M.A. 1887): m. 1886, Gertrude,
da. of the late John Grubb Richardson, of Moyallon,
and Bessbrook, co. Armagh ; is an Hon. Com. Roy.
Naval Vol. Reserve ; was Parliamentary Private Sec.
(unpaid) to Sec. of State for War (Rt. Hon. H. O.
Arnold- Foster, M.P.) 1902-5, Adviser in Commerce,
Trade Div., Admiralty 191 5- 16, and Director of Re-
striction of Enemy Supplies Depart., Foreign Office
May to Dec. 1916, since when he has been Under
Sec. to Min. of Blockade ; appointed a Member of Tariff Commn. 1904 ; P.C.
1916. A Conservativt ; sat for Tynemouth Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906 (when he
was defeated), and for Stepney Div. of Tower Hamlets May 1907 to Dec.
1910; a contributor to various magazines ; has sat for E. Div. of Worcester-
shire since July 16th, 1914.
Residences— 70, Grosvenor Street W. ; Camilla Lacey, Dorking ; Small Dowoa
House, Sandwich. Clubs — Carlton, St. James's.
A. G. C. HARVEY (Rochdale).
Alexander Gordon Cummins Harvey, son of Alexander
Cummins Harvey ; b. 1858 ; is a cotton mill owner, and a J.P. and County
Alderman for Lancashire; was a Member of Select Committee on Marconi
Agreement 1912-13. A Liberal \ has sat for Rochdale since Jan. 13th, 1906.
Residence — Town House, Littleborough, near Rochdale. Clubs — Reform (London),
Reform (Manchester).
T. E. HARVEY (Leeds, West Division).
Thomas Edmund Harvey, son of William Harvey, of Round-
hay, Leeds; b. Jan. 4th, 1875; ed. at Bootham Sch., York, at Yorkshire
Coll., Leeds, at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1897), a"d ** Berlin and Paris Univs. :
m. 191 1, Alice Irene, da. of the late Professor Silvanus Phillips Thompson,
D.Sc, F.R.S., of Morland, Chislett Road, W. Hampstead, N.W. ; was Warden
of Chalfont House 1900-1904, Dep. Warden of Toynbee Hall 1904-6, Warden
1906-11, and Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Parliamentary Under
Sec. of State for Home Depart. (E. J. Griffith, K.C., M.P.) 1912-13, and
to Financial Sec. to Treasury (Rt. Hon. C. F. G. Masterman, M.P ) 1913-14.
A Liberal-, has sat for W. Div. of Leeds since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— Welders Wood, near Chalfont St. Peter, Mucks. Clubs— National Liberal,
Leeds and County Liberal.
L. HASLAM (Monmouth District).
Lewis Haslam, son of John Haslam, J. P., of Gilnow House,
Bolton, Lancashire, by Jane, da. of J. Crook, of White Bank, Bolton,
Lancashire ; b. April 25th, 1856 ; ed. at Univ. Coll. Sch., and at Univ.
Coll., London : m. 1893, Helen Norma, da. of Henry Dixon, of Watlington,
Oxon. ; is a J.P. for Lancaster, and a cotton spinner. A Liberal; un-
successfully contested Westhoughton Div. of Lancashire (S.-E.) 1892, and S.
Kesteven, or Stamford, Div. of Lincolnshire 1900 ; has sat for Monmouth
Dist. since Jan. 18th, 1906.
Residence— %, Wilton Crescent, S.W. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Bath, Ranelagh.
HA VELOCK ALLAN [see Allan].
J. P. HAYDEN Roscommon Co., South Roscommon Division)
John Patrick Hayden, son of the late Luke Hayden, of
Roscommon; b. 1863; is a Journalist. A Nationalist', has sat for S.
common l>i\. of Roscommon co. since July 15th, 1897.
Address - \\>Ntmeath Examiner Office, Mullingar.
MAJOR E. HAYWARD (Durham, South Eastern Division).
n Hayward, son of Robert Hayward, of Fishponds,
Gloucestershire; b. April 2nd, 1876; ed. at Wotton-under-Edge : m. 1913,
Elizaheth M., widow of Alfred Bergfeldt, of Dresden; admitted a Solicitor
1900; is a member of the legal firm of Bennett, Leaver and Hayward. of
Moorgate Street, E.C., and Major Worcestershire Regt. A Liberal; fa
for S.-E. Div. of Durham since Jan. 26th, 1910.
Residences— 38, Hyde Park date, S.W. ; Newland's Avenue, West Hartlepool. Club
-National Liberal.
R. HAZLETON (Galway Co., North Galway Division .
Richard Hazleton, son of the late Thomas Hazleton, of
Dungannon, co. Tyrone, and Clontarf, co. Dublin, by his wife, Bridget
i^yan ; b. Dec. 5th, 1880; ed. at Blackrock Coll., Dublin ; sometime a
Journalist ; author of " Parnell and his Times," etc. ; has been an Hon. Officer
of the Irish Party since 1908. A Nationalist ; unsuccessfully contested S. Div.
of Dublin co. Jan. 1906 and N. Louth Div. of Louth co. Jan. 1910 ; has sat
Galway Div. of Galway co. since Feb. 28th, 1906; also elected for
Louth Div. of Louth co. Dec. 8th, 1910, but was unseated there on
petition Feb. 191 1.
Residence Ivy Bank, Blackrock, co. Dublin Club— Royal Automobile.
M. HEALY (Cork City).
Maurice Healy, son of the late Maurice Healy, of Bantry, co.
Cork, by Eli/a, da. of D. Sullivan; b. 1859: m. 1*887, Ann, el. da.
Of the late A. M. Sullivan; admitted a Solicitor in Ireland 1882. An
Independent Nationalist ; sat for Cork City Nov. 1885 to Oct. 1900 (when he
was defeated) and May 1909 to Jan. 1910 (when he was again defeated) ; sat
mv. of Cork co. March to Nov. 1910; re-elected for Cork City
oth, 1910.
Residence— Anhton Lawn, Cork.
T. M HEALY iCork Co., North East Cork Division).
Timothy Michael Hbaly, A'. ('., tod ion of the late Ma
> : m. 1882,
! D. Sullivan] Bar. King*! Inns, Dublin 1884, a k.«
1899, 19051 Mar. Gray's Inn 1 903, and a K.C. 1910; 11 an
lonial Institute ; aut! »len Water. ' A W
\;i Independent Nationalist \ sat
1880 to June 188; resigned, and for Monaghan co. June 30ili
1 Dec. 1885 returned for N. Monaghan and also for S
UndtRJi nrvl elected to lit for the last-mentioned; sat till
he was defeatc-1
I co. 1887-92, and for N. I 1S92 to
u)io, when he was defeated ; elected >f Cork co.
I uly 15th, i
nlin, Chapeluntl, co. Dublin. Chmmbers I '
CM- National Liberal.
M. L. HEARN (Dublin Co., S. Dublin Division).
Michael Louis Hearn, son of the late Thomas E. Hearn, of
Dublin; /». May, 1S66: admitted Solicitor 1889; is Chm. of freeman's Journal
Co. A Nationalist ; has sat f>r S. Dublin Div, of Dublin co. since July 1917.
Residence— Waterloo, Temple Gardens, Rathmines. co. Dublin.
SIR NORVAL W. HELME (Lancashire, North Part, Lancaster Division).
Norval Watson Helme, son of the late
James Helme, of Lancaster ; b. Sept. 22nd,
1849; ed. at Roy. Gram. Sch., Lancaster: m.
1877, Mary, da. of the late Thomas Wilson, of
Caldbeck, Cumberland ; is a J. P. and a County
Alderman of Lancashire, Chm. of Lancashire
Asylums Board, a Member of Co. Standing
Joint and Education Committees, an Alderman of
the Borough of Lancaster (of which he was Mayor
1896-7), Chm. of Lancaster Corporation Gas Co.,
Pres. of Lancaster and Dist. Chamber of Com-
merce and of NonCounty Boroughs Asso. of Eng-
land, a Member ot Central Committee of Roy.
Albert Institution for Feeble Minded, and senior
partner in the firm of James Helme and Co., oil
baize and leather cloth manufacturers, of Halton
Mills, Lancaster, Knt. 1912. A Liberal; has sat
for Lancaster Div. of Lancashire (N.) since
Oct. 9th, 1900.
Residences— Springfield Hall, Lancaster ; 2, Whitehall Court S.W. Clubs— Reform,
National Liberal.
E. G. HEMMERDE (Norfolk, North-West Division).
Edward George Hemmerde, K.C., son of the late James
Godfrey L. Hemmerde, of Blackheath, S.E. ; b. Nov. 13th, 1871 ; ed. at
Winchester, and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (ist class Classical Moderations 1892,
Honours Lit. Hum. 1894 and Jurisprudence 1895, B.C.L. 1896): m. 1903,
Lucy Elinor, da. of the late C. C. Colley ; Bar. Inner Temple 1897, and a
K.C. 1908; goes N. Circuit; appointed Recorder of Liverpool 1909. A
Liberal; sat for E. Division of Denbighshire Aug. 1906 to Nov. 1910;
unsuccessfully contested Portsmouth Dec. 1910 ; elected for N.W. Div. of
Norfolk June ist, 1912.
Residence— 11, Mulberry Walk, Chelsea, S.W. Chambers— \, HareCourt, Temple, E.C.
RIGHT HON. A. HENDERSON (Durham Co., Barnard Castle Division).
Arthur Henderson, P.C., son of David Henderson, by his wife,
Agnes ; b. 1863 ; ed. at St. Mary's Sch., Glasgow : ;//. 1888, a da. of William
Watson, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; has been a Member of Darlington Town
Council, of Newcastle City Council, and of Durham County Council ; some-
time Chm. of Labour Party in House of Commons (resigned 1917) ; is a J. P.
for co. Durham, ;i M cm her of Board of Trade Arbitration Court, and of
Industrial Council, Sec. of National Labour Party, Chm. of National Joint
Labour Board, Joint Pres. of Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, a Member
of Kxecutive Committee of Prince of Wales's National Relief Fund, and
Workmen's Chm. of N.-E. Coast Conciliation Board, and Lancashire Con-
ciliation Board (Ironfounding Industry), Hon. Pres. Friendly So. of Iron-
founders, and Past Pres. National Brotherhood Federation ; appointed a
Member of Govt. Committee to enquire into employment for Disabled Sailors
and Soldiers, and for Belgian Refugees, and of Munitions of War Committee
1915, Pres. of Board of Education May 1915, Paymaster-Gen. and Labour
r to the Govt. Aug. 1916, and Min. (without portfolio) in National
Min. (with a seat in the War Cabinet) Dec. 1916 (resigned Aug. 1917) ;
elected Mayor of Darlington 1903 ; was a Member of Railway Commn. 191 1 ;
PC. 1915. A Labour Member ; has sat for Barnard Castle Div. of Durham
co. since July 1903.
Residence— Teesdale, Rodenhurst Road, Clapham Park, S.W.
J. M. HENDERSON (Aberdeenshire, West Division).
John Macdonald Henderson, son of William Henderson, of
Aberdeen, by his wife, Mary Macdonald ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Gordon's Schs., and
at Marischal Coll., Aberdeen : ;;/. 1 872, Kate Mary, da. of Thomas Francis
Robins, solicitor, of London ; Bar. Gray's Inn 1897 ; is a Fellow of the
Institute of Chartered Accountants, a Director of Great North of Scotland
Railway Co., of Thomas Bolton and Son (Limited), and of Lancashire
United Tramways (Limited), South London Electric Corporations (Limited),
•fid other cos., and a J. P. for Surrey and Suffolk. A Liberal ; has sat for
W. Div. of Aberdeenshire since Jan. 18th, 1906.
/Zesidtnces—Cambhgalc, Wimbledon ; The White House, Felixstowe. C/ul< — Reform.
SIR CHARLES S. HENRY, Bt. (Shropshire, Mid, or Wellington, Division).
Charles Solomon Henry, 1st
Baronet ', second son of the late I. S. Henry ;
b. Jan. 28th, i860 ; ed. at St. Marylebone
Sch. and All Souls1 Gram. Sch., and at
Gottingen Univ. : m. 1892, Julia, el. da.
of the late Leonard Lewisohn, of
York ; i- Managing Director of C. S.
Henry and Co. (Limited), European Re-
presentatives of United Metals Selling Co.
a York, of 12, Leadcnhall Street,
E.C., and a J. P. fur i RNMH
191 1. A Liberal-, unsuccessfully con-
tested Mid, oc Chdmtfotd, i>i\. <>! 1
Oct. 1900; has sat for Mid, CM Wellington,
I>iv. of Shropshire since Jan. 24th, 1906.
nets— 5, Carlton C.
wood, Henley-on-Thames ; Krookland*, Welling*
• lop.
D. 8. HENRY Londonderry. 8 Derry Division
Denis St son of the It Henry, of
perstown; b. March 7th, 1864; ed. at -t : m,
of the late Holmes, l s Inn,
Dublh ScAaodal ^>8, ; is a I r Lon-
donderry. .0 A Liberal Uniom si ;
< ssfully contcste ' i«x> and March 1907;
has sat for - 1916.
-*8, Fit/william Square, Dublin. Clubs— Carlton, Constitutional, Northern
LIEUT. COL. THE HON. A. N. H. M. HERBERT (Somersetshire, Southern
Aubrey Nigel Henry Molyneux Herbert, 2ml
son of 4th Earl of Carnarvon, by Elizabeth Catharine,
da. of the late Henry Howard ; />. 18S0 ; ed at Eton, and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1908): ;;/. 1910, the Hon.
Mary Gertrude Vesey, da. of 4th Viscount De Vesci ; for-
merly Lieut. Roy. N. Devon Yeo., and an Hon. Attache in
Diplo. Ser. ; is Capt. Irish Guards, and a Gen. Staff Officer,
with rank of Lieut. -Col. ; served during European War
1914 (wounded, Serbian Order of the White Eagle) ; has
travelled extensively in Yemen, Arabia, and Near and Ear
^ East. A Conservative-, elected for Somerset. S. Div. Nov.
,-UE SE£^^ 21st, 1911, having been defeated there Jan. and Dec. 1910.
Residence* — 23, liruton Street, \V. ; Piston Park, Dulverton. Clubs— Travellers',
St. James s, Bath.
Gordon Hewart, P.C., K.C., son of G. Hewart, J.P., of Bury,
Lancashire; b. 1870; ed. at Manchester Gram. Sch., and at Univ. Coll.,
Oxford (Classical Scholar 1887, B.A. 1891, M.A. 1896) : m. 1892, Sara
Wood, da. of J. Hacking Riley, J. P., of Bury ; Bar. Inner Temple 1902,
K.C. 1912, and a Bencher 1917 ; joined N. Circuit ; appointed Solicitor-Gen.
in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; Knt. 1917, P.C. 1918. A Liberal; unsuccess-
contested N.-W. Div. of Manchester Aug. 1912; has sat for Leicester since
June 27th, 1913.
Residence— 26, Kensington Park Gardens, W. Chambers— 2, Harcourt Buildings
Temple, E.C. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Eighty.
W. A. S. HEWINS (Hereford).
William Albert Samuel Hewins, 2nd son of Samuel Hewins ;
!>. May nth, 1865; ed. at Wolverhampton, and at Pembroke Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1887, M.A. 1893) : in. 1892, Margaret, da. of James Slater, of Bescot
Hall, Staffordshire ; was Director of London Sch. of Economics 1895-1903,
Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics, King's Coll., London
1897- 1903, Teacher of Modern Economic History, London Univ. 1902-3,
and a Member of Senate of London Univ. 1900- 1903; is an Hon. Fellow of
Roy. Historical So., and Sec. to Tariff Commn. ; appointed Under Sec. of
State for the Colonies in National Min. Oct. 191 7. A Conservative', unsuc-
cessfully contested Middleton Div. of S.E. Lancashire Dec. 1910 and 1911,
and Shipley Div. of N. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire Jan 1910; elected
for Hereford March 8th, 1912.
Residences — 98, St. George's Square, S.W. ; Bullingham Manor, near Hereford,
Club — Carlton.
SIR HENRY F. HIBBERT (Lancashire, North Part, Chorley Division).
Henry Flemming HlBBERT, son of Isaac Hibbert ; b. April
4th, 1850; ed. at Hutton and Chorley Gram Schs. ; Hon. LL.D., Manchester
1908 : m. 1883, Marion Theresa, da. of Ernst Reuss ; is a J. P. and D.L. for
Lancashire, an Alderman and Vice-Chm. of Lancashire County Council, Chm.
of Educational Committee for Lancashire and of County Councils Asso., a
Fellow of Roy. Geographical and Zoological Sos., a Member of Committee
on Ser. in the Educational System of Great Britian, Organising Committee of
China League, of Mining Sch. Committee (Wigan), of Senate of Liverpool
Univ. Coll., of Victoria Univ., Manchester, a Freeman of City of London,
and a Vice-Pres. of Blackburn Chamber of Commerce (originated China
Mission) ; sometime a Member of Consultative Committee of Board of Edu-
cation ; was Pres. of Asso. of Technical Institutes 191 1 -12 ; represented Lanca-
shire County Council at International Congress on Commercial Education at
Venice 1899, and at Paris 1900; now a Member of Agricultural Education
Conference, and serving on Education Committee ; has been twice Mayor of
Chorley. A Conservative ; elected for Chorley Div. of Lancashire (N. Part),
Feb. 19th, 1913; knighted 1903.
Residence— Dalegarth, Chorley, Lancashire.
BRIG. GEN. T. E. HICKMAN (Wolverhampton. South Division .
A Thomas Edgecomb Hickman, C.B.t
LltJ D.S.O., son. of Sir Alfred Hickman, 1st Bt., of
VHP Wightwick, Wolverhampton, by Lucy Owen, da. of
%PPfr William Smith, of Portsea ; b. July 25th, 1859; ed.
at Cheltenham Coll. : m. 1907, Elizabeth Maud
Mackenzie, da. of the late Surg.-Maj. James Alex-
ander Smith, D.S.O. ; entered Army 1881, became
Capt. 1888, Brevet Major 1896, Brevet Lieut.-Col.
1898, Brevet Col. 1900 (h.-p. 1903), and Col. J904;
retired 1914; served with Nile Expedition 1884-5
(medal with two clasps, bronze star, 4th class Med-
jidie), as Brig.-Maj. at Suakin 1884-7, at actions <.f
Handoub and Gemaizah 1888 (despatches, clasp, 4th
class Osmanieh) and of Toski 1889, M 1 1 A A I .
tches, clasp, D.S.O.), with Dongola Expedition 1896, as A A I .
Inf. Div. (despatches, Brevet Major), with Nile Expedition 1898, in com-
mand of troops at capture of Shendy (despatches), present at battles of
(clasp) and Khartum (despatches, clasp, Brevet Lieut.-Col.), at relief
of Gedaref (clasp), in final operations against the Khalifa 1899, as Ch.
patches. Brevet Col.), and in S. Africa 1900-1901, Comdg.
a Column (despatches, C.B.); was attached to Egyptian Ain.\ i>84-94, again
in 1896, and again 1897-T900; appointed CoI.-on-the-Staff in S. Africa 1902,
Sub. Dist., S. Africa 1903, and to command 1
1914, with rank <>f Brig. -Gen. ; is Hon. Col. of* Bate. S. Staffordshire Rfigt ,
for Stafford, and a Director of Alfred Hickman (Limited), iron and
steel a ^ O. 1889, C.B. (Mil.) 1900. A Consenati;<; has sat
Div. of Wolverhampton since Jan. 15th, 1910.
\ Hall, Wolverhampton* Clnbt —
I itary, Hurlintfham, Prince's, ( arli<>n, St. Stephen's, Kan« '
w. JOYNSON HICKS (Middlesex, Brentford Division).
William JpYNSON-HlCl <>f Henry links, of IM.iistow
Hall, Kent, by Harriet, da. of William Watts; b. J« iS6q; ed. at
Merchant Taylors' Sch. : ;//. 1895, (Iiace Lynn, <ia. of Richard Hampson
Joynsot hose surname he assumed), of Chasefield, Bo\
Chester : the legal firm of
Hunt, < ar lew, a: >is, of Lennox House, Norfolk
I. mchester Conservative A«so., Clnn. of Autom<ibile Asso.
lotor Union. <•<*. of Roads
appointed a Mcmhei <i D
rntion 1909, on Rating of \
•umayo Atrocities I912, 01
lly contested N.
t. 1900; sat for \. W. Div. ol Manchester Apr,!
to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated ; also defeated there Jan. 1906 ; <•:
A Middlesex March
Clutt- Carlton,
HICKS BEACH [sea Beach;.
J. S. HIGH AM (Yorkshire, West Riding, Northern Part, Sowerby Division).
John Sharp Higham, son of Eli Higham, of Accrington ; />.
June 14th, 1857 ; ed. privately : m. 1899, Pollie, da. of Sir William Pickles
Hartley, J. P., of Sea View, Southport; formerly Mayor of Accrington; is
a J. P. for Accrington, and head of the firm of Highams (Limited), cotton
spinners, of Accrington, Rochdale, and Manchester ; for 15 years a Member
of Accrington Town Council, and 12 years of Lancashire County Council. An
Advanced Radical, "in favour of Disestablishment, Home Rule, and
Nationalization of Railways," and a Member of the Land Values Group ; has
sat for Sowerby Div. of N. Part of W. Riding of Yorks since July 1904.
Residence— Birkdale, Southport. Club— National Liberal.
SIR JAMES HILL, Bt. (Bradford, Central Division).
James Hill, 1st Baronet, son of the
late William Hill, wool merchant, of Harden.
Bingley, Yorkshire, by his wife, Margaret ; b.
March nth, 1849: m. 1875, Alice, da. of
Joshua Knight, of Bradford ; started work in
mill at age of 12, later becoming a wool-
sorter's foreman and salesman : is head of the
firm of James Hill and Sons, wool mer-
chants, which he founded, a J. P. for Bradford
(Lord Mayor 1908-9). Treasurer Yorkshire
Liberal Federation, Pres. Bradford Liberal
Asso., Proprietor Yorkshire Observer, Chm.
Bradford and District Newspapers Co. (Lim-
ited), and a local Director of Barclay and Co.
(Limited), bankers ; cr. a Baronet 1916. A
Liberal ; has sat for Central Div. of Bradford
since Jan. 21st, 1916.
Seats— Wellwood, Challow Dean, Bradford ; Craig-
more, Morecambe. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal,
Bradford Liberal, Ibadford Union.
LIEUT. COL. H. S. STAVELEY-HILL (Staffordshire, Kingswinford Division).
Henry Staveley Staveley-Hill, only son of the late Rt. Hon.
Alexander Staveley Hill, P.C, K.C., D.C.L., LL.D., J.P., D.L., of Oxley
Manor, near Wolverhampton, by Katherine Florence, who d. 1868, da. of the
late Miles Ponsonby, J. P., D.L., of Haile Hall, Cumberland; b. May 22nd,
1865 ; ed. at Westminster, and at St. John's Coll., Oxford : in. 1901, Eileen de
Grey, da. of the late R. de Burgh d'Arcy, J. P., of de Grey Cottage, Felix-
stowe; Bar. Inner Temple 1891 ; goes Oxford Circuit ; appointed Recorder
of Banbury 1903; is a J.P. and D.L. for Staffordshire, and Lieut. -Col.
Comdg. Yeo. ; assumed by Roy. license 1906 the additional surname of
Staveley. A Conservative', has sat for Kingswinford Div. of Staffordshire
since July 3rd, 1905.
Residence— Oxley Manor, near Wolverhampton. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton,
Royal Automobile.
HILL-WOOD [see Wood].
LIEUr.COL. J. W. HILLS (Durham).
John Waller Hills, 2nd son of the late Herbert Augustus
Hills, of Highhead Castle, Cumberland ; b. Jan. 2nd, 1867 ; ed. at Eton, and
at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; D.C.L., Durham ; admitted Solicitor 1897 ; some-
time a member of the legal firm of Hills, Godfrey and Halsey, of 23, Queen
Anne's Gate, Westminster, S. W. ; is Lieut. -Col. Durham L.I., a Member of
Council of Min. of Munitions, and a J.P. for Cumberland; served during
European War 1914-16 (wounded). A Liberal Unionist ; has sat for Durham
City since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Residence — Highhead Castle, Cumberland. Club — Brooks's.
J. HINDS (Carmarthenshire, West Division).
John Hinds, son of the late William Hinds, of Cwnin Farm,
Carmarthen, by Mary, da. of David Jones, of Penronw, Conwil Elfed,
Carmarthen; b. July 26th, 1862; ed. at Carmarthen Gram. Sch. : ///. 1893,
Lizzie, da. of the late R. Powell, of Cefntrefna, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire :
sometime Chm. of London Welsh Club, and Pres. of United Literary So. of
London Welshmen; one of the principal promoters of National Kisteddfod in
London ; is Lord -Lieut, of Carmarthenshire, Chm. of Hinds Co. (Blackheath)
(Limited), Pres. of Drapers' Chamber of Trade for Great Britain and Ireland,
and Chm. of Federation of British Health and Holiday Resorts, and a Director
of Drapers' Mutual Insurance Corporation (Limited). A Liberal ; elected
for W. Div. of Carmarthenshire Dec. 13th, 1910.
Residences— 71, Ashley dank -n>. S.W". ; Neuadd-Deg, Carmarthen. Club- National
Samuel John Gurney Hoare, C.M.G.y 2nd
Baronet, el. son of Sir Samuel Hoare, 1st Bt., of
Sidestrand Hall, Norfolk, by Katharine Louisa Hart, da.
of Richard Vaughan Davis (one of H.M.'s Commrs. of
Audit), of Frognal, Hampstead, N.W. ; b. Feb. 24th,
1880; ed. at Harrow, and at New Coll., Oxford (B.A.
1st class Classics and History 1903, M.A. 1910) : /;/.
1909, Lady Maud Lygon, da. of 6th Earl Beauchamp ;
was Assist. Private Sec. (unpaid) to Sec. of State for
the Colonies (Rt. Hon. A. Lyttelton, M.P.) 1905
Chm. of London Rre Hri^. Committee of County
Council 1908 and Higher Education Committee 1909 :
is a J. P. for Norfolk, Lieut.-Col. Veo. (despatches,
of Russian Order of St. Stanislas, Italian War
Decoration), and a Member of House of Laymen ;
appointed 1 Member of Central Unemployed Body 1908, and of Roy. C
on the !.<;. 1917. K Conservative \ unsuccessfully con-
ich Jan. 1906; has sat for Chelsea since Jan. 18th, 1910.
trand Hall, Norfolk. Taxvn Resilience— 59, Draycott Place, S.W*. Clubs
Vtnit hora.
RIGHT HON. 8IR CHARLES E. H. HOBHOUSE. Bt. (Bristol. East Division.
CharlesEdward IL nryHoBHousK,
4th Baronet, el. son of Sir CI
/. 1867, da. of
Mitchell Turton, 2nd Bt. \e\t.); b. June
^«K>, Georgina Fla
; aller, M I
a, and Sttbsequc
Col. Comdg. 61I1 I
Regt. : is a J. P. and a County Councilloi
WUla, and a Mcml>er of
I mes Conservancy Board; was A
Private Sec. to Under See t the
lies 1892.5, Un
Jan. 190; . the
Lancaster (with a seat in the I
1911-14, ami Posttn.Mer-Cen. 1914-15 ; appointed Second Church Estates
Commr. 1906. and Chin, oi Roy. Coininn. 00 Decentralization in India 1907,
and of Departmental Committee on Employment of Discharged Soldiers and
C. 1909. A Liberal', sat for E., or Devizes, Div. of Wilts
July 1892 to July 1895, when he was defeated ; has sat for E. Div. of Bristol
"since Oct. 4th. 1900.
Residences— kj, Albany, S.W. ; The Manor House, Monkton Farleigh, Wilts. Club—
RIGHT HON. J. HODGE (Lancashire, Soutli East, Gorton Division).
John Hodge, P.C, el. son of William Hodge, of Muirkirk, Ayr,
let 29th, 1855: ;//. 1885, Mary Lambie, da. of James Forsyth,
of I^anark ; is Sec. of Steel Smelters' Asso., and a Member of Industrial
Council ; formerly a Member of the Manchester City Council ; appointed a
Member of Govt. Committee to enquire into employment for disabled Soldiers
and Sailors 1915, Min. of Labour in National Min. Dec. 1916, and Min. of
Pensions Aug. 1917 ; P.C. 1916. A Labour Member ; has sat for S.-E., or
Gorton. Div. of Lancashire since Jan. 20th, 1906.
Official A ddress — Westminster House, Millbank, S.W. Residence— 37, Shooters Hill
Road. Blackheath.
SIR ROBERT T. HERMON-HODGE, Bt. (Oxfordshire, South, or Henley, Division).
Robert Trotter H er mo n -Hodge, 1st
Baronet, el. son of the late George William Hodge,
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, by Sarah Eliza, da. of David
Green, of Ainderby, Yorkshire; b. Sept. 23rd. 1851 ;
ed. at Clifton Coll., and at Worcester Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1873, S.C.L. and M.A. 1881) : m. 1877,
Frances Caroline, only da. of Edward Hermon, of
Wyfold Court, Oxon, formerly M.P. for Preston ; i>
a J. P. and County Alderman for Oxfordshire, and a
Mil. Member of its Territorial Force Asso. ; formerly
Lieut.-Col.and Hon. Col. (T.D.) Comdg. Queen's
Own Oxfordshire Hussars Yeo. ; moved " the Ad-
dress" 1891 ; cr. a Baronet 1902; assumed by Roy.
license 1903 the additional surname of Hermon. A
in,,, ^irtutis gloria. Conservative ; ; sat for Accrington Div. N-E. Lanca-
shire, July 1886 to June 1892, and was defeated there
• 1885, July 1892, and Dec. 1893; sat for S., or Henley, Div. of
Oxfordshire July 1895 to Jan. 1906, when he was defeated; sat for Croydon
March 1909 to Nov. 1910; re-elected for Oxfordshire, S., or Henley, Div.
June 20th, 1 91 7.
Residain ■— \\\ T- .1*1 ( ourt, Reading. Clubs— White's, Carlton, Cavalry, Pratt's.
J. M. HOGGE (Edinburgh, East Division).
Jan . son of Robert Hogge, by his wife, Mary
Ann; />. April 19th, 1873; ed. at Ch. of Scotland Normal' Sch., Edinburgh,
and at Edinburgh Univ. : ;//. 1905, Florence R. Metcalfe, of Malton, York-
shire; sometime Chin, of Edinburgh Univ. Liberal Asso.; one of the founders
So. ; h.is been a Member of York City Council ; interested
in LaU>ur « , Soldiers' and Sailors' Pensions, and in Social investi-
gations ; is Hon. Pres. of National Federation of Discharged and Demobilised
Sailors and Soldiers. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Camlachie Div. of
Glasgow Jan. 1910; elected for E. Div. of Edinburgh Feb. 2nd, 1912.
Residence — 1, Fountain koad, Upper Norwood, S.E.
G F. HOHIER (Chatham
Gerald Kitzroy Hohlek, A'.C, son
of Henry Booth Holiler, J. P., D.L., of
Fawkham Manor, Kent, 1 »y Henrietta Wil-
helmina, da. of the late Robert Lawes, of
Kingston Hill Place, Surrey; b. 18 — ; ed.
at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; Bar
Inner Temple 1888, and K.C. 1906. A
Conseri'ative ; has sat for Chatham since
Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence — 34, Moore Street, S.W. Chambers
— 3, Harcourt BoikKttgB, Temple, EX. Club* —
Carlton. New L*i>iver>itv.
D. T. HOLMES (Lanarkshire, Oovan Division \
I >aniel Turner Holmes; b. 1863 ; ed. at London Univ. (some-
time an Assist. Examiner), and at Paris and Geneva Univs. ; appointed I'm
liamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Sec. for Scotland 1916 : in. 1896,
Margaret, da. of Peter Kadie, formerly Provost of Paisley. A Liberal;
elected for Govan Div. of Lanarkshire, Dec. 23rd, 191 1.
Address— House of Commons, Westminster, S.W.
R. D. HOLT 'Northumberland, Hexham Division) .
Richard Darning Holt, son of the late Robert Darning Holt,
II', D ' DO Park, Liverpool, and High BofTSnS, WcftmOTCMttad \ b.
1868: 111. 1897, Kli/a Lawrence, el. da. of John Weill Brunswick,
\ ; 1- .1 ].\'. tot Lancmshttfej wet .1 Member of Customs
unated Committee; appoint', 1 ft Member of Roy.
Comma «>n the Civil Ser. 1912. A Libra! \ nnsu<
'•1 1902 and again 1906; has sat for Hexham I
numberland n h 27th, 1907.
Residences— 63, Lowndes Square, S.W. ; 54, Ullet Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool.
H. HOPE Buteshire!.
Ha , younger son of the late Jam
tames, Dunbar, l>y Kiel inrick Hill.
Dunbar; b. Sept. 24th, 1865; ed. at Edinburgh CoUegiel tad si
Edinburgh 1 fnlv. : m. 1897. .1
irgs, Ayrsh: r Had-
res. of Scottish I was a
aunttteei i :> Poultry Indu tiaad 1908,
mn. 1908 (which
uliural resources of Cana
Artill. •: : unsuccessful!] inshira and
ihira fen 1906 teshin since Jan. 27th, 1910.
RftUmtet ■■BfaeyhUl, Dunbar. C/aA#- Carlton, Constitutional.
LIEUT. COL. J. A. HOPE (Edinburghshire-Midlothian),
ipite John Augustus Hope, son of the late Rev.
Canon Charles Augustus Hope, by Julia Sophia, who d.
1903, da. of the late John W. Barton, of Stapleton Park,
Pontefract ; b. July 7th, 1869 : in. 1910, the Hon. Mary
Bruce, da. of 6th Baron Balfour of Burleigh ; is //./. to
Baronetcy of Hope, Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batn. King's
Roy. Rifle Corps, and a J. P. for Midlothian ; served in
S. Africa 1901-2, with Mounted Inf., and during Euro-
pean War 1914-15 (wounded). A Conservative', has sat
for Edinburghshire (Midlothian) since Sept. 10th, 1912, having been defeated
there Dec. 19 10.
Residence— Pinkie House, Musselburgh, Scotland. Clubs — Naval and Military,
Carlton, New (Edinburgh).
J. D. HOPE (Haddingtonshire).
John Deans Hope, son of the late James Hope, of Eastb.irnes,
Dunbar, by Isabella, da. of the late John Deans, of Hedderwick Hill, Dun-
bar; b. May 8th, i860; ed. at Fettes Coll., Edinburgh, and at Edinburgh
I'niv. : m. 1899, Elizabeth, younger da. of the late R. K. Holmes- Kerr, of
Underbank, Ayrshire; sometime a Stockbroker in Edinburgh; is a J. P. for
Haddingtonshire. A Liberal ; unsuccessfully contested W. Div. of Perthshire
1895 ; sat for VV. Div. of Fifeshire Oct. 1900 to Dec. 1910, when he was
defeated there; elected for Haddingtonshire April 19th, 191 1.
Residence — Haddington. Scotland. Clubs — Ref>rm, National Liberal. Royal Auto-
mobile. Northern (Edinburgh).
F. HOPE (Sheffield, Central Division).
James Fitzalan Hope, son of the late James
Robert Hope-Scott, Q.C. (who assumed the ad-
ditional surname of Scott), of Abbotsford, by his
second wife Lady Victoria Howard, who d. 1870, el.*
da. of 14th Duke of Norfolk ; b. Dec. nth, 1870 ; ed.
at Oratory Sch., Edgbaston, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford :
m. 1892, Mabel, da. of the late Francis Riddel 1.
of Cheeseburn Grange, Northumberland; is a J.I',
for Sussex ; was Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid)
to successive Postmaster-Gens. (Duke of Norfolk,
and Marquess of Londonderry) 1896-1901, to Pres.
of Board of Trade (Rt. Hon. G. W. Balfour, M.P.)
1 901, and to Colonial Sec. (Rt. Hon. A. Lyttelton,
M.P.) 1904-5, and Treasurer of H.M.'s Household June 1915 to Dec. 1916,
since when he has been a Junior Lord of the Treasury in National Min. A
Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Elland Div. of N. Part of W. Riding
of Yorkshire 1892, Pontefract 1895, and Brightside Div. of Sheffield Aug.
1897; sat for Brightside Div. of Sheffield Oct. 3rd, 1900, to Jan. 1906, when
he was defeated there ; has sat for Central Div. of Sheffield since April 22nd,
Residences— 70. Chester Square, S.W. ; Heron's Ghyll, Uckfield, Sussex. Clubs—
Carlton, Travellers , St. Stephen's.
W. E. HORNE (Surrey, South Western, or Guildford, Division).
William Edgar Horne, son of the late Edgar Home, of The
Hill, Witley ; b. Jan. 21st, 1856 ; ed. at Westminster Sch. : in. 1886, Margery,
da. of the late George Anderson May ; is a Director of Prudential Assurance
Co., Past Pres. of Surveyors' Institution, and Vice-Pres. of National Ser.
League. An Unionist; unsuccessfully contested N.-W., or Barnstaple, Div.
of Devonshire Jan. 1906 ; has sat for S.-W., or Guildford, Div. of Surrey
since Jan. 27th, 1910.
Residences— 1, Tilney Street, Park Lane, W. ; Hall Place, Shackleford, Surrey.
Clubs— Carlton, Arts, City.
R. P. H0U8T0N (Liverpool, West Toxteth, Division).
Robert Paterson Houston, son of Robert Houston, by
Isabella, da. of Robert Paterson; b. 1853; ed. at Liverpool Coll., and
privately; is head of the firm of R. P, Houston and Co., and principal owner
ofthe Houston Lines of steamships. A Cometi'a:. : for \\ '. Toxteth
Div. of Liverpool since July 5th, 1892.
Residence— 35 and 36 Parkside, Albert Gate, S.W. Offices— 16, Leadenhall, Street,
to, DaleStreet, Liverpool: 17, Battery Place, New York ; 8, St. (leorge's Street,
Cape Town ; 158, Calle 25 de Mayo, Buenos Ayres. Clubs — Carlton, Junior Carlton.
CAPT. THE HON. G. W. A. HOWARD (Wiltshire, West, or Westhury, Division)
Geoffrey William Algernon Howard, 5th son
of 9th Karl «jf Carlisle, of Castle Howard, York, and I,
Palace (ireen, Kensington, W., by the Hon. Rosalind
Frances Stanley, da. of 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley ; b.
Feb. 12th, 1877; ed.atTrin. Coll. Camb. (B.A. Honours
in History 1898, Honours in Law 1899, M.A. 1905):
tn. 1915, the Hon. Ethel Christian, da. of 3rd Baron
Methuen ; sometime an Underwriter at Lloyds ; ap-
pointed Private Sec. to Parliamentary Sec. to Board of
Trade (H. J. Tennant, M.P.) 1909, Private Sec. (un-
paid) to Prime Min. (Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, M.P.)
Colour IQIO, Vice-Chamberlain of H.M. Household 191 1, and
a Liberal Whip 1911 ; was a Junior Lord of the Treasury May 1915 to
Dec. 1916 ; served during European War 1914-15, as Capt. R.M. A
liberal; unsuccessfully contested Yorkshire, N. Riding, Richmond Div. Oct.
1900; sat for N., or Eskdale Div. of Cumberland Jan. 1906 to Nov. 1910;
defeated there Dec. 1910; has sat for W., or Westbury, Div. of Wiltshire
since Yth. 191 1.
Residence— 3a, Chester Square, S.W. Clubs— Brooks's, Reform, National Liberal.
W. HUDSON (Newcastle on-Tyne).
Walter Hudson, O.B.E., son of Henry Courtley Hudson, of
Richmond Station, Yorkshire; b. Jan. 25th, 1852: m. 1874, the el. da. of
William Harlcer, of Darlington, Durham; for 25 years a Freight Cuard on
North-Fa^em Railway ; 14 years Sec. of Darlington Branch of Amalgamated
So. of Railway Servants, l>eing elected Pres. of that So. 1891, and became
Sec. of the So. in Ireland 1898; was Pres. of Irish Trades Congress 1903, and
I Member of National Executive of Labour Party 1904-10:
National Union of Railwaymen ; O.B.E. 1917. A Labour Member ; has sat
• enstle-on-Tyne since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence— K\*» .-. Ath. rfol.l Road, Stockwtll. S.W.
S. L HUGHES Stockport).
gh Hughes, son of the late Rev. James Hughes;
privately: ///. 1SS1, Ellen Wayland, who d 1916, da. ofthe
late James Groves, of Newport, I lit; is a parliamentary journalist
ral; ttntttO Mrhain July 1907, and
Bermondsey Div. of Southwark Oct. 1909; has sat for Stockport rinoc
I7lh, 191a
Kmidrme w, St. (;<■ J.W. CI Man-
HUME WILLIAMS see Williams .
MAJOR R. HUNT (Shropshire, Southern, or Ludlow, Division-.
rland Hi >t the late Rowland Hunt. <>t Boreatton
- ilop, bj I Albany ; b.
1858; cd. .r lgiana
DCan Henry Cait! idson,
of Tulloch 1 is a J of Raechord
A Libera idlow . Div. .>( Shrop-
1 903.
&< ^ham, Surrey. Club— United Univcrv
Charles Roderick Hunter, 3rd
Baronet, son of the late Sir Claudius
Stephen Paul Hunter, 2nd Bt., by Con-
stance, da. of William Ives Bosanquet: b.
July 6th, 1858: ed. at Eton: m. 1887,
Agnes Lillie, el. da. of Adam Kennard, of
Crawley Court, Winchester; formerly Capt.
4th Batn. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's
Own), and Major 9th Vol. Batn. King's
Roy. Rifle Corps; appointed a Div. Staff
Officer for Musketry 1914; sometime
A.D.C. to Lieut.-Gen. Comdg. in Canada;
served in S. Africa 1900, with Imperial Yeo.
(medal). A Conservative ; has sat for Bath
since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Clubs— Travellers'. Carltor
HUNTER-WESTON [see Weston].
RIGHT HON. A. H. ILLINGWORTH (Lancashire, South-Eastern,
Hey wood Division-.
Albert Holden Illingworth, P.C, son of the late Henry
Ulingworth, J. P., of Lady Royd Hall, Bradford, by Mary, who d. 1908, da.
of the late Sir Isaac Holden, 1st Bt., of Oak worth House, Keighley, York-
shire ; b. 1865 ; is a J. P. for Bradford : ;;/. 1895, Annie Elizabeth, da. of the
late Isaac Holden Crothers, of Le Chateau, Croix, Nord, Erance ; appointed
Postmaster-Gen. in National Min. Dec. 1916; P.C. 1916. A Liberal; has
sat for Heywood Div. of Lancashire (S.-E.) since Nov. 1915.
Residences— \%, Chesliam Place, S.W. i; Denton Park, Ben Rhydding, Yorkshire.
Club — Reform.
H. INGLEBY (King's Lynn\
Holcombe Ingleby, son of Clement Mansfield Ingleby, of
Valentines, Essex; b. March 18th, 1854; ed. at Oxford Univ. (B.A. 1877,
M.A. 1878) : m. 1886, Harriet Jane, da. of C. F. Neville Rolfe, of Heacham
Hall, Norfolk ; founder of the Royal West Norfolk Coif Club, and of North-
West Norfolk Asso. of Village Choirs; is a J. P. for Norfolk ; was Mayor of
King's Lynn 1909- ro. A Conservative; elected for King's Lynn Dec. 3rd, 1910.
Residences— 31, Grosvenor Place, S.'W. ; Sedgeford Hall, Norfolk. Clubs— Athenaeum,
Boodle's, Carlton.
Residence— 41
S. JACKSON (Yorkshire, East Riding, Howdenshire
Francis Stanley Jackson, 2nd son of 1st
Baron Allerton, of Allerton Hall, Chapel Allerton,
near Leeds, and 41, Cadogan Square, S.W., by Grace,
who d. 1 90 1, da. of George Tempest ; b. Nov. 2 1st,
1870; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Cainb. (B.A.
J893) : »i. 1902, Julia Henrietta, el. da. of the late
Henry Broad ley Hanison-Broadley, M. P., of Welton
House, Brough. Yorkshire; formerly Capt. 3rd Batn.
King's Own ( Roy. Lancaster Regt.) ; served in S. Africa
1900 1902; is a D.L. for W. Riding of Yorkshire, and
Lieut. -Col Territorial Force Reserve. An Unionist;
has sat for Howdenshire Div. of E. Riding of York-
shire since Feb. roth, 191 5.
Hyde Park Square, \V. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton-
John Jackson, C. V.O.,LL.D., F.R.S.E., youngest son of the late
Edward Jackson, of York ; b. 1851 ; ed. at York, and at Edinburgh Univ. ■
m. 1876, Ellen Julia, youngest da. of the late George Myers, of London; trained
as a Civil Engineer ; is one of the largest Contractors for Public Works :
carried out Govt. Docks at Devonport and Simonstown (Cape Colony), Rail-
way across the Andes (Arica to La Paz), Govt. Harbour at Singapore, Spanish
Govt. Docks at Ferrol, and other works of magnitude ; when the war started
in 1914 had in hand the great works of the Mesopotamia Irrigation Scheme
(having already completed the great dam across the Euphrates near Babylon) ;
at the commencement of the war undertook large accommodation works for
the troops involving expenditure of 35 millions sterling (completed in about
one year) ; as Contractor was interested in construction of the Manchester
Ship Canal, Dover Harbour, and the foundations of the Tower Bridge ;
is a J. P. for Devonshire; appointed a Roy. Commr. to enquire into War in
S. Africa 1902 ; has Grand Cross of Spanish Order of Naval Merit (with
white badge;, and 1st class of Chilian Order of Merit ; Knt. 1895, C.V.O.
1910. A Conservative ; has sat for Devonport since Jan. 15th, 1910, having
l»een defeated there 1904 and 1906.
Residences— 48, Belgrave Square, S.W. ; Henley Park, Henley-on-Thames. Office—
5 twit, WiNtminst'-r. S \V. Clubs — Carlton, United Service (Edinburgh),
Royal Automobile, Royal Yacht Squadron, Royal Western Yacht, Royal South -Western
Yacht (Commodore).
T. 0. JAC0BSEN (Cheshire, Hyde Division).
Thomas Owen Jacobsen, son of the late Rudolph Bernard"
Jacobsen, of Liverpool ; b. April 23rd. 1864 ; ed. at Liverpool Institute : m.
1890, Annie Amelie Pauline da. of the late Marius Yeillard, a Banker of
London and Switzerland ; formerly in Lancashire Rifle Yols. ; is a manufac-
turing stationer, and head of the firm of Jacobsen, Welch and Co. (Limited),
sale stationers, of Newton House, Paternoster Square, E.C., and Hyde,
and Yice-Pres. Brixton and Hyde (Pres. 1906-7), Pres. N. Lambeth Liberal
Asso., a F.R.G.S., and a J. P. for co. London ; appointed a Member of Local
Tribunal, and an Income Tax Appeal Commr. 1915, and Parliamentary
Sec. (unpaid) to Parliamentary Sec. to Ministry of Shipping (Sir Leo
M.l'.) 191 7. A Coalition Member', has sat for Hyde Div. of
Cheafaii M irch 29th, 1916.
KttUtmctt The Holm.s, Stradella Road, Heme Hill, S.E. ; Hyde, Cheshire. Clubs
National Liberal, Reform (Hyde).
E JARDINE (Somersetshire. Eastern Division .
ett JARDINE, sou of John Jardine ; b. Sept. 23rd, 1859 : ///.
1884, Ada Jane, da. of the late James Flefc Nottingham; is a J.I',
and a madum- builder of Nottingham, and Clin Navigation Co.,
of Midland Machine Trust (Limited), and of Nottingham I I states
(Limited), etc., and .i tttnghaaa and n mg Co. A
Liberal Unionist \ has sat for L. Div. of Somerset since Jan. 19th, 1910.
\ ham. CftnW Csrtfow,
8IR JOHN JARDINE, Bt Roxburghshire).
d I \ki.ini . A on of the late William
urn and I ^unstable, by Taju
born ;
; ;Hon. LL.D 1906: m. 1S80. Minnie
entered H-
I and Pol became Registi High
\w Officer
Sec. to Bombay Govt in Political, Judicial, Education, Secret, and Persian
Depart nd a Puisne Judge of High Court of Judicature, Bombay
/ ; acted as Ch. Justice 1895 ; connected for thirty years with Bombay
Univ. as Examiner, Fellow, Syndic. Dean in Arts, Dean in Laws, and Vice
Chancellor; Pres. of Roy. Asiatic So. of Bombay 1894: is a J. P. for
Godalming and Surrey, a Director of British American Land Co., and of Gen.
Life Assurance Co., and Pres. Asylum Workers' Asso. ; author of " Notes on
Buddhist Law" ; editor of " Customary Law of the Chin Tribe," etc., etc. ;
cr. a Baronet 1916. A Liberal; has sat for Roxburghshire since Jan. 19th,
1906, having been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residence — Applegarth, Godalming. Clubs — Reform, Scottish Liberal, Byculla
COL. SIR HERBERT M. JESSEL (St. Pancras, South Division).
Herbert Merton Jessel, C.M.G.,
1st Baronet, younger son of the late Rt. Hon.
Sir George Jessel, Master of the Rolls, by
Amelia, who d. 1898, da. of the late Joseph
Moses; b. Oct. 27th, 1866; ed. at Rugby, and
at New Coll., Oxford : ;//. 1894, Maud, fifth
da. of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Julian Goldsmid,
P.C, M.P., 3rd Bt. ; joined 17th Lancers
1886, and retired as Capt. 1896 ; rejoined
1914 ; sometime Capt. Roy. Berkshire Yeo.
Cav. ; is a J. P. and D.L. for co. of London,
an Alderman for City of Westminster (Mayor
1902-3), Hon. Col. of a Batn. Roy. Fusiliers,
and Trustee (Chm. 1904-15) of London
Municipal So. ; appointed a Member of
Govt. Committee (London) on Prevention
and Relief of Distress Aug. 1914, Sup. Army
Remount Ser. Oct. 19 14, and Comdt. Jan.
1915, with rank of Lieut. -Col. (despatches) ;
has been a Member of Public Accounts
Committee of House of Commons since
1910; carried "Municipal Election Act,
I9IX»" "Old Age Pensions Act, 1911," and
" Affiliation Orders Act, 1914 " through the House of Commons ; cr. a Baronet
1917 and C.M.G. 1918. An Unionist ; sat for St. Pancras, S. Div. Jan. 1896
to 1906, when he was defeated; reelected Jan. 17th, 1910, and Dec. 5th,
Residence — 24, South Street, Park Lane, W. Clubs— Garrick, Army and Navy,
White's, Carlton, Beefsteak.
E. T. JOHN (Denbighshire, East Division).
Edward Thomas John, son of John John, of Pontypridd,
Glamorganshire, by his wife Margaret ; b. March 14th, 1857 ; ed. at Ponty-
pridd Wesleyan Day Sch. : ///. 1881, Margaret, da. of William Rees, of
Caerwiga, Pendoylan, Glamorganshire ; is Managing Director of several
smelting and mining cos., and a J. P. of Middlesbrough ; one of the leaders of
Federal Home Rule Movement. A Radical and Welsh Nationalist ; elected
for E. Div. of Denbighshire Dec. 13th. 1910.
Residences— 62, Warwick Square, S.W. ; Llanidan Hall, Llanfair P.G., Anglesey.
W. JOHNSON (Warwickshire, North-Eastern, or Nuneaton, Division).
William Johnson, M.B.E., youngest son of John Johnson, a
collier; b. 1849; ed. at Collycroft Sch. : in. Est, 1868, Priscilla, who d. 1906,
da. of S. Davenport ; 2ndly, 1908, Anne, widow of W. Copson, of Leicester ;
in early life worked in both factory and colliery; has been Gen. Sec. and
Agent to Warwickshire Miners' Asso. since 1885; is a J. P. and a County
Alderman for Warwickshire, Bedworth Div. (connected with many of its
Committees), Treasurer of Midland Miners' Federation, Chm. of Bedworth
Parish Council, a Free and Accepted Mason of Grand Lodge of England,
Past Arch of Philanthropic Ancient Order of Druids, a Roy. Arch of Com-
panion Chapter, a Member of Grand Lodge of England, and a Gov. of Nicholas
Chamberlain Sch. Foundation ; M.B. E. 1918. A Liberal and Labour Member ;
unsuccessfully contested Tam worth Div. of Warwickshire July 1892 : has sat
for N.-E., or Nuneaton, Div. of Warwickshire since Jan. 17th, 1906, having
been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residence— Bedworth, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Club— National Liberal.
SIR EDGAR R. JONES (Merthyr Tydvil).
Edgar Rees Jones, K.B.E., son of the late Rev. Morgan
Humphery Jones, a Baptist Min., of Gorwel, Watt<town, Rhondda ; b. Aug.
27th, 1878 ; ed. at an Elementary Sch., and at Cardiff Univ. Coll. (B. A. 1900,
MA. 1903)1 liar. Gray's Inn 1912 ; also a Meml>er of Australian and
N.S.Wales Bars ; sometime Lecturer of Welsh National Liberal Council ; was
Controller of Priority Depart. Min. of Munitions 1915-18; author of "The
Art of the Orator," etc. ; K.B.E. 1918. A Liberal-, has sat for Merthyr
Tydvil since Jan. 19th, 1910.
Residence— Gome]. Wattstown, Rhondda. Club— National Liberal.
H H. JONES (Merionethshire).
Henry Haydn Jones, son of Joseph David Jones, of Ruthin,
by Catherine, da. of the late Owen Daniel, of Caethle, Towyn, Merioneth ;
b. Dec 27th, 1863 ; ed. at Towyn Board Sch. and Towyn Acad. : m. 1903,
Gwendolen, only da. of the late Lewis Davies Jones, of Chicago, U.S.A. ;
is an ironmonger and farmer, a J. P. and a County Alderman for Merioneth-
shire (Chm. of County Council 1900), and a Member of Council of l'ni\
of Wales. A Liberal ; has sat for Merionethshire since Jan. 22nd, 1910.
Residence— Pant-y-neuadd, Towyn, Merioneth. Club— National Liberal.
REV J. T. JONES (Carmarthenshire, East Division)
RnK Josiah Towyn I n of John Jones, of Newqu.iy.
Cardiganshire, by l>eih; b. Dec. 28th. 1858; was a Congre-
gational Min. 1880-1906; for 20 years Election Agent to fl t. Abel
v.C; has been a Member of Carmarthenshire County Council
and Education Committee ; appointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury and
Whip to the Govt. Jan. 1917. A Liberal ; elected fa l Car-
marthenshire Aug. 22nd, 191 2.
Residences— ag. Conifer Road, Parson'i ( Jreen, S.W. ; Arofda, Uai .rthen-
KENNEDY J0NE8 Middlesex. Hornsey Division ».
Kenned] OOOJ Henry Jon< IgOW ; /'. May 4th,
1865: ed. at Glasgow High Sch.1 m. 1892, II ml. <»t
Birmingham | many years connected with tin
subsequently joined Hoard of Waring and Gillow ti
Director of the I
>. (unpaid) of Food
17, A Comet vntive ; unsuccessfully c«.
\Viml>le.!..n, I>i\ -.f Snrirv April 1916; has sat for I [< u n-ry 1 >iv . ■ 'I Middlesex
fence— iii, Victoria Street, S.W. Clubs- Constitutional, Royal Automobile.
RIGHT HON. LEIF. (S.) JONES (Nottinghamshire, Rushcliffe Division).
Leifchild (Stratten) Jones, P.C, younger son of the late Rev.
Thomas Jones, of Swansea (Chin, of the Congregational Union 1871), by his
wife Jane; b. Jan. 16th, 1862 ; ed. at Normal Coll., Swansea, at Scotch Coll..
Melbourne, and at Trin. Coll., Oxford (H.A. 1st class Mathematics 1885. M.A.
1889) ; is an Underwriter at Lloyd's ; has been Pres. of United Kingdom
Alliance since 1906; P.C. 1916. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested West-
minster 1892, Leeds, Central Div. 1S95, and S. Div. of Manchester May
1900; sat for N., or Appleby, Div. of Westmoreland March 1905 to Tan.
1910, when he was defeated there ; elected for Rushcliffe Div. of Notting-
hamshire Dec. 14th, 19 10.
Residence— 1, Palace Green, Kensington, W. Clubs— National Liberal, Reform.
W. S. OLYN-JONES (Tower Hamlets, Stepney Division).
William Samuel Glyn-Jones, son of George Griffith Jones ;
b. Jan. 29th, 1869: ed. at Merthyr Tydvil Gram. Sch. : m. 1894, Mary, da. of
John Evans, of Llanybyther, Carmarthenshire; Bar. Middle Temple 1904;
sometime a Pharmacist; is Parliamentary Sec. of Pharmaceutical So., a J. P.
and a County Alderman of Middlesex, and Chm. of the Middlesex Insurance
Committee ; appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to Min. of Munitions
1916, and to Min. of Reconstruction 1917 ; has assumed the additional sur-
name of Glyn; author of "The Law Relating to Poisons and Pharmacy."
A Liberal; elected for Stepney Div. of Tower Hamlets Dec. 7th, 1910,
having been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Residence— id, Old Park Villas. Palmer's C.reen, N. Club— National Liberal.
COL. E. PRYCE JONES (Montgomery District).
Edward Pryce-Jones, el. son of Sir Pryce
Pryce-Jones (M.P. for Montgomery Dist. 1885-6 and
1892-5), of Dolerw, Newtown, Montgomeryshire,
by Eleanor, da. of the late Edward Rowley Morris,
of" Newtown, Montgomeryshire: b. Feb. 6th, 1861 ;
ed. at Jesus Coll,, Camb. (B.A. 1889, M.A. 1893):
m. 1886, Beatrice, da. of the late Herbert Hardie, of
Orford House, Cheshire; Bar. Inner Temple 1892 ;
formerly Capt. Montgomeryshire Imperial Yeo.,
from which he retired as Hon. Major ; was
Chm. of Newtown Local Board of Health 1892-4 ;
raised, and commanded 5th Vol. Batn. S. Wales
Borderers 1895- 1905 (Hon. Col.); is Hon. Col.
of a Batn. Roy. Welsh Fusiliers, a J. P., a D.L., and
a County Councillor (Newtown Div.) for Mont-
gomeryshire, a Member of Univ. Court of Wales (Junior Dep. Chancellor
1911-12), Dep. Chm. of Pryce-Jones (Limited), woollen manufacturers, of
Newtown, Joint Hon. Sec. Commercial Committee of House of Commons,
Joint Hon. Sec-Gen. of Commercial Committee of Allied Inter-Parliamentary
Groups, and Joint Hon. Treasurer International Parliamentary Union
(British Group). A Conservative \ sat for Montgomery Dist. 1895-1906, when
he was defeated there ; re-elected Dec. 16th, 1910, having been again defeated
there Jan. 1910.
Residence — Milford Hall, Newtown, X. Wales. Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional.
F. W. JOWETT (Bradford, West Division).
Frederick William Jonvett, son of Nathan Jovvett, of Bradford ;
/>. 1864; commenced life as a Mill Operative, becoming Manager; was
15 years a Member of Bradford City Council (8 years Chm. of Public Health
Committee) ; is a J. P. A Labour Member; has sat for W. Div. of Bradford
since Jan. 13th, 1906, having been defeated therefor Oct. 1900.
Residence — 10, Grantham Terrace, Bradford. Yorkshire.
M. JOYCE (Limerick City .
Michael Joyce; b. 1854; formerly a Pilot; is an Alderman
of Limerick City (Mayor 1905 and 1906). A Nationalist \ has sat for
Limerick City since Oct. 4th, 1900.
Address — The Mooring-.. O'Connell Avenue, Limerick.
M. KEATING (Kilkenny Co., South Kilkenny Division).
Matthew KEATING, son of Cornelius Keating, of Mountain
Ash, S. Wales ; b. May 23rd, 1869 5 ed. at Mountain Ash Catholic Sch., and
privately ; has been a Manufacturers' Agent and Special Commr. for National
Correspondence Schs. of Kingsway, W.C. A Nafonalisl ; has sat for S. Kil-
kenny Div. of Kilkenny co. since Aug. 10th, 1909.
Reside/ue-17, Lydford Road, Crkklewood, N.U '.
F. G. KELLAWAY (Bedford).
Frederick George Kellaway, second son of the late William
Hamley Kellaway, of Bishopston, Bristol; b. Dec. 3rd, 1870; ed. at Btshop-
ston : ///. 1903, Sarah Ellen, el. da. of the late Henry Robinson, J. P., of
Greenwich, S. E. ; formerly a journalist ; represented Blackheath on Lewisham
Board of Guardians and Lewisham Borough Council ; appointed Private Sec.
to Parliamentary Sec. to Min. of Munitions July 1915, and Parliamentary Sec.
to the Min. of Munitions in National Min. Dec. 1916. A Liberal; unsuccess-
fully contorted S. Div. of Northamptonshire Jan. 1910; elected for Bedford
Dec. 8th, 1910.
.fence— 16, Eliot Park, Lewisham Hill, S.E. Club- Eighty.
E. J. KELLY (Donegal co . East Donegal Division).
Edward Joseph KELLY, son of Peter Kelly, J. P., formerly of
The Mall House, Ballyshannon, co. Donegal, by his M ; b.
March 30th, 1883; ed. at St. Vincent's Coll. Castleknock, at Univ. Coll.,
Dublin (B.A. 1903, If. A. 1904), and at Roy. Univ. of Ireland; admitted
Solicitor 1910 ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin 1917. A Nationalist ; has sat for
cgal Div. of Donegal co. since Jan. 28th, 1910.
Rcsidtttce—M, Brighton Vale, IfookstOWn, CO, lUiblin.
V. P.t KENNEDY (Cavan County, Weet Cavan Division).
Vincent (Paul) Kennedy, eL son of the late Hugh Peter Kennedy,
aluriiu- Rote Magennit; /'. Feb. 15th, 1876; ed. at
Cloogowei Wood Coll. : ///. 1912, Cecilia, da. of Adolphe I
of 12, Vicarage Gate, Kensington, W. ; admitted a SolidtOt it><x>
Memlier of Solicitors' Benevolent Asso. A Nationalist; has sat f«-i \Y
of Cavan Co. since June 10th, 1904.
Residences— 116, G 1 »ul.lin ; Heath Lodge, Cavan. - Vitional
B. KEN YON (Derbyshire. Chesterfield Division).
: of Hem m, !)>• 1; \\w\ ;
b. 1853 ; started w<>ik in Staveley Colliery at an early age ; is a J.l
Chesterfield and Derbyshire, Gen'. Agent Der! \
1896-1906). r of Chesterfield Board of Guaidians ..( 01
immittee, ice Comml
s Board of
im Wage Act. A / Labour Mtmi*r\ cle hester-
<h, 1913. '
Residence -<#, Salter*; Id.
KERR SMILEY [see Smiley
LIEUT-COL. THE EARL OF KERRY (Derbyshire, West Division).
Henry William Edmond, Earl of
. M. V.O., D.S.O., el. son of 5th M.u-
quess of Lansdowne, of Bowood Park, Calne,
Wilts, Meikleour, Perth, N.B., Derreen,
Kenmare, co. Kerry, and Lansdowne House,
Berkeley Square, W., by Lady Maud Evelyn
Hamilton, C./., V.A., da. of 1st Duke of
Abercorn ; b. Jan. 14th, 1872 ; ed. at Eton,
and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1895, M.A.
1897) : m. 1904, Elizabeth Caroline, da. of Sir
Edward Stanley Hope, K.C.B. ; formerly
Lieut. Grenadier Guards; is Lieut. -Col. Irish Guards, a Knight Com. of
Charles III. of Spain, and Major Reserve of Officers ; served in S. Africa
1900. as Extra A.D.C. to Com.-in-Ch. (Field-Marshal Lord Roberts) (de-
spatches, D.S.O.); D.S.O. 1900, M.V.O. (4th class) 1905. An Unionist;
unsuccessfully contested Westmorland, N., or Appleby, Div. Jan. 1906; has
sat for W. Div. of Derbyshire since April 15th, 1908.
Residences— 20, Mansfield Street, \V. ; Sheen Falls, Kenmare, co. Kerry. Cli<t>s—
Brooks's, Turf, Guards'.
CAPT. H. KESWICK (Surrey, Mid, or Epsom, Division).
Henry Keswick, el. son of the late
William Keswick (M.P. for Mid, or Epsom,
Div. of Surrey), of Beechgrove, Dumfries-
shire, by Amelia S., who d. 1883, da. of the
late J. A. Dubeux ; b. 1870 ; ed. at Eton,
and at Trin. Coll., Camb. : ;//. 1900, Ida,
da. of the late T. William Johnston, I.C.S. ;
served during S. African War ; sometime a
partner in the firm of Jardine, Matheson and
Co., merchants, of Shanghai and Hong Kong:
was a Member of Municipal Council, and
Chm. of Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, and
a M.L.C. and M.E.C., and Chm. of Chamber
of Commerce, Hong Kong ; is a Member of
Roy. Co. of Archers (King's Body Guard for
Scotland), and Capt. King's Own Scottish Bor-
derers ; represented Hong Kong at Coronation
of King George V. 191 1. A Conservative ;
elected for Mid, or Epsom, Div. of Surrey
March 21st, 191 2.
Seats— Q,o\i\\\)\ Towers, Dumfries; Tyrell's Wood, Leatherhead.
D. KILBRIDE (Kildare Co., South Kildare Division).
Denis Kilbride, son of the late Thomas Kilbride, of
Luggacurren, Queen's co. ; b. 1848 ; ed. at Clongowes Wood Coll. ; was the
first tenant evicted under the " Plan of Campaign." A Nationalist ; elected
for S. Kerry Div. of Kerry co. Sept. 21st, 1887 ; re-elected July 1895, but
having subsequently been elected for N. Galway Div. of Galway co. on July
26th, 1895, sat for the latter constituency 1895-1900; has sat for S. Div. of
Kildare co. since May 22nd, 1903.
Residence — Luggacurren, Stradbally, Queen's co.
J. D. KILEY (Tower Hamlets. Whitechapel Division).
James Daniel Kiley, son of Daniel Kiley ; b. 1865 j has been
Mayor of Stepney ; is a J. P. for co. London, an Alderman of Stepney, a
Director of Whyte, Ridsdale and Co. (Limited), warehousemen, of 72-76,
Houndsditch, E., Chm. Fancy Goods Section of London Chamber of Com-
merce, and of British Toy Manufacturers and Wholesalers Asso , and a Member
of London Liberal Federation Executive, and of Metropolitan Water Board.
A Libera!; haj Ml fur Whitechapel Div. of Tower Hamlets since Dec. 28th,
Reside/tee— 4, Victoria Street, S.W. Clul-s— National Liberal, Royal Automobile.
J. KING (Somersetshire, Northern Division).
Joseph King, son of Joseph King, of Liverpool, by Phoebe,
xla. of Joseph Powell ; /'. March 31st, i860; ed. at Uppingham, and at Trin.
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1883, M. A. 18S6) : ///. 1887, Maude E., da. of H. G. Hine j
Bar. Inner Temple 1889. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested New Forest
4 Hampshire July 1892, and Isle of Thanet Div. of Kent Oct. 1904
and Jan. 1906 ; has sat for N. Div. of Somersetshire since Jan. 22nd, 1910.
Residences— 20, St. Thomas' Mansions, S.E. ; Witley, Surrey. Clubs— Reform,
National Liberal.
KINLOCH COOKE [see Cookel.
MAJOR E. A. KNIGHT (Kidderminster
Eric Ayshford Knight, son of Edward Lewis Knight, of
Hornacott Manor, Launceston, by Henrietta Mary, da. of Edward Ayshford
Sanford, of Nynejiead Court, Wellington, Somerset; b. April, 1863; ed.
at Cheltenham : ///. 1897, Constance Ida, da. of the late J. \Y. II. Wilson, of
Winnipeg, Canada ; is Major Veo.. and a J. P. for Somersetshire and Worcester-
shire. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Mid, or Droitwich, Div. of
Worcestershire Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Kidderminster since Jan. 18th, 1910.
Resilience — W'olverley House, near Kidderminster. Clubs— Carlton, Cavalry.
SIR ERNEST H LAMB (Rochester).
Ernest Henry Lamb, C.M.G., el. son of Benjamin Lamb, of
LightWftter, Begshot, Surrey, by Eliza, da. of Charles Dowry, of Hlackheath.
Sept. 4th, 1876 ; ed. at Dulwich, and at Wycliffe Coll., Stooehonse,
Glouci '//. 1913, Rosa Dorothea, da. of W. f. Hurst, J.P., of Druma-
r.allynahinch, co. Down ; is a Member of Common Council of London,
.. J.P. I«>r Surrey, a Vice-Pres. of Home Counties Liberal Federation and oJ
>., a Connexional Treasurer of the Weslejan Methodist
Church, and Chm. of Foster's Parcels and G press ( Limited) : some'
time Chm. of City of London Sclis. Committee, and of City of London
mittee ; C.M.G. 1907 ; Knt. 1914. A Liberal; sat for Rochester
1906 to Jan. 1910, when he WSJ detested ; ;id, 1910.
. Surrey. Offices— -82, Fore Street, E.C.a. Clubs
% RIGHT HON. G. LAMBERT Devonshire, North, or South Molton, Division .
Lambert, P»C.t ton of the late.George Lambert; A 1866:
rslely: m. 1904, BsxbanL >l\. <>f the rpeth :
formerly Ca birc Kegt. ; is a Yeoman, Lord of the
I', and County Alderman for 1 >. nted a
. liiultinal Depression I893, and Of Depart-
y Rates I0O4, and .1 Member ol mi. 00
in peace and war Lord
1905 to May 1915 ; al ; has sat
4 Devonshire si I ;th, 189I.
«1, West mi n
> t.rm. National Liberal.
R. C. LAMBERT (Wiltshire. Northern, or Crlcklade, Division).
Richard Cornthw.uu- LaMBI > i, el. son of tl.
I 'rad ford -on- A von, by Agnt of 1 1 1 <r
lescon of w iy 5th, i8<-v
in, of Sutton » 1892 ; goes
Midland Circuit ; has served on Executive Committee of London Liberal
Federation; is a J. P., ami a County Councillor (\V. Islington Div.) for Co.
London ; was a Member of Executive Committee of London Liberal Federation
1909-11. A Radical \ unsuccessfully contested Ecclesall Div. of Sheffield Jan.
1906, Attercliffe Div. of Sheffield May 1909, and Portsmouth Jan. 1910 ;
elected for N., or Cricklade, Div. of Wilts Dec. 10th, 1910.
Residence — 100, Abbey Road Mansions, St. John's Wood, N.W.8. C/«/\v --National
Liberal, Eighty.
G. L. T. LOCKER-LAMPSON (Salisbury).
Godfrey Lampson Tennyson
Locker-Lami-son. el. son of the late
Frederick Locker- Lampson, of Rowfant
Crawley, Sussex, and New Haven Court,
Cromer, by Hannah Jane, who d. 1915,
da. of Sir Curtis Miranda Lampson, 1st
Bt. ; b. 1875 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trim
Coll., Camb. : m. 1905, Sophie Felicite De
Rodes, of Barlbrough Hall, Chesterfield,
and Hatfield, Doncaster ; Bar. Lincoln's
Inn 1908 ; formerly a 3rd Sec. in Diplo.
Ser. ; has been Lieut. Middlesex Yeo.
Cav. ; is 2nd Lieut. Yeo. ; served during
European War 1915-17 with Div. of Cav.,
and as an A.D.C. ; appointed Parliamen-
tary Sec. to Sec. of State for Home De-
part. (Rt. Hon. Sir G. Cave, M.P.) in
National Min. 191 7. A Conservative ; un-
successfully contested Derbyshire, Chester-
field Div. 1906 ; has sat for Salisbury
since Jan. 10th, 1910.
Reside//cs — H arn wood, Salisbury; Rowfant, Crawley, Sussex; Barlbrough Hall,
Chesterfield. Clubs— Travellers', Sussex.
COM. 0. S. LOCKER-LAMPSON (Huntingdonshire, Northern, or Ramsey,
Oliver Stillingfleet Locker-Lamp-
son, C.M.G., second son of the late Fre-
derick Locker- Lampson, of Rowfant,
Crawley, Sussex, and New Haven Court,
Cromer, by Hannah Jane, who d. 19 15, da.
of Sir Curtis Miranda Lampson, 1st Bt ; /;.
Sept. 25th, 1880; ed. nt Eton, and at Trin.
Coll., Camb. (B. A. History and Modern
Languages 18— ) ; Bar. Inner Temple
1907 ; is Com. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve ;
served during European War 19 14- 17
Comdg. a Naval Armoured Car Squadron
(CM O., Russian Order of St. Vladimir) ;
has Order of Leopold of Belgium ; C M.G.
191 7. A Conservative', has sat for N.,
or Ramsey, Div. of Huntingdonshire since
Jan. 28th, 1910.
Residences— 1%, Park Mansions, S.W. ; New
Haven Court, Cromer. Office — 48, Dover Street,
W. Clubs — Travellers', Bath, Constitutional,
(Queen's, Royal Automobile, Carlton.
LANE-FOX [see Fox].
J. C. R. LARDNER (Monaghan County, North Monaghan Division).
James Carrige Rushe Lardner, son of Hugh William Lardner,
of Swan Park, Monaghan, by Annie Loughran ; b. May 1879 ; ed. at
Christian Brothers Sch., at St. Macarten's Coll., Monaghan, and at Clongowes
Wood Coll., co. Kildare ; admitted a Solicitor 1901 ; Bar. King's Inns,
Dublin 1913. A Nationalist \ has sat for N. Monaghan Div. of Monaghan
co. since June 20th, 1907.
Residences Swan Park, Monaghan ; 4, Leinster Street, Merrion Square, Dublin.
Club— Stephen's Green.
SIR JOSEPH LARMOR (Cambridge University).
Joseph Larmor, D.Sc, F.B.S., son of Hugh Larmor ; b.
July nth, 1857; ed. at Roy. Academical Institution, Belfast, at Queen's
Coll., Belfast, and at St. John's Coll., Cambridge (Senior Wrangler 1880,
MA. 1883, Fellow 1880); D.Sc. London, Hon. D.Sc. Oxford and Dublin;
1.1 ..!>. Glasgow and Aberdeen ; D.C.L., Durham; I.L.D., Birmingham and
Sit Andrews; Hon. D.Sc. Queen's Univ., Belfast; is a F.K.S., ■ K.R.A.S..
Foreign Hun. Member of American National Acad, of Sciences, of American
Acad, of Boston, .>f American Philosophical So., of Accademia dei Lincei of
Rome, and of Istituto di Bologna, Past Pres. of London Mathematical So., and
res. of Camb. Philosophical So. ; was Professor of Natural Philosophy,
Queen's Coll., Gahvay 1880-85, a Sec. of Roy. So. 1901-12, and Lecturer
in Mathematics, Camb. Univ. 1885-1903, since when he has been La
KM of Mathematics there; sometime Examiner in Mathematics and
Natural Philosophy, London Univ. ; author of various works on Mathematics
and Physics; Knt. 1909. A Conservative; elected for Cambridge I'niv.
Feb. 16th, 191 1.
Residence— St. John's College, Cambridge. Club— Athenaeum.
RIGHT HON. A. BONAR LAW (Lancashire (8.-W.). Bootle Division).
Andrew BOOM Law, P.C., son of the Rev. James Law, MA.
a Presbyterian Clergyman of New Brunswick, 1 in, his
wife ; b. Sept. 16th, 1858; ed. in New Brunswick, and at C.lasgow High
I.I.I'. Glasgow 1912: ///. 1891, Annie Pitcairn, who d. 1909,
Robley, of Glasgow ; formerly an iron merchant ofdlasgow; is
a 1.1' f«.r Dunbartonshire ; sometime Chm. of Scotch Pig boa Trades Asso. ;
was Parliamentary Board <>f Trade 1902-5; appointed Leader ot the
Opposition in House of ConUDOl he Colonic
ibo Membef bioel Committee), and Chancellor ..( the
1 of the lions. DQftl Mm. (with
a seat in the War Cabinet) Dec. 1916. A Con , at for Blackfriarx
and Hutchcsontoun Din of Glasgow Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906, when he wa*.
defeated, and for Caml>erwell Div. of Dulwich May 1906 to Dec. 1910 ;
unsuccessful \ \Y ter Jan. 191 1 ; elected for
Lanca tOJI.
Retia Pembroke Lodge, Pembroke Gardens, Ken-
•ington, W ' I trlton.
H A LAW (Donegal County, West Donegal Division).
.. 2nd son of th< Hon. Hugh
Law, 1\< .11! ,ly 28th, 1872; ed. at
Rugby, an! m. 1893, Chail Kev.
Alexander George Stuart, of Bogay House, co. Londonderry ; is a J. P. foi
co. Donegal. A Nationalist ; has sat for W. Donegal Div. of Donegal co.
since April 25th, 1902.
Residence— Marble Hill, Ballymore, co. Donegal. Club— Stephen's Green.
LAYLAND BARRATT [see Barratt1.
COL. SIR ARTHUR (H.) LEE (Hampshire, Southern, or Fareham, Division).
Arthur (Hamilton) Lee, G.B.E., A'.C.B., younger son of the
late Rev. Melville Lauriston Lee, R. of Bridport, by Emily Winter, da. of
Thomas Dicker; b. Nov. 8th, 1868; ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and at Roy.
Mil. Acad., Woolwich : m. 1899, Ruth, da. of the late John Godfrey Moore,
of New York; entered R.A. 1888, became Capt. 1898, and Brevet Major
1900 ; retired 1901 ; served during European War 1914-15 as Col. and A. A.G.
(despatches twice) ; was Adj. Hong Kong Vol. 1889-90, Adj. R.A., W.
Defences, Isle of Wight 1891-3, Professor of Strategy and Tactics at Roy.
Mil. Coll., Kingston, Canada 18938, attached to U.S.A. Head Quarters in
the field during Spanish- American War 1898, Mil. Attache at Washington
1899-1900, Civil Lord of the Admiralty 1903-5, Parliamentary Mil. Sec. to
Ministry of Munitions Oct. 191 5 to July 1916, and Personal Mil. Sec. to Sec.
of State for War July to Dec. 1916 ; appointed Director-Gen. of Food Pro-
duction Feb. 1917; is Hon. Col. in the Army, a J. P. for Bucks, and Life
Pres. of Council of Cheltenham Coll. ; has donated Chequers estate to the
nation as a residence for future Prime Mins. or others; K.C.B. (Civil) 1916/
G.B.E. 1918. A Conservative ; has sat for S., or Fareham, Div. of Hampshire
since Oct. 8th, 1900.
"Residences — 2, The Abbey Garden, Westminster, S.W. ; Chequers, Princes Risborough,
Bucks. Clubs— Carlton, United Service, Burlington Fine Arts, Beefsteak.
SIR MAURICE LEVY, Bt. (Leicestershire,
Mid, or Loughborough, Division).
Maurice Levy, ist Baronet, second
son of the late Joseph Levy, of Knighton,
Leicester;*. June 9th, 1859; ed. privately,
and at Univ. Coll. Sch. : m. 1885, Elise
Ray, el. da. of the late Max Zossenheim,
of Leeds and Harrogate; is a J. P. for
Leicestershire ; a: Knt. 1907, and a
Baronet 1913. A Liberal ; has sat for Mid,
or Loughborough, Div. of Leicestershire
since Oct. 9th, 1900.
Residence — Huinberstone Hall, Leicester.
Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Hurlingham,
Leicester and County Liberal, Royal Automobile.
RIGHT HON. J. H. LEWIS (Flintshire).
John Herbert LBWIS, P.C., son of Enoch Lewis, shipowner, of.
Mostyn Quay, Flintshire, l>y Catherine, da. of Motel Robert Llang-
wvfan, Denbighshire ; b. Dec. 27th, 1858; ed. at Denbigh Gram. Sch., at
Montreal Univ., and at 11., Oxford (B.A. 1879, M.A. 1883) : m. 1st,
1886, Adelaide, who d. 1895, da. of the late Charles Hughe*, ] 1' . of Bryn-
hyfryd. Wrexham; 2ndly, 1897, Ruth, da. of the late William Sproston Caine,
M.P. for Cornwall, N.W., or Camborne, Div. ; admitted a Solicitor 1882 (but
does not now practise); was Chm. of Flintshire County Council 1889-93;
appointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury Dec. 1905, Parliamentary Sec. of
Local Govt. Board July 1909, and Parliamentary Sec, Board of Education
May 1915, and again in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; has been Constable of
Flint Castle since Dec. 1910 ; is a D.L. for Flint ; B.C. 1913. A Liberal;
sat Em Flint Dist. July 1892 to Jan. 1906; has sat for Flintshire since Jan.
27th, 1906.
Residences — Penucha, Caerwys, Holywell. Flintshire- j 23. Grosvenor Road, S.W.
Clnbs— Reform, National Liberal.
William Legge ( Viscount Leunshani),
el. son of 6th Earl of Dartmouth, of Bat shall
House, Wolverhampton, Woodsome Hall,
Huddersfield, and 37, Charles Street, Berke-
juare, W., by Lady Mary Coke, da. of
2nd Earl of Leicester ; b. Feb. 22nd, 1S81 ;
ed. at Fton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxfprd : m.
1905, Lady Ruperta Wynn-Carrington, da.
of 1st Marquess of Lincolnshire ; is
ind a J.B. for Staffordshire. A Con-
servative ; has sat for West Bromwich since
Jan. 17th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1906.
Resilience — Cambridge House, West Bromwich. Club— Carlton.
W. A. LINDSAY Belfast. South Division).
m I. iNi. say, son o! I . < .. I ■ m. : \;.iil 1.1th,
1866. An Unionist; elected for Belffts Inly lad, 1
Resuteu.es- 16. Pall Mall, S.W.i ; Tyrone H.ute, Belfast.
CAPT OEOROE A LLOYD Staffordshire. Western Division'.
George (ll the lata
'79 ; cd. at i
•clla Lascclhs (formerly a Mai«l
m. the Hi
has travell
Asiatic and European I
<ade a spec 1
Const. 1 '90S S was Special C<>m in r. to report upon prospect* <»f I
Enterprise in Mesopotamia, Persian Gulf, and Eastern Asiatic Turkey 1907 ;
is Lieut. Yeo., and Capt. on Special Ser., a Member of Central Asian So.,
and of Executive Tariff Reform League, and a E.R.G.S. ; D.S.O. and CLE.
1917. An Unionist; has sat for W. Div. of Staffordshire since Jan. 25th,
Residence— 48, Wilton Crescent, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, St. James's.
G. B. LLOYD (Shrewsbury).
George Butler Lloyd, el. son of the late William Butler Lloyd,
J. P., D.L., of Preston Montford, Salop, by Jane E., dau. of the Kfv. (\.
Hunt, of Wadenhoe, Northampton ; b. Jan. 8th, 1854 ; ed. at Marlborough,
and at St. John's Coll., Camb. : m. 1880, Constance Mary, da. of Col.
Richard Jenkins, formerly Bengal Cav. ; is a Director of Capital and
Counties Bank (Limited), and of Northern Assurance Co. (Limited), Bir-
mingham, and a J. P. for Shrewsbury and for Shropshire. A Conservative ;
elected for Shrewsbury April 22nd, 191 3.
Residence — Shelton Hall, near Shrewsbury. Club— Windham.
LLOYD GEORGE [see George].
LOCKER-LAMPSON [see Lampson1.
RIGHT HON. W. H. LONG (Strand).
Walter Hume Long, P.Cn son of the
late Richard Penruddocke Long, M.P., by
Charlotte Anna, who d. 1899, da. of the Rt.
Hon. Wentworth Fitzvvilliam Hume-Dick, P.C.,
of Hume Wood ; b. July 13th, 1854 ; ed. at
Harrow, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; Hon. LL.D.,
Birmingham, 1909 : m. 1878, Lady Dorothy
Blanche Boyle, 4th da. of 9th Earl of Cork
and Orrery; is a F.R.S., J. P. and a D.L. for
Wiltshire, and a J. P. for Somerset ; formerly
Lieut. -Col. Comdg. and Hon. Col. Wilts Im-
perial Yeo. ; was Parliamentary Sec. to Local
Govt. Board Aug. 1886 to June 1892. a Member
of Royal Commn. on Agricultural Depression
1893, Pres. of Board of Agriculture, with a
seat in the Cabinet, July 1895 to Nov- IQO°,
Pres. of Local Govt. Board Nov. 1900 to
March 1905 (with a seat in the Cabinet), and
Ch. Sec. for Ireland, with a seat in the Cabinet, March to Dec. 1905 ; again
appointed Pres. of Local Govt. Board May 191 5, and Colonial Sec. in
National Min. Dec. 1916 ; P.C. 1895. A Conservative ; sat for N. Wiltshire
April 1880 to Nov. 1885, and for E., or Devizes, Div. of Wiltshire Nov.
1885 to June 1892, when -he was defeated ; sat for W. Derby Div. of Liver-
pool Jan. 1893 t0 Sept. 1900, and for S. Div. of Bristol Oct. 1900 to Jan.
1906; sat for S. Dublin Div. of Dublin co. Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910; has sat
for Strand since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residences— Rood Ashton, Trowbridge, Wilts ; Cul worth House, Banbury. Clubs—
Carlton, Cavalry, Beefsteak, Kildare Street, City Carlton.
J. LONSDALE (Armagh County, Mid Armagh Division).
James Lonsdale, son of the late James Lonsdale, J. P., D.Lt,
of The Pavilion, co. Armagh, by Jane, da. of William Brownlie, of Armagh ;
a Director of J. and J. Lonsdale and Co. (Limited), general
merchants, of Manchester*, Liverpool, London, and New York. A Con-
scnatii€ ; elected for Mid Armagh Div. of Armagh co. Jan. 1918.
RIGHT HON. T. LOUGH (Islington, West Division).
Thomas Lough, P.C., son of the late Matthew Lough, of
Killynebber House, co. Cavan, by Martha, da. of William Steel, Off Bally-
y, co. Fermanagh ; b. March 28th, 1850 ; ed. at Roy. Sch., I
and at Wesley Coll., Dublin : ///. 1880, Edith Helen, da. of the lat<
John Mills ; sometime Chm. of Tower Tea (Limited)— formerly Lough Bros. —
wholesale tea dealers, of 71, Eastcheap, E.C. ; is Lieut, of co. Cavan.
and a Member of Roy. Archaeological So. of Ireland ; was Parliamentary
Sec. to Board of Education 1905-8 ; author of " England*! Wealth, Ireland's
Poverty"; P.C. 1908. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Truro Div. of
trail 1SS6; has sat for W. Div. of Islington since July 5th, 1892.
Residences — 97, Ashley Gardens, Westminster, S.W. ; Drom Mullac, Kille«hatu!i
Cavan. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Eighty, Stephen's Green, Royal Irish Yacht.
SIR FRANCIS W. LOWE, Bt. (Birmingham, Edgbaston Division).
ncis William Lowi., 1st Baronet^ son of the late William
Lowe, solicitor, of Birmingham; b. Jan. 1852; ed. at King Edward's Sch..
and at London Univ. : m. 1883, Mary, only child of the late William
., of Scarborough; admitted Solicitor 1876; formerly a partner in the
legal firm of . Lowe and Jolly; is a J. P. for City of Birmingham and for
kshire, and Past Chm. of National I'nion of Conservative Assos.
and of Midland I'nion ; lias been Pres. of Birmingham Conservative Asso.
since 1892; or, Knt. 1905, and a Baronet 1918. A Conset-.iti:r\ un-
successfully conk of Birmingham 18S5, and S., or Harborough,
1 shire 1892; has sat for Edgbaston Div. of Birmingham
since Feb. 15th, 1898.
Retidemet 14. Draycott Place, Cadogan Gardens, S.W. ; 109, Colmore Row,
nd Conservative (I'.iimn.:
LIEUT. COL. C. W. a LOWTHER ^Cumberland, Northern, or Eskdale. Division)
iude Will
son of (apt. I ham I^owther,
formerly K N. ; b. June 1872 ; sonv
Attache (
mcrh mUrland
t-rved in S. Africa 1900 as
Imperial Yeo , .m<! subsequently
, revent at butt!
Kabn life of comrade under
heaw h deed recommended
I '. and
\ 4^ J nT
\V^^f fil.md 0 Ian. 1906.
^*^^ is defeated; re-elect c 191a
Rfn.i. .- Hunkimmx.eauK LaMk, Su»»e». Cimh— Cart too, Bachelor*', Marlborough,
MAJ.-GEN. H. C. LOWTHER (Westmorland, North, or Appleby, Division).
Henry Cecil Lowther, C.B.,
CMC, C.V.O., D.SO., son of the late
Hon. William Lowther, brother of 3rd Earl
Lonsdale, by the Hon. Charlotte Alice,
who d. 1908, da. of 1st Baron Wensley-
dale ; b. Jan. 27th, 1869 ; ed. at Charter-
house, and at R.M.C ; formerly Lieut -Col.
and Brevet Col. Scots Guards ; is Maj -( ".en.
on Gen. Staff; served in S. Africa 1900-
1902 as Adj. and D.A.A.G. (despatches
twice, D.S.O.), and during European War
1914-16 (wounded, despatches four times,
Brevet Col., C.B.) ; accompanied British
Mission to Fez 1905; was Mil. Attache in
Paris 1905-9, and Private Sec. to F.-M. the
Duke of Connaught during visit to S. Africa
1910 ; subsequently Mil. Sec. to Gov -Gen.
of Canada; D.S.O. 1900, M.V.O. (4th
class) 1906, C.M.G. 191 1, C.V.O. 1913, C.B. (Mil.) 1916. A Conservative;
has sat for N., or Appleby, Div. of Westmorland since Oct. 27th, 1915.
Clubs— Turf, Beefsteak, Garrick, Carlton.
RIGHT HON. J. W. LOWTHER (Cumberland, Mid, or Penrith, Division).
James William Lowther, P.C.,
el. son of the late Hon. William Lowther,
of Lowther Lodge, Kensington Gore, S.W.,
and Campsey Ashe, Wickham Market, Suf-
folk, by the Hon. Charlotte Alice, who d.
1908, da. of the 1st Baron Wensleydale ;
b. April 1st, 1855; ed. at Eton, at King's
Coll., London (Fellow), and at Trin. Coll.,
Camb. (LL.B. Law Tripos 1878, LL.M.
Honours 1882); Hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1907,
Hon. LL.D. Leeds and Camb. 1910 : m.
1886, Mary Frances, da. of the Right
Hon. Alexander James Beresford Beresford
Hope, M.P. ; Bar. Inner Temple 1879,
and a Bencher 1906; is a J. P. and D.L.
for Cumberland (formerly Chm. of Quarter
Sessions), and a J. P. and County Alder-
man for E. Suffolk ; was fourth (unpaid)
Charity Commr. 1887-91, Under Sec. of
State for Foreign Affairs 1891-2, Pres. Electoral Reform Conference 1916-17,
and Chm. of Boundary Commn. for Great Britain and Ireland 191 7 ; ap-
pointed Chm. of Committee of Ways and Means, Dep. Speaker of House
of Commons Aug. 1895, and Speaker 1905 (re-elected 1906, 1910, and 191 1 ) ;
P.C. 1898. A Conservative ; sat for Rutland Aug. 30th, 1883 to Nov. 1885 ;
has sat for Mid, or Penrith, Div. of Cumberland since July 9th, 1886, having
been defeated there in Dec. 1885.
Residences— Speaker's House, Palace of Westminster, S.W. ; Campsey Ashe, Wickham
Market, Suffolk. Clubs— Carlton, Athenaeum.
A. K. LOYD (Berkshire, North, or Abingdon, Division).
Archie Kirkman Loyd, A'.C, third sun of
the late Thomas Kirkman Loy<i. !'.<>, by
Annie Hirst, da. of the late fame* Haig; t>.
Jan. 22nd, 1847 ; ed. at Brighton Coll., and at Mr.
Walter Wren's (passed 3rd in open competition for
I.C.S. 1867, Prizeman in English Law and Hindi
Language at further examinations) ; resigned Indian
appointment 1869 : m. 1885. Henrietta Louisa, da. of
the late Edmund Lewis Clutterbuck, of llarden-
huish Park Chippenham. Wilts ; Bar. Middle Temple
1868, a K.C. 1892, and a Bencher 1894 ; went Norfolk,
afterwards Midland Circuit (retired on election to
Parliament 1895) ; for many years reported legal
decisions of House of Lords and Court of Appeal ;
was Sec. to Macclesfield Corrupt Practices Commn.
1880-81, and a Member of Council of National So. for Aid to Sick and
Wounded in War till 1905, since when he has been a Vice-Chm. of Council
of British Red Cross So. ; lectured on Bills of Exchange before Institute of
Bankers 1894, and has edited editions of Sir John Byles's work on the same
subject. A Conservative ; sat for N., or Abingdon, Div. of Berkshire July
1895 to Jan. 1906; re-elected Aug. 1916.
Residences — 21, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; Downs House, Steventon, Berks. Clubs —
Carlton, Wintiham, Union, British Empire, Berks County
T. LUNDON (Limerick Co., East Limerick Division).
Thomas Lindon, son of the late William London, Ml
K l)i\ of Limerick co. ; b. 1883. A Nationalist ; has sat for E. Limerick
! Limerick Co. since June loth, 1909.
Residence— Kilteely, co. Limerick.
A A LYNCH (Clare County, West Clare Division).
Arthur Alfred Lynch, C.E., /..A'.C./'.. .V.A'.C.S, son ut
John Lynch, C.E., mining and famd ictoria,
iia ; b. 1861 ; ed. at Melbourne Univ
ital Beau
I Mplorn.i I I
.u ami author ; has practised as a Civi|
• cr, lectured <>n ubjects, and been s|>ccial newspaper corre*
spondent for London, I N . acted as War Corre-
spondent in Ashanti ; daring S.African War served with Transvaal Forces
and c Md Irish li'iig. « with high treason
OB attempting to take < it in House of Commons ed to death Jan.
1903 ; sentence commuted to penal servitude lot life Ian. 1904* released after
one year of solitary confinement : free pnxdot f) ; author of
■ Human I ><>, im.-nt rescnta*
,"' and other works. A No (Jalway Borough
Nov. 1901 ■ g Iktcii defeated there 1892 ; has sat 1
Clare Div. of Clare Co. 3rd, 1909.
Residence- I
n Mills M(('MirM. ion •! fohn tfcCmlltmi, dyer, of
Agnes, da. of Stephen Oau ; broker, of Grimsby ; is Chtn. of Isdale
and McCallum (Limited), soap manufacturer-* (if Taisley, and of Kyles of
Bute Hydro, and a J.P. for eo. Renfrew ; for 18 years a Member of Scottish
Liberal Asso. (finally Hon, Sec.) ; Knt. 1912. A Liberal', has sat for Paisley
since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence— Southdene, Castlehead, Paisley. Clubs— National Liberal, Scottish Reform,
Scottish Liberal, Glasgow Liberal, Paisley Liberal.
LIEUT. COL. R. C. A. McCALMONT (Antrim Co., East Antrim Division).
ff/kA Robert Chaine Alexander McCalmont,
D.S.O., only son of the late Col. James Martin
McCalmont, M.P. for Antrim co., E. Antrim Div.
jBHJjr* ^ 1885-1903, by Mary Caroline, youngest da. of the
late Col. Robert William Romer, of Dolgelly ; b. Aug.
29th, 1881 ; ed. at Eton : m. 1907, Mary Caroline, da.
of the late Andrew Skeen, M.D., Indian Med. Ser. ;
is Lieut.-Col. Irish Guards ; sometime Brig.-Gen.
Comdg. an Inf. Brig., Comdg. a Batn. Roy. Irish
Rifles, and a Member of Ulster Unionist Council ;
served in S. African War 1900 as Lieut. Warwickshire
Regt. (Queen's medal with two clasps), and during
European War 1914-17 (despatches, D.S.O.); D.S.O.
[917. An Unionist-, elected for E. Antrim Div. of
Antrim co. Feb. 19th, 1913.
Residence— Inver, Lame, co. Antrim. Clubs — Guards', Kildare Street, Carlton.
W. J. MacG. MACCAW (Down County, West Down Division).
William John MacGeagh MacCaw, son of the late Rev. William
MacCaw, D.D., by Sarah, da. of John MacGeagh, J.P., of Cookstown, co.
Tyrone; b. Oct. nth, 1850; ed. privately : m. 1881, Eleanor Elizabeth, da.
of the late Walter Hardy, solicitor ; is a F.R.G.S., a Member of Roy. So. of
Arts, and Fellow of Roy. Colonial Institute ; sometime a Member of Com-
mittee of Bengal Chamber of Commerce. A Conservative', unsuccessfully
contested K. Tyrone Div. of Tyrone co. Jan. 1906, and July 1906 ; has sat for
W. Div. of Down co. since March 20th, 1908.
Residences— 103, Eaton Square, S.W. ; Rokesnest Park, Godstone, Surrey. Clubs—
Carlton, Oriental, City of London, Ranelagh, Constitutional, St. Stephen's.
C A. McCURDY (Northampton).
Charles Albert McCurdy, son of the late Rev. Alexander
McCurdy ; b. March 13th, 1870 ; ed. at Camb. Univ. ; Bar. Inner Temple
•896 ; goes Midland Circuit. A Liberal ; unsuccessfully contested Winchester
Jan. 1906; has sat for Northampton since Jan. 18th, 1910.
Residence— 5, Ashworth Mansions, Maida Vale, W.9. Chambers— Lamb Building,
Temple, E.C.
RIGHT HON J. A. M. MACDONALD (Falkirk District).
John Archibald Murray Macdonald, P.C., son of the late Rev.
11 I. Macdonald, D.D., of The Manse, Strachur, Argyllshire, by Christina,
da. of Alexander Mclver ; b. Oct. 9th, 1854 ; ed. at Glasgow High Sch., and
at Glasgow and Edinburgh Univs. : m. 1885, Alice Mary, da. of Edward
Henry Noel ; was a Member of London Sch. Board 1897-1902 ; is Hon. Sec. of
Cobden Club ; a frequent contributor to the Reviews ; P.C 1916. A Liberal;
sat for Bow and Bromley Div. of Tower Hamlets July 1892 to July 1895,
when he was defeated there ; has sat for Falkirk Dist. since Jan. 23rd, 1906,
having been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residences— is, Thurlow Road, Hampstead, N.W. ; Brown's Copse, Heyshott, Mid-
hurst, Sussex.
J. R. MACDONALD (Leicester).
James Ramsay MacDonald ; b. Oct. 12th, 1866: ///. 1896,
Margaret Ethel, who d. 191 1, da. of Dr. J. H. Gladstone, F.R.S. ; appointed
Sec. of the Labour Representation Committee 1900, and a Member of Roy.
Commn. on Indian Public Services 1912-14; sometime Chm. of the Labour
Party, and editor of the Socialist Library ; author of " Socialism and Society,"
"Socialism and Government," "The Awakening of India," "The Socialist
Movement/' "Syndicalism," "Margaret Mtlicl Macdonald : a Memoir," etc.,
etc. A Labour Member; has sat for Leicester since Jan. 15th, 1906, having
been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residence— 9, Howitt Road, Hamp.stead, N.W.
R. McGHEE (Tyrone County. Mid Tyrone Division).
Richard McGhee, son of Richard McGhee, of co. Armagh;
b. 1851 ; M. 1880, Mary, da. of G. Campbell, of Glasgow; is a merchant.
A Nationalist', sat for Louth co., S. Louth Div., March 1896 to Oct. 1900,
when he was defeated there ; elected for Mid Tyrone Div. of Tyrone co. Dec.
12th, 1910
Residence 69, North Street, Lurgan, co. Armagh.
J. McGUINNESS (Longford Co., South Longford Division).
Joseph McGuinness; b. 18 — ; associated with the Irish
Rebellion of 1916. A Sinn Fein Member (but has not yet taken his seat);
elected for S. Div. of co. Longford May 9th, 1917.
Residence— 27, Lower Dorset Street, Dublin.
J. McKEAN (Monaghan Co.. South Monaghan Division).
John McKean ; b. 18 — ; ed. at St. Macarten's Seminary,
ban, and at Trin. Coll., Dublin (Intermediate Exhibitioner and
Medallist): Par. Kind's fans, Dublin 1900 (Medallist in Oratory, Law
Students' Debating So.); has contributed to the Press, and lectured on
literary wbjccfrl before many Sos. A Nationalist ; has sat for S. Monaghan
Div. of Monaghan co. since March 4th, 1902.
Resident— Ardnagreina. ITfagHlWII. 1 1> Dublin.
RIGHT HON R. McKENNA (Monmouthshire, North Division).
Reginald McKenna, P.C., y<»- on of the Kate William
OOdOBg by i I10 d. 1906, da. of d
■ u-liton, I. an. tthta ; /• July 6tl
b l: \ ittl
:. ki M I
i enple 1887 (does n<
Financial Sec. to toe* 1905, Pre*, of ] (with
a seat in the Cabinet) Jan. 1907, First Lord of the April 1908,
•cpart. Oct, 11 r of the
11 Council) ;
i«»7. A Liberal \ unsuccessfully
and Batterse* Inly 1892; has sat km N D4?. w Moornouthahine since
July 2uth, 1895.
Residence— 36, Smith Square, Westminster, S.W.t. Limbs— ttrookt's, Reform.
H. J. MACKINDER (Glasgow, Camlachie Division).
Halford John Mackinder, el. son of Draper Mackinder, M.I >.,
of Hove, Sussex, by Kanm, da. of the late Halford Wotton Hewitt, J.P., <>i
Lichfield; b. Feb. 15th, 1861 ; ed. at Epsom Coll., and at Ch. Ch., Oxford
(B.A. 1883, M.A. 1887); Bar. Inner Temple 1886 ; Leader of Mount
Kenya Expedition IB F. Africa 1899 ; was Reader in Geography, Oxford
Univ. 1887-1905, Principal of Univ. Coll., Reading 1892-1903, Director
of London Sch. of Economics and Political Science 1903-8, a Member
of Senate of London Univ. 1903-8 ; sometime Pres. of Geographical Section
of British Asso. ; is Chm. of Tariff Reform League, and an Officier de
1' Instruction Publique de France; author of "Britain and the British Seas,"
etc. An Unionist ; unsuccessfully contested Warwick 1900 and Hawick Dist.
March 1909 ; has sat for Camlachie Div. of Glasgow since Jan. 19th, 1910.
Residence— 10, Chelsea Court, Chelsea Embankment, S.W. Clubs— Carlton, Union,
Alpine, Conservative (Glas ow).
HON. H. D. McLAREN (Leicestershire, Western, or Bosworth, Division).
Henry Duncan McLaren, C.B.E., el. son
of 1st Baron Aberconway, P.C. (formerly M. P. for
Leicestershire, W., or Bosworth, Div.), of Bodnant,
Talycafn, Denbighshire, Chateau de la Garoupe,
Antibes, France, and 43, Belgrave Square, S.W.,
by Laura, only da. of the late Henry Davis Pochin
(formerly M.P. for Stafford), of Bodnant, Denbigh-
shire ; b. April 16th, 1879; ed. at Eton, and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford : m. 1910, Christabel Mary
Melville, da. of Sir Melville Leslie Macnaghten, of
32, Warwick Square, S.W. ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1905;
is a J. P. for Denbighshire, and a Director of Bolckow,
Vaughan and Co. (Limited), Palmer's Shipbuilding
and Iron Co. (Limited), and of Tredegar Coal and
Iron Co. (Limited) ; was Parliamentary Private
Bi se mac na cromaige. gec> to pres# 0f Board of Trade ( Rt. PI on. D. Lloyd
George, M.P.) 1906-8, and Parliamentary Private Sec. to Chancellor of
Exchequer (Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, M.P.) 1908-10; C.B.E. 1918. A
Liberal; sat for W. Div. of Staffordshire Jan. 1896 to Jan. 1910, when he
was defeated there ; elected for W., or Bosworth, Div. of Leicestershire
Dec. 13th, 1910.
Residences— 69, Eaton Place, S.W. ; Bodnant, Talycafn, Denbighshire. Clubs-
Brooks's, Reform.
RIGHT HON. SIR DONALD MACLEAN (Peebles and Selkirk).
Donald Maclean, P C, K.B.E., son of the late John Maclean,
of Kilmoluaig, Tiree, N.B. ; />. Jan. 9th, 1864: ed. privately: m. 1907,
Gwendolen Margaret, el. da. of Andrew Devitt, J. P., of. Herontye, Sussex;
admitted a Solicitor 1887 ; appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to the
Patronage Sec. to the Treasury (Rt. Hon. the Master of Elibank, M.P.)
Jan. 191 1. Dep. Chm. of Committee of Ways and Means Oct. 191 1, and
Chm. of London Appeal Tribunal (Mil. Ser. Acts), 1916; P.C. 1916, K.H K.
1917. A Liberal; sat for Bath Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated
there ; elected for Peebles and Selkirk Dec. 8th, 1910.
Chambers— 46, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. C/«Ar-Reform, Bath, Royal Societies'.
J. M. MacLEOD (Glasgow, Central Div.)
John Mackintosh MacLeod, son of the late Rev. Norman
MacLeod, D D., of Barony Church, Glasgow, and Dean of the Order of the
Thistle ; b. 1857 ; m. 1888, Edith, da. of Joshua Fielden, of Todmorden, Yorks.
An Unionist; has sat for Central Div. of Glasgow since July 13th, 1915.
Residence— A, Park Circus Place, Glasgow. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton.
D. HACMASTER (Surrey, North Western, or Chertsey, Division.
Donald M acmaster, K.C., son of the late Donald Macmaster,
of Williamstown, Ontario j b. Sept. 3rd, 1846 ; ed. at McGill Univ. ( D.C.L.) ;
m 1890, Ella Virginia, da. of I. Deford, of Baltimore, U.S.A. ; Bar. Quebec
1871 and Ontario 1882, a K.C. 1882; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1906, and Common-
wealth of Australia 1913 ; sat in Ontario Legislature 1879-82, and Canadian
Parliament 1882-6 ; was a Roy. Commr. to investigate administration of
Quebec Govt. 1892, an Arbitrator between Newfoundland Govt, and Keid
Newfoundland Co. 1904, Pres. Montreal Bar. 1904-5, and a Member of
Speaker's Conference on Electoral Reform 1916-17 ; appointed a Member of
Select Committee on Marconi Agreement 1912. A Conservative ; unsuccess-
fully contested Leigh Div. of Lancashire (S.-W.) Jan. 1906; has sat for
N.-W., or Chertsey, Div. of Surrey since Jan. 26th, 1910.
Residences — Merlewood, Virginia Water, Surrey ; Montreal, Canada. Chambers —
8, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Clubs— Carlton, and Constitutional (London), Mount
Royal (Montreal).
LIEUT. COL. G. McMICKING (Kirkcudbrightshire).
Gilbert McMicking, CM. 67., son of the late Gilbert McMicking,
J. P., D.L., of Miltonise, Wigtownshire ; b. 1862; ed. at Cheltenham Coll.,
and at k.M.A. s m. 1893, Gertrude Rosabel Catherine, da. of the late
Nathaniel Gore ; was 12 years in K.A., and retired as Capt. ; is Hon. Major
in the Army, and temporary Lieut. -Col. R.F.A. ; served in S. Africa 1899-
1900, Comdg. City of London Imperial Vol. Battery (despatches, C.M.G.) ;
was Parliamentary Private Sec. to Sec. of State for War (Rt. Hon. R. B.
Haldane, M.P.) 1908-10; C.M.G. 1900. A Liberal; sat for Kirkcudbright-
shire Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated there ; re-elected
Dec. 15th, 1910.
Residences— ts% Sheffield Terrace, Kensington, W.8; Miltonise, Glenwhilly, co.
Wigtown. dubs— Reform, Naval and Military.
RIGHT HON. THOMAS J. MACNAMARA ^Camberwell, North Division)
Thomas Jftmei M m \ IMARA, l\C.,LL.D., son of the late Sergeant
Thomas Macnamara, 47th Regt. ; //. Aug. 23rd, 1861 ; ed. at St. Tl
Sch., Kxeter, and at BofOQfffa Road Training Coll. for Teacher-; Hon. I.I . I »
St. Andrews 1898, Hon. M.A. Oxford 1907 : m. 1886, Rachel, eL da. of tin
late Angus Cameron, of Kannoch and Bristol ; is a Journalist, and a Member
of County Council Kducation Committee; appointed Parliamentary S
Local Govt. Board Jan. 1907, and to Admiralty April 1908, and again in
National Min. 1916; author of many educational works. A Liberal', has sat
for N. 1 ■benrtU tact Oct 4th, 1900; P.C 1911,
Residences— L'lontarf, Rollscourt Avenue, Heme Hill, S.K. Clubs— National Liberal.
J 0. 8. MacNEILL (Donegal Co.. South Donegal Division).
John Gordon Sun 1 M.uNi 11 1, A'. C, only son <>f tin l.th
Join, Gordon Swill IfacNdll, M lain of the Rkhmoo
Dublin, by Susan Col| ■>( the late Rev. II Tweedy, M. \ 1
ad at < •»,. u... Oxford B. \ 1873, M \ 1873
tamination), 1 S93 ; elected Professor
id Law i: Inns, Dublin 1887
(re-elected 1885), . lie and
nd 1909, Clerk of Convocation
tculty <»f Law 1:
Mthoi . what it was
the UnkM was I }ias Mg for
nl. 1887.
Residence-xy, Pembroke Road. Dublin. a**-National Liberal.
R. J. McNEILL (Kent, Eastern, or St. Augustine's, Division).
Ronald John McNeill, son of the
late Edmund McNeill. D.L., of Cushendun,
co. Antrim, by Mary, cd. da. of Alexander
Miller, of Ballycastle, co. Antrim ; b.
April 30th, 1 86 1 ; ed. at Harrow, and at
Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1884, M.A. 1910) ;
Bar. Lincoln's Inn. 1887 : m. 1884,
Elizabeth Maud, da. of William Bolitho,
of Polwithen, Penzance ; was Editor of St.
James s Gazette 19001904, and Assist.
Editor of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica "
1907-11 ; is a J. P. and D.L. for co. Antrim ;
appointed Parliamentary Sec. (unpaid) to
War Cabinet 191 7. A Conservative; un-
successfully contested W. Div. of Aber-
deenshire 1906, S. Div. of Aberdeen
1907 and Jan. 1910, and Kirkcudbright-
shire Dec. 1910; elected for E., or
St. Augustine's, Div. of Kent July 7th,
Residences— ri8, Cadogan Place, S.W. ; Cushendun, co. Antrim. Clubs — Carlton, Bath.
J. I. MACPHERSON (Ross and Cromarty).
James Ian Macpherson, son of James Macpherson, J. P., of
Inverness; b. 1880 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ. (M.A. 1900, LL.B. 1903): m.
1915, Jill, da. of George Wood Rhodes, J. P., of 37, Pont Street, S.W., and
Mottram-in-Longendale, Cheshire ; Bar. Middle Temple 1906 ; was Parlia-
mentary Sec. (unpaid) to Under Sec. of State for War 1914-16; appointed
Under Sec. of State for War in National Min. Dec. 1916. A Liberal;
unsuccessfully contested Wigtownshire Jan. 1910, and E. Div. of Renfrew-
shire Dec. 1910 ; elected for Ross and Cromarty June 14th, 1911.
Residence — 19, Sloane Court, S.W. Chambers — Fountain Court, Temple, E.C.
Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Eighty, Liberal (Glasgow).
J- MacVEAGH (Down Co., South Down Division
Jeremiah MacVeagh, son of Thomas MacVeagh, shipowner,
of Belfast; b. 1870; ed. at St. Malachy's Coll., Belfast, and at Roy. Univ.,
Ireland; is a Journalist ; sometime Special Irish Correspondent of the Daily
News ; author of numerous political pamphlets. A Nationalist; has sat for
S. Div. of Down co. since Eeb. 19th, 1902.
Residence — 37, Tavistock Square, W.C.i. Clubs— Royal Automobile, National
SIR JOHN H. MADEN (Lancashire, North-East, Rossendale Division).
John Henry Maden, only son of the late Henry Maden, of
Bacup; b. 1862; ed. at Manchester Gram. Sch. : ///. 1891, Alice, da. of the
late Joshua Mellor, of Lytham, Lancashire ; is a J. P. and County Councillor
for Lancashire (High Sheriff 1914-15), and Chm. of John Maden and Son
(Limited), cotton spinners and manufacturers, of Bacup ; has been several
times Mayor of Bacup; Knt. 1915. A Liberal; sat for Rossendale Div. of
Lancashire, N.E. 1892-1900; re-elected Feb. 13th, 1917.
Residence— Rockliffe House, Bacup. Clubs— Reform, Devonshire, and National
SIR PHILIP MAGNUS, Bt. (London University).
Philip Magnus, 1st Baronet, son
of the late Jacob Magnus ; b. Oct. 7th,
1842; ed. at Univ. Coll. Sch., at Univ.
Coll., London, and at Berlin Univ. ; B.A.
1863 and B.Sc. (1st class Honours) 1864,
London : m. 1870, Katie, only da. of the
late E. Emanuel, J. P., of Southsea ; some-
time Professor of Mechanics at the Catholic
Univ. Coll., Kensington ; was a Member of
Roy. Commn. on Technical Instruction
1881-4, Principal of Finsbury Technical
Coll. 1883-5, Organising Director and Sup.
of Depart, of Technology in City and
Guilds of London Institute 1880-1915 ; 1^
a J. P. for Surrey, a Member of the Mathe-
matical, Statistical, and Physical Sos. of
London, Chm. of Secondary Schs. Asso.,
Fellow and Member of Senate of the Univ.
of London, an Hon. Fellow and Pres. of
Coll. of Preceptors, and a Member of
Surrey Education Committee ; knighted
An Unionist ; has sat for London Univ. since
1886; er. a Baronet
Jan. 19th, 1906.
u /*'S/~;T?,n,g,ey Hil1, Chilworth, Surrey. Town Residence- 16, Gloucester Terrace,
Hyde I ark, W . Clubs -Athenaeum, Carlton, County (Guildford).
Arthur Herbert Drummond Ram-
Stbbi.-Maitland, 1st Baronet, son
of the late Col. Edward Harris Steel, 1;
b. July 5th, 1876 ; ed. at Rugby, and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford (Scholar, B.A
In. Hum. 1S99, M.A. 1st class Law
1900) ; Fellow of All Souls', Oxford 1900 :
m. 1901, Mary, da. of the laic Sii I
Rain-ay • GfiMdB • Maitland, 4th Bt., of
BtratOO, Midlothian, ami Sauchie and
OckbWB, Stirlingshire; assumed by
use 1 901 the name of Ramsay-
: Maitland in lie* <>f his patronymic ;
is a J.l'. ("t Mirlingshire ; has Of
Sec. to Kt II .-hi.-. Ml'., and
Rt HOB Austen Chamberlain. M.I'., when
Chancellor of the Exchequer, and an Assist.
Commr. t.> Roy. Commn. on Poor Laws;
was Chm. of Conservative Party Organisa-
1911-16; appointed Under Sec. of
lor the Colonies May 1915, a;
" c. 1916, and Joint Under Sec. reign Office
liainentary Sec. to Hoard of Trade 1917 ; compiled special reports on
Poor I>aws ; «r. a Baronet 1917. A Conservati. ssfully COtti
ham since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Krti,tfH,fs-ji, Cadogan Square, SAW ; Sauchicburn, Stirling. Clttbs— Carlton,
I. Z. MALCOLM (Croydon).
Ian Zachary Malcolm, son of
Col. Edward Donald Malcolm, C.B., of
Poltalloch, Argyllshire, by Isabel Wyld,
<la. of the late John Wyld Brown, of 78,
Lancaster Gate, W. ; b. Sept. 3rd, 1868;
ed. at Eton, and at New Coll., Oxford :
m. 1902. Miss Jeanne Langtry ; formerly
in Diplo. Ser. ; was Assist. Private Sec.
to Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs (Mar-
quess of Salisbury) 1895-8, and to Ch.
Sec. for Ireland (Rt. Hon. George Wynd-
ham, P.C., M.P.) 1900-1901 ; appointed
Parliamentary Private bee. to Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs (Rt. Hon.
A. J. Balfour, M.P.) 1916 ; is a J. P. for Argyllshire. A Conservative)
sat for N.-W., or Stowmarket, Div. of Suffolk July 1895 to Jan. 1906;
unsuccessfully contested N. Div. of Salford Jan. 1910 ; elected for Croydon
Dec. 3rd, 1 9 10.
Residences— s, Bryanston Square, VV. ; Poltalloch, Argyllshire. Clubs— Carlton,
MALLABY-DEELEY [see Deeley].
F. W. MALLALIEU (Yorkshire, West Riding, Southern Part, Colne Valley
Frederick William Mallalieu, el. son of the late Henry Malla-
lieu, J. P., of Delph Lodge, Delph, near Oldham ; b. Jan. 17th, i860; ed. at
Huddersfield Coll. ; m. 1902, Ann, da. of the late Josepn Hardman, of
Waterhead, Oldham ; formerly a Wollen Manufacturer of Delph ; is a J. P. and
County Alderman for W. Riding of Yorkshire, and Chm. of its Finance Com-
mittee. A Liberal ; has sat for Colne Valley Div. of S. Part of W. Riding of
Yorkshire since Aug. 25th, 1916.
Residence — Larkwood, Delph, near Oldham. Clubs— National Liberal, Reform.
H. MANFIELD (Northamptonshire, Mid Division).
Harry Manfield, elder son of the late Sir (Moses) Philip
Manfield (formerly M.P. for Northampton), by Margaret, da. of James Milne,
of Northampton ; b. Feb. 1st, 1855 ; ed. privately : tn. 1909, Louisa, da. of
Sir John Barran, 1st Bt., of Chapel Allerton, Leeds; is a J. P. and County
Alderman for Northamptonshire, and senior partner of Manfield and Sons,
boot manufacturers, of Northampton. A Liberal; has sat for Mid Div. of
Northamptonshire since Jan. 25th, 1906. 5
Residence — Moulton Grange, Northampton. Clubs — Reform, Bath, National Liberal.
SIR GEORGE CROYDON MARKS (Cornwall, North Eastern, or Launceston,
George Croydon Marks, C.B.Jl., son of William Marks, by his
wife Amelia Adelaide, da. of Thomas Croydon ; b. June 9th, i8$8 ; ed. at
British Sch., Roy. Arsenal, and at King's Coll., London: m. 1881, Margaret,
da. of T. J. Maynard. of Bath ; is a Consulting Engineer and Patent Expert
in Labour Depart, of Min. of Munitions, and a J. P. for Aberystwyth, Corn-
wall, and Surrey ; acted as Consulting Engineer to late Duke of Saxe-Coburg-
Gotha (Duke of Edinburgh) ; Knt. 1911 ; C.B.E. 1917. A Liberal; has sat
for N.-E., or Launceston, Div. of Cornwall since Jan. 20th, 1906.
Residences— ys, Addison Road, W. ; Penarvor, P.ude, N. Cornwall ; 58, Lincoln's Inn
Fields, W.C. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
J. A. R. MARRIOTT (Oxford City).
John Arthur Ransome Marriott, el. son of Francis Marriott,
of Bowdon, Cheshire, and Hayfield. Derbyshire, by Elizabeth, da. of Joseph
Atkinson Ransome, E.R.C.S., Consulting Surg, to Roy. Infirmary, Manchester ;
b. Aug. 17th, 1859 ; ed. at Repton, and at New Coll., Oxford (B.A. Classical
Moderations and Modern History 1882, MA. 1885): ///. 1891, Henrietta,
da. of the Rev. W. P. Robinson, D.U., Warden of Trin. Coll., Glenalmond ;
appointed Lecturer in Modern History, New Coll., Oxford 1884, and Tutor
and Lecturer in Modern History Worcester Coll., Oxford 1885 (now a Fellow) ;
is Sec. Oxford Univ. Extension; author of numerous historical worl
Conservative; unsuccessfully contested Rochdale July 1886; has sat for Oxford
City since March 30th, 191 7.
Residence— 23, Linton Road, Oxford. Club — Carlton.
Arthur Harold Marshall, K.B.E., son of the Rev. H. T.
Marshall, a Methodist Min. ; b. Aug. 2nd, 1870; ed. privately: m. 1896, Louie,
da. of J. Hepworth, J.P., formerly of Leeds and Torquay; Bar. Gray's Inn
1904 ; goes N.-E. Circuit ; is Chm. and Hon. Sec. Yorkshire Liberal Feder-
ation, Chm. of Central Billeting Board, and a Director of Legal Insurance Co.,
and of J. Hepworth and Son (Limited) ; K.B.E. 1918. A Liberal; elected
for Wakefield Dec. 5th, 1910.
Residence— 19. Wimborne Road, Bournemouth. Chambers— 5, Paper Buildings,
Temple, E.C. Clubs— National Liberal, Wakefield and County, Leeds and County Liberal.
HON. J. MARTIN (St. Pancras, East Division).
Joseph Martin, K. £'., son of the late Edward Martin, of Milton,
Ontario, Canada, by his wife, Mary Ann ; b. Sept. 24th, 1852 ; ed. in
Canadian Public Schs., and at Toronto Univ. : ///. 1881, Elizabeth Jane,
who d 1913, widow of G. W. Eaton, of Ottawa ; Bar. Manitolia 1882 and
: Columbia 1897, and a K.C., British Columbia 1899; admitted Solicitor
1882 ; was a Member of Provincial Parliament, Manitoba 1882-92, Attorney-
Gen, and Min. of Education of Manitoba 1888-91, a Member of Cai
<>f Commons 1893-6, a Member of Provincial Parliament, British
Columbia 189S-1903, Attorney-Gen. and Min. of Education, British Columbia
1898-9 and a^ain 1900, and Premier of British Columbia 1900. A Liberal ;
unsuccessfully contested S.W., or St rat ford -on -A kshire
May 1909 ; has sat for E. Div. of St. Pancras since Jan. 17th, 1910.
/T//iV/««-*-Waldorf Hotel, Aldwych. W.C. Club— Koytl Automobile.
D. M. MASON (Coventry).
nail Mason, el. son of Stephen Mason, formerly
MP. f'i U uirkshire, by Martha, el. da. of the lat<
Dec. 7lh, 1865 ; cd. at
and I 1 Glasgow), at Craigmount laxgow
many : m. 1 898, Mary, da. of I .eorge W. C rouse
mbcr of U.S.A. Congress), of Akroi
merchant a . an Asso. of 1
■■//: uiimko ssfully contested TradotO
esgow Jan. K>.)() uvl Jan. I910 ; elected for I -h, 1910.
-7, Park Pb. r. st J.u Konakwood. I 1. Clubs—
' eform, Ne* I
J. F. MASON (Windsor).
James Francis Mason, son of the late
James Mason, of Eynsham Hall, Witney, Oxford-
shire ; b. 1861 ; ed. at Eton: ///. 1895, Lady
Evelyn Margaret Lindsay, da. of 26th Earl of
Crawford, of Haigh Hall, Wigan, Balcarres,
Collinsburgh, Fife, and 2, Cavendish Square,
\V. : formerly Major Oxfordshire Imperial Yeo. ;
is Chm. of Mason and Barry (Limited), a
Director of Alfred Hickman (Limited), Dor-
man, Long and Co. (Limited), North-Eastern
Steel Co. (Limited), and of Great Western Rail-
way Co., and a J. P. for Oxfordshire. A Con-
servative; has sat for Windsor since Jan. 16th,
Residences— 1, Chesterfield Gardens, Mayfair, W. ;
Eynsham Hall, Witney. Clubs— Carlton, Marlborough,
Arthur's, Travellers'.
M. MEAGHER (Kilkenny County, North Kilkenny Division).
Michael Meagher, son of Patrick Meagher, J. P., of Tullaroan,
co. Kilkenny, by Mary Josephine O'Dwyer, of Graystone Castle, Tipperary ;
b. 1846 ; joined Fenian Movement in 1865, and took an active part in the
Rising 1867 ; is a farmer, and Hon. Freeman of Kilkenny City : m. 1881,
Johanna, da. of William Corcoran, of Ballingarry, co. Tipperary. A
Nationalist) has sat for N. Div. of Kilkenny Co. since March 3rd, 1906.
Residence— Chestnut Villa, Kilmanagh, co. Kilkenny.
F. E. MEEHAN (Leitrim, North Leitrim Division).
Francis Edward Meehan, son of Lawrence Meehan, of Manor-
hamilton, co. Leitrim ; b. 1868 ; is a merchant, an agriculturist, Pres. of
North Leitrim Executive of United Irish League, and of Catholic Young
Men's So., and a County Councillor for Leitrim. A Nationalist ; has sat for
N. Leitrim Div. of Leitrim co. since Feb. 21st, 1908.
Residences— Manorhamilton, co. Leitrim.
P. J. MEEHAN (Queen's County, Leix Division).
Patrick Joseph Meehan, son of the late Patrick Aloysius
Meehan, M.P. for Leix Div. of Queen's co. ; b. 1877 ; admitted a Solicitor
1900. A Nationalist ; elected for Leix Div. of Queen's co. June 9th, 1913.
Residences— 116, Grafton Street, Dublin ; Maryborough, Queen's Co.
Hedworth Meux, G.C.B., K.C.V.O., 3rd son of 2nd Earl of
Durham, by Lady Beatrix Frances Hamilton, who d. 1871, da. of 1st Earl of
Abercorn ; b. July 5th, 1856 : m. 1910, the Hon. Mildred Cecilia Harriet, da.
of 1st Baron Alington, and widow of Viscount Chelsea ; entered R.N. 1870,
became Com. 1883, Capt. 1889, Commodore (2nd class) 1901, Rear-Adm.
1902, Vice-Adm. 1907, Adm. 191 1, and Adm. of the Fleet 1915 ; served
throughout Egyptian War 1882 (medal with two clasps, bronze star, 2nd class
Medjidie), and in S. Africa 1899-1900 in command of Naval Brig, at siege of
aches, medal, CI'..); Ml Private Sec. to successive
•f the Admiralty (Karl Spencer and Rt. Hon. <;. T. Goschen, Ml' 1
1894-7, and a Naval A.D.C. to Queen Victoria and to Kin^ Kdward VII.
1901-2 ; commanded Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert 1901-3, and Cruiser
Squadron in Mediterranean 1904-6 ; wasCom.-in-Ch. of China Station, 1908-10,
■Ad Com.-in-Ch. at Portsmouth 19 1 2- 16 ; appointed an Kxtra Kcpierry t«>
King Edward \ II. 1902, and to King George V. 1910; is an Officer of Order
of St. Maurice, and a Grand Officer of Legion of Honour ; assumed by Roy.
license lOII.fbf himself and issue the surname of Meux in lieu of that of his
patronymic and also the arms of Meux and Lamhton quarterly ; C.B. 1M1I.)
1900, C.V.O. 1901, K.C.V.O. 1906, KC.B. (Mil.) 1908, G.C.B. (Mil.) 1913
An Unionist; unsuccessfully contested Newcastle-on-Tyne Oct. 1900 ; has sat
rtsmootb since Jan. 15th, 1916.
Rtsidewfs—x*. Portman Square, W. ; Theobalds Park, Waltham Cross, Herts. Clubs—
m«l Military, Turf, Carlton, St. Stephens.
MEYSEY THOMPSON [see 'hompson .
SIR WILLIAM MIDDLEBROOK (Leeds, South Division).
William Mimh.kbrook, son of the late John Middlebrook, of
I'.irstall ; b. lei... 1S51 ; ed. at Huddersfield Coll.: ///. 1880, Alma, da. of
William B. Jackson, of Morley ; admitted a Solicitor 1873 ; is a member of
U firm of \V. and K. H. Middlebrook, of Leeds and Morley, a Town
Councillor 1 Mayor 1896-7 and 1904-5), Gen. Treasurer of Wesleyan
•nee (Chapel Depart.), and a Treasurer of Leeds Wesleyan M
••eels 1910-11; Knt. 1916. A 1 il>n;il '; li
ice Feb. 13th, 1908.
v«v-Trwrniield, Morley, Leeds. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
J. T MIDDLEMORE Birmingham. North Division).
John Thro^morton Miimu I
of the late William Middleinore, J P.
mingham, and of Hawkcslcv, Worcestershire )
b. 1844 (878, M.ui.in. who ,/. 1879,
Richard Fflgntlf. I P
2ndly, 1881, Mary, da. of the late Rev. 1
V. of Selly Oak, Birmingham: baa
founded Children me* in
Birmingham, tad the M iddlcm. »rr Homes in
Halifax, Nova Scotia; wm a Mcmbci
ncil 1883*92; is a 1
that City and f<»i A Literal
Unionist, "and - Imperialist,' and a strong ad*
vocate for a strong navy " ; has wit I | N I »n
of Birmingham sil I ith, 1899.
a (I
CM' -
LIEUT. COL. THE RIGHT HON. F. B. MILDMAY (Devonshire, Southern, or
Totnes, Division).
Francis Bingham Mildmay, P.C., son of the
late Henry Bingham Mildmay, J. P., of Shoreham Place,
Sevenoaks, and Flete, near lvybridge, by Georgiana
Frances, who*/. 1899, da. of the late John Crocker Bulteel.
of Flete, near lvybridge ; b. 1861 ; ed. at Eton, and at
Trim Coll., Camb. (P. A. 1883) : ;;/. 1906, Alice, da.
of Charles Seymour Grenfell, of Elibank House, Tap-
low ; is Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. Territorial Force
Reserve, a J. P. and a D.L. for Devonshire, a Director
of Great Western Railway, and Pres. of Fisheries
Organization So.; formerly Major and Hon. Lieut.-
Col. \V. Kent Imperial Yeo. (T.D.); served in S.
Africa 1900, and during European War 1914-17 (de-
AUataHara. spatches twice) ; P.C. 1916. A Liberal Unionist ; has
sat for S. , or Totnes, Div. of Devonshire since Dec. 1885.
Residences — 46, Berkeley Square, W. ; Flete, lvybridge, Devon ; Shoreham Place,
Sevenoaks, Kent. Clubs — Travellers', Brooks's, Marlborough, Turf, Hurlingham.
J. DUNCAN MILLAR (Lanarkshire, North-East Division).
James Duncan Millar, K.C., son of John Millar, M.D., of Edin-
burgh, by Christian Duncanson, da. of James Duncan, W.S., of Edinburgh ;
b. Aug. 5th, 1871 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ. (M.A. 1890, LL.B. 1896), and
abroad: ;//. 1906, Ella, da. of the late Alexander P. Forrester- Paton, ol
Inglewood, Alloa, N.B. ; Bar. Scotland 1896, Middle Temple 1897, and a K.C.
(Scotland) 1914; was Senior Advocate-Depute 1913-16. A Liberal; sat for
St. Andrews Dist. Jan. 1910 to Dec. 1910, when he was defeated; elected for
N.-E. Div. of Lanarkshire March 9th, 191 1.
Residence — 18, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh. Clubs — National Liberal, Reform,
Liberal and University (Edinburgh), Liberal (Glasgow).
HON. A. R. MILLS (Middlesex, Uxbridge Division).
Arthur Robert Mills, only surviving son of
2nd Baron Hillingdon, of Wildernesse, Sevenoaks,
Hillingdon Court, Uxbridge, and Overstrand Hall,
Cromer, by the Hon. Alice Marion Harbord, da. of
5th Baron Suffield ; b. Oct. 13th, 1891 ; ed. at
Oxford Univ. : m. 1916, the Hon. Edith Mary Winifred
Cadogan, da. of the late Viscount Chelsea; is Lieut. Yeo.
A Conservative; has sat for Uxbridge Div. of Middle-
sex since Nov 10th, 1915.
Residences— Wildernesse, Sevenoaks; Hillingdon Court, Ux-
Nil conscire sibi. bridge ; Overstrand Hall, Cromer.
M. MOLLOY (Carlow County).
Michael Molloy; b. 1851 ; is engaged in trade in Carlow,
a J. P. and County Councillor for Carlow : sometime Chm. of Carlow Urban
Council. A Nationalist; has sat for Carlow Co. since Jan. 20th, 1910.
Residence— Carlow, Ireland.
P. A. MOLTEN 0 (Dumfriesshire).
Percy Alport Molteno, second son of the late Sir John Charles
Molteno, K.C.M.G., first Premier of (ape Colony, by Elisabeth
da. <>f Hercules Cross Jarvis, sometime M.i C. ol Cape Colony; /*. 1861 ;
ed. at Cape of Good Hope Univ., and at Trin. Coll., Camb.
Ifatbemarical Tripos 1SS4, Law Tripos 1885, M.A. and I.L.M. 18—) :
^9, BHtabettl Martin, da. of the late Sir Donald Carrie, G.C.M.G.,
■onetime M.P, for Perthshire, W. Div. ; Bar. Inner Temple 1886; some-
time a member of the firm of Donald Currie and Co., shipowners, of London,
Liverpool, and Glasgow : is a Fellow of Roy. Horticultural So. ; author of
" A Federal South Africa,"' and " The Life and Times of Sir J. C. Molteno.*1
it for Dumfriesshire since Jan. 19th, 1906.
Residences — 10, Palace Court, Hayswatei. W. ; Parklatvls, Shere, near GuiMfortl J
(.'•lenlyon, Fortin>jal. Perthshire. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Eighty, New Reform,
RIGHT HON. SIR ALFRED M. M0ND, Bt. (Swansea. Swansea Town Division).
Alfred Moritl Monk
1st /uirotiet, son of the late Lodwif
Blond, Ph.D., F.R.S., of The Pop-
lars, 20, Avenue Road. St. John's
Wood, N. \Y. , and Winnington Hall,
Northwich, by his wife, i
Lowenthal; b. Oct. 23rd, 1868;
ed. at Cheltenham, at St. John's
Coll., Cainb., and at Ldinburgh
I'niv. : ;//. 1894, Violet Florence
Mabel, da. of the late James Henry
; liar. Inner Temple 1894;
joined N. Wales and Chester Circcdt;
sometime a Managing I
Branner, Mond and Co. (Limited),
alkali manufaclur hwich,
Chin, of the Mond Nick
(Limited), and of ih<
ition (Limi'ed), and a Di-
,ih StafTordshii<
Pres. of Infants'
II \\\), and
tncfa of Anglo -Jewish ASSO.j appoin;
in National Min Dec. 1916 /13. A /
unsuccessfully contesh 1900; sat for Chester Jan.
1906 to Jan. 1910; elected for Swansea 1 \ansea Jan. 17th,
1910; reel' ;th, 1910.
Stmt— Mclchet Court, Ronuey. A'etidem's 35. Lowndes Squat ynoae,
Swansea. Clubs - Reform, National Liberal, Eighty. Cobden. Royal Aero, Burlington Ktoe
SIR LEO 0 CHI0ZZA MONEY (Northampton. East Division)
ion of the late Joseph A. ( "hiozza,
I AJlwright, of Lcwisham, S
A. June 13th. 1S70 ; «
m. i8«
Rov. Naval Vol. Reserve, a Fellow of
me a member of staff of Daily News, and Managing
urnal surname of
Money (after the late Mrs e late
im Money ittees 1914-15 ; was a
Retrenchment Committee, and of Committee f ion of
Enemy's Supplies 1914-15, and Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Min.
of Munitions Kt. Hen. I). Lloyd George, M.P.) 1915 : lias been a Member
of War Trade Advisory Committee since 1915, and Parliamentary Sec. to
Ministry of Shipping since 1916 ; author of -British Trade and the Zollverein
•• Riches and Poverty," "Things that Matter." "The Nation's Wealth,"
"The Future of AVork," etc. ; Km 1915. A Liberal and Collective st ; sat for
N. Div. of PaddingtOfl Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated there;
elected for E. Div. of Northamptonshire Dec. 15th, 1910.
Residence - The Grey HooM, Hunpstcad Lane, N.
COM. B. M. EYRES MONSELL (Worcestershire, Southern, or Evesham,
Bolton Meredith Eyres Monsell, son of Lieut. -Col. Bolton
James Alfred Monsell (Ch. Constable Metropolitan Police), by Mary Beverley,
da. of Sir Edmund Ogle, 6th Bt. ; b. Feb. 22nd, 1881 ; ed. at Stubbington
House, Fareham : ///. 1904, Caroline Mary Sybil, da. of the late Henry
William Eyres, of Dumbleton Hall, Worcester ; is Com. R.N., and a Unionist
Whip in House of Commons : assumed additional name of Eyres in 1904 ;
served during European War 1917 ; has Order of The Nile. A Conservative ;
has sat for S., or Evesham, Div. of Worcestershire since Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residences— 19, Belgrave Square, S.W. ; Dumbleton Hall, Evesham.
RIGHT HON. E. S. MONTAGU (Cambridgeshire, Western, or Chesterton,
Edwin Samuel Montagu, P. C, 2nd sonof 1 st
Baron Swaythling, of South Stoneham House, Hants,
and 12, Kensington Palace Gardens, W., by Ellen,
da. of the late Louis Cohen, of the Stock Exchange ;
b. Feb. 6th, 1879; ed. at Clifton, and at Trin. Coll.,
Camb. (Natural Science Tripos 1902) : m. 1915, the
Hon. Beatrice Venetia Stanley, da. of 4th Baron
Sheffield ; was Pres. of Camb. Union So. 1902 ; ap-
pointed Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to the Rt.
Hon. H. H. Asquith, M.P. (Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer) Feb. 1906 and (Prime Min.) April 1908, a
Member of Roy. Commn. on Electoral Reform 1908,
Under Sec. of State for India Feb. 1910, Financial
Sec. to the Treasury Feb. 1914, Chancellor of the
Duchy of Lancaster (with a seat in the Cabinet) Feb.
Swift yet sure. 1915, again Financial Sec. to the Treasury May 1915,
and < hm. of War Loan Advisory Committee 1915 ; also again Chancellor
of the Duchy of Lancaster (with a seat in the Cabinet) Jan. to July 1916, and
Minister of Munitions (also Member of Cabinet War Council) July to Dec.
1916 ; appointed Sec. of State for India July 1917 ; joint author of "Canada
and the Empire"; P.C. 1915. A Liberal ; has sat for W., or Chesterton,
Div. of Cambridgeshire since Jan. 25th, 1906.
Residences — 24, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. ; 59, Bridge Street, Cambridge.
J. J. M00NEY (Newry).
John Joseph Mooney, son of the late James G. Mooney,
merchant, of Dublin ; /\ Aug. 10th, 1874; ed. at Ushaw Coll.. Durham, and
at Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin 1895, and Middle Temple
1901 ; is a J. P. for CO. Dublin ; appointed a Member of Select Committee on
Marconi Agreement 1912. A Nationalist : sat for S. Dublin Div. of Dublin
Co. Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Newry since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residence— \\, Allen House, Allen Street, Kensington, W.8. Clubs— National Liberal,
Royal Automobile.
G. HAY MORGAN (Cornwall, Truro Division).
George Hay Morgan, K.C, son of Walter Morgan, by his wife
Ann; b. Jan. 1866; ed. at Univ. Colls., Cardiff and London (B.Sc. 1894): m.
Margaret Jane, da. of Henry Lewis, J.I'., of Pontnewynydd, Monmouth;
Bar. Inner Temple 1899, and a K.C. 1913 ; sometime in charge of Woodberry
Down Baptist Church, N. London; is Sec. of Nonconformist Committee of
Ml.*-. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Tottenham Div. of Middlesex
1900 ; has sat for Truro Div. of Cornwall since Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence— 1 5, Hamilton Terrace, N.W. ; Chambers — 4, Harcourt Buildings, Temple,
E.C. Club— Reform.
H. M0RIS0N (Hackney, South Division).
Hector Morison, son of John Morison, of Glasgow ; b,
March 26th, 1850 ; ed. at Glasgow Acad. : m. 1876, Josephine, da. of
Joseph AshtOQ, of Manchester ; sometime Chm. of Croydon Liberal Asso.,
and Yice-Chm. of Croydon Sch. Board ; is a J. P. for Surrey. A Liberal ;
unsuccessfully contested Mid, or Lewes, Div. of Sussex Jan. 1906, and S.,
or Eastl>ourne, Div. of Sussex Jan. and Dec. 1910 ; elected for S. Div. of
Hackney May 1912.
AdehttB House of Commoos, Westminster, S.W. Club — National Liberal.
T. B. MORISON (Inverness-shire).
Thomas Brash Morison, K.C, LL.D., son of Peter Morison,
of Edinburgh; b. Nov. 21st, 1868; ed. at Edin. Univ. (B.A. 18—, M.A.
18-—, LL.D. 18 — ) : ///. 1899, Isabel, da. of the late Andrew Headry, solicitor ;
Advocate, Scotland 1891 Bar. Middle Temple 1899, and K.C. 1906 ; was
Depute 1905-8, Senior Advocate-Depute 1908- 10, Sheriff of Fife
and Kinross, and Dep.-Chm. Fishery Board for Scotland 1910-13, since when
he has been Solicitor^ ien. for Scotland ; is a J. P. for Perthshire. A Liberal ;
.' for Inverness-shire since Jan. 2nd, 1917.
Residence -1^, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Clubs— Reform, Royal Automobile,
University, ami Si.ottish Liberal (Kdinburgb).
P. E. M0RRELL (Burnley).
Philip Edward Morrell, son
of the late Frederic Pwkei Morrell,
of Black Hall. Oxford, by Harriette
Anne. da. of lhe Kev. Philip W'ynter,
HI', rW of St. John's Coll., Ox-
ford; /». June 4th, 1870; ed. a;
and at Balliol Coll., Oxford
MA. 1893): m. 1902, Lady
Ottoline Violet Anne C.wendish-
Bentinek. half-sister of 6th Duke of
Portland; admitted Solicitor 1897 (but
does not n m practise); is a J.I
\ / .• •./.'. wX t"i S., or
i; . Div. ..f Oxfordshire Jan. 1906
to Jin 1010, when he was defeated;
elected foi Burnley Dec. 6th, 1910.
Residences — 44, Hedford Square, W < .
Garsington Manor, Oxfordshire. CM
SIR ALPHEUS C. MORTON (Sutherlandshire).
Alpheus Cleophas Morton, 2nd son of the late Francis
Morton: b. March 12th, 1840; ed. privately in Canada: ;//. 1874; is an
Architect and Surveyor, a Member of City and Guilds of London Institute,
Sir John Car's Institute, Westminster Schs., and Imperial Coll. of Science
and Technology, a Guardian of City of London Union, a Lieut, for City of
London, a Gov. of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, a Trustee of Crystal Palace,
and Chm. of Metropolitan Paving Committee ; has been a Member of Corpora-
tion of City of London since 1882 (Dep. Alderman of Ward of Farringdon
Without) ; Knt. 1918. A Liberal', unsuccessfully contested Hythe 1885,
Christchurch 1886, and Bath 1900; sat for Peterborough Oct. 1889 to July
1895, when he was defeated there ; has sat for Sutherlandshire since Jan. 23rd,
Residence — 47, Gauder. Road, Clapham, S.W.4. Offices— 124, Chancery Lane,
W.C.2. Clubs — National Liberal, Scottish Liberal, Clapham Reform.
W. A. MOUNT (Berkshire, Southern, or Newbury, Division).
William Arthur Mount, C.B.E., son of the late William George
Mount, of Wasing Place, Berks, by Marianne Emily, da. of Robert Clutterbuck,
of Watford House, Herts ; b. Aug. 3rd, 1866 ; ed. at Eton, and at New Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. Honours 1889) : m. 1899, Hilda Lucy Adelaide, da. of Malcolm
Low (formerly B.C.S.), of Clatto, Cupar, Fife, and 22, Roland Gardens,
S.W. ; Bar. Inner Temple 1893 ; was Assist. Private Sec. 1895- 1900 to Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer (Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, Bt., M,P.) and
Parliamentary Private Sec. 1900-1901, and Parliamentary Private Sec. to
Chancellor of Exchequer (Rt. Hon. C. T. Ritchie, M.P.) 1902-3 ; is a J. P. for
Berkshire, and a Member of Council of Duchy of Lancaster ; rendered service
during European War 1914-17, as Financial Adviser to Claims Commn.
(Legion of Honour) ; C.B.E 1917. A Conservative; sat for S., or Newbury,
Div. of Berkshire Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906, when he was defeated ; re-elected
Jan. 22nd, 1910, and Dec. 9th, 1910.
Residence — Wasing Place, near Reading. Clubs— Oxford and Cambridge, Carlton.
J. MULDOON (Cork County, East Cork Division).
John Muldoon, K. C, son of James Muldoon, formerly of
Dromore, co. Tyrone; b. 1865: ///. 1903, Olive, da. of the late James
Whamond, of Westport, co. Mayo ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin 1894, and a
K.C. 1913. A Nationalist', sat for N. Donegal Div. of Donegal co. June 1905
to Jan. 1906, and for E. Wicklow Div. of Wicklow co. July 29th, 1907 to 191 1,
when he resigned ; elected for E. Cork Div. of Cork co. July 15th, 191 1.
Residence — Dnnedin, Orwell Park. Dublin.
RT. HON. ROBERT MUNRO (Wick District).
Robert Munro, P.C., K.C, son of the late Rev. Alexander Rose
Munro, of Alness, Ross-shire, by Margaret, da. of the late Rev. John
Sinclair, of Bruan, Caithness; b. May 28th, 1868; ed. privately, at Aber-
deen Gram. Sch., and at Edinburgh Univ. (M.A. 1889, LL.B. 1892):
m. 1898, Edith Gwladys, da. of the late Rev. J. Llewelyn Evans, of The
Parsonage, Peebles ; Advocate, Scotland 1893, and a K.C. 1910 ; has been
Counsel to Inland Revenue, and an Advocate Depute ; appointed Lord
Advocate for Scotland Oct. 1913, and Sec. for Scotland in National Min.
Dec. 1916; P.C. 1913. A Liberal; has sat for Wick Dist. since Jan. 31st,
Residences— 174, St. James' Court, Buckingham Gate, S.W. ; 15, Heriot Row, Edin-
burgh. Clubs— Reform, UHiversity, Scottish Liberal.
M. J. MURPHY (Waterford County, East Waterford Division^.
Martin Joseph MURPHY : /'. 18 — ; is a J. P. for Waterford;
A Nationalist ; elected for E. Waterford Div. of co. Waterford Feb. 15th,
Residence— Westcli ff. Tramore, co. Waterford.
MAJOR THE HON. A. C. MURRAY (Kincardineshire ■.
Arthur Cecil Murray, D.S.O., 4th
son of 1st Viscount Elibank. of Darn Hall,
Eddleston. co. Peebles, Pitheavlis, co. Perth,
Elibank, Selkirk, and Ballencrieff, Hadding-
tonshire, by Blanche Alice, el da. of the late
Edward John Scott, of Portland Lodge,
Sonthse* : '. March 27th, 1879; ed. at Roy.
Mil. Coll.. Sandhurst ; formerly Capt. Indian
Army (5th Gurkhas) and King's Own Scottish
Borderers; is Major Special Cav. ; was A.D.C
to Lieut. -Gov. of Bengal 1900, and to Gen.
i Comdg. ist Inf. Div., Delhi Manoeuvres 1902; served with Chins
Field Force 1900-1902 (medal), and during European War 191 5- 16 (de-
spatches, D.S.O.); attended Quebec Tercentenary Celebration 1 908 as guest
<>f I anadian Govt., representing Gen. the Hon. James Murray, first British
4 Canada ; accompanied Special Mission to Foreign Courts to announce
Acces.on of King George V. 1910; was Parliamentary Private Sec. to Par-
lia .lentary Under Sec. to Board of Trade, and to Under Sec. of State for
India 1909, and Parliamentary Private Sec. to Sec. of State for Foreign
Affairs ( Kt. Hon. Sir E. Grey, Bt., M.P.) 1910-14; appointed Assist. Mil.
Attache at Washington 1017 : D.S.O. 1916. A Liberal; has sat for Kincar-
ire since April 25th, 1908.
Residences — British Kmbassy, Washington, U.S.A.; Elibank, Walkerburn, co. Peebles.
Clubs— Brooks's, Bachelors', Reform, New (Edinburgh).
C. T. NEEDHAM (Manchester, South-West Division).
Christopher Thomas Needhani, son of John Needham, of
. by his wi: !i J /;. Aug. 30th, 1866; ed. at Manchester Gram.
Sch , and at Manchester Univ. (B.A. 1887): m, 1902, Florence White, who
d. 1905; is ner in the linn of John Needham and Sons, nun and
steel merchants, ot Manchester, a Member of Council I'niv,
a Trustee of Manchester Univ. Union (Chin. 1892-3), a Directoi of Mm
1 ( 'o., of Manchester Chamber of Commerce, of V
and Liverpool Banking Co. (Limited), and of National Boiler and General
In-siira ■ i -, a form< -ec., Asso. of Chambers of Com-
Kingdom, and a J. P. for I„incashirc ; was Chm. < 4
hester Univ. 1911-14, and a Member of Committee 00
Loans for Small Investors 1916. A I tbtral \ elected f.-r 9 \Y [>i\. ol Man
Chester Dec. 3rd, 1910, having been defatted there Jan. 1910.
Rt .;har, 4, Lancaster Road, Didabury, Manchester. CM* KsiwiS].
Neville Neville, el. km of the late I
timeajudgi Ugh Court, Calcut
Hall, Norfolk, 1 A., da. of the late I. Stogd
b. 1863 : ed. at Charterhouse, and at Trim Coll., Camb. (Classical Tripos 1884):
m. 1890, Ida, wj 'l.i. of the late Lieut irnans
Walcott Henderson, K.C.B., R.E., Ch. Commr. of Metropolitan Police; Bar.
Inner Temple 1887 ; goes S.-E. Circuit ; appointed Recorder of Bury St.
Edmunds 1905 ; is a Director of Brentford Gas Co. A Conservative ; unsuc-
cessfully contested Leeds, S. Div. 1892 (twice), 1895, 1900, and 1908;
elected for VVigan Dec. 3rd, 1910, having been defeated there Jan 1910.
Residences — 25, Eccleston Square, S.W. ; Sloley Hall, Norwich. Chambers — 7, Fig
Tree Court, Temple, E.C. Clubs— Carlton, Athenaeum, United University, Hurlingham,
Norfolk (Norwich).
MAJOR J. R. (B.) PRETYMAN NEWMAN (Middlesex, Enfield Division).
John Robert (Bramston) Pretyman
Newman, el. son of the late John Adam
Richard Newman, J. P., D.L., of Newberry
Manor, co. Cork, by Matilda, da. of
Lieut.-Col. Bramston Smith, J. P., D.L.,
of Pencraig, Llangefni, Anglesea ; b.
1 87 1 ; ed. at Charterhouse Sch., and at
Trin. Coll., Camb. : m, 1st, 1895, the
Hon. Olivia Anne Plunket, who d. 1896,
da. of 4th Baron Plunket ; 2ndly, 1898,
Ina, only child of the late Col. William
Pretyman, 60th Rifles ; formerly Capt. 5th
Batn. Roy. Munster Fusiliers ; is Major
Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex
Regt.), and a J. P. and D.L. for co. Cork
(High Sheriff 1898) ; served during Euro-
pean War 1915-16 ; has assumed the
additional surname of Pretyman. A Con-
servative', unsuccessfully contested S.-E.
Div. of Essex Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Enfield
Div. of Middlesex since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residences— 79, Eaton Square, S.W. ; St.
Mary's Vicarage, Enfield, N. ; Newberry Manor, Mallow, co. Cork. Clubs— Carlton,
Wellington, Royal Automobile.
MAJOR H. K. NEWTON (Essex, North-Eastern , or Harwich, Division).
Harry Kottingham Newton, only
son of Sir Alfred James Newton, 1st Bt.,
of The Wood, Sydenham Hill, Lewisham,
Kent, and Kottingham House, Burton-on-
Trent, by Elizabeth Jane, el. da. of the late
Joseph Watson, of Mitcham Common ; /'.
April 2nd, 1875 5 e&- at Rugby, and at
New Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1898, M.A. 1901);
Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1899 *> *s one OI" H.M.'s
Lieuts. for City of London, and Major and
Dep. Assist. Director Supply and Transport,
E. Command ; was Acting Hon. Sec. Equip-
ment Committee City of London Imperial
Vol. 1900 (accompanying Regt. to S. Africa).
An Unionist ; has sat for Harwich Div. of
Essex since Jan, 20th, 19 10, having been
defeated there Jan. 1906.
Residences— 17, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's
Park, N.W. ; Cheshunts, Boxted, near Colchester.
Faveat fortuna. Clubs— Junior Carlton, Bath, Garrick.
SIR CHARLES N NICHOLSON, Bt. (Yorkshire, West Riding, Southern Part,
Doncaster Division).
v>\W\^ Charles Norris Nicholson, ist
Baronet, son of William Norris Nicholson,
Bar.-at-law, a Master in Lunacy, of 43,
Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W., by
Emily, da. of James Stock Daniel, of Rams-
gate ; b. July 30th, 1857 ; ed. at Charter-
house, and at Trin. Coll., Camh. (LL.B
18—, M.A. 18—): in. 1882, Amy Letitia,
da. of George Crosfield, of Warrington ;
Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1880 ; is a Fellow of
Roy. Statistical So., a Member of Roy. In-
stitution, Chm. of Board of Control of Regt.
Institutes, and a Fellow of Royal Horticul-
tural So. ; 15 years a Member of Shoreditch
Hoard of Guardians (3 years Chm.) ; some-
time Chm. of Shoreditch Poor I^aw Schs.
Committee ; appointed Second Church
Estates Commr. May 1910 ; cr. a Baronet
1912. A Liberal ; has sat for Dbncastei
I )i\. (.f S. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire since Jan. 24th, 1906.
Residence— 35, Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. Clubs- Oxford and
Cambridge, Ranelagh, Alpine, Royal Automobile.
COL. W. G. NICHOLSON (Hampshire, Eastern, or Petersfleld, Division).
William Giaham Nicholson, el. son of William Nicholson,
I P., D.L., of Basins Park, Hants; b. 1862; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin.
Cull., (ami). 1 B.A. 1884) : m. 1890, Alice Margaret, da. of the late Rt. Hon.
William Wither Bramston Beach, P.C (M.P. for Hants, W., or Andovcr,
of Oakley Hall, near Basingstoke and Keevil House, Trowbril^c ;
is a J. P. and an Alderman for Hants, and a D.L. for co. Southampton ; has
l*en a Member of House of Laymen for Diocese of Winchester] formerly
Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Comdg. 3rd Batn. Hampshire Regt. A Con-
servative ; has sat for E., or Petersfield, Div. of Hampshire since June 8th,
Ktsiiten^es— 80, Baton faun ing Park, Alton, Hants. (7*fa— Carlton,
i<lge, Royal Yacht Squadron.
81R HERBERT NIELD (Middlesex. Ealing Division).
rberl Nibld, a i rVilliam Robert Nield, of
rksbire, by Eliza, da. of William Henry Turner; b. Oct. 20th,
1862; c<l. priratelv : m. 1st, 189 ■•'• 1893, da.
late Jo! of Colyton Bttdly, 1901, Mabel Owen, da.
Temple 1895, an >i3; goes N I I rcah: is ■ I
1 1 I . a County Alderman, end Dep. < 'Inn. <>l 'Quarter Sessions foi
00. Middlesex • crvancy, a Member 1 ■'
1 I'nionist Asso . tf Provincial
rorerning Body of A- servative Clubs,
'locesan Ho Kecorder ol
April lot;; Knt. |ot& A Cotuen alive ; has sat
17th, 1906.
jr°i Mead, Bishop* Avenue, N.a. CAmmbtrt—t, Dr. John*on'»
Buildings, Temple, L.C Cltb—Su Stephen*.
J. NOLAN (Louth co., South Louth Division).
Joseph Nolan; b. 18-; is a Commission Agent. A National-
ist ; sat for N. Louth Div. of Louth co. Dec. 1885 to July 1892, and was
defeated there 1895; unsuccessfully contested Limerick City 1895; nas sat
for S. Louth Div. of Louth co. since Oct. 6th, 1900, having been defeated
there 1892.
Residence— 404, Clapham Road, S.W.
Henry Norman, P.C., ist
Baronet, son of the late Henry
Norman; b. Sept. 19th, 1858; ed.
at Leicester Collegiate Sch., in
France and Germany, and at Har-
vard (13. A. 1881), and Leipzig
Univs. : in. 1st, 1891, Menie Muriel,
from whom he obtained a divorce
1903 (authoress of " A Girl in the
Karpathians,'' and "Gallia"), da.
of the late James Muir Dowie;
2ndly, 1907, the Hon. Florence
Priscilla McLaren, C.B.E., da. of
ist Baron Aberconway ; is an
Author, a Member of the Council
of So. of Authors, a F.R.G.S.,
Chrrj. of Select Committee on Pa-
tent Medicines, and of War Office
Committee on Wireless Telegraphy,
Member of Committee on National
Wireless Research, of American
Institute of Radio Enginers, and of
Inventions Panel of Ministry of
Munitions, a Fellow of British Asso. Committee of Radiotelegraphic Investi-
gations, and of Physical So., Vice-Pres. Wireless So. of London, an Asso. of
Institute of Electrical Engineers, and a Com. of the Order of the Saviour of
Greece ; sometime a Guardian of Standard of Wrought Plate, Birmingham ;
appointed Liaison Officer. Ministry of Munitions 1916 ; gazetted Major 1917 ;
is an Officer of Legion of Honour ; was Assist. Editor cf the Daily Chronicle,
1895-9 ; has travelled widely in the Near and Far East, in Russia, and in
Central Asia ; founded The World's Work ; appointed Hon. Sec. Budget
League 1909, Assist. Postmaster-Gen. Jan. 1910,'andan Additional Member of
Air Council Jan. 1918 ; author of " The Harvard Greek Play," " The Preser-
vation of Niagara Falls," <:The Real Japan," 'The People and Politics of the
Far East," " All the Russias," and other works ; Knt. 1906, cr. a Baronet
1915, and P.C. 1918. A Liberal', sat for S. Div. of Wolverhampton Oct.
1900 to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated ; elected for Blackburn Dec. 5th, 1910.
Residences — The Corner House, Cowley Street, Westminster, S.W. ; Honeyhanger,
Hindhead, Surrey. Clubs — Reform, Royal Automobile, Ranelagh.
NORTON-GRIFFITHS [see Griffiths].
J. D. NUGENT (Dublin, College Green Division).
John Dillon Nugent, son of John Nugent, of Keady, co.
Armagh; b. 1869; is Sec. A.O.H. Insurance, a Member of Dublin City
Corporation, and a Poor Law Guardian for N. Dublin. A Nationalist ; elected
for College Green Div. of Dublin City June 12th, 191 5.
Residence— -272, North Circular Road, Dublin.
SIR WALTER R. NUGENT, Bt. (Westmeath County, South Westmeath
Walter Richard Nugent, 4th Baronet^ 3rd
son of Sir Walter George Nugent, 2nd Bt, who d.
1893, by Maria More, only da. of the late Rt. Hon.
Richard More O'Ferrall : b. Dec. 12th, 1865; ed. at
Downside Coll.. and at Univ. Coll., Dublin: m. 1916,
Aileen, dau. of the late Middleton More O'Malley, of
Ross, Westport, co. Mayo; is a J. P. and D. L. for co.
\\\ >tmeath, and Dep. Chm. of Midland Great Western
Railway Co., Ireland ; appointed a Member of Roy.
Commn. on Paper Imports, of Govt. War Savings Com-
mittee for Ireland, and of Daylight Saving Bill Exten-
M<>n Committee 1916, and of Agricultural Wages Board
for Ireland 1917. A Nationalist', has sat for South
Decrevi. Westmeath Div. of Westmeath co. since April 13th, 1907.
/ -Donore, Multyfarnham, co. Westmeath Clubs— Reform, Turf, Dublin United
H. NUTTALL (Lancashire, South-East, Stretford Division).
Harry Nuttall, son of the late Joseph Nuttall, merchant, of
Manchester; b. 1849; ed. privately, and at Owens Coll., Manchester:
///. 1886. Kdith Mary. da. of William Smith, of Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire ;
is an import and export merchant, a J.P. of Manchester and Cheshire,
Pres., Manchester Geographical So., and a F.R.G.S. ; elected Pres. of Man-
chester Chamber of Commerce 1905. A Liberal; has sat for Stretford Div.
of Lancashire (South-East) since Jan. 18th, 1906, having been defeated there
Oct. 1900.
Residence— Briarfield, Walton-on-the-Hill. Surrey. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal,
Manchester Reform.
W. O'BRIEN (Cork City).
William O'Brien, son of the late James O'Brien, of Mallow,
co. Cork, by Kate, da. of James N.i^le, ^[ Mallow ; b. 1852 : ed. at Diocesan
Coll., Cloyne, and at Queen's Coll, Cork : m. 1890, Sophie, da. of Hermann
Raffalovich ; was for several year- a writer in the Freeman 's Journal, and
sometime editor of United Ireland ; founder of the United Irish League,
and of the Irish People Newspaper; in 1910 founded the "A
Ireland" League (with a view to an Irish settlement by ct-i
Independent Nationalist ; sat for Mallow 1 883- 5, fa
1885 to June IS 1 Cork co. May 1887
to June 1892, and for Cork City July 1892 to June 1895, having also been
re-elected for N.-Iv Cork Div. of Cork co. July 7th, 1892, but decided to sit
for the former; re-elected for Cork City Oct. 4th, 1900; resigned Jan.
1904, and was again reelected Aug. 190; 121)1, 1906; again
resigned March 1909; re-elected for < Ian. 19th, 1910, and Dec.
6th, 1910; also elected for N.-E. Cork Div. of Cork co. Jan. 27th, 1910,
and d. it for Cork City; re U re-elected
iccessfully contested I co. and \\
> co. Dec. 1910.
ReitJfiur- Hcllevur, Mallow, co. (
J. O'CONNOR (Kildare Co.. North Kildart Dirirton).
John O'Connor, son of the late William O'Connor, by Julia,
da. of the late John Corbtl | 1850; ed. at Christiai
Idle Temple 1893 ; sometime a I
Agent a \ National: 1 Tipperary
to Nov. 1885, and for S. Tipper h ;|>crary 188C-1892, when he
wasdefeated ; has sat for N. Kdd.we Div. of Kildare co. >ime Feb. 14th, 190$.
Chambers— 4, Paper Buildings, Temple, EX.
T. P. O'CONNOR (Liverpool, Scotland Division).
Thomas Power O'Connor, son of the late Thomas O'Connor,
of Athlone; b. 1848 ; ed. at the Queen's Coll., Gal way (M.A. Queen's Univ.,
Ireland): M, 1886; formerly Editor of the Star Evening Newspaper, and of
the Sun and the Weekly Sun, all of which he founded ; is a Journalist ; has
been Editor of The Era, and M.A. P., and also of T.P.'s Weekly and
T.P.'s Magazine (both of which he founded) ; author of " Lord Beaconsfield,
a Biography," "The Parnell Movement," "Some Old Love Stories," "Life
of Parnell," "Gladstone's House of Commons," "The Phantom Millions,"
"Life of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman," and other works; appointed
a Member of Berlin Copyright Commn. 1909, and Pres. of Trade Board of
Film Censors 1916. A Nationalist) sat for Galway Borough April 1880 to
Nov. 1885, in which month he was elected for Scotland Div. of Liverpool
and also for Galway Borough, and chose the former constituency ; re-elected
Tuly 2nd, 1886. July 5th, 1892, July 18th. 1895, Oct. 4th, 1900, Jan. 16th, 1906,
Jan. 18th, 1910, and Dec. 5th, 1910.
Residence— 5, Morpeth Mansions, S.W. Clubs— National Liberal, Garrick, Bath,
Savage, Beefsteak, Reform (Liverpool).
P. O'DOHERTY (Donegal County, North Donegal Division).
Philip O'Doherty; b. 1871 ; admitted Solicitor 1895; xs a
Member of Londonderry Town Council. A Nationalist ; has sat for N. Div.
of Donegal co. since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Residence— Great James Street, Londonderry, Offices— 11, East Wall, Londonderry ;
6, Cavendish Row, Rutland Square East, Dublin.
T. O'DONNELL (Kerry County, West Kerry Division).
Thomas O'Donnell ; b. 1872 ; B.A. Roy. Univ. of Ireland
18 — ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin 1905 ; formerly a National Sch. Teacher; is
Chm. of Tralee and Dingle Railway. A Nationalist ; has sat for W. Kerry
Div. of Kerry co. since Oct. 8th, 1900.
Residence — Killorglin, co. Kerrv.
J. O'DOWD (Sligo Co., South Sligo Division).
John O'Dowd, son of a farmer; /;. 1856; ed. at a National
Sch., and in U.S.A.; was imprisoned under Crimes Act; is a J. P. and
Chm. of County Council for Sligo, and one of the principal Organisers of
United Irish League. A Nationalist ; sat for N. Div. of Sligo June to Sept.
1900, since when he has sat for S. Div. of Sligo.
Residence — Dathi House, Bunninadden, co. Sligo.
F. OODEN (Yorkshire, W. Riding, East Part, Pudsey Division).
Fred Ogden ; b. 187 1 : m. 18 — , Laura C, da. of Jonathan
Webster, of Pudsey ; is a boot manufacturer of Pudsey ; sometime Chm.
of Leeds Water Works Committee. A Liberal; has sat for Pudsey Div.
of E. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire since Jan. 22nd, 1910.
Residence— 77, South Parade, Pudsey, Yorkshire.
J. O'GRADY (Leeds, East Division).
James O'Grady, son of John O'Grady, of Bristol; b. 1866; served
apprenticeship to furniture making ; was Pres. of the Trade Congress at
Bristol 1898; elected a Town Councillor for Bristol 1890; is Gen. Organiser
of National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades Asso., and an Executive Member
of lien. Federation of Trades Unions and of the Shipbuilding Trades Federa-
ul a J.T. foe London ; appointed a Member of Central Tribunal 1917.
A Labour Member; has sat for E. Div. of Leeds since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Resilience— 74, Manchuria Read, Clapham Common, S.W.
D. O'LEARY (Cork Co., West Cork Division).
Daniel 0'L.EARY, son of Florence O'Lcary ; b. May 1875 ; Bar.
King's Inns, Dublin 1902. A Nationalist \ has sat for \Y. Div. of Cork
15th, 1916, having been defeated therefor Jan. 1910.
Resilience- Friendly Cove House, Durrus, co. Cork.
W. O'M ALLEY (Gal way Co., Connemara Division).
William O'Malley, SOI) of Irish parents; b. Feb. 15th, 1857;
ed. at C.alwav Model Sch., and at St. Mary's Coll., London : ///. 1886, Mary,
youngest da. <>f Thomas O'Connor, of Athlone ; was Business Manager of
the Mar 1887-91 ; started Dublin National Tress; sometime Manager of
the Weekly Sun \ founded and conducted Chic: is a J.T. A Nationalist ;
has sat for Connemara Div. of Galway co. since July 18th, 1895.
Residence — Emlaghmore House, Connemara.
CAPT. THE HON. R. W. HUGH O'NEILL (Antrim Co., Mid. Antrim Division).
Robert William Hugh O'Neill, only suiviving
son of 2nd Baron O'Neill ; />. 1883 ; ed. at Eton, ami at
New Coll., Oxford (B. A. 1905) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1909:
m. 1909, Sylvia, da. of Walter A. Sandeman, of Morden
yston ; formerly Lieut. N. of Ireland Imperial
\c<>. ; iaCapt on (Jen. List; served during European War
1915-16: unsuccessfully contested Stockport (C) 1 906. A
Conservative, has sat for Antrim c<>., Mi<l Antrim Div.,
since Feb. 17th, 1915.
Residence W Chambers— Farrar's Muildinjf. I
ORDE POWLETT isee Powlett
ORMSBY GORE (see Gore .
P. J. 08HAU0HNE88Y (Limerick County. West Limerick Division)
Patrick Joseph O'Shaughn m o! David 0*Shaughn
mi and fanner. ..f Rathkealt, by N '< ha W* 1
merchant, of Kathkeale; A. March 17th, iS?2; ed. at Kathkeale Classical
I eague,
f ; has sat
5th, 1900.
R stidcHcc— Kathkeale. <
J. J. O'SHEE (Waterford Co.. West Waterford Division.
Junes John OS Ml. son of John -
ie Britton ; b. Nov 3rd, 1866; ed. at local National Sch., at I
. Dublin] lenouneed the Anglicised
surname of - ee I9OO ; admitted Solicitor 1890; son
Hon. Sec. of Irish Land and Labour Asso. ; is a Solicitor at Carrick-on-Suir,
Clonmel, and 23, Suffolk Street, Dublin. A Nationalist ; has sat for W.
Waterford Div. of Waterford co. since Sept. 12th, 1895.
Residence— Bellevue Place, Clonmel, co. Tipperary. Clubs— Leinster (Dublin), Irish.
T. O'SULUVAN (Kerry Co., East Kerry Division).
Timothy O'Sullivan ; b. 18—; is a merchant and farmer of
Killarney. A Nationalist ; elected for K. Kerry Div. of Kerry co Dec. 16th,
Residence — Main Street, Killarney.
R. L. OUTHWAITE (Hanley).
Robert Leonard Outhwaite, son of the late Robert Outhwaite,
of Melbourne, Australia, by Blanche Isabel, da. of the late Robert Clerk, of
Ilobart, Tasmania; b. April 13th, 1869; sometime a sheep farmer in Aus-
tralia ; is a writer on Economic Questions. A Liberal ; unsuccessfully contested
W. Div. of Birmingham Jan. 1906, and Horsham Div. of Sussex Jan. 1910 ;
elected for Hanley July 13th, 1912.
Residence — 30, Arundel Gardens, Notting Hill, W.
MAJOR G. M. PALMER (Durham County, Jarrow Division).
Godfrey Mark Palmer, youngest son of the late
Sir Charles Mark Palmer, 1st Bt. (M.P. for Jarrow Div.
of co. Durham), of Crinkle Park, Loftus, Yorkshire, and
37, Curzon Street, W., by Certrude, da. of the late James
Montgomery, J. P., of Hartlands, Cranford, Middlesex ;
b. Aug. 4th, 1878; ed. at Eton, and in Paris: m, 1906,
Eleanora Mary, da. of the late Alexander Geddes, of
Blairmore, Aberdeenshire; is a J. P. for N. Riding of
Yorkshire, and Major Territorial Force Reserve ; ap-
pointed Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to First
Lord of the Admiralty 1917. A Liberal; has sat for Jar-
row Div. of Durham co. since Jan. 28th, 1910.
Residences, Beaufort Gardens, S.W.
(Horatio) Gilbert (George) Parker,
P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., Lilt.D., 1st Baronet,
son of the late Capt. Joseph Parker, R.A. ; b.
Nov. 23rd, 1862; ed. at Trin. Univ., Toronto
(D.C.L. 1899) ; Hon. Litt.D., Laval Univ.
1912, Hon. LL.D., McGill Univ. 1913 : m.
1895, Amy, da. of Ashley Van Tine, of New
York ; sometime Associate Editor of Sydney
Morning Herald ; is a novelist, and Hon. Col.
Kent R.G. A. ; appointed a Member of Overseas
Forces Committee 1914 ; author of " Pierre and
his People," "The Seats of the Mighty," "The
Right of Way," " The Weavers," "The Judg-
ment House," "The Money Master," "The
World for Sale," and many other novels ; cr.
Knt. 1902, a Baronet 1915, and P.C. 1916.
A Conservative ; has sat for Gravesend since
Oct. 3rd, 1900.
Residence — 20, Carlton House Terrace, S.W.i.
Chtbs— Athenaeum, Carlton, Garrick.
J. PARKER Halifax
James Parker, C.H., son of the late George Parker, of Louth,
Lincolnshire ; b. Dec. 9th, 1863 ; has been for 9 years a Member of Halifax
Borough Council ; is Vice-Chm. of the Labour Party ; appointed a Meml>er
of Select Committee on Marconi Agreement 19 12, Acting Ch. Whip of
Labour Party 1916, and a Junior Lord of the Treasury and Labour Whip to
the Govt. 1917 ; C.H. 1918. A Labour Member ; has sat for Halifax since
Jan. 13th, 1906, having been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residence -22, Salisbury Place. Halifax.
SIR EDWARD E. PARKES (Birmingham, Central Division).
Edward Kbenezer PARKES, son of the late Israel Parkes, of
Oak Grange, EdgbtftDQ, Birmingham ; b. Aug. 12th. 1848; ed. at We>ley
Coll., Sheffield: m. 1879. Sarah Louise, da. of H. H. Hartshorne; elected
a Member of City Council of Birmingham 1888, and Chm. of its Markets and
1- airs Committee 1892 ; is a J. P. and an Iron Master of Birmingham, and a
Member of Commercial Advisory Committee of Board of Trade ; appointed
a Member of International Exhibitions Roy. Commn. 1909 ; assumed by
Deed Poll 1917 the additional Christian name of Edward; Knt. 19IJ
Liberal Unionist; has sat for Central Div. of Birmingham since July 12th,
Residence— Oak Grange, Hermitage Road, EdgbaMon, BirauagtMUB. Ctmh I
rational [London^ Rojal Automobile.
8IR (J.) EDWARD PARROTT (Edinburgh. South Division).
(James) Edward Parrott, ZZ./A, el. son of Edward Brown
rtrec, Liverpool; /'.June 1st, 1863; ed. at St. Paul's Coll.,
Cheltenham, and at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1891, Senior Prizeman in
English, M.A. and LI.. I), head of list 1900) : m. 1891, Kli/abeth Sophia,
youngest da. «.f the late John Shirley, of Derby: ■omedaw Headmaster of a
Editor to Thomas NebOD tad Sons, publishers,
• Ion, Edinburgh, Dublin, New York. , .1 Kellow of Educa-
tional Institute of Scotland, and a J.P. for City of Edinburgh : author of " A
Pageant of British History," "A Pageant of Win
War," etc. ; edited Funk and Wagnall's " Standard Ency-
ia"; Knt. 1910. A Liberal; elected fa 9 Div of Edinburr.i
12th, Kyi;
Residence iml.urgh. Club— National Lilwral.
MAJOR T. H. PARRY Flint District)
Thomai 11. • \ r, D.S,().t ion <>i ,
eolliciy proprietor an. I nmbn niculi.iu:, -I Mold, Hint
Al\n Sch., Mold, (B.A.
MM LL.tt.IC >4 ; goe* N. Wales an. I I
Circuit i usilicrs (T
pean V Egypt »" timet
WOB» 1917. A Liberal-, elected foi Jan.
Rt> Chambers — j, North Kin«\ Bench Walk,
HON. 0.
PARTINGTON ( Yorkshire, W. Riding, Northern Part,
Shipley Division).
Oswald Partington, el. surviving
son of 1st Baron Doverdale, of Easton,
GJossop, Derbyshire, and Westwood Park,
Worcestershire ; /'. May 4th, 1872; ed. at
Rossall : m. 1902, the Hon. Clara Isabel
Murray, da. of 1st Viscount Elibank ; has
been Capt. 4th Vol. Batn. Cheshire Regt.:
sometime a Director of Kellner- Partington
Paper Pulp Co., of Barrow-in-Furness,
and a Member of the firm of Olive and
Partington (Limited), paper makers, of
Glossop and Manchester ; is a J. P. for
Derbyshire, and an Alderman of London
County Council ; appointed a Member of
Roy. Commn. on Paper 19 16 ; was a
Junior Lord of the Treasury (unpaid)
1909-10. A Liberal-, sat for High Peak
Div. of Derbyshire Oct. 1900 to Dec.
1 9 10, when he was defeated ; has sat for
Shipley Div. of N. Part of W. Riding of
Yorkshire since Feb. 10th, 1915.
Residences — Bolney House, Ennismore Car-
dens, S.W. ; Easton, Glossop, Derbyshire. Clubs
— Reform, Brooks's, Marlborough, Bachelors'.
SIR ROBERT PEARCE (Staffordshire, Leek Division).
Robert Pearce, son of the late Joseph Pearce, of Ipswich, by
Frances Margaret, da. of Robert Hayward, of Bury St. Edmunds ; '/>.
Jan. 15th, 1840; ed. privately, and at Ipswich Gram. Sch. : m. 1st, 1880,
Elizabeth, who d. 1910, da. of the late Edward Deane, of Denmark Hill, S.E.:
2ndly, 1 914, A. Margaret W. Exton ; admitted a Solicitor 1865 ; is a F.R.A.S.,
a partner in legal firm of Pearce, Bradshaw and Capper, of 116, Fore Street,
E.C., Solicitor to City Parochial Foundation, Vestry and Ward Clerk of
Cripplegate, and Clerk to Cripplegate Charities; Knt. 1916. A Liberal;
sat for Leek Div. of Staffordshire Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910; re-elected Dec.
15th, 1910 ; defeated there July 1895, C»ct- l9°°, and Jan. 1910.
Residence— 9, Downside Crescent, Hampstead, N.W. Clubs — City Reform, National
SIR WILLIAM PEARCE (Tower Hamlets. Limehouse Division).
William PEARCE, el. son of William Pearce, a chemical manu-
facturer, of Limehouse, E. ; b. March 18th, 1853; ed. at Sch. of Mines, and
at Roy. Coll. of Science, S. Kensington : m. 1885, Ethel Alexandra, da.
of Edwin Neame, of Harefield, Selling, Kent ; is a J. P. for co. London,
Director of William Pearce and Sons (Limited), chemical manufacturers, and
of Spencer, Chapman and Messel (Limited), a Fellow of Chemical So., and
Manager of Limehouse "Provided" Schools; was a Member of London
County Council 1892-1901 ; Knt. 1915. A Liberal; has sat for Limehouse
Div. of Tower Hamlets since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residences — 14, Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. ; Shepway Lodge, Walmer.
Clubs— Reform, Deal and Walmer Union.
Do it with thy might.
MAJOR THE HON. W. H. M. PEARSON (Suffolk, North-
Eastern, or Eye, Division).
Weetman Harold Miller Pearson, el. son
of 1st Viscount Cowdray (Ml*, for Colchester), of
Paddockhurst, Worth, Sussex, Cowdray Park, Midhurst,
Sussex, Dunecht House, Aberdeenshire, and 16, Carlton
House Terrace, S.W., by Annie, da. of the late Sir
John Cms, of Maylands, Bradford ; b. April 18th,
1882 : m. 1905, Agnes Beryl, da. of the late Lord
id Spencer-Churchill; is Major Yeo. A Liberal ;
lia- sat for N.-E., or Eye. Div. of Suffolk since
April 6th, 1906, having unsuccessfully contested Rut-
land Jan. 1906.
Residencc-b, Richmond Terrace. Whitehall, S.W. Clubs—
Marlborough, Reform, Hath.
RIGHT HON. H. P. PEASE (Darlington).
Herbert Pike Pease, P.C., 2nd son of the late
Arthur Pease (If .P. for Darlington), of Cliffe House,
Marske-by-the-Sea, Yorkshire, by Mary Lecky, who d.
191 5, da. of Ebenezer Pike, of Besborough, co. Cork ; b.
M.n 7th, 1867 ; ed. at Brighton Coll., and at Trin. Hall,
(ami. : ///. 1 894. Alice Mortimer, da. of the late Very
Rev. Herbert Mortimer Luckock, D.D., Dean of Lich-
field : is a J.P. and D.I.. for N. Riding of Yorkshire,
Pres. Darlington Unionist A--", and of Church Army,
and Hon. Sec. of Liberal Unionist Council
Lil>eral Unionist Whip 1906-10: has been Unionist
Whip since 1911: appointed Assist. Postmastfel
M.iv 1915, and again in National Min. Deo. 1916 ;
P.C 1917. A Liberal Unionist: sit for Darlington
1898 to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated : reelected Dec. 3rd, 1910.
Rftiiienct— Merrow Croft, Merrow, Guildford. Clubs— Brooks's, Hath, Carlton.
i'av et sfits.
MAJOR THE HON. ARTHUR G. V. PEEL (Lincolnshire, Holland, or Spalding,
Arthur (leorge Villirrs l'i 1.1., 2nd MM) of i^t
.nt Peel, by Adelaide, who </. iS<>o, da. of William
1. 1 Dugdale, ol Merevale, Warwickshire) *. Feb. 27th,
1868; ed. at Harrow, and at New Coll . < >»
M A. 1894): Sf. I906, . da. of 6ti
I bamp : soinetit! nulls
M., a
Stan < apt., and a I r. and hi
durii 0 War IOI4-16 [despetchea). A libera/;
has sat tor HoUan bkootnahirc 25th, '9'7-
Rrsideruts — 61, Gather i ;• kin^h.uu < late. S Ather-
LIEUT. COL. R P PEEL (Suffolk. South Eastern, or Woodbrldge, Division)
k-)l)( rt 'ii of ti. 1 apt
line Edith
bfl late Ani >; b.
da. of Sir Thou
1*99-1902(1 '-"P*)
re, Mid I >ii • fan 19
■bOTTJ Place. Clubs
—Carlton, Guards', Windl.
CAPT. J. C. D. DENISON-PENDER (Cambridgeshire, Eastern, or Newmarket,
John Cuthbert Denison Denison-Pender, el. son of Sir John
Denison- Pender, K.C.M.G., by Beatrice Katherine, only da. of the late
Cuthbert Ellison; b. May nth, 1882; ed. at Eton: ///. 1906, Irene, da. of
Ernest de la Rue, of 26, Belgrave Square, S.VV. ; is Capt. in the Army,
a Director of Eastern Telegraph Co. (Limited), and a County Councillor for
London. A Conservative ; elected for E., or Newmarket, Div. of Cambridge-
shire May 16th, 1913.
Residence — 16, Hans Crescent, S.W.
De F. PENNEFATHER (Liverpool, Kirkdale Division).
De Fonblanque Pennefather, son of the late Major Kings-
mill Pennefather, of Golden, co. Tipperary ; /'. 1856 : ///. 1886, Madeline Emily
Melesina, da. of the late Sir Robert Stewart; is a J. P. for Herefordshire.
A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Monmouthshire, N. Div., 1900 ; has
sat for Kirkdale Div. of Liverpool since Feb. 15th, 191 5.
Resilience— Kinnersley Castle, Herefordshire. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton.
W. F. PERKINS (Hampshire, New Forest Division).
Walter Frank Perkins, son of the late Walter Perkins, of
Portswood House, Southampton, by Mary Louisa, da. of James B. Phillips;
b. May 3rd, 1865 ; ed. at Forest Sch., Essex, and at Roy. Agricultural Coll. :
m. 1901, Elizabeth, el. da. of Robert Dempster, of Vale Royal, Cheshire;
sometime a Consulting Surveyor; Prizeman of Roy. Agricultural So. of Eng-
land, and Medallist of Roy. Agricultural So. of Ireland ; formerly Hon. Official
Reporter to Roy. Counties Agricultural So., Lecturer in Agriculture to Oxford
Univ. Extension Delegacy, and Hon. Correspondent to Hoard of Agriculture.
A Conservative ; has sat for New Forest Div. of Hampshire since Jan. 25th,
Residences— 93,
Club— Carlton.
St. (ieorge's Square, S.W. ; Holdre Bridge House, Lymington.
B. E. PETO (Wiltshire, Eastern, or Devizes, Division).
Basil Edward Peto, son of the late Sir
Samuel Morton Peto, 1st Bt., by Sarah Ainsworth,
who d. 1892, da. of the late Henry Kelsall, of
Rochdale; b. Aug. 13th, 1862; ed. at Harrow: in.
1892, Mary Matilda Annie, da. of the late Capt. Thomas
Carpendale Baird. A Conservative ; has sat for E., or
Devizes, Div. of Wiltshire since Jan. 261I1, 1910.
Residences— 33, Grosvenor Road, S.W. ; Taw stock Court,
near Barnstaple, N. Devon. Clubs— Carlton, Orleans.
Ivor Pm 1.1 its, K.C.fi., D.S.O., 2nd son of
Rev. Canon Sir James Erasmus Philipps. 12th Bt., of
The Close, Salisbury, by the Hon. Mary Margaret, da.
of the late Rev. the Hon. Samuel Best; b. Sept. 9th,
1861 ; ed. at Felstead : m. 1891, Marian Isobel, da. of
the late James Buchanan Mirrlees, of Redlands, Glas-
gow; formerly Major Indian Army, and D.A.Q.M.G.,
Head Quarters, India; is a Knight of Grace of the
Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, a J. P.,
a D.L., and County Alderman for Pembrokeshire, a
J. P. for Haverfordwest, and Chm. of County Main
Roads Committee ; acted as Pailiamentary (Mil.) Sec.
Duett a»u»j>airi<e. to Ministry of Munitions of War 1915 ; formerly Lieut.-
Col. and Hon. Col. Comdg. Pembroke Y» o. ; served during Burma War 1885-9,
as Comdt. Mil. Police Batn. (medal with two clasps), with Miranzai Expe-
dition 1891 (clasp), with Isazai Expedition 1892, on N.-W. Frontier of India
1897 (medal with two clasps^ NV'tM Tirah Field Force 1897-8 (despatches
twice, medal with three clasps), nndin China I900-I9oi,as D.A.A. and Q.M.G.
(despatches, medal with clasp. D.S.O. ) ; appointed a Brig.-Com. 1914, and
Maj.-Cen. Comdg. a Div. 1915; D.S.O. 1900, K.C.B. (Civil) 1917. A
Liberal; has sat for Southampton since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residences— Chantrcy House, Eccleston Street, S.W. ; Cosheston Hal!, Pembroke.
Clubs- United Service, R« yal Automobile, Royal Southampton Yacht.
Owen Cosby Philipps, K.C M.G., 3rd son of
the Rev. Canon Sir James Erasmus Philipps, 12th Bt. (cr.
1 62 1), by the Hon. Mary Margaret, who d. 191 3, da. of the
late Kev. the Hon. Samuel Best; b. March 25th, 1863:
///. 1902, Mai Alice Magdalen, el. da. and co-heiress of the
late Thomas Morris, J. P., D. L.. <w Coomb, Carmarthen-
shire; is a J. P. and D.L. for Pembrokeshire (High
Sheriff 1904), a J. P. Carmarthenshire, and for cos. of
Haverfordwest and Gla«-gow, Chm. of Roy. Mail Steam
Packet Co., Chm. of Departmental Committee 00 Dis-
tressed Colonial and Indian Subjects, a Director of
London and S.- Western Railway, a Member of Com-
mittee of Imperial Institute, and of Executive Committee of Roy. Colonial
Institute, Vice Pres. of Liverpool Sch. of Tropical Med., Hon. Capt. Roy.
Naval Reserve, and a Knight of Justice of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in
England : was a Meml>er of Roy. Coinmn. on Shipping 1906-9, and \ ice
Chm. of Port of lxmdon Authority 1909-13; has been a Member of Execu-
tive Committee of King Edward Hospital Fund since 1908; appointed a
•rces Committee, and of Arbitration Board, Admiralty
1914. A Con%en>ati-!e\ unsuccessfully contested Montgomery Dist.(A) 1895,
and Darlington 1898; r M MP. for Pembroke an i Haverfordwest D st.
Jan. 1906 to Nov. 1910: has sat for Chester since Feb. 29th, 1916.
Resident ft — ("lirUea House, Cadogan Place. S.W. ; Coomb, Carmarthenshire ; Amroth
Castle. Amr.rth. Pembrokeshire ; Trevallyn, Rossett, Denbighshire. C/ut>s— Marlborough,
1. Bachelors'.
LIEUT. COL. D. V. PIRIE (Aberdeen, North Division).
Duncan \\rn«»n PlRlB, eL son of the late
Gordon l'mc, of Chateau de Varenaea, France, by
V.il, -iiline. <l.i. ••! the late Contfl (jQMpb) RoOMCatl dc
LabroMej ?. March 22nd, 1858; ad at Glenahnond,
and at Clifton Coll.: ///. 1894, 1 1 » *- II
-•■.-Seinpill. da. Of 171!, mptlL
of Craigevar Castle and Kmti.iy IIou>e, AU-i.
. enteiril Anny iinin Alxi.iccnsliiu- M i! . t 1879,
and pt 5th Lancers 1885 and jid Hussar*
1888; retired 1898; served with 1 I Soudan
inions 1882-4. preaeul it battV issin,
!<•!), and I medal with two
pa), wnh Nik Expedition 18S4-5 (despatches,
two , too (medal wnh
and during l 1914- 1 7 : w .111890-93;
British Garrison with rank of Lieut.-CoL, ■ 1 .1:
1 tested
W. Div. of Renfrewshire 1895; has sat for N. Div. of Abn Miv
ury Street, S.W. ; Chateau d<
Liberal, Bachelors', Royal Nortb.ro (AbwdvmJ.
COUNT PLUNKETT (Roscommon County, North Roscommon Division).
George Noble Plunkett, Count Plunkett, son of P. J. Plunkett,
of Katharines, co. Dublin ; />. Dec. 3rd, 185 1 : ///. 1884. Josephine, da. <>f
Patrick Cranny; l!ar. King's Inns, Dublin 1886; is a Count of the Holy
Roman Empire, a Knight Com. of Order of the Holy Sepulchre, a M.R.I. A.,
1'res. of So. for the Preservation of the 1 1 i>.h language, and Past Pres. of
So. of Antiquaries. Ireland. A Sinn Fein Member (but has not taken his
seat): has sat for N. Div. of Roscommon co. since Feb. 3rd. 191 7.
Residence— 26, Upper Fitzwilliani Street, Dublin.
SIR GEORGE H. POLLARD (Lancashire, South Eastern, Eccles Division).
George Herbert Pollard, M.D., second son of James Pollard,
of Norwood Avenue, Southport, by Helen, da. of Edmund Robinson, of
Burnley; b. Oct. 20th, 1864; ed. at Edinburgh (MB. and CM. 1886, M.D.
Honours 1890), and at Oxford Univ.: m. 1888, Charlotte Elizabeth, da. of
Thomas Butterworth, J.P., of Burnley ; Bar. Inner Temple 1893; Soes N.
Circuit; is a J. P. for Southport (Mayor 1897-8); Knt. 1909 A Liberal-,
unsuccessfully contested Southport Div. of Lancashire (S.-W.) 1892, and
Radcliffe-cum-Earnworth Div. of Lancashire (S.-E.) 1895 ; has sat for Eccles
Div. of Lancashire (S.-E.) since Jan. 24th, 1906.
Residence — Sundown, 79, Albert Road, Southport. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
Ernest Murray Pollock, K.B.E., K.C., son
of the late George Frederick Pollock, of Woodlawn,
Hanworth, Feltham, by Francis Diana, who d 1891,
da. of the late Rev. Henry Herbert. R. of Rathdowney,
Queen's co. ; b. Nov. 25th, 1861 ; ed. at Charterhouse
(Scholar), and at Trim Coll., Camb. (U.A. 1883, M.A.
1887) : m. 1887, Laura Helen, el. da. of Sir Thomas
Salt, 1st Bt., of Weeping Cross, Stafford ; Bar. Inner
Temple 1885, a K.C. 1905, and a Bencher 1914 ; an
Additional Member of Bar Council ; is Acting Lieut.-
Col. Comdg. Yeo. ; has been Chm. of S. Kensington
Conservative Asso. ; appointed Recorder of Kingston-
on-Thames Nov. 191 1, and a Gov. of Charterhouse 1913,
Chm. of Contraband Committee 1916, and Controller of Foreign Trade
Depart, of Foreign Office 1917 ; K.B.E. 1917. A Conservative', unsuccessfully
contested Lincolnshire, Holland, or Spalding, Div. Oct. 1900 and Jan. 1906;
has sat for Warwick since Jan. 18th, 1910.
Residences— 40, Thurloe Square, S.W, ; Nrrtbaw, Herts. Chambers— 1, King's
Kench Walk. Temple, E.C. C/ttbs Carlton, Athenaeum, Oxford and Cambridge.
PONSONBY (Stirling District).
Arthur Augustus William Harry
Ponsonby, son of the late Gen. the Rt.
Hon. Sir Henry Frederick Ponsohby, P.C.,
G.C.B., by the Hon. Mary Elizabeth, who d.
1916, da. of the late John Crocker Bulteel,
M.P., of Flete, Devon ; b. Feb. 16th, 1871 ;
ed. at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford : »i.
1898, Dorothea, da. Ol Sir Charles Hubert
Hastings Parry, 1st l!t. ; was a Page of
Honour to II. M. Queen Victoria 1882-7,
and Private Sec to Prime Minister (Rt. Hon.
Sir II. Campbell-Bannerman, P.C., G.C.B.,
M.I'.) 1905-8: served in Diplo. Ser. 1894-
1903. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Taunton Jan. 1906; has sat for
Stirling Dist. since May 22nd, 1908.
Residence— Shulbrede Priory, Linchmere, Haslemere.
a *j
LIEUT. -COL. THE HON. W. G. A. ORDE POWXETT (Yorkshire. North Riding.
Richmond Division).
William George Algar Orde-
POWLXTT, son of 4th Baron Bolton, of Bolton
Hall, Leyburn, Yorkshire, and Hackwood
Park, Basingstoke ; b. Aug. 21st, 1869; ed.
at Eton: ///. 1893, the Hon. Elizabeth Mary
(iibson, da. of 1st Baron Ashbourne; formerly
Lieut. 2nd Batn. King's Roy. Rifle Corps,
and Lieut. Yorkshire Hussars Imperial Yeo. ;
is Lieut. -Col. Alexandra, Princess of Wales's
Own (Yorkshire Regt.). and a J. P. and D.L.
for N. Riding of Yorkshire. A Consejvative ; has sat for Richmond Div.
Of \. Riding of Yorkshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residence— -Wensley Hall, Leyburn. Yorkshire. Clubs— Wellington, Carlton, Yorkshire.
J. W. PRATT Linlithgowshire).
John William Pratt; b. 1873; is a Jp- for City of Glasgow;
Member of Corporation 1906-14 ; appointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury in
National Min. Dec. 1916. A Liberal; has sat for Linlithgowshire since Nov.
7th, 1913.
Residence— 96, Wickham Road, Brockley, S.E. Clubs— National Liberal, Scottish
Liberal (Edinburgh), Liberal (Glasgow).
COL THE RIGHT HON. E. G. PRETYMAN (Essex, Mid, or Chelmsford,
Ernest George Pretyman, P.C., el. son
of the Rev. Frederick Pretyman, B.I)., Hon.
CaOOO of Lincoln, and R. of Great Carlton, by
ima Elizabeth, da. of E. Knight, of Chawton
House Hants; b. Nov. 13th, 1859 ; ed. at Eton,
and at Roy, Mi! Acad., Woolwich: ml 1894,
Lady Beatrice Adine Bi idgeman. <la. »>f 41!
i.idford, of Weston Park, Slnfnal, I
rich, Birmingham. and 44, Lowndes Square,
S.\V. : entered R.A. l88o, apt 1888,
and retired 1889; is a 1 P. and D.L. for Lincoln-
shire, a J. P. for Suffolk, a ('< ■■im.tn
Ik. Hon. I >nd a
Water, and Dock and
Railway Cos. ; appointed >' Civil lord of the Ad-
miral - o, Sec. to the '903»
gain Civil Lord of the Admfralh In Ni
s I ■■ . V : s„|T,,lk
July 1895 to Jan. 1906. when lie was defeated ; has sat I >r Mid, or ("helms-
1st, I908.
> . Rihv r.rovr. C.rinuby,
nshiff. CI*
Truth prevails.
C. E. PRICE (Edinburgh, Central Division)
Cha on of the late William Pri< e, oi v
WestoaRhvn, Salop, bv nil rine; b. Oct. 10th, iS>
one of the ; of the firm
ni which he retired 1901 : sometime
ral Asso. ; is a Director of The Century Insurance
Co. (Limited), Hon. Pres. Young Scots So., and a J.P. ; appointed a Member
of Govt. Committee to enquire into employment for disabled Soldiers and
Sailors 1915. A Liberal ; has sat for Central Div. of Edinburgh since
Jan. 1 6th, 1906.
Residettces— 10, Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh ; 133, Harley Street, W. Clubs—
Kiform, National Liberal, Scottish Liberal.
SIR ROBERT J. PRICE (Norfolk, Eastern Division).
Robert John Price, son of the late Edward Price, of Belle
Vue House, Highgate, N., by Elvina Eliza, da. of E. Mountford; />. April
26th, 1854; ed. at Cholmeley Sch., Highgate, and at Univ. Coll. Hospital;
M.R.C.S.E. 1876: vi. 1881, Eva Montgomery, da. of the late Jasper Wilson
Johns, M.P. for N.-E. Warwickshire; Bar. Middle Temple 1883; Knt.
1908. A Liberal; has sat for E. Div. of Norfolk since July 13th, 1892.
Residences— 6, Sussex Mansions, S. Kensington, S.W. ; The Thatched House, Wroxham,
Norfolk; Bank, Lyndhur>t. Club— National Liberal.
Arthur Priestley, youngest surviving son of the late Briggs
Priestley, J.P. (sometime M.P. for Yorkshire, W. Riding, E. Part, Pudsey
Div.), of Ferncliffe. Apperley Bridge, near Bradford ; b. 1864; ed. privately;
is a J.P. for Grantham (Mayor 1914-17) and for Lincolnshire; Knt. 1911.
A Liberal ; unsuccessfully contested S. Kesteven, or Stamford, Div. of Lincoln-
shire March 1890, and in 1S92 and 1895 ; has sat for Grantham since Oct.
2nd, 1900.
Residence— Hungerton Hall, Grantham. Club — Bath.
SIR WILLIAM E. B. PRIESTLEY (Bradford, East Division).
William Edwin Briggs Priestley, el. surviving son of the late
Briggs Priestley, J.P. (sometime M.P. for Yorkshire, W. Riding, E. Part, Pudsey
Div.), of Ferncliffe, Apperley Bridge, near Bradford ; b. April 12th, 1859 ; ed.
privately, and at Harrogate : m. 1883, Ruth, da. of the iate Joseph Craven,
J.P. (sometime M.P. for Yorkshire, W. Riding, N. Part, Shipley Div.), of
Ashfield, Thornton, near Bradford; is a J.P. of Bradford City, first Chm. of
its Education Committee, and Chm. of Directors of Priestleys (Limited), dress
goods manufacturers ; was Member of Executive of National Liberal Federation
1901-3, Mayor of Bradford 1904-5, and Pres. of Textile Institute 1913, I9I4>
and 1915 ; Knt. 1909. A Liberal; has sat for E. Div. of Bradford since Jan.
13th, 1906, having been defeated there 1900.
Residences — Queen Anne's Mansions, S.W. ; Rosemount House, Bradford ; Littledale
Hall, Caton, near Lancaster. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Ranelagh, Royal
W. M. R. PRINQLE (Lanarkshire, North- West Division).
William Mather Rutherford Pringle, son of the late George
Pringle, of Glasgow, by Elizabeth, da. of John Mather, of Houndslow,
Berwickshire; b. Jan. 22nd, 1874; ed. at Garnethill Sch., Glasgow, and at
Glasgow Univ. (M.A. 1st class Honours in History and 2nd class Honours
in Classics 1896, LL.B. 1900): m. 1906, Lilias Patrick, da. of Joseph
Sommerville, of Glasgow; Bar. Middle Temple 1904; is a Member of
Executive of Scottish Liberal Council, and Pres. of Glasgow Students' Repre-
sentative Council of the Dialectic So., and of University Liberal Club. A
Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Camlachie Div. of Glasgow Jan. 1906;
has sat for N.-W. Div. of Lanarkshire since Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residence— \i, Enmore Road, Putney, S.W. Chambers— \, Garden Court, Temple,
EX. Clubs— National Liberal, Eighty, Glasgow Liberal.
RIGHT HON. R. E. PROTHERO (Oxford University).
Rowland Edmund Prothf.ro, P.C.% M.V.O., third son of the
late Rev. Canon Prothero, R. of YVhippingham ; b. Sept. 6th, 1852; ed. at
Marlborough, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1876, M.A. 1878); Fellow
of All Souls' Coll. 1875-91 : m. 1st, 1891, Mary Beatrice, who d. 1899, da.
of John Bailward, of Horsington Manor, Somerset ; 2ndly, 1902, Barbara,
da. of Lieut. -Col. C. O. Hamley ; Bar Middle Temple 1878 ; is Agent-in-Ch.
to Duke of Bedford ; appointed a Member of Roy. Commn. on Railways
191 3, and of Gov. Body of Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, and
Pres. of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries in National Min. Dec. 1916 ;
is a J. P. for London and Bedfordshire ; edited Quarterly Review 1894-9 ;
author of " A Private Memoir of 11. K.I I. Prince Henry of Battenl>erg," " Life
and Correspondence of Dean Stanlev," '• Letters and Journals of Lord Byron,"
"The Psalms in Human Life," "The Pleasant Land of France," " English
Farming. Past and Present," etc. ; revised "Life of Queen Victoria " (Holmes) ;
M.V.O. (4th class) 1901, P.C. 1916. A Conservative; has sat for Oxford
Univ. since June 30th, 1914.
Residences-^, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W. ; Oakley House, Oakley, Beds. Clubs-
New University, Athenzum, Carlton, Ranelagh.
COL. E. PRYCE-J0NE3 [see Jonesl.
MAJOR 8IR (W. E.) CUTHBERT QUILTER, Bt. (Suffolk. South, or Sudbury.
(William Eley) Cuthbert Quilter, 2nd
Baronet, el. son of Sir (William) Cuthbert Quilter, 1st
Bt., of Bawdsey Manor, Woodbridge, Suffolk, and
28, South Street, Park Lane, W., by Mary, da of the
late John Wheeley Bevington, of Worcester and Brigh-
ton ; b. July 17th, 1873; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin-
Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1896) : m. 1899, tne Hon. Gwynedd
Douglas- Pennant, da. of 2nd Baron Penrhyn ; is a Staff-
< apt. and Railway Transport Officer, and a J. I
Suffolk ; formerly Major Suffolk V.o. A (V
has sat for S., or Sudbury, Div. of Suffolk since
Jan. 19th, 1910.
P,UmuT^r gUt .W-MethersKAte Hall. Woodbridge, Suffolk. Cluit-
changer. Boodle., Carlton.
P. W. RAFFAN 1 Lancashire. Bouth-West, Leigh Divis;
Petei Wilson Ruian, sou of Tan n, «>f Al>erdeen; b.
;th. 1863 : ///. 1890, Margaret Weir, of Dumfries ; KNMtiflM Managing
rioting Co. ( Limited X ad publishers; is
I Council • I l'm\. < oil., I ot Coort of Covs. of Univ.
Monmouthshire, an Alderman and Chm. of Parlia-
mentary Committee of Moomoathshfo Urban
■ BngUad and Wales, Vio IM)OatitthiN
nl\ has sat for I.e:gh Div. of Lancaslm - W h M < -Jan. 20th, 1910.
Res , South \M, Club— National Liberal.
SIR JOHN S. RANDLES (Manchester, North-West Division),
John Scurrah Randlks, son of
the Rev. Marshall Randies, D.D., some-
time Professor ol Theology ill Wesleyan
Coll., Didsbury, by Sarah Dewhirst, da.
of John Scurrah, of Padiham, Lancashire;
b. Dec. 25th, 1857 ; ed. at Woodhouse
Grove Sch., near Leeds : m. 1885. Eliza*
beth Hartley, da. of Robert Spencer, of
Bolton, Lancashire ; is an Ironmaster, a
J. P. for Cumberland, a Director of Furness
Railway Co., of Cleator and Workington
Junction Railway Co., of Cockermouth,
Keswick, and Penrith Railway Co., and
of Star Assurance So., and Chm. of Work-
ington Harbours and Dock board, and of
Workington Iron and Steel Co. (Limited) ;
Knt. 1905. A Conservative ; sat for
Cockermouth Div. of Cumberland Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906, when he was
defeated ; re-elected Aug. 3rd, 1906 and Jan. 19th, 1910 ; again defeated
there Dec. 1910 ; elected for N.-W. Div. of Manchester Aug. 9th, 1912.
Residence — Bristowe Hill, Keswick, Cumberland. Clubs— Constitutional, Carlton,
Royal Automobile.
CAPT. J. S. RANKIN (Liverpool, E. Toxteth Division).
James Stuart Rankin; b. 1880; is Capt, R.F.A
during European War 1 914- 17. A Conservative
of Liverpool since Feb. 21st, 19 16.
Residences — 10, Nortb Street, Westminster, S.W. ; St. Michael's Mount, Southwood
Road, Toxteth Park, Liverpool.
has sat for E. Toxteth Div.
MAJOR SIR HERBERT H. RAPHAEL, Bt. (Derbyshire, Southern Division).
Herbert Henry Raphael, 1st Baronet,
el. surviving son of the late Henry Louis Raphael,
of 31, Portland Place, W., by his first cousin.
Henrietta, da. of John Raphael ; b. Dec. 23rd, 1859 ;
ed. in Germany and Switzerland, and at Trin. Hall.
Camb. (B.A. and LL.B. 1880) : ;//. 1884, Rosalie,
only da. of G. F. Coster, J. P., of Upper Chines,
Shanklin, Isle of Wight ; Bar. Inner Temple
1883 ; is a Gov. of Guy's Hospital, a Trustee of
National Portrait Gallery, and a J.P. for Essex
and Derbyshire; enlisted in Roy. Fusiliers (City
of London Regt.) and became Lance Corporal;
raised two Batns. King's Roy. Rifle Corps, now
Major (second in command); sometime a Member
of London and Kssex County Councils; cr. a
Baronet 191 1. A Liberal; unsuccessfully con-
tested S., or Romford, Div. of Essex July 1892
and Jan. 1897, and N. Div. of St. Pancras 1895 ;
has sat for S. Div. of Derbyshire since Jan. 20th, 1906, having been defeated
there Oct. 1900.
Seat— Hockley Sole, Capel-in-le-Ferne, near Folkestone. Clubs— Royal Automobile.
Portland Reform.
shire, Burton Division)
Robert Frederick Ratcliff,soii of
the late Robert Ratcliff, of Newton Solney,
Derbyshire ; b. 1867 ; ed. at Rossall. and
.it Jescn Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1891); is a
Director of Bass, Katcliff, and Cretton,
brewers. of Barton, and Lieut-. Col.
1 V. I >. ) Prince of Wales's (N. Staffordshire
Regt.) ; served during European War
1914-16 (despatches, C.M.G.) ; C.M.C.
1916. A Liberal Unionist ; has sat for
Burton Div. of Staffordshire since Oct.
8th, 1900.
Residence — Newton Park, Burton-on-Trent.
Clubs — Brooks's, Devonshire.
J. F. P. RAWLINSON (Cambridge University \
John Frederick Peel Rwvi.inson, K. C, youngest son of the late
Sir Christopher Rawlinson, Cl>. Justice of Madras, by Georgina Maria, da. of
the late Alexander Radclyffe Sidebottom ; b. Dec. 21st, 1S60 ; ed. at Eton, and
at Trin. Coll., Camb. (LL M. i>t class Law Tripos 1882) ; Bar. Inner Temple
1884, a K.C 1897, and a Bencher 1907 ; - iS i . Circuit ; sometime Lecturer
Slid Bxenrinct in Law el Pembroke Coll., Camb. ; represented Treasury
in Inquiry into Jameson Raid 1896; is ■ Member of Gen. Council of the
Bar, a J. P. for Cambridgeshire, and Corny, of Cambridge Univ.; has been
Recorder of Cambridp .1898. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully con-
[pewicll I >ct. 1900; has sat for Cambridge Univ. since Jan. 18th, 1906.
Chambers— >. < m*n Office Row, Temple. E.C. Clubs— Carlton, United Univn«.n\.
Isthmian. I'm.
COL. R. H. RAWSON (Surrey, South-Eastern, or Relgate, Division)
bard Hamilton K.wvson, el. son of the late Philip Rawson,
J. P., D I... of vYoodho (, by Octavia, da. of Patrick ( iilmour, J . P..
of The I Londonderry ; b. Feb. 21st, 1863; I ton, and at
rose Coll., Oxford : m. 1890, Lady Beatrh <
Lichfield; form-ily Cant 1 T.D ),
I l\ end I I P. lot Stl < ( Sheriff 1899). A National Member ; has
sat foi te, Div. ol Surrey since Jan. 24th, 1910, having been
•d there Jan. 1906.
Residences— -61, Cadogan Square, S.W. ; Cravenhumt, Rolney, S Inbt —
Carlton, Bachelors, Arthurs, Royal Automobile.
W. R. REA (Scarborough)
Wall on of the Reg, P.C.
M. p f.i South Shi« ;
»lj ed. at Unt\ odon,
and ebroad : m. 1896, Evelyn, da of J I efuirtu
shipowner; mmetime Parliamentary Sec (nopal
Board ( 1 1. Lewis, Ml
rel Whip since 1915. A Liberal \ has sat I
1 ;th. 1906.
Reu I tough,
M REDDY « King's County. Birr Division).
bai 1 Ki DDl : b. 18 Chip, of 1
co. Urban Diet ( '..mud. A Nationalist; has Ml f King's co.
since Oct. 9th. 190a
Rttidtnee— Shannonbridge.' King's CO.
J. E. REDMOND (Waterford City).
John Edward Redmond, el. son of the late William Archer
Redmond, M.P. for Wexford Borough, by Mary, el. da. of the late Major
K. II. Hoey, of Hoeyfield, co. Wicklow, and formerly of 6ist Regt. ; b.
Sept. 1st, 1856 ; ed. at Clongowes Wood Coll., and at Triii. Coll., Dublin ;
Bar. Gray's Inn 1886 : m. 1883, Johanna, youngest da. of James Dalton,
of Orange, New South Wales (of the firm of Dalton Bros., Sydney, N.S.
Wales, and formerly of Duntryleague, co. Limerick) ; is Pies, of National
Directory of United Irish League, and Chm. of the Irish Party in House of
Commons. A Nationalist ; sat for New Ross Jan. 31st, 1881, to Nov. 1885,
and for N. Wexford Div. of co. Wexford Dec. 1885 to Oct. 1891 ; has sat for
Waterford City since Dec. 23rd, 1891.
Residences — 18, Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington, W. ; 8, Leeson Park. Dublin. Club —
Union (Wexford).
CAPT. W. A. REDMOND (Tyrone Co., East Tyrone Division).
William Archer Redmond, D.S.O., son of John Edward Red-
mond (M.P. for Waterford), of 8, Leeson Park, Dublin, and 18, Wynnstay
Gardens, Kensington, W., by Johanna, da. of James Dalton, of Orange, New
South Wales ; b. Oct. 16th, 1886 ; ed. at Clongowes Wood Coll., co.
Kildare, and at Univ. Coll., Dublin ; B.A. Roy. Univ. of Dublin 1906 ; Bar.
King's Inns, Dublin, 1910; appointed a Member of Select Committee on
Marconi Agreement 1912 ; is Capt. Irish Guards (Reserve) ; served during
European War 1916-17 (D.S.O.) ; D.S.O. 1917. A Nationalist; elected for
E. Tyrone Div. of Tyrone co. Dec. 16th, 1910.
Residence— Aughavanagh, Aughrim, co. Wicklow. Club — Leinster (Dublin).
6. C. REES (Carnarvonshire, Northern, or Arfon, Division).
Griffith Caradoc Rees, son of the late Griffith Rees; b. 1868 ;
Bar. Middle Temple 1905 ; appointed Private Sec. to Sec. of State for
Home Depart. 19 1 5. A Liberal '; has sat for N., or Arfon, Div. of Carnarvon-
shire since July 191 5.
Residence— 92, Ashley Gardens, S.W.i. Chambers— $, Elm Court, Temple, E.C.
SIR JOHN DAVID REES (Nottingham, East Division).
John David Rees, K. CLE.,
C.V.O.y son of the late Lodowick
William Rees, of Cheltenham ; b.
Dec. 16th, 1854; ed. at Chelten-
ham Coll. : in. 1891, the Hon.
Mary Catherine, sister of 13th
Baron Dormer ; entered I.C.S.
1875, an<l tecame Under Sec. to
Madras Govt. ; sometime Govt.
Translator in Tamil, Telugu, Per-
sian, and Hindustani, H.S. Arabic,
and Russian Interpreter ; has been
Private Sec. to successive Govs,
of Madras (Right Hon. Sir M. E.
Grant-Duff, Lord Connemara, and
Lord Wenlock) Dist. Magistrate,
Civil and Sessions Judge, Dep.-
Registrar, High Court, Madras,
British Resident in Travancore and
Cochin, and Additional Member 01
Council of Gov. -Gen. of India ; re-
tired 1900; is a J. P. for Middlesex,
Chm. of British Central Africa Co.
(Limited), and of Liberian [Rubber Corporation (Limited), Director of S.
Indian, Shire Highland. Bengal Dooars, and Central of Chulmt Ratlw
Port Madryn (Argentina), of Mysore, Champion Reef, and Oregum Gold
Mining Cos.. of Consolidated Tea and Lands Co. ( Limited), of Amalgamated
Tea Estates Co. (Limited), of Anglo-American Direct Tea Trading Co.
(Limited), and of Kanan Devan Hills Produce Co. (Limited), and a Member
of Order of St. Stanislaus of Russia ; appointed Director of Prisoners of War
Information Bureau 191 5 ; author of " Tours in India,"' "The Mahomedans,"
"The Real India," "Modern India," "Current Political Problems," etc.
An Unionist; sat as M.P. for Montgomery Dist. Jan. 1906 to Nov. 1910 (as a
Liberal Imperialist) ; unsuccessfully contested Kilmarnock Dist. (as Unionist)
Sept. 191 1 ; has sat for K. Div. of Nottingham since April 19th, 1912 ; cr.
1890, C.V.O. 1908, K.C.I.E. 1910.
Residence — Aylwards Chase, Stanmore. Offices— 3, Thames House, Queen Street
Place, E.C. ; 6, Thurland Street, Nottingham. Clubs — Travellers', Carlton, Bachelors'.
RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE H. REID (St. George, Hanover Square).
George Houstoun Reid, G.C.B., G C.A/.G., son of the Rev.
John Reid, a Presbyterian Minister ; b. Feb. 251I1, 18^45 '> Hon. D.C.L., Oxford
1897, Hon. LL.D., Adelaide 1914 : m 1891, Dame Flora, G.H.E., da. of
John Bromby, of Thornton, Cressy, Tasmania; Par. N.S. Wales 1879. K.C.
18 — , and an Hon. Bencher, Middle Temple 191 5 ; was in Treasury, N.S.
Wales 1864-78, Sec. to Attorney-Gen. 1878-9, Min. of Public Instruction in
N v Walts 1883-4, and Colonial Treasurer and Premier 1894-9 ; first entered
\ - Wales Legislative Assembly 1880; re-elected 1882, 1885, 1887, 1889,
1891, 1894, 1895 and 1898 ; Member for E. Sydney and sometime Leader of
Opposition in Federal Parliament, and Premier and Min. of State for External
Affairs in Commonwealth of Australia 1904-5, and High Commr. for Com-
monwealth of Australia in London 1910-15 ; appointed Pres. of Australasian
Chaml>er of Commerce in London 1913. A Liberal Unionist ; has sat for St.
George, Hanover Square, since Jan. nth, 1916 ; P.C. 1897, K.C.M.G. 1909.
G.C.M.G. 1911, G.C.B. (Civil) 1915.
Residence-x. Melbury Road, \V. CtutU ftlhwilUW. Royal Societies', British Empire.
LIEUT-COL SIR JAMES F. REMNANT. Bt. (Flnsbury. Holbora Divisions
James Farquharaon Remnant, isl Baronet, son of the late
Frederick William Remnant, of Southwold, Suffolk ;/'. 1863 : Marrow,
and at Magdalen Coll., Oxford B A. l88|); Bar. Lincoln* Inn 1S86: w 1892,
France* Emily, da nf the late I "i\^;
was a Meml>er of LonkMi Coanty Council 1892-1901, 1 Memh
('MiiiniihT 11 ..1 Land Value (ScoUand) 191 j Cotainn. on
an<l Inland Navigation 1906-10, an<l o(
Day of Rest 1908-9: fl t 191 7. A Co>. . has sat for Hot*
horn Div. of I'uisl.iiry simc March 23rd, 1900.
Residence— The G rani;- 'i<itut*rs — .\
A. RENDALL (Gloucestershire. Southern, or Thornbury. Division).
Atlu-lst.m ki ndai 1 . ton <>t the late I ;
Ailing • laston-
bury: b. Nov. 16th, 1871 ; cd. at Cattle Howell 8eb . I^incasicr, and at
r. 1897, Amy Laura, <
•h ; admin. r 1894;
is a Memlx <»/; has sat for S., or
Thornbury, DCC Jan. 26th, 1906.
Resident— "W\t Knoll, Yeovil, S"m»r*et. Clmhs— Reform, National liberal, Cobdea,
RIGHT HON. T. RICHARDS (Monmouthshire, West Division).
Thomas Richards, P.C, son of Thomas Richards, of Beaufort,
Breconshire; b. June 8ih, 1859; ed. at British Sch., Beaufort: »i. 1880,
.Elizabeth Thomas of Beaufort ; commenced life as a pit worker: is Gen. Sec.
of S. Wales Miners' Federation, a County Alderman for Monmouthshire,
a J. P. for Breconshire and Monmouthshire, a Gov. and Manager of Ebbw
Vale County Sch.. and a Gov. of Cardiff Univ. Coll. Board; P.C. 1918. A
Labour Member ; has sat for W. Div. of Monmouthshire since Nov. 3rd, 1904.
Residence— 31, Ninian Road, Roath Park, Cardiff.
A. H. H. RICHARDSON (CamberweU, Peckham Division).
Albion Henry Herbert Richardson, son of the late James
Henry Richardson, by Elizabeth Matilda Richardson; b. Oct. 2nd, 1874: ed.
privately, and in France and Germany; admitted a Solicitor 1899; Bar.
Gray's Inn 1912. A Liberal \ elected for Peckham Div. of CamberweU
Dec. 3rd, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Residence— 5, Portman Mansions, York Place, W. Clubs— Eighty, Reform.
A. RICHARDSON (Yorkshire, W. Riding, S. Part, Rotherham Division).
Arthur Richardson, son of the late William Richardson, of
East Bridgford, Notts; b. Feb. 5th, i860; ed. at E. Bridgford National Sch.,
and at Magnus Gram. Sch., Newarlc-on-Trent : m. 1886, Frances Whitby ; is
a Member of the firm of Arthur Richardson and Son, tea merchants, of Not-
tingham, and a J. P. for Notts. A Labour Member) sat for S. Div. of Not-
tingham Jan. 1906 to June 1910 ; elected for Yorkshire, W. Riding, S. Part,
Rotherham Div., Feb. 5th, 1917.
Residence— \t, Park Valley, Nottingham.
T. RICHARDSON (Whitehaven).
Thomas Richardson, son of Robert Richardson, of Usworth
Colliery, by his wife, Margaret; b. June 6th, 1868; is a Check Weigher at
Washington Colliery, Durham, a Member of Miners' Executive of Durham,
Vice-Chm. of Northumberland Miners' Permanent Relief Fund, and of Durham
Coal Conciliation Board, and a County Councillor for Durham. A Labour
Member; elected for Whitehaven Dec. 6th, 1910.
Residence- 29, Lancaster Park, Richmond, Surrey.
Eastern Part, Osgoldcross Division).
Joseph Compton Compton- Rickett, P.C.x el. son of the
late Joseph Rickett, of Barham House, East Hoathly, Sussex, by Cordelia Jane,
da. of the late Edmund Dunn ; b. Feb. 13th, 1847 ; ed. at King Edward VI.
Gram. Sch., Bath, and privately : m. 1868, Catharine Sarah, da. of the late
Rev. Henry John Gamble, of Upper Clapton, N.E. ; was Pres. of National
Council of Evangelical Free Churches 1915-16; is a D.L. for North Riding
of Yorkshire ; was Chm. Congregational Union of England and Wales 1907 ;
formerly Chm. of Rickett, Cockerell and Co. (Limited) ; interested in milling;
appointed Paymaster-Gen. in National Min. Dec. 1916, and Charity Commr.
1917 ; author of "Origins and Faith," "The Christ that is to be," "The
Quickening of Caliban," and numerous journalistic contributions ; assumed by
deed poll 1907 the additional surname of Compton (confirmed by Roy. license
1908); Knt. 1907, P.C. 191 1. A Liberal; sat for Scarborough July 1895 to
Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Osgoldcross Div. of E. Part of VV. Riding of Yorkshire
since Jan. 26th, 1906.
Residence— Wingfield, Bournemouth. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
Charles Henry Roberts, son of the Rev. A. J. Roberts,
formerly V. of Tidebrook, Sussex, by Ellen, da. of the Rev. K. II. Wace,
.>! Wadhnrst, Sussex ; b. Aug. 22nd, 1865 ; ed. at Marlborough, and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford (Scholar, H.A. 1S90," M.A. 1893): m. 1891, Lady
Cecilia Maude Howard, dau. of 9th Earl of Carlisle; sometime Fellow and
Tutor ot Exeter Coll., and Tutor of Balliol Coll., Oxford ; is a J.l\ for Cum-
berland ; appointed ■ Commr. of Lunacy (unpaid) 1909, Under-Sec. of State
for India Feb. 1914, and Comptroller of H.M.'s Household and Chm. of
National Health Insurance Joint Committee Jane 191 5. A Liberal; unsuccess-
fully contested \\ ednesbury 1895, Osgoldcross Div. of E. Part of W. Riding of
Yorkshire 1809, and Lincoln 1900 ; has sat for Lincoln since Jan. 15th, 19c*).
Residence— \o, Holland Park, W. Clubs — Brooks's, National Liberal.
George Henry Roberts, P.C , son of George Henry Roberts, of
42, Whitehall Road, Norwich ; b. July 27th, 1869; ed. at St. Stephen's Sch.,
Norwich, and at Technical Institute : m. 1895, Annie, da. of Horace Mar-
shall, of Norwich; elected a Member of the Norwich Sch. Board 1899'; is a
J. P. for Norwich, a Printer, Ch. Whip to Lalx>ur Party; appointed a
Junior Lord of the Treasury May 191 5, and Parliamentary Sec. to Labour Ad-
\u£. 1916, and to Board of Trade in National Min. Dec. 1916, and Min.
of Lal>our Aug. 1917 ; became Organizer of Typographical Asso. 1904 ; P.C.
1917. A Labour Member ; has sat for Norwich since Jan. 15th, 1906, having
been defeated there Jan. 1904.
Residences— (st Buckingham Street, W.C. ; 42, Whitehall Road, Norwich.
SIR J. HERBERT ROBERTS, Bt. (Denbighshire, Western Division).
John Herbert Roberts, ist BaroneU
el. mid of the late John Roberts (sometime Ml'
lint Dist.), of Bryngwenah, Abergele, N.
Wales, by Catharine 1 tutor, who d. 18S0, da.
Of the late Lev John Hughes, ot Lif tTDOOl J b.
Au^. Sth, lS<>;; ed. privately, and at Trin. Coll..
Camb. (H.A. Iionours ill History 1884): m. 1893,
Hannah RttahtOO, da ol the late William Spi
th Sidei < Haphan Common,
S.W. j 1 'enbi^lishiie, and PreS. ol
Afiglo-Indi appointed (. Inn.
to Wii-ii sfaaben in
tia veiled in the Col
and India 1884-5 : appointed a Memlier of Select
< otnmittce on Marconi Agreement t
iet 1908. A 1 w I»i\.
Dbigbshirc since July 18th, 1892.
Ren •
gwenallt, At»-> I Mull.
8IR SAMUEL ROBERTS Sheffield. Bcclesall Division 1.
Samuel Roi u the late Samuel Roberts, l.l\.
D I. . I8J2; ed. at 'Inn.
(B.A. 187;. M \ 1878): m. 1880.
late Ven. Archdci ney, V. of Shefh Inner Temple 1878; is
■ J.P for Sheffield (Lord Mayor 1899-1900), a D.L. for W. Riding, and
Dep. Chin, of its Quarter Sessions ; appointed a Member of Roy. Commn.
on Kiny's Bench 19 12, and of House of Commons Committee on National
Expenditure 1 917 : Kilt. 1917. A Conservative, unsuccessfully contested
High Peak Div. of Derbyshire 1900; has sat for Ecclesall Div. of Sheffield
since Feb. 3rd, 1902.
Residence — Queen's Tower, Sheffield. Clubs—' Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge.
RT. HON. J. M. ROBERTSON (Northumberland, Tyneside Divlsionl
John Mackinnon Robertson, P.C., son of John Robertson,
by a da. of John Mackinnon, of Brodick. Arran ; b. Nov. 14th, 1856 ; ed. at
Stirling : m. 1 893, Maude, da. of C. Mosher ; was Parliamentary Sec. to
Board of Trade Oct. 191 1 to May 1915 ; is an author and journalist: for-
merly editor of the National Reformer; P.C. 19 1 5. An Advanced Liberal ;
has sat for Tyneside Div. of Northumberland since Jan. 26th, 1906.
Residence— Knight's Place. Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. Club — National Liberal.
S. ROBINSON (Breconshire).
Sidney Robinson, son of the late John Robinson, of Backwell
House, Somerset ; b. Jan. 6th, 1863 ; ed. at Mill Hill Sch. : m. 1887,
Catherine Flora, da. of the late John Grant, of Cardiff; is a J.P. for Glamorgan
and Wilts. A Liberal; has sat for Breconshire since Jan. 24th, 1906.
Residence -l.ansdown Croft, Bath. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal.
W. F. ROCH (Pembrokeshire).
Walter Francis Roch, son of the late William Francis Roch,
of Putter Hill, Pembrokeshire, by Emily Catherine, da. of the late Walter
Powell ; /-.Jan. 20th, 1880 : m. 191 1, the Hon. Filorens Mary Ursula Herbert,
da. of 1st Baron Treowen, of Llanarth Court, Raglan, Monmouthshire,
Treowen, Monmouth, and LlansantrTread, Abergavenny; Bar. Middle Temple
1913 ; is a J.P. for co. Pembroke. A Liberal ; has sat for Pembrokeshire
since July 16th, 1908.
Residence — 24, Sloane Court, Chelsea, S.VV. Club — Reform.
MAJOR L N. DE ROTHSCHILD (Buckinghamshire, Mid, or Aylesbury,
I Ji Lionel Nathan de Rothschild,
%X \MjF<j|ljB O.B.E., son of the late Leopold de
4ftg»yfj|W emfc Rothschild, C.V.O., of Ascott. Leighton
Buzzard, Gunnersbury Park. Acton, and
5, Hamilton Place, W„ by Marie, da. of
the late Mons. Achille Perugia* of Trieste;
b. Jan. 25th. 1882 ; ed. at Marrow, and
at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1903, M.A.
1908) : vi. 1912, Marie Louise Eugenie,
da. of the late Edmund Beer ; is Major
Yeo., Mil. Representative on City of Lon-
don Tribunal (despatches), a J.P. for
Bucks, and member of the firm of N. M.
Rothschild and Sons, merchants, of New Court, St. Swithin's Lane, E.C. ;
appointed a Parliamentary Private Sec. to Min. of National Ser. 1917 ; O.B.E.
191 7. A Liberal Unionist ; has sat for Mid, or Aylesbury, Div. of Bucks since
Jan. 25th, 1910.
Residence— 46, Pirk Street, W.
J. ROWLANDS (Kent, North-Western, or Dartford. Division .
James Rowlands, son of \V. B. Rowlands ; b. Oct. ist, 1851 ;
ed. at Working Men's Coll., Greet Ormond Street, W.C. : m. 1879, Kate,
who d. 1005, da. of Joseph Boyden ; is Hon. Sec. of the Land Law Reform
Asso., and a Freeman of the Goldsmiths' Co. A Liberal ; sat tor K Div. of
Finsbury July 1886 to July 1895 ; defeated there Nov. 1855. n.H July 1895 J
sat for N.-W., or Dartford, Div. of Kent Jan. 1906 t> Jin. 1910, when he
was defeated there ; re-elected Dec. 14th, 19 10.
Residence— 119, Mercer's Road, Tufnell Park, N.io. Office- 8, Buckingham Street,
St. and, W.C.2. Club— National Liberal.
A. S. ROWNTREE (York City).
Arnold Stephenson Rowntree, son of the late John Stephenson
Kowntree, of York, by Elizabeth Hotham ; b. Nov. 28th, 1872 ; ed. at
Friends' Sch., Bootham : m. 1907, Mary Katharine, da. of William Harvey,
of Leeds : i^ a Director of Rowntree and Co. (Limited), cocoa manufacturers,
ih of Fngland Newspaper Co. (Limited), and of 1 he Aa/ioti, and Hon.
Sec. National Adult Sch. Council. A Libera/; has sat for York City since
Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— Chalfonts, York. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal.
LIEUT. COL. E. ROYDS Lincolnshire, North Kesteven, or Sleaford. Division).
Edmund Royds, son of the late Rev. Francis Con 1 man Royds
rly R. of Coddir^ton, Hon. Canon of Chester), by Cornelia Frances, da.
of the late Canon G. B. Blomfield, of MoittagtOfl Hill, Cheshire; 6,
i860; ed at Hailt-ybuiy : m. 1889, Rfti . -la. of the late Col. Francis
Aw^ustu^ lane : admitted a Solicitor 1SS2 : is M.ijor Yeo.. Lieut Col. C« iixlt.
nshire Vol., a partner in the legal firm oi l\..\.:>. Rawstoreeai
of 46, Bedford Square, W.C, and a Director ol The I tland.
A Conservative; has sat for N. Kesteven, or Sleaford, Div. of Lincolnshire
since Jan. 20th, 19IO.
Residence— Holy Croat, Caythorpe, near Grantham. Clubs— Carlton, (Jd
Walter Runcimw. / child of
i.i. oi ibe late John I itlakemoor,
Nortbamb i Nh, iS7o;ed.at I
1 1'.
neater 1910: m. 1898. Hilda, 5th da. •
late Jai
tunc a partner in the shipping firm ol Walter
Rttnciman and • aging
the Moot nited) ; is a j.l\
.rthumlK-tl.iud ; wis Parliamentary Sec. to
c 1905 to Jan. 1907, and
c to the Treasury Ian. 1907 to April
1908, I'rev of Board of Education 1908- 1 1, Free.
of Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, and Commr. of H.M.'s Woods, Forests,
and Land Revenue 1911-14, and Pres. of Board of Trade 1914-16; P.C. 1908.
A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Gravesend 1898; sat for Oldham July
1899 to Sept. 1900, when he was defeated; has sat for Dewsbury since Jan.
28th, 1902.
Residences— %, Barton Street, Westminster, S.W.
Clubs— Reform, Brooks's.
Doxford, Chathill, Northumberland.
Sir Walter Runciman, 1st Baronet,
son of the late Walter Runciman, of Dunbar, by
Jean, el. da. of the late John Finlay, of Dunbar ;
l>. July 6th, 1847: m. 1868, Ann Margaret, elder
da. of the late John Lawson, of Blakemoor,
Northumberland; is a J. P. for City and County
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and for cos. Durham
and Northumberland, head of the firm of Walter
Runciman and Co. (Limited), shipowners, of
Newcastle and London, an original Member
of the Merchant Shipping Advisory Committee
of the Board of Trade, a Member and Chm. of
various other shipping organisations, and a Tyne
Improvement Commr. ; was Chm. of North of
England Steamship Owners' Asso. 1906, a
Member of Depart. Committee on Boy Seamen
1 906 -7, and Pres. of Chamber of Shippingof United
Kingdom 1910-11 ; author of ''Windjammers
and Sea Tramps." " The Shellback's Progress,"
Looking Seaward Again," " The Tragedy of St. Helena," etc. ; cr. a Baronet
19C6. A Liberal) has sat for Hartlepool since Sept. 22nd, 1914.
Residence; — Fernwood House, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Shoreston Hall, Chathill, North-
umberland. Clubs — National Liberal, Reform, Royal Victoria Yacht, Royal Thames
Yacht, Union, Liberal (Newcastle-on-Tyne).
RIGHT HON. SIR THOMAS W. RUSSELL, Bt. (Tyrone CO., North Tyrone
Thomas Wallace Russell, P.C,
1st Barpmty son of David Russell, of Cupar,
Fife, by Isabella, da. of Henry Wallace, of
Cupar, Fife; b. Feb. 18th, 1841 ; ed. at
Madras Acad., Cupar : m. 1st, 1865, Harriet
Wentworth, who d. 1894, da. of Thomas
Agnew, of Dungannon ; 2ndly, 1 896, Martha,
da. of the late Lieut. -Col. H. Keown, of
Castleroe, co. Derry ; is a J. P. for CO.
Dublin ; was Parliamentary Sec. to Local
Govt. Hoard July 1895 to Nov. 1900; has
been Vice-Pres, of Depart, of Agriculture,
Ireland since May 1907 ; cr. P.C. (Ireland)
1908, and a Baronet 1017. A Liberal; un-
successfully contested Preston 1885 ; sat for
S. Tyrone Div. of Tyrone co. July 1886 to
Jan. 1910, when he was defeated : elected
for N. Tyrone Div. of Tyrone co. Oct. 6th,
191 1.
Residence— Olney, Terenure, Dublin.
COL. SIR JOHN RUTHERFORD, Bt. (Lancashire, North-East, Darwen- Division).
John Rutherford, \st Baronct%
son of John Rutherford, J. P., of Blackburn
and Summerhill, Annan, Dumfriesshire,
by Mary, da. of John Little, of Chapel
Knowe, Dumfriesshire; b. Sept. 16th,
1854 ; ed. at Lancaster Roy. Gram. Sch.,
and at Glasgow Univ. ; ii a J. P. for Black-
burn and Dumfriesshire, and a D.L. for
Lancashire ; formerly Lieut. -Col. and Hon.
Col. Comdg. Yeo. (T.D.); was Mayor of
Blackburn 1888-9 : ""• ■ Baronet 1916. A
Conservative ; sat for Darwen Div. of Lan-
cashire (North-East) July 1895 to Jan. 19 10,
when he was defeated there ; re-elected
Dec. 8th, 1910.
Residences — Beard wood, Blackburn ; Sum-
merhill, Annan. Clubs— Carlton, Boodle's,
SIR WILLIAM W. RUTHERFORD (Liverpool, West Derby Division).
William Watson Rutherford, el. son of the late William
Rutherford, of Liverpool ; b. 1853 ; ed. at Merchant Taylors' Sch. ; admitted
Solicitor 1875 : '"• 1878* Llspeth, who d. 1914, da. of the late Capt. Alex-
ander Strachan ; i^ bead of the legal film of Rutherford and Co., of 48,
Cannon Street, K.C., and a J. P. for Liverpool : was Lord Mayor of Liver-
pool 1902-3; Knt. 1018. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Scotland
1 Liverpool 1900 (reducing majority to less than 600) ; has sat for W.
Derby htv. ot Liverpool since Jan. 20th, 1903.
Residence— Boxdale, Walton-on-theHill, Surrey. Club— Carlton.
RIGHT HON. H. L. SAMUEL (Yorkshire, North Riding, Cleveland Division).
Herbert Louis SAMUEL, /'.C, son of the late Edwin I.. Samuel,
ly head of the firm of Samuel Montagu and Co.. bankers ; /'. Nov. 6th,
1870; ed. at P.alliol Coll.. Oxford (B.A. 1893, M.A. 1897): m. 1897,
Beatrice, youn^t da. of the late Lllis Abiahaui Franklin, of 35. I\>i
ippointed 1 "f State fa Home Depart. Dec.
1905, Chancellor oi the istei (whh a seat hi the Cabinet) June
1909, Postmastei 10, Pres. of Local Govt. Board Feb. 1914,
and again Postmaster-Gen. May 1915, and again Chancellor of Duchy of Lan-
caster (with a seat in the Cabinet) 1915 ; was Sec. of State I 1 >epart.
Tan. to Dec. 1916, and Chm. of Select Committee oi H nunons on
Nation /mi' [917 b.arly Closing Asso. ; P.C.
1908 ; auth< m iples and Proposals," and " The War
unsuccessfully conte-
hire July 1895 and Oct. 1900 ; has sat for Clcvi ! EUdiag
of Yorkshire since Nov. 6th, 1902.
Re*. rrhester Terrace. Hyde Park, W.t.
RIGHT HON. SIR HARRY S. SAMUEL Lambeth. Norwood Division).
:y Simon Swini, P.C, son <>t ti 10 Simon
Samuel, of 30, Glouc tta Montefiore ; b.
Aug. ;i ae Coll., and unb. (B.A.
1875): m. 1878, Rose, da. of the late Edward Henry Bed<! rmerly
Capt. 1st Middlesex R.E. Vol. ; is a J. P. for co. Lond C. and
T. Field (Limited), and Chm. (sometime Hon. Treasurer) National Union of
Conservative Asso. (Metropolitan Div.); Knt. 1903, P.C. 1916. A Con-
servative ; sat for Limehouse Div. of Tower Hamlets July 1895 to [an. 1906;
defeated there 1892 and 1906 ; has sat for Norwood Div. of Lambeth since
Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residence— 3, Aldford Street, Park Lane. \V. Clubs— Carlton, Junior Carlton.
S. SAMUEL (Wandsworth).
Samuel Samuel, son of the late Marcus Samuel, of 18, Upper
Bedford Place, W. ; b. 1855 ; ed. privately ; is head of the firm of M.
Samuel and Co., bankers and general merchants, of 25-7, Bishopsgate, K.C.,
a Director of Capital and Counties Bank (Limited), of Anglo-Saxon Petroleum
Co. (Limited), of Standard Mutual Marine Insurance Co., of United Kingdom
Mutual Protection and Indemnity Asso., Director and Manager of Shell Tians-
port and Trading Co., and a Lieut, for City of London. A Conservative :
unsuccessfully contested W. Div. of Leeds Feb. 1906 and Jan. 1910, and
Sunderland Dec. 1910; has sat for Wandsworth since June 12th, 1913.
Residence— \, Berkeley House, Hay Hill, W. Clubs -Carlton, Portland, Royal
A. W. SAMUELS (Dublin University).
Arthur Warren Samuels, K.C., LL.D., son of Arthur Samuels,
of Langara, co. Dublin ; b. 1852 ; ed. at Roy. Sch., Dungannon, and at
Dublin Univ. (LL.D. 18 - ) : m. 1881, Emma, who d. 1904, da. of the Rev.
James William Irwin, of Sharon, co. Donegal ; Bar. King's inns, Dublin 1877,
a K.C. 1894, and Gray's Inn 1895, and Bencher 1900 ; appointed Permanent
Counsel, and Crown Prosecutor for Gen. Post Office, Ireland 1900, and
Solicitor-Gen. Sept. 1917 ; is Chancellor for Diocese of Down, Connor, and
Dromore, and Limerick, Ardfert and Aghadoe, and a J. P. for co. Dublin.
A Conservative; has sat for Dublin Univ. since Feb. 3rd, 191 7, having been
defeated there March 1903.
Residences— 13, Ely Place, Dublin ; Cloghereen, Howth, co. Dublin Club —
LIEUT. -COL. R. A. SANDERS (Somersetsnire, Bridgwater Division).
Robert Arthur Sanders, el. son of the late Arthur Sanders, of
Fernhill, Isle of Wight ; b. June 20th, 1867 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Balliol
Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1890, M.A. 1894) : ///. 1893, Lucy, da. of W. H. Ilalliday,
of Glenthorne, Devon ; Bar. Inner Temple 1892 ; sometime an Unionist Whip ;
is a J. P. for Devon and a J. P., a D.L., and a County Alderman for Somerset,
and Lieut.-Col. N. Devon Yeo. ; served with Mediterranean Expeditionary
>orce 1915-16. A Consei-vative ; sat for Bridgwater Div. of Somersetshire
since Jan. 20th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1906.
Residences— 150, St. James's Court, Buckingham Gate, S.VV. ; Wellfield, Brendon,
Devon ; Barwick House; Yeovil. Clubs — Carlton, Arthur's, Garrick.
CAPT. G. J. SANDYS (Somerset, Wells Division).
George John Sandys, son of the late James Sandys, of Slade
House, Stroud ; b. Sept. 23rd, 1875 5 cd. at Clifton Coll., and at Pembroke Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. Honours in History 1898, M.A. 1910): ///. 1905. Mildred Helen,
younger daughter of the late Duncan Cameron, of Springfield, Canterbury,
New Zealand ; formerly Capt. Glamorgan Yeo. ; is Capt. Household Cav. ;
served in S. Africa 1 899-1 901, with Glamorgan Yeo. (Queen's medal with
three clasps), and during European War 1914 (severely wounded). A
Conservative, unsuccessfully contested N.-E., or Launceston, Div. of Corn-
wall Jan. 1906, and S.-E., or Bodmin, Div thereof July 1906 ; has sat for
Wells Div. of Somerset since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residences— 37, Eaton Square, S.W. ; Hatherleigh House, Weston-super-Mare.
Clubs— Marlborough, Carlton, White's.
Philip Albert Gustave David Sas-
soon, C.M.G., 3rd Baronet, son of the late
Sir Edward Albert Sassoon, 2nd Bt. (M.I\
!•>! Hythe). of 25, Park Lane, W., Shorncliffe
Lodge, Sandgate, Kent, Trent Park, New
Parnet, Herts, Sans Souci, Bombay, and
Garden Reach, Poona, by Aline Caroline,
who d. 1909, da. of Baron Gustave de Roths-
child ; b. Dec. 4th, 1888 ; ed. at Eton, and
at Ch. Ch, Oxford ; is Capt. Veo., and a
Private Sec. (unpaid) on Personal Staff, with
rank of Major (C.M.G.) ; has Belgian Order
de la Couronne ; C.M.G. 1917. A Conserva-
tive', elected for Hythe June nth, 1912.
Residences — 25, Park Lane, W ; Belcaire,
Lympne, Kent ; Trent Park, New Barnet, Herts.
Clubs— Carlton, Hurlingham, Roehampton, Ranelagh,
Royal Automobile.
T. SCANLAN (Sligo County, North Sligo Division).
Thomas Scanlan, son of Matthew Scanlan ; b. 1874 : ;//. 18 — ,
ia of the late James Mullen, of Glasgow ; admitted Solicitor 1902 ;
ray's Inn, 1912. A Nationalist ; has sat for N. Div. of Sligo Co. since
Aug. 5th, 1909.
Residence— 110, Ashley Gardens, S.W. Chambers— 3, Brick Court, Temple. E.C.
A. M. SCOTT (Glasgow, Bridgeton Division).
Alexander MacCallum Scott, son of the late John Scott, fruit-
grower, of BotthOMe, Nantyrr, and Millhill, PoiflftOQt, Stirlingshire; 6.
June 16th, 1874; ed at I'uhuont Public Sdl., at Falkirk High Sch., and
i.M A. 1897) : m. 1910, Jessie Walker, el. da. of Dr. John
:\\ Scii. ; Iter. Middle Temple 1908 ;
a Member of Lewilhau B eoogfa CoODCil 1903-6, and
ntland) X909-10; ap-
pointed Parliamentary Private Sac to Min. qf Munitions (Rt. Hon. Winston
Churchill, MP.) 1 9 1 7 ; author of "The Truth About Tibet, 1 hrough
Kinlan ston Churchill in Peace and War." etc., etc. A Liberal;
elected foi Bridgeton Div. ofGlai sth, 1910.
Residence -no, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W. to. Clnbs -National Liberal, Glasgow
LESLIE F. 8C0TT Liverpool. Exchange Division).
SOOTT, A'.C, sun <>t the Lite Sir John Scott,
K.C.M.G., D.C. L., who rcoi
Edgcworth, da. of Frederic Hill ; b. Oct. 29th, 1869; ed. at Kughy, and at
New <
Cheltenham; Bar. Inn. • (de 1894. a 1909;
represented I vt. at [nternational Conference I aw at
'> 1909 and 1910 ; 1 Membei oi I >cpart. Committees to <;
■-1 Soklieri end Sailors, an
tldiers and Sailors after the Wei > Agri-
culture." A Conservative ; elected for Kxchange I c. 5th,
19>o. I B defeated there Jan. 1910.
> tenet— to, Egerton Terrace, S.W. j. Ctuis- Carlton United Univereity, Alpine.
MAJOR SIR SAMUEL E. SCOTT, Bt. (Marylebone, West Division).
Samuel Edward Scott, 6th Baronet, son of
the late Sir Edward Henry Scott, 5th Bt., of I.ytchett
Minster, Dorset, by Emilie, da. of the late Col. Henry
Packe, of Twyford Hall. East Dereham, and now wife
of 1st. Baron Farqahar; />. Oct. 25th, 1875; ed. at Eton,
and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst: in. 1896, Lady
Sophie Beatrix Mary, da. of 5th Earl Cadogan ; for-
merly Lieut. Roy. Horse Guards' ; is Hon. Lieut, in the
Army, a D.L. for Inverness-shire, Major Yeo., and
Major Household Cav. ; served in S. Africa 1900, with
Imperial Yeomanry; was Assist. Private Sec. (unpaid)
to Financial Sees, to War Office ( Lord Stanley, M.P.,
and Lieut.-Col. W. Bromley-Davenport. D.S.O., M.P.) 1901-5 ; appointed
Parliamentary and Personal Private Sec. to Sec. of State for War in National
Min. 1917. A Conservative', has sat for W. Div. of Marylebone since
Feb. 3rd, 1898.
Seats— Westbury Manor, near Brackley, Northants ; North Harris, Inverness-shire.
Toivn Residence— 78, Mount Street, W. Glubs— Turf, Marlborough, White's.
SIR CHARLES SEELY, Bt. (Nottinghamshire, Mansfield Division).
Charles Hilton Skely, 2nd Baronet, el. son
of Col. Sir Charles Seely, 1st Bt. (M.P. for Notting-
ham 1869-74 and 1880-86, and for Nottinghamshire,
W. Div. 1892-5), of Sherwood Lodge, Arnold, Notts,
and Brooke House, Isle of Wight, by Emily, da. of
William Evans; /;. July 7th, 1859; ed. at Harrow,
and at Trin.Coll., Camb. (B.A., Wrangler 1881,
M.A. 1884) : m. 1891, Hilda Lucy, el. da. of Richard
Grant, of Staffa, W. Cowes, Isle of Wight ; is a
colliery owner, a J. P. for Notts (High Sheriff 1912),
a J. P. for Hants, Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. Hamp-
shire Regt., and patron of one living ; formerly Capt.
1st Notts Rifle Vol. A Liberal Coalitionist and Free
Trader ; unsuccessfully contested Mid. Div. of Derby
shire 1886, and Rushcliffe Div. of Notts 1892 ; sat for
Lincoln (L.C7.) July 1895 to Jan- 1906, which he
unsuccessfully contested 1910 ; has sat for Mansfield Div. of Nottinghamshire
since Sept. 20th, 19 16.
Seats — Sherwood Lodge, Arnold, Notts ; Gatcombe House, Isle of Wight. Clubs—
Brooks's, Athenaeum.
Iu Deospero.
BRIG. -GEN. THE RIGHT HON. J. E. B. SEELY (Derbyshire, Ilkeston
John Edward Bernard Seely, B.C., C.B.,
C.M.G., D.S.O., 4th son of Sir Charles Seely, 1st Bt.,
by Emily, who d. 1894, da. of William Evans, of Lon-
don ; />. May 31st, 1868; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin.
Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1890) : m. 1st, 1895, Emily Flor-
ence, who d. 1 91 3, da. of the Hon. Sir Henry George
Louis Crichton, of Netley Castle, Netley Abbey,
Hants; 2ndly, 1917, the Hon. Evelyn lzme, da. of 1st
Viscount Elibank. and widow of Capt. George Cros-
field Nicholson, R.F.C. : Bar. Inner Temple 1897; is
Lord-Lieut, and a J. P. for Hants, a D.L. for South-
ampton, Hon. Capt. in the Army, and Lieut.-Col. and
Hon. Col. (T.D.) Yeo. ; served in S. Africa 1900-1901
with 4th Batn. Imperial Yeo. (despatches, medal with
In Deo spero. fiye dasps< D.S.O.), and during European War 1914-18
as Special Ser. Officer and Comdg. Brig, with rank of Brig.-Gen. (despatches,
C.B., C.M.G.); appointed Under Sec. of State for the Colonies April 1908,
Under Sec. of State for War March 191 1, and Sec. of State for War and Pres.
of Army Council June 1912 (resigned March 1914) ; D.S.O. 1900, P.C. 1900,
C.B. (Mil.) 1916, C.M.G. 1918. A Liberal-, sat for Isle of Wight May 1900
to Jan. 1906, and for Abercromby Div. of Liverpool Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910,
when he was defeated ; has sat for Ilkeston Div. of Derbyshire since March
7th, 1910.
Residence— Brooke House, Isle of Wight Clubs— Reform, Cavalry, White's.
HON. ALEXANDER SHAW (Kilmarnock District).
Alexander Shaw, only son of Baron Shaw of Dunfermline,
P.C, K.C.. a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, of Craigmyle, Aberdeenshire, and
1, Palace Gate, W., by Elsie Stephen, da. of George Forrest, of Ludquhnrn,
Aberdeenshire; b. Feb. 28th, 1883; ed. at Trin. Coll., Oxford (B. A. 1907.
MA. iqib); Bar. Inner Temple 1908: ///. 1913, the Hon. Margaret Cargill
Mackay. el. da. of 1st Baron Inchcape ; is Lieut. K.M.A. ; was Private Sec. to
Sec. of State, Home Depart. (Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon, P.C, M.P.) 1915 ;
appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to Pres. of Hoard of Trade and Chm. of
Special Arbitration Tribunals (Munition Acts) 191 7; served during Kuropean
War 1915-16. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Edinburghshire (Mid-
lothian) 19 1 2 ; has sat for Kilmarnock Dist. since May 28th, 1915.
Residence— x%, Barkston Gardens, S.W. Chambers— 11, King's Bench Walk, Temple,
E.C. Clubs — Reform, National Liberal, Royal Automobile, Scottish Liberal, Glasgow
LIEUT. COL. M ARCHER-SHEE Flnsbury. Central Division)
Martin Archer-Shee, D.S.O. , el. son of the late Martin
Archer-Shee, sometime Ch. Agent of Bank of England at Bristol :
5ih, 1S7 I Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst: ///. 1905, Fi ilv da.
of the late Alfred Pell, of New York; was Midshipman K.N. 1SS8-90;
entered 19th Hussars 1893, and became Capt. and Brevet Major 1902 ;
retired 1905 ; is Major Reserve of Officers, and a Member of Council of
Roy. Colonial Institute; served in S. Africa 1899-1902, as Adj. of nil
during defence of Ladysmith (dangerously wounded, despatch 'ueen's
with four clasps, King's medal with two clasps, Brevet Major, D
and daring European War 1914-15, and Lieut. -Col. Comdg. a P»atn. Cloucester-
shirc Regt 1915 17 (wounded); was Adj. and Ouarter S >f Cav.
1904-5 1900. A Comer itral Div. ol PSnsbory
since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Ken irst Lodge, Sunninghill, Berk*. Clubs— Naval ami Military, Cavalry,
Carlton, Constitutional.
CAPT. D D 8HEEHAN (Cork Co . Mid Cork Division
Daniel Desmond Shi i h\n, son of the 1. 1 Sheehtn(an
nival Street, Kanturk ; b. |S; r and
I Hililin 1911
irsman 1910) : m. 1 80 or, of
has been Editor of \uholic News ai
ren Southern Star; is Cn: liers; sometime Pres.
of In>h Land and Labour Assn., and Hon. Seed ague ;
r 1915-16. An Irish Democrat ; has sat for Mid
I Cork co. ami <• Maj 17th, 1901.
Retidftce-Kockbxitu Victoria Ro«d Cork.
D. SHEEHY (Meath Co., South Meath Division).
David Sheehy, son of Richard Sheehy, of Holly Bank, Dublin ;
b. Oct. 1844; ed. at the Jesuit Seminary, Limerick, and at the Irish Coll.,
Paris : m. 1876, Elizabeth, who d. 1918, da. of the late Richard Coy, of
Longhill, co. Limerick; formerly in partnership with his father, who was in
the Milling Trade at Mallow ; sometime Hon. Sec. of Irish National Federa-
tion. A Nationalist !; sat for S. Galway Div. of Gal way co. 1885- 1900; has
sat for S. Meath Div. of Meath co. since Oct. 9th, 1903.
Residence— 2, Belvidere Place, Dublin.
A. (J.) SHERWELL (Huddersneld).
Arthur (James) Sherwell, son of John Viney Sherwell, of S.
Devon and London; b. April nth, 1863: m. 1909, Amy, da. of John Henry
Whadcoat, J. P., of Bodiam, Sussex; is an author, a Fellow of Roy. Statis-
tical and Zoological Sos., and a Member of Sociological So. A Libera/;
has sat for Huddersfield since Nov. 28th, 1906.
Residences — 4, Harley Gardens, South Kensington, S.W. ; RockclifTe, Dalbeattie.
Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Huddersneld.
E. SHORTT (Newcastle- on-Tyne).
Edward Shortt, K. C, second son of the late Rev. Edward Shortt,
R. of Woodhorn, Northumberland, by Josepha, da. of the late Joseph Rushton,
of Alderley Edge ; b. 1862 ; ed. at Durham Sch. (King's Scholar) and Univ.
(Lindsay Scholar, B.A. 1884) : m. 1890, Isabella Stewart, da. of the late
A. G. Scott, of Valparaiso ; Bar. Middle Temple 1890, and K.C. 1910 ; goes
N.E. Circuit ; sometime a Member of Gen. Council of the Bar ; appointed
Recorder of Sunderland July 1907. A Liberal; has sat for Newcastle-on-
Tyne since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— 70, Onslow Gardens, S.W. Chambers — 3, Hare Court, Temple, E.C.
Clubs— Reform, Northern Counties, Durham County.
MAJOR THE RIGHT HON. SIR JOHN A. SIMON (Essex, South Western, or
Walthamstow, Division).
John Allsebrook Simon, P.C., K.C.V.O , K.C, only son of
the Rev E. Simon, a Congregational Min., by his wife, Fanny Allsebrook;
b. Feb. 28th, 1873; ed. at Fettes Coll., Edinburgh, and at Wadham Coll.,
Oxford (Scholar 1892, Hon. Fellow 1912); a Fellow of All Souls' Coll.,
Oxford 1897 : m. isr, 1890, Ethel Mary Venables, who d. 1902 ; 2ndly,
1917, Kathleen, widow of Dr — Manning ; Bar. Innei Temple 1899
(also a Member of Middle Temple), a K.C. 1908, and a Bencher 1910;
went W. Circuit; was Pres. of Oxford Union 1896, one of the Counsel in
Alaska Boundary Arbitration 1903, and Standing Counsel to Oxford Univ.
1909-10, Solicitor-Gen. Oct. 1910 to Oct. 1913, Attorney-Gen. (with a seat
in the Cabinet) Oct. 1913 to May 1915, and Sec. of State for Home Depart.
May 191 5 to Jan. 1916 ; is a J. P. for Oxfordshire, and a temporary Major
Gen. List; Knt. 1910, K.C.V.O. 1911, P.C. 1913. A Liberal; has sat for
S.-W., or Walthamstow, Div. of Essex since Jan. 24th, 1906.
Residences — Fritwell Manor, Banbury.
E. SMALL WOOD (Islington, East Division).
Edward Smallwood, son of James Smallwood, of Marlpooi, co.
Derby; b. 1861 ; m. 1887, da. of Henry Fenemore, of Steeple Aston; is a
J. P. and a County Councillor for London. A Liberal; has sat for E. Div. of
Islington since Oct. 23rd, 1917.
Residence— 133, Highbury Quadrant, N, Club— National Liberal.
MAJOR P K KERR 8MILEY (Antrim co., North Antrim Division).
Peter Kerr Kkrr-S.mii kv, son of the
late Sir Hugh Houston Smiley, ist Bt., by
Elizabeth Anne, only child of the late Peter
Kerr, of Gftllowhill, Paisley ; b. Feb. 22nd,
1879; ed. at Kton, and at Trin. Hall, Camb. :
m. 1905, Maud, da. of Ernest L. Simpson, oi
York; is temporary Major Roy. Irish Rifles,
an A.D.C on Personal Staff, and a Memlwr of
Ulster Unionist Council ; Chm. of Northern
Whigy formerly Lieut. 2 ist Lancers; served in
S. Africa 1901-2 (medal with three clasps) ; as-
sumed the additional surname of Kerr 1905 A
Liberal Unionist ; unsuccessfully contested I
co., S. Down Div. Jan. 1906 ; has sat for N.
Antrim Div. of Antrim co. since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residence -31. Belgrave Square, S.W. Clubs—
Marlborough, Carlton, Cavalry.
CAPT. A. SMITH (Lancashire, North-East, Clitheroe Division).
Albert Smith, son of Leeming Smith, of Cowling Yorkshire,
l.y his wife, Martha ; b. June 15th, 1867 ; ///. iSoo. Elisabeth Ann. da. of
John Towlcr ; has been Vice-Pres. and Sec. of Colne Overlook.
Sec of Nelson Overlookers' Asso., Capt. King's Own (Roy. Lai
a J. P. and an Alderman of Nelson (Mayor 1908-10), and a J
I«ancashire. A Labour Member ; elected for Lancashire, N.-E.,Clither.
Dec. 9th, 1910.
Resident*— 41, Hibson Road, Nelson. Lancashire.
Walton Division).
k Edwin Smith, P.C., A'.C, i /, son of the
late Frederick Smith (Bar.-atLaw of Middle . of Birkcnhc.id. by his
Inly 12th, 1872; ed. at Birkenl irid at
m Coll., Oxford (Classical Scholar 1890, B.A. 1
in Jurisprudence 1894, Vinerian I 1897,
Fellow and Lectin Ibid 1896; Pre*.
>r, tod da tn Rev.
rncaux. Fellow of Corpus < '899,
Bencher 1908, and Treasurer 1916 and 1917 : goes N. Circuit;
appointed lecturer at ( i Oxford lS<>
,S and in \ 1 kx> ; was 1
1^09-1900; ii Lieut. Veo.and ..
Officer with rank of Lice Bureau during
cm War Aug. to Sept. 1914 (despatches); at
May 191$, and A I Nov. 1915, and
again ioif>;a P.C 1911, Km. 1915,
and a Baronet 1918. A Con terra/ire; has sat for Walton I | crpool
(an. 16th, 1906.
■■•demes— it, <
HAROLD SMITH < Warrtnaton >.
old Smith, son of tli « dcrick Smith, Bar. at-I aw,
enhead, by his wife, F.li/al>eth April |8tb, 1S76; ed. at
Birkenhead Sch. : m. 1914, Joan, da. of the lai< ry Kumeaux, of
Oxford; Bar. Gray's Inn 1911; sometime engaged in the cotton industry
in Liverpool ; subsequently partner in a firm of Surveyors and Valuers at
Birkenhead : was a Member of Select Committee on Marconi Agreement
1912-13, and Sec. to Official Press Bureau during European' War 1914 ; is
Hon. Lieut. Roy. Naval Reserve. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested
Huddersfield Jan. 1910; elected for Warrington Dec. 3rd, 1910.
Residence — 11, Lower Belgrave Street, S.W. Chambers— 4, Elm Court, Temple, E.C.
Clubs — Carlton, Constitutional, United Empire, Conservative (Liverpool).
H. B. LEES SMITH (Northampton).
Hastings Bertrand Lees Smith, son of Major Lees Smith, R A,,
by Jessie, da. of Hastings Read, I.C.S. ; b. Jan. 26th, 1878; ed. at
Aldenham Sch., Herts., at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich, and at Queen's Coll.,
Oxford (B. A. 1901, M.A. 1903) : m. 191 5, Joyce Eleanor, da. ofS. H. Holman,
of Highgate, and St. Margaret's Bay, Kent ; is a Corporal in Roy. Army
Med. Corps ; sometime Chm. of Executive Committee of Ruskin Coll.,
Oxford (of which he was one of the founders), and Assist. Editor of Economic
Journal) author of "Studies in Indian Economics," "India and the Tariff
Problem," etc. A Liberal; has sat for Northampton since Jan. 18th, 1910.
Residence — The Dene, Denewood Road, Highgate, N.6. Club— Reform.
SIR SWIRE SMITH (Yorkshire, West Riding, Northern Part, Keighley
Swire Smith, son of George Smith, of Lowfield, Keighley ;
b. March 4th, 1842; ed. privately, and at Wesley Coll., Sheffield; Hon.
LL.D., Leeds 1912 ; was a Member of Roy. Commn. on Technical In-
struction 1881-4 ; appointed Vice-Chm. of International Exhibitions Roy.
Commn. 1909 ; sometime a worsted spinner ; is a J. P. for Keighley and for W.
Riding of Yorks ; author of "The Real German Rivalry," and several pam-
phlets on technical education and commercial matters ; Knt. 1898. A
Liberal ; elected for Yorkshire, W. Riding, N. Part, Keighley Div. June
29th. 1915.
Residence— Steeton Manor, near Keighley.
T. F. SMYTH (Leitrim County, South Leitrim Division;.
Thomas Francis Smyth, son of William P. Smyth, of Mohill,
co. Leitrim, by his wife, Mary Delany ; b. May 8th, 1875: ed. at Longford
and Clooneagh National Schs., and at St. Mel's Coll., Longford ; is an
Auctioneer and Gen. Insurance Agent ; has been many years connected with
the different Nationalist Organisations. A Nationalist; has sat for S. Leitrim
Div. of Leitrim Co. since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Addresses— House of Commons, Westminster, S.W. ; Mohill, co. Leitrim. Club—
Philip Snowden, son of John Snowden, of Cowling, Keighley,
by Martha, da. of the late Peter Nelson, of Cowling, Keighley ; b. July 18th,
1864 5 ed- at the Board Sch. : ;//. 1905, Ethel, da. of Richard Annakin, of
Harrogate ; formerly in Inland Revenue Depart. ; is a Journalist, and a
Member of Roy. Commn. on Waterways and on Civil Ser. ; author of many
books and pamphlets on social questions. A Socialist', unsuccessfully con-
tested Blackburn Oct. 1900, and Wakefield March 1902 ; has sat for Black-
burn since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Address— 30, Woodstock Road, Golders Green, N.W.4.
A. W. SO AMES (Norfolk, South Division).
Arthur Wellesley Soames, youngest son of the late William
Aldwin Soames. of Brighton; b. Nov. 30th, 1852; ed. at Brighton Coll., and
at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1876, M.A. 1880) : m. 1876. Eveline, el. da. of
the late T. Horsman Coles, of St. Helen's, Ore, Hastings ; some years Chm.
of E. Marylebone Liberal Asso. A Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Ipswich
1892 and 1895 ; has sat for S. Div. of Norfolk since May 12th, 1898.
Residence— iZ, Park Crescent, Portland Place, W. 1 . Clubs— United University. Reform.
SIR JOHN W. SPEAR (Devonshire, Western, or Tavistock, Division)
John Ward Spear, son of John Spear, of Eastcott, by Maria,
da. of Daniel Ward, of Leigh, Milton Abbott; b. Sept. 2nd, 1848; ed. at
Milton Abbott and Bodmin : m. 1877, Elizabeth Doidge, da. of John Willcock,
of Kingsbridge, S. Devon ; is a Yeoman and an Agriculturist, a J. P. and County
Alderman of Devonshire, a Poor Law Guardian, Pres. of Asso. of Poor Law
Unions for England and Wales, a Trustee of Tavistock Cottage Hospital, an
Income Tax Commr., and a Member of Central Chamber of Agriculture;
sometime Pres. of Devon Farmers' Union; Knt. 191 1. A Lib'.rcU Unionist-,
sat for W., or Tavistock, Div. of Devon Oct. 1900 to Jan. 1906, when he was
defeated there; re-elected Dec. 15th, 1910, having been again defeated
Jan. 1910.
Residence— Venn, Tavistock. Club— St. Stephen's.
SPENCER-CHURCHILL (see Churchill .
RT HON. SIR ALBERT 8PICER, Bt. (Hackney, Central Division).
Albert Spicer, rjt Baromt% P.C.y 2nd
son of the late Jam II'. 1> 1
Woodford Green, Essex, by Louisa, da. of the
late Evan Edwards, of Denmark Hill, S E. ; b.
h 16th, 1847; ed. at Mill Hill Sch., and
in Germany : m. 1879, Jessie Stewart, da of the
late David Stewart Dykes, of (Jrovc Hill,
Surre easurer of the LoodOD Mi
So. 1885-1910, Pres, of v
ml Council 1900- 1 905. 1 ('lumber
of Commerce 1907-10, and of Congress of
nberi ol Commerce of the l
1909, l hm, of State Children's Asso,
1907 17; i James Spicer and Sons
c<l), wholesale stationer*, paper warehouse*
and man Essex, a
\ : bitmtioa < "int o| Hoard
ind ot Advi«u>r\ \rmy
t the
Chm. of Court ol ^lill Hill s
mn. 1909, Chm, of Select < 1 Agreement
tf 1916 ; author of \
pamphlets on social question*; cr. a Baronet 1906, P.C. 191a. A Liberal;
*ex 1886; sat for
July 1892 to Sept. 1900, when he wa« defeated there; has
sat for 17th, 1906.
HuUmt* ID, Unont Off— S?» Upper Thames Street.
a**#-R«form. National Liberal, City Liberal, British fcmpire,
Charles Thomas-Stanford, son of David Collet Thomas, of
Hove, Sussex; />. April 3rd, 1858; ed. at Oxford Univ. (B.A. 1881, M.A.
1898): in. 1897, Ellen, only da. and heiress of the late William Stanford,
of Preston Manor, Sussex, and widow of Vere Benet-Stanford, M.P. ; Bar.
Inner Temple 1882; is a J. P. for Brighton (Mayor 1910-11, 1912-13, and
1913-14) and Sussex ; assumed by Royal Licence 1897 the additional sur-
name of Stanford. A Conservative : has sat for Brighton since June 29th, 1914.
Residence- Preston Manor, Brighton. Clubs— Brooks's, Carlton.
CAPT. SIR BEVILLE STANIER, Bt. (Shropshire, Northern, or Newport,
]$evil!e Stanier, 1st Baronet, son
of the laie Francis Stanier, J. P., D.L., of
Peplow Hall, Salop ; /;. June 12th, 1867 ; ed.
privately, and at Roy. Agricultural Coll.,
Cirencester (M.R.A.C.): ///. 1894, Sarah
Constance, da. of the late Rev. Benjamin
Gibbons (sometime V. of Lower Milton,
Worcestershire), of Waresley House, Hartle-
hury, Worcestershire; is Capt. Territorial
Force Reserve, Sec. Shropshire Territorial
Asso., a J. P. and D.L. for Shropshire, Dep.
Chm. North Staffordshire Railway Co., and
Lord of the Manors of Peplow and High
Hatton, and patron of two livings ; appointed
Chm. of Central Chamber of Agriculture
191 7 ; cr. a Baronet 191 7. A Conservative \
has sat for N., or Newport, Div. of Shrop-
shire since May 14th, 1908.
Residences — Peplow Hall, Market Drayton' 2i»
Buckingham Gate, S.W. Club— Carlton.
Albert Henry Stanley, P.C., son of Henry Stanley, of
Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.; /;. Nov 8th, 1875; ef'- m America: ;//. 1904,
Grace Lowry Woodufl ; has been Managing Director of Underground F'.ectric
Railways Co., of London General Omnibus Co., and of Metropolitan District,
Central London, City and South London, and London Electric Railways, and
of Associated Equipment Co., and. a Director of London and Suburban
Traction Co., and of London United Tramways Co. ; appointed Pres. of
Board of Trade in National Min. Dec. 1916 ; cr. Knt. 1914, P.C. 1916 ;
has sat for Ashton-under-Lyne since Dec. 24th, 19 16.
Residence— 43, South Street, Mayfair, \V. Clubs— Reform, Garrick, Royal Automobile.
HON. SIR ARTHUR STANLEY ^Lancashire, South-West, Ormskirk Division);
Arthur Stanley, G.B.E., C.B., A/. V.O '., younger
son of 16th Earl of Derby, KG., P.C, G.C.B., G.C.V.O , of
Knowsley, Prescot, Witlierslack, Grange-over-Sands, Lanca-
shire, Fairhill, Tonbridge, and Derby House, St. James's
Square, S.W., by Lady Constance, el. da. of 4th Earl of
Clarendon ; b. Nov. 18th, 1869 ; ed. at Wellington Coll. ;
entered Diplo. Ser. 1891 ; was Private Sec. to First Lord of
the Treasury (Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P.) 1892, and a
Clerk in Foreign Office 1892-4, when he became a 3rd Sec. :
a Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in
England, and Chm. British Red Cross So. ; appointed 3rd
Sec. at Cairo 1895, and became a 2nd Sec. 1898 ; elected Treasurer of St.
Thomas's Ho-pifal 1917 ; M.V.O. (4th class) 1905, C.B. (Civil) 1916,
(i.B K. 1 9 1 7. A Co/Utrvmfme', has sat for Ormskirk Div. of Lancashire
(S.-W.) since Oct. 20th, 1898.
Residences— 50, Upper Brook Street, W. ; Knowsley, Prescot, Lancashire.
LORD STANLEY (Liverpool. Abercromby Division).
Edward Montagu Cavendish {Lord Stanley), el.
son of 17th B«r1 «>f Derby, of Knowsley, Prescot, and Derby
House, Stratford Place, W., by Lady Alice Maud Olivia
MonUgu, da. of 7th Duke of Manchester ; b. July 9th, 1894 :
;//. 191 7, the Hon. Sibyl Louise Beatrix Cadogan, da. of the
late Htnry Arthur, Viscount Chelsea; is Lieut. Greiadier
Guards, and a Staff Capt. ; served during European War
1914- 17 as A.D.C. (wounded). A Coalition Member; has
sat for Abercromby Div. of Liverpool since June 28th,
Residences— 3, Great Cumberland Place. W.i ; Knowsley, Prescot.
George Frederick Stanley, C.M.G., 6th son of 1 6th
Marl of Derby, by Constance, da. of 4th Earl of Clarendon ;
b Oct. 14th, 1872; ed. at Wellington Coll., and at Roy. Mil.
<1., Woolwich: m. 1903, Lady Beatrix Taylour, da. of 4th
Mar<|itess of Headfort ; is Lieut. -Col. K.A. ; appointed Parlia-
mentary Private Sec. to Leader of the Opposition in House
of Commons (Rt. Hon. A. Bottll Law, M.I'.) 1911, an Op-
position Whip 191 3, and Private Sec. to Sec. of State for War
1 ul of Derby) in National Min. 1916 ; served in S. Africa
1899-1900, and during European War 1914-16 (C.M.G., Legion
of Honour); C.M.G. 1916. A Conse> 1 Wih v: iiaatal for Prutpa
since Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence Manor, Market Harboro'.
0. B. 8T ANTON (Merthyr Tydvll).
Charles Butt Stanton ; b. 1873 : '"• ,893* Alice M. Thomas;
is a Miners' Agent, and Vic- M, and
I ( ,«.v. of Cardiff and Aberyslwiili l';, unsuc-
cessful! i GUuaotgtmhiro, 1.. Dhr., Dec 19101 bai sat for Merthyr
c Nov. 25th, 1915.
Resident r — Tvdraw II
CAPT. J. R 8TARKEY (Notttnjrnaraahlre, Newark Division).
John Ralph Starkey, el. son of tht iftdle Starkey,
ikshire), of Nor-
wood I lane*, da. of the late Thomas Starkey,
ring Wood I iddersficld; b. 1859: m. 1888, Emily, da.
Charles Secly, 1st Bt wood Lodge, Arnold, Nottingham, Brooke
House, Isle of Wight, and 30, Prince's Gate, S.W. ; is Capt. Territorial
Force Reserve, and a J. P. and D.L. for Notts. A Conservative ; has sat for
Newark Div. of Nottinghamshire since Jan. 25th, 1906.
Residence— Norwood Park, Southwell, Notts. Clubs — Carlton, New Oxford and
G. STEWART (Cheshire, Wirral Division).
Gershom Stewart, son of Andrew Stewart, of Greenock, by
Margaret, da. of Robert Leitch ; b. Dec. 30th, 1857 ; ed. privately, and at
Sutton Coldfield Gram. Sch. : m. 1904, Henrietta Ellen, da. of the late Major
W. H. Gresson, 65th Regt. ; sometime Chm. of China Asso., Pres. of St.
Andrew's So., Hong Kong, and a M.L.C. of that Colony; is a J. P. for
Cheshire. A Conservative ; has sat for Wirral Div. of Cheshire since Jan.
2ist, 1910.
Residence— Whiteholme, Hoylake, Cheshire. Clubs— Carlton, Conservative.
BRIG-GEN. A. STIRLING (Perthshire, West Division).
Archibald Stirling, 2nd son
of Sir William Stirling-Maxwell,
K.T., M.P., 9th Bt., of Pollok
House, Renfrewshire ; b. Sept. 14th,
1867 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin.
Coll., Camb. ; m. 1910, the Hon.
Margaret Fraser, da. of 13th Baron
Lovat ; formerly Capt. Scots Guards ;
is h.-p. to the Baronetcy of Stirling-
Maxwell, and Lieut- - Col. Yeo. ;
served during S. African War 1900-
1902, and during European War
1914-16, Comdg. a Mounted Brig,
(despatches) ; is a Brig. Com. with
rank of Brig. -Gen. A Conservative ;
has sat for W. Div. of Perthshire
since Feb. 21s', 191 7.
Residences — Keir, Dunhlane, Perth-
shire ; Cawder House, Bishoprigge, Glas-
A. STRAUSS (Paddington, North Division).
Arthur Strauss, son of S. Strauss, of Mayence ; b. April 28th,
1847 ; ed. at a German Univ. (Latin and Greek Prizeman) : m. 1893, Minna,
da. of S. Cohen ; is head of the firm of A. Strauss and Co., tin and copper
merchants and smalters, of 16, Rood Lane, E.C. An Unionist-, sat for
N.-W., or Camborne, Div. of Cornwall July 1895 to Oct. 1900 ; defeated there
July 1892 and Oct. 1900 ; has sat for N. Div. of Paddington since Jan. 17th,
Residence— 1, Kensington Palace Gardens, W Club— Carlton.
E. A. 8TRAUSS (Southwark, West Division).
Edward Anthony Strauss, son of Joseph Strauss, of Highbury
New Park, N., by Rosa, da. of Anthony Nathusius ; b. Dec. 7th, 1862 ; ed.
at Kind's Coll., London ; is a merchant, and a J. P. for cos. London and Berks.
A Liberal \ sat for N.. or Abingdon, Div. of Berkshire Jan. 1906 to Jan. 1910,
when he was defeated ; elected for \Y. Div. of Southwark Dec. 6th. 1910.
Residences— 49, Grosvenor Square, W. ; Kingston House, Abingdon, Berks. Clubs—
Devonshire. Bath, Reform, Royal Automobile, National Liberal.
J. E. SUTHERLAND (Elgin District).
John Ebenezer Sutherland (a native of Lossiemouth); l>. 18 — ;
is a member of the firm of P. and J. Sutherland, fish curers, of Portsoy, etc., and
Chm. of Scottish Temperance and Reform Asso. ; has had large experience
in Local Govt, and Sch. Board Administration work in Banffshire. A Liberal ;
has sat for Elgin Dist. since Sept. 8th, 1905.
Residence— Durn House, Portsoy. Clubs-' National Liberal, Reform.
J. E. SUTTON (Manchester, East Div.).
John Edward Sutton, son of Edward Sutton ; b. Dec. 23rd, 1862 ;
commenced life as a miner ; is Miners' Agent to Lancashire and Cheshire Miners'
aion.aJ.P. for Manchester, and Senior Member of Manchester City Coun-
cil. A Labour Member ; has sat for E. Div. of Manchester since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residence — 109, North Road Clayton, Manchester.
RIGHT HON. SIR CHARLES E SWANN, Bt. (Manchester. North Division).
Charles Ernest Swann, P.C., 1st
Baronet y fifth son of the late Frederich Schwann,
of 23, Gloucester Square, London, by Henrietta,
da. of the Rev. Robert Kell, of Birmingham; b.
Jan. 25th, 1844 ; ed. at Univ. Coll.. London :
m. 1S70, F.li/al»eth, who </. 1914, \n\ da. of the
late David Duncan, «>i If anchesu-r J nil been
National Reform Union, and \
R< h. , Manchester ; for*
merl> I lab ; tr%
a Baronet 1906, and l'.(\ 191 1; ai
J Licence 1913 for himself ami his issue
the surname of Swann in lieu of I \ mic.
A liberal', has sat for N. Div. oi Mand)
since July 2nd, 1886, having been defeated
there 1 1S85.
Rftl.: A Clmbs-
RIOBY P W. SWIFT (St Helens).
Rigby PhiUp W.itsnn Sun 1. A' .< '.. fifth son of Thomas S
Bar. -at law ; b. June 7th, 1874 pool, and at London Univ.
(I 1 K. 1895): m. I902, Beatrice, da of the late John Banke
shipowner, of Liverpool ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1895, a K.C. 19 1 2, and a Bencher
1916 ; goes N. Circuit ; appointed Recorder of Wigan Nov. 1915 ; is a Mem-
ber of St. Helens Conservative Asso. A Conservative ; has sat for St. Helens
since Dec. 6th, 1910.
Residence— 17, Kidderpore Avenue, Hampstead, N.VV. Chambers- 1, Garden Court,
Temple, E.C.
LIEUT.-COL. SIR ALAN J. SYKES, Bt. (Cheshire, Knutsford Division).
Alan John Sykes, 1st Baronet, son
of the late Thomas Ilardcastle Sykes, J. P.,
D.L., of Cringle House, Cheshire, by Mary,
da. of John Piatt, sometime M.P. for Old-
ham ; b. April nth, 1868 ; ed. at Rugby, and
at Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1889. M.A.
1897) 5 sometime a partner in the firm of
Sykes and Co., bleachers, of Edgeley ; is
Chm. of Bleachers' Asso. (Limited), a Di-
rector of Alliance Mortgage Co. (Limited),
and Colwyn Bay and Pwllycrochan Estate
Co. (Limited), a Group Comdt. Cheshire Vol.
Regt., and a J P and D.L. for Cheshire ; was
Lieut-Cot Comdg. 6th Batn. Cheshire Regt.
(formerly Major 3rd Vol. Batn.) 1911-14;
elected Mayor of Stockport 1910; cr. a Baro-
net 191 7. A Conservative ; has sat for Knuts-
ford Div. of Cheshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residences — 2, Down Street, W. ; South View,
Cheadle, Cheshire. Clubs— Carlton, Royal Auto-
mobile, Union, Constitutional (Manchester).
COL. SIR MARK SYKES, Bt. (Hull, Central Division).
• Mark Sykes, 6th Baronet, only son of Sir
Tatton Sykes, 5th Baronet, of Sledmere, York, by
Anne Jessica, who d. 191 2, do. of the late Rt. Hon.
George Augustus Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck,
M.P. ; b. March 16th, 1879; ed. at Jesus Coll.,
Camb. : m. 1903, Edith Violet, da. of the Rt. Hon.
Sir John Eldon Gorst, P.C., of Queen Anne's
Mansions. S.W. ; formerly Capt. 3rd Batn. Princess
of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.); was Private
Sec. to Ch. Sec. for Ireland 1904-5, and Hon.
Attache to British Embassy, Constantinople 1905-7;
is Hon. Capt. in the Army, a Gen. Staff Officer
with temporary rank of Col., Hon. Col. a Batn.
Yorkshire Regt. , a J. P. and County Councilor for
E. Riding of Yorkshire, a Member of N. Riding of
Yorkshire Territorial Force ; served in S. Africa
1902 (despatches); has Star of Roumania (with swords). A Conservative ;
unsuccessfully contested Yorkshire, E. Riding, Buckrose Div. Jan. and Dec.
1910; elected for Central Div. of Hull July 5th, 191 1.
Seat — Sledmere, Malton, York. Town Residence — 9, Buckingham Gate, S.W. Clubs
— Marlborough, Carlton, Prince's, Yorkshire.
west, or Chichester, Division).
Edmund Bernard Talbot, P.C.,
M. V.O., D.S.O., younger son of 14th Duke
of Norfolk, by Augusta Mary Minna
Catherine, who </. 1886. da. of 1st Baron
Lyons; b. June 1st, 185$; ed. at Oratory
Sch., Bdgbaston : m. 1S79, Lady Mary
Caroline Bertie, dan. of 7th Kail of Abing-
don ; i^ I retired Lieut.-Col. nih Hu
Dep. E.rl Marshal of Ergland, and h.-p.
to trie Dukedom of Norfolk ; served
in S. Africa 1899- 1900, as D.A.A.C ple-
spatches, D. S.O.); assumed by Royal
license in 1876 the surname of Tallx>t in
lieu of his patronymic : was Private Sec. to
Under Sec. of State for War ( Kt. Hon. \V.
St. J. F. Brodrick, M.P.) 1896-8, to Under
Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs (Rt. Hon.
W. St. I. F. Brodrick, M.P.) 1898-1900,
. Private Sec. (unpaid) to Sec. of
State for War (Rt. Hon. W. St. J. F.
Brodrick, M.P.) 1900-1903, Assist Private
Sec. to Sec. of State for India (Rt Hon.
W. St. J. F. Brodrick, M.P.) 19035, and
a Junior Lord of the Treasury 1905 ; appointed Joint Parliamentary (Patron-
age) Sec. to the Treasury May 1915, and again in National Min. Dec. 1916 ;
is Ch. Conservative Whip; D.S.O. 1901, M \".< >. (4th class) 1902, P.C.
1918. A Conservative; unsuccessfully contested Burnley 1SS0. and Brightside
t Sheffield 1885; has sat for s.-W., or Chichester, Div, ofSnate* dace
Aug. 1 6th, 1894.
Residences— 1, Buckingham Palace Gardens. S.NS. j Dciwn.t Hall, Sheffield. Clubs
— Carlton, Naval and Military, White's.
J. W. TAYLOR (Durham County, Chester le-Street Division).
John Wilkinson Taylor, son of the late J. W. Taylor, black-
smith, of Sunderland ; /'. Attg. nth. 1S55 : ///. 1 S 7 7 . \i of Annfield
Plain; formerly a l»Iaek>mith j is ( ien. Sec. of Durham Colliery Mechanic'
>( Darham Mining Conciliation and Federation Board, Pita;
Durham Aged Stone* ^o.. and a J. P. for CO, Durham: formerly a
Meml>er of Dnrfaan) County Council, Annfield Plain Urban Di>t. Council,
achester Board <>f <>;. 1 Chm. of Annfield Plain Co-operative
So. A Labour Mcmhet ; has sat for Chrstrrde-Sir.-rt Wr. ol Durham co.
since Jan. 26th, 1906.
Residence — The Avenue, Durham.
T. C. TAYLOR (Lancashire. South-Eastern, Radcllffe cum Farn worth Division).
xlorc 0 vi.oR, son of Joshua l.ivi oilei)
1 tared el Batiay, bf Alice, da vk Samod Cooke, carpal manu-
1S50; cd. a and at
1. : m. 1874, Sara J.t dl o( W 1 P
Ingrahnm. of I r of the
profit > bo manafai 1
tor of A'efor/c 4 Boy.
ie Textiles < f/j has
sat for RadclifTe- orth Dir, of I ancashire (9 I .) since Oct. Mh.
Resi , Bank, Hatley. t/«i-Nation*l Liberal
RIGHT HON. H. J. TENNANT (Berwickshire).
Harold John Tennant, P.C., youngest son
of Sir Charles Tennant, 1st Bt., of The Glen, Inner-
leithen, N.B., and St. Rollox, Glasgow, by Emma, da.
of Richard Winsloe, of Mount Nebo, Taunton ; b.
Nov. 18th, 1865; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll.,
Camb. (B.A. 1888) : m. 1st, 1889, Helen Elizabeth,
who d. 1892, da. of Major Gordon Duff, of Drummuir,
Banffshire ; 2ndly, 1896, May Edith (a Companion of
Honour) (formerly H.M.'s Sup. Inspector of Factories),
da. of the late George Whitley Abraham, of Rathgar,
co. Dublin; is a J. P. for Kent, and a D.L. for Aber-
deenshire ; was Assist. Private Sec. to Sec. of State for
Home Depart. (Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, M.P.) 1892-5,
and Chm. of Departemntal Committee of Home Office
on Miscellaneous Dangerous Trades 1895-9; appointed Chm. of the Treasury
Departmental Committee on Fisheries Investigations and Statistics 1907, and
of numerous Parliamentary Committees ; was Parliamentary Sec. to Board of
Trade Jan. 1909 to Oct. 191 1, Financial Sec. to War Depart, Oct. 191 1 to
June 1912, Under Sec. of State for War Tune 1912 to July 1916, and Sec.
for Scotland July to Dec. 1916. A Liberal ; has sat for Berwickshire since
March 29th, 1894; P.C. 1914.
Residences — 33, Bruton Street, W. ; Edinglassie, Strathdon, Aberdeenshire ; Great
Maythatn, Rolvenden, Kent. Clubs — Brooks's, ^Reform, National Liberal, Scottish Liberal,
and New (Edinburgh), Liberal (Glasgow).
G. TERRELL (Wiltshire, North- West, or Chippenham, Division).
George Terrell, younger son of the late Thomas Hull Terrell,
formerly a County Court Judge ; b. April 23rd, 1862 ; ed. privately : m.
1907, Grace, da. of J. J. Hawkins, formerly of Cupola House, Burnham. and
widow of Mansel Came, of St. Donats Castle, Glamorganshire ; sometime
in Mercantile Marine ; is a Director of Tyer and Co. (Limited), and a Member
of Council of Yacht Racing Asso. A Conservative', has sat for N.W., or
Chippenham, Div. of Wiltshire since Jan. 19th, 1910.
Residences — 31, Chesham Street, S.W. ; Avon House, Chippenham, Wilts. Clubs—
Carlton, Royal Thames Yacht.
MAJOR H. TERRELL (Gloucester).
Henry Terrell, K.C., son of the late Thomas Hull Terrell,
sometime a County Court Judge; b. May 9th, 1856; ed. at Christ Coll.,
Brecon, and at St. John's Coll., Camb. : m. 1885, Georgina, da. of S. Poole;
Bar. Middle Temple 1882, a K.C. 1897, and a Bencher 1904; appointed a
Member of Select Committee on Marconi Agreement 191 2, Under Warden of
Glovers' Co. 1914, and Major Gloucestershire Regt. 1914. A Conservative;
unsuccessfully contested Forest of Dean Div. of Gloucestershire Oct. 1900 ;
has sat for Gloucester since Jan. 15th, 1910, having been defeated there Oct.
Chambers— 11, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. Clubs— Carlton, Ranelagh, Royal
Thames Yacht.
SIR (A.) GARR0D THOMAS (Monmouthshire, South Division).
(Abraham) Garrod Thomas, M.D., son of the late Lewis
Thomas, of Panteryrod, co. Cardigan ; b. 1853 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ., and
at Berlin and Vienna (M.B. and CM. 1876. M.D. 1878); M.R.C.S., England
1876: m. 1879, Eleanor, da. of the late Richard Hughes Richards, of New-
port, Mon. ; has been Pres. of S. Wales and Monmouth Branch, British Med.
Asso., and Newport Med. So. ; is Chm. and Consulting Physician Roy. Gwent
Hospital, Newport (Monmouth), a J. P. and D.L. for Monmouthshire, and a
J. P. for Cardiganshire (Sheriff 1900) and Newport ; cr. Knt. 1912. A Coali-
tion Member; elected for Monmouthshire, S., July 12th, 1917.
Residence— Bron-y-Gaer, Newport, Monmouthshire. Clubs— National Liberal, and
Royal Automobile.
James Henry Thomas, P. C. ; b. 1874; ///. 18 — ; has been
Engine Driver on Great Western Railway, a Town Councillor of Swindon
(Chm. of its Finance and other Committees), and Organizing Sec. of Amalga-
mated So. of Railway Servants (Pres. 1910); is Gen. Sec. of National Union
of Railwaymen, and a Member of Central Control Hoard (Liquor Traffic);
P.C. 1917. A Labour Member ; has sat for Derby since Jan. 15th, 1910.
fressfs— 121, Bowes Road, Palmer's Green, N. ; Unity House, Euston Road. N.W .
THOMAS STANFORD [see Stanford].
RIGHT HON. R. THOMPSON (Belfast, North Division).
Robert Thompson, P.C, el. son of the late Robert Thompson,
of Troutbeck House, Ballylesson, co. Down ; b. 1838 ; ed. privately : m. l86l,
Susannah, da. of the late Edward Thomas, of Belfast ; is Chm. of Lindsay,
Thompson and Co. (Limited), flax spinners and linen manufacturers, of Belfast,
Chm. of Belfast Harbour Board, Past Pres. of Belfast Chamber of Commerce,
f Gov. Board, Campbell Coll., Belfast, a J. P. for co. Down, a D.L. for
Belfast, a Director of Belfast and Co. Down Railway, and a Member of Ulster
Unionist Council ; 7 years Pres. of Ulster Flax Spinners' Asso., and a Member
of Board of Trade Advisory Committee; P.C. 1916. A Conservative ; has
sat for N. Div. of Belfast since Jan. 20th, 1910.
Residences — Drum House, Dunmurry, co. Down ; Bertha House, Belfast. Clubs —
Carlton, Constitutional. St. Stephen's, Ulster, Union (Belfast).
LIEUT -COL E. C. MEYSEY THOMPSON (Staffordshire, Handsworth Division).
CKmest Claude MBYSEY-THOMPSON, sixth son
of Sir Harry Stephen Meysev-Thomp.son, 1st 1U , ofKirb)
Hall. York, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Croft, 1st Bt. ;i
Keb. 18th. 1859 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. :
St. 1894, Alice Jane Blanche, da. of the late Col. John
Joicey, If.P., of Newton Hall, Northumberland]
merly Major Yorkshire Hunan J b l.ieut.-Col. K.
and a J.l\ for N. and \V. Ridings of Yorks]
during European War 1914- 16. A Libera/ Unionist',
unsuccessfully contested Yorkshire, v.. Radio]
Dhr.Oot 1900; has sat for Haadsworth Div,
.•2nd, 1906.
Itttidtm* fijullowllillt KmrMlwnHiflii Gfato— Bach
< < <U bomme guerre. Baodle**, Yorkshire, Carlton.
W. MITCHELL-THOMSON Down Csunty, North Down Division).
g^0fc William Mm 111 ISON, CJS A'.
J)$ ^ Mitchell Mitchell-Thomson, 1st Bt., of 6,
&F Charlotte .; Unborgh, sad Pobno
*bb&d» slure. by l.!i/.i Flosrerdew, who >. of the late
William I. m KM, ,.f H.ilth.
15th, 1877 . sl Balliol I
\ 1900) and Edinburgh (I.l.M. 1902)
I McE.kIi.iiii, <»f ( .allow |
N B , and Goathland, Kew, Melliourne ; Advocate,
ind 1903 ;
( 1 1 M - Bom Goai foi
Ulster Unionist Council, and H«.n. Lieut.
Keserve; S| I 'ircctor of Kestt
C.B.E. 1918. An Unionist', sat for N.-W. Div. of Lanarkshire Jan. 1906
to Jan. 1910, when he was defeated ; has sat for N. Down Div. of Down
co. since April 28th, 1910.
Residence — 35, Montagu Square, W. Clubs — Junior Carlton, Constitutional.
G. R. THORNE (Wolverhampton, East Division).
George Rennie Thorne, son of the late George Thorne ;
b. Oct. 12th, 1853; ed. at Tettenhall Coll., Wolverhampton; admitted
Solicitor 1876 ; is head of the legal firms of G. R. Thorne, Sons and Co., of
Wolverhampton, and Thorne, Priest and Co., of II, Great James Street,
Bedford Row, W.C. A Liberal', has sat for E. Div. of Wolverhampton
since May 5th, 1908.
Residence— Coalway Road, Wolverhampton. Club —National Liberal.
W. J. THORNE (West Ham, South Division).
William James Thorne, son of Thomas Thorne, a brickfield
worker ; b. Oct. 8th, 1857 ; has been a Member of the Trade Union Congress
Parliamentary Committee since 1894 ; is Gen. Sec. of the National Union of
Gen. Workers (which he established 1889) ; has been a Member of West
Ham Town Council since 1890 (Dep. Mayor 1899- 1900, Mayor 191 7- 18). A
Labour Member ; has sat for S. Div. of W. Ham since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence — i, Lawrence Road, Upton Park, E.
«£• Alexander George Boteville Thynne, D.S.O.,
Tppt 3rd son of 4th Marquess of Bath, of Longleat, Warminster, by
<£=JLL the Hon. Frances Isabella Catherine Vesey, el. da. of 3rd
^■"■rfTgA Viscount de Vesci ; b. Feb. 17th, 1873; ed- at Eton, and
Y*~ jjr-f at 0xfoid Univ.; is Lieut.-Col. Comdg. a Batn. Wiltshire
Lmmmm— Regt, Major Yeo., Hon. Lieut, in the Army, and a County
\*0B SJJSSj Councillor for London, Marylebone Div.; served in S. Africa
VM&? ZZsZmJ 1900-1902, with 1st Batn. Imperial Yeo., with Somaliland
yj^^^y Field Force 1903-4, as War Correspondent, and during
J' ay bonne cause. European War 1914-16 (wounded, D.S.O.); was Sec. to
I have good reason. Lieut. -Gov. of Orange River Colony 1902-5; D.S.O. 1916.
A Conservative ; has sat for Bath since Jan. 15th, 1910, having
been defeated there Jan. 1906.
Residences —Norton Hall, Daventry.
T. G. TICKLER (Great Grimsby).
Thomas George Tickler, son of George Tickler, of Withern,
Lincolnshire; b. 1852: ;//. 1878, Louise, da. of Wallis Thomas Wells, of
Withern Hall, Lincolnshire ; is Managing Director of T. G. Tickler (Limited),
fruit growers and preservers, of Great Grimsby and Southall, and a J. P. for
Grimsby; 15 years a Member of Grimsby Town Council (Mayor 1907). A
Conservative; has sat for Great Grimsby since May 12th, 1914.
Residence— 73, Madeley Road, Ealing, W.
B. TILLETT (Salford, Northern Division).
Benjamin Tillett; b. 1859 ; at eight years of age worked in a
brickfield ; sometime in R.N. ; one of the Pioneer Organisers of Gen.
Federation of Trades, National Transport Workers' Federation; is Sec,
Dock, Wharf, Riverside, and Gen. Workers' Union of Great Britain and
Ireland. An Independent Member ; unsuccessfully contested W. Div. of
Bradford (/.) July 1892 and July 1895, and Eccles, or S.E., Div. of Lan-
cashire Jan. 1906; has sat for Salford, N. Div. since Nov. 2nd, 1917.
Residence— 425, Mile End Road, E.
R. TOOTILL (Bolton le-Moors).
Robert Tootill, son of James Tootill ; b. Oct. 22nd, 1850;
is a Town Councillor of Bolton. A Labour Member ; has sat for Bolton-le-
Moors since Sept. 22nd, 1914.
Residence— Westward House, Bolton-le- Moors.
SIR GEORGE A TOUCHE (Islington, North Division).
( liorge Alexander Touch e,
son of Anthony Murray Touche,
banker, of Inverleithfield, Edinburgh,
by Margaret, da. of Alexander Guild,
solicitor, of Edinburgh : b. May 24th,
1861 ; ed. at Edinburgh Institution and
Univ. : m. 1887, Jessie, who d. 1917,
da. of the late Isaac Brown ; admitted
a Member of Edinburgh So. of Char-
tered Accountants 1883 I »s senior
partner in the firm of George A. Touche
and Co., chartered accountants, of
Basildon House, E.C., Montreal, To-
ronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Van-
couver, and of Touche, Niven and Co.,
of New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and
Minneapolis, and of Touche, Falter
and Co., of Buenos Ayres, Chm. of In
dustrial and General Trust (Limited),
of Trustees Corporation (Limited), and
of Trust Union (Limited); one of
ilM.'s Lieuts. for City of London, a
ll,i ...ml of Queen Anne's Bounty, a Member of
i Political and Social Science, an Almoner of Christ's Hos-
n Alderman of City <>f London (Walbrook Ward) ; was Sheriff of
m 1915-16 ; has 2n«i Serbian < )■ Sava;
Knt. 1917. A Conservative . fully contested N.-K. Div. <>f 1
shire Aug. 1^04 ; elected for N. Div. of Islington Dec. 5th, 1910, having
been defeat n. kiio.
Residences— 125. Mat, Wcstm >mficld, Westcott, near
Dorking. ClmSt Unfosti 1 <h), Carlton, City Carlton, Constitutional, Pilgrim*',
Automobile, Union <
r, son of tlu- late Councillor <ieorge Toulmin,
i «rch 17th, 1857; ed. : m. 1882,
Mary I D Edclston, an Official Ra
is a M the Prtstcn and Lancashire Daily t°ostt
■A for C<>. Borough of Preston; sometime Vicc-Clun.
was Pres. of Newspajier So. IQIS-1 1 1 Knt.
A liberal; unsuccessfully contested Bury 1900; has sat therefor since
loth, 1902.
Address- Prior % Oak, Penwoitham, Preston, Lancashire. Clmhs— Reform, Eighty,
National Liberal.
C. P. TREVELYAN (Yorkshire, West Riding, North Part, Elland Division).
Charles Philips Trevelyan, el. son of the
Rt. Hon. Sir George Otto Trevelyan, P.C., D.C.L.,
LI. H., 2nd Bt., of Wellington, Cambo, Northumber-
land. Welcombe, Stratford-on-Avon, and 8, Grosvenor
Crescent, S.W., by Caroline, el. da. of the late Robert
Needham Philips, of Welcombe, Stratford-on-Avon,
and The Park, Manchester; b. Oct. 28th, 1870;
ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A., 2nd
class History 1892, M.A. 1896) : m. 1904, Mary
Katharine, da. of Sir (Thomas) Hugh Bell, 2nd Bt., of
Rounton Grange, Northallerton, Red Barns, Redcar, and
95, Sloane Street, S.W. ; formerly a Member of London
Sch. Board ; is Chm. of Inter-Departmental Committee on Half-time Sch.
Attendance Exemption ; was Private Sec. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland (Baron
Houghton) 1892-3, Parliamentary Charity Commr. Feb. 1906 to Oct. 1908,
and Parliamentary Sec. to Board of Education 1908-14. A Liberal; unsuccess-
fully contested N. Div. of Lambeth 1895 > nas sat f°r Elland Div. of N. Part
of W. Riding of Yorkshire since March 8th, 1899.
Residences— 14, Great College Street, Westminster, S.W. ; Cambo, Morpeth, North-
umberland. Clubs— Brooks's, National Liberal.
MAJOR G. C. TRYON (Brighton).
George Clement Tryon, son of the late Vice-Adm. Sir George
Tryon, K.C.B., by the Hon. Clementina Charlotte Heathcote, da. of 1st
Baron Aveland, and sister of 1st Earl of Ancaster ; b. May 15th, 1871 ; ed.
at Eton, and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst: m. 1905, the Hon. Averil Vivian,
da. of 1st Baron Swansea; is Capt. and Brevet Major Grenadier Guards;
served in S. Africa 1899-1900 (medal with two clasps); author of "Tariff
Reform." A Conservative ; has sat for Brighton since Jan. 18th, 1910.
Residences— 19, Eaton Square, S. W. ; The Manor House, Great Durnford, Salisbury.
Club— Guards'.
E. R. TURTON (Yorkshire, North Riding, Thirsk and Malton Division).
Edmund Russborough Turton, son of the late Major Edmund
Henry Turton, formerly 3rd Dragoon Guards, of Upsall Castle, Yorkshire,
by Lady Cecilia Mary Leeson, who d. 1893, da. and heiress of 4th Earl of
Milltown ; b. Nov. 1st, 1857 : m. 1888, Clementina Sarah, da. of the late Rt.
Hon. Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane, P.C, G.C.B., I.S.O., of
Brympton, Yeovil; Bar. Inner Temple 1882; is a Director of N. -Eastern
Railway Co., of London Joint Stock Bank, and of Yorkshire Insurance Co.,
a J. P. and D.L. for N. Riding of Yorkshire, and Chm. of Quarter Sessions.
A Conservative ; has sat for Thirsk and Malton Div. of N. Riding of Yorkshire
since Feb. 12th, 191 5.
Residences— Upsall Castle, Thirsk; Russborough, Blessington, co. Wicklow. Clubs—
Carlton, Brooks's, Kildare Street, Yorkshire.
LIEUT COL. SIR HARRY C. W. VERNEY, Bt. (Buckinghamshire. North, or
Buckingham, Division).
I larry Calvert Williams Vl 1
D.S.O., 4th Baronet, el. son of the late
Sir Edmund Hope Verney, 3rd baronet,
of Claydon . House, Buckinghamshire ;
Rhianva. Menai Bridge, and Pita Rbos>
colyn, Holyhead, by Margaret Maria, el.
da. of Sir John Hay Williams. 2nd lit. ;
/>. [une 7th, 1 881 ; ed. at Harrow, and at
Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1905, M.A.
1907): m. 191 1, Lady Rachel Catherine
Bruce, da. of 9th Earl of Elgin ;
was Assist. Private Sec. to successive
Sees, of State for the Colonies (Earl
of Elgin and Earl of Crewe) 1907-10,
and an Assist. Private Sec. (unpaid) for
Imperial Conference and Coronation 191 1 ;
formerly Capt. Army Ser. Corps ; is a
J. P. and County Councillor for Bucks;
served during European War 1914-18 as
Assist. Director of Labour, with rank of
Lieut.-Col. (D.S.O.) ; appointed Parlia-
mentary Private Sec. to Ch. Sec. for Ireland (Rt. Hon. A. Birrell, M.P.)
191 1, and Parliamentary Sec. to Board of Agriculture and Fisheries 1914 ;
D.S.O. 1918. A Liberal', unsuccessfully contested Hants, N., or Basingstoke,
>.n. and March 1906, and Wilts, Wilton Div. Jan. 1910 ; elected for N.,
<>r 1'iuckingham, Div. of Buckinghamshire Dec. 15th, 1910.
Residence— Claydon House, Steeple Claydon, Hucks. Club— Brooks's.
VERNON-HARCOURT [see Harcourt).
J. WAD8W0RTH Yorkshire, West Riding, Southern Part,
Hallamshire Division).
John Wadsworth, son of H. Wadsworth, of West Melton,
Yorkshire; b. Feb. 4th, 1850; ed. at Brampton Sch. : ///. 1872, Annie Kli/a
Bell, of Newbiggin, near Sheffield ; employed at Thomelitle Rl prior to
lockout in 1869, then worked at Wombwell Main Colliery, going
to Whamdiflfe Silkftooe Colliery 1870 and becoming Cluck weighman 1883;
20 yc lies., and Delegate for Wharneliffe Sill. nch of
Yorkshire Miners' Asso. 1904(15
years \ -ponding See. 1905. \ ' mbcr ;
has sat for Hsllamshil W. Riding of Yorkshire sin,
24th, 1906.
Residence— *. Huddcn» field Ro. I
London Addrtst—Wou%K of Commons
COL. W. HALL WALKER (Lancashire, South-West, Widnes Division).
William Hall W t Sir An
caster, and Osmn 9 tin- Hon
Haughton Charlei ( A Hall, Ash-
boom 25th, 1856; ed. at Harrow: m.
1896, Sopli 1
I » 1.
•ster ;
1 Bain. King's (Liverpool Regt.), and
I K.)i and 1
Rest ice, Regent shin ;
Hor*lr lord, Denbighshire. Cinhs -M.-\rl I trough , Hurlmgham, (. arlton.
J. WALSH (Cork Co., South Cork Division).
John Walsh; /;. 18 — ; is a wholesale and retail spirit mer-
chant, and a County Councillor for Cork. An Independent Nationalist ;
elected for S. Cork l)iv. of Cork co. Dec. 15th, 1910.
Residence — Bandon, co Cork.
S. WALSH (Lancashire, South- West, Ince Division).
Stephen Walsh, son of John Walsh, of Liverpool, by his wife,
Mary : b. Aug. 26th. 1859 ; sometime a working miner ; is Miners' Agent
for Wigan Dist., and a J. P. for Wigan and Lancashire ; was Parliamentary
Sec. to National Ser. Min. March to July 1917, since when Parliamentary
Sec. to Local Govt. Board. A Labour Member : has sat for Ince Div. of Lan-
cashire (S.-W.) since Jan. 18th, 1906.
Residence— %, Swinley Road, Wigan.
SIR JOHN T. WALTERS (Sheffield, Brightside Division).
John Tudor Walters, son of the late John Tudor Walters ;
b. 1866; ed. privately: m. 1888, Mary, da. of the late William Hill; is a
Surveyor, and a J. P. for Leicestershire; was first Pres. of Education Asso.
(England and Wales) ; Knt. 1912. A Liberal; has sat for Brightside Div. of
Sheffield since 1906.
Residence— The Way Side, Oadby, Leicestershire. Club— Reform.
SIR JOSEPH WALTON, Bt. (Yorkshire, West Riding, Southern Part, Barnsley
Joseph Walton, 1st Baronet, son
of the late Joseph Walton, coal and lead
mine owner and smelter, of Frosterley, co.
Durham, by his wife Margaret ; b. March
19th, 1849; ed. privately: m. 1880, Faith,
da. of the late Robert Gill, solicitor, of
Middlesbrough ; is a F.R.G.S., a Coal Owner
and a J. P. of Middlesbrough, and a J. P. and
D.L. for N. Riding of Yorkshire ; has tra-
velled widely in India, China, Japan, America,
Africa, Persia, Asiatic Turkey, Australia, and
New Zealand, studying the commercial and
political situation ; author of " China and the
Present Crisis"; cr. a Baronet 1910. A
LJberal) unsuccessfully contested Doncaster
Div. of S. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire
1895 ; has sat for Barnsley Div. of S. Part
of W. Riding of Yorkshire since Oct. 28th,
Residence — Rushpool, Saltburn-by-the-Sea.
Liberal, Royal Automobile.
Clubs— Reform, Ranelagh, National
A. S. WARD (Hertfordshire, Western, or Watford, Division).
Arnold Sandwith Ward, son of Thomas Humphry Ward, of
Stocks, Tring, Herts, and 25, Grosvenor Place, S.W. ; b. Nov. 8th, 1876 ; ed.
at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1899) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1903 ;
acted as Special Correspondent to the Times 1900-1902 ; is Lieut. Yeo. ; served
in Egypt 1914. A Liberal Unionist ; unsuccessfully contested N., or Crick -
lade, Div. of Wilts Jan. 1906 ; has sat for W., or Watford, Div. of Hert-
fordshire since Jan. 27th, 1910.
Residences- blocks, Tring, Herts ; 25, Grosvenor Place, S.W.
LIEUT. COL. J. WARD (Stoke upon-Trent).
John W'ard, C.M.G., son of Robert Ward, of Oatlands Park,
Surrey, by Caroline, da. of John Edmunds, of Kimpton, Hants ; b. Nov. 2lst,
1866 ; self educated : m. 1892, Lilian Elizal>eth, da. of George Gibbs, builder,
of Wandsworth, S.W. ; commenced work at the age of 7, and continued to
work as a navvy until 1890; served in Soudan 1885 as a Vol. (medal
with clasp, Khedive's bronze star) ; joined Social Democratic Federation
1885 ; selected to test legality of proclamation prohibiting Unemployed Meet-
ing in Trafalgar Square 1886 (arrested) ; instrumental in unearthing Richmond
and Wandsworth Sewer Construction Scandals (publicly thanked by both
Corporations) ; founded Navvies' Union 1889, and became its Ch. Officer ;
has attended all Trade Union Congresses since 1890; is Lieut. -Col. Comdg.
a Batn. Duke of Cambridge Own (Middlesex Regt.), a Member of Manage-
ment Committee of Gen. Federation of Trades Unions, and a J. P. for co.
London ; served during European War 1914-18 (C.M.G.); C.M.G. 1918. A
Socialist "running on a strong Labour and Democratic programme"; has
sat for Stoke-upon-Trent since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence — 7, Herndon Road, Wandsworth, S.W.
LIEUT. COM. W. D. WARD (Southampton).
William Dudley Ward, son of the
late William Humble Dudley Ward, by the
Hon. Eugenie Violet Adele Brett, da. of i*t
Viscount Esher ; b. Oct. 14th, 1877; ed. at
Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1903) ;
Bar. Inner Temple, 1904 : m. 1913, Winifred
May. da. of Lieut. -Col. Charles Wilfrid Birkin,
C.M.G. . of Lamcote, RadcliflTe-on-Trent ; is
Lieut.-Com. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve ; was
Private Sec. (unpaid) to First Commis-
sioner of Works (Kt. Hon. 1 'iirt,
Ml) 1906-9, Treasurer of rl.M.'l Household Dec 1900-12, and Parliamentary
Private Sec. to Ch. Govt. Whip 1912-17, since when he has been Vice-
Chamberlain to H.M.'s Household and a Junior Loid of the Treasury. A
Liberal ; has sat for Southampton since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residence- &, Great Cumberland Place, W. Chambers-\t Hare Court, Temp!-
Clubs— Windham, Brooks'*.
COL. C. E. WARDE (Kent. Mid, or Medway, Division
ch.ul.s Edward Warde, el. son of the
late Gen. Sir 1 harles War lv
Jane. da. of the late Rev. Canon Charles Lan«
ofl Wrotham, Kent; b. Dec. 20th, 1845 : m. 1890,
H< -len, da. of the Iftl merly
Major 4th Hussars ; mdg. and 1
Col. Yeo., and a J. P. and D.L. for Kent. A Con-
servative; has sat for Mid, 01 Medway, Div. of Kent
since July 14th, 1892.
(mt— Barhant Court, Maidstone.
Naval and Military, Hurlingham.
G. J. WARDLE (Stockport).
( ieorge James Wardle, C.fl., son of the late George W ardle ;
/'. May 15th' 1865; ed. at a Wesleyan Sch. : m. 1889, Atla Matilda Terry;
commenced life as a factory hand at Keighley ; subsequently a Clerk on
Midland Railway ; is a Journalist, a Member of National Union of Railway-
men, and Editor of the Railway Revieiu; has acted as Chm. of the Labour
Party; appointed Parliamentary Sec. to Hoard of Trade Aug. 191 7 ; author
of H Problems of the Age " ; Companion of Honour 191 7. A Labour Member ;
has sat for Stockport since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Residence — 107, Brownlow Road, New Southgate, N.
MAJOR W. WARING (Banffshire).
Walter Waring, son of the late Charles Waring, M.P. for Poole
1865-8, by Charlotte Eliza Mary Jane, who d. 1900, da. of Sir George Denys,
2nd Bt. ; b. Aug. nth, 1876; ed. at Eton: m. 1 901, Lady Susan Elizabeth
Clementine Hay, C.B.E.y da. of 10th Marquess of Tweeddale; formerly Capt.
1st Life Guards ; served in S. Africa 1899-1900 (despatches) ; is Major Yeo.,
and a J. P. for Berwickshire ; was Master of the Horse to Lord-Lieut, of
Ireland 1906, and Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Sec. of Board of
Agriculture and Fisheries (Sir Edward Strachey, Bt., M.P.) 1910-11. A
Liberal; unsuccessfully contested Wigtownshire 1906; has sat for Banffshire
since Feb. 16th, 1907.
Residences— q, Grosvenor Place, S W. ; Lennel, Coldstream, Berwickshire.
COL. SIR (T.) COURTENAY (T.) WARNER, Bt. (Staffordshire, Lichfield
(Thomas) Courtenay (Theydoti)
Warner, C.B., 1st Baronet^ son of the late
Edward Warner, J. P., D.L. (M.P. for Nor-
wich), of Highams, Woodford, Essex, and
49, Grosvenor Place, S.W., by Maria, da. of
Thomas Carr, of New Ross, co. Waterford ;
b. July 19th, 1857; ed. at Eton, and at
Brasenose Coll., Oxford : m. 1883, Lady
Leucha Diana Maude, da. of 1st Earl de
Montalt ; is Lord-Lieut, of Suffolk, Pres.
Suffolk Territorial Asso., a County Alder-
man for W. Suffolk, a J. P. for Somerset,
and Chm. Warner Estate Co., and of Law
Land Co. ; was High Sheriff of Essex 1891,
and Chm. of Central Chamber of Agriculture
1906 ; formerly Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col.
Comdg. 3rd Batn. Oxfordshire and Bucking-
hamshire L.I. ; cr. C.B. (Civil) 1909, and a
Baronet 1910. A Liberal) unsuccessfully con-
tested Coventry 1885 ; sat for N. Div. of
Somerset July 1892 to July 1895; nas sat f°r
Lichfield Div. of Staffordshire since Feb. 26th, 1896.
Residences— Brettenham Park, Suffolk ; 34, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. Clubs-
Bachelors', Reform, National Liberal.
RIGHT HON. E. WASON (Clackmannan and Kinross shire .
Eugene Wason, P.C., son of the late Peter
Rigby Wason (M.P. for Ipswich), of Corwar, Ayrshire,
by Euphemia, da. of Peter Mactier ; b. Jan. 26th,
1846 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Wadham Coll., Oxford
(B.A. 1868, M.A. 1870): m. 1870, Eleanor Mary,
da. of Charles Reynolds Williams, D.L., of Doly-
mellynllyn, Dolgelly, N. Wales ; Bar. Middle Temple
1870; is a J. P. and D.L. for co. Ayr, and Chm. of
Scottish Liberal Members, and of Committee on Food
Production in Scotland ; P.C. 1907. A Liberal; sat
for S. Div. of Ayrshire Dec. 1885 to June 1886. and
July 1892 to July 1895; defeated there in 1886 and
1895 ; has sat for Clackmannan and Kinross-shire since
Dec. 20th. 1899.
Residences— Blair, Dailly, Ayrshire ; 8, Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park. W. Club— Reform.
J. C. WASON (Orkney and Shetland).
John Cathcart Wason, younger son of the late Peter Rigby
Wason (M.P. for Ipswich), of Corwar, Ayrshire, by Euphemia, da. of Peter
Mactier; b. 1848: /;/. 1874, Alice, da. of Edward Bell; Bar. Middle Temple
1887 ; has been a Member of New Zealand Parliament. A Liberal ; elected
for Orkney and Shetland Oct. 24th, 1900 ; resigned Aug. 1902 on leaving the
Liberal-Unionist Party; re-elected Nov. 19th, 1902, Feb. 13th, 1906, Feb.
13th, 1910, and Dec. 14th, 1910.
Residences— 40, Grosvenor Road, S.W. ; Penlan, Pinwherry, Ayrshire. Clubs—
Reform. Royal Automobile.
CAPT. J. B WATSON (Stockton-on-Tees).
John Beitnnd Watson, son of the late John Wilson Watson,
k May 16th, 1878 ; is Capt. in Army. A Coalition Member ; elected
tockton-on-Tees March 20th, 191 7.
Residence -Taunton, The Park, North End Road, Hampstead, N.W.3.
HON. W. WAT80N Lanarkshire, Southern Division*.
William Watson, A".(\, 2nd son of the late Baron
1, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, by Margaret, who
d. 1898, da. of Dugald J. Bannatyne ; b. Dec. 8th, 1873 ; ed.
at Winchester, and at Jesus Coll.. UUBD. I »/. 1902, Sophia
M.irjoti.-, da. M John I m, of We lurray-
ti. Id : Advocate, Scotland 1899, and a K.C. 1914. An Unionist ;
has sat for S I > . 12th, 1913.
Residence— S, Ht- iinburgh. Clubs — New (Edinburgh),
H. A WATT (Glasgow, College Division).
Heni> Anderson Watt, third ion of George rieorj Watt, .1
\ l: . I J I '; .il>eth Tayl< [ama
Fob. 28th, 1868 iisgow
uxl at (ilasgow Univ. (M.A. 1886): m. 1894. Caroline Egerton,
da. of the late l.i eld, DvJUBf \ itnm ; Bar.
Gray's Inn 1896; is a J. IV for Argrllsl 7 years engaged in mercantile
pursuit sat for College Div. of Glasgow
Jan. 1 8th, 1006.
ResicUntft — Ardcnalate House, Hunter '» (^uay, AtgylUliire ; PrmpMerton, Dunscorc,
Newton Blos»omville, Muck*.
Glasgow Liberal, Scottish Liberal.
LIEUT. COL. SIR HENRY WEBB. Bt (Gloucestershire, Forest of Dean Division).
Henry Webb, ist Baronet, son of the
late Henry Webb, of Bristol; b. 1866; ed. at
Cardiff, and in Switzerland and France : m.
1896, Ellen, da. of the late William Phillip
Williams, of Cardiff; raised and commanded
a Batn. Gloucestershire Regt. and a Batn.
Worcestershire Regt. ; sometime Lieut. -Col.
Comdg. a Batn. The Kings (Liverpool Regt.),
(now Comdg. Labour Centre, W. Command) ;
is a Mining Engineer, Coal Proprietor, a Pro-
prietor of Westminster Gazette, a Director of
Ocean Collieries (Limited), of Ocean Coal and
Wilsons (Limited), and of Deep Navigation
Collieries (Limited), a Life Member of Roy.
Agricultural So., and of Shorthorn So., a
Member of Council of Univ. Coll., S. Wales,
a J. P. for Monmouthshire and Herefordshire,
and a J.P. and D.L. for Gloucestershire ;
sometime Capt. in Submarine Mining Driving
Engineers ; was a Junior Lord of the Treasury
(unpaid) April 1912 to May 1915 ; cr. a
Baronet 1916. A Liberal', unsuccessfully contested S., or Ross, Division
of Herefordshire Jan. and Dec. 1910 ; elected for Forest of Dean Div. of
Gloucestershire Feb. 24th, 191 1.
Residences — 2, Seymour Street, W. ; Llwynarthan, Castleton, near Newport ; Kilforge,
Holme Lacey, co. Hereford ; Scott's Overy Staithe, Burnham Market, Norfolk. Clubs—
Reform Bath National Liberal.
J. C. WEDGWOOD (Newcastle-under-Lyme).
Josiah Clement Wedgwood, D.S.O., 2nd son of the late Clement
Francis Wedgwood, master potter, of Barlaston, Staffordshire, by Emily
Catherine, da. of the late James Meadows Rendel, F. R.S., of 8, Great George
Street, S.W. ; b. 1872 ; ed. at Clifton Coll., and in Germany: m. 1894, the
Hon. Ethel Kate, da. of the 1st Baron Bowen, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary ;
is a Member of Staffordshire County Council, and a D.L. for Stafford ; served
during S. African War as Capt. Elswick Battery, R.F.A. (despatches twice),
subsequently becoming Resident Magistrate of Ermelo Dist. of Transvaal, and
during European War in Flanders 1914 and subsequently in Gallipoli 1915
as Com. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve (wounded, D.S.O.) ; D.S.O. 1915 ; ap-
pointed an Assist. Director Trench Warfare Depart., Ministry of Munitions
1917. A Liberal, and a "Single Taxer"" ; has sat for Newcastle-under-Lyme
since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Residence — Crunham, Gloucestershire. Club — National Liberal.
LIEUT-COL. W. E. G. A. WEIGALL (Lincolnshire, South Lindsey, or Horncastle
William Ernest George Archibald Weigall, son of Henry
Weigall, J. P., D.L., of Southwood St. Laurence, Isle of Thanet, by Lady
Rose Sophia Mary Fane, da. of nth Earl of Westmorland ; b. Dec. 8th, 1874 ;
ed. at Wellington Coll., and at Cirencester Agriculture Coll. (gold medallist) :
m. 1910, Grace Emily Blundell, da. of Sir John Blundell Maple, M.P., 1st Bt.
(ext.) ; is a J.P- for Kent and Lincolnshire* and Capt. Yeo. ; has been Lieut. -
Col. Head-Quarters Staff, and Inspector of Q.M.G., Sers. N. Command;
formerly Major 3rd Batn. Northamptonshire Regt. ; appointed Surveyor of
Food Consumption in Public Sers. 1918. A Conservative; elected for S.
Lindsey, or Horncastle, Div. of Lincolnshire Feb. 16th, 191 1.
Residences—^ Portman Square, W. : Petwood, Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire.
COL. J. W. WESTON (Westmorland, Southern, or Kendal, Division).
John Wakefield Weston, son of the late Rev. G. F. Weston,
V. of Crosby, Ravensworth ; b. June 13th, 1852 ; ed. at Rugby, and
at Univ. Col., Oxford ; is a J. P. for Westmorland, Chm. of its County
Council and of Kendal Board of Guardians and Dist. Council, and Vice-Chm.
Westmorland Territorial Force Asso. (T.D.) ; was Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col.
Comdg. 4th Batn. Border Regt. 1896- 1910. An Independent Unionist-, elected
for S., or Kendal, Div. of Westmorland March 18th, 1913.
Residence — Enyeat, Endmoor, Kendal, Westmorland.
Aylmer Gould Hunter-
Weston, K.C.8., D.S.O., elder
son of the late Lieut. -Col. Gould
Read Hunter - Weston, D.L.,
F.S.A., of Hunterston, Ayrshire ;
b. Sept. 23rd, 1864; ed. at Wel-
lington Coll., and at R.M.A. : m.
1905, Grace, only da. of the late
William Strang Steel, of Philip-
haugh, Selkirkshire ; entered R.E.
1884, became Capt. 1892, Brevet
Major 1895, Brevet Lieut. -Col.
1900, Brevet Col. 1906, Col. 1908,
Maj.-Gen. 1914, and temporary
Lieut. -Gen. 191 5 ; served with
Miranzai Expedition 1891, with
Waziristan Delimitation Escort
1894, present at night action at
Wana (despatches), with Wazi-
ristan Field Force 1894-5, Comdg
Bengal Sappers and Miners
(wounded, despatches medal
with clasp, Brevet Major), with Dongola Expedition 1896 on Staff, present
at battle of Kirket (despatches, medal, Egyptian medal with clasp, 4U1 CUMM
Medjidie), in S. Africa 1 899- 1 901 successively in command of Mounted
Engineers, Comdg. R.E. of Lieut. -Gen. French's C*T. Div., DA. AG. Cav.
Div., Ch. Staff Officer to Lieut. -Gen. French, and finally in command of ■
Column, present at operations around Colobefg, actions of Dekiels Drift and
Kliji Drift, relief of KimU-rley. actions of Paardeherg, Driefontein, Thaba
'Nchu, Karec Siding, LeeoWKOp, Roodekopi Zand River, Johannesburg,
Diamond Hill, Belfast, etc., and in command of live Cav. Raids during MhmDOfl
to Pretoria, cutt, 1 and telegl rth of Bloemfontein, I
stadt, and Pretoria (d< nodal with seven clasps, Brevet Lieut.-Col.,
D.S.O.), and during European War 1914-17 Comdg. first an Inf. Brig, in
France, subsequently 1 urdanelles at landing at Cape Hellcs. after-
wards an Army Corps there, and subsequently in France (despatches four
promoted Maj.-Gen. and temporary Lt. Gen., K.C.B., Com. of Legion
nd Officer of Order of Crown of Bclgiun n. Col.
wrshirc, and a Knight of Justice of the
\. \ I . . 1 .. Com-
mand 1 004. er there 1906, Col. General Stai
Command iochS, Assist. 1 Mil. Training. iff at War
Office Comdg. an Inf. Brig. 1014; D.S.O. IOCO, CB. (Mil.) 1911,
K.C.B. (Mil.) 1915. A Coalition Member ; has sat for N. Div. of Ayrshire
since Oct. nth, 1916.
Residtncts—i, Culford Garden*. S.W. 3 : Huntcnton. We»t Kilbride, Ayrshire ; I .arte
Dorset. C7w*x-C»rlt<>n. Hurlingham, Royal Automobile, Naval and Military,
MAJOR G. C. H. WHELER (Kent, North-Eastern, or Faversham, Division).
Granville Charles Hastings
WHKLBR, son of the late Charles Wheler
Wheler, of Otterden Place, Faversham,
Kent, and Ledston Hall, Castleford, York-
shire, by Elizabeth Townsend, el. da. of
William Hall, of Syndale Park, Kent; (,.
Oct. 2nd, 1872 : m. 1905, Ffaith Florence,
da. of the late Capt. E. T. Clarke, of
Alcombe Cote, Dunster, Somerset ; Bar.
Middle Temple 1898; is a J.P. for W.
Riding of Yorkshire, and a J.P. and D.L.
for Kent ; appointed Inspector of Quarter-
master-Gen. 's Sers., W. Command 191 5,
with rank of Major. A Conservative ; un-
successfully contested Osgoldcross Div. of
E. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire Jan.
1906, and Colne Valley Div. of S. Part of
\V. Riding of Yorkshire July 1907 ; has sat
for N.-E., or Faversham, Div. of Kent since
Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residences— Otterden Place, Faversham, Kent; Ledston Hall, Castleford, Yorkshire.
Clubs — Carlton, Oxford and Cambridge, Royal Automobile.
LIEUT.-COL. G. DALRYMPLE WHITE (Lancashire, South-West, Southport
Godfrey Dalrymple White, son of the late Gen. Sir Henry
Dalrymple White, K.C.B., who commanded 6th Inniskilling Dragoons
throughout Crimean War, by Alice Elizabeth, da. of the late Neil Malcolm,
of Poltalloch, Argyllshire ; b. July 6th, 1866; ed. at Wellington Coll., and at
Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst : m. 191 2, the Hon. Catherine Mary Cary, da.
of 12th Viscount Falkland ; commanded a Batn. Grenadier Guards 1914-16 ;
is a F.R.G.S. ; served in S. Africa 1899-1902, present at actions of Belfast
and Caledon River, and in operations in Cape Colony (despatches, Queen's
medal with three clasps, King's medal with two clasps), and during European
War 1916 on Staff, with rank of Lieut. -Col. A Conservative; unsuccessfully
contested E., or Devizes, Div. of Wilts Jan. 1906; has sat for Southport
Div. of Lancashire (S.W.) since Jan. 24th, 1910.
Residence— 95, Eaton Square. S.W. Clubs — Carlton, Guards', Travellers', Bachelors'.
J. D. WHITE (Glasgow, Tradeston Division).
James Dundas White, el. son of the late John Orr White,
of Sunnyside, Kingswood Road, Upper Norwood, S.E., by Fanny Campbell,
da. of the late James White, of Overtoun, Dumbarton ; b. July 10th, 1866 ;
ed. at Rugby, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. and LL.B. 1888, M.A. 1892,
LL.M. 1894, LL.D. 1901) ; ///. 1894, Lydia Grace, da. of the late Rev. R.
Haythornthwaite, V. of Cleator Moor, Cumberland ; Bar. Inner Temple 1891;
has written on economic, legal, and nautical subjects; was Parliamentary
Private Sec. to successive Sees, for Scotland (Baron Pentland and Rt. Hon.
T. McKinnon Wood, M.P.) 1910-16, to Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster,
and Financial Sec. to the Treasury (Rt. Hon. T. McKinnon Wood, M.P.)
July to Dec. 1916. A Liberal; sat for Dumbartonshire Jan. 1906 to Dec.
1910; elected for Tradeston Div. of Glasgow July 6th, 191 1.
Residence— 43, Burton Court, Sloane Square, S.W. Chambers — Goldsmith Building,
Temple, E.C- Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Eighty, Glasgow Liberal,
SIR LUKE WHITE (Yorkshire, East Riding, Buckrose Division).
Luke White, son of James White, of Deighton, E. Yorkshire ;
/>. March 1st, 1845 : ///. 1869, a da. of A. Wood (she d. 1916) ; began life .as
an office lad ; became a Solicitor's managing clerk 1868; admitted a Solicitor
1874; is a Member of Incorporated Law So., Coroner for E. Riding of York-
shire, and a J. P. and D.L. for E. Yorkshire; many years Chm. of Driffield
Local Board and Urban Dist. Council ; Knt. 1908. A Liberal ; has sat for
Buckrose Div. of E. Riding of Yorkshire since Oct. I2th, 1900.
Residence — Driffield. East Yorkshire.
P. WHITE (Meath County, North Meath Division).
Patrick White, son of Thomas White, of Clonalvy, co. Meath;
b. i860 ; is .1 Member of Dublin Corporation, and one of the Treasurers of the
United Irish League. A Nationalist; has sat for N. Meath Div of Meath
co. since Oct. 4th, 1900.
Residence — Clonalvy, Balbriggan.
J. H. WHITEBOUSE (Lanarkshire, Mid Division).
John Howard Whitehouse ; b. 1873; ed. privately, and at
Midland Institute, and Mason Coll. ; organised social work at Bournville ;
appointed first Sec. of Carnegie Dunfermline Trust 1903, Sec. of Toynbee
Hall 1905, and Warden of Manchester Univ. Settlement 1908; has been
Editor of Saint George since 1897 ; is Hon. Sec. of National League of
Workers with Boys, Eounder and Warden of Secondary Schoolboys' Camp ;
appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. (unpaid) to Under Sec. of State for
Home Depart. 1910, to Financial Sec. to the Treasury 191 2 and to Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer 1913, and a Member of Departmental Committee on
Reformatory Schs. 1912 ; author of "Problems of a Scottish Provincial Town,"
"A National System of Education," etc. A Liberal; has sat for Mid Div.
of Lanarkshire since Jan. 27th, 1910.
Residence— 11, Hammersmith Terrace, W. Clubs— National Liberal, Eighty, Glasgow
8IR HERBERT J. WHITELEY, Bt (Worcestershire, Mid. or Droitwich, Division).
Herbert James WHITEL1Y, 1st lnironet, son of the late George
Whiteley, of Halifax, by Margaret, <la. of James Pickop, M.I)., of Blackburn;
b. Dec. 8th, 1857 ; ed. privately, and abroad : w. 1895, Florence Kate,
el. <la. of William Balk- Huntington, D.L., of Woodland, h.uwcn, Lanca-
M 1 I.I', and a cotton spinner and manufacturer of Blackln;
which Borough ha was Mayor 1892, an«l a I.P, for Wore
*9'3) I <r- ■ Baronet 1918. A Con sat for Ashton-un<l< 1
July 1S95 to Jan. 1906, when I ated therefor; has sat f
or Droitwich, Div. of Worcestershire since Feb. 29th, 1916.
Residence -Tboengrov, near Worcester. Clubs— Carlton, Constitutional.
John Henry Whitley, P.C.sonofthe ui Whitley, of
Halifax ; /• I ,„.l at London I
1885): ///. 1892, Marghcrita Virginia, cotton
■pfakDtt, tad 1 [ P. for W. Riding of Yorkshire; was a Jul of tbi
Treasury March 1907 to Feb. 1910, and Dep. Chm. of Committees Feb. 1910
to Oct. 191 1, since when he has been Dep. Speaker and Chm. of Ways
and Means. A Liberal ; has sat for Halifax since Oct. 4th, 1900; P.C.
Residences- 61, Burton Court, Chelsea, S.W.3; Brantwood, Halifax. Clubs— National
Libera), Eighty.
RIGHT HON. SIR THOMAS P. WHITTAKER (Yorkshire, West Riding, Eastern
Part, Spen VaUey Division).
Thomas Palmer Whittaker, P.C, son of Thomas Whittaker,
J. P., of Scarborough, by Louisa Palmer, of London ; b. Jan. 7th, 1850 ; ed. at
Huddersfield Coll. : m. 1874, Emma Mary, da. of Capt. Charles Theedam ;
formerly a Member of Scarborough Corporation ; was a Member of Roy.
Commn. on Licensing 1896-9 ; is Chm. and Managing Director of United
Kingdom Temperance and Gen. Provident Institution ; author of articles on
Economics and Social Questions in the leading Reviews ; appointed Chm.
of Roy. Commn. on Paper 1916; knighted 1906; P.C. 1908. A Liberal',
has sat for Spen Valley Div. of E. Part of W. Riding of Yorkshire since
July 13th, 1892.
Residences— 2, Wetherby Gardens, S.W. ; 5, Harrington Mansions, Eastbourne.
Club— Reform.
P. J. WHITTY (Louth County, North Louth Division).
Patrick Joseph Whitty, son of the late Dr. Whitty, of Water-
ford ; b. 1894 ; is an accountant. A Nationalist ; has sat for N. Div. of
Louth co. since Feb. 24th, 1916.
Residence— 22, Cross Avenue, Blackrock, co. Dublin.
A. F. WHYTE (Perth).
Alexander Frederick Whyte, son of the Rev. Alexander
VVhyte, D.D., Principal of New College, Edinburgh, by Jane Elizabeth, da.
of the late G. F. Barbour, of Bonskeid, N.B. ; b. Sept. 30th, 1883 5 ed- at
Edinburgh Acad., and at Jena and Edinburgh Univs. (M.A. 1st Class Honours
1905) : m. 1912, Margaret Emily, da. of the Rev. William Fairweather, D.D.,
of Dunnikier, Kirkcaldy ; is Hon. Lieut. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve ; was
Lecteur d'Anglais, Sorbonne, Paris 1905-6, and Warden Edinburgh Univ.
Settlement 1907-8 ; appointed Parliamentary Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. W. L.
Spencer-Churchill, M.P. (when Sec. of State for Home Depart.) 1910 and
(when First Lord of the Admiralty) 191 1. A Liberal \ has sat for Perth since
Jan. 17th, 1910.
Residence— 3, Barton Street, S.W.
RIGHT HON. T. WILES (Islington, South Division).
Thomas Wiles, P.C, son of the late Joseph Wiles, of St.
Albans, Herts; b. June 19th, 1861 ; ed. at Amersham Hall Sch. : m. 1890,
Winifred Alice, youngest da. of the late Rev. Harris Crassweller, of Highbury;
appointed Private Sec. to T. M. Wood, M.P. (when Under Sec. of State
for Foreign Affairs) 1908 and (when Financial Sec. to the Treasury) 191 1 ;
is senior member of the firm of Joseph Wiles and Son (Limited), grain
merchants, of London House, Crutched Friars, E.C., Sec. to London Liberal
Members in House of Commons, and a J. P. for Oxfordshire; P.C. 1916.
A Liberal; has sat for S. Div. of Islington since Jan. 15th, 1906.
Residences— 168, Ashley Gardens, S.W. ; Satwell Spinneys, Rotherfield Greys, Oxon.
Clubs — Reform National Liberal.
A. WILKIE (Dundee).
Alexander Wilkie, C.H., son of William Wilkie, of Leven ;
b. Sept., 1850 ; formerly Sec. of Glasgow Shipwrights ; is Gen. Sec. of
Ship constructors' and Shipwrights' Asso., a Member of Newcastle City
Council and of its Education Committee, and of Industrial Council, a Labour
Adviser to Shipping Controller, a J. P., and a Trustee of Gen. Federation of
Trades Unions ; took part in establishing Labour Representation Committee ;
Companion of Honour 191 7. A Labour Member ; unsuccessfully contested
Sunderland Oct. 1900; has sat for Dundee since Jan. 16th, 1906.
Reside nee— Leven House. Lesbury Road, Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
A. WILLIAMS 'Durham County, North- West Division).
Aneurin Williams, son of the late Edward Williams, J. P.,
of Cleveland Lodge, Middlesbrough; b. Oct. nth, 1859; ed. at St. Johns
Coll., Camb. (B.A. Classical Tripos 1880, M.A. 1883); m. 1888, Helen
Elizabeth, da. of John Pattinson, J. P., of Shipcote House, Gateshead; Bar.
Inner Temple 1884 ; is a J. P. for Surrey, a Director of Welsh National House
Trust (Limited), Chm. of Executive International Co-operative Alliance;
sometime a partner in Linthorpe Iron Works of Middlesbrough. A Liberal ;
unsuccessfully contested Mid, or Medway, Div. of Kent 1906; sat for Ply-
mouth Jan. 1910 to Dec. 1910, when he was defeated; elected for N.-W. Div.
of Durham co. Jan. 30th, 1914.
Residence— Wheelside, Hindhead, Surrey. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Eighty.
J. WILLIAMS (Glamorgan. Western, or dower, Division).
John Williams, son of David Williams, of Aberaman,
Glamorgan, by his wife, Hannah; A, 1861 : m. 1884, Lizzie, da. of Daniel
Jones, of Aberaman, Glamorgan ; commenced life as a miner ; has been Gen.
Sec. of Amalgamated So. of S. Wales Colliery Workers ; sometime a Member
nt Mountain Ash Dist. Council. A Labour Member', has sat for W., or
Gower, Div. of Glamorgan since Jan. 23rd, 1906.
Residence -Skctc. .
COL. P. WILLIAMS (Middlesbrough)
lVnry Williams, son of Edward Williams, of Middlesbrough ;
5th, 1866 : m. 1st, 1890, Alexandra Octavia, who d. 1904, da. of
William Jenkins, of Consett, CO. Durham ; 2ndly, 1906, Kdith Martha, da.
of the late William Petherick ; is UeUt-CoL ami H.m. Col. (Y !
Territorial Force, Lieut. -Col. Yorkshire Regt. and employed on Recruiting
: >irector of Linthorpe- Dinsdale Smelting Co. ( Limited), and a J. P.
b and for N. Riding <>f Yorkshire. A libera/; has
Middlesbrough since Jan. iSth, I910.
Res idences— Consult House, (Jrovc Hill, Middlesbrough; Pinchinthorpe Hall.
brough, Yorkshire.
COL. SIR ROBERT WILLIAMS. Bt. (Dorset, West Division).
Robert Williams, i^t Baron$t% el. son of the late Robert
Williams ,M.r. . If hi -ad, Don better, | .
of the late Rev. John William CuiUlin
June 15th, 184V i and at ( h. (h.. Oxford: m. iS(>w
;. IOI Nathaniel Phill
ctshire K« hi.
County A l London,
the S w. Rail* iVUlfaum I >cacons' Ban
ininittee of Canterhn 1
Con \\ . I»iv. of Dorfeet since May 14th, 1895.
Residence— Bridehead, Dorchaater. Clubs— Carlton, National, British Empire.
T. J. WILLIAMS (Swansea District).
Thomas Jeremiah Williams, son of the late William Williams,
formerly M.P. for Swansea Dist. ; b. March 31st, 1872 : m. 1912, Laura
Alice, da. of the late Thomas Marlow, of Southport ; Bar. Gray's Inn 1902 ;
is a J. P. for Glamorgan. A Liberal : elected for Swansea Dist. Feb. 6th. 191 5.
Residence — Maesygwernen Hall, Morriston, Glamorganshire.
W. L. WILLIAMS (Carmarthen District).
William Llewelyn Williams, K.C, son of the late Morgan
Williams, of Brownhill, Llangadock, Carmarthenshire, by Sarah, da. of
Thomas Da vies, of Bankylan, Llansadwrn ; b. March 10th, 1867 ; ed. at
Llandovery Coll., and at Brasenose Coll., Oxford (B.A. and B.C.L. 1899) :
in. 1891, Elinor, da. of the late James Jenkins, of Glansawdde, Llangadock,
Carmarthenshire ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1897, a K.C. 1912, and a Bencher 1917 ;
goes S. Wales and Chester Circuit ; appointed a Prosecuting Counsel to the
Post Office 1907, and Recorder of Swansea 1912, and of Cardiff 1915. A
Liberal ; has sat for Carmarthen Dist. since Jan. 17th, 1906.
Residence— in, Ashley Gardens, S.W. Chambers— 3, King's Bench Walk, Temple,
E.C. Club— National Liberal, Reform, Eighty.
W. E. HUME-WILLIAMS (Nottinghamshire, Bassetlaw Division).
William Ellis Hume-Williams, K.C, only son of Joseph
William Home-Williams, Bar.-at-law, by Agnes, da. of James Malet Charter,
J. P., D.L., of Lynchfield Hall, Bishop's Lideard, Somerset ; b. i860 ; ed. at
Trin. Hall, Camb. (B.A. and LL.B. 1880); Bar. Middle Temple 1881, a
K.C. 1899, and a Bencher 1906 ; goes S.-E. Circuit ; appointed Recorder of
Bury St. Edmunds 1901, and of Norwich 1905 ; is a Knight of Grace of
Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. A Conservative ; unsuccess-
fully contested N. Div. of Monmouthshire July 1895, Frome Div. of Somerset-
shire Oct. 1900, and N. Div. of Kensington Jan. 1906 ; has sat for Bassetlaw
Div. of Nottinghamshire since Jan. 24th, 1910.
Chambers— 3, Hare Court, Temple, E.C. Club— Carlton.
SIR ARCHIBALD WILLIAMSON, Bt. (Elginshire and Nairnshire).
Archibald Williamson, 1st Baronet,
el. son of the late Stephen Williamson (M.P. for
St. Andrews Dist. 1880-85, and Kilmarnock
Dist. 1886-95), °f Copley, Thornton Hough.
Cheshire, and Glenogil, Forfarshire, by Annie,
da. of the late Rev. Thomas Guthrie, D.D., of
Edinburgh; b. Sept. 13th, i860; ed. at Craig-
mount Sch., Edinburgh, and at Edinburgh
Univ. : m. 1st, 1887, Caroline Maria, who d.
191 1, da. of the late James Charles Hayne ;
2ndly, 1912, the Hon. Agnes Freda, da. of
1st Baron Herschell ; is a partner in Balfour,
Williamson and Co., merchants, Vice-Pres. of
Liverpool Queen Victoria Dist. Nursing Asso.,
a Member of Council of Jubilee Institute for
Nurses, and of Royal National Pensions Fund
for Nurses, Chm. of Endsleigh Palace Hospital
for Officers, and of Electric Power Supply
Committee (1917), a J.P. for City of Liverpool,
and a Director of Lobitos Oilfields (Limited), Central Argentine Railway,
and other cos.; appointed Chm. of Home Office Committee on Taxi-Cabs
191 1, of Board of Trade Committee on Derelicts 1913, of Local Govt. Board
Committee on Short Weight 1914, and of Post Office Committee on Tele-
giaph Organisation 1914, and a Meml>er of Mesopotamia Commn. 1916 ; cr.
a Baronet 1909. A Liberal \ has sat for Elginshire and Nairnshire since Jan.
17th, 1906.
Residences — 36, Belgrave Square, S.W. ; The Cottage, Glenogil, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire.
Clubs Krform, Bath. Automobile, City of Ix>ndon.
Lincolnshire, South Kesteven. or Stamford, Division).
Claud Heathcote-Drummond-
Willoughby, 3rd son of 1st Earl Ancaster, of
Normanton Park, Stamford, Grimthorpe Castle,
Bourne, Lincolnshire, Drummond Castle, Crieff,
N.B., and 12, Belgrave Square, S.W., by Lady
Evelyn Elizabeth Gordon, da. of 10th Man;
Huntly ; b. Oct. 15th, 1872 : ///. 1905, Lady
Florence Frankland-Russell-Astley, da. of 3rd
Marquess Conyngham. and widow of Bertram Frank-
land Frankland-Russell-Astley ; formerly Major
Coldstream Guards; served in S. Africa 1899-1902
(Queen's medal with five clasps, King's medal with two clasps) ; is lieu:
Cumd^. a Batn. Machine Gun Corps. A Conservative ; has sat for S. Kesieven.
■ford, Div. of Lincolnshire since Jan. 28th, 1910.
Residences, Upper Berkeley Street, W. Clubs— Guards', Carlton, Turf.
(iill>ert Alan Hamilton Wilis, 2nd
Baronel, son of Sir Frederick Wills, 1
of Norihmoor, near Dulverton, by Anne, el.
da. of the Rev. James Hamilton, 1» . !
Loflgridge, Stonehousc, l.anaikshire ; b.
March 28th, 1880; ed. privately, and at
Magdalen Coll., Oxford (H.A. 1904) : ///.
1914, \ I Rear-A<lu
Bd««rd "Inches' I M <.., 9th lit. :
1 .1 i.r. f..i Sonera I
\ 1 » < . to Lord-Lieat of Ireland
1908-12. A CliM I umion
Nov 1 11b, 1912.
Sent •NetthSMMT, I>iil\nt.»n.
it. .11.
CAPT. A. S. WILSON Yorkshire, East Riding. Holderness Division .
Arthui L son ol Ihe late Arthtii Wilson, <»i
Ti.inl.y ( loft, I lull, and 17
H.I. Smitl ;«Hh, 1868 : ed. lalenc
1892, Alice Cecil Ague*
.1 ^1
Edmund I
Bt., of East Sutton, Kent ; is a J. P. for E. Riding of Yorkshire, and Capt.
Territorial Force Reserve Yeo. ; served during European War 19 15- 16 as
Foreign Ser. Messenger (prisoner, released 1917). A Conservative ; has sat
for Holderness Div. of E. Riding of Yorkshire since Oct. loth, 1900.
Residence— Ray well, Hull. Clubs— Bachelors', Marlborough.
LIEUT. COL. THE HON. GUY G. WILSON (Hull, West Division).
Guy Greville Wilson, D.S.O., son of 1st Baron
Nunbumholme, of Warter Priory, York, and 41, Grosvenor
Square, W., by Florence Jane Helen, da. of the late Col.
William Henry Charles Wellesley, formerly 7th Fusiliers ;
b. May 19th, 1877; ed. at Eton: m. 1st, 1904, Lady Isabel
Innes-Ker, who d. 1905, da. of 7th Duke of Roxburghe ;
2ndly, 191 1, Avery, da. of Geoffrey Fowell Buxton, of
Dunston Hall, Norwich; entered nth Hussars 1898, and
retired as Lieut. 1903 ; served in S. Africa 1902 (despatches,
Queen's medal with five clasps, D.S.O.), and during European
War 1915-16; is Lieut.-Col. Yeo., a J.P. and D.L. for E.
Riding of Yorkshire, a Director of Earle's Shipbuilding
and Engineering Co. (Limited), and of Thomas Wilson,
Sons and Co. (Limited), ship owners, and Pres. of Hull
Junior Liberal Asso. ; appointed Parliamentary Sec. to First
Lord of the Admiralty 1910 ; D.S.O. 1902. A Liberal; has sat for W. Div.
of Hull since Nov. 29th, 1907.
Residences— 1, Portman Square, W. ; Park House, Cottingham, East Yorkshire. Clubs—
Bachelors', Brooks's, Cavalry.
RIGHT HON. J. W. WILSON (Worcestershire. North Division).
John William Wtilson, P.C., el. son of the late John Edward
Wilson, of Wyddrington, Edgbaston Birmingham, by Catharine, who d. 1914,
da. of the late George Stacey, of Tottenham ; b. Oct. 22nd, 1858 ; ed. at
Grove House Sch., Tottenham, and in Germany : m. 1883, Florence Jane,
who*/. 191 1, da. of the late Smith Harrison, of Woodford, Essex; is a chemical
manufacturer, a J.P. for Worcestershire and Herefordshire, a Director of
Great Western Railway Co., and a member of the firm of Albright and
Wilson (Limited), of Oldbury ; P.C. 191 1. A Libera/; has sat for N. Div.
of Worcestershire since July 23rd, 1895.
Residences— 4, Whitehall Court, S.W. ; Perrycroft, Malvern. Clubs- National Liberal,
Reform, Bath.
LIEUT.-COL. L. 0. WILSON (Reading).
Leslie Orme Wilson, C.M.G., D.S.O., son of Henry Wilson,
formerly of 3, Stanhope Street, Hyde Park, W. ; b. Aug. 1st, 1876; ed. at
St. Paul's Sch. : m. 1909, Winifred, da. of Capt. Charles Smith, of Goderich,
Sydney, N. S. Wales ; entered R M.L.I. 1895, and became Capt. 1901 ; retired
1909; commanded a Batn. Roy. Naval Div. at Gallipoli 1915, with rank of
Lieut.-Col. R.M. (despatches); served in S. Africa 1899-1900 (severely
wounded, despatches, D.S.O.;, and during European War 1916 (severely
wounded, despatches, C.M.G.); is Lieut.-Col. Reserve of Officers R.M. ;
D.S.O. 1900, CM. G. 1916. A Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Tower
Hamlets, Poplar Div. Jan. 1910 ; has sat as M.P. for Reading since Nov. 8th,
1 91 3, having been defeated there Dec. 1910.
Residence— Tithe Barn, Wokingham, Berks. Clubs— Carlton, United Service, Bath.
LIEUT. COL SIR MATHEW R H. WILSON, Bt. (Bethnal Green, South-
west Division).
Mutlu'w Richard Henry Wilson,
C.S.I., 4th /uirottrt, son of Sir Mathew
Amcotts Wilson, 3rd Bt., by Georgina Mary,
da. of the late Richard T. Lee, of Grove
Hall, Knottingley, Yorkshire ; b. Aug. 24th,
1875 ; ed. at Harrow : tn. 1905, the Hon.
Barbara Lister, da. of 4th Baron Ribbles-
dale ; formerly Major 10th Hussars ; was
Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Ch. in India .1909-11 ;
served in S. Africa 1899- 1902, piesent at
actions of Paardeberg, Poplar Grove, and
Dreifontein, and at Relief of Kimberley
(Queen's medal with five clasps, King's
medal with two clasps) ; is Lieut.-Col. Yeo. ;
C.S.I. 191 1. A Conservative; has sat for
S.-W. Div. of Bethnal Green since Feb.
19th, 1914.
Seats— Eshton Hall, Gargrave, Leeds; Hill
House, Stanmore. Clubs — Army and Navy, Carl*
ton, Bath.
W. T. WILSON (Lancashire, South-East, Westhoughton Division).
William Tyson W 11. son, son of Edward Wilson, by his wife,
Anne; A. 1855 : ///. 1882, Frances, da. of George Tyrrell, of Lancaster ;
served his apprenticeship as a carpenter ; is a Member of the Carpenters' and
Joiners' Union (Chm. 1898-1906), and a J.P. for Lancashire; one of the
founders of Bolton Building Trades Federation, and of Conciliation Boards
for the settlement «>f disputes in the Building Trades. A l.al>our Metnber ;
al for Westhoaghtoa Div. of Lancashire s.-E.) since Jan. 18th, 1906.
Residence ~<$, Mornington Road, Bolton, Lancashire.
SIR RICHARD WINFREY (Norfolk. South-Western Division).
Richard Winfrey, son of Richard Francis Winfrey, J. P., of
lx>ng Sutton, Lincolnshire; 6. Aug. 5th, 1858 ; ed. at Kings Lynn: m.
1897, Annie Lucy, da. of William nttttason, oootl Uuskington.
Lincoh 1 Member of Petobotongjh Town Council Mayor 1913-14)
and of County Council for Soke of Peterborough, a J.P. for Norfolk and
Peterborough, Managing I I newspaper cos. ; appointed
Assist. inpmkl 1 to 1 thure (Earl
1) 1906, and Parliamentary A Agriculture and Fisheries
in Na; Dec. 1916 ; author of "Ti Small Holdings";
\V. Div. of Norfolk since Jan. l8th,
1906, having been there 189s and 1900.
Ren inc. l'ctrrl>or<»iiKh ; Hun*l*nton-on-S«o, Norfolk. Ctttbs-
■ il*r»l.
T. E. WINO (Durham County, Houghton le Spring Division).
rard Wing, ion <»t Edward Wlnjr, i gem
I Diaries Wright.
I tobson, •
unentary Agent for United Kingdom Commercial
music trade : is a popular
lecturer on social ami oth< 1 rfansby
. 1910, when he wis defeated ; has sat for Hough ton-le-
1 h 18th, 191
lUmn 3, Woodland Crescent, Muswell ftill Road. N.
MAJOR THE EARL WINTERTON (Sussex, North-West, or Horsham, Division).
Edward Turnour, 6th Earl
IVintc/ton, only son of 5th Marl "Winter-
ton, of Shillinglee Park, Chiddingfold,
by Lady Georgians Susan Hamilton, da.
of ist Duke of Abercorn, K.G. ; b. April
4th, 1883 ; s. to the Earldom 1907 ;
ed. at Eton, and at New Coll., Oxford ;
is a Member of Sussex Territorial Force
Asso., and a J. P. for Sussex ; served dur-
ing European War 191 5- 17 as Major
imperial Camel Hrig. ; appointed Private
Sec. to Financial Sec. of the Admiralty
1905. A Conservative ; has sat for
N.-W., or Horsham, Div. of Sussex since
Nov. nth, 1904.
Residence — Shillinglee Park, Petworth,
Sussex. Clubs— Carlton, Pratt's, Turf, Marl-
borough, Beefsteak.
CAPT. VISCOUNT WOLMER (Lancashire, South-West, Newton Division).
Roundell Cecil Palmer ( Viscount
Wplmer), el. son of 2nd Earl of Selbome,
of Blackmoor, Liss, Hants, and 49, Mount
Street, W., by Lady Beatrix Maud Cecil,
da. of 3rd Marquess of Salisbury ; />.
April 15th, 1887 ; ed. at Winchester, and
at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1909): ///.
1910, the Hon. Grace Ridley, da. of ist
Viscount Ridley ; is Capt. Hampshire
Regt. ; appointed Parliamentary Private
Sec. to Under Sec. of State for Foreign
Affairs 1916, and Assist. Director of War
Trade Depart. Dec. 1916. A Liberal
Unionist', elected for Lancashire (S.-W.), Newton Div. Dec. 7th, 1910,
having been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Residences— 1, Chester Gate, Regent's Park, N.W. ; Hlackmcor. Liss, Hants. Clubs—
Brooks's, Cavendish.
MAJOR THE HON. E. F. L- WOOD (Yorkshire, West Riding, Eastern Part,
Ripon Division).
Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, only
surviving son of 2nd Viscount Halifax, of Ilickleton
Hall, Doncaster, St. Mary's, Bovey Tracey, Devon,
and 88, Eaton Square, S.W., by Lady Agnes Eliza-
beth Courtenay. only da. of nth Karl of Devon ; b.
April 16th, 1881 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch.,
Oxford (B.A. 1903, M.A. 1906); Fellow of All
Souls' Coll., Oxford 1903 : m. 1909, Lady Dorothy
Evelyn Augusta Onslow, da. of 4th Earl of Onslow ;
is Major Yeo. ; appointed Assist. Sec. Ministry of
National Ser., and a Ch. Liaison Officer 1917. A
Conservative ; has sat for Ripon Div. of E. Part of
W. Riding of Yorkshire since Jan. 21st, 1910.
Residences— Temple Newsam, Leeds; Garrowby, Bishop Wilton, York.
COL SIR JOHN WOOD, Bt. (Stalybridge).
John Wood, ist Baronet, only
son of the late John Hill Wood, J.l\, of
Whitfield, Derbyshire ; b. Sept. 8th, 1857 ;
ed. at Rugby, and at Magdalen Coll.,
Oxford (B.A. 1880, M.A. 1883): m.
ist, 1883, Estelle, da. of Henry Benham ;
2ndly, 1892, the Hon. Gertrude Kmily
Bateman-Hanlmry, third da. of 2nd Baron
Bateman, of Shobdon Court, Hereford-
shire; Bar. Inner Temple 1S83 : formerly
Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. (V.D.) 4th
Vol. Batn. Cheshire Regt. ; is Convlt. a
Bala. Cheshire Vol. Regt, a J. P. and D.L.
for Herefordshire (High Sheriff 1900), and
a J. P. for Derbyshire, and Suffolk
Baronet 1918. A Conservative ; 1
for Stalybridge since Jan. 15th, 1910.
Residences- i M.ill, Bury >
muiuls ; Whitfield House, < \xhire :
The Forrest Lodge, Galloway. Clubs I
Bachelors', Junior Carlton, New University,
RIGHT HON. T. MCKINNON WOOD (Glasgow, St. Rollox Division).
Thomas McKinnon Wood, P.C., son of the late Hugh Wood, of
London. l>y Jessie, da. of the Rev. Thomas McKinnon : b. 1855 ; ed. at
Mill Hill Sch., and at Univ. Coll., London (B.A. 1875): I
Andrews 1S99 : m. 1883, Isabella, da. of the late Alexander Sandison, 11'..
of Lund; was ( hm. of London County Council 1898-9: is a D.L. for
London ; appointed Parliamentary Sec. to Board of Education April 1908,
Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs Oct. 1908, and Financial Sec. to the
Tre.w; \ lor Scotland Feb. 1912 to July loio. and Chan-
cellor of the I)u< liv o< and Financial Sec. to the Treasury (with a
seat in the Cabinet) July to Dec. 1916; contributed article- sfurdia
Britai: \ Liberal; his sat for St. Rollox I >iv. of (ii
in. 18th, 1906, having been defeated there Oct. 1900.
Residences— if>, Portland Pie karfieM, Crowborough, Su- Clubs—
Reform, National Liberal, <-ral, i.ihcral (Gla-.
MAJOR 8. H HILL WOOD (Derbyshire, High Peak Division).
^k -4*~ ciiirI Hill H111 W'ooo, only
^^^ ^T ^.iniuel Wood, of
field, 1 lerbyihire, 1 rabaw, who
d. 1914, da. of the latC
bottom, ..!
1872; ed. at BtOB; m. 1899, the Hon.
el Anne v man-
Hanbury, da. Oi 2nd Baron Batcma
Ire, and .» I P
asfume I by Roy. licence 1912, the
I ! :\. A Ct I
elected (or 1
Dec. 15th, 1910.
RtsUU irat Stanh.-, I
GIomop, Darbythira. Clubs- Bachelor.*, Catlloo.
CAPT. H. F. WRIGHT (Herefordshire, North, or Leominster, Division).
FitzHerbert Wright, son of the late FitzHerbert
Wright, of The I Derby, l>y Louisa Charlotte Rudolphine, da. of
::iann. of rlolzendort, Mecklenburg-Schwerin ; />. Oct. 9th,
1870: m. 1S94. Muriel Harriet, <la. of the late Col. Henry Charles Fletcher,
CMC: Bv. Inner Temple 1895; is Capt. R.K.A., and a J.P. and a
County Alderman for Derbyshire. An Unionist; has sat for N., or Leo-
minster, Pi\. of Herefordshire since March 18th, 1912.
Res igtOO Court, W. ; Yeldersley Hall, Derby. Clubs — Arthur's,
COL. CHARLES E. YATE (Leicestershire, Eastern, or Melton, Division).
Charles Edward Yatk, C.S.I., C M.G., el. son of the late Rev.
Charles Yate, B.D., V. of Holme, Yorkshire; 0. Aug. 28th, 1849; ed. at
Shrewsbury: ///. 1899, Charlotte Heath, da. of the late J. Hume Burnley, of
Diplo. Ser., sometime H.M.'s Charge d' Altai res at Dresden ; entered49th Kegt.
1867, became Capt. Bom. S.C. (now Indian Army) 1879, Major 1887, Lieut. -
^93, and Col. 1901 ; served during Afghan War 1880-81 as Political
Officer at Kalat-i-Ghilzai, and on march to and at battle of Candahar (de-
spatches, medal with clasp, bronze star), and with Afghan Frontier Commn.
1884-6 and 1887-8 (Afghan Order of Hurmat) ; was British Representative at
Panjdeh at time of the Russian attack on the Afghan troops at that place 1885 ;
appointed British Commr. to complete demarcation of Russo-Afghan Frontier
1887, Consul at Muscat (Arabia) 1889, Political Agent, Baluchistan 1890,
Acting Revenue Commr. 1892, H.M.'s Commr. for settlement of Kushk Canals
on on Russo-Afghan Frontier April 1893, British Consul-Gen. at Meshed
a) and Agent to Gov.-Gen. of India for Khorassan and Sistan 1893-8,
British Resident at Jodhpur, Acting Agent to Gov.-Gen. of India for Rajputana,
and Resident at Udaipur 1898-9, and Agent to Gov.-Gen. and Ch. Commr. of
Baluchistan 1 900-1904 (present at assault and capture of Nodiz Fort in Mekran
1902— a clock tower erected to his memory at Quetta) ; is a D.L. for Leicester-
shire, a Knight of Grace of Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England, a
Member of Council of Roy. Geographical So., of Indian Section of So. of
Arts, of Last India Asso., and of National Service League, and Vice-Pres. of
Tariff Reform League, and a Member of Council of Central Asian So.; author
of " Northern Afghanistan," " Khorassan and Sistan." several Gazetteers, etc.,
etc. ; C.S.I. 1887. C.M.G. 1888. A Conservative; unsuccessfully contested
Pontefract Jan. 1906; elected for K.. or Melton, Div. of Leicestershire Dec.
7th, 1910, having been defeated there Jan. 1910.
Residences— 17, Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensington, W. ; Asfordby House, Melton
Mowbray. Clubs— Carlton, Junior United Service.
SIR ALPRED W. YEO (Tower Hamlets, Poplar Division).
Alfred William Yko, son of George Robinson James Yeo, of
Devon ; b. 1863 ; ed. under the London Sch. Board : m. 1st, 1886; 2ndly, 1911,
Florence Jane Stevens, of Poplar, E. ; started work in an iron foundry ; for
30 years in business in the music trade, at 86 and 88, St. Leonards Road,
Poplar, E. ; connected for 40 years with Berger Baptist Church, Bromley, E.,
and is Sec. thereof; has been a Member of Poplar Vestry Board of Works
and Poplar Borough Council (Mayor 1903) ; 9 years a Member of Poplar
Guardians (5 years Chm.), 8 years a. Member "I London County Council, 25
years Chm. and Manager under the London Sch. Board of Groups of Schools
in Bromley (E.)i and 10 years Chm. of Distress Committee; has been a
Member of Tower Licensing Bench since 1904; served as Chm. of Lord
Buxton's Committee for Distress during great Dock Strike; Knt. 1918. A
" strong fighting " Liberal and Advanced Radical', instrumental in obtaining
Bill to prevent raising of rents during war, and responsible for one-man-
business clause issued to Mil. Tribunals ; has sat for Poplar Div. of Tower
Hamlets since Feb. 20th, 1914.
Residence — 17, King's Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex.
LIEUT. E. H. YOUNG (Norwich).
Edward Hilton Young, youngest
son of Sir George Young, 3rd Bt., of
Formosa Place, Berkshire, by Alice
Eacy, da. of Evory Kennedy, M.D., of
Belgard Castle, Dublin, and widow of
Sir Alexander Hutchinson Lawrence, 1st
Bt. ; b. March 20th, 1879; ed. at Eton,
and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1900,
M.A. 1906); Bar. Inner Temple 1904;
is Lieut. Roy. Naval Vol. Reserve ;
served during European War in Serbia
with British Naval Mission (Obilich
medal, Order of Karageorge with
swords) and in Flanders ; was Assist.
Editor of the Economist 1909-10, and
City Editor of the Morning Post 1910-14 ;
author of "System of National Finance."
A Liberal ; elected for Norwich Feb.
6th, 1915.
Residence— Qu*on Anne's Mansions, S.W.
Clubs— Athenaium, Bath, Union.
8. YOUNG (Cavan Co., East Cavan Division).
Samuel Young, son of the late Samuel Young, of Dunavelly,
Portaferry, co. Down, by Sarah, da. of the late Arthur Black, of Ballyhaft,
near Newtown wan Is ; / I Yl>. 14th, 1822 ; ed. at Belfast Old Presbyterian Coll. :
m. 1846, Isabel, da. of the lata Edward Allen, shipowner, of Fenchurch Street,
of l\"\. Commn. on Liquor Licensing 1
I DMtM 1 m the firm of Young. King and Co., Limited, whiskey
distiUeit, "f Bctfatt, and Limavady, co. Londonderry, and ( Inn. of Bernard
Hughe. 'Limited), millers and bakers. A Nationalist', has sat for E. Cavan
Div. of Cavan co. since July i8th, 1892.
Residence- Avonmore, Derrivolgie, Belfast- Club— National Liberal.
W. YOUNG (Perthshire. Eastern Division*.
William Young, son of the late James Young, of Hr.uckley
Farm, Glenmuick, Aberdeenshire; b. Feb. 5th, 1863; ed. at Ballater Public
Sch. : m. 18— ; started commercial career at 16 years of age; is Director of
William Young and Co. (Limited), foreign merchants and bankers
and Mexico City. A Liberal', has sat for E. Di\. of Perthshire since Jan.
25th, 1910.
Residence- 3, Whitehall Court, S.W. Clubs— Reform, National Liberal, Royal
SIR GEORGE YOUNGER, Bt. (Ayr District?.
( leorge Younger, ist Baronet ', el. son
of the late James Younger, brewer, of Alloa ;
b. Oct. 13th, 1 85 1 ; ed. at Edinburgh Acad. :
m. 1879, Lucy, da. of Edward Smith, M.D.,
F. R.S.,ofHeanorFall, Derbyshire, and Harley
Street, W. ; is Chm. of George Younger and Son
(Limited), brewers, of Alloa, a Director of
National Bank of Scotland and of North British
and Mercantile Insurance Co., a LP- for Stir-
lingshire, and a J. P. and D.L. for Clackmannan-
shire (Convener 1895- 1 906) ; was a Member of
Roy. Gommn. on Licensing Laws 1896, and
Pres. of County Councils' Asso. of Scotland
1902-4, and Pres. of National Union of Con-
servative Assos. Scotland 1903-4; appointed
Scottish Unionist Whip 191 i, and to take
charge of Conservative Central Office in
National Min. 1916 ; cr. a Baronet 1911. A
Conservative ; unsuccessfully contested Clack-
mannanshire and Kinross-shire July 1895, Dec.
1899, and Oct. 1900 ; has sat for Ayr Dist.
uoce Jan. joth, 1,906, having been defeated there Jan. 1904.
Residence - Leckie, Gargunnock, Stirlingshire. Clubs — Carlton, Conservative,
Western (Glasgow), New (Edinburgh).
SIR JAMES H. YOXALL (Nottingham, West Division).
James Henry Yoxall, el. son of the late Henry Houghton Yoxall,
of Redditch, by Elizabeth, who d. 1904, only da. of James Smallwood ;
■': July 15th, 1857 ; ed. at Wesleyan Sch., Redditch, and at Westminster
Training Coll. ; Hon. M.A. Camb. 1899, and Oxford 1907 : m. 1886, Elizabeth,
el. da. of the late Lieut. -Col. William Henry Coles, R.E. ; formerly Head
Master of Sharrow Lane Sch., Sheffield; has been Gen. Sec. of National
Union of Teachers since 1892 (Pres. thereof 189 1-2) ; was a Roy. Commr. on
lary Education 1894-5; >s a J-P»» an Officier d'Academie de France,
and Editor of the Schoolmaster ; a contributor to the magazines and reviews ;
author of "The Courtier Stoops," " The Wander Years," "Chateau Royal,"
"The Rommany Stone," " Alain Tanger's Wife," "Smalilou," "Beyond the
Wall," M Nutbrown Roger and I," "The Lonely Pyramid," "Secondary
Education," and other works ; Knt. 1909. A Liberal', unsuccessfully con-
tlaw Div. of Notts July 1892; has sat for W. Div. of Nottingham
since July 16th, 1895.
Residences— Springfield, Kew Gardens Road. Kew ; Hamilton House, Mabledon Place,
r totoa Road, N.W. Clubs- Reform, National Liberal.
At the Beginning of February, 1918,
are copies of
Borough Arms or of Corpora'
rted in the
lie arms
the armorial insignia or
he Borough after which
the Dil !, cither
When no numbers are given after
the name of a Member, that
Memt>er was returned unop-
\ a nits in italics are those of un-
successful members at the last
subsequent. Elec-
following names indicate
the numbers polled at the
Generator subsequent. Election.
■<V An Asterisk before the. name
of a member indicates that he
did not sit in the last Parliament.
Secondary names of J'
or Boroughs, are inserted in
.ilphabetic.il order throughout
the section,—^., "Spalding, see
Lincolnshire ; ' " Leamington,
see Warwick."
Counties and
Boroughs are given in alpha-
betical order by their primary
title under the heading of their
respective county, and not in
thcnumcricalorder in which they
appeared in the "Redistribution
of Seats Act."
♦ Member sat in last Parliament
for another constituency.
J I'nsuccess/ul candidate sat as
a Member in last Parliament.
[ ] Figure-- between brackets after
the title of a constituency show
the number of members.
Population. The PARLIAMENT-
ARY Populations as disclosed by
tie last (191 1 1 census are jjiven
under this head.
Registered /-lectors.— The figures
MVM ire those of the last offici-
ally published list.
When only the name of the Mem-
ber is given, such Member was
returned unopposed.
Abercromby [See Liverpool].
polled respectively 5,862 and 3,997 votes.
in Feb. 1917 Mr.'Esslemont redgned, and
at a Bye- Election April yd, 1917, the result
*Sir John Fleming, LL.D. (L.) 3,283
Professor James Kobertson Wat-
son'Q.) 1,507
ret hick Lawrence (Peace-by-
Negotiation) . . 333
Polling Jan. 1910. lemont
(L.) 6,749; Ronald John M. Neill iC.) 4,433.
Parly. Pop. 85,90s.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) I3.791-
Returning Officer |..hii Campbell I.orinier,
Place, Edinburgh
(Sheriff of Aberdeen. Kin< .inline, and Banff).
North II
tunuipal Wards 0/ St. Clement. M
And> fachar, and
mi Vernon I
.. 4,282
t Scott- Brtnvn ( L. U . ) . . 2,546
1 1
(L.) 4,397
-.'■nnedy (Son
Parly. Pop. 64,886.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 10,167.
South II).
Municipal V\ a R0te-
■ •it. h'uHtla-.v, Ferryhill, and Ruth-
At the (ieneral Ft
Will C. Sn..:
Aberdeen University [See Glasgow and
Aberdeen University].
Bast ill
i 3.77*
'>,6oo; Col. Charles Ro*dew
I '
Pop. 70,737-
191$) 11,833.
West (11.
!<>lin " n(L.) 5,415
George Smith {LV ) 3.»3*
Polling Ian. 1910. John Macdonald Hen-
n fX) S.9°» i G«orge Smith (I..U.;
Aberdeenshire continued.
Weit cmtfnmuf.
Parly. Pop. 64,123.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 10,639.
Returning Officer— John Campbell Lorimer,
. 9, Gloucester Place, Edinburgh
(Sherifl of Aberdeen, Kincardine, and l?;mfl").
Abingdon [See Berkshire!.
Accrington (See Lancashire, N.E.].
Altrinchara l See Cheshire].
Andover I See Hampshire].
Rt. Hon. Sir Ellis [ones Griffith, Bt.,
P.C., K ( . (U).
1 I His Jones Griffith,
K.i. (L.) $,888; Richard Owen Roberts
(C.) 2,436.
Parly. Pop. 50,928.
Reg. Parly. Elec (1915)11,082.
RetuntingOfficer — Henry M 11 lleneux Grayson,
int. Trearddwr Bay. Holy*
I (High Sheriff).
East Antrim [11.
(Baronies oj Belfast Lower, and G Unarm
Upper, parts of Baronies 0/ Antrim i '//<>,
Antrim Lower, and Belfast Upper, and the
ttnun of Carrickfergns.)
At the General Election Col. James Martin
Vtat returned unopposed.
In Feb. 1913, Col. McCabnont died, and at
a Bye- Election on the 19th 0/ that month,
there was not any opposition to the return of
* Lieut. -Col. Robert Chairie Alexander
McCalmonl, D.S.O. (U.).
ion Jan. 1910. Col. James Martin
almont (,C.) unopposed.
Parly. Pop. 53,700.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 8,852.
Mid Antrim [1].
(Baronies of Glenarm Lower, Toome Lower,
Part of the Barony of Antrim Lower, and
Parts 0/ the parishes o/CoiiuorandA hop/till. )
At the General Election Cant, the Hon,
Arthur Edward Bruce O'Neill (C.) was re-
turned unopposed. In Nov. 1914 Capt
O'Neill was killed in action during- Euro-
pean War, and at a Bye-Election on Feb.
17th, 191 5, there was not any opposition to
the return 0/
•Capt. the Hon. Robert William
Hugh O'Neill (G).
Election Ian. 1910. "Capt. the Hon. Arthur
Edward Bruce O'Neill (C.) unopposed.
Parly. Pop. 44.405-
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 7,257.
North Antrim [1].
(Baronies 0/ Cary, Dunluce Lower, Dunluce
Upper, and Kilconway.)
Major Peter Kerr Kerr-Smiley
(L.U.) 3,557
William Macafee (L.) .. .. 2,974
Polling Ian. 1910. "Peter Kerr Kerr-
Smiley (L.U.) 3,579 ; Sir William James
Baxter (L.) 3,135.
Parly. Pop. 43,487.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 7.467.
South Antrim [1].
(Baronies of Massereene Upper, Massereene
Laivcr, and Antrim Upper, parts of the
Baronies 0/ Upper Toome and Belfast
Upper and so much of the Parliamentary
Borough of Belfast as is in County of A ntrim. )
Capt. Charles Curtis Craig (C).
Polling Jan. 1910. Charles Curtis Craig (C.)
5,310 ; William Moffat Clow (L.) 2,340.
Parly. Pop. 49,149-
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 8,582.
Returning Officer— The High Sheriff.
Appleby [See Westmorland!.
Arfon f See Carnarvonshire].
Sir John Stirling Ainsworth Bt.,
(L.) 4,280
George Ait ken Clark Hutchison
(C) .. 4,023
Polling Jan. 1910. John Stirling Ains-
worth (L.) 4,443: George Aitken Clark
Hutchison (C.) 3,617.
Parly. Pop. 56,600.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 12,066.
R eturning (?/9fa?r— AlexanderLogan McClure,
K.C., 16, Heriot Row, Edinburgh (Sheriff
of Argyllshire).
Mid Armagh [1].
(Baronies of Armagh and Tiranny, and parts
of the Baronies of Fews Lower, Oneilland
West, Orior Lower, and Fews Upper.)
At the General Flection Sir John Brownlee
Lonsdale, Bt. (C.) was returned unopposed.
In Jan. 1918, Sir John Lonsdale wis raised
to the Peerage, and at a Bye Election in
thai month, there was not any oppositi n
to the return of
*James Lonsdale (C).
Election Jan. 1910. John Brownlee Lonsdale
(C.) unopposed.
Parly. Pop. 39,495-
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 6,837.
North Armagh [1].
{Barony of Oneilland East, and part of tht
Barony of Oneilland West.)
At tht General Election William Moore, K.C.
(C. ) was returned unopposed. In Nov. 1917,
Mr Moore was appointed a Judge of High
Court of Justice, Ireland, and at a Bye-
Elc tion n Nov, 22nd, 1917, there was not
any opposition to the return of
♦ Major William James Allen (C).
ion Jan. iqio. William Moore, K.C.
(C.) unopposed.
Parly. Pop. 46,048.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (191 5) 7,495.
South Armagh [11.
{Parts of Baronies of Fe-ivs Lcnvct .
Upper, and Orior Lower, and the Barony
ofOrior Upper.)
At the General Election Charles O'Neill, M. 15.
(N.) and Stephen Hugh Moynagh (Ind. N.)
polled respectively 2.8qo and 1,003 votes.
In Jan. 1918, Dr. O'Neill died, and at a
Bye-Election on Feb 1st, 1918, the result was
* trick Donnelly (N .. 2,316
Dr. McCartan (Sinn Fein) .. 1,299
Election Jan. 1910. Charles O'Neill, M.B.
(N.) unopposed.
Parly. Pop. 34,311.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 6,345.
Returning Officer — The High Sheriff.
Whiteley (C.) 3,746
A8hburton (See Devonshire].
Ashford [See Kent J.
A8HT0N UNDER LYNE (Lancashire) [11-
(Includingthe old borough of Ashton-under-
Lyne, and the Local Government district
of Hurst.)
At the General Election *Lieut.-C<>l. Sir
(William) Maxwell Aitken (C.) and 'Alfred
Henry Scott (I..) polled respectively 4,044
5.848 votes. In Dec. 14)1
Aitken MU raised to the Peerage, and at a
! lection on Pec. 24th, 1916, th>
not any opposition to the return efthe
Ml.crt Henry Stanley,
PoLLiNf. Ian. iqio. Alfred He i
ben J
in (;ee (Soti..
Parly. Pop. 53,076.
Reg. Parly. I ,,352.
Retut M K cap, Ashton-
under •Lyne (Mayor).
ASTON MANOR (Warwickshire) [11
{Borough of Aston Manor.)
Kt. II. .ii. Kvclyn Gas< :, P.C.
Polling Jan. toto. Evelyn Gascoyne- Cecil
(C.) 7.369; J- H. Allen tL.) 1,928.
pop. 75,099.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 13,994.
Returning Officer- Rt. Hm. Arthur David
Brooks, Council House, Hirminjjh.ini
Attercliffe [See Sheffield'
Aylesbury [See Buckinghamshire!.
(Comprising Ayr, Irvine, Campbelto-wn,
In- 'era ray, and Oban.)
Sir George Younger, Bt. (C.) . . 3,852
William Robertson (L.) . . . . 3,620
Polling Jan. 1910. George Younger (C.)
3,647 ; William Robertson (L.) 3,594.
Parly. Pop. 53.548-
Reg. Parly Elec. (1915) 9,328.
Returning Officer — William Lyon Mackenzie,
of Ayrshire).
North [1].
At the General Election Andrew Macbeth
Anderson, K.C (L.) and Capt. Frederick
Duncan Campbell, D.S.O. (C.), polled re-
spectively 7,286 and 6,932 votes. In Dec.
iijii Mr. Anderson ivas appointed Solicitor.
Gen. for Scotland, ami at a Bye-Election
on Dec. 30th, 1911, *Lieut-Col. Duncan
Frederick Campbell. D.S.O. (C.) and
JAndrew Macbeth Anderson (L.) potted re-
spectively 7,3x8 and 7,047 votes. In Sept.
1916, Lieut. -Col. Duncan Frederick Camp-
bell died, and at a Bye-Election on Oct.
nth, 1916, tht result too*
* Lieut. -Gen. Sir Aylmer Gould
Hunter - Weston, K.<
ion) .. ..7
jAVv. Humphrey Chalmers {\x\<\.) 1,300
1 ... "Andrew Macbeth
Andeison (L.) 6,189 : J Hon. Thomas Horatio
Arthur Ernest Cochran* (L.U.) 5,951;
James Brown (Labour) 1,801.
Reg. 1 1915) 17,385.
South 111.
Sir William I'hipson Bcale, Bt,
.(I-) S,7iS
Thomas If (C.) 6,835
Polling Ian. 191a William Phipson Bcale,
k C (L.) 8,833; Thorn.
(C.) 6,793- , „
Pop. 103,354.
Reg. Parly
Returning Officer —William Lyon Mackenzie,
. Etq., 6, Mr
Banbury 18ee Oxfordshire j.
1 88
Major Walter Waring (L.).
Polling Jan. 1910. Capt. Walter Waring (L.
4.066 : James Crabb Watt, K.C. (C.) 2,053-
Parly. Pop. 52,17*-
Reg. Parly. Elec (1915)8,411.
Returning Officer— John Campbell Lorimer,
K.C, 9, Gloucester Place, Edinburgh
(Sheriffof Aberdeen, Kincardine, and Banff).
Barkston Ash (See Yorkshire, W.
Riding (E.)l.
Barnard Castle [See Durham co.l
Barnsley [See Yorkshire, W. Riding
Barnstaple iSee Devonshire].
BARROW-IN FURNESS (Lancashire) [1].
(Municipal and County Borough 0/ Barmv-
Charles Duncan (Labour) . . 4,810
Francis Hugo Lindley Meynell
(C) •• 4,290
Polling Jan. 1910. Charles Duncan (Labour)
5,304 ; Francis Hugo Lindley Meynell (C.)
Parly. Pop. 63,770.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) n,5<o.
Returning Officer— Alderman Alfred Barrow,
O.B.E.. Barrow-in-Furness (Mayor).
Basingstoke [See Hampshire].
Bassetlaw [See Nottinghamshire].
BATH (Somerset) [21.
( Consisting 0/ the old city 0/ Bath , the parishes
o/Walcot, Bathwick, Lyncombe, Wideo/ube,
and Tiverton, and part 0/ the parish oj
Lieut. - Col. Lord Alexander
George Boteville Thynne,
Major Sir Charles Roderick
Hunter, Bt. (C.)
George Peabody Gooch (L.)
George Alexander Hardy (L.)
Polling Jan. 1910. #Lord Alexander George
Thynne (C.) 3,961 ; *Sir Charles Roderick
Hunter, Bt. (C.) 3,889 ; t Donald Maclean
(L.) 3,771 ; JGeorge Peabody Gooch (L.)
Parly. Pop. 53,670.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915)8,252.
Returning Officer— Preston King, M.D..
Uatli (Mayor).
(Parish 0/ St. Mary, Battersea, and ' Clapham
Wards of Wandsworth Borough.)
Battersea [1].
(Battersea Wards other than Nos. 1, 8, and 9.)
Rt. Hon. John Burns, P.C. (L.) 7,836
Major Sir John Lane Harring-
ton, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.,
C.B. (C.) 6,544
Charles Nathaniel Lowe Shaw
(Socialist) 477
Polling Jan. 1910. Rt. Hon. John Bums,
P.C. (L.) 8,540 ; Arthur Shirley Benn (C.)
Parly. Pop. 101,170.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 15,884.
Clapham [1].
(Wards Nos. 1, 8, and 9 of Battersea, and
Clapham Wards of Wandsworth Borough.)
George Denison Faber, C.B. (C.) 9,560
Sir John Williams Benn (L.) .. 7,639
Polling Jan. 1910. f George Denison Faber,
C.B. (C.) 10,743 ; John George Kipling (L.)
Parly. Pop. 128,569.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 23,526.
Returning Officer— \V. Marcus Wilkins, Town
Clerk, Town Hall, Lavender Hill, S.W.
BEDFORD (Borough) [1!.
(Includes the parishes of St. Cuthbert, St.
John, St. Mary, St. Paid, and St. Peter.)
I Kellaway (L.) .. . 2,773
r Aunt's Attenborough
(C) 2,754
POLLING Jan. 1910. 'Walter Annis Atten-
borough (C.) 2,919; tPercy I'.arlow (L.)
Parly. Pop. 39,183.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1015) 6,688.
Returning Officer — Harry Browninp, Bush*
mead, The Embankment, Bedford (Mayor).
Northern, or Biggleswade [1].
( The Sessional Divisions of Bedford, Biggies-
. and Shambrook, part of the Sessional
Division of Aiupthill, and the Municipal
Borough of Bedford.)
Sir Arthur William Black (L.) 6,536
Ufajor Geoffrey Carr G/yn,
D.S.O. (L.U.) .. .. 5,808
.. 1910. Arthur William Black
(I.) 6,631; Rowland Edmund Prothero,
\i.v f3.(C ,6,020.
Parly. Pop. 64,170.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 14.642-
Southern, or Luton [1].
sional Divisions of Leighton Buzzard,
Luton, and M'obum, fiirt of the Sessional
Division of Ampthill, and the Municipal
Rorouehs of Dunstable and Luton.)
res?. .'<■;. In June
used to the /',
.. lion oh July toth, 1911,
the result was
hop 1 [trmsvorth (L.) 7,619
John OtVtH I lick man (C.) .. 7,006
<'9»5> «9.«99-
' Hith
BELFAST (Counties Antrim and
Down) [41.
East [11.
(Or/neau, Pottinger and Victoria Wards,
parts of Dock, Duncairn and St. Anne's
Wa*ds, and of Ballyhackamore.)
At the General Election "Robert James
McMordie (C.) was returned unopposed.
In March 1914 Mr. McMordie died, and
at a Bye-Election on April 6th, 1914, there
was not any opposition to the return of
*Col. Robert Gordon Sharman-Craw-
ford (C).
ion Jan. 1910. Gustav Wilhelm Wolff
(C.) unopposed.
Parly. Pop. 135,788.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 19,916.
North 111.
and Court Wards, parts of AvX".
Duncairn, Shankill, and li V.
a fid of Ballygomartin. )
Rt. Hon. Robert Tbotaptoi .
0 Jan. 1910. "Robt-M TbtMpl
6,37 (Labour) 3,0 1
Parly. Pop. 101,699.
Reg. P.uly. KIim . i 1915) 14,467.
South Ilk
(Croma ■ s and Windsor /»".(></»
and part of St. Anne's U
( Iml.
I llrd respectively 5,585 and 2,7;
land, and at
'i April o/A, 1917, there
■'urn of
n June nj I 7
Mr. ( t, mud at another Bye-
♦ W'illi.uii Aithu. I
Reg. Parly. Eler. (1915) la.ttt.
Belfa8t— continued.
West [11.
(Falls and Smithfteld Wards, parts 0/
Shank-hill, St. A nne's, and Woodvale li ards,
and of Ballygomartin.)
Joseph Devlin (N.) .. . • 4.543
Sir John Smiley, Bt. (L.U.) . . 4,080
KG Jan. 1910. Joseph Devlin (N.)
4,651; John Peers Boyd-Carpenter (L.U.)
4,064 ; Patrick Joseph Magee (Incl. N.) 75.
Parly. Pop. 67,156.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 10,680
Returning Officer— Councillor Robert Goffikin,
Belfast (High Sheriff).
Eastern, or Wokingham [1].
( The Sessional Divisions of Maidenhead and
Windsor, part of the Sessional Division of
Wokingham, and the parish of Swallow-
Ernest Gardner (C).
Polling Jan. 1910. Ernest Gardner (C.)
8,132 : Holford Knight (L.) 4,09.5.
Parly. Pop. 78,761.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 15,190.
Northern, or Abingdon [1].
(The Sessional Divisions of Abingdon, Eat-
ingdon, Wallingford, and Wantage, the
Municipal Borough of Abingdon, and the
Municipal Borough of Wallingford.)
At the General Election Lieut. -Col. the Hon.
Harold Greenwood Henderson (C.) and
M.utin Harcourt Sands (I..) polled respec-
tively 4,677 and 3,328 votes. In Aug. 1916
Mr. Henderson resigned, and at a Bye-
Election on Aug. 2gth, 1916, there was not
any opposition to the return of
*Archie Kirkman Loyd, K.C. (C).
Polling Jan. 1910. *Major Harold Green-
wood Henderson (C.) 4,829 ; JEdward An-
thony Strauss (L) 3,776.
Parly. Pop. 48,695.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 9,7°3-
Southern, or Newbury 11].
( The Sessional Divisions of Hungerford, Ils-
ley, Lambourn, and Reading (except the
parish of Swallo7ufield), the Municipal
Borough of Newbury, and part of the
Sessional Division of Wokingham.)
William Arthur Mount, C.B.E.
(C) 6,485
Capt. Lisle March Phillipps (L.) 4,278
Polling Jan. 1910. "William Arthur Mount
(C.) 7,081 ; Thomas Clarke Hunter Hedder-
wick, K.C. (L.) 4,723-
Parly. Pop. 63,645.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 13,922.
Returning Officer— Basil Guy Oswald Smith,
Esq., Shottesbrooke Park, Berkshire (High
Bermondsey iSee Southwarkl.
Berwick on Tweed [See Northumber-
At the General Election the Rt. Hon. Harold
iohn Tennant, P.C (L.) and Capt. the
John Beresford Campbell (C.) polled
respectively 3,005 and 2,000 votes. In July
1916 Mr. Tennant became Sec. /or Scotland,
and at a Bye- Election on the 20th 0/ that
month there was not any opposition to the
return 0/
Rt Hon. Harold John Tennant, P.C.
Polling Jan. 1910. Harold John Tennant
(L.) 2,992 ; Sir Henry Seton-Karr, C.M.G.
(C.) 2,060.
Parly. Pop. 29,753.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915) 5,764.
Returning Officer— John Chisholm, K.C, 7,
Gloucester Place. Edinburgh (Sheriff of cos.
Roxburgh, Berwick, and Selkirk).
BETHNAL GREEN (Middlesex) [21
(Parish 0/ St. Mattheiv, Bethnat Green.)
North East [1].
(North and East Wards.)
Sir Edwin Andrew Cornwall (L.) 3,188
Dr. John Elsdale Molson (C. ) . . 2,037
Foiling Jan. iqio. Sir Kdwin Andrew
Cornwall (L.) 3,842; Dr. John Bftdak
•1 (C.) 2,435.
Parly. Pop. 62,764.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915)8,692.
South West [11.
(South and West Wards.)
At the General Election Edmund Har-
erwrilKI,.) and Eric Alfred Hoffgaard (< .)
rolled respectively 2,768 and 2,086 votes.
In July 191 .;ill was appointed
,1 Metropolitan Police Magis'
a l<\ n July 29/A, 191 1, tRt.
• "harle% Frederick ' terman,
P.C. Iloffgaard (l
John Scurr (Socialist) polled respectively
2.745. 2.561. and 134 votes. In Feb. 1914
as appointed Chancellor
0/ the Duchy 0/ Lancaster, and at another
Bye-Election on Feb. 19M, 1914, the result
-CoL Sfa Mai'
Richard Henry WUmO, lit.,
.. 2.828
A't Hon. Charles Frederick I
\ P.C L ) .. 2,804
. . 316
Ofr«d Hofljpuu ■
1915) 7,120.
Retuxnne OJktt Wdli.. \
BIRKENHEAD (Cheshire [11.
{Comprises the parish or hnvnship of Bir-
kenhead,—formerly the parishes 0/ Birken-
head, Claughton, fraumere, O.cton and
Rock Ferry. )
• Alfred Bigland (C.) .. .. 8,304
Henry Harvey Vivian (L.) .. 7,249
Polling Jan. 1910. Henry Harvey Vivian
(L.) 8,120; Alfred Bigland (C.) 7,976.
Parly. Pop. 130,794.
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915)20,969.
Returning Officer— Alderman Michael Byrne,
Birkenhead (Mayor).
BIRMINGHAM (Warwickshire) [71.
{Comprises part of the parish of
Birmingham. )
Bewdley See Worcestershire
Biggleswade iSee Bedford
Bordesley (11
(Small Heath and Sparkbrook
pmr/i >tetft and
Rt li taf . l'< * I U.).
I '■ >«c Colling*.
I< (I. U.) q,o»i labour)
Reg. Parly. Elec. (1915